1940 U.S. Federal Census of Aloha, Grays Harbor, Washington

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Washington > Grays Harbor County > 1940 Census of Aloha

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AbramsonGrace born about 1894
AbramsonMary Margaretborn about 1924
AbramsonTobey born about 1886
AdamsElla born about 1881
AdamsWilliam born about 1875
AdamyDella born about 1887
AdamyJudson born about 1870
AikenJohn Mborn about 1883
AikenMona born about 1917
AikenNellie Cborn about 1889
AikenRobert Lborn about 1922
AlkulaEdwin born about 1877
AllisixFred born about 1906
AllisixMyrtle born about 1913
AndersonAgnes born about 1933
AndersonAlbert born about 1915
AndersonCharles Cborn about 1937
AndersonClara born about 1911
AndersonDale born about 1904
AndersonJenny born about 1909
AndersonJudith born about 1925
AndersonKarin born about 1894
AndersonKenneth Mborn about 1939
AndersonLillie born about 1926
AndersonMilton Aborn about 1912
AndersonPatricia born about 1937
AntickLeona born about 1920
AtwoodDoris born about 1923
AtwoodEdward Wborn about 1900
AtwoodElsie born about 1906
AuynBenice Kborn about 1891

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B Surnames

BailesJames born about 1874
BailesMay born about 1878
BaileyCarol Annborn about 1939
BaileyCharles born about 1917
BaileyCornelis born about 1938
BaileyMyrtle born about 1922
BakerCrocket Nealborn about 1886
BakerDiane Maryborn about 1922
BakerEdith born about 1917
BakerEva born about 1886
BakerGrace born about 1884
BakerJames born about 1921
BakerKenneth born about 1909
BaleThelma born about 1909
BaleWilliam born about 1909
BaohAnna born about 1895
BaohAnna born about 1922
BaohEllen born about 1923
BaohPeter born about 1895
BarlowGeorge born about 1866
BarlowNellie born about 1866
BarricklowArthur born about 1863
BarricklowTillie born about 1888
BartoPaul born about 1893
BartoPauline born about 1931
BartoRobert born about 1932
BartoSadi born about 1898
BartoVirginia born about 1927
BartoWilliam born about 1884
BartoWilliam born about 1929
BaxterCora born about 1916
BaxterGloria born about 1936
BaxterLeonard born about 1915
BaxterSteven born about 1937
BebeFrank born about 1920
BebeGuy born about 1918
BeersJess born about 1907
BellJohn Fborn about 1883
BellMinnie Eborn about 1885
BergDonald born about 1936
BergEdward born about 1928
BergKarl born about 1931
BergMabel born about 1870
BergMrs Mina born about 1861
BergRaymond born about 1934
BergRuth born about 1929
BergSallven born about 1940
BerlundElizabeth born about 1896
BerlundEvelyn born about 1922
BerlundGordon born about 1920
BerlundHelen born about 1928
BerlundRalph born about 1893
BerlundRussell born about 1916
BienickEdwards born about 1910
BienickMargaret born about 1916
BienickRuth born about 1914
BienickThomas born about 1908
BlombergHelmer born about 1904
BlombergIda born about 1907
BlombergPatricia born about 1933
BobnerMareta born about 1897
BobnerRudolph born about 1895
BohinskyEdwin born about 1935
BohinskyFrances born about 1902
BohinskyLouis born about 1900
BohinskyLouis born about 1927
BohinskyLowell born about 1929
BohinskyPatricia born about 1933
BolingEvelyn born about 1914
BolingLowell born about 1905
BondurantKeith Vborn about 1927
BondurantLarry Pborn about 1937
BondurantMargaret Cborn about 1930
BondurantOscar Wborn about 1939
BondurantRumina Eborn about 1916
BondurantVictor Nborn about 1901
BordersNettie born about 1891
BordersVern born about 1897
BorsheinEmma born about 1870
BotkinWilliam born about 1912
BowstockCharles Aborn about 1907
BowstockWastelle born about 1875
BramEva born about 1916
BroadmanClyde Eborn about 1921
BrockmanAnn Eborn about 1894
BrockmanMichael born about 1896
BrooksOdell born about 1912
BrownSteve born about 1883
BrunesEarl born about 1893
BrynArlena born about 1920
BrynOlive born about 1892
BrynPaul born about 1888
BrynRobert born about 1922
BunchJudy Noreenborn about 1939
BunchMary born about 1922
BunchMaxwell born about 1918
BunneyEthel born about 1914
BurgessArthur Rborn about 1884
BurgessJemina born about 1888
BurgessRalph born about 1923
BurkeCharles born about 1883

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C Surnames

CalhounCharlotte born about 1919
CalhounJohn Cborn about 1899
CalhounPearl born about 1900
CameronEffie born about 1884
CameronWalter born about 1871
CannonEllen born about 1884
CannonRoss born about 1886
CarrollArthur born about 1893
CarrollDolli born about 1893
CasinsibaFred born about 1862
CharbsGeorgia born about 1916
CharbsIrene born about 1934
CharbsLouis born about 1936
CharbsLouis Fborn about 1910
ChemmonCatherine born about 1881
ChemmonClaude born about 1903
ChristensonCarl born about 1889
ChristensonEllen Kborn about 1932
ChristensonMargrette born about 1904
ClarkAnna Pborn about 1883
ClarkRobert Leeborn about 1925
ClickAudrey Mayborn about 1921
ClickCarl born about 1924
ClickIsa born about 1897
ClickJohn Eborn about 1892
ClickMervin born about 1926
CoavistonFred born about 1881
CofieldSerge born about 1918
ColleyHelen born about 1921
ConnJeanne born about 1917
ConnRichard born about 1939
ConnRobert born about 1913
CopeGertrude born about 1876
CopeGinevra born about 1914
CopeHenderson Alfredborn about 1892
CopeJack born about 1915
CopeMinnie born about 1892
CraffordWilliam born about
CramerEdith born about 1918
CramerGary born about 1938
CramerGeorge born about 1915
CunninghamDelbert born about 1911
CunninghamEffie born about 1901

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D Surnames

DammonAnna Mborn about 1891
DammonFlorence born about 1923
DammonMary Janeborn about 1920
DammonRaymond born about 1890
DammonRaymond Jr born about 1930
DasenportHannah born about 1871
DaviesAlma born about 1912
DaviesClaude born about 1910
DaviesJean born about 1935
DaviesWilliam born about 1905
DavisEdwin Sborn about 1896
DavisEmma born about 1875
DavisGeorge born about 1907
DavisRoy born about 1894
DavisSarah born about 1905
DavisVirginia born about 1929
DayClayton born about 1899
DayClayton born about 1939
DayEvelyn born about 1909
DayFrances born about 1921
DerrickSarah born about 1903
DerrickUrban born about 1902
DerrickWayne born about 1924
DincaJack Rborn about 1872
DisburgSebert born about 1916
DoeSadie born about 1877
DoeWa born about 1910
DokkeBessie born about 1903
DokkeChristine born about 1866
DokkeIad born about 1897
DokkeJohn born about 1895
DokkeJohn Robertborn about 1938
DokkePatricia born about 1933
DokkeRoy born about 1903
DoreMarshall born about 1921
DoreMuriel born about 1925
DorePhyllis born about 1922
DoughtyIrene born about 1917
DoughtySandra born about 1940
DoughtyWilliam born about 1909
DouglasJames Hborn about 1901
DouglasJoyce born about 1926
DouglasKatherine born about 1901
DoyleJoseph Eborn about 1895
DoyleLois Mborn about 1906
DoyleMary born about 1930
DoyleRobert born about 1927
DoyleWilliam born about 1928
DuboisMyrtle born about 1916
DuboisWalford born about 1913
DuffieldElva born about 1907
DuffieldGeorge born about 1899
DuffieldJohn born about 1935
DwigginsHarry born about 1879

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E Surnames

EdwardsCharles Tborn about 1905
EdwardsLyle born about 1897
ElamsAlice born about 1914
ElamsMarjorie born about 1933
ElamsMarylin born about 1932
ElamsPaul born about 1912
ElderCamilla born about 1880
ElmoreJohn born about 1914
EricksonAllie born about 1918
EricksonHelge born about 1912
EricksonJohn born about 1873
EricksonLaurena born about 1938
EricksonRalph born about 1915
EricksonStanley born about 1915
EricksonVendla born about 1885
EvansCarla born about 1934
EvansClaive born about 1905
EvansDale born about 1921
EvansEstella born about 1909
EvansHarriet born about 1898
EvansHertz born about 1920
EvansJames born about 1928
EvansLens born about 1873
EvansPauline born about 1926
EvansPhillis born about 1928
EvansRobert born about 1923

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F Surnames

FauberAlbert born about 1919
FergusonAlexander born about 1892
FergusonAugust born about 1908
FergusonCloe born about 1921
FergusonColleen born about 1929
FergusonEstell born about 1934
FergusonEvelenah born about 1914
FergusonEvelyn born about 1930
FergusonMarvel born about 1912
FergusonMelvin born about 1936
FergusonMina born about 1895
FergusonStuart born about 1925
FisherFrances Trueborn about 1917
FisherJames born about 1937
FisherJohn Hborn about 1918
FisherJohn Henryborn about 1939
FlemingElla born about 1891
FlemingHoye born about 1911
FlemingRaymond born about 1905
ForlyJim born about 1890
ForlyRebecca born about 1897
ForsbergCarl Aborn about 1895
ForsbergMay born about 1896
FosbergGus born about 1870
FrazierBetty born about 1923
FrazierFlores born about 1918
FrazierSally Annborn about 1939
FredericksonHorstine born about 1877
FredericksonJohn born about 1880
FreemanDoris born about 1926
FreemanMabel born about 1904
FreemanMarilyn born about 1933
FreemanMerritt born about 1893
FreemanRalph born about 1932
FreemanRobert born about 1930
FreemanShirley born about 1924
FreesJohn born about 1889
FrostArthur born about 1883
FulbratAlgie born about 1898
FulbratAllie born about 1901
FulbratBoyd born about 1923
FulbratCharles born about 1926
FulbratKenneth born about 1934
FulbratWilla Deanborn about 1931
FullersonMart born about 1882

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G Surnames

GardinerDoris born about 1934
GardinerKatherine born about 1907
GardinerRobert born about 1927
GarrettElizabeth born about 1897
GarrettRaymond born about 1923
GarrettWalter born about 1919
GarrettWilliam Cborn about 1891
GatesFrancis Pborn about 1901
GatesLucy born about 1896
GentryDorothee born about 1899
GentryJanice born about 1932
GentryMark Dborn about 1898
GeorgeWilliam born about 1874
GerberLena born about 1876
GerberRalph born about 1870
GilesChas Dborn about 1893
GilesDelfred born about 1922
GilesGarath born about 1917
GilesHazel born about 1897
GilesVerda born about 1920
GillHarry born about 1910
GironOllie born about 1915
GironPerry born about 1903
GironRichard born about 1931
GironWeldon born about 1934
GitchellCarl born about 1909
GitchellCarlee born about 1929
GitchellMary born about 1914
GormeyCharles born about 1908
GowenCora Aliceborn about 1888
GowenIvan born about 1897
GowenRobert Wborn about 1889
GrosecloseCarl born about 1937
GrosecloseGlen born about 1904
GrosecloseMarjorie born about 1931
GrosecloseMildred born about 1911
GunterMilo born about 1870
GuthrieElizabeth born about 1860
GuthriePeter born about 1898

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H Surnames

HagerdonLucille born about 1916
HagerdonMae born about 1896
HagginArthur born about 1903
HagginClara born about 1909
HagginDorothy Janeborn about 1931
HagginJoseph Bborn about 1890
HagginMichaelis born about 1931
HagginPhyllis Mborn about 1884
HakolaAstrid born about 1915
HakolaMatt born about 1880
HakolaSophia born about 1878
HakolaWayne born about 1907
HallCelesta born about 1935
HallDavid born about 1940
HallDonna born about 1936
HallDorothy born about 1915
HallPatricia born about 1937
HallTalmon born about 1907
HallTalmon born about 1933
HammelFrank born about 1881
HammelLeta born about 1885
HammellDorothy born about 1931
HammellJeanette born about 1937
HammellKatharine Maeborn about 1939
HammellLa Verna born about 1930
HammellMabel Cborn about 1905
HammellMarvin born about 1935
HammellMilton Cborn about 1906
HammellRonald born about 1933
HammondDuan born about 1900
HandleyDewey born about 1900
HandleyEvelyn born about 1909
HandleyJack Leslieborn about 1940
HaneyJackie born about 1932
HaneyJohn born about 1906
HaneyLucille born about 1912
HaneyRonnie born about 1935
HansonHarry born about 1885
HansonMyrtle born about 1900
HansonNeddy born about 1888
HarrisArchie Eborn about 1891
HarrisEdna born about 1921
HarrisMamie born about 1897
HartEmma Dborn about 1858
HartRay Jborn about 1879
HassethFlorence Lborn about 1915
HassethRobert Eborn about 1936
HassethSevert Aborn about 1913
HawkesLoutria born about 1927
HawkesWilliam Hborn about 1932
HazelquistArthur born about 1899
HazelquistEsther born about 1924
HazelquistMarion born about 1929
HazelquistSigrid born about 1905
HebaughMildred born about 1921
HenrichAnnie Kborn about 1897
HenrichFrederick born about 1904
HenrichGeorge born about 1902
HenrichLawrence born about 1907
HenrichMaggie born about 1870
HenrichMargaret born about 1912
HerndonNettie born about 1877
HillDorothee born about 1922
HillEdward born about 1915
HillSally born about 1939
HobaughCharles born about 1901
HoleClark born about 1926
HoleMary born about 1898
HoleOra Leeborn about 1921
HollandAdoline born about 1898
HollandClarence Cborn about 1903
HolmbergFolke born about 1905
HooglandMary born about 1885
HooglandPeter born about 1878
HookGlenn Eborn about 1891
HooperJohn Ebertborn about 1877
HooperJosqualine born about 1926
HooperKathryn born about 1929
HooperOrofina born about 1898
HoppmanCatherine born about 1907
HoppmanChester Gborn about 1907
HoppmanKenneth born about 1931
HorneAllen born about 1908
HorneConnie Jeanborn about 1939
HorneFrances born about 1919
HorrisVerman born about 1906
HorrisWalter Amosborn about 1894
HoutzJennie born about 1861
HowesChester born about 1892
HughesCatherine born about 1911
HughesCatherine born about 1930
HughesRalf born about 1908
HultbergJoseph born about 1911
HunroJohn born about 1894
HunroLora born about 1893

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I Surnames

IngmanHarley born about 1930
IngmanLlewella born about 1923
IngmanMary born about 1899
IngmanVerne born about 1898
IversonAlbin born about 1895
IversonArnold born about 1929
IversonJennie born about 1900

J Surnames

JamesAda born about 1883
JamesJohn born about 1893
JarvisBettie born about 1924
JarvisDelbert born about 1922
JarvisGeorge born about 1916
JarvisJoseph Gborn about 1886
JarvisMargareth born about 1920
JarvisMyrthle born about 1891
JensenAlbertina born about 1893
JensenNels born about 1888
JensenNorbert born about 1923
JohnsonAgnes born about 1904
JohnsonAlice born about 1921
JohnsonAnna born about 1882
JohnsonCarl Jborn about 1889
JohnsonGerda born about 1896
JohnsonHulda born about 1890
JohnsonIrene born about 1907
JohnsonJohana Sborn about 1907
JohnsonJohn Emilborn about 1882
JohnsonJohn Rborn about 1895
JohnsonJohnie born about 1894
JohnsonLa Verne born about 1928
JohnsonLorrain born about 1925
JohnsonMathias born about 1882
JohnsonMatthias born about 1882
JohnsonOllie Nborn about 1919
JohnsonRanny born about 1900
JohnsonRobert born about 1928
JohnsonWalter born about 1922
JohnstonHarold born about 1922
JohnstoneArthur born about 1925
JohnstoneEdward born about 1923
JohnstoneEleonore born about 1927
JohnstoneFrank Eborn about 1893
JohnstoneLillian born about 1903
JonesEdna born about 1878
JonesEdward Cborn about 1878
JordonGwen born about 1915
JordonJames born about 1905
JordonJuanita born about 1938
JordonLenora born about 1933
JordonMabel born about 1912
JordonNorman born about 1936
JordonPhoebe born about 1940
JordonPierre born about 1935
JordonWilliam Rborn about 1913
JungJessie born about 1884
JunkinRay Dborn about 1906

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K Surnames

KalblingerGeorge born about 1903
KaleniusAgnes born about 1893
KaleniusElsie born about 1915
KaleniusHjalmar Jborn about 1890
KaleniusShirley Annborn about 1923
KaleniusStanley Rborn about 1917
KallasAugust born about 1887
KallasIda born about 1884
KallasJimmy born about 1929
KallioMannie born about 1897
KallioMike born about 1890
KarimakiEleanor born about 1924
KarimakiMary born about 1886
KaupischCurt born about 1895
KaupischEvelyn born about 1900
KaupischPhillis born about 1926
KauppiTina born about 1891
KeenPiet born about 1911
KelloggGeorge born about 1879
KelloggHazel born about 1890
KilcupDonald born about 1930
KilcupEdward born about 1920
KilcupElizabeth born about 1894
KilcupGerry born about 1932
KilcupJames born about 1892
KilcupJames born about 1928
KillebrewDarlene born about 1936
KillebrewEdwin born about 1939
KillebrewHenry born about 1910
KillebrewLela born about 1911
KillebrewMargaret born about 1933
KillebrewWanda born about 1935
KingAlton born about 1915
KingCloyde born about 1886
KingEdith born about 1897
KingFloyd born about 1918
KingJean born about 1927
KingLouis Wborn about 1893
KingMargaret born about 1921
KirkAndrew born about 1893
KirkKatherine born about 1921
KleinJoseph born about 1918
KleinKathryn born about 1922
KleinLucy Tborn about 1882
KoontsJames Kborn about 1902
KoontsJames Jr born about 1926
KoontsRichards born about 1927
KoontsRoxie born about 1905
KoontsTheodore born about 1929
KoskiAlbin born about 1900
KosoffBarbara Jeanborn about 1939
KosoffDaniel Leeborn about 1938
KosoffHelen Ruthborn about 1920
KosoffMike born about 1910
KotulsLaura born about 1906
KotulsMarteil born about 1898
KotulsMarteil born about 1928
KreutzkampAlice born about 1924
KreutzkampDorothy born about 1929
KreutzkampEva born about 1926
KreutzkampFred born about 1900
KreutzkampGrace born about 1933
KreutzkampLottie born about 1905
KreutzkampMary Louborn about 1937
KreutzkampRita born about 1939
KrohmPeter born about 1905
KrohmRuth born about 1913
KroskeGeorge born about 1891
KurtzDavid born about 1894
KurtzJennie born about 1899

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L Surnames

LaceyAnita Lborn about 1938
LaceyDonald born about 1936
LaceyLeroy born about 1908
LaceyLorin born about 1939
LaceyLucille born about 1917
LaceyNed born about 1935
LaceyNina Lborn about 1937
LaceyPerry born about 1913
LaceyPhillis born about 1916
LaceyRuben born about 1911
LamptonLenora born about 1874
LaneganDaniel Bborn about 1861
LanphereGeo Mborn about 1861
LanphereRosella born about 1864
LarsonEd born about 1877
LarsonJohanna born about 1870
LaughlinJoan Marieborn about 1919
LaughlinJudith born about 1884
LaughlinOscar Wborn about 1886
LaughlinPatricia born about 1922
LawhouseHenry born about 1884
LawrenceGeorge Aborn about 1883
LawrenceHenry Morrisborn about 1900
LawrenceOlive Mborn about 1884
LearnadGrace born about 1878
LefaivsEdith born about 1893
LefaivsGeorge Bborn about 1936
LefaivsGeorge Sborn about 1887
LefaivsJames born about 1927
LefaivsRoberts born about 1922
LeghtyElisabeth born about 1916
LeghtyOrberg born about 1914
LeghtyRichards born about 1938
LegueEvelyn born about 1886
LegueGeorge Hborn about 1880
LehtoneAlyce born about 1908
LehtoneLarry born about 1904
LehtoneLloyd born about 1928
LeightyAnna born about 1893
LeightyJacob born about 1885
LeoianCarl born about 1917
LindesTressie born about 1872
LindgrenAlbert born about 1911
LindgrenFelix born about 1906
LindwallWilliam born about 1901
LoganCleo born about 1905
LomstoneMabel born about 1897
LomstoneMorris born about 1894
LongAugust born about 1890
LongAugust born about 1892
LongEllen born about 1902
LongJulius born about 1886
LongKenneth born about 1931
LongLena born about 1896
LongRobert born about 1920
LongstromJohn born about 1906
LoomisGordon born about 1883
LovegrenAnna R Mborn about 1885
LovegrenOscar Cborn about 1884
LycksellGordon born about 1923
LycksellHilda born about 1884
LycksellOlaf born about 1881
LycksellOscar born about 1914
LycksellRoy born about 1915
LydenLena born about 1905
LydenWalter born about 1906
LynchCharles Eborn about 1875
LynchDonald born about 1927
LynchGeraldine born about 1923
LynchMartha born about 1889
LynchRaymond born about 1916
LynchRobert born about 1918

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M Surnames

MackenzieCharles born about 1915
MackenzieGrace born about 1918
MainGordon born about 1910
MainLois born about 1914
MajorMatilda born about 1894
MajorNoah born about 1889
MajorRalph born about 1924
MankerAnnie born about 1892
MankerBetty Mayborn about 1926
MankerDooe born about 1924
MankerLloyd born about 1921
ManteEdward born about 1888
ManteGeorge born about 1900
ManteMary born about 1859
MarbleAlice born about 1889
MarbleGeorge Hborn about 1884
MarbleMary Mborn about 1926
MarlowEthel born about 1896
MarlowPeterson Chasborn about 1871
MarlowPeterson Hulaborn about 1870
MasonClaude born about 1908
MasonDianne born about 1935
MasonGeorgia born about 1909
MasonIra born about 1903
MasonSue born about 1912
MayerAlfred Marquisborn about 1887
MayerGeraldine born about 1924
MayerJessie born about 1896
MayhewRobert born about 1919
McCawCharles Aborn about 1895
McCollamArchie born about 1904
McCollamLary born about 1932
McCollamLora born about 1907
McCollamSally born about 1935
McElroyAlveretta born about 1882
McElroyEdward born about 1879
McSwencyJohn born about 1864
MeddockDaniel Cborn about 1904
MeddockSiryl born about 1909
MickelsonDoroke born about 1903
MickelsonHugh born about 1926
MickelsonMarjorie born about 1928
MillerJean born about 1939
MillerJohn born about 1905
MillerMaxine born about 1915
MillerNelba born about 1938
MilwardFrank Lborn about 1877
MinneyFlorence born about 1892
MinneyGlen born about 1929
MinneyHerritt born about 1931
MinneyJesse born about 1897
MobleyHelen born about 1913
MobleyLibbe Eborn about 1875
MobleyRespino Rborn about 1873
MontesWillis born about 1914
MooreBenjamin born about 1873
MooreKatie born about 1884
MooreLouis born about 1908
MooreLouis born about 1935
MooreMinnie born about 1900
MoorePearl born about 1912
MooreRoscoe Fborn about 1896
MooreRoscoe Jr born about 1929
MooreRuth born about 1933
MorganFrank Lborn about 1873
MoriartyJerry born about 1881
MoriartyRuby born about 1881
MorrisonGlen born about 1911
MueckiWanda born about 1930
MunsonHarry Jborn about 1888
MunsonRena Mborn about 1894
MurrayCatharine Eborn about 1929
MurrayElizabeth born about 1893
MurrayHenry Claudborn about 1880
MurrayMyrtle Ireneborn about 1891
MurrayThomas born about 1902
MyersTressie born about 1892

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N Surnames

NelsonAnnie born about 1895
NelsonCharles Eborn about 1892
NelsonEarl born about 1924
NelsonNorman born about 1887
NeoersMerritt born about 1917
NessElla born about 1898
NessElmer born about 1894
NordwellCarl born about 1898
NordwellCarolyn born about 1926
NordwellHilma born about 1883
NordwellRichard born about 1923
NutbrownEdgar born about 1888
NutbrownHazel born about 1894
NutbrownStuart born about 1920

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O Surnames

OconnorMyron Eborn about 1925
OlsonMargaret born about 1894
OlsonOle Cborn about 1888
OneilDon born about 1919
OneilMax born about 1917
OneilRichard born about 1915
OsborneErnest Sborn about 1886
OsborneMary Aborn about 1874

P Surnames

PalmerMary born about 1875
PalmerVirgil born about 1918
ParkerMyrtle born about 1896
ParkerPersy born about 1886
ParmCharles Henryborn about 1870
PassickAgnes born about 1914
PassickElizabeth born about 1920
PassickJohn born about 1887
PassickVera born about 1888
PattersonAgnes born about 1887
PattersonArthur born about 1892
PaulJohn born about 1863
PaulLucy born about 1878
PaylorDelores born about 1921
PaylorDonald born about 1919
PaylorGrace born about 1890
PaylorHorace born about 1888
PaylorRobert born about 1926
PeakAnna born about 1894
PeakDorothy born about 1912
PeakJess born about 1911
PeakWilliam born about 1887
PeakWilliam Jr born about 1937
PearsonOctava born about 1923
PendergraftConway born about 1892
PendergraftDale born about 1923
PendergraftDorothy born about 1918
PendergraftEmma born about 1893
PendergraftJoan born about 1938
PendergraftJohn born about 1915
PendergraftPaul born about 1914
PendergraftStuart born about 1939
PerryRose Mborn about 1884
PerryWilliam born about 1881
PerseyElbert Wborn about 1910
PerseyEugene born about 1939
PerseyMildred born about 1919
PeseyCarlyn born about 1938
PeseyClaude Vborn about 1911
PeseyDennis born about 1937
PeseyRuth born about 1912
PhelesEnos born about 1881
PhilipsAndy Paulborn about 1911
PhilipsKenneth born about 1934
PhilipsRosell born about 1917
PickensAnna Eborn about 1875
PickensWilliam born about 1875
PirkerRuford born about 1866
PrattAdelbert born about 1924
PrattClara born about 1905
PrattJohn born about 1898
PrattLamoine born about 1926
PrattLeonard born about 1934
PrattMargaret born about 1870
PrattMoses born about 1874
PrenticeCharwalee born about 1929
PrenticeFay Rborn about 1903
PrenticeJames Aborn about 1935
PrenticeJames Wborn about 1907
PugsleyM Fborn about 1866
PugsleyTheodrina born about 1875

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R Surnames

RamsdenDavid Jborn about 1880
RamsdenLouise born about 1882
RancickAnna born about 1923
RancickMarion born about 1889
RancickMike born about 1930
RancickMilka born about 1898
RancickSusan born about 1931
RaynoldsGae born about 1939
RaynoldsHelen born about 1915
RaynoldsJack Jborn about 1915
RaynoldsJoye born about 1935
ReevesEammet born about 1879
ReevesIna born about 1882
ReinmuthJoanne born about 1930
ReinmuthMildred born about 1911
ReinmuthRichard born about 1911
ReinmuthRichard born about 1932
RemingtonDorothee born about 1916
RemingtonErnest born about 1916
RemingtonGeorge born about 1881
RemingtonGeorge Lborn about 1913
RemingtonHale born about 1937
RickertFred born about 1884
RickertFred born about 1923
RickertNattie born about 1885
RidgwayBruce born about 1920
RidgwayClinton born about 1919
RobertsDelbert born about 1917
RobertsGordye born about 1912
RobertsHenry Cborn about 1910
RobinsonDella Mborn about 1914
RobinsonDenwood born about 1913
RobinsonDwayne Rborn about 1934
RobinsonEdward Lborn about 1910
RobinsonStwart born about 1885
RobinsonTheresa born about 1884
RobinsonVerle Lborn about 1936
RockwellDonna Meborn about 1926
RockwellIda Mborn about 1887
RockwellWilliam Jborn about 1872
RooneyMary born about 1874
RosendalAllen born about 1895
RosendalGertrude born about 1894
RosmondFrederick born about 1916
RosmondMerold born about 1939
RossChester born about 1900
RossGrace born about 1910
RoweDelia born about 1867
RoweFred Bborn about 1864
RudolphRichard born about 1882
RudolphWilliam born about 1885
RundellEdward born about 1909
RundellRichard born about 1934
RundellRuth born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SamperRichard born about 1874
SandersAlger born about 1887
SandersCarrie born about 1890
SandersonEllen born about 1908
SandersonHenry born about 1905
SchmidtkeHarold born about 1916
SchmidtkeMary born about 1921
SellegAlexander born about 1871
SellegArne born about 1914
SellegKaren born about 1884
SellegKenneth born about 1923
ShanHannah Eborn about 1867
ShanLuther born about 1877
SharpeMartha Maeborn about 1925
SharpeVirginia Leeborn about 1928
ShawJames Wborn about 1914
ShawKathleen born about 1911
ShelleyEdward born about 1902
ShelleyMary born about 1931
ShelleyMyra born about 1905
ShirleyBlaine born about 1906
ShirleyEvelyn born about 1911
ShirleyFay born about 1932
ShirleyPatsy born about 1934
SignerCharles Iborn about 1878
SignerJosephine Wborn about 1889
SkeltonGeorge born about 1884
SkeltonLouella born about 1884
SkennerRaymond born about 1891
SlytesRaymond born about 1926
SmadingBetty born about 1926
SmadingClarence Fborn about 1895
SmadingDorothes born about 1907
SmithAger born about 1887
SmithBeverly Annborn about 1937
SmithDarlene born about 1936
SmithDavid born about
SmithDennis Jborn about 1888
SmithEarl born about 1905
SmithEthel born about 1907
SmithFlorence born about 1895
SmithHazel born about 1914
SmithJohn Mborn about 1909
SmithLeona born about 1887
SmithMarcelline born about 1930
SmithRhoda Eborn about 1908
SmithRobert born about 1929
SmithRobert Hborn about 1902
SmithRoland born about 1932
SmithSephronia born about 1867
SorensonAnna born about 1880
SorensonRasmus born about 1872
SperopoulosD Eborn about 1890
StarlingHilda born about 1904
StarlingJ Hborn about 1900
StausDean born about 1921
StausMartin born about 1918
StefflerFlorence born about 1908
StefflerGloria born about 1931
StefflerLeona born about 1930
StefflerLoren born about 1861
StefflerWilliam born about 1898
StefflerWilliam born about 1925
StengerFrancis born about 1917
StevensJack born about 1922
StevensJessie Mayborn about 1899
StevensVictor born about 1897
StilsonHarold born about 1901
StoneAlbert Leeborn about 1934
StoneGordon born about 1936
StoneJackie born about 1935
StoneJames Aborn about 1872
StoneKenneth born about 1904
StoneMargaret born about 1908
StonePaul born about 1909
StonePhyllis born about 1930
StoneRuby born about 1915
SturbichCecile born about 1921
SturbichGeorge born about 1913
SturbichLouis born about 1887
SturbichMatilda born about 1885
SturbichMildred born about 1915
SturbichPearl born about 1911
SturdivantBarbara born about 1914
SturdivantElmer born about 1916
SturdivantEverett born about 1913
SturdivantMary born about 1920
SummersJoe born about 1885
SundJohn born about 1874
SundWandla born about 1874
SwansonAxel born about 1882
SwansonClarence born about 1899
SwansonEva born about 1911
SwansonGeorg born about 1892
SwansonGladys born about 1907
SwansonGue born about 1900
SwansonHarry born about 1930
SwansonJohnny born about 1931
SwansonLee Annborn about 1938
SwansonMary born about 1935
SwansonRobert born about 1933
SwartzWilliam born about 1901
SyilsethHilda born about 1889
SyilsethTheodore born about 1879

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TangisChristie born about 1885
TangisJohn born about 1890
ThomasBarbro born about 1909
ThomasClauda born about 1938
ThomasGeorge Wborn about 1909
ThomasMelinda born about 1907
ThomasMelvin born about 1908
ThomasNellie born about 1922
ThomasRichard born about 1934
ThompsonPearl Bborn about 1911
TommaFanny born about 1889
TommaWilliam Cborn about 1885
TorgersonMack born about 1895
TorsbergArthur born about 1921
TorsbergChester born about 1924
ToyleCharles born about 1899
ToyleEmma born about 1898
TrahamBelva born about 1940
TrahamJake born about 1919
TrahamValda born about 1921
TraynorDurayns born about 1933
TraynorHarold born about 1924
TraynorMima born about 1901
TraynorPolina born about 1926
TreversJack born about 1883
TurnerFlorence born about 1919
TurnerFloyd born about 1919
TurnerMrs Maud born about 1885
TurnerRussell born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VanbranventHector born about 1884
VanbranventJennie born about 1884
VanceBurr born about 1904
VanceDelorews born about 1931
VanceMargery born about 1929
VanceMary born about 1906
VancleveDerith born about 1927
VancleveHerbert Oborn about 1926
VancleveJohn Herbertborn about 1898
VancleveMargareta born about 1901
VancleveSadie Fborn about 1875
VenkirkEdward born about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WahlEila born about 1896
WallingLester born about 1916
WardAnnie born about 1871
WardGeorge Hborn about 1901
WardHarry Jborn about 1872
WarnerGeorge born about 1888
WattJeon born about 1912
WattLyle born about 1933
WaymanAnna born about 1882
WaymanCarcoll born about 1924
WaymanGuy Nborn about 1874
WaymanGuy N Jrborn about 1922
WaymanHester Nborn about 1918
WaymanLouise Lborn about 1920
WaymanRobert Clintonborn about 1927
WaytsMinnie born about 1874
WellsBelva born about 1912
WellsCharles Aborn about 1906
WellsCherrie born about 1931
WellsDonna born about 1932
WellsLeah born about 1933
WeskleyGeraldine born about 1910
WeskleyLester born about 1932
WeskleyMelvin born about 1930
WeskleyShirley born about 1933
WestFrances born about 1897
WestMyra Jborn about 1862
WestRolland born about 1891
WestWillard born about 1860
WhalenDonald born about 1914
WhalenEarl born about 1885
WhalenIda born about 1887
WheelerEugene born about 1908
WheelerMary Janoborn about 1916
WhiteselL Hborn about 1883
WhiteselLouise born about 1880
WiehleCarl born about 1923
WiehleCarl Gborn about 1882
WiehleDaniel born about 1922
WilderMercedes born about 1937
WilliamFrank born about
WilliamsDorothy born about 1917
WilliamsFred Eborn about 1916
WilliamsonAudury born about 1925
WilliamsonBlaine born about 1922
WilliamsonGuy born about 1891
WilliamsonKenneth born about 1921
WilliamsonMary born about 1929
WilliamsonNona born about 1901
WilliamsonNorma born about 1927
WilsonErnest born about 1913
WilsonGrace born about 1918
WilsonRichard Lborn about 1937
WintripJack born about 1894
WolfeAlbert born about 1889
WolfeIva born about 1894
WoodCharles Mborn about 1871
WoodDorothy Maborn about 1920
WoodEail Jayborn about 1918
WoodEmma born about 1885
WoodIlene born about 1922
WoodJosper born about 1920
WoodLarry Allenborn about 1939
WoodLoueva born about 1875
WoodOscar Eborn about 1857
WoodRuby born about 1875
WyckoffHazel born about 1892
WyckoffHerbert born about 1878

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YablonskiCharles born about 1905
YablonskiElizabeth born about 1915

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