USA (1,380,571) > Vermont (9,757) > Rutland County (1,183) > Hubbardton (23)
NOTE: Additional records that apply to Hubbardton are also found through the Rutland County and Vermont pages.
Records of births, marriages, and deaths, 1857-1995; indexes to births, marriages, deaths, 1857-1989 FamilySearch Library
Benson, Hubbardton and Sudbury cemetery inscriptions, Rutland County, Vermont WorldCat
Bradley Cemetery Find a Grave
East Hubbardton Cemetery Find a Grave
Hortonville Cemetery Interment
Hortonville Cemetery New Horizons Genealogical Services
Hortonville Cemetery of Hubbardton, Rutland County, VT US Gen Web Archives
Hortonville East Cemetery Find a Grave
Hortonville West Cemetery Find a Grave
Lakeview Cemetery Find a Grave
North Cemetery Find a Grave
Pleasant View Cemetery Find a Grave
Town Hall Cemetery Interment
Federal Census of 1940, Hubbardton, Vermont LDS Genealogy
Granville (New York) city directories FamilySearch Library
Vermont City Directories (includes Hubbardton 1911) Ancestry
Records of births, marriages, and deaths, 1857-1995; indexes to births, marriages, deaths, 1857-1989 FamilySearch Library
An historical address, delivered at Hubbardton, Vt., on the eighty-second anniversary of the battle of Hubbardton, July 7, 1859 Internet Archive
Deeds, 1771-1893 FamilySearch Library
Land records, 1892-1926 FamilySearch Library
Records of births, marriages, and deaths, 1857-1995; indexes to births, marriages, deaths, 1857-1989 FamilySearch Library
Militia enrollment 1865 FamilySearch Library
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