1940 U.S. Federal Census of Carley, Benton, Washington

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Washington > Benton County > 1940 Census of Carley

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AbeYoshio born about 1916
AkinCharles born about 1909
AkiyamaKatsugo born about 1918
AllenFrank Bborn about 1925
AllenFred Hborn about 1902
AllenGeorge Bborn about 1929
AllenHoward born about 1940
AllenJean born about 1931
AllenJohn born about 1936
AllenMary Gborn about 1906
AllenPhyllis Mborn about 1923
AllingtonIva born about 1907
AokiShigenori* born about 1918
AokiTory?? born about 1918

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B Surnames

BaragesLorenzo born about 1902
BassDean Rborn about 1919
BassFrank Lborn about 1882
BassGenevieve born about 1910
BertlerAubrey born about 1908
BertlerDorotha born about 1911
BrionesPete born about 1905
BursonCecil born about 1912

C Surnames

CarleyElmy ???born about 1855
CarleyMyron Eborn about 1862
Castaneda??? born about 1901
ChristeusenHarold Jborn about 1904
CiselloBeltn born about 1908
CoenEarl born about 1899
ColarcoYoug born about 1916
CorleyAldine born about 1910
CorleyDale born about 1939
CorleyElmer Hborn about 1904
CorleyEverett born about 1906
CorleyRichard Wborn about 1935
CorleyWilliam Jborn about 1933
CotDaniel Jborn about 1910
CotEdith born about 1920

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D Surnames

DiazAlex born about 1898
DubackVictor Mborn about 1898

F Surnames

FaganDee born about 1904
FujitaShinzo born about 1890

G Surnames

GonzelsJoseph born about 1905
GossettGarold born about 1916
GuardadoThomas Aborn about 1906

H Surnames

HastingsDavid Mborn about 1899
HawadaTomoich born about 1890
HayaskiTomiji born about 1898
HinesJoseph Wborn about 1886
HiramatsuTsunetaro born about 1886
HixWilliam Bborn about 1905
HodgesWilliam born about 1904
HomatasGeorge Jborn about 1904
HoweJohn Fborn about 1908
HuntleyJoan Rborn about 1930

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I Surnames

IkedaMinora born about 1918
InouyeTomiji born about 1885
IredaWilliam Tborn about 1880
IridaYokata born about 1895
IsenvichLeonard born about 1899

K Surnames

KakishitaHeromi born about 1921
KatoJeiro born about 1886
KatoMasao born about 1878
KatsumotoKatsu born about 1880
KlapperichChaulk born about 1908
KobayaskiBeu Tborn about 1887
KotoCharles born about 1921
KukuckiMilssyoski born about 1918
KunHarry born about 1890

L Surnames

LasenEdward born about 1919
LastimogoAntonio born about 1891
LaudryJean Pborn about 1898
LavigneHerbert born about 1909
LeeTayou born about 1899
LesterAlexander Gborn about 1881
LevinGeorge Oborn about 1889
LiverLouis Wborn about 1917
LoringJack born about 1911
LutzAudrey born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MaalaJacinto Mborn about 1902
MacavintaJaime Cborn about 1913
MedinaFortune Sborn about 1899
MigasakiTorao born about 1887
MikawaTakagiro born about 1884
Mirikelma??? born about 1919

N Surnames

NakagawaTarra born about 1905
NotmanClyde Rborn about 1919

O Surnames

OharaHoward Aborn about 1908
Ohka??? born about 1921
OrdegoYenanco born about 1900
OrtegaRamon born about 1898
OshitaKoaru born about 1912
OtaSuljiro born about 1883

P Surnames

PadellaMiguel Bborn about 1900
ParsonRay born about 1911
PascualDonna Vborn about 1938
PascualEarl Cborn about 1900
PascualGloria Jborn about 1933
PascualVelma born about 1915
PayneWilliam Jborn about 1907
PiersonJessie Dborn about 1874
PowellWilliam Bborn about 1869

R Surnames

RameroRaymond born about 1901
RasgoEustaquio born about 1905
Read??? Fborn about 1905
RectorJeisse Fborn about 1895
RuppallRandella born about 1920

S Surnames

ScnziMakura born about 1901
SekigachiNao born about 1885
SimmonsErnest Lborn about 1915
StuartJack born about 1884

T Surnames

TaguchiTaro born about 1895
TakaharaKayoski born about 1915
TakasewsiNobuo born about 1919
TaloottHerbert born about 1900
TanakaYasuo born about 1920
TeraoSatoshi born about 1917
ToboranYmocitas born about 1902
TrengoveDewey Eborn about 1898
TrigallenTeodelo born about 1908

U Surnames

UrmaryFloyd born about 1912
UrmayErvin born about 1913

W Surnames

WidgrenGeorgia Gborn about 1901
WidgrenWilliard Wborn about 1897

Y Surnames

YabukiGeorge born about 1916
YamagesawaYosluhisa born about 1898
YamaguckiGeorge born about 1918
YamazuchiRoy born about 1920
YorifaueMerato born about 1901
Yoshihara??? born about 1890

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