1940 U.S. Federal Census of South Burlington, Chittenden, Vermont

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Vermont > Chittenden County > 1940 Census of South Burlington

A SurnamesI SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
H SurnamesP SurnamesZ Surnames

A Surnames

AbareFannie born about 1895
AbareFrank Oborn about 1865
AbauFred born about 1876
AbauHattie born about 1869
AbbottBaut Gborn about 1925
AbbottFoster Hborn about 1892
AbbottHarrison born about 1922
AbbottJean born about 1927
AbbottPeggy Deanborn about 1920
AbbottSarah born about 1888
AdamsFrank born about 1870
AdamsMary Aborn about 1862
AdamsMay born about 1911
AhkionCarldtons born about 1892
AhkionClifford born about 1885
AhkionClifford born about 1923
AhkionDonald born about 1926
AhkionElla born about 1897
AlbridgeLucey born about 1865
AlkanArdelle born about 1914
AlkanClorice born about 1939
AlkanRalph born about 1932
AllenJohn born about 1904
AllenRobert born about 1936
AmoreKatherine born about 1908
AmoreLillian born about 1929
AmoreRobert born about 1931
AmoreSilas Gborn about 1904
AntonDoreen Nborn about 1934
AntonDorthy Mborn about 1934
AntonGeorge born about 1899
AntonRosana Lborn about 1905
AthertonMargret born about 1924
AthertonPaul born about 1919
AtkinsErwin born about 1922
AudoirAuthur born about 1895
AudoirErnest born about 1923
AudoirGrace born about 1898
AustinBeatrice born about 1901
AustinClara born about 1921
AustinFrank born about 1875
AustinGeorge born about 1910
AustinJames born about 1933
AustinJulia born about 1884
AustinPatricia born about 1937
AustinShirley born about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaasetArlene born about 1933
BaasetColleen born about 1939
BaasetDaniel born about 1896
BaasetEvelyn born about 1898
BaasetJoyce born about 1932
BaasetKathleen born about 1936
BaasetLorraine born about 1923
BaasetNorman born about 1925
BabcockGeorge born about 1922
BacanFrank born about 1893
BacanHoward born about 1919
BacanJohn born about 1923
BacanPauline born about 1890
BacanRichard born about 1917
BaconMary born about 1870
BallenyAran born about 1906
BallenyLois born about 1937
BallenyMae born about 1910
BambardHarold born about 1934
BansarheJames born about 1902
BansarheJames born about 1927
BansarheMarion born about 1923
BansarheMarye born about 1900
BansarheRuth born about 1924
BarberBeverly born about 1939
BarberLeo born about 1917
BarberMarie born about 1918
BaretteEva Mborn about 1895
BaretteHelen Rborn about 1923
BaretteRobert born about 1896
BarnesCatherine born about 1912
BarnesCharles born about 1932
BarnesClareen born about 1935
BarnesEarnest born about 1907
BarnesEdward born about 1914
BarnesFloyd born about 1907
BarnesGloria born about 1939
BarnesMarian born about 1903
BarnesMarion born about 1915
BarnesRobert born about 1931
BarnesShirley born about 1938
BarnesStanley born about 1938
BarnesTheresa born about 1935
BarretteAnna born about 1927
BarretteAnna Sborn about 1872
BarretteBarbara born about 1938
BarretteElla Vborn about 1899
BarretteElse Jborn about 1860
BarretteGladys Lborn about 1910
BarretteHebert Mborn about 1900
BarretteHerbert born about 1929
BarretteJean born about 1934
BarryGerald born about 1897
BarryNaomi born about 1903
BartonAddie born about 1891
BartonAustin Lborn about 1930
BartonBetty Jborn about 1938
BartonJesse Mborn about 1918
BartonLeonard Rborn about 1888
BartonRichard Hborn about 1937
BartonRobert Mborn about 1915
BasseAntionette born about 1919
BasseJohn born about 1936
BasseLouis born about 1907
BasseSandra born about 1931
BassetteHarry Jborn about 1897
BassetteKarrie born about 1901
BassetteRaymond Nborn about 1931
BassetteTheordore Wborn about 1926
BassueJames Dborn about 1914
BassueRita born about 1918
BastweekClyde born about 1897
BastweekMildred born about 1896
BatesGuy born about 1918
BayneAnn born about 1936
BayneJames Wborn about 1898
BayneJames Jr born about 1930
BayneLeah born about 1901
BazzelFrance born about 1910
BazzelGeorge born about 1907
BazzelGeorgia born about 1940
BeadleyFlorence born about 1876
BeadleyJohn born about 1881
BeanArthur born about 1919
BeatonAnna born about 1895
BeatonJoseph born about 1896
BecoLewis born about 1870
BeemanBerkley Bborn about 1866
BeemanCharlotte born about 1865
BensitMable born about 1913
BensitSylvester born about 1911
BensitWallace born about 1934
BensitWilliam born about 1932
BesenetteNellie born about 1882
BestEvelyn Fborn about 1902
BestWarren Aborn about 1906
BettieCharles born about 1902
BettieCharles Hborn about 1933
BettieDelores born about 1935
BettieJoseph Rborn about 1937
BettieLouita born about 1912
BilladoCarl born about 1904
BilladoCarl Jr born about 1933
BilladoDavid born about 1938
BilladoGeorgianna born about 1933
BilladoLorraine born about 1930
BilladoRose born about 1912
BlainAlex Jborn about 1937
BlainArthur Eborn about 1936
BlainEdward Aborn about 1909
BlainFrank Lborn about 1903
BlainJenne Mborn about 1898
BlainJulia Jborn about 1895
BlainMable Sborn about 1906
BlainMary Aborn about 1939
BlainRobert Fborn about 1934
BlainRose Aborn about 1937
BlainThomas Gborn about 1939
BlairGale born about 1939
BlairMarian born about 1922
BlairRoy born about 1918
BlanchetteEste born about 1875
BlanchetteJulia born about 1874
BleanArchie Wborn about 1899
BleanArchie W Jrborn about 1923
BleanEarl Rborn about 1922
BleanFredrick Jborn about 1920
BleanMary Bborn about 1899
BleanMary Uborn about 1929
BleanRaymond Aborn about 1931
BleanSherman Lborn about 1927
BlowArlene born about 1927
BlowBernard born about 1923
BlowCarry born about 1930
BlowEmelia born about 1885
BlowFrances born about 1892
BlowHarry born about 1921
BlowHarvey born about 1920
BlowHector Jr born about 1938
BlowHector Sr born about 1913
BlowJerald born about 1880
BlowJerald Jr born about 1918
BlowKatherine born about 1921
BlowRuth born about 1908
BlowWilfred born about 1882
BodmanJustus Hborn about 1900
BodmanJustus H Jrborn about 1931
BodmanLewis born about 1873
BodmanMamie born about 1874
BodmanRobert Lborn about 1932
BodmanZarah Vborn about 1913
BoiselleClyde born about 1903
BoiselleGertrude born about 1905
BoiselleGloria born about 1937
BoiselleJohn born about 1934
BoiselleMary born about 1935
BoocksHenry born about 1886
BoocksMary born about 1890
BorisFlorence born about 1881
BoronWeston born about 1920
BorromeLoise Dborn about 1920
BoutinCarla born about 1938
BoutinClaine born about 1939
BoutinLeo born about 1910
BoutinLeo Jr born about 1934
BoutinLucille born about 1935
BoutinRodrick born about 1936
BoutinWinifred born about 1915
BoyeeBetty Helenborn about 1871
BoyeeEugine Fborn about 1895
BoyeeHelen Mborn about 1895
BoyeePhyllis Gborn about 1923
BoyeeThomas born about 1851
BoyeeThomas Cborn about 1923
BoyentonPhylis born about 1927
BrandHorrace born about 1868
BrandJennie born about 1874
BreamLorraine born about 1935
BreamRichard born about 1932
BreamRobert Tborn about 1939
BreamRose born about 1905
BreamWallace born about 1906
BroadwellEdna Mborn about 1889
BroadwellHarry Eborn about 1891
BromleyAnna Mborn about 1892
BromleyIra Bborn about 1893
BromleyRichard Dborn about 1925
BromleyRobert Iborn about 1917
BromleyRuth Mborn about 1921
BrondElisha Aborn about 1879
BrondHoward Hborn about 1911
BrondMillie Mborn about 1886
BrondMyra Mborn about 1907
BrooksDennis born about 1936
BrooksGladys born about 1895
BrooksJean born about 1919
BrooksLewis born about 1933
BrooksMargeret born about 1911
BrooksMichael born about 1934
BrooksMortimer born about 1937
BrooksNancy born about 1939
BrooksPhilips born about 1921
BrooksRoy born about 1912
BrowallJennie Bborn about 1871
BrownAnn born about 1923
BrownClarence born about 1876
BrownEmily Cborn about 1899
BrownGeorge born about 1890
BrownHoward born about 1917
BrownLeonard Fborn about 1912
BrownLillian Fborn about 1870
BrownRaymond born about 1911
BrownRoberta born about 1915
BrownRose born about 1879
BrownShirley born about 1888
BrownTommy born about 1927
BruseKay born about 1921
BurboHelen born about 1906
BurboLouis born about 1928
BurboNancy born about 1935
BurboWalter Fborn about 1905
BurhardLeon Gborn about 1901
BurhardTella Mborn about 1898
BurkeAlbert Jborn about 1925
BurkeAnna Rborn about 1901
BurkeJoseph Aborn about 1892
BurkeMary Aborn about 1927
BurkeRaymond Gborn about 1930
BurleyWilfred born about 1913
BurstonGenora born about 1912
BurstonMaurece born about 1915
BurstonRuth born about 1939
ButtlerDow Hborn about 1887
ButtlerKatie Hborn about 1885

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CamersonEva born about 1906
CamersonJohn Rborn about 1903
CamersonJohn Jr born about 1931
CamersonLeo born about 1890
CamersonMary born about 1930
CamersonPatricia born about 1935
CamersonPearl born about 1890
CarlerHarriet born about 1878
CarpenterJeraldine Bborn about 1939
CarpenterJoyce Aborn about 1930
CarpenterLewis Hborn about 1888
CarpenterLouise Rborn about 1899
CarpenterRichard Lborn about 1924
CarpenterTressa Iborn about 1927
CarrAudrey born about 1921
CarrCarl born about 1927
CarrEvelyn born about 1902
CarrJanet born about 1929
CarrJanice born about 1929
CarrMary Ellenborn about 1932
CarrOrlen born about 1902
CarrOrren Jr born about 1924
CarryBeverly Rborn about 1933
CarryJohn Fborn about 1935
CarryKatherine born about 1911
CarryUnice Maeborn about 1932
CasavantBeverly born about 1925
CasavantGenneth born about 1922
CaseyPaul born about 1928
CawsonAgnes born about 1886
CawsonH Jr Floydborn about 1916
ChapellAlbert born about 1911
ChapellDorothy born about 1911
ChapellDorothy born about 1937
ChapellNora born about 1934
ChapellNorman born about 1934
ChareLeslie born about 1895
CharlandAlcide born about 1928
CharlandAlogius born about 1900
CharlandBlanche born about 1911
CharlandLouise born about 1926
ChittendenElza Aborn about 1890
ChittendenErnest Sborn about 1877
ChittendenHoward Eborn about 1914
ChittendenRaymond Gborn about 1919
ChittendenRoyal Pborn about 1922
ChoslneyEdward born about 1883
ChoslneyJenny born about 1890
ChurchDelia born about 1870
ClarkClyde born about 1884
ClarkLeroy Kborn about 1882
ClarkMarcelina Hborn about 1919
ClarkMoulton Aborn about 1914
CollinsGuy born about 1893
CollinsJames born about 1922
CollinsJohn born about 1871
CollinsMary Cborn about 1907
CollinsNina born about 1888
CollinsRachel born about 1920
CollinsWendal born about 1924
ColroeyAlvina Jborn about 1913
ColroeyLawrence Rborn about 1913
ComeauRoland born about 1921
CompanionAnnie born about 1877
CompanionDoria born about 1911
CompanionEarl born about 1932
CompanionHenrietta born about 1930
CompanionJoseph born about 1870
CompanionLeo born about 1904
CompanionRonald born about 1933
CompanionWalter born about 1936
CoppCharles Cborn about 1895
CoppHelen born about 1896
CoppRobert Dborn about 1921
CoppStillman born about 1924
CoriganWoyn born about 1907
CormierFrank born about 1882
CormierJulia born about 1888
CormierMary born about 1922
CotaArchie born about 1919
CotaArnold born about 1928
CotaDella born about 1889
CotaEdward born about 1880
CotaFloyd born about 1920
CotaHarold born about 1931
CotaHilda born about 1924
CotaLeonard born about 1912
CotaLucele born about 1940
CotaMae born about 1906
CotaMarian born about 1933
CotaPrecilla born about 1919
CotaRuth born about 1917
CotaTheresa born about 1936
CotaVera born about 1925
CourseyLouis born about 1880
CourseyLouise born about 1888
CouvillionAugust born about 1869
CouvillionRose born about 1875
CradyGrace born about 1909
CradyLois Rborn about 1919
CradyRoland born about 1909
CranwellBronson Hborn about 1887
CranwellCora Lborn about 1889
CranwellHoward Wborn about 1915
CromeRobert born about 1919
CromeVera born about 1920
CrookGeorge Gborn about 1906
CrookGertrude born about 1908
CrookPamela born about 1936
CrossJune born about 1924
CrossMary born about 1904
CrossRobert born about 1929
CrossWallace born about 1904
CrossWallace born about 1926
CroteauMargaret born about 1923
CuffBertha born about 1888
CuffGeraldine born about 1927
CuffJohn born about 1931
CuffLee born about 1903
CuffNorman born about 1938
CuffPauline born about 1928
CuffWayne born about 1940
CunninghamFred born about 1873
CunninghamLynwood born about 1899
CunninghamMinnie born about 1869
CunninghamPamelia born about 1905
CuravooBarney born about 1896
CuravooRuth born about 1902
CurrFrances born about 1926
CushenyHarold born about 1917
CushenyJames Eborn about 1939
CushenyJenny born about 1897
CushenyLucius born about 1922
CushenyNapoleon born about 1891
CushenyRuth born about 1925
CushenyThomas Hborn about 1926
CushenyWilliam Tborn about 1931
CushingRobert born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DaggaDoria Wborn about 1913
DaggaMary Louis Eborn about 1938
DaggaRobert Gborn about 1936
DaggaWalter Gborn about 1907
DanaClaudine born about 1917
DanaGeorge born about 1915
DanaJoyce born about 1934
DanaNancy born about 1935
DanaRosamae born about 1920
DanaRufus born about 1916
DanaWilliam born about 1937
DangesAlfred born about 1906
DangesMary born about 1897
DavisClesa born about 1896
DavisPauline born about 1914
DeanDavid born about 1934
DeanEdith born about 1906
DeanHarry Eborn about 1902
DeanMary Loeborn about 1933
DeanRuth born about 1932
DeavitteCecil born about 1900
DeenkleeAlfred born about 1939
DeenkleeDavid born about 1913
DeenkleeLouse born about 1914
DegroffArthur born about 1896
DegroffBeatrice born about 1925
DegroffChester born about 1921
DegroffChester born about 1921
DegroffClara born about 1886
DegroffClayton born about 1926
DegroffEarnestine born about 1900
DegroffEmily born about 1876
DegroffFred born about 1890
DegroffGeorge born about 1903
DegroffHarold born about 1915
DegroffHilda born about 1902
DegroffIsabelle born about 1905
DegroffJames born about 1886
DegroffJoan born about 1931
DegroffJoseph born about 1878
DegroffLorrain born about 1923
DegroffLouis born about 1865
DegroffMarcina born about 1926
DegroffMary born about 1861
DegroffRalph born about 1920
DegroffRaymond born about 1925
DegroffSilda born about 1856
DelmolinoStefans born about 1898
DelormJohn Aborn about 1933
DelormJoseph Eborn about 1868
DelormLora Mborn about 1900
DelormMayrette Dborn about 1925
DelormWilfred born about 1899
DelormWilfred Wborn about 1918
DelormeAlfred Aborn about 1901
DelormeIrene Pborn about 1906
DelormeMarlena Tborn about 1933
DelormeNancy Bborn about 1937
DemoSidras born about 1910
DenesHenry born about 1893
DenesRuth born about 1902
DerryRichard born about 1926
DesellierArthur born about 1914
DesellierFlorence born about 1893
DesellierFred born about 1892
DesellierLillian born about 1918
DeuvidAlince born about 1902
DeuvidEthel born about 1905
DeuvidJack born about 1928
DeuvidKenneth born about 1931
DevoidGary born about 1936
DevoidGrace born about 1895
DevoidJohn Hborn about 1894
DewyeaBertha born about 1894
DewyeaBurton born about 1892
DolanHoward born about 1910
DolanPearle born about 1921
DrewGloria born about 1934
DrewRosili born about 1908
DroneHarold born about 1923
DrownsEdward born about 1908
DrownsEdward Cborn about 1936
DrownsJune Aborn about 1934
DrownsKatherine born about 1908
DucanteBarttette born about 1885
DucharnBetty born about 1931
DucharnTheresa born about 1929
DucheinPaul born about 1859
DueenleanMargaret born about 1922
DuellCharlotte born about 1853
DuellDaisy born about 1902
DuellJoseph Jborn about 1901
DuellMary born about 1879
DuellPeter born about 1878
DuellRose born about 1887
DumasBetty Annborn about 1936
DumasCarol born about 1939
DumasEva born about 1915
DumasHerman born about 1911
DumasHerman Jr born about 1934
DumasHilda born about 1912
DumasMose born about 1907
DumasPauline born about 1935
DumasShirley born about 1936
DumasSylvia born about 1884
DumontClarence born about 1926
DumontDonald born about 1935
DumontHenry born about 1897
DumontJacqueline born about 1932
DumontJeanette born about 1927
DumontLeo born about 1930
DumontMary born about 1901
DumontPauline born about 1934
DumontRobert born about 1929
DuriogeMagaret born about 1921
DushainCharles born about 1899
DushainDorothy born about 1925
DushainEva born about 1905
DushainLeo born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EalandPhylis born about 1910
EalandWallie born about 1901
EdsonThomas born about 1922
EldrethCharles born about 1939
EldrethHelen born about 1908
EldrethHorace Bborn about 1895
EldrethPhilip born about 1935

F Surnames

FaucherElizabeth born about 1938
FaucherHelen born about 1917
FaucherLouis born about 1910
FayetteEllen born about 1917
FayetteFred born about 1911
FayetteTheresa Hanborn about 1940
FillemoireAlbert born about 1935
FillemoireDorothy born about 1907
FillemoireLucile born about 1925
FillemoirePeter born about 1906
FillemoireRaymond born about 1927
FinkleyArthur born about 1912
FinkleyDavid born about 1938
FinkleyElizabeth born about 1939
FinkleyKatherine born about 1914
FisherC Claudeborn about 1884
FisherClara born about 1885
FisherEdward born about 1917
FisherJackson born about 1917
FisherRichard born about 1919
FiskBarbara born about 1925
FiskFred Cborn about 1887
FiskLouise born about 1887
FiskMariam born about 1921
FlaveyIrene born about 1912
FlaveyRobert Rborn about 1907
FlemmineJosephine born about 1912
FlemmineRobert born about 1939
FlemmineRonald born about 1932
FlemmineRufert born about 1909
FlemmineWilliam born about 1936
FolsomBessie Eborn about 1894
FolsomEarnest born about 1883
FouliaCharles born about 1937
FrancesIrene born about 1908
FrancesLorraine born about 1928
FrancesMarie born about 1931
FrancesWilliam born about 1905
FrancisAlbert born about 1913
FrancisHarry born about 1913
FrancisJulia born about 1879
FrancisLorrien born about 1933
FrancisProsper born about 1923
FrancisWilliam born about 1876
FrankMelford born about 1874
FrantainePaul born about 1878
FrechetteClentha born about 1919
FrechetteGeorge born about 1915
FullerRuth born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GaleFrances born about 1889
GarciaCharles born about 1905
GarciaNatalie born about 1937
GarciaViolet born about 1918
GarveyCatherine born about 1903
GarveyMary born about 1872
GarveyPatrick born about 1867
GatesCharles born about 1885
GatesGrace born about 1896
GaulkueEmile born about 1875
GaulkueEster born about 1877
GelenArline born about 1910
GelenHarold born about 1939
GelenKenneth born about 1910
GelinasArnold born about 1925
GelinasClayton born about 1928
GelinasEdward born about 1870
GelinasEdward born about 1921
GelinasMinnie born about 1884
GelinasWinton born about 1923
GeorgeHarley born about 1895
GerryEthel born about 1901
GerryFletcher born about 1894
GerryFletcher Sborn about 1933
GerryJack Bborn about 1935
GerryPaul Hborn about 1927
GerryWayne Sborn about 1919
GilbertMarguerite born about 1892
GilleanHarry born about 1918
GleasonGrace Iborn about 1882
GleasonHenry Cborn about 1901
GleasonKate Tborn about 1862
GliddenBeatrice born about 1890
GliddenDerwood born about 1923
GliddenFrank born about 1894
GliddenIsabelle born about 1915
GolbughBeatrice born about 1929
GolbughHarold born about 1903
GolbughPaula born about 1939
GolbughRose born about 1909
GoobertNorman Mborn about 1915
GoodrichEdith Jr born about 1896
GoodrichSafford Aborn about 1895
GordonBernard born about 1937
GordonMary born about 1864
GordonPatricia born about 1939
GordonPauline born about 1914
GordonWylie born about 1909
GoreletAlbert born about 1891
GoreletDonald born about 1929
GoreletEvelyn born about 1924
GoreletFlorence born about 1931
GoreletFredrick born about 1926
GoreletGeorge born about 1935
GoreletRene born about 1897
GoseElmer born about 1939
GossAlice born about 1925
GossAnna born about 1931
GossJane born about 1933
GossJune born about 1928
GossPatricia born about 1939
GossWilliam born about 1869
GossWilliam born about 1923
GouletteLeo born about 1921
GrantDaisy born about 1895
GrantHarcourt born about 1891
GrantSarah born about 1864
GreenEthyl born about 1922
GuyetteeEdward born about 1879
GuyetteeNellie born about 1882

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HalanEdward born about 1908
HalesmeArlene born about 1929
HalesmeGeorge born about 1906
HalesmeLena born about 1908
HalesmeRichard born about 1937
HardyDoris born about 1907
HardyDouglas born about 1909
HardyShirley Annborn about 1938
HarrisBlanche born about 1885
HarrisBurney born about 1891
HarrisEarnest born about 1905
HarrisLaura born about 1938
HarrisNoha born about 1932
HarrisWinifred born about 1901
HaydenDonald born about 1908
HaydenHarold born about 1893
HaydenHoward born about 1921
HaydenMary born about 1894
HaydenPhylis born about 1932
HaydenStanley born about 1926
HayesHarriet born about 1905
HayesHerbert born about 1932
HayesJohn born about 1928
HayesJoyce born about 1939
HayesLawrence born about 1858
HayesLeon born about 1936
HayesPaul born about 1931
HayesRobert born about 1926
HayesWalter born about 1930
HayesWilliam born about 1900
HealdCelenda born about 1912
HealdDonald born about 1936
HealdGeorge born about 1901
HealdGeorge born about 1933
HealdLorraine born about 1929
HealdMartha born about 1939
HealdTheresa born about 1931
HeathCharles Fborn about 1886
HeathDonald born about 1937
HeathDorothy born about 1915
HeathFlorence Eborn about 1925
HeathGordon born about 1935
HeathHelen born about 1932
HeathIsabelle born about 1912
HeathMarion born about 1915
HeathOra born about 1933
HeathRoy born about 1905
HeathRuth born about 1909
HeathVernon born about 1931
HeathVirginia born about 1940
HeathWalter born about 1911
HeathWilliam born about 1913
HebertAdrian born about 1908
HebertAlice born about 1913
HebertCharles born about 1873
HebertClaude born about 1935
HebertDianna born about 1936
HebertLeo born about 1938
HelenMarion born about 1917
HelenRomean born about 1913
HillAllen Sborn about 1928
HillCaoovuso* Rborn about 1920
HillEdward Aborn about 1915
HillGeorge born about 1889
HillHurvy Jborn about 1924
HillJonace Mborn about 1925
HillLena Mborn about 1889
HillMarjorie Eborn about 1922
HillRussell Pborn about 1918
HillRuth Mborn about 1917
HoagCharles born about 1916
HoagEdith born about 1892
HoagEzra born about 1883
HoagSusan born about 1933
HoffmanJennie born about 1878
HoffmanRufus born about 1877
HolockClayton born about 1926
HordyDonld Cborn about 1867
HordyMargrette Mborn about 1918
HordyMarjorie Mborn about 1936
HordyRobert Wborn about 1939
HordyWilliam Eborn about 1876
HorkyJohn born about 1855
HorneGeorge born about 1867
HosleyFrances born about 1914
HoughEmily Maeborn about 1872
HoughHenrietta born about 1880
HowardBetty Jborn about 1940
HowardCallista born about 1914
HowardLawrence born about 1907
HowardMarelene born about 1939
HynnBernard born about 1918
HynnElizabeth born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IhislapBaeluh born about 1878
IrishBernice born about 1902
IrishDewey born about 1893
IrishDoris born about 1928
IrishDorothy born about 1925
IrishDouglas born about 1933
IrishEnda born about 1902
IrishFanny born about 1939
IrishFrank born about 1924
IrishHelen born about 1916
IrishJames born about 1930
IrishJerald born about 1916
IrishLionel Iborn about 1891
IrishLouise born about 1937
IrishPalmer born about 1914
IrishPalmer born about 1939
IrishTheodore born about 1910
IshamC Kborn about 1881
IshamEllen born about 1920
IshamEster born about 1918
IshamFannie born about 1863
IshamFred Aborn about 1862
IshamL Mborn about 1884
IshamOrapha born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacobDoris born about 1940
JacobFlora born about 1904
JacobFlora Marieborn about 1938
JacobJoseph born about 1930
JacobKatherine born about 1929
JacobPeter born about 1900
JacobPeter born about 1933
JacobVirginia born about 1881
JamesEllen born about 1901
JamesOrville born about 1898
JerryFred born about 1898
JerryTrufely born about 1904
JolyDavid Lborn about 1914
JolyMary born about 1882
JolyOrsen born about 1880
JonesCalvin born about 1926
JonesCharles born about 1876
JonesHazel born about 1924
JonesLillian born about 1893
JonesMable born about 1877

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KeithBeverly Dborn about 1935
KelloggMartha born about 1856
KellyCharles born about 1936
KellyLouis born about 1904
KellyNorma born about 1912
KellyPatrick born about 1940
KendalEdith born about 1897
KendalGeorge Hborn about 1897
KenyonCuy born about 1890
KillaryCarl born about 1902
KillaryElizabeth born about 1932
KillaryElma born about 1901
KillaryJohn Hborn about 1935
KillaryJune Dborn about 1937
KillaryMary Tborn about 1938
KillaryPatricia born about 1930
KirbyDonald born about 1920
KirbyGeorge born about 1923
KirbyLeon born about 1892
KirbyUrusla born about 1895
KirknessAllen Gborn about 1900
KittellCelea born about 1865
KittellWilliam born about 1868
KruppNellie born about 1884
KruppRobert born about 1930
KunzieArnold born about 1864
KunzieBertha born about 1910
KunzieHenery born about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LabargeAlfred born about 1891
LabargeCalista born about 1892
LabargePaulette born about 1922
LabargeRaymond born about 1917
LabounteKenneth born about 1936
LabounteLean born about 1909
LabounteMarian born about 1914
LabounteMary born about 1934
LabounteRichard born about 1935
LacassClarence born about 1912
LaclairDoris Tborn about 1911
LaclairEdward Jborn about 1919
LaclairErnest Eborn about 1910
LaclairGladys Tborn about 1909
LaclairJackqueline Cborn about 1932
LaclairJoseph Oborn about 1882
LaclairLawrence Lborn about 1909
LaclairLottie Aborn about 1889
LaclairMaurine Fborn about 1935
LaclairRaphael Lborn about 1935
LaclairTreasa Eborn about 1914
LadueFlorence Aborn about 1889
LadueJerlean born about 1888
LadueRita born about 1920
LafanceEster born about 1933
LafanceKatherine born about 1910
LafanceMary Cborn about 1936
LafanceNelson Gborn about 1939
LafanceWilliam born about 1890
LafanceWilliam born about 1935
LambCecil born about 1912
LambLorraine born about 1934
LambMarion born about 1917
LambPhilip born about 1907
LamotteKenneth born about 1923
LamploughEvelyn born about 1907
LamploughJoan born about 1918
LamploughWilliam born about 1887
LaneDelia born about 1910
LaneGeorge born about 1903
LannaHenry Cborn about 1912
LannaLorette Aborn about 1910
LannaLouise Mborn about 1939
LapanEarl born about 1912
LapanFrank born about 1870
LapanZoa born about 1873
LaroikDonald born about 1921
LarowAgnes born about 1875
LassorAlice born about 1924
LassorFrancis born about 1922
LatulippeArchie born about 1921
LatulippeConstance born about 1930
LatulippeElmer born about 1928
LatulippeFreda born about 1923
LatulippeHarold born about 1925
LatulippeIvan born about 1914
LatulippeJoseph born about 1881
LatulippeKatherine born about 1920
LatulippeLena born about 1891
LatulippeLoretta born about 1926
LatulippeRichard born about 1923
LaundryAngeline born about 1889
LaundryCharles born about 1882
LaundryCharles born about 1907
LaundryCharles born about 1932
LaundryFrancis born about 1930
LavaletteBernard born about 1932
LavaletteDonald born about 1917
LavaletteGaylord born about 1901
LavaletteJoyce born about 1926
LavaletteLillian born about 1929
LavaletteMarlene born about 1937
LavaletteReginald born about 1931
LavaletteTheresa born about 1935
LavaletteThomas born about 1921
LavaletteVictorine born about 1897
LavaletteWilliam born about 1895
LavigneBeverly born about 1939
LavigneClare born about 1936
LavigneGeraldine born about 1933
LavigneJames born about 1912
LavigneLouise born about 1916
LavigneMae born about 1912
LavigneRay born about 1907
LavigneRodman born about 1939
LavigneRoy born about 1937
LawranceAnna Aborn about 1885
LawranceFred born about 1875
LawrenceAbraham born about 1872
LawrenceAime born about 1881
LawrenceArthur born about 1914
LawrenceArthur born about 1928
LawrenceBeatrice born about 1901
LawrenceClementine born about 1881
LawrenceDorothy born about 1906
LawrenceGeorge born about 1900
LawrenceGeraldine born about 1935
LawrenceKenneth born about 1905
LawrenceLizzie born about 1877
LawrenceMargaret born about 1925
LawrenceMarie born about 1925
LawrenceRaymond Kborn about 1929
LawrenceRichard Mborn about 1928
LawrenceRobert born about 1926
LawrenceShirley born about 1929
LawrenceSylvia Tborn about 1934
LedainHelen born about 1911
LedainRaymond born about 1940
LedainWilfred born about 1917
LedouxDoris born about 1916
LedouxFaith born about 1937
LedouxFlorence born about 1919
LedouxHenry born about 1884
LedouxLarry born about 1940
LedouxLeo born about 1903
LedouxMary born about 1939
LedouxMorris born about 1913
LedouxSara born about 1883
LedouxVerminie born about 1876
LedouxWilliam born about 1874
LeeAndrew Sborn about 1908
LeeGrace born about 1920
LeeLorette born about 1938
LelairBarbara born about 1935
LelairColleen born about 1936
LelairEarl born about 1924
LelairHarry born about 1910
LelairHarry born about 1938
LelairHazel born about 1916
LelairLeon born about 1917
LenoEvangeline born about 1900
LenoRobert born about 1923
LenoWalter born about 1921
LeonardCharles Wborn about 1928
LeonardMarjorie born about 1904
LeonardNancy Aborn about 1936
LeonardWilliam born about 1899
LevinAbele Jborn about 1931
LevinMuriel Pborn about 1907
LevinOskar Kborn about 1905
LevinRodney Rborn about 1930
ListonDouglas born about 1925
ListonElaise born about 1931
ListonRonald born about 1921
ListonRuby born about 1901
ListonWilliam born about 1896
LittleRaymond born about 1917
LivingstonEvanne born about 1916
LivingstonHugh born about 1905
LivingstonRebecca born about 1907
LivingstonRebecca born about 1937
LomartereLouis born about 1890
LoudryCharles Eborn about 1937
LoudryIdella born about 1907
LoudryJoseph Mborn about 1901
LuduchEarnest born about 1927
LuduchEdith born about 1910
LuduchLewis born about 1926
LuduchRoy born about 1899
LuduchRoyal born about 1922
LyansGertrude born about 1870
LyansRalph born about 1894

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MachainEvelyn born about 1913
MachainPhilip born about 1912
MachainPhilip born about 1939
MagloioeEdith born about 1881
MarchartHarold born about 1920
MarckCharles born about 1930
MarckCharlotte Cborn about 1895
MardMauds Sborn about 1884
MardWilliam born about 1875
MarrihewHelen born about 1890
MarrihewLawrence born about 1910
MathawLeo born about 1924
MaynardEugene born about 1864
MaynardHerman born about 1913
MaynardPhilip Hborn about 1937
MaynardSuea born about 1881
MaynardUnice born about 1916
McKenzieAlberta Lborn about 1917
McKenzieDonald born about 1923
McKenzieDonald Rborn about 1939
McKenzieElizabeth born about 1920
McKenzieHelen born about 1918
McKenzieJohn Aborn about 1930
McKenzieJohn Bborn about 1909
MealDouglas born about 1919
MealleHomer born about 1911
MealleWinifred born about 1910
MedewitzGladys born about 1890
MedewitzWilliam born about 1884
MeierArchie born about 1913
MeierErma born about 1891
MeierJoseph born about 1886
MeierRackel born about 1920
MeleadyDorothy born about 1898
MeleadyHorace born about 1897
MelendyAnn born about 1929
MelendyIrving born about 1927
MenetteRowene born about 1922
MerrelDavid Jborn about 1938
MerrelMargaret born about 1907
MerrelNathan born about 1908
MerrierAlberta born about 1909
MerrierDonald Rborn about 1928
MerrierFrank Aborn about 1933
MerrierWalter Wborn about 1936
MerrihewHazel born about 1893
MerrihewJune Dborn about 1925
MerrihewRay Frankborn about 1935
MerrihewRobert born about 1890
MetevierAndrew born about 1912
MetevierBetty born about 1939
MethvinMadelene born about 1917
MillerEdwick born about 1879
MillsDora born about 1894
MillsEverett born about 1916
MillsFrank born about 1890
MillsHazel born about 1920
MillsMerton born about 1922
MillsonEdna Dborn about 1892
MillsonRae Rborn about 1894
MinklerAllen born about 1939
MinklerClarence born about 1917
MinklerGeorge born about 1881
MinklerGladys born about 1918
MongeonArmond born about 1916
MongeonDonald born about 1923
MongeonDoris born about 1918
MongeonDorothy born about 1924
MongeonHenry born about 1884
MongeonLeon born about 1922
MongeonSylvester born about 1915
MongeonVictoria born about 1883
MontyFerdnand born about 1938
MontyGeorge born about 1911
MontyLucille born about 1914
MontyMary Annborn about 1937
MoresiAngelo born about 1884
MoresiCarmella born about 1889
MoresiClaudia born about 1927
MoresiTatia born about 1928
MorganAnna born about 1876
MorganGrace Aborn about 1915
MorrelBarbara born about 1899
MorrelBarbara born about 1930
MorrelBeth born about 1932
MorrelBruce born about 1932
MorrelGoodall born about 1933
MorrelGoodsel born about 1927
MorrelMarshal born about 1935
MorrelMyrtle born about 1934
MorrelNancy born about 1939
MorrelPatricia born about 1932
MorrisArlene born about 1940
MorrisEllen born about 1938
MorrisMarjorie born about 1915
MorrisRoger born about 1914
MorrisonDonald Aborn about 1918
MorrisonDonald Cborn about 1881
MorrisonJoseph born about 1916
MorrisonMable born about 1881
MossesAdolphus born about 1853
MuirCecle born about 1909
MuirKenneth born about 1931
MuirRalph born about 1906
MuirThomas born about 1937
MunnettAnn Lborn about 1927
MunnettBetty Jborn about 1928
MunnettElizabeth Dborn about 1901
MunnettLoyd Gborn about 1903
MunnettRolf Jborn about 1935
MurdockErmiel born about 1905
MurdockHabna Mborn about 1928
MurdockKarlene Fborn about 1925
MurdockPaul Lborn about 1897
MyersBruce Hborn about 1929
MyersCharles born about 1865
MyersClaene Cborn about 1926
MyersClayton born about 1931
MyersEllen born about 1860
MyersFrank born about 1869
MyersGeorge born about 1932
MyersGeorge Tborn about 1899
MyersGladys Fborn about 1910
MyersGlen Rborn about 1935
MyersHarris Eborn about 1933
MyersHelen Cborn about 1901
MyersJanet Hborn about 1931
MyersJohn born about 1874
MyersKete born about 1886
MyersLeo Harrisborn about 1901
MyersRalph born about 1934
MyersRosanna born about 1868
MyersSylvia born about 1929
MyresBerneyette Fborn about 1930
MyresFrancis Gborn about 1933
MyresFrancis Hborn about 1899
MyresIsador Eborn about 1931
MyresIsador Wborn about 1901
MyresMary Rose Gborn about 1930
MyresPaul Aborn about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NewtonBeatrice born about 1911
NewtonBetty born about 1930
NewtonBeverly born about 1930
NewtonBruce born about 1935
NewtonCarol born about 1939
NewtonCharles born about 1909
NewtonCharles born about 1913
NewtonDoris born about 1914
NewtonFlenton born about 1921
NewtonGlenn born about 1914
NewtonGuy born about 1905
NewtonMarie born about 1916
NewtonRichard born about 1936
NhulerEllen born about 1876
NoralandEdward born about 1895
NormanCelia born about 1898
NormanFrank born about 1911
NormanGeorge born about 1893
NormanLena Tborn about 1920
NormanSally born about 1939
NorthAlbert born about 1928
NorthArthur born about 1920
NorthGeorge born about 1888
NorthGrace born about 1893
NorthMable born about 1930
NorthMurriel born about 1925
NorthMyrtle born about 1927
NorthRichard born about 1934
NorthRobert born about 1921
NowlandHelen born about 1938
NowlandJohn born about 1893
NowlandMarie born about 1934
NowlandSuroca born about 1904

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

ObrienDaniel born about 1934
ObrienLeo born about 1895
ObrienLeo born about 1931
ObrienMable born about 1891
ObrienPatrick born about 1905
OevenWinfield born about 1917
OlgerAlton Bborn about 1919
OlgerDale Hborn about 1893
OlgerHarry Jborn about 1924
OlgerHazel Bborn about 1899
OsbornBert Hborn about 1883
OsbornChas Fborn about 1914
OsbornFlorence Mborn about 1917
OsbornHazel Eborn about 1916
OsbornHelen Lborn about 1913
OsbornIlla Mborn about 1890
OsborneIrene born about 1920
OsborneMary Tborn about 1901
OsborneMaxine Mborn about 1931
OsborneWalter born about 1903
OtoelFrancis born about 1885
OuimetteGordon born about 1920
OuimetteNaoma born about 1919
OuimettePatricia born about 1940
OwinElizabeth Fborn about 1888
OwinGeorge born about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PageAnna Mborn about 1891
PageGeneva Mborn about 1921
PageHenry Nborn about 1891
PageRaymond Aborn about 1919
PalmerAlice Eborn about 1916
PalmerAlton Cborn about 1904
PalmerAlton Kborn about 1939
PalmerNorma Aborn about 1935
ParksDoris born about 1907
ParksFrank Hborn about 1909
ParksRichard born about 1937
ParsonO Hborn about 1875
PartredgeBeth Bborn about 1887
PartredgeChester Wborn about 1922
PartredgeGeorge Eborn about 1879
PatrickCharles born about 1893
PatrickPauline born about 1896
PauldingEarnest born about 1868
PauldingFredrick born about 1918
PauldingHelen born about 1888
PautonLuther born about 1875
PayaIrene Lborn about 1900
PayaJeraldine Eborn about 1924
PayaRoy Cborn about 1937
PayaTresea Aborn about 1928
PayaWilliam Eborn about 1896
PazzagalliAmalia born about 1930
PazzagalliAngelo born about 1901
PazzagalliAngelo born about 1935
PazzagalliNorma born about 1928
PazzagalliRemo born about 1939
PazzagalliTheresa born about 1906
PerryJenny born about 1870
PetersAmy born about 1874
PetersJoseph born about 1869
PetersWalter Eborn about 1885
PetersWalter Eborn about 1925
PierceGeorge born about 1873
PlantEva born about 1904
PlantJeanette born about 1926
PlantLeo born about 1902
PlantRaymond born about 1925
PlantTheresa born about 1938
PloofBernice born about 1928
PloofClifford born about 1893
PloofEdith born about 1896
PloofKenneth born about 1919
PloofMoan born about 1926
PloofReynald born about 1931
PloofShirley born about 1930
PoulinLeona Fborn about 1910
PoulinLouis Wborn about 1904
PoulinRobert Rborn about 1939
PowelleBetty born about 1931
PowelleEdgar born about 1926
PowelleNelson born about 1896
PowellePauline born about 1902
PremoEmma born about 1899
PremoMildred born about 1926
PremoPaul born about 1897
PrenttePeter born about 1887
PrestonAnn born about 1936
PrindalAlice born about 1926
PrindalMartie born about 1890
PrindalStwort born about 1885
PrindalStwort Jr born about 1925
ProofBetty born about 1933
ProofDavid born about 1901
ProofGertrude born about 1913
PughHarold born about 1901
PupperFrankie Bborn about 1876
PupperTincala Wborn about 1907
PupperWalter born about 1873

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RacicotFrancis born about 1940
RacicotGale born about 1907
RacicotJean born about 1939
RacicotJohn born about 1896
RacicotMadeline born about 1914
RacicotRaymond born about 1935
RacineConrad born about 1906
RacineHazel born about 1916
RamseyDorothy born about 1917
RanksDora born about 1912
RanksElois born about 1936
RanksHeldieth born about 1907
RanksKay born about 1934
RaulinLester born about 1920
RaulinLuther born about 1889
RaulinMarie born about 1897
RedmondJames born about 1920
ReesFrank born about 1911
ReesFrank Jr born about 1939
ReesRuth born about 1913
RileyGeraldine born about 1921
RileyLillian born about 1902
RobelyCharlotte born about 1939
RobelyFredrick born about 1904
RobelyFredrick Jr born about 1933
RobelyHilda born about 1904
RobelyJames born about 1929
RobelyVadie born about 1928
RobelyWallace born about 1937
RobergeFanne born about 1937
RobergeMarshal born about 1913
RobergeMary born about 1910
RobertRosanna born about 1871
RobertsBarbara Aborn about 1939
RobertsBerline Mborn about 1916
RobertsKoral Lborn about 1913
RobertsLaura born about 1879
RobertsPaul Eborn about 1939
RobertsRachel born about 1931
RobertsRichard Kborn about 1937
RobertsWilliam born about 1890
RobinsonBarbara Sborn about 1933
RobinsonElizabeth born about 1875
RobinsonMarion born about 1908
RobinsonNatalie born about 1934
RobinsonParker Hborn about 1906
RogerPauline born about 1939
RogerVictoria born about 1907
RogerWayne born about 1906
RogersAdda born about 1864
RolandAnna Maneborn about 1924
RolandBen Tborn about 1897
RolandHelen born about 1895
RolandVeronica born about 1925
RonellDonald born about 1935
RonellMadeline born about 1914
RonellMax born about 1912
RossAnn born about 1901
RossBetsy born about 1924
RossMerle born about 1906
RossMerle born about 1932
RoundsBarbara born about 1920
RoundsChas born about 1886
RoundsDorthy born about 1935
RoundsEarl Jborn about 1922
RoundsEdward born about 1932
RoundsEdward Jborn about 1912
RoundsFrancis born about 1928
RoundsJoseph Jborn about 1885
RoundsJuila Mborn about 1882
RoundsKatherine born about 1929
RoundsLouise Lborn about 1916
RoundsMargrett born about 1926
RoundsMargrette born about 1863
RoundsMord Eborn about 1937
RoundsWilliam born about 1892
RusselAlan born about 1930
RusselAline born about 1923
RusselBarron born about 1926
RusselEva born about 1898
RusselGeorge born about 1897
RusselKathleen born about 1928
RusselPaul born about 1919
RusselPhobea born about 1933
RussellCaroline Mborn about 1878
RussellHarry born about 1893
RussellJohn born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SabinsArthur born about 1938
SabinsFreda born about 1907
SabinsGeorge born about 1925
SabinsHarold born about 1899
SabinsLois born about 1929
SabinsMarshal born about 1926
SadlurEvelyn born about 1924
SaltasEdward born about 1876
SalusArthur born about 1881
SalusGertrude born about 1878
SalusKenneth born about 1907
SandersonAlberta born about 1930
SandersonArdella born about 1939
SandersonChester born about 1901
SandersonEleanore born about 1928
SandersonEugene born about 1931
SandersonFredith born about 1905
SandersonHarry born about 1909
SandersonLorriane born about 1934
SavageEarnest born about 1917
SavagePatricia born about 1940
SavageRita born about 1921
SaveRomean born about 1873
SeamanSenna born about 1870
SennaAlfred born about 1923
SennaCallie born about 1897
SennaGerald born about 1929
SennaHoward born about 1939
SennaJune born about 1924
SennaToreen born about 1931
ShankleElaine born about 1935
ShankleFrances born about 1910
ShankleRudolf born about 1939
ShankleWeston Wborn about 1906
ShapardLeona Hborn about 1922
SharrowFlorence born about 1890
SharrowGeorge born about 1886
SharrowThelema born about 1918
SharrowVernell born about 1912
ShawHelen born about 1856
SheaEleanor born about 1913
SheaEleanor born about 1935
SheaJames born about 1909
SheaJames Jr born about 1938
SheaMaureen born about 1936
ShepaesEdmond Hborn about 1873
ShepaesTerroleae Aborn about 1869
ShepardArthur born about 1902
ShepardArthur Jr born about 1925
ShepardBertha born about 1917
ShepardBetty born about 1932
ShepardCarl born about 1924
ShepardClayton born about 1928
ShepardDelia born about 1860
ShepardEdward born about 1930
ShepardEugene born about 1922
ShepardFloyd born about 1927
ShepardGeorge Eborn about 1888
ShepardHarlie born about 1926
ShepardHilda born about 1905
ShepardHilda born about 1926
ShepardJerald born about 1939
ShepardJoseph born about 1858
ShepardMarian born about 1920
ShepardMarvin born about 1934
ShepardMary born about 1898
ShepardNeal born about 1936
ShepardNorma born about 1926
ShepardRita born about 1922
ShepardRobert born about 1936
ShepardSara born about 1916
ShepardTheresa born about 1934
ShepardTila born about 1923
ShepardVerna born about 1929
ShepardVernon born about 1893
ShepardVincent born about 1919
ShepardWalter born about 1913
SheperdBurton born about 1914
SheperdJoseph Wborn about 1888
SheperdPaul born about 1920
SherwinArchie born about 1889
SherwinEva Tborn about 1881
ShorbomanJoseph born about 1865
ShoresAnna Jborn about 1867
ShoresEarl L Pborn about 1890
ShoresJames Aborn about 1860
ShotackRuby Eborn about 1872
ShotackWilbur La born about 1871
ShrankleMaude Mborn about 1888
ShrankleRudolf Fborn about 1879
SimpsonEarl Wborn about 1908
SimpsonHenry Rborn about 1914
SimpsonLovina Mborn about 1900
SimpsonMerie born about 1912
SimpsonRonald Lborn about 1926
SimpsonWayne Cborn about 1935
SleeperFloyd Eborn about 1927
SleeperWilbur Jborn about 1928
SlyeAlbert Bborn about 1904
SlyeDoris born about 1907
SlyeRobert Eborn about 1935
SlyeSusan Anaborn about 1930
SmithArthur born about 1900
SmithArthur born about 1928
SmithBessie born about 1872
SmithClaudette Mborn about 1936
SmithConstance Vborn about 1918
SmithDonald born about 1924
SmithFrances born about 1901
SmithGenevie Dborn about 1938
SmithGeorge born about 1925
SmithIrene born about 1892
SmithJay Lborn about 1871
SmithRaymond born about 1923
SoldateAlice born about 1916
SoldateFrancis born about 1938
SoldateFred born about 1902
SoldateJunius born about 1936
SouleCharles born about 1904
SouleStella born about 1899
SouliaBertha born about 1881
SouliaRichard Lborn about 1925
SouliaZeb Wborn about 1876
SouthwellBeatrice born about 1921
SpannerCelene born about 1906
SpannerCharles born about 1905
SpauldenyCharles born about 1900
SpauldenyLouis born about 1905
SpauldenyMarie born about 1880
SpearBert born about 1884
SpearCalvin born about 1926
SpearCharles Wborn about 1882
SpearMaude born about 1883
SpearSylvia born about 1924
SpeasClarence Jborn about 1909
SpeasHelen born about 1914
SpeasVan born about 1940
SpenseMargaret born about 1883
StanlonisPhilip born about 1913
StebbensHelen born about 1910
StebbensIrene born about 1919
StebbensWarren Jborn about 1875
StelsonCarol born about 1919
StelsonCharles born about 1890
StelsonEster Mborn about 1890
StewartBarbara born about 1931
StewartDouglas born about 1935
StewartEmma Lborn about 1881
StewartGeorgianna born about 1907
StewartJessie born about 1881
StewartRobert born about 1910
StewartRobert born about 1934
StewartRobert Jborn about 1911
SteyglesEarl born about 1895
SteyglesEarl Jr born about 1931
StilenAlbert born about 1898
StilenGwendolyn born about 1927
StilenMildred born about 1900
StilenNelson born about 1933
StjohnHilda born about 1902
StjohnPhilip born about 1905
StoakesIda born about 1895
StonardAlice Dborn about 1912
StonardArmand Hborn about 1934
StonardHarold born about 1912
StonardJacqueline Aborn about 1936
StowellLaura born about 1913
StowellRay born about 1912
StowellRay Jr born about 1933
StowellStanley born about 1939
StpauldingPhilip born about 1923
StpearlPhilip born about 1872
StpearlSophia born about 1872
StpeterAlice born about 1905
StpeterBernice born about 1917
StpeterHoward born about 1914
StpeterJosephine born about 1886
StpeterLeon Dborn about 1903
StpeterWilliam born about 1874
StreeterAlice Aborn about 1905
StrongEvelyn born about 1929
StrongFlorence born about 1913
StrongHerman born about 1887
StrongMyrtle born about 1892
StrongNason born about 1919
StrongPreston born about 1913
StrongSylvia born about 1914
StrongWilliam born about 1936
SturtFanny born about 1888
StyglesAllen born about 1924
StyglesBarbara born about 1929
StyglesCaroll born about 1920
StyglesConstence born about 1931
StyglesDonald born about 1934
StyglesDonna born about 1933
StyglesGlena Pborn about 1894
StyglesHorlene born about 1924
StyglesIneze born about 1922
StyglesJean Maryborn about 1927
StyglesRolf Cborn about 1893
SumnerAlice born about 1922
SweeneyDorthy Lborn about 1918
SweeneyRegand Jborn about 1919
SyllivanJerald born about 1912
SyllivanRasealee born about 1917
SymeJennie born about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaneRobert Wborn about 1931
TardieJeneve born about 1920
TarmeerAndrew born about 1936
TarmeerEdward born about 1904
TarmeerGermaine born about 1907
TarmeerJeanette born about 1930
TarmeerNorman born about 1932
TeagueAnita born about 1910
TeagueHarold born about 1910
TeaguePatricia born about 1939
TeagueTheresa born about 1934
TeagueVirginia born about 1939
TebaultLoamis born about 1880
ThompsonAlice Jborn about 1873
ThompsonAngel born about 1888
ThompsonClaude born about 1876
ThompsonDelhea born about 1848
ThompsonGeorge born about 1923
ThompsonJennie born about 1924
ThompsonJoseph born about 1911
ThompsonLizzie Mborn about 1882
ThompsonMarjorie born about 1922
ThompsonRaymond born about 1897
ThompsonRuth born about 1899
ThompsonWilliam born about 1885
TilleyFannie Rborn about 1884
TilleyHellen Mborn about 1916
TilleyHiram Pborn about 1880
TilleyMary Pborn about 1940
TilleyRoland Tborn about 1906
TonesMary Cborn about 1887
TonesThomas born about 1885
TroctchellAnna born about 1903
TroctchellBernice born about 1924
TroctchellEdith born about 1923
TroctchellHarold born about 1929
TroctchellKatherine born about 1930
TroctchellKenneth born about 1933
TroctchellPaul born about 1901
TroctchellPaul Jr born about 1926
TroctchellRichard born about 1935
TromblyAlma born about 1922
TromblyDorothy born about 1931
TromblyEleanor born about 1914
TromblyEugenie born about 1897
TromblyJeanette born about 1933
TromblyJohn born about 1914
TromblyJohn born about 1936
TromblyLena Maeborn about 1938
TromblyMadie born about 1928
TromblyMary born about 1915
TromblyRaymond born about 1915
TromblyRaymond born about 1935
TromblyRonald born about 1937
TrudellFrancis born about 1889
TunerClause Eborn about 1917
TunerLeo Cborn about 1905
TunerLeo Rborn about 1939
TurnerElmer born about 1886
TurnerMabel born about 1889
TuttleBeatrice born about 1932
TuttleBernice born about 1913
TuttleKenneth born about 1935
TuttleWilliam born about 1905
TyttleAda born about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UnderwoodClark born about 1935
UnderwoodCornelia born about 1850
UnderwoodDavid born about 1940
UnderwoodHoward born about 1905
UnderwoodKenneth born about 1932
UnderwoodLois born about 1928
UnderwoodRuth born about 1905
UptonJassie born about 1871
UptonWilliam born about 1890

V Surnames

VahsanovickSavo born about 1888
ValleyAlfred born about 1920
ValleyBertha born about 1906
ValleyFred born about 1882
ValleyGeorge born about 1851
ValleyJoseph born about 1916
ValleyKatherine born about 1882
ValleyMargaret born about 1921
ValleyRita born about 1927
VictoryEmery born about 1869
VictoryEmery born about 1918
VictoryErma born about 1891
VictoryJohn born about 1882
VictoryMarion born about 1892
VictoryPate born about 1937
VictoryRay born about 1897
VogteCharlie born about 1876
VosburghAllen Mborn about 1919
VosburghGrace Mborn about 1880
VotheyGrace born about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WaiteLorrain born about 1911
WaiteReynold Kborn about 1905
WardLambert born about 1893
WardZeoean born about 1898
WaterhouseAnna born about 1914
WaterhouseJohn born about 1909
WeinerArthur born about 1911
WeinerBarry born about 1938
WeinerBercha born about 1913
WembleLawrence born about 1924
WembleRichard born about 1926
WetmoreAnnetta Jborn about 1854
WheelerGrace Cborn about 1874
WheelerHerman Hborn about 1854
WheelockLottie born about 1897
WheelockRoderick born about 1926
WheelockUrban born about 1897
WhiteEduroe born about 1933
WhiteHarold born about 1926
WhiteLean born about 1900
WhiteRichard born about 1931
WhitneyDonald born about 1935
WhitneyDorothy born about 1912
WhitneyEarnest born about 1875
WhitneyElizabeth born about 1915
WhitneyEmmerson born about 1913
WhitneyHelena born about 1878
WhitneyJoseph born about 1912
WhitneyRichard born about 1933
WilfordElizabeth born about 1935
WilfordGeorge born about 1908
WilfordGeorge born about 1931
WilfordMarion born about 1927
WilfordRobert born about 1937
WilfordRuth born about 1910
WillbankEdward born about 1877
WillbankMaud born about 1890
WilliamsCarl born about 1897
WilliamsElizabeth born about 1921
WilliamsGorfield born about 1913
WilliamsMarian born about 1897
WilliamsRaymond born about 1902
WilsonColleen born about 1935
WilsonJohn born about 1903
WilsonLillian born about 1909
WilsonLois born about 1932
WilsonRobert born about 1928
WolfeCharles born about 1893
WolfeFredrick born about 1920
WoodburyAlice born about 1879
WoodburyEdward born about 1876
WorthernClare Lborn about 1928
WorthernHenry Aborn about 1903
WorthernRuth Pborn about 1906
WrightBarbra Aborn about 1939
WrightDaniel born about 1918
WrightEdna Cborn about 1920
WrightElizabeth Wborn about 1910
WrightGory Jborn about 1939
WrightJohn Jborn about 1912
WrightM Jborn about 1891
WrightMae Jborn about 1888
WrightMerton Kborn about 1918

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Y Surnames

YandowBernard Rborn about 1932
YandowGeorge Hborn about 1929
YandowLeon Fborn about 1907
YandowLeretta Mborn about 1905
YandowPauline Aborn about 1936
YandowRodger Hborn about 1938

Z Surnames

ZenaHoward born about 1915
ZenaKatherine born about 1916
ZenaShelea born about 1938
ZenoDaniel born about 1909
ZenoLucy born about 1876
ZenoMarguerite born about 1932
ZenoShirley born about 1939
ZenoViolia born about 1913

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