1940 U.S. Federal Census of Ellensburg, Kittitas, Washington

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Washington > Kittitas County > 1940 Census of Ellensburg

A SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesP SurnamesZ Surnames
H SurnamesQ Surnames

A Surnames

AitchisonFlorence born about 1909
AitchisonJohn born about 1903
AitchisonJohn born about 1934
AlbrightAlice Bborn about 1858
AldenDean Mborn about 1922
AlleyNettie Aborn about 1888
AlleyRobert Cborn about 1918
AlleyRobert Jborn about 1882
AndersonAlberta born about 1898
AndersonBarbara born about 1921
AndersonEarl born about 1888
AndersonElenor Hborn about 1917
AndersonFrancis Jborn about 1921
AndersonJohn Kborn about 1914
AndersonWilliam Bborn about 1915
AnneAudrey born about 1936
AnneJean born about 1909
AnneLeo Rborn about 1901
AnneMarion born about 1929
AyersAlfred born about 1930
AyersFae born about 1895
AyersJune born about 1927
AyersLawrence born about 1922
AyersMelcolm born about 1929
AyersRay born about 1884
AyersWilliam Sborn about 1889

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BackCarl Fborn about 1887
BailesA Jborn about 1860
BairoAurthur born about 1894
BarnardGertrude born about 1886
BarnardJohn born about 1875
BarnsChester born about 1897
BarnsRuth born about 1893
BatusDaniel born about 1890
BatusDasie Louborn about 1925
BatusLeta born about 1896
BaxerDavid Mborn about 1925
BaxerEster born about 1900
BaxerJanice Gborn about 1926
BaxerWilbert Kborn about 1921
BefzBarbra born about 1927
BefzBetty born about 1925
BefzHenry Jborn about 1897
BefzJuanita born about 1898
BefzMary born about 1930
BeltHenrietta born about 1881
BeltHerman born about 1887
BendixPete born about 1893
BennettAnnie Eborn about 1885
BennettCharles Lborn about 1873
BennettCharles Wborn about 1873
BesanconArchie born about 1931
BesanconElmer born about 1904
BesanconGertrude born about 1929
BesanconMarie born about 1911
BesgsonsMary born about 1896
BetzBarbara born about 1925
BetzBetty born about 1927
BetzHenry Jborn about 1897
BetzJuanita born about 1897
BetzMary born about 1930
BillingsJohn born about 1891
BiverElizabeth Jborn about 1918
BiverFredrick Aborn about 1932
BiverHarriet born about 1893
BiverRobert born about 1923
BiverWilliam born about 1890
BiverWilliam born about 1921
BlacyJohn born about 1885
BlainOrvis born about 1908
BlenusF Wborn about 1895
BoiceClifford born about 1916
BoiceLeonard born about 1889
BoiceMaxine born about 1924
BoiceOlive born about 1894
BoorasBill born about 1905
BouldromMillard born about 1914
BouldromMyrtle born about 1919
BowanDale born about 1934
BowanFlorence born about 1912
BowanLarry born about 1936
BowanTheodore born about 1905
BowersAmy born about 1891
BradyJack born about 1932
BrandtBond born about 1915
BrandtJane born about 1917
BrazieStandey born about 1917
BridgesBell born about 1860
BridgesMike born about 1861
BrondtBilly born about 1915
BrondtJane born about 1917
BronsonIna born about 1881
BrownAlice born about 1906
BrownClarence born about 1882
BrownEmma born about 1885
BrownEtta born about 1883
BrownGeraldine born about 1911
BrownGordon born about 1937
BrownHubert born about 1914
BrownMeble born about 1913
BrownMuriel born about 1939
BrownOtto born about 1907
BrownT Cborn about 1851
BrownWilliam born about 1902
BurkGail born about 1918
BurkHenry born about 1916
BurkLaurence born about 1923
BurkMary born about 1886
BurkWallis born about 1913
BurnettComodore born about 1917
ByerAlice Aborn about 1924
ByerBeatrice Jborn about 1927
ByerHelen Jborn about 1902
ByerIra born about 1901

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C Surnames

CadmanIva born about 1897
CalsonA Pborn about 1901
CalsonCleo born about 1924
CalsonEmma Pborn about 1902
CalsonJohn Lborn about 1922
CalsonMarion Bborn about 1929
CalsonMattie born about 1932
CalsonVerla Jborn about 1934
CalsonWilliam born about 1927
CamelRoy Aborn about 1886
CameronKatie born about 1867
CarellEdward Aborn about 1870
CarellIvan born about 1914
CarellLuella born about 1871
CarrellWillard born about 1911
CarterJohn Hborn about 1898
CarterMary born about 1897
CarterPaul Eborn about 1921
CarterRobert Eborn about 1937
CarterWilliam Jborn about 1919
CaseyJohn Rborn about 1898
CastleberryBennett born about 1934
CatesJessie born about 1871
CattonEmma born about 1890
CattonHarold born about 1913
CattonW Eborn about 1890
CauserAnna born about 1882
ChaudonElenor born about 1875
ChaudonKatherine born about 1912
CheneyClarence born about 1911
CheneyFlorence born about 1917
CheneyLarry born about 1934
CheneyNancy born about 1939
ChounisNick born about 1883
CinsentEmma Jborn about 1862
CissellDora born about 1905
CissellW Aborn about 1896
CleereGeorgena born about 1914
CleereHomer born about 1907
CleereRobert born about 1935
ColdwellIva born about 1902
ColdwellJulius Tborn about 1898
ColeAlice Pborn about 1891
ColeB Cborn about
ColeHerbert born about 1918
ComodoreEthel born about 1904
ComodoreGeorge born about 1903
ConantCharles born about 1936
ConantDenzie born about 1901
ConantDenzil Jr born about 1931
ConantHattie Maeborn about 1904
ConantJames born about 1928
ConantRichard born about 1933
ContrattoDominic born about 1895
ContrattoIrene born about 1924
ContrattoMarion born about 1922
ContrattoNellie born about 1897
CookEmelia born about 1913
CookFloyd Aborn about 1939
CookLoyd Vborn about 1905
CorrellDoria born about 1931
CorrellGary born about 1936
CorrellMarjorie born about 1912
CorrellWilliam Lborn about 1908
CoulterGary Leeborn about 1939
CoulterJoan born about 1938
CoulterLucille born about 1917
CoulterWilliam Jborn about 1911
CouslandDelmer born about 1937
CouslandEarnest born about 1903
CouslandEarnest born about 1930
CouslandRuth born about 1904
CraizEdna Eborn about 1886
CramerDete born about 1874
CrittendonAlbert Lborn about 1898
CrittendonBlanche Mborn about 1897
CromerDere born about 1874
CrowleyHazel born about 1905
CrowleyVirden born about 1903

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D Surnames

DahbenCharlene born about 1940
DahbenCharles Jr born about 1915
DahbenLois born about 1921
DalzellCharles born about 1915
DalzellRex born about 1922
DavidsonIva born about 1887
DavidsonJ Bborn about 1885
DavisCharles Hborn about 1892
DavisCleo Jborn about 1930
DavisDorothy Eborn about 1928
DavisRose Aborn about 1906
DavisShirley born about 1933
DeiligCharles born about 1862
DelanySarah Maryborn about 1925
DelanyWinifred born about 1920
DeranleauDaphne born about 1925
DeranleauHarold born about 1917
DeranleauIleen born about 1929
DeranleauLeonard born about 1921
DeranleauLouise born about 1895
DeranleauLouise born about 1927
DeranleauOscar born about 1924
DesayDonald born about 1938
DesayLouise born about 1921
DesayWayne born about 1920
DevineCharles born about 1876
DeweesG Wborn about 1867
DiedeHerbert born about 1915
DiedeHerbertjr born about 1938
DiedeRuth born about 1917
DillonGertrude Mborn about 1877
DitterHenry born about 1913
DitzJacob born about 1866
DoeringAugust born about 1905
DoeringEvelyn born about 1917
DonovanJohn born about 1879
DorisArthur Eborn about 1880
DorisHelen born about 1918
DorisRebecca born about 1875
DreyerBen Fborn about 1910
DreyerBilie Lborn about 1934
DreyerFlossie born about 1913
DreyerHelen born about 1932
DreyerJck Lborn about 1939
DreyerPeggy born about 1930
DulikEdward born about 1889
DulikEdward born about 1919
DulikJames born about 1932
DulikRobert born about 1921
DulikSi?lylla born about 1887
DunlopMary born about 1859
DylerJean born about 1922
DylerLois born about 1928
DylerMax born about 1924
DylerPaulette born about 1931
DylerSophie born about 1900

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E Surnames

EbertEmma born about 1877
EkstonJohn born about 1875
EllisIvan Fborn about 1911
EllisRichard Fborn about 1938
EllisVictoria Lborn about 1914
EmersonElna born about 1909
EmersonHarvy Wborn about 1907
EmersonVerne Dborn about 1937
EngelintsonAlice born about 1928
EngelintsonEthel born about 1906
EngelintsonGorge born about 1925
EricksonEmil born about 1890
EricksonLinda born about 1890
EricksonSmith born about 1895
EvansJeanne born about 1906

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F Surnames

FarmerE Eborn about 1918
FarmerMarion born about 1919
FarmerSally Jr born about 1940
FerdNewton born about 1860
FikeHazel born about 1898
FikeLouise Wborn about 1895
FlowerEvelyn born about 1915
FlynnBilly born about 1913
FlynnDorothy born about 1911
FlynnJerry born about 1911
FlynnMary born about 1878
FlynnTom Lborn about 1876
FogartyM Jborn about 1866
Ford??? born about 1896
Ford??? Jr born about 1924
FordIda born about 1897
FordMargaret born about 1928
FordMarie born about 1925
FordMary born about 1932
ForemanLouise born about 1922
ForsytheTerry born about 1921
FosterClifford Mrs Carrollborn about 1919
FrankConrad born about 1922
FrankDorthy Dborn about 1925
FrankHelen born about 1898
FrankKatherine born about 1928
FrankMargaret Hborn about 1921
FrayCleo born about 1928
FrayMyrtle born about 1894
FrayberzerJane born about 1878
FrayberzerWilliam born about 1858
FrenchAnna Jborn about 1893
FrenchAnna Maeborn about 1917
FrenchEvelyn born about 1905
FrenchGordon born about 1935
FrenchGrace Eborn about 1926
FrenchH M Mrsborn about 1920
FrenchH Rborn about 1916
FrenchJames born about 1920
FrenchVictor born about 1885
FrisbeeBetty born about 1874
FrisbeeWalter born about 1863
FyfeFrank Sborn about 1908
FyfeMable born about 1913

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G Surnames

GardineAlice born about 1907
GardineGary born about
GardineMargarie born about 1929
GardineRoy born about 1908
GardnerOpal born about 1915
GatesPearl born about 1870
GentryBruce born about 1930
GentryLois born about 1932
GentryMary born about 1907
GentryPerry born about 1905
GiddingsCatherine born about 1908
GiddingsDonald born about 1905
GiddingsPatricia born about 1930
GiddingsSally born about 1934
GiffeyGayle born about 1921
GiffeyHenry Jborn about 1890
GiffeyLee born about 1920
GiffeyMable born about 1895
GilmourElma Mborn about 1897
GilmourWarren Fborn about 1901
GleasonAlbert born about 1910
GleasonEdna born about 1907
GleasonGary born about 1939
GlenShipman born about 1877
GrantJennie born about 1933
GrayBetty Louborn about 1927
GrayGeo Tborn about 1907
GrayHelen born about 1908
GrayStanley born about 1931
GrochowMartin Hborn about 1890
GrochowMary Lborn about 1903
GustafsonPeggy born about 1921

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H Surnames

HainsLottie born about 1879
HallDan Tborn about 1885
HallJacke born about 1931
HallMadge born about 1931
HallMarie born about 1905
HallMaude born about 1878
HallNelson born about 1895
HallRussle born about 1933
HallTreasea born about 1912
HallVance born about 1929
HallWilda born about 1927
HallsDiane born about 1937
HallsEdna born about 1903
HallsWillard born about 1901
HallsWillard Jr born about 1928
HamiltonMary Bborn about 1888
HancuffCharles Rborn about 1877
HandrixE Gborn about 1890
HandrixLouis born about 1919
HandrixMartha born about 1896
HandrixRobert born about 1922
HansonHarold born about 1885
HarmonElizabeth born about 1888
HarmonJohn Aborn about 1888
HarningMary Cborn about 1908
HarningTheodore Rborn about 1904
HarperThomas born about 1862
HarringtonBart born about 1873
HaynesHarry Eborn about 1884
HaynesJulia Eborn about 1888
HeinrichFrank born about 1890
HeinrichVera born about 1895
HikeCarl born about 1910
HikeEdna born about 1910
HikeElma born about 1929
HikeWilma born about 1929
HillDaniel born about 1919
HillDavid born about 1908
HillDorothy born about 1926
HillJacob born about 1888
HillJohn born about 1928
HillKatherine born about 1890
HillLucille born about 1909
HillLyle born about 1907
HillMartha born about 1922
HillMary born about 1924
HillMildred born about 1906
HjelmArlene born about 1935
HjelmElmer born about 1912
HjelmFlora born about 1911
HjelmGal born about 1936
HoardBess born about 1892
HodgesAnne born about 1903
HodgesJack born about 1894
HodpetFrank born about 1880
HoffstrandHelen born about 1918
HoffstrandMarvin Rborn about 1918
HoffstrandMonty born about 1938
HolmanBelva born about 1888
HolmanClinton born about 1924
HolmanG Cborn about 1886
HolmanLoyal born about 1926
HoneycuttElbert Jborn about 1912
HoneycuttJohn Hborn about 1917
HoneycuttJohn Tborn about 1882
HoneycuttMargaret Hborn about 1882
HoneycuttWilliam Jborn about 1855
HoneymanAgnes born about 1880
HoneymanMary Aborn about 1921
HornbeckDavid born about 1892
HornbeckDonald born about 1937
HornbeckDorothy born about 1895
HornbeckGeorge born about 1857
HornbeckJack born about 1928
HornbeckKatherine born about 1920
HornbeckRobert born about 1925
HorxisInez Eborn about 1897
HorxisLucy Mborn about 1863
HowersLaura Mayborn about 1930
HowersLouise born about 1905
HowersRobert Fborn about 1888
HowksRobert born about 1931
HusseyEmma born about 1917
HusseyRodney born about 1914
HusseyRodney Jr born about 1936
HutchensH Mborn about

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J Surnames

JacobsClara Mborn about 1935
JacobsEarnie born about 1913
JacobsNorah born about 1918
JacobsRichard born about 1939
JacobsRobert born about 1938
JanneyIda born about 1890
JanneyNorval Dborn about 1887
JarberWayne born about 1915
JenkinsSarah Dborn about 1880
JenningsBetty Jborn about 1930
JenningsBeverley Mborn about 1932
JenningsMinnie born about 1894
JenningsWalter Rborn about 1909
JensenFrank born about 1913
JensenHelen born about 1883
JensenIsabell born about 1923
JensenJane born about 1925
JensenJens born about 1876
JensenRoy born about 1913
JinesErnesta born about 1916
JinesGary born about 1938
JinesHarold born about 1912
JinesMichael born about 1936
JohnsonCharles born about 1922
JohnsonLaura born about 1928
JohnsonMae born about 1937
JohnsonOlga born about 1895
JohnsonRuth born about 1926
JohnstonVernon born about 1933
JonesEugene born about 1927
JonesGeorge born about 1873
JonesHarriet born about 1872
JonesJohn born about 1921
JonesKenneth born about 1916
JonesMaud born about 1887
JordinArthur born about 1904
JordinMartha born about 1898
JustisRussel born about 1915

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K Surnames

KealJohn born about 1920
KenselBilly born about 1929
KenselGloria born about 1932
KenselJessie born about 1905
KenselMerilyn born about 1927
KesterRobert born about 1912
KetchumMatilda born about 1868
KidderWarren born about 1912
King??? born about 1898
KingBerry born about 1928
KingElsie born about 1903
KingMattie Aborn about 1893
KingMichael born about
KingTracy born about 1926
KirkFerne born about 1910
KirkRobert born about 1907
KirkRobert Jr born about 1932
KirschmannMathilda born about 1917
Klly??? Aborn about 1939
KllyJean born about 1919
KllyJoseph born about 1937
KllyWilliam born about 1914
KlotsMichael born about 1911
KlugJoan Lborn about 1927
KlugJohn Jborn about 1882
KlugMary Eborn about 1894
KlugRuth born about 1931
KoenigBernice born about 1907
KoenigCatherine Lborn about 1937
KoenigJoseph born about 1904
KonsackFrank born about 1901
KonsackSylvia born about 1911
KousVenon born about 1907
KousVera born about 1908
KralerClara Aborn about 1868
KrekowPaul born about 1906
KroegerAdolph born about 1913

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L Surnames

LalhamClyde Aborn about 1921
LammerCrystal born about 1893
LammerKenneth Jborn about 1891
LammerLynn born about 1924
LamprezCharlene born about 1929
LamprezGale born about 1933
LamprezGerald born about 1900
LamprezLaura born about 1904
LanyonSadie Eborn about 1878
LarsenHelen born about 1867
LarsenLouis born about 1865
LausLillian born about 1892
LaverneBlain born about 1929
LayLottie born about 1880
LeeEllis born about 1913
LeeJean born about 1933
LeeJeff Hborn about 1868
LeePearl born about 1915
LefforgePatricia born about 1925
LendeyRalph Aborn about 1919
LeshAngie born about 1921
LeshGloria born about 1927
LesterCharles born about 1863
LetzenbergerHenry born about 1917
LeusingSheron born about 1939
LindenClarence born about 1910
LindenGloria born about 1911
LindsayZearl Eborn about 1917
LindseyGillman born about 1907
LindseyJennette born about 1938
LindseyMyrtle born about 1918
LipseyCatherine born about 1898
LipseyJames born about 1899
LipseyJames Jr born about 1921
LipseyWillis born about 1922
LogsdonHarry Jborn about 1907
LogsdonHazel born about 1900
LongmireBetty born about 1921
LongmireDelia born about 1898
LongmireEdwarth born about 1891
LongmireGlenn born about 1919
LortosTed born about 1889
LucasFred Wborn about 1900
LuesingJean born about 1919
LuesingPhyles born about 1936
LuesingVal Hborn about 1913
LynchAnna Eborn about 1870

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M Surnames

MackenzieT Dborn about 1894
MagersBerd Johnborn about 1889
MagersHazel born about 1897
MaginisTrume born about 1894
MakisonWilliam born about 1860
MarconAlfred born about 1901
MarconAngela born about 1866
MarkwoodGeorgia born about 1916
MarteJames Mborn about 1936
MartinC Thedborn about 1898
MasilanMartha born about 1883
MasilanW Jborn about 1883
MatthewsDona born about 1928
MatthewsFrancis born about 1925
MatthewsFred born about 1933
MatthewsLeonard born about 1922
MattsonDavid born about 1932
MattsonGeorge born about 1906
MattsonJerry born about 1937
MattsonVerna born about 1909
McAurthurWalter Rborn about 1903
McCallumClarence born about 1917
McCallumHilda born about 1917
McConnellCecil born about 1912
McCoudeArline born about 1937
McCoudeCarol born about 1935
McCoudeFrancis born about 1914
McCoudeGerald Instborn about 1930
McCoudeShirely Aborn about 1938
McDanielCurtis born about 1939
McDanielFlorence born about 1915
McDanielGordon born about 1917
McDanielGregory born about 1938
McDowellClara born about 1861
McEthmeyJohn born about 1922
McIntyieAudry born about 1932
McIntyieCarl born about 1939
McIntyieClarence born about 1905
McIntyieMarie born about 1906
McLeanDavid born about 1934
McMillanJim born about 1916
McNielEva born about 1873
McPheetersJohn Sborn about 1914
McPhersonVirginia born about 1933
MelamCandace born about 1857
MeyerMargret born about 1913
MeyerMarylynn born about 1939
MeyerTheodore born about 1912
MickelsonArnold born about 1918
MillerKatherine born about 1923
MillerLilly born about 1880
MillsCora Hborn about 1905
MillsJess born about 1900
MiniellyAddie born about 1881
MiniellyGeorge born about 1872
MitcheleHarold Mborn about 1905
MitchellPauline born about 1906
MoordhorstLilian born about 1907
MoordhorstRay Hborn about 1902
MoordhorstRobin Marieborn about 1936
MoordhorstVirginia born about 1937
MooreJames born about 1909
MozkEster born about 1897
MulhousenAdolph born about 1881
MulhousenJessie born about 1877
MummaElla Mayborn about 1899
MummaOrville born about 1893
MundtWalter Aborn about 1912
MuzzallElla born about 1899
MuzzallErnest Lborn about 1898
MuzzallHughes born about 1932
MuzzallRichard born about 1928
MuzzallRuth born about 1934

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N Surnames

NarvinGuringer born about 1901
NarvinGuringer born about 1904
NarvinGuringer born about 1905
NarvinGuringer born about 1906
NewmanCecil born about 1911
NixMay born about 1917
NixRamona born about 1932
NixRaymond born about 1905
NixRoy born about 1935
NunleyKezia born about 1902
NunleyWilliam born about 1924

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O Surnames

OconnellStanley born about 1865
OconnorElizabeth born about 1903
OconnorJames born about 1932
OconnorRobert born about
OldsDeva born about 1918
OldsFreta born about 1900
OrrOpal born about 1920
OrrWilliam Eborn about 1914

P Surnames

ParkwoodSune Jborn about 1865
PayneMable Mborn about 1865
PedersonEthel born about 1895
PedersonFrederick born about 1893
PerryKatherine born about 1892
PerryS Aborn about 1896
PerryWayne Wborn about 1915
PetersGladys born about 1903
PetersonA Lborn about 1878
PetersonEmil born about 1908
PierceMarion born about 1920
PondGeorge born about 1872
PorterSarah born about 1860
PorterWilliam born about 1862
PughElla born about 1870

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Q Surnames

QuicksalJames born about 1940
QuicksalLouise born about 1934
QuicksalLune born about 1932
QuicksalMarion born about 1913
QuicksalVirginia born about 1938
QuicksalWilliam born about 1894

R Surnames

RagsdaleHenry born about 1860
RagsdaleLouise born about 1851
RagsdaleMary born about 1870
ReedEthel born about 1890
ReedEthel born about 1908
ReffefoDon born about 1918
ReynoldsAlfred born about 1859
ReynoldsAlice Pborn about 1862
RiceEunice born about 1883
RiceJames Lborn about 1887
RiceWayne born about 1921
RiceWilliam Lborn about 1919
RicheyIva born about 1911
RicheyJoseph Mborn about 1911
RicksArthur born about 1919
RicksRichard born about 1906
RillingsAlfred born about 1877
RillingsAnnie born about 1882
RillingsEdward born about 1920
RillingsEileen born about 1922
RobbinsFlora born about 1901
RobbinsL Mborn about 1899
RobbinsRodney born about 1920
RobertsBilly born about 1932
RobertsElenor born about 1908
RobertsMaxine born about 1916
RobertsonJoan born about 1922
RooneyRobert born about 1897
RootGilbert Mborn about 1915
RootOscar Lborn about 1890
RoseAnna Cborn about 1886
RoseEdgar Wborn about 1883
RoseRita born about 1925
RoslerAdolph born about 1937
RoslerEarnest Hborn about 1909
RoslerFrancis born about 1936
RoslerMargaret born about 1916
RossFrank Mborn about 1919
RounsavilleIna born about 1898
RounsavilleOdles born about 1926
RounsavilleOwen born about 1935
RounsavilleThomas born about 1896
RubeHerman born about 1872

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S Surnames

SackettChristine born about 1929
SackettDoe Jborn about 1898
SackettIda born about 1908
SackettLonnie born about 1935
SackettMarlene born about 1933
Sanders??? born about 1897
SandersD Bborn about 1896
SandersDonald born about 1918
SandersJoan born about 1919
SandersLeroy born about 1921
SchlamanConrad born about 1874
SchnellWilliam born about 1912
ScholzHarry born about 1890
SchullerBeatrice born about 1908
SchullerDona Jenaborn about 1935
SchullerHelen born about 1934
SchullerPeter born about 1878
SchullerRobert born about 1927
SchultzRichard born about 1893
SchultzRoland Rborn about 1923
SeeleyLune born about 1869
ShannonEmmett born about 1882
SharpBilly born about 1939
SharpJack born about 1886
SharpJames born about 1933
SharpJohn born about 1909
SharpJohn Jr born about 1931
SharpPauline born about 1913
SharpRichard born about 1937
SheamanGeorge born about 1878
SheltonS Aborn about 1855
SheneeThomas Wborn about 1894
ShortleyAgnes born about 1874
SipesAdaline born about 1861
SitesMarion born about 1887
SkaretMary born about 1912
SmelserBarbara born about 1939
SmelserHarlan born about 1909
SmelserJulia born about 1906
SmelserKenneth born about 1937
SmelserRichard born about 1939
SmitJohn Aborn about 1923
SmitKlara born about 1898
SmitLoretta born about 1899
SmitWilliam Rborn about 1927
SmithAnna born about 1914
SmithElizabeth born about 1911
SmithEugene born about 1939
SmithFloyd born about 1894
SmithFloyd born about 1899
SmithGuy born about 1905
SmithGuy Sr born about 1938
SmithJames Rborn about 1918
SmithJean born about 1920
SmithLillie Bassborn about 1902
SmnathersRose Bborn about 1874
SorensonJohn Cborn about 1905
SorensonVivian born about 1907
SperncerAlbert Gborn about 1900
SpringerFrank born about 1889
SpringerLaura born about 1896
StattonDella born about 1882
StehmanJohn born about 1913
StehmanPolly born about 1913
StevensHarold born about 1902
StevensJohn born about 1901
StiseneyBruce born about 1922
StiseneyEarl Eborn about 1893
StiseneyWilliam Eborn about 1920
StockeyAllen Vborn about 1902
StockeyMartha Eborn about 1908
StordwellElsie born about 1893
StordwellHoward born about 1913
StordwellRoy born about 1887
StordwellSusan Sborn about 1868
StougardEllen born about 1886
StougardGerald born about 1922
StougardJimmy born about 1930
StougardPeter born about 1887
StowellBobby born about 1934
StowellLee Ellaborn about 1907
StowellScudder born about 1904

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T Surnames

TallmanCarl born about 1937
TallmanGerald born about 1939
TallmanHugh born about 1914
TallmanMary born about 1917
TallmanPatricia born about 1936
TallmanPaul born about 1938
TavisAvadene born about 1937
TavisClara born about 1907
TaylorAlice born about 1911
TaylorMartha born about 1856
TaylorRichard born about 1932
ThomberghBill Nborn about 1923
ThomberghHazel Mborn about 1899
ThomberghJack Eborn about 1919
ThomberghWilliam born about 1893
ThompsonC Pborn about 1886
ThompsonDonald born about 1893
ThompsonDonald born about 1917
ThompsonDonald born about 1919
ThompsonGisla born about 1895
ThompsonHelen born about 1885
ThompsonKerwin born about 1923
ThompsonRobert born about 1925
TotmanHoward Floydborn about 1913
TreasterApostolos born about 1880
TrowbridgeGail born about 1932
TrowbridgeGeorge Bborn about 1903
TrowbridgeKeith born about 1933
TrowbridgeKenneth born about 1935
TrowbridgeLouise born about 1906
TuckerAnna born about 1887
TuckerCarry born about 1896
TuckerJohn born about 1871
TuckerJoseph born about 1904
TuckerMarion born about 1922
TuckerShirley born about 1922
TuckerWayne born about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VaderGeorge born about 1925
VaderIrene born about 1931
VaderJada born about 1896
VaderJohn born about 1879
VaderJohn Aborn about 1929
VickermanIrma born about 1936
VickermanKatherine born about 1913
VickermanPatricia born about 1937
VickermanWyman born about 1912

W Surnames

WadeGiles Hborn about 1875
WadeMartha born about 1883
WaffsAthalene born about 1902
WaffsFrances Jborn about 1904
WakefieldDiana born about 1938
WakefieldLouis born about 1914
WakefieldSelma born about 1914
WaldieThomas Jborn about 1885
WalkerDale born about 1909
WalkerJames Nborn about 1935
WalkerJohn Hborn about 1928
WalkerMildred born about 1913
WalkerRoy Hborn about 1901
WalkerWilliam Rborn about 1924
WalkerZella Eborn about 1901
WallGoldie Mborn about 1899
WallMargaret Dborn about 1920
WallNorman Fborn about 1895
WallPatricia born about 1926
WardMilford born about 1876
WardWalter born about 1913
WarnerHarry Wborn about 1919
WarnerMary Aborn about 1894
WarnerMyrtle born about 1920
WarnerOrville Rborn about 1913
WarnerRoy Nborn about 1886
WarnerWalter born about 1915
WarrenElaine born about 1914
WarrenGlenn born about 1910
WeberFloyd born about 1910
WeberGerald born about 1935
WeberMargret born about 1915
WelchDuane born about 1931
WelchMarie born about 1907
Welty??? born about 1862
WestenhaiserCassie born about 1870
WestenhaiserCharlie Rborn about 1866
WestenhaiserDorothy born about 1899
WestesttD Hborn about 1852
WestesttElna born about 1885
WheelerA Lborn about 1866
WheelerNell Eborn about 1903
WhitsonAlfred Lborn about 1873
WhitsonBlanche Rborn about 1889
WiechmannH Hborn about 1910
WiechmannJerald born about 1934
WiechmannRalph born about 1937
WiechmannRuth born about 1906
WiechmannRuth Maryborn about 1939
WilliamsEva Nborn about 1934
WilliamsFrances born about 1925
WilliamsLillian born about 1918
WilliamsLoreen born about 1927
WilsonAlbert born about 1911
WilsonAlice born about 1873
WilsonBertha born about 1899
WilsonChaslie born about 1898
WilsonHoward born about 1926
WilsonLoyd born about 1931
WilsonOrson born about 1911
WinengerBeatrice born about 1919
WinnerDeonna born about 1938
WinnerTyle born about 1914
WinnerVirginia born about 1916
WitchellBeula born about 1922
WitchellGlen Bborn about 1893
WitchellHarold born about 1921
WitchellLina born about 1924
WitchellLinnie born about 1896
WoodFay born about 1896
WoodH Jborn about 1909
WoppelMargaret born about 1909
WoppelMary Emmaborn about 1939
WoppelMaurice born about 1910
WoppelMaurice Jr born about 1935
WrightHelen born about 1903
WrightJohn born about 1874
WrightOrville born about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YantisCarrol born about 1935
YantisDonald born about 1911
YantisJoan born about 1938
YantisWilma born about 1913

Z Surnames

ZoereAlfred born about 1887
ZoereIda Sborn about 1891

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