1940 U.S. Federal Census of East Hamilton, Skagit, Washington

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Washington > Skagit County > 1940 Census of East Hamilton

A SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesN Surnames
G SurnamesO Surnames

A Surnames

AmburgeyEmert Williamborn about 1925
AmburgeyLester Bborn about 1908
AmburgeyLouise born about 1888
AmmonsShirley born about 1909

B Surnames

BearBetty born about 1931
BearConnie Eborn about 1906
BearF Oborn about 1908
BearRichard Wborn about 1933
BettyFrances born about 1924
BlandWalter Jborn about 1915
BohlaidOscar born about 1859
BolingElsie born about 1916
BrandoCarmen Roseborn about 1938
BrandoDolores Loraineborn about 1928
BrandoElla born about 1909
BrandoNick born about 1901
BrandoVincina Mborn about 1926
BridgerEthel Fborn about 1890
BridgerEugene Rborn about 1925
BridgerJane Beverlyborn about 1922
BridgerO born about 1888
BridgerWilfred born about 1915
BrysonFloyd born about 1915
BrysonJester born about 1869
BurnsAda Fborn about 1897
BurnsHenry Wborn about 1887
BurnsNellie Aborn about 1920
BurnsRobert Hborn about 1914
ByrdCarter born about 1907
ByrdClara Edwardborn about 1938
ByrdJohn born about 1909
ByrdLeo Carterborn about 1933
ByrdLuellen Eborn about 1888
ByrdReulat born about 1913
ByredWilliam born about 1883

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C Surnames

CapaanGregory Nielsonborn about 1939
CapaanJohn born about 1911
CapaanJohn Fredrickborn about 1937
CapaanRuth Eborn about 1913
CarpenterEuel born about 1918
CatheyDorothy born about 1925
CatheyHazel Lborn about 1903
CatheyPhyllis Iborn about 1922
CatheyVance Aborn about 1927
CatheyWillma Fborn about 1930
ChambersChas Aborn about 1935
ChambersChas Jborn about 1913
ChambersGrath B Vborn about 1938
ChambersMytle Ireneborn about 1915
ChambersVernon Eborn about 1939
ChurchRobert Cborn about 1879
ClarkEmma Mborn about 1902
ClarkL Fborn about 1901
ConverceEva born about 1910
CookBarbara Lborn about 1935
CookChas Eborn about 1907
CookDella Lborn about 1916
CookHerron born about 1901
CookJ Colleenborn about 1925
CookJames Eborn about 1939
CookJohn Aborn about 1889
CookMinnie born about 1890
CookTom Fborn about 1895
CopeGaczue Aborn about 1937
CopeHenry born about 1910
CopeYvola Virginiaborn about 1911
CostaFrancy born about 1927
CostaGeorge born about 1926
CostaIleen born about 1925
CostaJohn born about 1885
CostaJohn Jr born about 1921
CostaKathleen Rborn about 1923
CostaMary born about 1885
CrowLauch Bborn about 1937

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D Surnames

DalrympleC born about 1909
DalrympleFred Samuelborn about 1917
DalrympleJesse Eborn about 1921
DalrympleObra Mborn about 1889
DalrympleWiley Aborn about 1925
DavesEthel born about 1892
DavesJack born about 1893
DexterDale Rborn about 1934
DexterFlorence Fborn about 1866
DexterIvan Jborn about 1924
DexterMark Wborn about 1867
DexterMattie Vborn about 1903
DexterMinnie Eborn about 1917
DexterRalph Bborn about 1903
DexterStanley Eugeneborn about 1939
DexterWarren Kborn about 1927
DexterWayne Mborn about 1912
DillJ Robertborn about 1914
DuvallErnest Guyborn about 1926
DuvallFrances Almaborn about 1905
DuvallGuy born about 1898
DuvallRobert Normanborn about 1925

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E Surnames

EdgarDonna Josephineborn about 1935
EdgarHenry Mborn about 1909
EdgarJoyce Anneborn about 1939
EdgarMary Eborn about 1868
EdgarMaude Eborn about 1910
EdwardsLester Cborn about 1908
EdwardsRose Lborn about 1913
EichholtzFredic Claytonborn about 1930
EichholtzMary Janeborn about 1896
EichholtzT Sborn about 1881
EichholtzThomas Scott Jrborn about 1928
EllenbergerArthur Vborn about 1922
EllenbergerGertrude born about 1891
EricksonCarl Johnborn about 1878
EvansAllice born about 1919
EvansFrank Andrewborn about 1939
EvansThomas Hborn about 1917
EvansValerie Leeborn about 1938

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F Surnames

FalknerJack Williamborn about 1910
FalknerMary Evichborn about 1915
FisherDenice Sharonborn about 1938
FisherHerbert born about 1911
FisherJoan Marieborn about 1939
FisherVivian born about 1914
FloydElizabeth born about 1876
FloydJames Tborn about 1899

G Surnames

GalbreathArthur born about 1920
GalbreathElmer Gborn about 1917
GalbreathFrances Mborn about 1890
GalbreathFrank Aborn about 1887
GalbreathPhyllis L Rborn about 1923
GarlandElizabeth Bborn about 1889
GarlandLee Bborn about 1910
GarlandRobert Lborn about 1882
GreenG Aborn about 1888

H Surnames

HaightChristopher born about 1863
HamiltonMaude born about 1873
HaysIra Aborn about 1860
HendryDouglas Normanborn about 1937
HendryGilbert Rborn about 1914
HendryMaude Hborn about 1918
HinshawHellen Lborn about 1907
HinshawHerald Hborn about 1905
HinshawJanice born about 1937
HinshawJoyce Marieborn about 1927
HinshawVirginia Mayborn about 1929
HodginAlbert Mborn about 1932
HodginBeatrice Fborn about 1911
HodginC Dborn about 1905
HodginGrace Cborn about 1906
HodginJuen Beverlyborn about 1936
HodginMartin Gborn about 1928
HodginNels Jborn about 1908
HodginRichard Nborn about 1934
HoltonLester born about 1876
HottellAlbert Jborn about 1893
HottellAlva Jborn about 1893
HottellJas born about 1853

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J Surnames

JacobinAda born about 1889
JacobinFrank born about 1882
JacobinGlayds born about 1923
JacobinJoe Kborn about 1910
JacobinJohn Jborn about 1912
JensenAxel Lborn about 1904
JensenJoan Fborn about 1935
JensenNeil Lborn about 1932
JensenPhyllis Aborn about 1913
JensenRoy Pborn about 1937
JewellRaymond Eborn about 1917
JewellVilmae born about 1921
JewettCharles Lborn about 1926
JewettChas Fborn about 1905
JewettJerry Deanborn about 1934
JewettLavaun born about 1927
JewettNellie Lborn about 1907
JordanGrace Mborn about 1900
JordanJohn born about 1915
JungbluthHellen born about 1910
JungbluthRay born about 1900

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K Surnames

KiserJ Bborn about 1893
KlingerHellen Mborn about 1912
KlingerKeneth Royborn about 1939
KlingerL Lborn about 1905
KnippelLouise Vborn about 1916
KnippelVerdun Aborn about 1918
KnippelZilpha born about 1896
KowalPatrica born about 1925

L Surnames

LarkinsTed born about 1880
LindDiane Lorraneborn about 1935
LindHarold Aborn about 1905
LindPearl Eborn about 1905
LindWayne born about 1939
LundyFrank Jborn about 1904
LundyOlley born about 1880
LundyTate born about 1873
LundyWilliam Rborn about 1902
LutonBessie Dborn about 1886
LutonMary Reaborn about 1931
LutonRobert Bruceborn about 1923

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M Surnames

MaineBarbara Jborn about 1937
MaineFlorence Lborn about 1909
MaineGuy E Srborn about 1894
MapilleBetty Janeborn about 1927
MapilleChas Leoborn about 1930
MapillePearl Lborn about 1910
MapilleRalph born about 1912
MastJack born about 1926
MastLavern born about 1929
MastMarie born about 1901
MastO Jborn about 1894
MathisAlvin Wborn about 1933
MathisClifton Rayborn about 1939
MathisCole born about 1876
MathisJay Tborn about 1936
MathisNora Annborn about 1909
MathisRaymond Dborn about 1938
MathisSusie Vborn about 1927
MathisT Rborn about 1904
McCahenKate Mborn about 1890
McCaulleyAlice Bborn about 1919
McCaulleyE M Eborn about 1913
McClureR Lborn about 1910
McClureThelma Pborn about 1912
McGahaIda born about 1900
McKanlessM Clydeborn about 1907
McKechnieJ Aborn about 1891
McKechnieJessie Jborn about 1893
McKersonJoe Wborn about 1924
MericleFrances Lborn about 1921
MericleHugh born about 1916
MetcalfElmer Lewisborn about 1940
MetcalfIrene Mborn about 1913
MetcalfRobert Bborn about 1934
MetcalfRobert Hborn about 1912
MetcalfWadine Aborn about 1932
MetcalfWalter Aborn about 1938
MetcalfWilliam Fborn about 1935
MetclafCharles born about 1935
MetclafLeland born about 1932
MetclafMary Janeborn about 1912
MetclafSidney born about 1910
MetclafStanley Bborn about 1938
MetclafWillard born about 1933
MooreJames Rborn about 1896
MooreMary Mborn about 1860
MooreSamuel Cborn about 1882
MorganAlva Lborn about 1898
MorganHellen Iborn about 1926
MorganKenneth Wborn about 1932
MorganLloyd Wborn about 1937
MorganVerta Lborn about 1904
MuscherFrances Eborn about 1924
MuscherHarold Mborn about 1921
MuscherHilda born about 1897
MuscherJohn Jborn about 1888

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N Surnames

NealleyDiane La Verneborn about 1939
NealleyH Aborn about 1914
NealleyLaverne Lborn about 1915
NielsonFred Pborn about 1892
NielsonMyron Fborn about 1923
NielsonNellie Eborn about 1894
NorrisBenjamin Fborn about 1903
NorrisBenny Leeborn about 1939
NorrisJoan born about 1938
NorrisMabel born about 1915
NorrisPal Gborn about 1899
NowochinDolores Jeanborn about 1930
NowochinJohn Hborn about 1901
NowochinLillian Mborn about 1908

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O Surnames

OharaDenis Geoborn about 1930
OharaGeo born about 1889
OharaHazel born about 1896
OharaRoxey born about 1886
OthaAnnie born about 1918
OthaRay born about 1938
OthaRosetta born about 1936
OthaSelf born about 1912

P Surnames

PallBertha Eborn about 1919
PallDoris Oliveborn about 1939
PallFelix Aborn about 1908
ParkerBertie born about 1923
ParkerDoyle born about 1925
ParkerGertie Mayborn about 1928
ParkerGertrude born about 1876
ParkerHazel Vborn about 1892
ParkerHernie born about 1903
ParkerMartha Janeborn about 1922
ParkerMaynard Jborn about 1909
ParkerRay Cborn about 1920
ParkerRoy Jborn about 1899
ParkerWilliam Vborn about 1919
PenceM Oborn about 1861
PenceW Bborn about 1865
PenelliDaniel born about 1920
PenelliElizabeth born about 1876
PenelliJames born about 1913
PenelliJohn Jborn about 1912
PenelliJoseph born about 1918
PenelliLois Mborn about 1935
PenelliMarie born about 1914
PenelliRuby Wborn about 1914
PenelliVirginia Mborn about 1931
PoeJessie Cborn about 1915
PoeJoseph Rborn about 1873
PoeWilliam born about 1917
PopeJos Wborn about 1909
PopeLillian born about 1919
PriceJames born about 1914
PutnamC Mborn about 1882
PutnamRebeca born about 1882

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R Surnames

RathvonDorothy Marieborn about 1932
RathvonE??? born about 1889
RathvonEthel Mayborn about 1924
RathvonGlen Clarkborn about 1938
RathvonHoward Peterborn about 1930
RathvonJohn Edgarborn about 1925
RathvonMark Allenborn about 1936
RathvonRichard Grantborn about 1939
RathvonRosie Cborn about 1900
RathvonRoy Lewisborn about 1929
RathvonViolet Lucileborn about 1934
RaymondEvlyn Bborn about 1890
RaymondHerman born about 1888
RaymondHobart Eborn about 1924
RellingOlive born about 1911
RichardsTom born about 1885
RichardsonChas born about 1887
RichardsonDaisy Eborn about 1909
RichardsonGlennb born about 1911
RichardsonJosie born about 1892
RichelJohn born about 1888
RisnerCana Aborn about 1889
RisnerWalter Bborn about 1927
RisnerWilliam Hborn about 1889
RisseHenry Jborn about 1899
RisseJohn born about 1907
RobinsonAnna born about 1880
RogersLeeroy Rborn about 1915
RoperDeleda Aborn about 1920
RoperGlen Eborn about 1916
RoperNancy Cborn about 1939
RosecrantsClifford Lborn about 1928
RosecrantsL Aborn about 1899
RosecrantsNellie Eborn about 1904
RosecrantsNorman Eborn about 1932
RothMary Aliceborn about 1874
RusselLawrence Dborn about 1900
RussellFred Cborn about 1893
RutledgeEileen Vborn about 1934
RutledgeGrace Marieborn about 1912
RutledgeJohn Eborn about 1912
RutledgeMarian Gborn about 1931

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S Surnames

SchroderFrances born about 1856
SchroderMatthias born about 1865
SchulzeAlvin Marvinborn about 1924
SchulzeBomey Easterborn about 1933
SchulzeDella Fborn about 1926
SchulzeEvertt Jborn about 1921
SchulzeGordan Lborn about 1931
SchulzeGrace Wborn about 1928
SchulzeGracie Aborn about 1900
SchulzeHerbert Mborn about 1930
SchulzeHerbert Rborn about 1888
SchulzeMary Louseborn about 1935
SchulzeRalph Sborn about 1936
SchulzeRoleen Wborn about 1920
SchulzeWilbert Albertborn about 1940
SchulzeWilmitta Lborn about 1923
ScoutilisLouis born about 1889
SeabloomEdward Wborn about 1931
SeabloomEmma Jborn about 1895
SeabloomJ Eborn about 1894
SeabloomJean Lborn about 1920
SeabloomM Gailborn about 1924
Shannon??? Eborn about 1865
ShannonAllice born about 1890
ShannonDale Rborn about 1939
ShannonDarlene Mborn about 1937
ShannonDe Witt born about 1884
ShannonDorothy born about 1900
ShannonInda Hborn about 1912
ShannonJohn Lborn about 1927
ShannonMargaret Bborn about 1881
ShannonRobert Aborn about 1892
ShannonRobert Cborn about 1911
ShannonRobert Fborn about 1916
SheerAlton Eborn about 1934
SheerDouglas Dborn about 1910
SheerVelma Vborn about 1915
ShellhamerPhoebe born about 1927
SlipperF Gborn about 1871
SlipperGertrude Mborn about 1881
SmithCatherine Eborn about 1857
SmithChas Richardborn about 1936
SmithDewey born about 1899
SmithElaine Henriettaborn about 1934
SmithEugene Carlborn about 1929
SmithFrances E Eborn about 1906
SmithFrank Bborn about 1868
SmithIrving Hborn about 1896
SmithMargaret Carolynborn about 1937
SmithMary Janeborn about 1895
SmithSarah Francesborn about 1872
SmithViola Marjorieborn about 1917
SparksMary Rborn about 1873
SparksMelvin Eborn about 1911
SparksW Jborn about 1870
SteenJohanna born about 1871
SteenJohn Mborn about 1908
SteenLeta Rborn about 1910
SteenMartin Jborn about 1906
SteenT Mborn about 1872
SteenTheron Jborn about 1910
StephensEttie Mborn about 1895
StephensIrene Hellenborn about 1919
StephensIris Eborn about 1923
StephensM Robertborn about
StephensSidney born about 1892
StephensThelma Gborn about 1925
StevensCarry born about 1918
StevensDorace born about 1937
StevensEdna Darlineborn about 1939
StevensJohn born about 1917
StevensLouise born about 1936
SuttonArville Jborn about 1931
SuttonBettie Cborn about 1928
SuttonDaniel Rborn about 1939
SuttonIlie Jborn about 1909
SuttonIrvin Oborn about 1933
SuttonMax Wborn about 1936
SuttonRobert Oborn about 1902
SwettenamAgnes born about 1919
SwettenamEvelyn Aborn about 1894
SwettenamH Cborn about 1886
SwettenamRobert Sborn about 1922
SwettenamW Gborn about 1915

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T Surnames

ThomasAmeta Coraborn about 1924
ThomasJohn Lborn about 1884
ThomasKattie Kborn about 1886

W Surnames

WolfeDorris Lborn about 1917
WolfeRalph Oborn about 1912
WoodBernice Vborn about 1925
WoodElvia Hborn about 1887
WoodGeorgian born about 1913
WoodH Gborn about 1908
WoodJ Hborn about 1878
WoodMytle Louiseborn about 1935
WoodPhilip Gordonborn about 1939
WoodSharon Marleneborn about 1936
WorellSam born about 1862

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