1940 U.S. Federal Census of Block House, Grays Harbor, Washington

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Washington > Grays Harbor County > 1940 Census of Block House

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AndersonEmil born about 1889
AndersonJettie born about 1888
AndersonMathilda born about 1884
AndersonWilliam born about 1918
ArmstrongMaud born about 1882

B Surnames

BakerBerthella born about 1905
BakerDuaine born about 1927
BakerKathleen born about 1933
BakerLloyd born about 1901
BakerRaymond born about 1930
BarrettClaude born about 1888
BarrettLovina born about 1896
BergAlfred born about 1891
BergeNils born about 1884
BurlinganeAvis Geonaborn about 1900
BurlinganeLester born about 1895
BushFarrell born about 1924
BushGeneva born about 1923
BushHenry born about 1887
BushSadie born about 1892
BushVanio born about 1921
ByeEinar born about 1901

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C Surnames

CamersonJames born about 1882
CampbellJoel Tborn about 1882
CampbellOra Iborn about 1896
CarmichalFrancis born about 1936
CarmichalFrank born about 1905
CarmichalHelen born about 1910
ChacasMyrtle born about 1888
ChacasWilliam born about 1891
ChicabaJoseph born about 1895
ColeJohn Hborn about 1892
ComptonBion Hborn about 1857
ComptonJessie Eborn about 1879
CouchEffie Mborn about 1874
CouchJames Mborn about 1875
CraftElmira born about 1921
CraftGerald born about 1939
CraftLuelmer born about 1916
CraftMelbourne born about 1905

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D Surnames

DahlCharles born about 1884
DamitioArchibald born about 1896
DamitioEdward born about 1923
DamitioFrancis born about 1906
DamitioGerald born about 1934
DamitioGordon born about 1938
DamitioMildred born about 1895
DamitioRaymond born about 1928
DamitioRichard born about 1935
DamitioSylvester born about 1894
DeanBert born about 1887
DeanBessie born about 1889
DeanBurton born about 1921
DielorchAddie born about 1890
DielorchErnst born about 1890
DieterichDavid born about 1925
DieterichEdwin Gborn about 1886
DieterichHazel Gborn about 1894
DoeckHerbert born about 1911
DounsLaura Lborn about 1903
DounsWalter Hborn about 1891

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E Surnames

EkloffLambert Rborn about 1892
EshelmanDella born about 1885
EshelmanOscar Cborn about 1871

F Surnames

FinneyCharles Bborn about 1891
FinneyRichard born about 1927
FinneyViolet born about 1892
FisherBelle Mborn about 1880
FisherJohn Wborn about 1883
FreelandFred born about 1888
FrostJames born about 1933
FrostLucile born about 1914
FrostRonald born about 1934
FrostSpencer Jborn about 1911
FrostWayne born about 1939
FurlongEdward born about 1915
FurlongMarjorie born about 1918
FurlongVal Gborn about 1939

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G Surnames

GarrisonEddie born about 1909
GarrisonMaxine born about 1917
GarrisonThomas Bborn about 1873
GarrisonVirigina born about 1938
GibsonCharles born about 1921
GolmanDenny born about 1927
GolmanGrace born about 1893
GolmanJohn born about 1895
GolmanJohn Jr born about 1920
GustafsonGrant born about 1911

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H Surnames

HallAllen born about 1879
HallBarbara born about 1931
HallDewey born about 1899
HallDixie Leeborn about 1934
HallMary born about 1874
HallThomas born about 1927
HallViola born about 1907
HansenOlaf born about 1907
HantoSwan born about 1896
HartAlva born about 1881
HartJosephine born about 1888
HeathArletta born about 1927
HeathLora Jborn about 1896
HeathMervin Hborn about 1887
HeathRobert born about 1932
HeathThomas Fborn about 1892
HeathThomas Tborn about 1925
HolmquistHugo born about 1898
HolstadIngolf born about 1893
HudsonGeorge born about 1890
HughesDonna born about 1929
HughesJoan born about 1932
HughesLoren born about 1903
HughesMathilda born about 1902
HughesShirley born about 1935
HughesVyron born about 1930
HultgrenGust born about 1888

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I Surnames

IsaacsonDavid born about 1928
IsaacsonElven born about 1922
IsaacsonEmil Jborn about 1889
IsaacsonEster born about 1898

J Surnames

JensenBen born about 1871
JensenThola born about 1876
JohnsonFrank born about 1889

K Surnames

KafferlinMarshall born about 1907
KafferlinMildred born about 1904
KirtensenAksel born about 1880
KluzakMax born about 1904

L Surnames

LangabeerArthur born about 1880
LangabeerDella born about 1884
LangabeerFrank born about 1883
LangabeerRose born about 1885
LindholmAlpha born about 1901
LindholmCarl born about 1926
LindholmEdwin born about 1936
LindholmEvelyn born about 1931
LindholmHenry born about 1891
LindholmLila born about 1928
LindholmResia born about 1922
LindholmRichard born about 1920
LovikMatt born about 1875
LulichDaniel born about 1896

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M Surnames

MarrickOsmund born about 1889
MatovinaPete born about 1893
MauermannEmma born about 1885
McCutcheonJohn born about 1887
MeyersCharles Lborn about 1883
MillerEthel born about 1921
MillerHenry born about 1895
MillerMargeret born about 1896
MitchellHelen born about 1917
MitchellLynn born about 1910
MiullarleyJames born about 1875
MontgomeryPerry born about 1860
MurrayFrancis Hborn about 1905
MurrayJennie Oborn about 1872
MurrayNina born about 1907
MurrayPatrick Aborn about 1861
MurrayRita born about 1936
MusgroveBeulah born about 1900
MusgroveGuy Jborn about 1895
MyersBarbara born about 1927
MyersFern born about 1924
MyersIrene born about 1903

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O Surnames

OstergardAlbert born about 1912
OstergardAlbin born about 1914
OstergardBeverly born about 1936
OstergardHerman born about 1890
OstergardJohn born about 1886
OstergardJohn born about 1891
OstergardJohn born about 1938
OstergardLena born about 1891
OstergardTerry born about 1940
OstergardVivian born about 1918

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P Surnames

PearsonAmanda born about 1889
PearsonDelbert born about 1917
PearsonErnest Oborn about 1900
PearsonMargeret born about 1923
PearsonMaude born about 1900
PearsonWilliam born about 1920
PehrssonLouise born about 1907
PehrssonMarlene born about 1938
PlatzJohn Mborn about 1864
PorterHoarce Oborn about 1884
PorterKatherine born about 1886
PruferRobert born about 1892

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Q Surnames

QuinnJohn Fborn about 1884

R Surnames

RassmussonLettie born about 1868
RayAlbert born about 1883
RayNeomi born about 1935
RayNona born about 1903
ReedFrederick Cborn about 1882
ReynoldsErnest Gborn about 1917
RootSteven Eborn about 1891

S Surnames

SanicarAnton born about 1877
SchlegelFred born about 1894
ScottBarbara Leeborn about 1927
ScottEdward Jborn about 1925
ScottElla born about 1897
ScottElsie born about 1892
ScottJames born about 1924
ScottJennie Maeborn about 1900
SeedDelbert born about 1890

T Surnames

TaylorGrant Oborn about 1906
ThorntonSamuel born about 1914
TietzelBeulah born about 1913
TietzelJerry Leoborn about 1939
TietzelLucile born about 1933
ToddElnore born about 1914
TrentKelly born about 1907
TrentNicholas born about 1905
TurnerJake Nborn about 1880

V Surnames

VallenOrel Eborn about 1914
VaughnGertrude born about 1900
VoddenArthur born about 1883

W Surnames

WallinCarl born about 1878
WarnchJack born about 1918
WatsonEdward Eborn about 1869
WatsonMamie born about 1878
WaunchArchie born about 1922
WaunchJames born about 1933
WaunchJohn born about 1891
WaunchNellie born about 1896
WaunchOpal born about 1921
WaunchRaymond born about 1931
WheelerJames Hborn about 1868
WhitternAdran born about 1886
WicklandOtto Kborn about 1893
WilliamsBarbara Leeborn about 1934
WilliamsBarney born about 1890
WilliamsMandia born about 1896
WilliamsMary Ellenborn about 1903
WilliamsRebecca born about 1860
WilliamsThomas Hborn about 1862
WillowsWilliam born about 1901
WilsonBirger born about 1928
WilsonIsaacson born about 1881
WilsonMatilda born about 1879
WilsonPaul born about 1919
WolfElmer Eborn about 1864
WolfFrancis born about 1892
WolfJohn born about 1894
WoodJ Claytonborn about 1919

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Y Surnames

YoungWilliam born about 1857

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