1940 U.S. Federal Census of Expansion, Benton, Washington

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Washington > Benton County > 1940 Census of Expansion

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames M Surnames O Surnames P Surnames S Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AlexanderEdward Hborn about 1882

B Surnames

BarrianAggustos Fborn about 1863

C Surnames

CastenedaJean Aborn about 1895

D Surnames

DoyleBrook Mborn about 1885
DoyleJoseph Mborn about 1883
DoyleMinnie Eborn about 1888
DoyleThomas Bborn about 1916

H Surnames

HarrymanAudrey born about 1939
HarrymanFern born about 1926
HarrymanFrank Oborn about 1875
HarrymanGrace born about 1908
HarrymanLloyd Tborn about 1906

I Surnames

ImlerCassuis Wborn about 1916

J Surnames

JohnsonEvelyn born about 1893
JohnsonJoyce Mborn about 1928
JohnsonRuth Eborn about 1903
JohnsonWallace Bborn about 1929

K Surnames

KeinathAdam born about 1877

M Surnames

MaciasViernte born about 1908
MedinaMiguel born about 1906
MinatoyaArlene born about 1936
MinatoyaChiyoko born about 1908
MinatoyaJean born about 1929
MinatoyaJerry born about 1931
MinatoyaKahm born about 1898
MitchnerIda born about 1920
MitchnerRuby born about 1938
MottingerOlga born about 1882
MowatJohn Dborn about 1882

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O Surnames

OverbyEster born about 1919
OverbyRaymond Lborn about 1938
OverbyRoy born about 1903

P Surnames

PauleJames Cborn about 1897
PauleNellie born about 1900
PauleWade born about 1935

S Surnames

SmithWilliam Cborn about 1876
SorenLouise born about 1877
SorenMaass born about 1878
StockdalePercy born about 1891
SutherlandOley born about 1901
SutnerlandAlex born about 1880
SvatonskyAnna born about 1886
SvatonskyDorothy born about 1917
SvatonskyJoseph born about 1913

W Surnames

WebbEmit born about 1905
WestmeyerAltha born about 1907
WestmeyerDale born about 1930
WestmeyerEwirn Aborn about 1906
WhitemanArchie Eborn about 1886
WhitherriteNormaud born about 1924
WhulterCharles Aborn about 1881
WilsonLola born about 1896
WilsonThomas born about 1891

Z Surnames

ZellmerAmelia Bborn about 1889
ZellmerEdith born about 1927

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