1940 U.S. Federal Census of Highland in Benton County, Benton, Washington

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Washington > Benton County > 1940 Census of Highland in Benton County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AblinsGlanda born about 1938
AblinsLester born about 1916
AblinsMartin born about 1913
AbramFlossie born about 1900
AbramLoren born about 1899
AllisonBelle born about 1872
AllisonFrank born about 1887
AllisonRay born about 1882
AppenzellerAdolph born about 1860
AppenzellerClarence born about 1897
ArmstongArthur born about 1919
ArmstongGene born about 1921
AtaRay born about 1916

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B Surnames

BaiseFrank born about 1930
BaiseJ Bborn about 1899
BaiseMary Berlleborn about 1925
BaiseMinnie born about 1902
BaiseRobert born about 1923
BaughmanMinnie born about 1877
BaumgaertnerJohn born about 1906
BennettCarl Lborn about 1907
BennettLois born about 1929
BennettRuth born about 1909
BerhartDavid born about 1931
BerhartEsther born about 1911
BerhartEsther Maeborn about 1929
BerhartOrin born about 1896
BiehopB Vborn about 1887
BiehopDona born about 1884
BiehopRobert born about 1924
BiehopRonald Vborn about 1922
BlissJay Lborn about 1891
BowersConstance born about 1937
BowersJ Wborn about 1912
BowersLe born about 1910
BowersLe Ray born about 1910
BowersMarjorie born about 1915
BowersPatricia born about 1939
BowersRonald born about 1936
BowersRussell born about 1921
BoydAlma born about 1876
BoydWilliam Eborn about 1868
BrownKatherine born about 1880
BrownLouis born about 1872
BrownLyle born about 1914
BrownsGeorgy born about 1939
BrownsMary born about 1915
BrownsRay born about 1908

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C Surnames

CampbellEthel Annborn about 1924
CampbellJ Eborn about 1893
CampbellJack born about 1914
CampbellVera born about 1909
CampbellWilliam Eborn about 1927
CindiffMary Eborn about 1861
ClarkEthel born about 1887
ClarkM Gborn about 1882
ClarkMarilton born about 1917
ClinefelterGilbert Hborn about 1906
ClinefelterHarry Dborn about 1876
ClinefelterLydia Mborn about 1878
CrooksEdward Rborn about 1909
CrooksGladys born about 1913
CrooksJain born about 1922

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D Surnames

DaerinyBertha born about 1919
DaerinyChris Cborn about 1887
DaerinyGlen born about 1912
DaerinyHazel born about 1918
DaerinyJames born about 1938
DaerinyPaul born about 1908
DaerinySophia born about 1885
DavisBurin born about 1881
DavisFay born about 1922
DavisGrace* born about 1931
DavisHarry born about 1889
DavisHarvey born about 1879
DavisLloyd Georgeborn about 1929
DavisRay born about 1923
DavisSarah Jeanborn about 1879
DayJames born about 1938
DayKatherine born about 1916
DayLarry born about 1925
DayMonte born about 1939
DayRobert born about 1940
DayRussel Eborn about 1903
DayShade Aborn about 1905
DayWillian born about 1938
DayWinona born about 1904
DeekerEthyl born about 1885
DeekerHarry born about 1877
DeekerLe Ray born about 1928
DennettBessie born about 1896
DennettBetty born about 1939
DennettCora born about 1920
DennettGail born about 1923
DennettRallia Eborn about 1914
DennettRowena born about 1939
DennettViola born about 1917
DennettVirgil Eborn about 1917
DennettWilliam born about 1922
DowkinsDavid born about 1937
DowkinsGlen born about 1905
DowkinsHarriet born about 1913
DowkinsJean born about 1933
DowkinsJerila born about 1935

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E Surnames

EdwardsA Aborn about 1883
EdwardsCecil born about 1918
EdwardsEthel Mborn about 1888
EdwardsGilbert Aborn about 1913
EdwardsGrace born about 1918
EdwardsShirley Annborn about 1939
EdwardsWalter born about 1923
EmersonArdella born about 1937
EmersonBerna Deneborn about 1936
EmersonFloyd born about 1896
EmersonFloyd Jr born about 1939
EmersonLeone born about 1934
EmersonMyrl born about 1905
EricksonDoris born about 1918
EricksonHanna born about 1884
EricksonPercy born about 1913
EricksonPeter born about 1884

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F Surnames

FeltonGlen born about 1907
FeltonLeora born about 1875
FeltonRoger born about 1933
FeltonWard born about 1929
ForakerAaron born about 1918
ForakerBlanch born about 1893
ForakerDorothy born about 1921
ForakerHerbert born about 1930
ForakerKennith born about 1922
ForakerMahala Cborn about 1858
ForakerN Lesmarborn about 1885
ForakerVerdine born about 1926
ForakerVern born about 1919

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G Surnames

GaffordEleanor born about 1917
GaffordEugene born about 1935
GaffordJ Eborn about 1908
GaffordOnita born about 1938
GilesBergman born about 1920
GilesEmma born about 1889
GilesFred Nborn about 1882
GilesHoward born about 1928
GilesMirlen born about 1925
GilesWarren born about 1923
GlaowAmanda born about 1891
GlaowArthur born about 1889
GlasonArlene born about 1939
GlasonLeila born about 1919
GlasonMelvin Fborn about 1916
GordunJohn born about 1886

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H Surnames

HackerClara born about 1895
HackerEdward born about 1934
HackerThelma born about 1925
HackerWillard Eborn about 1894
HackerWilma born about 1929
HamptonF Wborn about 1871
HamptonMary born about 1871
HamsAnny born about 1914
HamsEdwin born about 1938
HamsEvan born about 1909
HamsJohn born about 1935
HerdnallM Nborn about 1872
HerdnallMartin born about 1909
HiebelAlta born about 1890
HiebelCalvin born about 1925
HiebelElla Maeborn about 1919
HiebelHenry born about 1878
HiebelKennit born about 1915
HiebelLester born about 1921
HigleyArlene born about 1940
HigleyDarvan born about 1939
HigleyEugene born about 1933
HigleyFred Aborn about 1876
HigleyHarry born about 1907
HigleyHelen born about 1899
HigleyHelen born about 1910
HigleyLeland born about 1930
HillstaedJoyce born about 1927
HuffAndy born about 1910
HuffChristy born about 1918
HussyShirley born about 1914

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I Surnames

ImlerCassius born about 1916

J Surnames

JonesA Hborn about 1883
JonesCollins born about 1922
JonesDouglas born about 1923
JonesMary born about 1925
JonesRuth born about 1898

K Surnames

KellerAndy born about 1919
KellerCora born about 1891
KellerEdith born about 1925
KellerJ Hborn about 1872
KellerVernon born about 1920
KelsoGladys born about 1901
KelsoMargaret born about 1927
KeryonBeruce born about 1923
KleinknechtE born about 1903
KleinknechtEmma born about 1918
KleinknechtJacob born about 1878
KleinknechtJames born about 1936
KleinknechtMargaret born about 1906
KleinknechtMargie born about 1926
KleinknechtMarie born about 1880
KleinknechtWilliam born about 1919
KnightAlbert born about 1916
KnightCarolyn born about 1922
KnightFloyd born about 1904
KnightGrace born about 1897
KnightLeonard born about 1900
KnightThomas born about 1918
KnightWilliam Tborn about 1892
KratzerL Lborn about 1900
KratzerLeona born about 1901
KratzerWilliam born about 1923

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L Surnames

LacousA Hborn about 1886
LacousL Cborn about 1890
LampsonFrank born about 1899
LampsonIra born about 1927
LampsonJean born about 1932
LampsonLulu born about 1924
LampsonMay born about 1902
LampsonPaul born about 1921
LanpsonAlice born about 1882
LanpsonBernice born about 1881
LarkinDonald born about 1925
LarkinElvia born about 1893
LarkinF Wborn about 1913
LarkinJames born about 1935
LarkinRoy Eborn about 1890
LarkinShirley born about 1916
LarkinShirley born about 1936
LeberAnn born about 1916
LeberDermaine born about 1939
LeberG Hborn about 1913
LeberShirley born about 1936
LeeJohn H Wborn about 1896
LeonardFrank born about 1923
LewisBertha born about 1888
LewisD born about 1865
LewisJames born about 1925
LindenJennie Aborn about 1901
LongJohn born about 1899
LongOma born about 1909

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M Surnames

MagleyDean born about 1919
MagleyGlen Aborn about 1895
MagleyNeva born about 1895
MaretMargarete born about 1894
MaretPaul born about 1914
MargonAlbert born about 1886
MargonLloyd born about 1917
MargonNellie born about 1889
MasonHenry born about 1893
MayerAnthony Jborn about 1902
MayerCarl born about 1914
MayerDona Maeborn about 1929
MayerHerman born about 1912
MayerJene born about 1906
MayerMary Annborn about 1937
MichaelPauline born about 1910
MichaelStanley born about 1904
MillerRobert born about 1912
MirphyEthel Rborn about 1888
MirphyJ Hborn about 1889
MirphyJohn born about 1925
MooreMargaret born about 1874
MooreRobert born about 1894
MotikiAlice born about 1894
MotikiGeorge born about 1923
MotikiM born about 1884
MotikiMary born about 1921
MotikiRobert born about 1933
MotikiRuth born about 1928
MullerAileen born about 1904
MullerBetty born about 1922
MullerErnest born about 1902
MullerErnetine born about 1931
MullerRay born about 1924
MullerWesley born about 1934

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N Surnames

NeelEva born about 1923
NeelHenry born about 1893
NeelIrene born about 1898
NeelNeva born about 1926
NicoenArthur born about 1909
NicoenBeulah born about 1913
NicoenCathayn born about 1932
NicoenOera born about 1933
NicpsenC Eborn about 1876
NicpsenCatherine born about 1914
NicpsenDora born about 1881
NicpsenRalph born about 1914

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O Surnames

OwensAnn born about 1913
OwensBarbara Annborn about 1931
OwensFlorence born about 1911
OwensGarry born about 1898
OwensHanry Fborn about 1903
OwensHerbert born about 1915
OwensJanis born about 1936
OwensJohn Eborn about 1901
OwensJohn Wilbanborn about 1935
OwensJosephine born about 1932
OwensLela born about 1912
OwensMorris born about 1930
OwensRelda Eborn about 1905
OwensShirley Jeanborn about 1936
OwensStanley born about 1938

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P Surnames

ParksD Fborn about 1864
ParksLeu born about 1886
PathedalJames born about 1938
PathedalLillian born about 1919
PattersonAlice born about 1871
PattersonW Sborn about 1863
PersingerAlvin born about 1895
PersingerArerl born about 1899
PersingerBertha born about 1853
PersingerBrid born about 1929
PersingerBuford born about 1926
PersingerDorothy born about 1922
PersingerErnest born about 1919
PersingerJanet born about 1922
PersingerLeo born about 1923
PersingerNellie born about 1899
PersingerVirgil born about 1921
PersingerWanda Maeborn about 1940
PersingerWesley born about 1929
PooreF Cborn about 1883
PooreKenneth born about 1925
PootJ W Mrsborn about 1887
PowersDona born about 1875
PowersH Sborn about 1874
PrestonRosala Rborn about 1905
PrestonSparling Wilsonborn about 1932
PrestonWallace born about 1905
PrestonWallace Jr born about 1926
PriettGene born about 1917
PriggyCatherine born about 1905
PriggyHenry born about 1888
PriggyLester born about 1933
PriggyNorris born about 1931
PriggyWalter born about 1929

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R Surnames

RaeptonDean born about 1929
RaeptonLeona born about 1927
RayHanry Dborn about 1894
RayKathryn born about 1911
RayMargaret born about 1857
ReeseEsther born about 1933
ReeseFredia born about 1899
ReeseMarin born about 1936
ReeseMildred born about 1923
ReeseTheo born about 1898
ReeseWalter born about 1928
ReseR Mborn about 1904
ReymoreArlene born about 1940
ReymoreGeorge Wborn about 1924
ReymoreH Eborn about 1891
ReymoreLeona born about 1915
ReymoreMargaret Lborn about 1919
ReymoreOrpha Vborn about 1890
ReymoreRonald born about 1938
ReymoreWendell born about 1911
RichardsonM born about 1897
RichardsonMary born about 1905
RichmondMildred born about 1908
RichmondRoocae born about 1901
RobinsonFred Wborn about 1890
RobinsonMargaret born about 1895
RobinsonTed born about 1921
RossHoward born about 1866
RossMartha born about 1877
RoyEdgars Wborn about 1895
RoyEmma born about 1903
RoyGasb Calvinborn about 1926

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S Surnames

SaffordIrene born about 1916
SaffordRalph born about 1906
SaffordRobert born about 1940
SamuelCrystal born about 1901
SamuelElton Eborn about 1900
SamuelEvelyn born about 1931
SamuelJohn Eltonborn about 1926
SamuelLouise born about 1925
SamuelLucille born about 1928
SaperBonnie born about 1935
SaperGeorge born about 1931
SaperH Dborn about 1891
SaperMary born about 1930
SaperRalph born about 1918
SaperSusannah born about 1894
SaperVern born about 1921
SchermanHarry born about 1875
SchmidtBetty Maprinborn about 1936
SchmidtCarl Wborn about 1909
SchmidtKatherina Louisborn about 1937
SchmidtMargaret Mborn about 1905
SemsenArthur born about 1896
SemsenBertha born about 1875
SemsenCalvin born about 1926
SemsenMatilda born about 1900
SerantonJacob born about 1912
SerantonMary born about 1915
SerantonWanda born about 1938
ShieldsB Hborn about 1896
ShieldsBasil born about 1918
ShieldsBerly born about 1924
ShieldsMadene born about 1925
ShieldsNorris born about 1920
ShieldsOla born about 1898
ShieldsRosie born about 1916
SimmelinkDorothy born about 1919
SimmelinkLeona born about 1932
SimmelinkLyle Mborn about 1912
SimmelinkM born about 1893
SimmelinkMary Wellenborn about 1939
SimmelinkRobert born about 1928
SimmelinkRuth born about 1924
SimmelinkRuth Oborn about 1903
SmithArlen born about 1938
SmithCurtis born about 1913
SmithDonald born about 1925
SmithDorothy born about 1921
SmithEdith born about 1912
SmithEsther born about 1896
SmithFlorence born about 1931
SmithHarry born about 1903
SmithJ Cborn about 1888
SmithOscar born about 1916
SmithW Aborn about 1898
SmithWayne born about 1933
SondermanAlbert born about 1920
SondermanAlice Vborn about 1921
SondermanBetty born about 1923
SondermanClarence born about 1894
SondermanHelen born about 1899
SondermanRuth born about 1932
SondermanbEffie Jborn about 1878
SondermanbW Fborn about 1866
SpeersDollie born about 1905
SpeersMargaret Arlineborn about 1935
SpeersWilliam born about 1887
SpeersWilliam Jr born about 1934
SterthausCharles Fborn about 1894
StlaurentA born about 1880
StlaurentClara born about 1895
StlaurentJohn Danborn about 1929
StlaurentLucille born about 1923
StlaurentRichard born about 1924
StoryBertha Wborn about 1894
StoryClifford Cborn about 1892
StoryElizabeth born about 1922
StoryErnest Cborn about 1915
StoryGuy Jborn about 1890
StultzArthur born about 1930
StultzEugene born about 1926
StultzMarion born about 1924
StultzRichard born about 1928
StultzRobert born about 1922
StultzThomas born about 1933
SundallV Gborn about 1894
SuttonLorrarine born about 1916
SuttonVirgil born about 1912

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T Surnames

TatlouJessie born about 1895
TatlouR Hborn about 1895
TatlowArthur born about 1900
TatlowBertha born about 1929
TatlowCarl born about 1935
TatlowDean born about 1936
TatlowGordon born about 1923
TatlowIrene born about 1902
TatlowRobert born about 1925
TaylorClark born about 1917
TaylorD Cborn about 1887
TaylorLila born about 1888
TaylorRobert born about 1922
TaylorShirley born about 1931
TaylorTerry born about 1919
ThielFe born about 1919
TowneNina born about 1922
TraegerHarold born about 1925
TraegerHerbert born about 1934
TraegerJohn born about 1891
TraegerJohnawin born about 1921
TraegerMargaret born about 1902
TraegerMarie born about 1924
TraelClifford born about 1920
TrametBernice born about 1937
TrametCurtis born about 1912
TrametDarline Annborn about 1935
TrametDonna Maeborn about 1933
TrametRobert born about 1932
TrametSelma born about 1917

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W Surnames

WalfordAnna Aborn about 1893
WatkinsEdward born about 1885
WatkinsJoe born about 1906
WatkinsKae born about 1935
WatkinsMartha born about 1919
WatkinsNeva born about 1916
WatkinsOpal born about 1925
WatkinsRobert born about 1927
WatkinsRose born about 1902
WatkinsRosemary born about 1928
WatkinsRuth born about 1891
WatkinsTed born about 1901
WhitAnita born about 1884
WhitFrank Wborn about 1879
WigginAugusta born about 1873
WigginOrrin born about 1870
WigginRoxine born about 1912
WiliamsLaurence born about 1928
WoodJosephine Tborn about 1881
WoodR Wborn about 1872
WoodsJoe Nborn about 1913
WoodsVirian born about 1912
WrayHorace born about 1890

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Y Surnames

YarkBlanch born about 1903
YarkW Eborn about 1903
YoshinsElmer born about 1922
YoshinsFrank born about 1885
YoshinsGeorge born about 1929
YoshinsKazue born about 1900
YoshinsLouise born about 1924
YoshinsVictor born about 1926

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