1940 U.S. Federal Census of Fishers, Clark, Washington

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Washington > Clark County > 1940 Census of Fishers

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbramsBert Cborn about 1911
AbramsDorothy Rborn about 1916
AbramsLinda Aborn about 1939
AckermanFranklin Aborn about 1918
AckermanJohn Fborn about 1910
AckermanMargaret Lborn about 1909
AckermanMartha Mborn about 1883
AllenCharles Marruittborn about 1873
AllenEmma Mborn about 1875
AllenF Aborn about 1875
AllenRuth E Pullenborn about 1893
ArmstrongJohn Tborn about 1893
ArmstrongVivian Vborn about 1900
ArmstrongWesley born about 1930
ArvidsonAlbert born about 1905
ArvidsonAllen born about 1939
ArvidsonCherrie born about 1911
ArvidsonFrederick born about 1914
ArvidsonOscar born about 1876
AtkinsAnnie Eborn about 1865
AtkinsEdith Mborn about 1905
AtkinsGordon Aborn about 1900
AtkinsJames born about 1926
AtkinsJeanne born about 1923
AtkinsMargaret born about 1925

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B Surnames

BarberBetty Cborn about 1924
BarberCarol born about 1930
BarberDoris Pborn about 1928
BarberEsther Mborn about 1895
BarberFrank Lborn about 1880
BarberRobert Cborn about 1925
BarberRoger Fborn about 1923
BargerEsther Aborn about 1933
BargerMinnie born about 1897
BargerW Wborn about 1876
BarnesJames Wborn about 1889
BarnesPrudence born about 1891
BartlettFanny Fborn about 1854
BartoschEdwin born about 1881
BealsChester Iborn about 1913
BealsMarion Lborn about 1914
BehrensAlbert Hborn about 1889
BehrensLucille born about 1901
BehrensRichard Aborn about 1924
BehrensShirley born about 1929
BelzAlbert born about 1917
BelzC Tborn about 1908
BelzEdward Lborn about 1930
BelzGenevive born about 1924
BelzLloyd born about 1926
BelzLonnie born about 1898
BelzLouday Aborn about 1901
BelzMarie born about 1872
BenninghoffGrace Iborn about 1899
BenninghoffLeon Aborn about 1878
BenninghoffVirginia born about 1923
BerggrenCarl born about 1865
BlanchardArchie Rborn about 1929
BlanchardEileen born about 1915
BlanchardGeorge born about 1882
BlanchardGerald born about 1909
BlanchardGlenn born about 1913
BlanchardHelen born about 1916
BlanchardIda Mborn about 1923
BlanchardJames Dborn about 1936
BlanchardMamie born about 1889
BlanchardMaxine born about 1933
BlanchardRobert Bborn about 1915
BlanchardRoger Bborn about 1936
BoldenR Hborn about 1876
BoldenViola Bborn about 1881
BorgersonNorman Lborn about 1905
BrnndaceJohn Mborn about 1873
BrnndaceMaude Mborn about 1874
BrownHarold Aborn about 1898
BrownHugh Eborn about 1876
BrownJohn Aborn about 1870
BrownJulia born about 1872
BrownJune born about 1928
BrownLynn born about 1929
BrownMargaret Gborn about 1882
BrownNellie Eborn about 1898
BurfordGeorge Mborn about 1910
BurfordMarietta Lborn about 1933
BurfordMaurice Jborn about 1937
BurfordWoodrow Lborn about 1919
BurfordZelda Mborn about 1911
BurgenEffie born about 1884
BurgenJames Aborn about 1866
BurrellArlene born about 1924
BurrellLorraine born about 1922
BurrellMyra Iborn about 1897
BurrellOdbur Rborn about 1894

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C Surnames

CarlmanHarvey Lborn about 1899
CarlmanJack Hborn about 1931
CarlmanMamta Eborn about 1904
CarlmanMarguerette Gborn about 1929
CarterCharles Bborn about 1871
ChristensonM Aborn about 1895
ChristensonMaude Dborn about 1893
ClarkChad born about 1887
ClarkMae Dborn about 1855
ClemonsEarl Hborn about 1913
ClemonsEarl H Jrborn about 1938
ClemonsMae Oborn about 1915
ClothierRosa born about 1886
ColbyAlva Mborn about 1910
ColbyEd Rborn about 1901
ColbyEleanor born about 1939
ColbyRaymond born about 1933
CollardLewis Lborn about 1888
CollardWilliam born about 1924
ConcannonRuth Gborn about 1913
ConcannonTimothy Wborn about 1936
ConcannonWilliam Tborn about 1911
CrismanEdmund born about 1903
CrismanEugene Cborn about 1931
CrismanHelen Mborn about 1911
CrismanPatricia Aborn about 1938
CrismanRonald Mborn about 1934
CrismanVirginia Hborn about 1936
CroswellEphraim Hborn about 1911
CroswellMildred Iborn about 1917
CroswellPatricia Jborn about 1939
CroswellYvonne born about 1940

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D Surnames

DansonC Bborn about 1884
DansonOlive Eborn about 1893
DavisEdna Lborn about 1874
DavisMillard Lborn about 1879
DennisDoris Fborn about 1909
DennisFrank Aborn about 1908
DubachAddie born about 1909
DubachLester born about 1910
DubachR Eborn about 1877
DubackLillian born about 1915
DubackN Eborn about 1908
DueMable born about 1882

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E Surnames

EbyDorothy Dborn about 1898
EbyHoward Cborn about 1897
EbyOliver Mborn about 1865
EdwardsBernice born about 1898
EgeeClyde Jborn about 1885
EgeeFreeman Rborn about 1913
EgeeHarriett Aborn about 1913
EllinwoodClarence born about 1865
EllinwoodSophia born about 1877
ElliottJune Hborn about 1902
ElliottPatricia born about 1935
ElliottWilliam Cborn about 1901
EnglishA Eborn about 1869
EnglishMary born about 1869
EqualsGrace born about 1897
EqualsJames Mborn about 1896
EqualsRobert Vborn about 1917
EzemyEline born about 1892
EzemyHerman born about 1889

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F Surnames

FeringtonAina Eborn about 1906
FeringtonDade Mborn about 1932
FeringtonGlenn Hborn about 1904
FineDarryl born about 1939
FineG born about 1913
FineL Wborn about 1912
FineSherman Lborn about 1937
ForceArlene born about 1938
ForceBetty born about 1922
ForgeyEvelyn Cborn about 1917
ForgeyRobert Fborn about 1915
ForgeySandra born about 1939

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G Surnames

GarberCharles born about 1881
GarberMabel Lborn about 1886
GarvisBernard Eborn about 1917
GarvisJames Jborn about 1884
GentryAnna Cborn about 1919
GentryCharles born about 1924
GentryChristina Aborn about 1918
GentryE Hborn about 1918
GentryEverett Cborn about 1892
GentryMary Aborn about 1892
GentryRobert Dborn about 1935
GentryThomas Wborn about 1915
GertzHenry Hborn about 1897
GertzRosa Eborn about 1901
GlickJohn Aborn about 1856
GoebelMary born about 1882
GoebelWilhelm born about 1884
GollyCaroline born about 1928

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H Surnames

HagertyIcal Eborn about 1906
HagertyRoyce Cborn about 1925
HagertyWillard Cborn about 1899
HagertyWilma Lborn about 1927
HahnCelia Cborn about 1891
HahnPaul Rborn about 1886
HallLouise born about 1887
HallMarion Lborn about 1879
HancockBelle born about 1925
HancockClara born about 1922
HancockDorothy born about 1922
HancockEmmett born about 1925
HancockEverett born about 1930
HancockJohn born about 1937
HancockLawrence born about 1934
HancockLloyd born about 1936
HancockMay born about 1902
HancockRalph born about 1894
HannamJohn Cborn about 1930
HannamMargaret Mborn about 1911
HannamO Fborn about 1914
HannamWilliam Eborn about 1933
HansenEdna Iborn about 1893
HansenNorene born about 1926
HansenPeggy Lborn about 1934
HansenPeter Jborn about 1890
HansenVirginia born about 1932
HarperAnna born about 1882
HarperEarnest born about 1879
HarrisHomer born about 1911
HarrisIrene born about 1908
HarveyLoretta born about 1925
HaupertEdward Jborn about 1914
HaupertGladys Mborn about 1911
HaupertSylvia Gborn about 1939
HerberAgnes born about 1915
HerberLeonard born about 1913
HerberPaul born about 1937
HerifordJ Clarenceborn about 1913
HerifordLueretia Hborn about 1919
HerifordPatrica Lborn about 1939
HerifordVirginia Lborn about 1940
HolmbergCaroline born about 1896
HolmbergDorothy born about 1931
HolmbergEdwin born about 1922
HolmbergFredrick born about 1924
HolmbergJoanne born about 1929
HolmbergThomas born about 1880
HonckmanFrederick Gborn about 1887
HonckmanJohanna Mborn about 1897
HowardThelma Lborn about 1904
HowardValerie born about 1933
HowardWilliam Dborn about 1902
HuffmanMargaret born about 1914
HylenIda born about 1883
HylenJames born about 1889

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I Surnames

IakobsonClara born about 1911
IakobsonGeraldine born about 1936
IakobsonJocquetine Gborn about 1938
IakobsonRalph born about 1912
IrelandMinnie born about 1888
IrelandWilliam Aborn about 1892

J Surnames

JaeckelAnna born about 1869
JaeckelHarry Eborn about 1859
JensenBertha Fborn about 1862
JensenEarnest Aborn about 1897
JohnsonGrace born about 1913
JohnsonRobert Wborn about 1910
JordonDarcy born about 1940
JordonLoretta born about 1909
JordonMichael born about 1939
JordonRussell born about 1910
JudkinsArthur born about 1900
JudkinsFrances Eborn about 1926
JudkinsJeanette Eborn about 1927
JudkinsLucille Mborn about 1907

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K Surnames

KarnathAugust Lborn about 1892
KarnathBessie Fborn about 1893
KeeneElinor Eborn about 1889
KeeneyJulia born about 1877
KeeneyL Pborn about 1881
KeeneyLindley born about 1918
KingNathan Aborn about 1915
KnobelBetsy Aborn about 1901
KnobelBurdell Rborn about 1922
KnobelEdwin Wborn about 1893
KnobelJune born about 1930
KohlerHarvey born about 1886
KohlerStella born about 1875

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L Surnames

LovellCharles Eborn about 1910
LovellJoyce born about 1933
LovellVivian Gborn about 1913

M Surnames

ManconiNick born about 1890
McBroomBeryl born about 1915
McBroomEdith Cborn about 1890
McBroomWayne born about 1922
McBroomWilliam Gborn about 1891
McDonaldLinda born about 1871
MillerAnna born about 1904
MillerCharles Mborn about 1878
MillerClaudia born about 1935
MillerClystia born about 1935
MillerElaine born about 1931
MillerLouise born about 1907
MillerMae born about 1884
MillerMarion born about 1929
MillerRalph Kborn about 1915
MillerRaymond Cborn about 1904
MoeMyrtle born about 1922
MontgomeryLeah Cborn about 1901
MontgomeryRichard born about 1929
MontgomeryWard born about 1888
MooreAlva Pborn about 1936
MooreAudrey Mborn about 1931
MooreMonty Mborn about 1934
MoorePaul born about 1891
MooreSadie born about 1896
MoraschConrad born about 1916
MoraschDoreen Lborn about 1939
MoraschLester Cborn about 1940
MoraschSilba born about 1916
MuellerJohn Jr born about 1914
MurrayEdna Lborn about 1919
MurrayEdwin Mborn about 1938
MurrayMervin Mborn about 1915
MurrayStanley Lborn about 1939
MyersAaron Sborn about 1910
MyersBertha Aborn about 1918
MyersCharles born about 1939
MyersDonald born about 1938
MyersGladys born about 1920

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N Surnames

NabCharles Hborn about 1870
NabJosie Hborn about 1879
NarriottAda born about 1882
NarriottThomas born about 1881

O Surnames

OldsD Fborn about 1886
OldsDouglas born about 1917
OldsHelen born about 1918
OldsNeva Cborn about 1896
OstensonCaroline born about 1887

P Surnames

ParrHerman Gborn about 1889
ParrMabel born about 1900
PaulsonAnnie born about 1904
PaulsonEmil born about 1918
PaulsonEva born about 1888
PaulsonPaul born about 1887
PaulsonRuth born about
PerryJean born about 1929
PerryJoyce born about 1934
PerryL Dborn about 1906
PerryLorraine born about 1939
PerryMarguerite born about 1909
PerryThelma born about 1931
PowellAlice born about 1933
PowellAlice Aborn about 1908
PowellBarbara Jborn about 1933
PowellCharles Eborn about 1908
PowellHasley Jborn about 1892
PowellMalinda Mborn about 1873
PowellNorman born about 1923
PowellR Lborn about 1858
PowellRamona born about 1925
PowersHelen born about 1902
PowersHelen Aborn about 1926
PowersHilda Rborn about 1929
PowersWilliam Hborn about 1932
PrahlGertrude born about 1904
PrahlWerner born about 1894
PrattC Lborn about 1910
PrattGlenn born about 1921
PrattPearl born about 1883
PrattRoscoe born about 1915
PrattWilliam born about 1875

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R Surnames

RamsdellMarcita born about 1924
RiceLouise born about 1930
RiceOrville Wborn about 1901
RicePearl born about 1936
RiceRuny Bborn about 1926
RiceRuny Jborn about 1904
RiceShirley born about 1933
RidgmanBarbara born about 1921
RidgmanChester Pborn about 1897
RidgmanJean born about 1920
RidgmanJeanette Pborn about 1897
RobertsonElton born about 1933
RobertsonLeslie born about 1910
RobertsonMona born about 1910
RobertsonVirginia born about 1932

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S Surnames

ScottonClarence Cborn about 1889
ScottonGrace Dborn about 1889
ScottonMildred Cborn about 1892
ScottonNorene born about 1923
ScottonWilliam Cborn about 1891
SealCecil Iborn about 1911
SealRobert born about 1936
SealVirginia Eborn about 1915
SimmonsC Eborn about 1897
SimmonsEverett born about 1926
SimmonsGeorge born about 1935
SimmonsLillian born about 1907
SimmonsShirley born about 1932
SktjowerDavid Gborn about 1913
SktjowerDavid Jr born about 1935
SktjowerThelma Mborn about 1914
SmithAnna Mborn about 1897
SmithH Cborn about 1883
SmithJames born about 1936
SmithWinfield born about 1933
SoultA Wardeborn about 1908
SoultAlbert Wborn about 1879
SoultCharlotte born about 1885
StrndevantRyley born about 1878
StrongDorothy born about 1916
StroudAda Aborn about 1895
StroudLeo Eborn about 1888

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T Surnames

ThompsonInez Mborn about 1924
ThompsonRalph born about 1863
ThorpeBertha Mborn about 1870
ThorpeC Eborn about 1867
TimmonsF Nborn about 1871
TimmonsIda Mborn about 1874
TowelpieceFrank Mborn about 1904
TowelpieceMendell born about 1939
TowelpieceVera Cborn about 1912
TowelpieceW Monaborn about 1937
TuppEsther born about 1908
TuttleLuella born about 1885
TuttleR Gborn about 1886
TuttleR Hborn about 1913

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U Surnames

UrbanJacob born about 1898

V Surnames

VossAllen born about 1930

W Surnames

WalkerJohn Eborn about 1851
WallaceBeatrice born about 1889
WallaceCarl Wborn about 1885
WayHelen born about 1903
WayRay born about 1931
WayWilliam born about 1897
WebbByron born about 1925
WebberAnne born about 1905
WebberCarol born about 1930
WebberOscar Pborn about 1878
WebsterEmma Kborn about 1868
WestHart Fborn about 1882
WestKatherine Cborn about 1888
WestgateG Aborn about 1871
WestgateHenrietta born about 1873
WilliamsRobert Lborn about 1934
WilliamsRoberta Dborn about 1913
WilliamsWilliam Eborn about 1909
WilsonDon Gborn about 1913
WilsonJohn born about 1938
WilsonWilma born about 1917

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Z Surnames

ZuglerBetty born about 1926
ZuglerDorothea born about 1872

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