1940 U.S. Federal Census of Finley, Benton, Washington

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Washington > Benton County > 1940 Census of Finley

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AbercrombieAgnes Rborn about 1910
AbercrombieFloyd Mborn about 1936
AbercrombieGarnet Dborn about 1904
AbercrombieH Graceborn about 1933
AbercrombieJr Donnie born about 1930
AbercrombieW Edwardborn about 1932
AicheleAlma born about 1920
AicheleEldora born about 1925
AicheleLewis born about 1930
AicheleLudwig born about 1887
AicheleSarah born about 1927
AicheleSopia born about 1890
AshAlbert Aborn about 1901
AshAlice Marieborn about 1928
AshArnoldean born about 1929
AshBerle Wborn about 1920
AshBilly Joeborn about 1934
AshE Dewatneborn about 1925
AshGladys Hborn about 1900
AshGlodys Maeborn about 1931
AshHazel born about 1903
AshHoward Hborn about 1895
AshWilber Hborn about 1918

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B Surnames

BaileyHarold Aborn about 1918
BaileyJeanne Hborn about 1916
BakkerEsther born about 1902
BakkerLewis Jr born about 1924
BakkerPeter Jborn about 1898
BakkerWilma Jborn about 1926
BalckburnVirgil Lborn about 1933
BallFred Gborn about 1924
BallHazel Eborn about 1915
BallHelen born about 1928
BallJohn Hborn about 1905
BallM Gborn about 1891
BallNellie Mborn about 1898
BallWinnifred born about 1921
BeallH Rolandborn about 1918
BeallM Maryborn about 1921
BeallMrs W Fborn about 1888
BeatheHarry Aborn about 1886
BeatheLula Fborn about 1890
BeegleDan Fborn about 1885
BeegleMartha Nborn about 1887
BeegleThomas Fborn about 1918
BeesleyCharles Eborn about 1872
BeesleyMarie Lborn about 1882
BeightolEva Lborn about 1909
BeightolI Janeborn about 1933
BeightolMary Aborn about 1864
BeightolMaryann born about 1929
BeightolRobert Aborn about 1927
BeightolWarren Jborn about 1906
BensFrank Mborn about 1894
BensonHarry born about 1908
BensonRubie Aborn about 1915
BesnerHazel Lborn about 1917
BesnerLantha Oborn about 1937
BesnerMary Louiseborn about 1939
BesnerOtto born about 1910
BlackhurnCarl born about 1920
BlackhurnRuby Lborn about 1924
BlackhurnVirgil born about 1886
BlandEdna Mborn about 1895
BlandIrez Cborn about 1931
BlandMack Tborn about 1894
BlandMack Y Jrborn about 1934
BoiesAmanda born about 1869
BoiesBertha born about 1911
BoiesLored born about 1908
BoltonF Cborn about 1884
BoltonRalph Wborn about 1917
BoltonW Floydborn about 1921
BossLinda Mborn about 1940
BossRobert Aborn about 1935
BowersE Glennborn about 1919
BowersHenery Hborn about 1868
BowersMary Mborn about 1884
BowersRobert Sborn about 1921
BoyceWilliam Eborn about 1875
BrangmanBessie Kibbeborn about 1911
BrangmanDale Cleoborn about 1937
BrangmanWill Raymondborn about 1932
BroughmanC Daleborn about 1936
BroughmanWm Rborn about 1932
BrownBetty Cborn about 1916
BrownC Wayneborn about 1890
BrownDorothy Nborn about 1892
BrownWanda Leaborn about 1920

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C Surnames

CallawayJulia born about 1917
CallawayRoberta Aborn about 1937
CalvinJohn Wborn about 1875
CalvinKenneth Fborn about 1916
CalvinLester Lborn about 1914
CalvinMyrtle Aborn about 1886
CarrattHarry Bborn about 1870
CarrattKathryn born about 1917
CarrattTom Jborn about 1911
CarterClinton Eborn about 1925
CarterE Marieborn about 1937
CarterEdna born about 1903
CarterHoward Eborn about 1927
CarterLee Eborn about 1899
CarterOscar Wborn about 1936
CarterRussell Oborn about 1932
CarterViolet Mborn about 1929
ClarkByron Mborn about 1913
ClarkDonald Mborn about 1911
CloydFenella Maeborn about 1937
CloydKaren Leeborn about 1939
CloydSarah Eborn about 1918
CloydWilliam Jborn about 1917
CoanOdos Oborn about 1874
CoanTheodoria born about 1876
CochranArnold Mborn about 1919
CochranG Loreneborn about 1921
CochranJames Eborn about 1919
CochranLouise Lborn about 1907
CochranMarjorie Jborn about 1935
CochranMarlene Mborn about 1938
CochranMerton Lborn about 1938
CochranMerton Wborn about 1897
CochranNora Jborn about 1869
CochranRoy Lborn about 1889
CochranStanley Mborn about 1899
CochranVivian born about 1912
CochranWilliam Lborn about 1861
CoulsonBeryl Iborn about 1917
CoulsonDavid Bborn about 1910
CoulsonDavid Eborn about 1936
CoulsonLewis born about 1868
CoulsonNancy Jborn about 1867
CoulsonRobert Lborn about 1937
CunninghamBelle born about 1869
CunninghamWm born about 1869
CurtisMary Iborn about 1872
CurtisWillard Eborn about 1871

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D Surnames

DarnoldSipp born about 1923
DavisBetty Janeborn about 1936
DennisJames born about 1878
DertingClyde Lborn about 1938
DertingGeroge Mborn about 1936
DertingPaul Lborn about 1913
DertingRuby Eborn about 1916
DickinsonDale Oborn about 1934
DickinsonDonnie Jborn about 1935
DickinsonFlora Sborn about 1908
DickinsonJ Donaldborn about 1909
DickinsonLeigh Aborn about 1936
DonelsonBert Eborn about 1884
DonelsonC Cborn about 1854
DriggsBetty Jeanborn about 1927
DriggsBonnie Jeanborn about 1937
DriggsDelbert Hborn about 1918
DriggsLottie Iborn about 1893
DriggsMary Ireneborn about 1925
DriggsNadene Lborn about 1918
DriggsS Forbesborn about 1912
DriggsSamuel born about 1890
DriggsSamuel Rborn about 1939
DunningC Cborn about 1886
DunningStella Mborn about 1890

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E Surnames

ElderCecil born about 1911
ElderEthel Nborn about 1913
ElderGeorge Eborn about 1934
ElderWilmot Cborn about 1937
EricksonAlvin Lborn about 1900
EricksonC Oborn about 1886
EricksonElenor Rborn about 1913
EricksonEric Lborn about 1933
EricksonHattie Mborn about 1878
EricksonOtto Eborn about 1897
EricksonRobert Aborn about 1934

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F Surnames

FalqueFred Aborn about 1876
FalqueRosa Eborn about 1870
FergusonTheodore born about 1904
FosterAlice Iborn about 1931
FosterDannie Aborn about 1928
FosterErma Mborn about 1932
FosterErnest Dborn about 1926
FosterGeorge Tborn about 1882
FosterGeorge Wborn about 1919
FosterLaura Eborn about 1899
FosterLeonard Lborn about 1937
FosterMarvin Lborn about 1936
FosterMary Edithborn about 1924
FosterWilliam Mborn about 1922
FrankAnna Sborn about 1880
FrankFred Oborn about 1879
FrauenEdward born about 1876
FredrickJarnett Mborn about 1916
FredrickJohn Cborn about 1916
FredrickLenna born about 1885
FredrickLenna Leeborn about 1938
FredrickRoy Sborn about 1886
FryFlorence Mborn about 1876
FryRaymond Mborn about 1917

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G Surnames

GardnerEdith Aborn about 1880
GardnerTurner Mborn about 1872
GerberBetty Aborn about 1931
GerberClara Rborn about 1906
GerberClarabelle born about 1929
GerberDan Eborn about 1880
GerberDonald Eborn about 1923
GerberElzie Jborn about 1911
GerberFrank Aborn about 1906
GerberGertrude Aborn about 1901
GerberHelen Lborn about 1935
GerberLowauna Jborn about 1925
GerberMargy Gborn about 1938
GerberWilliam Aborn about 1905
GerordrJoseph born about 1872
GerordrMabella Eborn about 1908
GerordrMarie Eborn about 1881
GerordrMarie Sborn about 1912
GerordrWalds Gborn about 1909
GilmoreArwil Eborn about 1878
GilmoreMary Lborn about 1917
GilmoreMinnjie Jborn about 1881
GilmoreRussell Mborn about 1921
GilmoreWinfrild Jborn about 1907
GlassnerArlie Bborn about 1921
GlassnerClinton Wborn about 1885
GlassnerEdith Cborn about 1889
GowingJ Rborn about 1878
GowingNancy Oleveborn about 1883
GreenwayWellorn Jborn about 1892
GrimshawD Junitaborn about 1924
GrimshawDon Eborn about 1929
GrimshawIranilla born about 1903
GrimshawJesse Wborn about 1893
GrimshawJessie Lborn about 1931
GrimshawNora born about 1924
GrimshawRobert Fborn about 1921
GrimshawTroy born about 1921
GrimshawWinona Mborn about 1927
GrimshawWstafrin born about 1918
GuffAlbert born about 1924

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H Surnames

HendersonLywn Eborn about 1907
HendersonMargaret Cborn about 1873
HenrichsonNicolai born about 1894
HggermanClarence Hborn about 1916
HggermanRose Aborn about 1916
HobsonGeorge Wborn about 1867
HokersmithDelmar Jborn about 1897
HokersmithNorma Jeanborn about 1931
HokersmithThelma born about 1909
HolsteineBernice Aborn about 1909
HolsteineBetty Leeborn about 1928
HolsteineElza Jborn about 1904
HolsteineMildred Jborn about 1937
HoppyLawerence Eborn about 1927
HoppyWilliam Vborn about 1924
HousdenDorothy Mborn about 1925
HousdenEthel Aborn about 1915
HousdenGoldine Lborn about 1937
HousdenOscar Wborn about 1913
HowardEsther born about 1919
HowardEugene born about 1914
HowardJ Harveyborn about 1879
HowardMarcus Aborn about 1918
HowardOrville born about 1920
HowardWilliam Hborn about 1881
HowseJohn born about 1921
HubbardGlenn Aborn about 1891
HubbardHattie born about 1863
HumphfusDonald Rborn about 1922
HumphfusMary Gborn about 1906
HumphfusRichard Pborn about 1924
HumphfusRobert Gborn about 1923
HumphfusRoy born about 1898
HuntCariline Iborn about 1904
HuntChas E Jrborn about 1891
Hurt??? Oborn about 1907
HurtHelen Mborn about 1919
HurtLloyd Aborn about 1918

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J Surnames

JindelM Wborn about 1875
JohnsonAnna born about 1886
JohnsonErnest born about 1883

K Surnames

KennedyLeroy Wborn about 1920
KerrMelfred Hborn about 1925
KerrNellie Eborn about 1894
KerrThomas Hborn about 1893
KimberlyJ Mborn about 1874
KirbyAubry born about 1894
KirbyDonald Leeborn about 1933
KirbyEugene Kborn about 1932
KirbyL Ireneborn about 1898
KirbyRaymond Eborn about 1930
KirbyWayne Rborn about 1936
KirkpatrickLeilah born about 1905

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L Surnames

LandeBetty Eborn about 1921
LandeJesse born about 1912
LaneCharles born about 1896
LaneDavid Dborn about 1930
LaneVerna born about 1923
LaneWinnie Eborn about 1903
LanningBlanche Vborn about 1936
LanningJellie Rborn about 1893
LanningLaurence born about 1917
LanningRolla born about 1892
LanningRoy born about 1887
LarrickHenery Lborn about 1887
LarrickLillion born about 1906
LarueLeroy Lborn about 1920
LarueLester Aborn about 1882
LarueNell Cborn about 1883
LarueRoy Cborn about 1925
LawarenceHarry born about 1920
LawarenceHazel born about 1922
LawarenceJohn born about 1926
LawarenceJoyce born about 1939
LawarenceOpal born about 1931
LawarenceRuth Sborn about 1902
LawarenceSam Cborn about 1893
LawarenceViolet born about 1934
LeaGeorge Hborn about 1872
LeaJ Fborn about 1877
LeaLillie born about 1882
LecheltEsther Aborn about 1880
LecheltFern Eborn about 1916
LecheltIvan Mborn about 1918
LecheltMarvin Jborn about 1922
LecheltOrville Aborn about 1920
LecheltWarren Aborn about 1927
LesterDwain born about 1930
LesterOelanche Eborn about 1911
LewisJohn Lborn about 1887
LewisPearl Mborn about 1892
LewisRoy Cborn about 1924
LivingstoneDoris Aborn about 1931
LivingstoneElsie Hborn about 1903
LivingstoneFrank Eborn about 1929
LivingstoneHarold born about 1940
LivingstoneMariorie born about 1921
LivingstoneMoris Wborn about 1936
LivingstoneRalph Eborn about 1898
LivingstoneRobert Rborn about 1934
LivingstoneRuby Rborn about 1938
LynchEdith Eborn about 1915
LynchH Iravin Mborn about 1935
LynnIrabelle Rborn about 1869
LyonsFrank Mborn about 1876
LyonsMary Aborn about 1882
LyonsOra Mayborn about 1910

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M Surnames

ManlyClyde born about 1920
MansonHoward born about 1925
MassAnothony born about 1883
MassFred born about 1885
MastJohn Oborn about 1910
McAlisterEldora born about 1922
McAlisterEliam Oborn about 1888
McAlisterHazel Iborn about 1893
McCalmontDolly born about 1932
McCalmontLe Roy born about 1894
McCalmontO Maeborn about 1919
McCalmontRobert Wborn about 1930
McCartyCambett Annaborn about 1910
McCartyClara Eborn about 1938
McCartyClara Sborn about 1878
McCartyLula Aborn about 1913
McCartyVernon Tborn about 1909
MealsSallie Fborn about 1869
MealsW Oborn about 1874
MelsonGlenna Rborn about 1910
MelsonShirly Annaborn about 1935
MenterAlfredrick born about 1940
MenterErna Iborn about 1924
MenterGuy born about 1880
MenterHazel Mborn about 1932
MenterJohn Wborn about 1926
MenterMary Cborn about 1928
MenterRuby Fborn about 1907
MenterYvonne born about 1938
MessengerAlonge born about 1887
MessengerBetty Lborn about 1927
MessengerCarol Tborn about 1925
MessengerElizabeth Lborn about 1903
MessengerRaymond Hborn about 1930
MessengerVirgil Nborn about 1928
MilamElmas born about 1907
MilamHellie born about 1896
MilamLonda born about 1929
MilamMarie born about 1922
MilamOrvel born about 1912
MilamOthe born about 1922
MilamRobert Vborn about 1937
MilamW Cborn about 1892
MillerGeorgina Eborn about 1904
MillerLeon J Eborn about 1922
MillerMatt born about 1895
MohnWilliam born about 1877
MonteneyArdell born about 1896
MonteneyLoren Dborn about 1932
MonteneyMyron Wborn about 1928
MonteneySilas born about 1922
MonteneyVerda Lborn about 1908
MorrinG Cborn about 1886
MoselyBertha Pborn about 1896
MoselyJohn Hborn about 1889
MossDon born about 1911
MossEsther Mborn about 1920
MossSherley Maeborn about 1938

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N Surnames

NelsonAlbert Jborn about 1871
NormanAudrey Aborn about 1912
NormanEthel born about 1885
NormanJames born about 1881
NormanJune Gborn about 1928
NormanLester Jborn about 1910
NormanLynn Dborn about 1937
NormanRichard born about 1927
NormanRobert Jborn about 1931
NormanTeddy Aborn about 1933
NunnC Jamesborn about 1902
NunnCharles Eborn about 1931
NunnJack Lborn about 1929

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O Surnames

OchseW Eborn about 1902
OhairBernice Iborn about 1899
OhairBrack Wborn about 1920
OhairClayton Lborn about 1918
OhairCles Tborn about 1923
OhairCurtis Cborn about 1925
OhairEdward Wborn about 1893
OhairEllsworth Rborn about 1896
OhairGene Gborn about 1924
OhairGlades Mborn about 1904
OhairH Bborn about 1929
OhairHarold Hborn about 1908
OhairHarvey Bborn about 1885
OhairJ Brackborn about 1857
OhairJimmie born about 1939
OhairJohn born about 1931
OhairLaura born about 1868
OhairLawra Annborn about 1925
OhairMattie Eborn about 1892
OhairPhylis Joborn about 1935
OhairRoyce Jborn about 1932
OhairStanley Dborn about 1934
OhairTressie Oborn about 1902
OhairTwila Iborn about 1937

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P Surnames

ParkerCloyde Wborn about 1928
ParkerGlynn Sborn about 1924
ParkerJesse Tborn about 1880
ParkerParley Aborn about 1895
ParkerParley Davidborn about 1930
ParkerRoy Nborn about 1926
PartchL Wborn about 1872
PartchRatie born about 1877
PastoriusWilliam Hborn about 1869
PerkinsBarbara Annborn about 1924
PerkinsErvin born about 1895
PerkinsJohn Edwardborn about 1933
PerkinsRobert Hborn about 1876
PerkinsRobert H Jrborn about 1923
PhillipsJack Fborn about 1918
PiertAlbert Dborn about 1912
PiertEthel Aborn about 1888
PiertHenry born about 1886
PiertL Maeborn about 1913
PiertOma Fborn about 1905
PiertPeggy Lborn about 1939
PiertRodney Cborn about 1937
PiertWilliam born about 1888

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R Surnames

RebbeGlenn born about 1919
RebmanEmma born about 1882
RebmanFred Pborn about 1880
ReichenbackE Aborn about 1879
ReichenbackJoe born about 1922
ReichenbackLucy Jborn about 1882
ReidMarjorie born about 1908
ReidMay born about 1878
ReidTom born about 1878
RellerBelmar Lborn about 1926
RellerGlenn Rborn about 1928
RellerHoward Jborn about 1925
RellerLambert born about 1893
RellerMelvin Lborn about 1937
RellerOlga born about 1903
RellerVivian Rborn about 1930
RiceMary Hborn about 1869
RiceWilliam Wborn about 1864
RickM Fborn about 1862
RinguetteEdward Lborn about 1879
RinguetteMarie Eborn about 1883
RobersonBetty Aborn about 1933
RobersonClaud born about 1895
RobersonLeonard Dborn about 1926
RobersonLewin Kborn about 1924
RobersonLloyd Mborn about 1922
RobersonRosie Eborn about 1897
RossA Aborn about 1877
RossEthel born about 1885
RossLester Sborn about 1922
RuhAlice Wborn about 1927
RuhAnn born about 1887
RuhAnna Mborn about 1892
RuhDan Jborn about 1918
RuhDelbert born about 1926
RuhDorothy Mborn about 1921
RuhGoe born about 1891
RuhGoe Lborn about 1933
RuhJus born about 1914
RuhKenneth Fborn about 1924
RuhRaymond Aborn about 1922
RuhSam Jr born about 1910
RuhSam Sr born about 1880

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S Surnames

SandersA Richardborn about 1935
SandersAlyce Fborn about 1926
SandersFloyd Mborn about 1900
SandersJ Loreeborn about 1929
SandersKenneth Eborn about 1924
SandersMyra Eborn about 1931
SandersStacia Eborn about 1906
SandersTheodore Cborn about 1938
SchaffnerAdolph born about 1870
SchaffnerJosephine born about 1876
SchmelzerAugusta born about 1866
SchmelzerCharles Fborn about 1921
SchmelzerCorl Fborn about 1893
SchmelzerDolores Hborn about 1894
SchmelzerDolores Mborn about 1929
SchmelzerElmer Fborn about 1908
SchmelzerElmer Wborn about 1925
SchmelzerEvelyn Iborn about 1912
SchmelzerFrank Wborn about 1903
SchmelzerJ Fborn about 1863
SchmelzerMaxine Eborn about 1927
SchmelzerRobert Rborn about 1923
SchmelzerSylvia Jeanborn about 1934
SchmelzerWinnie Mborn about 1913
SchwartzkophBen born about 1914
SchwartzkophHazel Mborn about 1900
SchwenkElmer born about 1882
SchwenkLula Eborn about 1900
SchwenkMelton Eborn about 1933
ScottEdgar Aborn about 1910
ScottLillian Mborn about 1913
ScottMarlene Iborn about 1939
ScottRosella Mborn about 1932
SellickEdward born about 1868
SellickGeorge Eborn about 1894
SherryDonald Fborn about 1924
SherryErnest Vborn about 1889
SherryGerold Jborn about 1915
SherryNellie Bborn about 1892
ShoemakerAlice Nborn about 1922
ShoemakerArthur born about 1902
ShoemakerBarbara Jeanborn about 1933
ShoemakerCharles Nborn about 1905
ShoemakerLloyd Nborn about 1927
ShoemakerMartha Lborn about 1924
ShoemakerMaud born about 1886
ShoemakerRalph Cborn about 1935
ShoemakerRoy Rborn about 1938
ShoemakerSamuel Cborn about 1877
ShoemakerSylvia Rborn about 1904
ShoemakerWesley Jborn about 1930
ShulaErma Eborn about 1912
ShulaJames born about 1918
ShulaJennie Mborn about 1884
ShulaJoseph born about 1875
ShulaJoseph Jr born about 1914
ShulaViolet Aborn about 1923
SlocumbAlta Eborn about 1898
SlocumbBernard Lborn about 1896
SlocumbByard Bborn about 1925
SlocumbLynn Bborn about 1933
SmithDonna Wborn about 1933
SmithDorothy Hborn about 1931
SmithEugene Eborn about 1929
SmithHarry Dborn about 1915
SmithHoward Eborn about 1909
SmithJames Hborn about 1893
SmithJoyce Aborn about 1934
SmithLois Eborn about 1920
SmithLorena Aborn about 1860
SmithM Mabelborn about 1896
SmithMary Louiseborn about 1928
SmithRichard Eborn about 1913
SmithRosanna Bborn about 1921
SmithRuth Eborn about 1919
SmithSadie Eborn about 1912
SnyderC Iborn about 1865
SnyderClarison born about 1871
SnyderFrank Lborn about 1892
StanelymanCalrence born about 1915
StewartDoris Eborn about 1933
StewartDwen Eborn about 1922
StewartE Wborn about 1892
StewartRichard Cborn about 1931
StewartThelma Lborn about 1902
StoweJames Pborn about 1911
StreetMattie born about 1897
StreetPhillip Mborn about 1932
StreetWesley born about 1886
StropeAllen Eborn about 1917
StropeAlpha Vborn about 1873
StropeDorothy Annborn about 1936
StropeH Mborn about 1871
StropeSherley Mborn about 1938
StropeVelna Mborn about 1920

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T Surnames

TaylorGeorge Eborn about 1904
TaylorMarjorie Aborn about 1909
TurnerEmma born about 1865
TurnerMarguriete born about 1919
TurnerMark Fborn about 1887
TweedtIngenia Hborn about 1887
TweedtLewis Aborn about 1879
TweedtRobert Eborn about 1916

V Surnames

VollandF Hborn about 1878
VollandHannah born about 1886
VovrickHarriet Sborn about 1934
VovrickNorman Dborn about 1931
VovrickPhilips Tborn about 1930
VovrickSigvart Pborn about 1900
VovrickThea Sborn about 1906

W Surnames

WalkCarl Cborn about 1886
WalkClaude Eborn about 1921
WalkEmma Lborn about 1894
WarredClare born about 1900
WatersElizabeth born about 1862
WatsonEldora Nborn about 1930
WatsonGlen Lborn about 1925
WatsonLendyl Cborn about 1923
WatsonRoy Oborn about 1892
WatsonVena Eborn about 1895
WebberClarence Rborn about 1917
WebberDorothy Aborn about 1922
WebberRobert Fborn about 1892
WebberSylvia Mborn about 1897
WilliamsAlmira born about 1871
WilliamsCarl Aborn about 1876
WilliamsHoward Eborn about 1909
WilliamsLeta Iborn about 1925
WilliamsMabel Jborn about 1886
WilliamsMarion Sborn about 1894
WilliamsWilmeth Lborn about 1911
WilsonDaniel Dborn about 1929
WilsonDonna Iborn about 1933
WilsonJewell Jborn about 1909
WilsonJimmie Rborn about 1928
WilsonLeonard Fborn about 1937
WilsonLois Mborn about 1935
WilsonLucille born about 1906
WilsonMartha Hborn about 1905
WilsonMary Annborn about 1934
WilsonRoy Aborn about 1898
WilsonWalter Tborn about 1892
WilsonWilliam Fborn about 1903
WingerLeonard born about 1905
WithamAnnie born about 1913
WithamHarold Eborn about 1935
WithamHarold Wborn about 1908
WithamSherley Annborn about 1933
WoodruffBertha Mborn about 1898
WoodruffFloyd Aborn about 1889
WoodruffIda Mayborn about 1923
WoodruffJames Eborn about 1920
WoodruffWilma Fborn about 1922
WrichElizabeth born about 1883
WrichJohn born about 1889

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Y Surnames

YaterElsie born about 1915
YaterLevi born about 1922
YaterMaude born about 1893
YaterVolly born about 1920
YounceC Eborn about 1874
YounceF Gaydeborn about 1924
YounceMattie born about 1888
YounceVictor Jborn about 1920
YoungLa Lern born about 1924
YoungMazie Rborn about 1887

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