1940 U.S. Federal Census of Hanford, Benton, Washington

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Washington > Benton County > 1940 Census of Hanford

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AndersonEverit Mborn about 1916
AndersonJames J Jrborn about 1917
AndersonJames Rborn about 1891
AndersonOtis Mborn about 1928
AndersonRuby Mborn about 1894
AnglinHoward Mborn about 1908
AnglinLois Lborn about 1911
AnglinLois Lborn about 1937
AnglinSlyvia Jborn about 1938
AuglineMargaret Jborn about 1922
AuglineMyrtle Bborn about 1890

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B Surnames

BeecroftHildur Oborn about 1870
BeecroftJames Wborn about 1870
BeeyChristian born about 1867
BellEffie Eborn about 1893
BellLeo Wborn about 1890
BellVera Eborn about 1925
BiartFrank D Eborn about 1882
BignellJohn born about 1874
BoieEvelena born about 1878
BoieHerman Hborn about 1861
BrinsonAddie Bborn about 1882
BrinsonHenry Lborn about 1882
BrinsonRobt Eborn about 1914
BrinsonRobt E Jrborn about 1938
BrinsonVerna Rborn about 1913
BrochwayAlbert Lborn about 1877
BrochwayMaude Mborn about 1882
BrooksCyril Lborn about 1901
BrooksEdna Mborn about 1876
BrooksLa Verna Tborn about 1907
BrounJames Lborn about 1913
BrounLeona Eborn about 1893
BrounOlive Aborn about 1891
BuckholdtAnnette Mborn about 1921
BuckholdtDe Witt Cborn about 1892
BuckholdtJoy Wborn about 1932
BuckholdtMartha Mborn about 1901
BuefordDonald Aborn about 1925
BuefordGeo Eborn about 1900
BuefordGustavas Eborn about 1893
BuefordLeona Lborn about 1904
BullisLeonard Lborn about 1909
BullisVerna Mborn about 1906
BurchDaniel Jborn about 1876
BurchDaniel Wborn about 1914
BurchHugh Rborn about 1920
BurchIda Mborn about 1883
BurchJohn Aborn about 1917
BurtonWm Hborn about 1864

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C Surnames

CalzaJames born about 1876
CalzaMargaret Lborn about 1919
CalzaMary Fborn about 1891
CalzaPete born about 1918
CherryElias born about 1853
CherryLester Lborn about 1911
CherryMerle born about 1933
CherryPearl born about 1907
CherryRuth born about 1935
CherryWm Gborn about 1901
CherryWm G Jrborn about 1931
ClarkBennett Hborn about 1926
ClarkEllen Pborn about 1897
ClarkHoward Aborn about 1922
ClarkJoseph Mborn about 1865
ClarkKenneth Lborn about 1929
ClarkMary Aborn about 1871
ClarkStephen Aborn about 1931
ClarkWalter Eborn about 1927
ClarkWm Franklinborn about 1898
CloliaRobb Dborn about 1888
CogdillBobby Fborn about 1924
CogdillDonald Lborn about 1927
CogdillDonna Lborn about 1937
CogdillIrene Pborn about 1918
CogdillLza Lborn about 1896
CogdillWm Fborn about 1891
CogdillWm Lborn about 1917
ConlinBetty born about 1915
ConlinChas Lborn about 1914
CordsGordon Hborn about 1923
CordsHelen born about 1896
CordsHerbert Fborn about 1893
CordsInez Hborn about 1926
CordsTeddy Rborn about 1924
CurryEdwin Jborn about 1921
CurryHelene Eborn about 1916
CurryLulile Bborn about 1890
CurryWm Hborn about 1889
CurtisClara Lborn about 1927
CurtisEffie Mborn about 1926
CurtisGeneva Mborn about 1923
CurtisJames Lborn about 1888
CurtisRuby born about 1901

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D Surnames

DanaBert born about 1885
DavisFrank born about 1877
DerigioElizabeth Pborn about 1911
DerigioGoseph Jborn about 1908
DevinsJames Fborn about 1861

E Surnames

EgnerRuby Bborn about 1912
EvettAnne Rborn about 1906
EvettLe Roy Cborn about 1928
EvettLeonard Oborn about 1902
EvettLeonard Jr born about 1925
EvettLloyd Gborn about 1935
EvettLois Eborn about 1927
EvettLowell Gborn about 1933
EvithDonald born about 1930
EvithJoshua Hborn about 1896
EvithRhoda Lborn about 1897
EvithRobert born about 1926
EylerCletus Eborn about 1913
EylerLester born about 1917
EylerLuan Lborn about 1923

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F Surnames

FeketeMatt Jborn about 1893
FernaudezJoe born about 1898
FlettCecelia Lborn about 1910
FlettDivis Aborn about 1935
FlettDonna Lborn about 1934
FlettEdwin Sborn about 1921
FlettFrancis Pborn about 1938
FlettFrank Eborn about 1890
FlettJack Fborn about 1917
FlettMarie born about 1921
FlettMary Eborn about 1920
FlettOdgen Aborn about 1918
FlettWilber Sborn about 1923
FlettWilliam Gborn about 1915

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G Surnames

GibsonFoy born about 1911
GibsonGlenn Eborn about 1905
GibsonLarry born about 1938
GoodellFrank Eborn about 1869
GrayWm Sborn about 1918
GribsbyHazel born about 1919
GrigsbyClara born about 1883
GrigsbyFred born about 1880
GrigsbyJunior Jborn about 1925

H Surnames

HanenkratBeverly Aborn about 1931
HanenkratEthel Bborn about 1911
HanenkratJack Eborn about 1930
HanenkratRolph Eborn about 1901
HanflerMina born about 1871
HarlessEd Aborn about 1883
HarlessLewis Aborn about 1936
HarrisBetty Cborn about 1939
HarrisEloinse Mborn about 1937
HarrisLois Rborn about 1918
HartmaunClayton Dborn about 1911
HartmaunLda Mborn about 1879
HealyPatrick Jborn about 1891
HealyThomas born about 1895
HeardClayborne Jborn about 1868
HeardElza Wmborn about 1891
HeardLois Hborn about 1924
HeardNellie Bborn about 1891
HendricksClarice born about 1937
HendricksClas Jborn about 1939
HendricksEda born about 1907
HendricksElmer Sborn about 1932
HendricksLavar Hborn about 1934
HendricksLynald Wborn about 1936
HendriclasJohn Eborn about 1908
HensleyFrank Nborn about 1886
HensleyLettie Fborn about 1884
HodgdonRobt born about 1877
HoldenArlie Rborn about 1921
HoldenCles Hborn about 1930
HoldenD Rolandborn about 1907
HoldenDalmar Rborn about 1938
HoldenEsther born about 1934
HoldenJeane Lborn about 1923
HoldenLaven Hborn about 1928
HoldenLuenna born about 1932
HoldenLuray Aborn about 1910
HoldenPearl Eborn about 1926
HoldenVernon Hborn about 1883
HolterOscar Sborn about 1877
HooverClaude Sborn about 1879
HooverClyde Aborn about 1925
HooverRuby Bborn about 1922
HooverStella Cborn about 1885
HostingAmada born about 1898
HostingErnest Eborn about 1918
HostingGeo Gborn about 1884
HostingShirley E Bborn about 1936
HostingVirginia Pborn about 1929

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J Surnames

JensenLena born about 1875
JohnEllis Dborn about 1872
JonesDobin Eborn about 1911
JonesEdward Jborn about 1864
JonesJene Eborn about 1914
JonesLewis Dborn about 1932
JonesSarah Lborn about 1870

K Surnames

KanasterHazel Eborn about 1913
KanasterLeon Aborn about 1908
KashierJohn Jborn about 1878
KaynorHoward Hborn about 1915
KeninstonDon born about 1913
KenistonDonal Mborn about 1911
KeslingAlberta Mborn about 1939
KeslingDaisy Mborn about 1912
KeslingGeorge Sborn about 1872
KinneClarence born about 1870
KnappHelen Mborn about 1911
KnappIrene Hborn about 1928
KnappLla Jborn about 1939
KnappMelvin Eborn about 1907
KnappPatrick Mborn about 1935
KrnochSam born about 1901

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L Surnames

LarsonChas Aborn about 1872
LarsonLouise Aborn about 1922
LarsonRuth Cborn about 1920
LastDavid Hborn about 1913
LastRosalie born about 1939
LastRose Hborn about 1915
LastRoy Dborn about 1938
LiesyGarth Eborn about 1912
LiesyJo Aanne Mborn about 1940
LiesyMiriam Mborn about 1914
LongEdith born about 1873

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M Surnames

MannElsie Aborn about 1915
MannElsie Mborn about 1937
MannFrank Mborn about 1886
MannLyle Dborn about 1933
MannRoss Eborn about 1937
Martinez??? born about 1898
MartinezKatherine Lborn about 1913
MartinezRaymond Aborn about 1938
MartinezSimon born about 1901
MartinezSimon J Jrborn about 1936
McConnachieMargaret Lborn about 1874
McConnachieWilfrid Aborn about 1909
McConnochieBertha Lborn about 1905
McConnochieGeo Eborn about 1901
McConnochieJames Aborn about 1930
McMansIdalee Sborn about 1933
McMansLee Rborn about 1883
McMansMallory Cborn about 1938
McMansPhyllis born about 1909
McMansRobert Gborn about 1935
MeekAsoha Eborn about 1919
MeekBetty Jborn about 1922
MeekFrank Eborn about 1883
MeekFrank E Jrborn about 1925
MeekGeorge Rborn about 1929
MeekLawra Mborn about 1897
MeekPatricia Aborn about 1927
MerrittHugh Eborn about 1910
MerrittMarlyn born about 1940
MerrittMary Fborn about 1914
MolsterArthur Dborn about 1923
MolsterLena Mborn about 1889
MolsterLewis Lborn about 1867
MolsterLoisise Jborn about 1921
MolsterMargaret Aborn about 1918
MolsterMildred Mborn about 1918
Moris??? Eborn about 1933
MorisCarole Fborn about 1940
MorisDebert Hborn about 1917
MorisEdytha Mborn about 1929
MorisElener Tborn about 1893
MorisElsie Lborn about 1926
MorisMarie Lborn about 1902
MorisMelvin Tborn about 1919
MorisTeddy Eborn about 1931
MortonDavid Gborn about 1914
MortonMuriel Dborn about 1916
MurrayAlex Aborn about 1900
MurrayBernice Lborn about 1906
MurrayLois Jborn about 1931
MurrayLouise Jborn about 1931

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N Surnames

NaosDorothy Rborn about 1916
NaosRolph Wborn about 1908
NeedhamGeorge Lborn about 1922
NeedhamJames Fborn about 1878
NeedhamMaude Lborn about 1883
NeedhamWm born about 1883
NewmannChas Aborn about 1936
NewmannDavid Eborn about 1938
NewmannElmer Hborn about 1901
NewmannThelma Vborn about 1913
NicholsTom Rborn about 1880

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O Surnames

OdellBenjiman Fborn about 1883
OdellLydia Aborn about 1882

P Surnames

PawlingFrancis born about 1905
PetersenAlvy Tborn about 1882
PetersenMabel Eborn about 1883
PetersonEdward Bborn about 1868
PiersonChas Hborn about 1883
PyserBernice Cborn about 1909
PyserJane Bborn about 1932
PyserJohn Thomasborn about 1931
PyserPaul Aborn about 1902
PyserRobert Pborn about 1933

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R Surnames

RandRaymond Rborn about 1937
RandRichard Lborn about 1936
RandWm Dborn about 1935
ReidtEarline Bborn about 1929
ReidtEdgar Gborn about 1901
ReidtElva Lborn about 1902
ReidtIrene Mborn about 1923
ReidtLeona Vborn about 1939
ReidtLucille Lborn about 1927
ReidtPauline Eborn about 1935
ReidtRobert Wborn about 1932
ReidtRoy Sborn about 1933
ReinhardtLillie born about 1862
Rinehart??? Mborn about 1886
RinehartFred Mborn about 1917
RollingerAugust Mborn about 1895
RollingerRoser Jborn about 1896
Rorvlius??? Lborn about 1886
RorvliusEva born about 1930
RorvliusMabel Lborn about 1890
RorvliusWarren Lborn about 1922

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S Surnames

SabiniJames Pborn about 1918
SabiniJohn Bborn about 1888
SabiniJosephine Rborn about 1881
SabiniPeter Jborn about 1912
SageGuy Eborn about 1922
SaroiSecondo born about 1871
SchultzAubrey Dborn about 1913
SchultzFlorence Rborn about 1912
SchwisowAlice Yborn about 1939
SchwisowDoris Eborn about 1929
SchwisowElsie Mborn about 1901
SchwisowFloyd Lborn about 1928
SchwisowLoyal Eborn about 1933
SchwisowWilliam Sborn about 1931
SchwisowWm Lborn about 1891
ScottDavid Mborn about 1907
ScottEvadne Mborn about 1901
ScrimsherFrederic Wborn about 1936
ScrimsherGary Sborn about 1938
ScrimsherHarry Cborn about 1890
ScrimsherLovene Mborn about 1935
ScrimsherMildred Lborn about 1910
ScrimsherNancy Cborn about 1939
ScrimsherRonald Lborn about 1930
ScrimsherShiela Rborn about 1928
SharrahBwlak Mborn about 1922
SharrahLoura Bborn about 1886
SharrahNorman Bborn about 1911
SharrahTom Wborn about 1876
ShearerCarl Dborn about 1936
ShearerErnest Lborn about 1912
ShearerMonajean born about 1934
ShearerRoberta Lborn about 1915
SmithAda Eborn about 1919
SmithEunice Nborn about 1923
SmithFloyd Mborn about 1921
SmithFred born about 1904
SmithFred Jr born about 1936
SmithGeo Hborn about 1879
SmithJoan Rborn about 1931
SmithLeona Mborn about 1939
SmithLucy Eborn about 1883
SmithMabel born about 1916
SmithParley Hborn about 1907
SmithParley H Jrborn about 1929
SmithRaymond Eborn about 1925
SmithRolly Wborn about 1914
SmithSadie Eborn about 1888
SmithVerna Lborn about 1907
SmithWm Aborn about 1884
SnyderChas Hborn about 1880
SnyderMeta Hborn about 1887
SouthonHenry Sborn about 1903
SpangerEdna Jborn about 1911
SpangerWilmer Rborn about 1912
SpanjerFrancis Rborn about 1940
SpanjerWhimer* R Jrborn about 1935
SplattetoesserEldridge Eborn about 1929
SplattetoesserGeraldine Lborn about 1923
SplattetoesserHazel Mborn about 1925
SplattetoesserInez Lborn about 1901
SplattetoesserWm Hborn about 1895
StroudFloyd Aborn about 1926
StroudGladys Eborn about 1904
StroudHelen Mborn about 1933
StroudLawra Bborn about 1931
StroudLucille Eborn about 1925
StroudLuella Oborn about 1929
StroudMay Eborn about 1932
StroudRhoda Eborn about 1937
StroudRussell Eborn about 1923
StroudWm Dborn about 1868
StroudWm Fborn about 1900
SuarezJoe born about 1900

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T Surnames

TunerMabel Fborn about 1901
TunerMartha Jborn about 1932
TurkMelvin Aborn about 1880
TurkMinnie Mborn about 1885
TusseyJacob Gborn about 1878

V Surnames

VanordstandJohn Hborn about 1887
VanzaudtDeana Vborn about 1927
VanzaudtDonald Eborn about 1930
VanzaudtMabel Lborn about 1897
VanzaudtWillene Mborn about 1925
VertnerFred Rborn about 1900
VertnerLillian Bborn about 1902

W Surnames

WaltersDonald Eborn about 1921
WarlaerEdith born about 1892
WarlaerFrank Sborn about 1884
WarlaerLa Vern Aborn about 1912
WarlaerNorma Jborn about 1922
WebberArlys Aborn about 1935
WebberBetty Jborn about 1932
WebberCora Dborn about 1884
WebberDale Wborn about 1933
WebberDorothea Eborn about 1910
WebberDorothy Eborn about 1913
WebberMelvin Mborn about 1928
WebberNancy Dborn about 1937
WebberRusull Eborn about 1909
WebberWilliam S Jrborn about 1904
WebberWilliam S Srborn about 1880
WeberGertrude Lborn about 1915
WeberLeonard Bborn about 1915
WhittwerBessie Uborn about 1891
WhittwerFloyd Eborn about 1923
WhittwerLeonard Lborn about 1889
WilliamsonSidney born about 1895
WorbyBernard Hborn about 1922
WorbyDaniel Tborn about 1929
WorbyEdward born about 1879
WorbyEdward Bborn about 1919
WorbyFrances Bborn about 1890

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Z Surnames

ZagaPeter born about 1894

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