USA (1,379,301) > Vermont (9,701) > Bennington County (727) > Arlington (52)
NOTE: Additional records that apply to Arlington are also found through the Bennington County and Vermont pages.
Birth Records | Immigration Records |
Cemetery Records | Land Records |
Census Records | Marriage Records |
Church Records | Newspapers and Obituaries |
City Directories | Probate Records |
Death Records | School Records |
1720-1908 Vermont Vital Records (incomplete) Ancestry
1909-2008 Vermont Birth Records Ancestry
Vermont Births, 1981-2001 Ancestry
Vital statistics of Arlington, Vermont : including soldiers' rolls and gravestone records FamilySearch Library
Cemetery records of Arlington and Sunderland, Bennington County, Vermont to 1875 WorldCat
Cemetery records of Arlington and Sunderland, Bennington County, Vermont, to 1875 FamilySearch Library
Cemetery records of Arlington and Sunderland, Bennington County, Vermont, to 1875 Genealogy Gophers
Evergreen Cemetery Interment
Evergreen Cemetery Find a Grave
Gravestone record, town of Arlington, Vt. FamilySearch Library
Guber Farm Cemetery Find a Grave
LeBarron-Harrington Farm Cemetery Find a Grave
Matteson Cemetery Find a Grave
Saint Columban Cemetery Find a Grave
Saint James Churchyard Interment
Saint James Episcopal Church Cemetery Find a Grave
St. James Churchyard US Gen Web Archives
Village Cemetery New Horizons Genealogical Services
Vital statistics of Arlington, Vermont : including soldiers' rolls and gravestone records FamilySearch Library
West Arlington Cemetery Find a Grave
West Arlington Cemetery Interment
Federal Census of 1940, Arlington, Vermont LDS Genealogy
U.S. Federal Census 1790-1950 Ancestry
U.S. Federal Census 1790-1950 MyHeritage
United States Federal Census, 1790-1950 Family Search
Marriages, 1814-1839, performed by missionaries of the Baptist Church in western Vermont and central New York FamilySearch Library
Arlington, VT 1913, 1916, 1921, 1923, 1925, 1927, 1928, City Directories Allen County Public Library
Bennington (Vermont) city directories FamilySearch Library
Vermont City Directories (includes Arlington 1913, 1921, 1923, 1925, 1930, 1937, 1939, 1946) Ancestry
1720-1908 Vermont Vital Records (incomplete) Ancestry
1909-2008 Vermont Death Records Ancestry
1981-2001 Vermont Death Index Ancestry
1985-2012 Vermont Death Index MyHeritage
Vital statistics of Arlington, Vermont : including soldiers' rolls and gravestone records FamilySearch Library
Arlington, Vermont Land Grants New Horizons Genealogical Services
Land records, 1780-1915; general index to land records, 1780-1903 FamilySearch Library
Vermont Land Records, Early to 1900 Ancestry
1720-1908 Vermont Vital Records (incomplete) Ancestry
1909-2008 Vermont Marriage Records Ancestry
Marriages, 1814-1839, performed by missionaries of the Baptist Church in western Vermont and central New York FamilySearch Library
Vital statistics of Arlington, Vermont : including soldiers' rolls and gravestone records FamilySearch Library
American Register 1817-1817
Offline Newspapers for ArlingtonAccording to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers. American Register. (Arlington, Vt.) 1816-1810s |
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