1940 U.S. Federal Census of Eler, Grays Harbor, Washington

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Washington > Grays Harbor County > 1940 Census of Eler

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbrahamGenevieve Mborn about 1919
AbrahamHenry Gborn about 1912
AbrahamLarry Hborn about 1938
ArndtMarguerite Fborn about 1884
AsburyFlora born about 1892
AsburyRalph Eborn about 1895
AsplundAxel born about 1917

B Surnames

BarrettWilliam born about 1890
BegronGarold born about 1900
BegronGrace Lborn about 1897
BegronWilliam Tborn about 1933
BelticoElizabeth born about 1892
BelticoJohn born about 1917
BelticoMargery Vborn about 1933
BelticoOlga born about 1922
BelticoPhilip born about 1888
BlackmoreElizabeth Cborn about 1915
BlackmoreJessie Bborn about 1875
BlackmoreJessie Eborn about 1920
BlackmoreMargaret Kborn about 1907
BlackmoreNorman Sborn about 1908
BlackmoreSam Aborn about 1919
BlackmoreSteven Nborn about 1910
BlackmoreThomas Aborn about 1913
BloomfieldWalter Sborn about 1884
BowersCassie Mborn about 1876
BowersEdgar Cborn about 1918
BowersEdger Iborn about 1894
BowersThelma Sborn about 1895
BoydGail Nborn about 1905
BoydGeorge born about 1869
BoydHallie Vborn about 1923
BoydLoretta Jborn about 1925
BoydMallie Eborn about 1905
BoydNeil Aborn about 1932
BoydShirley Kborn about 1922
BridgesWilliam Dborn about 1917
BrownAlverne Gborn about 1927
BrownAnna Mborn about 1895
BrownArthur Jborn about 1874
BrownGrace Mborn about 1924
BrownLaurence Tborn about 1909
BrownNina born about 1915
BunchAlbert Lborn about 1911
BunchCharles Lborn about 1916
BunchLynn Rborn about 1939
BunchRonald Aborn about 1937
BunchSarah Eborn about 1919
BunchSeth born about 1885
BurnsGeorge Wborn about 1862
ByngClifford born about 1908
ByramMargaret born about 1889

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C Surnames

CarnineMinnie born about 1872
CarnineThomas Aborn about 1868
ColquhorenCharlotte Hborn about 1871
ColquhorenVirginia Sborn about 1921
CoomerLawrence Eborn about 1891
CooperAnna Sborn about 1886
CooperLindsey Mborn about 1888
CooperLynndale born about 1933
CooperRay Fborn about 1927
CooperWayne Wborn about 1919
CrippenDonald Wborn about 1939
CrippenDorothy Gborn about 1909
CrippenGeorge born about 1910
CrowellErnest Bborn about 1887
CrowellGeorgia Eborn about 1890
CunninghamAnne born about 1912
CunninghamBillie Lborn about 1931

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D Surnames

DeagonHarry Lborn about 1902
DewelsChester Dborn about 1902
DewelsDean Hborn about 1938
DewelsHarold Lborn about 1930
DewelsMargaret Aborn about 1924
DewelsMyrtle Kborn about 1905
DewelsRalph Lborn about 1927
DewelsRaymond Eborn about 1932
DorganDale Wborn about 1922
DorganFlorence Mborn about 1903
DouglasDaniel born about 1906
DouglasLarry Dborn about 1936
DouglasVivian Lborn about 1917
DuncanHanieldeen born about 1919

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E Surnames

EricksonRobert born about 1921
EricksonRuth born about 1916
ErwinDon Dborn about 1904
ErwinKenneth Rborn about 1926
ErwinMabel Cborn about 1905
ErwinRopbert Dborn about 1923

F Surnames

FallgrenRussell Pborn about 1913
FilionHenry Jborn about 1907
FilionIrene Iborn about 1909
FisherBarbara Gborn about 1921
FisherElinor Fborn about 1901
FisherHarold Hborn about 1895
FisherHarold Hborn about 1928
FisherLewis Bborn about 1924
FittingMay Eborn about 1890
FittingPeter Fborn about 1881
FordenGeorge born about 1877
FoxAlbert Eborn about 1917
FoxVera born about 1924
FrazierHarold Cborn about 1916
FrazierOlivr born about 1914

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G Surnames

GarrisonCharlene born about 1926
GarrisonCharles Iborn about 1900
GarrisonMildred Lborn about 1921
GarrisonNells Fborn about 1901
GordonHazel E Oborn about 1898
GordonJames born about 1891
GordonRichard Jborn about 1924
GrantHerbert Pborn about 1913
GrantLouis Hborn about 1886
GrantNellie Mborn about 1886
GrantRalph Cborn about 1917
GrubbMozellie born about 1877
GrubbPhyllis born about 1929

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H Surnames

HackfordIgerna Aborn about 1920
HackfordJoyce Eborn about 1936
HansonCatherine Aborn about 1913
HansonMelvin born about 1909
HaroldsonRaymond born about 1903
HaroldsonRaymond A Jrborn about 1934
HartAllen Lborn about 1921
HartCarol Jborn about 1925
HartDoris Wborn about 1924
HartElla Aborn about 1888
HartElla Mborn about 1930
HartHarley Dborn about 1923
HartHoward Hborn about 1882
HartHoward Mborn about 1929
HartLois Eborn about 1927
HartRobert Fborn about 1926
HaskellBonnie Bborn about 1917
HaskellOrr Cborn about 1914
HastingsOrden born about 1915
HedgerDorothy Mborn about 1929
HedgerJohn Cborn about 1898
HedgerMable Sborn about 1910
HedwallFrank Rborn about 1895
HegnerBertha Bborn about 1868
HenningHarold Wborn about 1908
HenningJuanita Pborn about 1909
HillRay Hborn about 1924
HodgesAlfred Jborn about 1914
HodgesDale Aborn about 1938
HodgesLydia Iborn about 1916
HodgesWayne Aborn about 1937
HudakAnna born about 1872
HudakJohn born about 1866
HuffBarbara Eborn about 1920
HuffClyde Oborn about 1912
HuntAthelbert born about 1905
HuntElaine Gborn about 1923
HuntHattie Sborn about 1908
HuntJoseph Aborn about 1925

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J Surnames

JacksonClyde born about 1876
JacksonSadie Eborn about 1877
JacobsonEdward Eborn about 1894
JarboAlice Mborn about 1906
JarboDeljean Aborn about 1926
JarboDelton born about 1904
JarboFred born about 1892
JarboPascoe born about 1862
JaworekEnglebert Lborn about 1873
JohansenCarl Jborn about 1881
JohnsonBelle Dborn about 1892
JohnsonDarene Eborn about 1923
JohnsonErnest Rborn about 1932
JohnsonFrances Cborn about 1925
JohnsonJames Sborn about 1882

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K Surnames

KaleniusEda Aborn about 1901
KaleniusWilliam Gborn about 1901
KaleniusWilliam G Jrborn about 1930
KeiserMartha Eborn about 1882
KeiserRobert Eborn about 1910
KnoxGertrude born about 1899
KnoxNorman born about 1899

L Surnames

LachapelleAndrew Jborn about 1898
LachapelleAndrew Pborn about 1922
LachapelleCarol Eborn about 1930
LachapelleMabel Gborn about 1904
LachapelleWilliam Fborn about 1923
LampittRalph Wborn about 1882
LastMike C Kborn about 1888
LebaronAmy Vborn about 1907
LebaronMarian Fborn about 1929
LonnErick Dborn about 1886

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M Surnames

MandickAntonia born about 1887
MandickVictor Wborn about 1921
MarichBill born about 1884
MarshallDavid Aborn about 1878
MarshallDavid Rborn about 1927
MarshallGrace Lborn about 1887
MartinForest Bborn about 1915
McCainAlbert Hborn about 1898
McCallJanet Cborn about 1938
McCowanCharley Lborn about 1903
McCowanClara Iborn about 1873
McCowanLe Roy born about 1931
McCowanLee Rborn about 1870
McCvoyRobert Rborn about 1918
McDonaldDonald Aborn about 1939
McDonaldVivian Iborn about 1920
McDuffLula Aborn about 1885
McDuffRalph Iborn about 1874
McPhersonElizabeth born about 1859
MeyersAlbert Cborn about 1862
MunsonHelen Mborn about 1916
MunsonMarie born about 1898

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N Surnames

NarthupHerbert Wborn about 1893
NessNeoma Jborn about 1909
NessOle Mborn about 1903

O Surnames

OhmanBraian Lborn about 1939
OhmanKenneth Rborn about 1930
OhmanOscar Kborn about 1900
OhmanTary born about 1904
OhmanVera Nborn about 1910
OhmanWarren Dborn about 1932
OrganAlex born about 1893
OrganLewis Gborn about 1922
OrganLucille born about 1924

P Surnames

PavletichRose born about 1907
PearceLester Yborn about 1906
PelzzarErma Vborn about 1914
PelzzarMaurita Rborn about 1937
PelzzarStanley born about 1911
PelzzarVirginia Aborn about 1939
PerkinsFleeta Mborn about 1921
PerkinsJack born about 1919
PerkinsPhilip Bborn about 1939
PistrozykAntoni Fborn about 1888
PrydeHilden J Jrborn about 1922
PrydeMarion Eborn about 1924

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R Surnames

RadfordHenry Fborn about 1898
RadfordHenry Tborn about 1935
RadfordMarion Tborn about 1902
ReedGenevieve Jborn about 1920
RickerCharles born about 1891
RiffeLarraine Mborn about 1905
RiffeMarcella Lborn about 1938
RiopelZoel Fborn about 1876
RoeDawn Gborn about 1938
RoeJoan Cborn about 1939
RoeLogan Fborn about 1903
RoeTheresa Mborn about 1906
RosierCatherine born about 1911
RosierCourtney born about 1890
RossWilliam Eborn about 1872
RunnEsther Sborn about 1886

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S Surnames

SableFrances born about 1883
SableWalter Aborn about 1919
SandstromNina Oborn about 1893
SartorClyde Vborn about 1894
SartorConway Wborn about 1917
SmithBetty Jborn about 1922
SmithMichael Lborn about 1940
SmithSidnet Bborn about 1918
SonEva Iborn about 1880
SonJames Bborn about 1883
StewartJohn Aborn about 1886
StoverCharles Fborn about 1883
StoverClara born about 1913
StoverEcho Lborn about 1925
StoverPearl born about 1888
StoverWade Dborn about 1928
SumryJohn born about 1891
SundAlfred Jborn about 1891
SundErick Aborn about 1924
SundLaina born about 1893
SwickerAndrew Wborn about 1875

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T Surnames

TrudeauDoris Vborn about 1904
TrudeauEdan Aborn about 1923
TrudeauFrancis Lborn about 1906

U Surnames

UrbanskiJohn born about 1888

W Surnames

WaltersMilo Eborn about 1886
WaltersStella born about 1876
WetzelArlene Bborn about 1919
WetzelBeatrice Lborn about 1883
WetzelEdward Fborn about 1883
WilliamsMerrill Jr born about 1926
WilliamsNina Mborn about 1897
WilliamsNorma Dborn about 1929
WilliamsWilfred Jborn about 1895
WitteKate Eborn about 1865

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Y Surnames

YoungCharlene Rborn about 1936
YoungDaris born about 1918

Z Surnames

ZimmermanHerman Aborn about 1897

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