1940 U.S. Federal Census of Dryad, Lewis, Washington

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Washington > Lewis County > 1940 Census of Dryad

A SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesQ Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesR Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesS Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesT Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesZ Surnames

A Surnames

AllisonCharles Fborn about 1885
AllisonHerbert Lborn about 1920
AllisonInez Mborn about 1887
AllisonRex Cborn about 1918
AndersonWilliam Hborn about 1884

B Surnames

BellingerCharles born about 1849
BennettCharles born about 1878
BennettFrank born about 1926
BennettLaura born about 1894
BokerDorothy born about 1923
BokerEddie born about 1916
BokerFloyd Cborn about 1889
BokerLaura born about 1893
BorgDick born about 1888
BorgLenora born about 1904
BorgPeter Nborn about 1890
BrabecFrank born about 1866
BrabecMansford born about 1908
BrabecMartha born about 1903
BrownAllen born about 1932
BrownArthur born about 1927
BrownGarnet Oborn about 1887
BrownIda born about 1929
BrownJoseph born about 1930
BrownMarie born about 1899
BrownRuth born about 1934
BrownWillfred born about 1925
BushHelen born about 1931
BushVera born about 1933
BushWilliam born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

ClintonFrank born about 1923
CoffmanBeulah Mborn about 1930
CoffmanClifford born about 1902
CoffmanElla born about 1906
CoffmanEvelyn Rborn about 1927
CoffmanGrace Mborn about 1925
CoffmanMarie Vborn about 1924
CoxCora born about 1897
CoxDelbert born about 1930
CoxEd born about 1894
CoxGene born about 1925
CoxGybil born about 1920
CoxRuth born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DavisAlice born about 1895
DavisByrl born about 1890
DavisEarl born about 1926
DavisEdral born about 1922
DavisEva born about 1920
DavisIsaac Bborn about 1890
DavisLe Roy born about 1924
DellJerry born about 1928
DellMarie born about 1929
DokterEythel born about 1897
DokterLewis Jborn about 1887
DoomsClarence born about 1929
DoomsDauretta born about 1939
DoomsDorothy born about 1925
DoomsEdna born about 1931
DoomsElla Mborn about 1881
DoomsEythl born about 1934
DoomsLewis born about 1879
DoomsMargaret born about 1903
DoomsThelma born about 1927
DoomsTroy Eborn about 1901
DriverClayton born about 1935
DriverDavid Eborn about 1911
DriverDavid Sr born about 1887
DriverEldah born about 1921
DriverJola born about 1920
DriverLewis born about 1932
DriverNina born about 1890
DriverNina born about 1922
DriverOliver born about 1925
DriverRaymond born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EllioteGerald Kborn about 1936
EllioteHazel Lborn about 1917
EllioteJames Eborn about 1937
EllioteJerome Kborn about 1914

F Surnames

FitzgeraldCuma born about 1937
FitzgeraldVelma born about 1911
FitzgeraldWilliam born about 1937

G Surnames

GatiaAvalon born about 1932
GatiaAvery born about 1925
GatiaCharles born about 1896
GatiaGrace born about 1902
GatiaLavonna born about 1935
GatiaLeonard born about 1921
GatiaRonald born about 1937
GirroskiAlvin born about 1925
GirroskiEdward born about 1930
GirroskiJoe born about 1893
GirroskiJosephine born about 1933
GirroskiLeo born about 1939
GirroskiVerona born about 1908
GlossinJames born about 1867
GlossinMillie born about 1860
GlubaEddie born about 1923
GlubaFrancis born about 1882
GlubaJohn Jborn about 1914
GlubaWanda born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HeathCharlotte born about 1866
HeathGeorge born about 1861
HelvieBarbara born about 1931
HelvieGilbert born about 1927
HelvieIda Aborn about 1908
HelvieLeon born about 1938
HelvieLeon Vborn about 1894
HelvieLeona born about 1938
HelvieMelvin born about 1935
HerdtMargaret born about 1875
HoffmanHenry born about 1926
HoffmanMarie born about 1897
HoffmanRichard born about 1897
HolmesBilly Janeborn about 1928
HolmesDarrel born about 1935
HolmesGladys born about 1931
HolmesShirley born about 1933
HolmesWilliam born about 1902
HolmesZorah born about 1910
HopperMartha born about 1872
HowardBessie born about 1918
HowardBetty Louborn about 1927
HowardDavid born about 1925
HowardEdward born about 1912
HowardJasper born about 1888
HowardKate born about 1886
HowardMonty born about 1936
HowardPaul born about 1919
HowardPeggy born about 1938
HowardRosalie born about 1929
HowellElmer born about 1903
HowellEmma born about 1906
HowellJessie born about 1874
HowellNathan born about 1931
HowellRay born about 1907
HowellThomas born about 1861
HowellWayne born about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JohnsonJacob Hborn about 1881
JohnsonWilda born about 1921
JoyceLawerence Jborn about 1880

K Surnames

KarboskiCarl born about 1935
KarboskiFrank born about 1937
KarboskiHelen born about 1927
KarboskiJoe born about 1891
KarboskiJoe born about 1928
KarboskiJohn born about 1930
KarboskiWanda born about 1910

L Surnames

LarsonLena born about 1892
LarsonLoyd born about 1888
LemleyClarence born about 1892
LewisGertrude Eborn about 1877
LinnGeorge Pborn about 1895
LinnNola born about 1896
LunkeBessie born about 1908

M Surnames

MauermannCharles born about 1876
MauermannVera born about 1885
MayerTellie born about 1863
McCaldenElenora born about 1919
McCaldenEllie born about 1882
McCaldenGordon born about 1923
McCleeryJames born about 1911
McCleeryLouise born about 1914
McCoyDorothy born about 1919
McCoyEllen born about 1939
McCoyGay born about 1935
McCoyKenneth born about 1937
McCoyOrrie born about 1914
McDonaldJohn born about 1880
McDonaldMargaret born about 1885
McMillienJack born about 1917
McMillienJacqueline born about 1940
McMillienLillian Mborn about 1893
McMillienRalph Lborn about 1890
MiddaughHenry Eborn about 1883
MillerDan born about 1939
MillerEdward born about 1926
MillerFielden born about 1923
MillerJames Cborn about 1893
MillerJaquiline born about 1905
MillerJohn Gborn about 1869
MillerJoseph Hborn about 1896
MillerPatsy born about 1932
MillerRosebelle born about 1895
MillerRuby born about 1902
MillerWilliam Kborn about 1894
MorrisBetty Jeanborn about 1930
MorrisGene born about 1904
MorrisShirley born about 1934
MorrisThelma born about 1904
MullerJune born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NelsonEdwin born about 1933
NelsonGeorge born about 1916
NelsonHarold born about 1922
NelsonHarry born about 1924
NelsonLeda Maeborn about 1930
NelsonNellie born about 1892
NelsonWillard born about 1894

O Surnames

OnnBarbara born about 1897
OnnHarry Bborn about 1881
OnnLarry Eborn about 1918
OnnPorter born about 1926
OnnRoberta born about 1922

P Surnames

PerogAgnes born about 1931
PerogCarl born about 1905
PerogCarl born about 1936
PerogLulu born about 1909
PerogMartha born about 1929
PerryBarbara born about 1939
PerryHelen born about 1912
PerryMaye born about 1908
PerryRobert born about 1932
PilzAnna Mborn about 1867
PilzJohn Wborn about 1905
PilzWanzel born about 1853

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuatermanWalter born about 1877

R Surnames

RatkieAnnabelle born about 1936
RatkieCharles Wborn about 1904
RatkieFrank born about 1909
RatkieLouise born about
RatkieLouise Wborn about 1874
RatkieLynda born about 1939
RatkieMildred born about 1915
RatkiePatricia born about 1936
RatkiePaul born about 1911
RatkiePauline born about 1937
RatkieRobert born about 1934
RatkieStanley born about 1876
RatkieSylvia Mborn about 1915
RatkieVictor born about 1937
RatkieViolet born about 1917
RichardsonStella born about 1874
RiggeRamona born about 1933
RobinsonEarl born about 1911
RobinsonOlive born about 1908
RogersFlorence Eborn about 1916

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S Surnames

SchmidtConstance born about 1928
SchmidtErwin born about 1904
SchmidtJacquelyn born about 1931
SchmidtMae born about 1910
SchmidtMarilyn born about 1937
SkidmoreJohonnie born about 1920
SkidmoreLee born about 1883
SkidmoreMillie born about 1882
SnodgrassClarence born about 1926
SnodgrassClyde born about 1895
SnodgrassDonald born about 1920
SnodgrassIvan born about 1923
SnodgrassLois born about 1897
SorgAlma born about 1918
SorgAnna born about 1875
SorgErvwin born about 1926
SorgHenry born about 1874
SorgMarie born about 1915
SpeakarFrank born about 1865
StogerChester Aborn about 1886
StogerLois born about 1891
SutterHenry Cborn about 1885
SutterJulia Eborn about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorJanet born about 1868
TaylorMargaret born about 1909
ThorpLenna born about 1897
ThorpRobert born about 1889
TylerCharles born about 1901
TylerJessie born about 1902

W Surnames

WeeseLorenzo born about 1871
WeeseOllie born about 1904
WeeseWilliam Mborn about 1904
WeeseWillis Eborn about 1896
WileyDavid born about 1873
WoosterAllen born about 1894
WoosterIda born about 1904
WoosterLillian born about 1930
WoosterLois born about 1932
WoosterPerry born about 1936
WoosterRodney born about 1915
WoosterVirginia born about 1927
WorkmanBetty born about 1921
WorkmanLexie born about 1890
WorkmanRichard born about 1926
WorkmanRobert Aborn about 1886

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZucattiAnnabelle born about 1932
ZucattiEugene born about 1928
ZucattiGlen born about 1930
ZucattiLena born about 1923
ZucattiNormand born about 1935
ZucattiPaul Paborn about 1895
ZuccattiPaul born about 1866
ZuccattiVictoria born about 1889

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