1940 U.S. Federal Census of Columbia in Benton County, Benton, Washington

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Washington > Benton County > 1940 Census of Columbia in Benton County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames M Surnames N Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AllardDelia Mborn about 1875
AllardHartrell* Mborn about 1870
AllardSamuel born about 1862

B Surnames

BethuremHarry Lborn about 1891
BethuremRosabelle born about 1897
BruggemannLudwig W Aborn about 1939
BruggemannMary Eborn about 1915
BruggemannPaul born about 1899

C Surnames

CharlesJohn born about 1875
ChaseVern Mborn about 1887
CriesDonald Rborn about 1938
CriesElla Gborn about 1915
CriesJames Eborn about 1935
CriesLloyd Sborn about 1906
CriesMary Eborn about 1933
CriesShirley Lborn about 1936
CristCora born about 1901
CristLeroy born about 1893
CudskyAllen born about 1905

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E Surnames

EchanarrutaPablo born about 1900
EscureMarcos born about 1903
EvansFrank Pborn about 1891

F Surnames

FlaylerDella born about 1871
FlaylerIva Lborn about 1866
FryGertrude Kborn about 1881
FryLeslie Nborn about 1873

G Surnames

GramJohn born about 1891

H Surnames

HaardMary Aborn about 1892
HallVincent born about 1912
HamiltonFrank born about 1915
HamptonRobert Rborn about 1920
HanksElby born about 1873
HenaghenMalvin Tborn about 1923
HendersonThomas Jborn about 1864
HeperJohn Cborn about 1891

J Surnames

JohnsonWilliam Eborn about 1910

K Surnames

KnaubEarl Pborn about 1894
KnaubEmma Lborn about 1872
KnaubMarie born about 1904
KnauleFred Jborn about 1895
KnauleWilliam Rborn about 1898

M Surnames

MartinezManuel born about 1904
McGeeChester Lborn about 1895
McGeeClyde Eborn about 1896
McGeeDale Aborn about 1922
McGeeShirley Aborn about 1929
McMurryJesse Oborn about 1887
MilesDale Rborn about 1927
MilesJayvall born about 1933
MilesJohn born about 1899
MilesLauella born about 1920
MilesLaura born about 1922
MilesRees Jborn about 1925
MilesSarah Bborn about 1900
MitchellBetty Jborn about 1933
MitchellIva Lborn about 1937
MitchellLee Aborn about 1931
MitchellLuthur Aborn about 1886
MitchellRosa Eborn about 1900

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N Surnames

NelsonLoyal Sborn about 1911

R Surnames

RenzMiguel born about 1895
ReyesH born about 1894
RichmondAlice Jborn about 1919
RichmondBetty Jborn about 1923
RichmondJackson Pborn about 1873
RichmondMax Jborn about 1915
RichmondThomas Pborn about 1920
RomansAlbert Jborn about 1873
RomansInez Zborn about 1876

S Surnames

SchlesserEarnest Eborn about 1916
SchlesserHenry born about 1888
SchlesserRobert Kborn about 1880
SchunezFrank born about 1900
SharrahAlbert Vborn about 1915
SharrahAmy Eborn about 1914
SharrahBruce Rborn about 1937
SigurdsonJean Vborn about 1893
SigurdsonJohn Bborn about 1923
SigurdsonMary born about 1925
SigurdsonSamuel Sborn about 1932
SigurdsonThomas born about 1887
SigurdsonThomas Aborn about 1920
SinclairHelen Gborn about 1908
SinclairKenneth born about 1899
SteigleyChester born about 1921
StindtEffie Mborn about 1925
StindtJohn Dborn about 1929
StindtKenneth Cborn about 1935
StindtLeonard Hborn about 1901
StindtLeonard Lborn about 1927
StindtLola Mborn about 1905
StindtLyer Dborn about 1940
StindtRobert Dborn about 1932
StingleyBud born about 1916
StrackHans Wborn about 1882

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T Surnames

TapscottDale Vborn about 1920

U Surnames

UrrutiaAnastasia born about 1896

W Surnames

WagnerEdna Fborn about 1915
WagnerEmil born about 1915
WagnerEmil Dborn about 1935
WagnerMary born about 1937
WasserfurthHerbert born about 1905
WillsGerry Aborn about 1886
WillsMarguerite born about 1897
WrencheyBarbra Mborn about 1938
WrencheyBernice Cborn about 1927
WrencheyGenevieve Hborn about 1909
WrencheyGeo Aborn about 1898
WrencheyMarvin Rborn about 1936
WrightCharles Sborn about 1940
WrightGlen Jborn about 1900
WrightGlen Pborn about 1929
WrightMichael Gborn about 1932
WrightPatricia Nborn about 1909
WrightWilliam Eborn about 1935

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Z Surnames

ZargerEdward Oborn about 1911

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