1940 U.S. Federal Census of Brady, Grays Harbor, Washington

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Washington > Grays Harbor County > 1940 Census of Brady

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsHiram born about 1881
AndersonJessie Vborn about 1918
AndersonJohn Rborn about 1889
AndersonMabel Fborn about 1893
AugerElsie Vborn about 1929
AugerGracie Cborn about 1931
AugerJoann Nborn about 1933
AugerMinnie born about 1911

B Surnames

BarettAllen Vborn about 1932
BarettGeraldine born about 1930
BarrettAlford Hborn about 1888
BarrettBlanch Lborn about 1926
BarrettCleo Jborn about 1934
BarrettEarl Wborn about 1921
BarrettJesse Cborn about 1885
BarrettLeah Lborn about 1937
BarrettMargret born about 1889
BarrettMyrtle Lborn about 1893
BarrettMyrtle Mborn about 1915
BarrettOpal Lborn about 1938
BarrettRoscoe Lborn about 1912
BauchmanJohn born about 1921
BeaverRuth Aborn about 1896
BeaverWalter Rborn about 1886
BeikHilton Hborn about 1882
BeikMabel Fborn about 1885
BernAllthea Eborn about 1926
BernCharls Oborn about 1938
BernJean Hborn about 1896
BernJeannette Aborn about 1933
BernJerold Rborn about 1928
BernMazza Leeborn about 1939
BernMerle Eborn about 1936
BernMyrtle Eborn about 1906
BernRobert Jborn about 1925
BiggsEarl Jborn about 1904
BlomingdaleCarol Aborn about 1938
BlomingdaleEdger Hborn about 1913
BlomingdaleGeneva born about 1916
BodgettGladys Eborn about 1905
BodgettRaymond Mborn about 1935
BodgettVergil born about 1907
BombardAlace Cborn about 1920
BombardCharls born about 1879
BombardMattie Fborn about 1890
BossChrist born about 1886
BradyKeneth Vborn about 1912
BradyMarjorie born about 1916
BradyVictor Jborn about 1934
BrandsteadGunder born about 1878
BrandsteadLenard born about 1912
BrandstedEndre born about 1910
BrandstedRalph born about 1918
BransebaryAlbert Dborn about 1898
BransebaryLois Mborn about 1927
BransebaryLovia Mborn about 1904
BransebaryRobert Aborn about 1925
BuckinghamBessie Bborn about 1885
BuckinghamClaud Cborn about 1881
BuckinghamMargie Cborn about 1921
ButinGeorge Mayborn about 1920
ButinHoward Rborn about 1893
ButinLouis Lborn about 1917
ButinNina Oborn about 1892

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C Surnames

CardwelPaul born about 1920
CarlsonAxel Gborn about 1873
CarlsonJohn Aborn about 1875
CarterAmy Aborn about 1917
CarterBarbara Aborn about 1936
CarterPaul Rborn about 1909
CarterSharon Wborn about 1938
ChampagneAlbert born about 1892
ChampagneGabriel Jborn about 1923
ChampagneLaureette Mborn about 1926
ChampagneMerie Bborn about 1896
ChampagneTorance Aborn about 1921
ChapmanDavid Jborn about 1937
ChapmanMabel Aborn about 1914
ChapmanRoy Kborn about 1913
ChapmanRoy K Jrborn about 1932
ChismBradley born about 1895
ChismLloyd Fborn about 1923
ChismManeye Mborn about 1896
ColbyEdward born about 1933
CollettCathern Mborn about 1914
CollettGeorge Aborn about 1912
CollettGeorge Eborn about 1939
CollettShirley Aborn about 1935
CollittGeorge Cborn about 1886
CollittMyrtle Mborn about 1893
ComfortBarbara Jborn about 1938
ComfortEdward Cborn about 1939
ComfortHelen Sborn about 1909
ComfortJohn Wborn about 1905
ComfortMay Bborn about 1883
ComfortSidney Pborn about 1874
ConklinOpal Mborn about 1916
ConklinP Henryborn about 1906
CopelandMillie Aborn about 1889
CopelandSamuel Hborn about 1879
CragelHermon born about 1876
CrockerFrank Lborn about 1866

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D Surnames

DepewAnnie Jborn about 1902
DepewDave Jborn about 1913
DepewIsaac Rborn about 1899
DepewJames Dborn about 1922
DepewRobert Kborn about 1926
DierickEdward Jborn about 1937
DierickLouis Gborn about 1914
DierickMargarit born about 1919
DierickMuriel Fborn about 1916
DierickRobert Lborn about 1934
DuffyEdward Jborn about 1906
DuffyHelen Mborn about 1913
DuffyRodelle Dborn about 1937

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E Surnames

EllenbergerBonnjean born about 1931
EllenbergerDon Mborn about 1923
EllenbergerGertrude Dborn about 1892
EllenbergerMaurice born about 1894
EmbryHazel born about 1918
EmbryRichard born about 1935

F Surnames

FordCharls born about 1861
FordHattie born about 1887
FossDaisy born about 1881
FossLeigh Tborn about 1937
FossLester Aborn about 1912
FossLester A Jrborn about 1936
FossLillian Eborn about 1914
FossMerton Kborn about 1909
FosterEdward Fborn about 1863
FosterEva Mborn about 1922
FosterLue Rborn about 1888
FosterNina born about 1908
FosterThomas born about 1920
FosterThomas Rborn about 1890
FoxwellEdna Aborn about 1881
FoxwellElla Mborn about 1883
FreelandJohn Jborn about 1882
FreelandMurtle Mborn about 1891
FrostDaisy Kborn about 1915
FrostEarnest Jborn about 1887
FrostFrank Eborn about 1914
FrostIrene Kborn about 1940
FrostMary Rborn about 1889
FuguayJim born about 1925

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G Surnames

GastonMary Jborn about 1853
GertschEvertt Aborn about 1914
GibsonRalph Eborn about 1921
GleesonAgnes Kborn about 1934
GleesonAnna Lborn about 1895
GleesonEthel Mborn about 1894
GleesonEvelyn Aborn about 1899
GleesonFrancis Jborn about 1891
GleesonGertrude Mborn about 1925
GleesonJames Fborn about 1931
GleesonJames Rborn about 1884
GleesonMary born about 1860
GleesonPatricia born about 1929
GleesonThimothy born about 1887
GlennChristina born about 1885
GlennDonald Gborn about 1914
GlennEdwin Eborn about 1883
GlennElias born about 1880
GlennEmma Bborn about 1884
GlennFaye Rborn about 1898
GlennFrank born about 1874
GlennGertrude Sborn about 1886
GlennGilbert born about 1891
GlennGrace Lborn about 1914
GlennNorman born about 1923
GlennSylvia Bborn about 1895
GlennY Jamesborn about 1878
GoodrichMaggie born about 1867
GozartBetty Mborn about 1928
GozartEdward Fborn about 1920
GozartFrank born about 1891
GozartJoseph Mborn about 1918
GozartMary Aborn about 1900
GrahamDean born about 1909
GrahamJean Mborn about 1930
GrahamJohn Dborn about 1937
GrahamMary Aborn about 1911
GrahamVinnie born about 1886
GrahamWarren Rborn about 1938
GriffinAnna Eborn about 1882
GriffinBetty Lborn about 1927
GriffinEugene Tborn about 1916
GriffinMildred Iborn about 1931
GriffinPat Cborn about 1873
GruhnBen born about 1935
GruhnRosa born about 1907
GruhnTomas born about 1937
GruhnWalter born about 1906
GuilesCaroline born about 1874
GuilesJohn Wborn about 1876
GuilesOrville Cborn about 1914
GustofsonLeona Dborn about 1892
GustofsonOscar Rborn about 1893

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H Surnames

HallAgnas Mborn about 1871
HallChristopher born about 1865
HarrisClaud Eborn about 1890
HarrisLouis Eborn about 1888
HarrisMabel Eborn about 1892
HarrisMinnie Aborn about 1894
HelinKlars born about 1884
HemmingsenHalvor born about 1893
HemmingsenThelma Mborn about 1914
HendlerAlbert born about 1912
HendlerEdward born about 1922
HendlerJoseph born about 1915
HendlerPlas born about 1877
HendlerRosa born about 1883
HoeggVincent born about 1895
HollatzEdith Lborn about 1921
HollatzHarley Eborn about 1938
HollatzHenry Eborn about 1914
HoneaCharls Eborn about 1910
HoneaDouglas Cborn about 1935
HoneaEthel Pborn about 1937
HoneaNorma Gborn about 1910
HoraArther born about 1894
HoraBlanche born about 1898

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J Surnames

JaimesonCloud Pborn about 1893
JaimesonMatilda Hborn about 1900
JemmingsBob born about 1884
JewellEmma born about 1884
JohnsonEdith Mborn about 1892
JohnsonJoseph Vborn about 1890
JohnsonLenard Tborn about 1916
JohnsonRuth Gborn about 1921
JohnsonWalter Eborn about 1924
JonesLeona Mborn about 1916
JonesLouise Yborn about 1940
JonesTheron Hborn about 1935
JonesTheron Wborn about 1904
JoyceBetty Eborn about 1926
JoyceErwin Eborn about 1891
JoyceGertrud Eborn about 1898
JoyceMary Eborn about 1919

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K Surnames

KatzerEva Lborn about 1888
KatzerFrances Jborn about 1887
KatzerKathleen Mborn about 1928
KatzerLorin Jborn about 1919
KatzerMartin Cborn about 1922
KatzerMyron Jborn about 1925
KeithLettie Cborn about 1873
KeithRay Fborn about 1898
KellyBlair Fborn about 1906
KellyEvelyn Mborn about 1916
KermethWilloughby born about 1920
KestersonFanny Eborn about 1871
KestersonJames Bborn about 1860
KintzIda Bborn about 1886
KintzJohn Dborn about 1886

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L Surnames

LarsonGertrude born about 1888
LarsonJohn born about 1895
LarsonJohn born about 1908
LarsonLawrence born about 1916
LarsonLouis born about 1873
LarsonMilton born about 1922
LarsonSiebert born about 1918
LarsonViolet born about 1901
LeachKenneth born about 1908
LeitholdRobert born about 1918
LeroyCharlotte born about 1877
LeroyFrank born about 1871
LickissDale I Vborn about 1940
LickissIvan Cborn about 1916
LickissWinifred Eborn about 1908
LindleyEarnest Hborn about 1881
LindleyMinnie Aborn about 1886
LittleAgnes Mborn about 1881
LittleAnthony Wborn about 1877
LittleHarld Gborn about 1903
LittleLeibani Lborn about 1939
LittleLeo Wborn about 1906
LittleRoberta Lborn about 1913
LoganBetty Jborn about 1923
LoganEdith Mborn about 1897
LoganEveltn Lborn about 1939
LoganEvert Pborn about 1930
LoganGlen Lborn about 1932
LoganHelen Wborn about 1925
LoganJerry Wborn about 1936
LoganLaurence Rborn about 1926
LoganSamuel Jborn about 1896
LundstrumBetten Aborn about 1926
LundstrumCarl born about 1882
LundstrumHarold born about 1919
LundstrumMargret Hborn about 1924
LundstrumMary Cborn about 1885
LynnEdward Wborn about 1890
LynnLena Mborn about 1928
LynnLoretta Mborn about 1924
LynnNorma Aborn about 1894
LynnOscar Wborn about 1921
LynnRobert Aborn about 1933
LynnWillard born about 1926

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M Surnames

MackeyEva Mborn about 1908
MarcorNorma Leeborn about 1928
MarcorRay born about 1929
MathisLorene Rborn about 1926
MatsonMarie Mborn about 1894
MatsonPeter Hborn about 1896
MayoFred born about 1893
McDonaldAutro Louis Dborn about 1921
McDonaldDonald born about 1898
McDonaldHazel Cborn about 1897
McDonaldNelda Jborn about 1936
McGinnisHughs born about 1886
McHenryJames born about 1863
McIntiereLorence Lborn about 1888
McIntiereLudamary born about 1896
McIntiereMaxine born about 1923
McKenneyFanney Mborn about 1892
McKenneyMargrett born about 1923
MeisterImgrind born about 1928
MerrymanDelma born about 1907
MerrymanLee Bertborn about 1928
MerrymanVirginia Leeborn about 1926
MerserDora Eborn about 1882
MerserIrene Aborn about 1912
MerserOliver Gborn about 1881
MetzgerCarl Oborn about 1912
MetzgerLeola born about 1915
MetzgerWallace Gborn about 1939
MetzgerWesley Oborn about 1937
MinklerAnna Hborn about 1855
MinklerHarvey Cborn about 1852
MitchellGertrude Eborn about 1882
MitchellHiram Pborn about 1877
MitchellMortenor Hborn about 1883
MitchellOra Mborn about 1889
MorganEarl born about 1895
MorkBill born about 1874
MuellerLouis Rborn about 1892
MurphyDaniel born about 1881
MurphyEugene Aborn about 1925
MurphyGertrude born about 1889
MurphyJames Eborn about 1930
MurphyJohn Lborn about 1920
MurphyJoseph Dborn about 1921
MurphyJosephine Jborn about 1886
MurphyMichael Lborn about 1934
MurphyPatricia Jborn about 1926
MurphyWilliam Sborn about 1924
MustardDonald Hborn about 1923
MustardJames Eborn about 1924
MustardMargret born about 1869
MustardRobert Eborn about 1926
MustardStanley born about 1894
MustardVida Mborn about 1901

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N Surnames

NewcombTroythena born about 1882

P Surnames

ParkerKenenth Hborn about 1931
ParkerMaurice Dborn about 1905
ParkerMildred Jborn about 1907
ParksGertrude born about 1908
PattersonFred Wborn about 1893
PeeleErick born about 1884
PerkinsDorothy Mborn about 1904
PerkinsRoland Kborn about 1927
PettersonMaria born about 1920
PhillpsAmanda Cborn about 1888
PhillpsLe Roy Jborn about 1891
PowelEde born about 1916

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Q Surnames

QuimbyMyrtle Iborn about 1878

R Surnames

RayGerald born about 1890
RayIda born about 1862
RiceArthur born about 1924
RiceEarnest born about 1899
RiceLeona born about 1905
RiceVoilet born about 1925
RobertsArnold Cborn about 1930
RobertsClyde Jborn about 1907
RobertsEsther Mborn about 1934
RobertsViolet Mborn about 1911
RockwellAlmira Eborn about 1898
RockwellArthur Rborn about 1928
RockwellEleanor Rborn about 1926
RockwellHarry Rborn about 1924
RockwellJames Hborn about 1921
RockwellRupert Hborn about 1898
RogersAndrew Jborn about 1878
RogersLena Gborn about 1881
RomdoughSimeon born about 1865
RosebrokkEvelyn Dborn about 1883
RosebrokkFred Jborn about 1876
RovellaClarinda born about 1917

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S Surnames

SandburnShelton born about 1908
SargantGertrude born about 1913
SargantKathyrn Mborn about 1935
SargantLois Jborn about 1933
SargantLorance Tborn about 1911
SchmidtAlma Aborn about 1910
SchmidtCarrie born about 1883
SchmidtJohn born about 1868
ShawLucy born about 1879
ShawWalter born about 1871
SheltersArtir born about 1930
SheltersDoras born about 1918
SheltersJames born about 1895
SheltersMarrian born about 1920
SheltersMay born about 1923
SheltersSelma born about 1896
SmithAlbert Cborn about 1925
SmithAnn Eborn about 1874
SmithAnn Hborn about 1903
SmithBarba Jborn about 1927
SmithEmma Dborn about 1922
SmithEvarose Eborn about 1924
SmithIsaisa Eborn about 1876
SmithJulia Aborn about 1904
SmithLillian M Mileborn about 1904
SmithMardell Lborn about 1927
SmithMarit Cborn about 1904
SmithMerle born about 1894
SmithMyrtle Cborn about 1902
SmithOscar Eborn about 1885
SmithRobert Dborn about 1905
SmithStanley born about 1895
SmithStanley R Jrborn about 1929
SmithTeddie Rborn about 1922
StevensCora Aborn about 1883
SundbergHulda born about 1884
SundbergMartin Gborn about 1913

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T Surnames

ThomasEd Sborn about 1880
ThomasLouisa Sborn about 1886
ThompsonDoris Aborn about 1933
ThompsonElizabuth Cborn about 1911
ThompsonWilliam Lborn about 1904
ThrushBertha Oborn about 1882
ThrushDonna Mborn about 1925
ThrushGeorge Cborn about 1912
ThrushIrvin Lborn about 1920
ThrushLuther Mborn about 1902
ThrushNathan Fborn about 1909
TwideallDonovan Aborn about 1922
TwideallGeorge born about 1889
TwideallLaura Aborn about 1891
TwideallMary born about 1919
TwidwellMary Eborn about 1889
TwidwellMerritt born about 1881

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V Surnames

VanleerMilton Sborn about 1873
VanleerNellie born about 1885
VoigtAnna born about 1888
VoigtHugo born about 1885

W Surnames

WaltersAlbert Lborn about 1889
WaltersAlbert L Jrborn about 1918
WaltersElmer Cborn about 1912
WaltersMayme Aborn about 1914
WaltersPaul Cborn about 1925
WaltersRobert Lborn about 1921
WaltersRosa Lborn about 1883
WaltersWinifred Aborn about 1923
WebberBlanch born about 1908
WebberEber Jborn about 1890
WebberEber J Jrborn about 1921
WedekindDairus Bborn about 1908
WedekindJoyce Mborn about 1937
WedekindMinnie Bborn about 1911
WedekindRonald Dborn about 1935
WhartonCharls Oborn about 1878
WhartonEdward Georgeborn about 1913
WhartonJohn Aborn about 1876
WhartonKenneth Mborn about 1917
WhartonMargaret Eborn about 1882
WhartonWilliam Jborn about 1873
WhartonWilliam Jborn about 1908
WilliamsFrank Cborn about 1907
WilliasAlbert born about 1863
WilliasCharls Lborn about 1926
WilliasClarine Mborn about 1932
WilliasClinton Cborn about 1902
WilliasDale Cborn about 1899
WilliasDora Mborn about 1906
WilliasDoris Eborn about 1916
WilliasFrank Aborn about 1933
WilliasHoward Cborn about 1927
WilliasLetie born about 1876
WilliasMary Vborn about 1895
WilliasNorman Pborn about 1929
WilliasRalph Oborn about 1911
WilliasSilvia Vborn about 1910
WilliasViolet Jborn about 1931
WilliasWilber Oborn about 1918
WinterhalterLloyd born about 1911
WinterhalterMary Hborn about 1908
WitnerAlfred born about 1907
WitnerAlicia born about 1935
WitnerElla Cborn about 1886
WitnerMarvin Wborn about 1884
WitnerRose Aborn about 1910
WittDonald Eborn about 1934
WittIrene Eborn about 1909
WittIvan Eborn about 1907
WittMarvin Iborn about 1931
WoodDonald Hborn about 1923
WoodElizabeth born about 1884
WoodFrank Rborn about 1928
WoodGertrude Iborn about 1921
WoodHarld Wborn about 1904
WoodMamie Gborn about 1894
WoodMarion born about 1913
WoodMary Lborn about 1924
WoodWarren born about 1876
WoodWilfred Rborn about 1900
WornanClara Bborn about 1882
WornanElmer Oborn about 1917
WornanFrank Oborn about 1872
WornanJohn Jborn about 1913
WrothBen Rborn about 1900
WrothMary Cborn about 1909

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