1940 U.S. Federal Census of Elmerton, Okanogan, Washington

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Washington > Okanogan County > 1940 Census of Elmerton

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AdlerEdward born about 1887
AdlerJulia born about 1884
AgaeJohn Rborn about 1915
AgerCharlotte Lborn about 1920
AldridgeArthur born about 1929
AldridgeGrace born about 1908
AldridgeHoward born about 1930
AldridgeJoe born about 1931
AldridgeLucille born about 1908
AldridgePaul born about 1911
AldridgeSteve born about 1908
AllenBarbara born about 1937
AllenGeorge born about 1907
AllenKenneth born about 1910
AllenMary Eborn about 1911
AllenRuth born about 1916
AllietCharles born about 1881
AllietVella born about 1884
AndersonCarroll born about 1905
AndersonDeanne born about 1932
AndersonDonald born about 1931
AndersonDoreen born about 1935
AndersonDorothy born about 1904
AndersonLarry born about 1940
AndersonMyrtle born about 1909
AndersonOpal born about 1908
AndersonRichard born about 1938
AndersonSherry Louborn about 1938
AndersonWalter born about 1903
AndersonWalter born about 1909
AyersJames Mborn about 1912
AyersMargaret Mborn about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaileyElbert Hborn about 1912
BaileyErvin Eborn about 1938
BaileyEvan?? born about 1914
BaileyGlen Eborn about 1935
BaileyMargaretm born about 1913
BaileyRichard born about 1911
BakerLarry born about 1936
BakerReginald Dborn about 1910
BakerRuth born about 1906
BaldwinHershell Rborn about 1907
BaldwinIrene born about 1910
BaldwinLeslie born about 1928
BaldwinLylian born about 1922
BaldwinMartha born about 1890
BaldwinRaymond born about 1925
BaldwinWarren Wborn about 1890
BallardLyle born about 1922
BalsigerEdward born about 1921
BalsigerElizabeth born about 1894
BalsigerGeorge Eborn about 1894
BarrettBarbara born about 1934
BarrettHazel born about 1913
BarrettRalph born about 1937
BarrettTreves born about 1911
BaynardClaud born about 1887
BaynardGeorge born about 1924
BaynardLaurie born about 1890
BeanBilly Joeborn about 1930
BeanBonnie born about 1904
BeanEllis born about 1899
BeasonOlive born about 1899
BeasonPhil born about 1905
BeasonPhil Jr born about 1933
BeeryAlice Marieborn about 1934
BeeryBetty Joannborn about 1932
BeeryCarlisle Wborn about 1909
BeeryCurtis born about 1886
BeeryCurtis born about 1924
BeeryDora Rosalieborn about 1938
BeeryElizabeth Kborn about 1908
BeeryEstelle born about 1907
BeeryJames born about 1933
BeeryMarilyn born about 1930
BeeryRichard Jborn about 1936
BeerySarah Aborn about 1921
BeezleyFlorence born about 1898
BeezleyHarry born about 1890
BennellLillian born about 1910
BennellNorval born about 1906
BergBertha born about 1915
BergGordon born about 1938
BergJoseph Mborn about 1910
BergSharon born about 1936
BerglundMary Maeborn about 1911
BernettCarrell born about 1930
BernettHoward born about 1932
BernettJane born about 1936
BernettMadelein born about 1904
BernettWillis born about 1907
BlackmanCay born about 1917
BlackmanJeanette born about 1920
BlannKeith born about 1932
BlannOrvil born about 1905
BlannRuth born about 1909
BlannShirley born about 1933
BloomMilissa born about 1882
BogerBerce born about 1935
BogerGourth born about 1938
BogerLottie born about 1910
BogerVirgil born about 1905
BothamGeorge Mborn about 1908
BothamLois born about 1898
BowersCleata born about 1899
BowersGeraldine born about 1909
BowersJack Lborn about 1929
BowersJack Wborn about 1900
BowersMabel born about 1908
BowersRobert born about 1935
BowersShirley born about 1931
BoylanAlbert Eborn about 1926
BoylanEarl Cborn about 1882
BraatenAle Lborn about 1900
BraatenVera Nborn about 1902
Brewer? Tborn about 1894
BriggsEunice born about 1916
BriggsStephen born about 1914
BriggsStephen Jr born about 1937
BroksFrank born about 1900
BroksMinnie born about 1903
BrooksBeverly born about 1930
BrooksDonald born about 1932
BrooksEsther Bborn about 1904
BrooksThomas Eborn about 1903
BrovilletErnest Pborn about 1890
BrovilletFlorence born about 1895
BrovilletLeah born about 1922
BrownGeorge born about 1913
BrownKaren born about 1938
BrownMuriel born about 1939
BrownYetive born about 1917
BruceErma born about 1916
BruceJohn born about 1909
BruceJohnnie born about 1934
BruceLinda born about 1940
BrushEthel born about 1919
BrushRobert born about 1907
Buck??? born about 1912
BuegeDewey Jborn about 1899
BuegeLase Marieborn about 1937
BuegeMarie born about 1912
BuegeTheresa Joeborn about 1938
BurfordHarry born about 1898
BurgBarbara Eborn about 1867
BurgRay born about 1902
BurniteEvans Hborn about 1910
BurniteLucille born about 1917
Burrows??? born about 1922
BurrowsAda born about 1902
BurrowsDoris born about 1925
BurrowsHarold born about 1902
BurrowsRichard born about 1929
Burton??? born about 1932
BurtonDolores born about 1927
BurtonEarl born about 1898
BurtonIrene born about 1925
BurtonMabel born about 1905
ByeKenneth born about 1913
ByeVenise born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CaillouetteDonna Maryborn about 1933
CaillouetteJacquelyn Roeborn about 1937
CaillouetteJohn Rborn about 1904
CaillouetteLou Lborn about 1910
CanterburyAlice Eborn about 1922
CanterburyClarence born about 1912
CanterburyEdyth born about 1913
CanterburyLowell born about 1937
CanterburyVern Hborn about 1915
CardCharles born about 1937
CardHelen born about 1911
CardLeland Hborn about 1909
CarmichaelPrescilla born about 1904
CarpenterCarola born about 1939
CarpenterEdward born about 1906
CarpenterEsta born about 1907
CarpenterHazel born about 1923
CarpenterPaula born about 1937
CarpenterPavel born about 1897
CarpenterThomas born about 1926
CarpenterVerna born about 1906
CarrollGuy born about 1902
CarrollMarie born about 1915
Charlton??? born about 1899
CharltonClare born about 1913
CharltonWilliam born about 1938
ChilcoteJames born about 1904
ChilcoteMarie born about 1908
ChittrickJames K Jrborn about 1910
ChittrickMarie born about 1912
ClackRichmond born about 1899
ClackRuth born about 1902
ClarkBilly born about 1925
ClarkJoe born about 1902
ClarkMary born about 1899
ClaytorBetty born about 1921
ClaytorDon born about 1918
ClaytorDon born about 1939
ClaytorLee born about 1890
ClaytorSylvia born about 1897
CleavengerIrma born about 1907
CleavengerPhilip born about 1895
CochranDonald born about 1934
CochranDouglas Gborn about 1906
CochranMildred born about 1908
CollensDavid born about 1914
CollensVivian born about 1919
ConnettMargie born about 1891
ConnettRobert born about 1891
ConnorGeorge Hborn about 1905
ConnorKathleen born about 1915
ConwayEdna born about 1909
ConwayJohn born about 1901
CookEdna Eborn about 1902
CookIra born about 1890
CoopmanCharles born about 1881
CoopmanFrances born about 1875
CoryJames Mborn about 1912
CoryMargaret Jborn about 1905
CowellMary born about 1873
CoxAnn Marieborn about 1917
CoxPatricia born about 1938
CoxRaymond Wborn about 1912
CramerCarl born about 1911
CramerLucille born about 1909
CramerStephen born about 1939
CrandallGertrude born about 1908
CrandallIrene born about 1936
CrandallJames born about 1906
CrandallJimmy born about 1933
CranfardEsther born about 1917
CranfardRonald born about 1916
CrawfordHarvey Lborn about 1914
CrawfordHelen born about 1921
CromerMartha Mborn about 1899
CroneCarl Cborn about 1906
CroneMargaret born about 1894
CulbertsonH Zborn about 1907
CulbertsonLinda born about 1940
CulbertsonWinifred born about 1914

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D Surnames

DarbyPhilip born about 1909
DarlandBert born about 1888
DarlandIrma born about 1898
DaurahBetty Jeanborn about 1937
DaurahEarl Wborn about 1913
DaurahLeely Bborn about 1913
DavesonWilliam Georgeborn about 1909
DavisBessie Billieborn about 1930
DavisDelbert Deanborn about 1933
DavisDelores Annborn about 1938
DavisDenver born about 1914
DavisDonald born about 1939
DavisElsie born about 1881
DavisGeneva born about 1936
DavisPearl born about 1918
DavisRalph Eugeneborn about 1902
DavisT Aborn about 1867
DavisThelma born about 1907
DeanVictoria born about 1902
DeanWanda born about 1938
DeanWayne born about 1902
DeeksonCharles born about 1914
DeleryWilliam Savdel Jborn about 1909
DespainEdna Lborn about 1887
DespainOliver Jborn about 1889
DevittIsabel born about 1906
DevittMichael born about 1936
DevittPatricia born about 1937
DevittWilliam born about 1902
DevittWilliam born about 1925
DexterArlis born about 1931
DexterHarold born about 1907
DexterHarold born about 1932
DexterOra born about 1911
DeysAlma born about 1909
DeysEdith born about 1901
DeysGlenn born about 1896
DeysMarie born about 1921
DickersonHarmond Lborn about 1939
DickersonIsaih Jborn about 1893
DickersonVelma born about 1905
DiimmelAlfred born about 1898
DiimmelElton born about 1922
DiimmelThelma born about 1926
DiimmelVera born about 1904
DikeCharles Aborn about 1915
DikeCharles Jr born about 1939
DikeDorothy born about 1912
DittonJames born about 1920
DonahaieAlice born about 1910
DonahaieLloyd born about 1909
DorodGeorge Aborn about 1915
DouglasElma born about 1902
DouglasHarlan born about 1937
DouglasHarold born about 1900
DruggerEdward born about 1915
DruggerEunice born about 1915
DruggerFrancis born about 1896
DruggerHenry Cborn about 1897
DrydenElta born about 1867
DunhamSidney born about 1926

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E Surnames

EgglestonGlenn born about 1906
EgglestonGordon born about 1932
EgglestonHarvey born about 1933
EgglestonJennie born about 1911
EgglestonMary born about 1940
EhtenfeldtHelen born about 1921
EikenberryClaudia born about 1937
EikenberryMargaret born about 1917
EikenberryWilliam born about 1910
EikenberryWilliam Jr born about 1939
EislerHenrietta born about 1904
EislerHenry born about 1903
EislerShirley born about 1935
EislerZelma born about 1933
EklundDalhart born about 1931
EklundEvelyn born about 1909
EklundPatricia born about 1934
EklundWalter born about 1909
EpeFern Mborn about 1912
EpeGeorge Pborn about 1939
EpeRobert Eborn about 1913
EpeVirginia Jborn about 1935
EslingerMuriel born about 1918
EslingerWilliam Lborn about 1915

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F Surnames

FaleyAlma born about 1907
FaleyCarl born about 1903
FawettTheodore born about 1911
FergusonGeorge born about 1911
FergusonSylvia born about 1915
FerrellChet born about 1904
FerrellEllen born about 1926
FetterGeorge born about 1940
FetterJo Annborn about 1938
FetterLaurence born about 1910
FetterMary born about 1920
FetterSally Annborn about 1938
FiebkeCharles born about 1928
FiebkeCharles Wborn about 1903
FiebkeVera born about 1904
FiebkeWilliam born about 1935
FisherEdith Bborn about 1912
FisherJames Bborn about 1906
FlestedEppie born about 1910
FlestedHarold born about 1909
FlestedHarold Jr born about 1937
FlestedWilliam born about 1939
FletcherAlice Mborn about 1886
FletcherClarence Hborn about 1883
FordCaullcan Fborn about 1901
FordEva Hborn about 1909
FreetCharlie Wborn about 1917
FreetPearl born about 1922
FrittsCeil Lborn about 1905
FrittsEdna born about 1909

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G Surnames

GalbraithAnn born about 1940
GalbraithDaniel born about 1939
GalbraithEarl born about 1913
GalbraithJune born about 1921
GbaleDonna Juneborn about 1939
GbaleJune born about 1918
GbaleRoy born about 1915
GegnierNaomi born about 1914
GegnierOscar born about 1884
GegnierValene born about 1939
GeithmanFred born about 1898
GeithmanGladys born about 1903
GeorgeBarbara Eborn about 1931
GeorgeElsie born about 1909
GeorgeFrank born about 1903
GeorgeWilford Cborn about 1938
GibbsRaymond born about 1919
GiffardThurry Mborn about 1896
GillilandMaude born about 1873
GiloueyJohn born about 1910
GohdenArthur Fborn about 1900
GohdenArthur F Jrborn about 1928
GohdenBertha Fborn about 1898
GrahamRand born about 1910
GrahamRonald born about 1938
GrahamRose born about 1915
GrayJoanne born about 1937
GrayJosef born about 1935
GrayMary born about 1911
GreffinDonald Rborn about 1939
GreffinElla Aborn about 1912
GreffinTroy Aborn about 1913
GreffinTroy Lborn about 1936
GrigwareEddie born about 1920
GrigwareJames Pborn about 1888
GrigwareLucille born about 1890
GrigwarePrescilla born about 1923
GrimmBen Nborn about 1912
GuardGeorge born about 1923
GuardRichard Wborn about 1917
GustGeorge born about 1905
GustJohn born about 1939
GustKathleen born about 1937
GustMargaret born about 1909
GustRoberta born about 1936

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H Surnames

HaenbletonBeverly born about 1909
HaenbletonBeverly born about 1929
HaenbletonGloria born about 1931
HaenbletonThomas born about 1905
HamerK Lborn about 1900
HamerLuella born about 1926
HansenCarl born about 1905
HansenStanley born about 1931
Hanshaw??? born about 1910
HanshawRalph born about 1896
HansonJoan born about 1935
HansonJosephine born about 1912
HansonKothie born about 1939
HansonLeonard born about 1909
HargroneJessie Mborn about 1886
HargroneRobert Cborn about 1886
HargroneRobert C Jrborn about 1909
HartleEd born about 1892
HartleFlossie born about 1892
HarzroneGeorge born about 1917
HarzroneThomas born about 1939
HarzroneVelma born about 1917
HastingBeverly born about 1926
HastingCharles Tborn about 1892
HastingHelen born about 1903
HastingOlive born about 1932
HauffmanArden born about 1939
HauffmanEvelyn born about 1920
HauffmanLaverne born about 1916
HaughHariett born about 1910
HaughHarold born about 1906
HauserClifford born about 1922
HauserNella born about 1933
HauserOra born about 1905
HendricksonCarl Hborn about 1898
HendricksonFlorence born about 1910
HethingtonEmma born about 1921
HethingtonShirley born about 1938
HethingtonWiliam born about 1912
HillJohn born about 1915
HoenfeldtCarl born about 1900
HoenfeldtLara Mborn about 1892
HokansonJune born about 1930
HokansonMae born about 1914
HokansonWalter born about 1909
HolmdahlJohn Pborn about 1937
HolmdahlMargaret born about 1912
HolmdahlNorman born about 1911
HopkinsCharles Eborn about 1875
HowkinsClifford Wborn about 1937
HowkinsEary Lborn about 1913
HowkinsMarion Dborn about 1939
HowkinsPhillis born about 1919
HuffArthur Merleborn about 1907
HuffWilliam Dickborn about 1905
HuffmanDean born about 1914
HuffmanIrene born about 1889
HuffmanJames Lborn about 1880
HumphreysElizabeth Jborn about 1935
HumphreysJames born about 1911
HumphreysZoe born about 1916
HunnelAlta born about 1934
HunnelBeverly born about 1936
HunnelBlanchard born about 1907
HunnelGertrude born about 1914

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J Surnames

JacksonJesse Lborn about 1917
JacksonNell Lborn about 1921
JamiesonColleen born about 1939
JamiesonElna born about 1916
JamiesonLawrence born about 1910
JenningCharlotte born about 1914
JenningFloyd born about 1910
JenningLaura born about 1936
JenningRobert born about 1935
JensenDorothy born about 1908
JensenHarry Aborn about 1902
JensenRoy Louiseborn about 1938
JessopGene born about 1938
JessopJune Eborn about 1914
JessopWilson Lborn about 1914
JohansenBeverly Jborn about 1931
JohansenGail Pborn about 1937
JohansenGeorge Wborn about 1902
JohansenGerald Aborn about 1936
JohansenStella Mborn about 1904
JohnsonAlmeda born about 1919
JohnsonHarold born about 1914
JohnsonJackie born about 1939
JohnsonSarah Annborn about 1918
JohnsonWesley born about 1915
JomnsonRobert Eborn about 1911
JonesCarole Jeanetteborn about 1937
JonesFlorence Eborn about 1918
JonesJohn Wborn about 1917

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K Surnames

KasalekEdward born about 1900
KasalekGladys born about 1902
KayDave born about 1910
KayLois born about 1911
KayMary Loisborn about 1936
KeeceBessie Eborn about 1912
KeeceCurter Lborn about 1933
KeeceJanet Aborn about 1939
KeeceVictor Gborn about 1930
KeeceWilliam Vborn about 1903
KendlerDorothy born about 1912
KendlerGeorge Kborn about 1909
KendlerGeorge Wborn about 1939
KendlerYvonne born about 1934
KendollFrank Lborn about 1938
KendollGrace Gborn about 1917
KendollKarey Hborn about 1915
KichelsCharles born about 1939
KichelsIny born about 1917
KichelsVictor born about 1913
KingAsahel born about 1894
KingMarjorie born about 1901
KingMary Aliceborn about 1938
KirbyBobby born about 1932
KirbyHerbert Hborn about 1904
KirbyLyla born about 1909
KirchnerEdna Mborn about 1925
KirchnerJoseph Hborn about 1923
KirchnerLaura Eborn about 1902
KirchnerOtto Rborn about 1899
KitchelBertha born about 1890
KitchelErnest born about 1887
KizerBeatrice born about 1910
KizerDean born about 1932
KizerEarls born about 1905
KizerGarry born about 1939
KleinEdward born about 1910
KneerHenry Rborn about 1907
KroissHulda born about 1895
KroissMichael born about 1895
KroissWayne born about 1922
KummerAvena born about 1918
KummerDarlene born about 1940
KummerEdward born about 1915

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L Surnames

LafgunGertrude born about 1908
LafgunMatt born about 1909
LafgunRaymond born about 1937
LakeyFloyd born about 1914
LakeyKathleen born about 1912
LakeyRaymond born about 1937
LakeyRonald born about 1940
LampkinFred born about 1899
LampkinOlive born about 1902
LaneWillie born about 1912
LangeErnest Wborn about 1914
LangeMabelle born about 1913
LangleyM Dborn about 1915
LaringerCatherine born about 1921
LaringerTony born about 1914
LarkinsEllen born about 1919
LarkinsRosalene born about 1938
LarkinsVincent Mborn about 1917
LaughlinLoma born about 1915
LaughlinRobert born about 1916
LaughlinRobert Jr born about 1939
LaurArther Andrewborn about 1897
LavallaAlaska born about 1929
LavallaAnna born about 1904
LavallaFrances born about 1926
LavallaFrank born about 1889
LavallaJohn born about 1940
LavallaLois born about 1928
LawrenceClifford born about 1912
LawrenceMaxine born about 1918
LaytonClaudia born about 1937
LaytonStanford born about 1911
LaytonViola born about 1916
LeeDorothy born about 1905
LeeJack Bborn about 1917
LeeWilliam Jborn about 1899
LeggEdna Janeborn about 1896
LeggWilliam Bborn about 1883
LeisCurtis born about 1937
LeisGerald born about 1930
LeisHenry born about 1904
LeisJanice born about 1934
LeisMarie born about 1909
LeisNorma born about 1930
LewisColleen born about 1937
LewisElmer born about 1908
LewisFredda Leborn about 1933
LewisGrace born about 1911
LewisIda born about 1910
LewisPatricia born about 1934
LewisPaul Rborn about 1907
LewisWilfred Jborn about 1905
LewisWilma born about 1914
LindenArthur born about 1915
LindenCarl born about 1939
LindenRosalie born about 1917
LindseyScott born about 1917
LinkAlfred born about 1902
LinkJames born about 1938
LinkMarilyn born about 1935
LinkMary born about 1908
LinnJohn Dborn about 1909
LinnMyrna born about 1909
LinnNancy born about 1938
LinnPatricia born about 1937
ListonLeonard born about 1914
ListonMartha born about 1917
LockardAlva born about 1915
LockardClealle Sborn about 1908
LockardMaurice born about 1914
LockardRomana born about 1937
LoganLyle born about 1911
LuceVail born about 1929
LullEsther born about 1918
LullLaurence Mborn about 1893
LullNorman Hborn about 1916
LullRobert born about 1925
LullRose born about 1895
LursonAllen born about 1938
LursonCharles born about 1903
LursonIda born about 1901
LursonLeslie born about 1937
LursonNorman born about 1940
Luse??? born about 1904
LuseJames born about 1928
LuseMarie born about 1925
LusePercy born about 1898
LynchBenedick born about 1912
LynchDarlene Annborn about 1939
LynchEthel born about 1917

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M Surnames

MagruderChamp born about 1915
MagruderHelen born about 1908
MagruderRalph Cborn about 1939
ManningErnest born about 1886
ManningMae born about 1887
MapesAllen Lborn about 1914
MapesGeraldine ?born about 1917
MarkhamJohn born about 1909
MarlandHubert born about 1924
MarlandRoy born about 1925
MarlaneAlice Mborn about 1912
MarlaneJoseph Bborn about 1907
MartinGertrude born about 1899
MartinH Wborn about 1897
MartonArthur born about 1918
MartonDorothy born about 1923
MartonLloyd born about 1925
MartonLydia born about 1888
MasonArolene born about 1935
MasonFrieda born about 1905
MasonWilliard born about 1898
MattsonLester born about 1912
MattsonViolet born about 1918
Maxson??? born about 1940
MaxsonLeslie Jamesborn about 1932
MaxsonLeslie Rborn about 1907
MaxsonMildred Aborn about 1908
MayLloyd Urnnstonborn about 1916
McColmJesse born about 1902
McCulleyClyde born about 1911
McCurdyGenevieve born about 1909
McCurdyJoan born about 1936
McCurdyRobert born about 1939
McCurdyRoby born about 1909
McDonaldJames born about 1923
McDonaldL Mborn about 1897
McDonaldMae born about 1898
McElroyBilly born about 1927
McElroyEdith born about 1905
McElroyJack born about 1937
McElroyJohn born about 1899
McElroyThelma born about 1933
McElvainHoward Cborn about 1899
McElvainLorena born about 1905
McLachlenAdelaine born about 1907
McLachlenAlex born about 1903
McLachlenArlene born about 1937
McMihonAgnes born about 1908
McMihonJohn born about 1902
McMihonRaymond born about 1931
McMtireBernard born about 1917
MedertHoward born about 1898
MedertNora born about 1917
MeilingsGerald born about 1937
MeilingsHarry Lborn about 1907
MeilingsIone born about 1912
MeilingsPaul born about 1939
MeyerBeverly Jborn about 1939
MeyerEunice Mborn about 1912
MeyerTheodore Rborn about 1909
MichaudIrene Hborn about 1897
MichaudJohn Fborn about 1893
MichaudJohn Hborn about 1927
MichaudPatricia born about 1925
MichoelsBetty born about 1932
MichoelsCharles born about 1900
MichoelsJimmy born about 1923
MichoelsMarion born about 1931
MichoelsThelma born about 1900
MilleDewey born about 1917
MilleLarry Bborn about 1940
MilleMarie born about 1918
MillsEssie born about 1898
MillsHomer born about 1900
MillsRaymond born about 1921
MillsShirley born about 1929
MolineusGlen born about 1910
MolineusLucille born about 1912
MondlockArthur born about 1911
MonesGladys Mborn about 1916
MonesMelvin Eborn about 1911
MonesMelvin E Jrborn about 1939
MonroeArthur born about 1916
MonroeDonna born about 1939
MonroeHarold born about 1914
MonroeNorma born about 1913
MooreS Aborn about 1901
Morgan??? born about 1921
MorganGolden Frankborn about 1920
MorieMargaret born about 1903
MorrisonDonald Wborn about 1921
MouatWilliam Gavinborn about 1920
MullinaxJoveta born about 1931
MullinaxMurvin born about 1926
MullinaxWandalie born about 1932
MurphyGryce born about 1925
MurphyKeith born about 1922
MurphySara Lborn about 1898
MurphyWayne born about 1933
MurphyWilliam born about 1896

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N Surnames

NealArgice born about 1907
NealIda born about 1871
NealJohn Rborn about 1905
NealNorman born about 1934
NealThelma born about 1916
NealVirginia born about 1936
NealWalter born about 1893
NeederDanna born about 1939
NeederEdgar born about 1866
NeffJack born about 1910
NeffJacqueline born about 1939
NeffMarguerite born about 1913
NeillAlice Pborn about 1908
NeillForrest Jborn about 1912
NelsonAdolph born about 1901
NelsonCarol born about 1935
NelsonDon born about 1893
NelsonDonald born about 1924
NelsonDoyd born about 1920
NelsonFay born about 1930
NelsonKenneth born about 1923
NelsonKenneth born about 1931
NelsonLaverne born about 1902
NelsonLyle born about 1917
NelsonStanley born about 1928
NelsonThresa born about 1895
NeuhauserCharles born about 1935
NeuhauserDorothy born about 1913
NeuhauserJohn born about 1893
NeuhauserMary Ivaborn about 1934
NeuhauserWilliam born about 1936
NicholsDonald born about 1914
NicholsLois born about 1919

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O Surnames

OberlitnerCarlie born about 1928
OberlitnerFloyd born about 1897
OberlitnerIda born about 1897
OisenMads born about 1904
OisenNina born about 1935
OisenVivian born about 1909
OlgnnD Cborn about 1897
OlgnnHelen born about 1906
OliverFred Jborn about 1875
OlsonAlma born about 1918
OlsonCarol Dianeborn about 1939
OlsonOmar born about 1918
OmmenMary born about 1906
OmmenOtto born about 1909
OressnallLymous Lborn about 1910
OsbornGrant Sborn about 1911
OsbornViolet born about 1913
OttoLarry Jborn about 1934
OttoRichard born about 1892
OttoRichard born about 1926
OttoRobert born about 1919
OttoVeva Lborn about 1897

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P Surnames

PaceDorothy born about 1939
PaceLuther Hborn about 1887
PaceMaude born about 1888
PaceMelvin born about 1910
PaceViola born about 1910
PageDavid Aborn about 1916
PageEstelle born about 1919
PalmerBertha born about 1884
PalmerC Fborn about 1894
ParadyFlorence born about 1898
ParadyGeorge Eborn about 1892
ParadyGeorge Wborn about 1920
ParadyJames Lborn about 1927
ParkerE Jborn about 1909
ParkerIva born about 1908
ParterAlice born about 1919
ParterHarold Rxborn about 1899
ParterSusan Mborn about 1890
ParterVincent born about 1912
PattersonClaude born about 1900
PattersonHubert Hborn about 1914
PattersonKenneth born about 1915
PattersonMary born about 1904
PattersonRuth Mborn about 1922
PauleyAlbert born about 1910
PauleyJuanita born about 1915
PeoneEmily born about 1902
PeonePaulette born about 1925
PeoneWalter born about 1904
PerkinsBethel born about 1900
PerkinsPatricia born about 1939
PerleDorothy born about 1911
PerleLincoln born about 1912
PierceAlson Rborn about 1936
PierceBertha Eborn about 1904
PierceJoe Rborn about 1939
PierceRobert Hborn about 1905
PollockDon born about 1918
PooleyCamille Annborn about 1939
PooleyCarol Lynneborn about 1935
PooleyHelen born about 1909
PooleyStuart born about 1904

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuinnAnna born about 1873
QuinnEsther born about 1907
QuinnJack born about 1934
QuinnKatherine born about 1927
QuinnLeonard born about 1897

R Surnames

RalphJames born about 1908
ReavisCecelia born about 1882
ReavisRobert born about 1878
ReitmeyerJohn born about 1898
RellyDorothy born about 1893
RellyGeorge Lborn about 1894
ReuseLester born about 1914
ReuseMaxine born about 1915
RichardsCarson Hborn about 1901
RichardsGertrude Bborn about 1904
RichiedDavid born about 1916
RiordonCarol born about 1918
RiordonJudith born about 1939
RiordonLeo born about 1914
RobergJohn born about 1939
RobergJoseph born about 1918
RobergPatricia born about 1921
RobertsDixie born about 1914
RobertsHoward born about 1913
RsutEnil Aborn about 1909
RsutGretchen born about 1913
RussellBarbara born about 1932
RussellClaire born about 1929
RussellGrace born about 1904
RussellPatricia born about 1925
RussellWilliam born about 1904
RustForrest Wborn about 1884
RustLaura Mborn about 1889
RutledgeGeorge born about 1877

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SandbarnEzzlen born about 1910
SandbarnFe?? Cborn about 1906
SandbarnJacqueline born about 1932
SandersAnnie Mborn about 1906
SandersGeorge Tborn about 1899
ScheveninKenneth born about 1914
SchlobohrAlfred born about 1898
SchlobohrGrace born about 1901
SchlobohrRaymond born about 1927
SchullingDoyd born about 1918
SchullingEvelyn born about 1915
ScottFlorence born about 1914
ScottMurray born about 1916
ScottRoxie born about 1911
SestanEunice born about 1883
SharpeGenevieve born about 1904
SharpeLeo born about 1907
ShawGordan Cborn about 1914
ShawMaxine Cborn about 1918
ShirkAnn born about 1909
ShirkEdward born about 1935
ShirkJoseph Nborn about 1897
ShumakerCharles born about 1932
ShumakerCyril born about 1900
ShumakerEsther born about 1903
SigmundAnna born about 1936
SigmundBetty born about 1933
SigmundDorothy born about 1938
SigmundEvelyn born about 1932
SigmundGrace born about 1911
SigmundHoward born about 1912
SigmundHoward born about 1939
SigmundLeona born about 1934
SimondsClaude born about 1901
SimondsErnest born about 1910
SimondsMark born about 1907
SimondsPeggy born about 1918
SisungAmie born about 1899
SisungRoy born about 1890
SizemoreEdgar born about 1883
SizemoreRuth born about 1895
SlatteryClark born about 1895
SlatteryClark Jr born about 1923
SlatteryLola born about 1901
SlatteryRichard born about 1926
SmithAlice born about 1919
SmithBessie born about 1906
SmithChilton born about 1886
SmithEsther born about 1916
SmithGodfrey born about 1909
SmithJack Rborn about 1896
SmithJohn Lborn about 1909
SmithJoy Deeborn about 1924
SmithLa Ralle born about 1937
SmithLaura Lborn about 1896
SmithLois Ruthborn about 1922
SmithPearl born about 1889
SmithRex born about 1920
SmithersAnnie born about 1869
SniggeRichard born about 1917
SorensonNels born about 1891
SouyerRoy born about 1909
SouyerViola Aborn about 1906
SpriggsMildred born about 1913
SpriggsSam born about 1911
StapletonEmery born about 1920
StapletonGerald born about 1923
StapletonGrace born about 1900
StapletonOrville born about 1897
StarkeyAlice born about 1883
StarkeyWilliam born about 1884
SteeleFloyd born about 1920
SteeleJerry born about 1935
SteeleMargaret born about 1915
SteelePatricia born about 1937
SteeleStanley A Mborn about 1904
SteinerBernice Eborn about 1917
SteinerRay Aborn about 1915
StengarPearl born about 1925
StevartWanda born about 1934
StevensErrol born about 1939
StevensLaura born about 1918
StevensLeonard born about 1935
StevensVail born about 1914
StevensonEarl born about 1907
StevensonFlancis born about 1908
StevensonGene born about 1929
StevensonGordon born about 1927
StewartHoward born about 1936
StewartWilma born about 1939
StilesEarle Cliffordborn about 1891
StoneBarbara born about 1939
StoneBetty born about 1939
StoneBlanche born about 1904
StoneJames born about 1927
StoneJohn born about 1925
StoneJohn Wborn about 1898
StottDarwin born about 1915
StottLee born about 1939
StottSarah born about 1917
StreimerBevera born about 1933
StreimerFrances born about 1910
StreimerJohn born about 1905
StuverGeorge born about 1915
StuverLillie born about 1920
StuverRichard born about 1939
SulyMaxine born about 1910
SulyRaymond Kborn about 1911
SumnerDorothy born about 1925
SumnerHerbert born about 1908
SumnerJack born about 1934
SumnerLaura born about 1906
SwartEarl born about 1896
SwartWitma born about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaschereanAmanda born about 1911
TaschereanClifford born about 1907
TaschereauCharles born about 1903
TaschereauGeorge born about 1913
TaschereauReginald born about 1909
TascherenceHenry born about 1901
TascherenceMargaret born about 1913
TaylorCleona born about 1935
TaylorEdwin born about 1939
TaylorEleanor born about 1937
TaylorEvelyn born about 1915
TaylorGlenn born about 1906
ThomasIrma born about 1908
ThomasJack born about 1895
Thompson??? Eborn about 1910
ThompsonCharles Eborn about 1939
ThompsonLedah born about 1890
ThompsonNellie born about 1919
ThompsonWilliam born about 1888
ThoringtonAlthena born about 1899
ThoringtonCharles Bborn about 1899
ThoringtonClyde born about 1929
ThoringtonHarry born about 1922
ThoringtonTheodore born about 1924
TilburyGladyce born about 1909
TilburyMilan born about 1909
TitusFrancis born about 1920
TolburnCatherine Jr born about 1916
TolburnHarry P Jrborn about 1910
ToundKate born about 1876
TramontinPeter Aborn about 1878
TribbeyLoyal born about 1911
TribbeyRuth born about 1913
TribbeyW Lborn about 1889
TuckerNorman born about 1909
TuckerRheba born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VeederDonald born about 1904
VeederMary born about 1910
VeeeksAnna born about 1895
VeeeksHarold born about 1891
VernonLena born about 1910
VernonMarion born about 1937
VernonMelvin born about 1934
VernonMilton born about 1912

W Surnames

WackerLewis Dborn about 1897
WackerMarian born about 1905
WackerVern Lborn about 1939
WakerC Jborn about 1891
WakerLoura born about 1890
WallaceLorn Williamborn about 1920
Wandy??? Eborn about 1910
WandyEsther Rborn about 1912
WardEsther Mborn about 1913
WardGeorge Hborn about 1894
WardGlenn Aborn about 1900
WardGuy Cborn about 1938
WarnerHarold born about 1914
WarnerPatricia born about 1917
WarrenEdward born about 1922
WarrenEdward Jborn about 1900
WarrenGeneva born about 1930
WarrenGeraldine born about 1939
WarrenGilberte born about 1930
WarrenJosephine born about 1934
WarrenKatie born about 1904
WarrenLeo born about 1936
WarrenLouise born about 1932
WarrenMelvin born about 1927
WattCarl born about 1904
WattDonald born about 1924
WattEstel born about 1900
WattMarvin born about 1928
WattRobert born about 1923
WattRuth born about 1932
WattsCharles born about 1908
WattsOmega born about 1907
WattsShirley born about 1935
WattsYvonne born about 1939
WaymanMarylou born about 1911
WeberDorothy born about 1917
WeberLee born about 1909
WelleinAnna born about 1864
WellsErnest Hborn about 1908
WellsIda Mborn about 1920
WeverWilliam born about 1918
WhanDolores born about 1934
WhanFrank born about 1914
WhanMadeline born about 1915
WhiteCuell Aborn about 1890
WhiteKatherine born about 1897
WhiteKatherine born about 1925
WhitePaul born about 1923
WhittlockFrayn born about 1904
WhittlockJean born about 1905
WhittlockSamuel born about 1940
WhlenkattLeo Aborn about 1905
WhlenkattVerla Bborn about 1909
WilderCharles born about 1911
WilderDennis born about 1939
WilderRuth born about 1915
WileyJohn born about 1916
WillerMary born about 1918
WillerOra Maeborn about 1885
WillerRichard born about 1916
WillettCharles born about 1929
WilliamsBessie Mborn about 1907
WilliamsBetty Eborn about 1925
WilliamsEdward Kborn about 1904
WilliamsEdward R Jrborn about 1926
WilliamsKenny born about 1936
WilliamsMildred born about 1912
WilliamsPhyllis born about 1916
WilliamsTed Lborn about 1908
WilliamsVictor born about 1934
WilsonCollen Aborn about 1937
WilsonDavid Fborn about 1932
WilsonMuriel Aborn about 1902
WilsonRichard Dborn about 1930
WilsonRobert Jborn about 1929
WilsonRosemary Vborn about 1935
WilsonZynn Mborn about 1900
WintersSam Aborn about 1910
WoodAlthea born about 1914
WoodMelvin born about 1902
WordenAlbert born about 1913
WorkmanLuella born about 1917
WorkmanOrall Zborn about 1914
WorkmanRussel born about 1937
WrightFlorence born about 1919
WyerCalvin Aborn about 1909
WyerClaudia Fborn about 1894

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoungLiana born about 1939
YoungTheresa born about 1908
YoungWilliam Eborn about 1903

Z Surnames

ZimbelmanAvonelle born about 1920
ZimbelmanJoyce Lborn about 1939
ZimbelmanWilliam born about 1915

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