1940 U.S. Federal Census of Rupert, Bennington, Vermont

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Vermont > Bennington County > 1940 Census of Rupert

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AmedonGeorge born about 1889
AmedonViola born about 1900
AnnanAnna born about 1876
ArwtsomiJohn born about 1916

B Surnames

BaldridgeSarah born about 1854
BandErnest born about 1928
BandLeonard born about 1895
BandOra born about 1923
BandRobert born about 1925
BandSherwood born about 1936
BandThelma born about 1931
BandThera born about 1905
BardenHarriette Dborn about 1876
BardenSadie born about 1872
BarnesLawrence Mborn about 1938
BarverAnna born about 1919
BarverMilford Lborn about 1910
BeberArnold Gborn about 1921
BeberEthel Wborn about 1894
BeberJay Gborn about 1893
BeldanJames Pborn about 1883
BennettAlice born about 1890
BennettMarian born about 1932
BennettMilford Hborn about 1916
BlissSilney Lborn about 1915
BlombergArthur born about 1913
BlombergAxel born about 1939
BlombergEmil born about 1937
BlombergEric born about 1939
BlombergEvelyne born about 1916
BlombergJoe Hannahborn about 1940
BostainDoris Eborn about 1927
BostainHenry born about 1903
BostainKarl Hborn about 1925
BostainLouise born about 1932
BostainMary Sborn about 1934
BostainPatricia Eborn about 1931
BostainRuth Hborn about 1906
BostainRuth Wborn about 1926
BrooksEmma born about 1872
BrooksThomas born about 1872
BuckRaymond born about 1922

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C Surnames

CarcerAgnes Tborn about 1896
CarcerHascall born about 1905
CarverDoris born about 1935
CarverHarlow born about 1907
CarverJanice born about 1938
CarverLuella born about 1910
ChapmanFred Wborn about 1892
ClarkChester born about 1917
ColeLela Aborn about 1875
CollournBean born about 1911
CollournMabel born about 1918
ConnorPeter born about 1874
ConnorSadie born about 1882
CorlissCyrus Lborn about 1876
CorlissGeorge Hborn about 1847
CorlissGertrude Pborn about 1883
CramerEdwin born about 1880
CramerMinnie born about 1887
CrocierMina Aborn about 1873
CroffErnest born about 1923
CroffGerald born about 1926
CroffGilbert born about 1894
CroffHartencia born about 1896
CroffLaura born about 1923
CroffLloyd born about 1929
CroffRaymond born about 1936
CroffRobert born about 1921
CroffWilfred born about 1919

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D Surnames

DanforthClifford born about 1937
DanforthEdward born about 1903
DanforthElizabeth born about 1906
DanforthMarjorie born about 1925
DennisonIsabella born about 1939
DennisonJennie Sborn about 1903
DewisonLewis born about 1910
DorrEleanor born about 1873
DorrJohn Aborn about 1868
DumarCarrie Eborn about 1900
DumarClarissa Tborn about 1937
DumarEmma Mborn about 1927
DumarHerbert Wborn about 1919
DumarLillian Bborn about 1922
DumarPrescilla Mborn about 1938
DumarVivian Bborn about 1930
DumarWilliam Hborn about 1898

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F Surnames

FieberFrances born about 1922
FieberGeorge Eborn about 1878
FieberJeanette born about 1892
FieberRaymond born about 1912
FriedmanHenry born about 1909
FriedmanLaura born about 1912

G Surnames

GaleRobert born about 1930
GeorgeAustin Wborn about 1881
GeorgeJulia Mborn about 1881
GoverFrancis born about 1891
GraffeBeatrice born about 1898
GraffeRobert born about 1875
GravesGeorge born about 1879
GriffinHazel born about 1892
GriffinSmith born about 1881
GuibordCharles born about 1925
GuibordKarl Herbertborn about 1937
GuibordKarl Wborn about 1892
GuibordNoami Sborn about 1895
GuibordWayne born about 1921

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H Surnames

HalleMary Rborn about 1890
HarringtonHarold born about 1902
HarringtonHelen Sborn about 1912
HartAllie born about 1909
HartAnnie born about 1914
HartFrank born about 1935
HartLena born about 1932
HartMarceela born about 1939
HarwoodClarence Wborn about 1914
HarwoodEarl born about 1887
HarwoodEdith born about 1892
HarwoodJessie Cborn about 1887
HarwoodKatie Mborn about 1877
HarwoodMary born about 1876
HarwoodSfencer Dborn about 1879
HarwoodWayne born about 1872
HatchLena born about 1882
HatchRussel born about 1881
HayDouglas Tborn about 1934
HayGeorge Lborn about 1874
HayHerathel Cborn about 1865
HayJames Rborn about 1926
HayLena Sborn about 1868
HayMary Bborn about 1896
HaySam Aborn about 1866
HayTheodor Hborn about 1903
HayWinifred born about 1874
HayWinifred Mborn about 1924
HayeCarrie Eborn about 1862
HayeEdward Fborn about 1859
HayeJannie Sborn about 1863
HerllbutEdward born about 1914
HielDelbert born about 1891
HigginsArthur born about 1884
HigginsCharles born about 1934
HigginsEugene born about 1936
HigginsGrace born about 1889
HigginsHarold born about 1905
HigginsKenneth born about 1910
HigginsMyrtle born about 1910
HiggnesAnna Cborn about 1884
HizzinsElizabeth Lborn about 1912
HizzinsHerman born about 1913
HizzinsMary Gborn about 1940
HopkinsAddie Cborn about 1864
HopkinsBlanche Bborn about 1880
HopkinsCharles Aborn about 1860
HopkinsMary Bborn about 1848

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J Surnames

JacksonHenrietta born about 1892
JacksonIvan born about 1924
JacksonRonald born about 1919
JacksonWilliam Hborn about 1895
JamiesonAgnes born about 1900
JamiesonDavid born about 1918
JamiesonGeorge Dborn about 1939
JamiesonJames born about 1882
JamiesonJames born about 1934
JamiesonJelma born about 1921
JamiesonWilliam Jborn about 1912

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K Surnames

KenaedyMary born about 1910
KingCharlotte Mborn about 1885
KingJames Dukeborn about 1880

L Surnames

LabshereElla Hullborn about 1920
LarlandCarrie born about 1864
LeachCharles Gborn about 1861
LeachEffie born about 1862
LeachEllen born about 1871
LeachFrancis born about 1891
LeachFrancis Jr born about 1925
LeachHoward born about 1923
LeachJohn Hborn about 1872
LeachM Janisborn about 1867
LeachMabel Hborn about 1897
LeachMarjorie born about 1930
LeachMarriet Wborn about 1862
LinlandClara Jborn about 1918
LiucalenLula Deckerborn about 1882
LorelandFlorence born about 1926
LorelandFred Lborn about 1884
LorelandFred Jr born about 1918
LorelandHarold born about 1923
LorelandMyrtle born about 1889
LorelandMyrtle born about 1928

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M Surnames

MaeleAnton born about 1868
MaeleJohn born about 1916
MasonLucy Jborn about 1865
MathesonMary born about 1931
MattesonAlman born about 1927
MattesonClaude born about 1906
MattesonDonald born about 1934
MattesonIda born about 1914
MattesonPatricia born about 1932
MattesonRobert born about 1933
MattesonRuth born about 1936
MattesonWilliam born about 1939
McCallByron Wborn about 1858
McKeighanAgnes born about 1920
McKeighanAustin born about 1926
McKeighanCaroline born about 1919
McKeighanCaroline born about 1940
McKeighanDaisy born about 1886
McKeighanDaniel born about 1884
McKeighanElizabeth born about 1911
McKeighanKenneth born about 1913
McKeighanKenneth Bborn about 1939
McKeighanMarion born about 1918
McKeighanMary Laneborn about 1937
McKeighanMurcus Eborn about 1937
McKeighanRaymond born about 1909
McKeighanRossa born about 1920
McKeighanWilliam born about 1916
McLellanHazel Mborn about 1935
MonroeAllen born about 1915
MonroeRoberta born about 1922
MorchEsther born about 1921
MorrisAnnie born about 1928
MorrisBernice born about 1890
MorrisBernice born about 1922
MorrisCharles born about 1922
MorrisCharlotte born about 1918
MorrisEleanor born about 1921
MorrisShirley born about 1931
MosherFannie Eborn about 1879
MudgettHoward born about 1904
MudgettMarjorie born about 1908
MullonClarence born about 1907
MullonOlive born about 1912
MullonSamuel born about 1861

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N Surnames

NeimiFrank born about 1886
NelsonGladys born about 1898
NelsonJay born about 1886
NelsonMercurino born about 1898
NortonElsie born about 1926
NortonHelen born about 1910
NortonHerbert born about 1934
NortonIrene born about 1930
NortonMary born about 1924
NortonTheresa born about 1932
NortonWilliam born about 1928

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P Surnames

ParkarsAnna born about 1915
ParkarsCharles born about 1939
ParkarsLawrence born about 1909
PatterEarl born about 1911
PerkinsAgnes born about 1899
PerkinsAlice Jborn about 1874
PerkinsCharloste born about 1877
PerkinsClinton born about 1900
PerkinsClinton Jr born about 1928
PerkinsConstania born about 1932
PerkinsEarl born about 1933
PerkinsFred Wborn about 1867
PerkinsImogene born about 1921
PerkinsIrene born about 1909
PerkinsJane born about 1935
PerkinsJohn Jborn about 1863
PerkinsJoyce born about 1924
PerkinsJoyce Nborn about 1928
PerkinsKemp born about 1936
PerkinsLester born about 1897
PerkinsPauline born about 1927
PerkinsRichard born about 1932
PerkinsScheylen born about 1902
PerkinsTeresa born about 1900
PerkinsVinton born about 1926
PerkinsWilliam born about 1891
PinkertonAlice born about 1914
PinkertonRobert born about 1910
PotterAgnes Rborn about 1864
PowersArthur born about 1888
PowersMildred born about 1890
PrantyJohn born about 1923

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R Surnames

RasayLewis born about 1904
RaseyArthur born about 1901
RobertsMartha Sborn about 1866
RookEastman born about 1896
RookLily Rborn about 1877
RossAdalaide born about 1898
RossNathan born about 1930
RossRoy born about 1908
RowlandsCecil born about 1901
RuddDavid Cborn about 1923
RuddLillian Cborn about 1927
RuddMargaret Dborn about 1903
RuddMarguerite Lborn about 1925
RuddMarian Eborn about 1935
RuddMarietta Rborn about 1930
RuddSynn Cborn about 1893

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S Surnames

SanJulia Pborn about 1855
SaundersCarl born about 1901
SaundersGeorge born about 1864
SaundersGeorge Lindersborn about 1921
SaundersJune born about 1931
SaundersMarie born about 1903
SaundersMaud born about 1897
SaundersNiles born about 1897
ShanCharles Eborn about 1893
ShanClayton born about 1916
ShanGeneva born about 1928
ShanMannie born about 1919
ShattuckAlamn born about 1922
SheldonAnna Hborn about 1875
SheldonCarrie Pborn about 1870
SheldonCharles Jborn about 1871
SheldonIva Tborn about 1873
SheldonTheodore born about 1873
ShermanBlanche Virginiaborn about 1918
ShermanCharlotte Gborn about 1879
ShermanFrank born about 1871
ShermanMoses Hborn about 1921
ShermanMyne Hborn about 1893
ShermanPorter born about 1878
ShermanVacleti Vborn about 1896
SkidmoreElizabeth born about 1913
SkidmoreLouis born about 1907
SmithA Gormanborn about 1925
SmithAddison Rborn about 1871
SmithAgnes born about 1923
SmithAlbert born about 1885
SmithClara born about 1902
SmithGertrude born about 1902
SmithHazel born about 1888
SmithLloyd born about 1871
SmithMary born about 1872
SmithRuby born about 1901
SmithStielman born about 1863

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T Surnames

TaftBernice born about 1920
TaftCh Mborn about 1897
TaftJennie Mborn about 1907
TaftRoland born about 1929
TaftStanley Jborn about 1934
TaftWilliam born about 1919
TarleyMay born about 1862
TarrarJohn born about 1860
TarrasHarold born about 1908
TarrasJulia born about 1879
TarrasWilliam born about 1877
TaylerThelma born about 1925
ThomasAnna born about 1865
ThomasElsie born about 1896
ThomasLe Grand born about 1923
ThouerClarence born about 1920
TifftAlice born about 1940
TifftBeatrice born about 1921
TifftEdgar born about 1919
TifftElla Mborn about 1909
TifftOrles born about 1908
TisherEdith born about 1917
TisherEdward born about 1913
TisherHarold born about 1916
TisherMarjorie born about 1940
TisherWilliam born about 1938
TobinLloyd born about 1916
TobinLoraine born about 1939
TobinMuriel born about 1918
TovinHazel born about 1902
TovinRay born about 1897
TowsleyBeryl born about 1911
TowsleyGeorge born about 1911
TowsleyGuta born about 1935
TowsleyRichard born about 1938
TruehartBernice born about 1935
TruehartBeulah born about 1927
TruehartCala born about 1925
TruehartEli born about 1921
TruehartGeorge born about 1877
TruehartIda born about 1892
TruehartPeter born about 1916
TruehartWanita born about 1930
TruhartEli born about 1873
TruhartFrancis Idaborn about 1923
TruhartVivian born about 1920
TurnerCharles born about 1872
TurnerMabel Aborn about 1886

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V Surnames

VianetDonald Fborn about 1922
VianetMarsia Dborn about 1939
VianetMartha Bborn about 1922

W Surnames

WaiterClara born about 1917
WaiterRaymond born about 1913
WaiterRaymond born about 1935
WaiterThomas born about 1939
WalshNellie born about 1868
WalshWilliam born about 1866
WardEarl born about 1907
WardHelen Mborn about 1912
WatrousCharles Eborn about 1867
WatrousCharles Eborn about 1935
WatrousEdna Maeborn about 1933
WatrousIvan Rayborn about 1936
WatrousMarcus born about 1879
WatrousRay Cborn about 1911
WatrousRuth born about 1915
WilliamsLaroy born about 1922
WoodDan born about 1881

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