1940 U.S. Federal Census of Horn Rapids, Benton, Washington

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Washington > Benton County > 1940 Census of Horn Rapids

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AlbertClemence born about 1872
AlbertClemnent born about 1895
AlbertDoris born about 1927
AlbertEvelyn born about 1926
AlbertHelen born about 1895
AlbertJr Clemnent born about 1936
AlbertRichard born about 1930
AllenDavid Mborn about 1880
AllenJohn born about 1926
AllenJoseph born about 1872
AllenJulia born about 1870
AllenMellie born about 1884
AllenRobert Lborn about 1935
AllenWilliam Rborn about 1890
AndersonBarbara born about 1939
AndersonDora born about 1919
AndersonJohn born about 1883
AndersonJohn Rborn about 1909
AppersonJefferson born about 1865
ArmstongElmer born about 1869
ArmstongEmma born about 1869
ArmstrongBetty Dborn about 1938
ArmstrongUnice born about 1906
ArmstrongWilkelimine born about 1911
ArrestouihlAlbert born about 1918
ArrestouihlGenevive born about 1881
ArrestouihlLeona born about 1925
ArrestouihlMarcel born about 1914
ArrestouihlMarceline born about 1889
ArrestouihlMarcella born about 1928

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B Surnames

BachtalJames born about 1922
BakerEugene born about 1922
BakerHelen born about 1930
BakerMadene born about 1925
BakerNetha J Sborn about 1897
BakerWilliam born about 1867
BarnettCharles Jborn about 1891
BarnettDan born about 1922
BarnettDavid born about 1934
BarnettMabel born about 1891
BarnettMabel born about 1932
BarnettMargaret born about 1920
BaumgarnerCarl born about 1924
BaumgarnerGertude born about 1926
BaumgarnerJoseph born about 1881
BaumgarnerJosephine born about 1939
BaumgarnerMargaret born about 1898
BaumgarnerMax born about 1931
BellB Loeborn about 1881
BellJohn Fborn about 1876
BerchEmil born about 1877
BerchIda born about 1865
BerryAudrey born about 1927
BerryBetty Jr born about 1932
BerryLee born about 1903
BerryMarcus born about 1939
BerryMartha born about 1931
BerryMary born about 1935
BerrySybil born about 1903
BeuneAlbert born about 1893
BohmerBernard born about 1923
BohmerOscar born about 1891
BohmerValda born about 1899
BohmerWilliam born about 1935
BohmerWilmer born about 1931
BolingGenevia born about 1913
BolingHelen born about 1921
BolingJohn Lborn about 1883
BolingJr John born about 1919
BolingRay born about 1917
BonnellNile born about 1889
BonnellRosa born about 1883
BordenBirdie born about 1885
BordenElsie born about 1925
BordenRaymond born about 1923
BordenThomas born about 1920
BordenTom Cborn about 1882
BradleyBarbara born about 1939
BradleyDonald born about 1937
BradleyJasper born about 1936
BradleyLaura born about 1916
BradleyWalter born about 1906
BradleyWalter born about 1934
BrewenDonna born about 1932
BrewenLawrence born about 1906
BrewenLillian born about 1910
BrewenMax born about 1930
BrooksAlma born about 1922
BrooksHarold born about 1899
BrooksHoward born about 1927
BrooksMamie born about 1903
BrooksMarilie born about 1939
BrownFrank born about 1892
BrownFrederick born about 1881
BundantBetty Ruthborn about 1932
BundantElizabeth born about 1905
BundantJohn Pborn about 1904
BundantSherman born about 1936
BundantTalmidge born about 1924
BundantWilliam born about 1938
BurnsBessie born about 1880
BurnsGenevive born about 1920
BurnsHoward born about 1880
ButlerAlda born about 1925
ButlerAlton born about 1923
ButlerBruce born about 1939
ButlerBurtis born about 1938
ButlerChester born about 1916
ButlerCleo born about 1896
ButlerHomer born about 1919
ButlerLale born about 1901
ButlerLamone born about 1928
ButlerLeslie born about 1888
ButlerRodell born about 1921
ButlerRonald born about 1934
ButlerSaloma born about 1898

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C Surnames

CadsonBertha born about 1895
CadsonEllis born about 1892
CadsonEllis born about 1929
CaldwellHarriett born about 1870
CaldwellJohn born about 1865
CalvinRuth born about 1903
CalvinWilliam born about 1876
CambsAlma born about 1924
CambsBurl born about 1921
CambsEsther born about 1923
CambsIda born about 1889
CambsWalter Wborn about 1887
CapelandHarold born about 1897
CapelandPauline born about 1905
CarlsonLillian born about 1920
CarlsonLouise born about 1884
CarlsonSimon born about 1881
CarlsonWalter born about 1917
CarmonCecil born about 1887
CarmonMollie born about 1887
CawleyAlberta born about 1916
CawleyAlvin born about 1935
CawleyCharles born about 1911
CawleyDonna born about 1934
CawleyElaine born about 1939
CawleyJr William born about 1938
CawleyLinda born about 1911
CawleyMarjorie born about 1933
CawleySelma Graceborn about 1935
CawleyVernon born about 1939
CawleyWillie born about 1931
CawleyWillieace born about 1906
ChalcraftDorsen born about 1891
ChalcraftHazel born about 1902
ChalcraftLloyd born about 1929
ChalcraftRobert born about 1900
ChaplinRobert born about 1928
ChaplinRuth born about 1906
ChaplinShirley born about 1930
CharlerztAlice born about 1894
CharlerztThomas born about 1864
ChumlaAlexander born about 1878
ChumlaMary born about 1869
CitronJohn born about 1895
CitronLeontina born about 1893
CitronSylvia born about 1934
ClapoolBird born about 1861
ClarkWilliam Nborn about 1862
ClarkiHelen born about 1900
ClarkiHerbert born about 1898
ClarkiLory born about 1922
CobbJuanita born about 1915
CobbRobert Dborn about 1938
CobbRobert Lborn about 1910
ColeGrace born about 1907
ColeWilliam Mborn about 1901
ColleyGeorge born about 1880
ColleyLynn born about 1911
ColleyPearl born about 1920
ColleyPrice born about 1925
ColleyWalter born about 1916
ColleyZora born about 1885
ComstockFrances born about 1911
ComstockFranklin born about 1932
ComstockJohn Yhborn about 1907
ComstockJr John Hborn about 1938
ComstockWanda born about 1919
CopelandEli Gborn about 1865
CopelandLela born about 1872
CulbertAlonzo Eborn about 1869
CurtisFrank born about 1875
CurtisMabel born about 1879

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D Surnames

DepateeMary Janeborn about 1850
DerauleanGeraldine born about 1935
DerjeanElizabeth born about 1891
DerjeanHenry Rborn about 1881
DerjeanJohn Eborn about 1929
DerjeanJr H Reaymond born about 1925
DerjeanLucile born about 1923
DickersonAddie born about 1876
DietrichEarnest born about 1911
DietrichGeorge born about 1869
DietrichHulda born about 1879
DietrichJohn born about 1875
DietrichMartin born about 1913
DietrichRuth born about 1914
DietrichSusan born about 1846
DraperAlfred born about 1871
DraperPaul born about 1903
DraperTillie born about 1877
DrshmanHazel born about 1900
DrshmanJames born about 1899
DrshmanJar Jamesborn about 1928

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E Surnames

EhrenbergAnna born about 1881
EhrenbergHarry born about 1910
EhrenbergWalter born about 1887
EricksonCarl born about 1915
EricksonHuldn born about 1888
EricksonJohn born about 1875

F Surnames

FishbackClarence born about 1916
FishbackEdna born about 1886
FishbackLester born about 1914
FishbackPaul born about 1883
FishbackWilliard born about 1912
FleettwoodBonnie Leeborn about 1936
FletcherCharles Fborn about 1890
FletcherJessie born about 1890
FletcherMeda born about 1918
FletcherRobert born about 1923
ForrestAine born about 1915
ForrestElmer born about 1911
ForrestEva born about 1914
ForrestFrank born about 1879
ForrestGlenn born about 1919
ForrestHelen born about 1890
FruehlingBernhordt born about 1912
FruehlingClarence born about 1930
FruehlingDoloris born about 1927
FruehlingJr Willian born about 1919
FruehlingMarjorie born about 1939
FruehlingMary born about 1918
FruehlingMillie born about 1893
FruehlingWanda born about 1937
FruehlingWilliam Rborn about 1885
FullerWilliam Hborn about 1880
FultzDelbert born about 1934
FultzEmma born about 1917
FultzFred born about 1912
FultzHenry born about 1891
FultzKatherine born about 1891
FultzRobert born about 1922

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G Surnames

GanesAllen born about 1936
GanesElla born about 1913
GanesEmma Jeanborn about 1933
GanesEthel born about 1934
GanesHelen born about 1939
GanesIda born about 1938
GanesJesse born about 1908
GanesLeonard born about 1931
GbickhausLora born about 1901
GbickhausMilbert born about 1900
GehierGenevive born about 1910
GehierLayton born about 1932
GehierNorama born about 1937
GehierRussell born about 1909
GeorgeAlvin born about 1910
GeorgeAlvin born about 1940
GeorgeClara born about 1913
GeorgeDorothy born about 1920
GeorgeDorrene born about 1938
GeorgeJohn born about 1880
GeorgeJr John born about 1913
GeorgeLeonard born about 1917
GeorgeMerle born about 1930
GeorgeMuriel born about 1898
GeorgeRobert born about 1932
GeorgeRoy born about 1920
GeorgeSheloh Royborn about 1939
GeorgeShoron born about 1939
GordonDoe Earneestborn about 1888
GordonFerol born about 1898
GrahamJohn born about 1898
GrahamRobert born about 1888
GregoryEarl born about 1893
GregoryHarold born about 1924
GregoryLavern born about 1927
GregoryStella born about 1904
GrosscuperNorma born about 1891
GrosscuperThaddeus born about 1918
GrosscuperTheaddeus born about 1889
GroueHomer born about 1915

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H Surnames

HaceanyWilliam born about 1873
HackneyAlbert born about 1913
HackneyChester born about 1884
HackneyClyton born about 1908
HackneyE??n Belleborn about 1885
HackneyGertude born about 1920
HackneyLewis born about 1935
HackneyMabel born about 1914
HackneyRobert born about 1923
HackneyRose born about 1915
HalversonCarl born about 1923
HalversonElsie born about 1898
HalversonHenry born about 1922
HalversonJack born about 1926
HamblyJames Lborn about 1891
HamblyJr James born about 1918
HamblyLouise born about 1890
HamblyThomas born about 1924
HamiltonAlexander born about 1921
HamiltonJr Wiliiam born about 1926
HamiltonMarie born about 1924
HamiltonSylvia born about 1889
HamiltonWilliam born about 1869
HanesGeorge born about 1878
HansenGardren born about 1894
HansenPeter born about 1888
HansonHarry born about 1889
HatchElias born about 1887
HatchJruel born about 1916
HatchViola born about 1885
HelveyIleae born about 1924
HelveyJr Martin born about 1922
HelveyMarjorie born about 1932
HelveyMartin born about 1878
HelveyRuby born about 1886
HendersonClarence born about 1900
HessBessie born about 1904
HessBetty born about 1938
HessCharles born about 1911
HessFlorence born about 1934
HessKathleen born about 1936
HessMarian born about 1933
HickmanEdward born about 1891
HickmanLester born about 1922
HickmanPeggy Ruthborn about 1924
HickmanPhillip born about 1920
HofererAnna born about 1873
HofererJoseph born about 1877
HudersonAnna born about 1901
HudersonDonald born about 1936
HudersonFrank born about 1923
HudersonGeorge born about 1899
HudersonHelen born about 1934
HudersonJeannette born about 1932
HudersonJr George born about 1930
HudersonRosalyn born about 1929
HultgrennArthur born about 1878
HuntClara born about 1893
HuntKenneth born about 1922
HuntLawrence Vernborn about 1931
HuntMarine born about 1928
HuntRay Jborn about 1884
HuntRaymond born about 1935
HuntRichard born about 1921
HuntVirginia born about 1933

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J Surnames

JacobsonEdward born about 1890
JacobsonRobert born about 1875
JamsonEva born about 1877
JamsonHershel born about 1871
JohnsonAdolph Eborn about 1892
JohnsonErnest born about 1888
JohnsonEthel born about 1905
JohnsonFred born about 1873
JohnsonHedwig born about 1894
JohnsonJr Fred born about 1908
JohnsonLeonard born about 1902
JohnsonMadie born about 1914
JohnsonMary born about 1881
JohnsonNorman born about 1937
JohnsonRoberta born about 1940
JohnstoneHazel born about 1920
JohnstoneJ Cborn about 1871
JohnstoneLillie born about 1872

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K Surnames

KaasAlice born about 1929
KaasEdith born about 1896
KaasEdward born about 1919
KaasGeorge born about 1922
KaasGordon born about 1933
KaasNiels born about 1920
KaasNorman born about 1933
KaasThomas Mborn about 1884
KempBetty Alisborn about 1927
KempDonald born about 1932
KempElsie Mborn about 1896
KempEsther born about 1906
KempHomer born about 1892
KempJr Elmer born about 1930
KempLuella born about 1875
KempMarvin born about 1926
KempMary born about 1894
KempPatricia born about 1931
KempStanley born about 1927
KinneyBetty born about 1922
KinneyClifford born about 1890
KinneyGrace born about 1895
KinneyJr Clifford born about 1928
KinneyMargaret born about 1925
KoeppenDavid born about 1937
KoeppenDelice born about 1917
KoeppenFerd Weborn about 1914
KoeppenLoretta born about 1935
KoeppenOtto born about 1872
KrattigerBetty born about 1897
KrattigerJohn born about 1898
KreneAnna born about 1915
KreneCarl born about 1917
KroftBetty born about 1918
KroftDavid born about 1910
KroftJr David born about 1937
KrohilieyGeorge Wborn about 1881
KrohilieyMary born about 1888
KrohlingCharlotte born about 1939
KrohlingJohn born about 1912
KrohlingVade born about 1916
KrohtingEdith born about 1939
KrohtingGeorge E Hborn about 1911
KrohtingLois born about 1918
KrohtingMary born about 1937
KronArrid born about 1894
KronAugusts born about 1902
KronEdwin born about 1919
KronErnest Lborn about 1904
KronHazel born about 1928
KronHilda born about 1897
KronKenneth born about 1925
KronLloyd born about 1921
KronRichard born about 1923
KronRuth born about 1926
KronWilliam born about 1925
KyiatStephen born about 1871

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L Surnames

LarsonEugene born about 1927
LarsonLue born about 1924
LeinbergerChester born about 1890
LeiningerEdith born about 1865
LeiningerFrank Bborn about 1860
LemonM D Frankborn about 1876
LemonMartha born about 1893
LewisBenjamin born about 1878
LewisEarl born about 1927
LewisEvelyn born about 1930
LewisFrances born about 1928
LewisFrances born about 1940
LewisFrank born about 1882
LewisMadeleine born about 1914
LewisMary Joborn about 1938
LewisRay Eborn about 1914
LewisWilla born about 1893
LongArthur born about 1917
LongAugust Rborn about 1875
LongEdna born about 1883
LoueJesse born about 1892
LoueNancy born about 1868
LoueRobert born about 1890
LoueTheresa born about 1915
LoueWalter born about 1896
LuckeyAlva born about 1895
LuckeyBruce born about 1923
LuckeyFay born about 1937
LuckeyGladys born about 1897
LuckeyHugh born about 1920
LuckeyJean born about 1926
LuelloffElizabeth born about 1880
LuelloffIrene born about 1920
LuelloffNorbert born about 1913
LuelloffOtto Hborn about 1878
LynnAmy born about 1893
LynnJack born about 1926
LynnJohn born about 1893

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M Surnames

MannyMarie born about 1876
MannyWilliam born about 1876
MargaerFrank born about 1907
MargaerGene born about 1937
MargaerInez born about 1917
MargaerRay born about 1939
MarkhamBillie Janeborn about 1918
MarkhamEdith born about 1897
MarkhamFrank born about 1920
MarkhamFred born about 1895
MarkhamHelen born about 1930
MarkhamJr Fred born about 1924
MartinBlanche born about 1895
MartinGeorge born about 1883
MartinJones born about 1885
MatsonVictor born about 1932
MaweryClifford born about 1904
MaweryJoseph Eborn about 1870
MaweryMary born about 1871
MayersGeorge born about 1910
MayersGessie born about 1917
McCarthyJames born about 1877
McCarthyMattie born about 1880
McFaddenCecil born about 1899
McFaddenGuy born about 1888
McGaireAlma born about 1891
McGaireChester born about 1911
McGaireDora born about 1909
McGaireGeorge Jborn about 1929
McGaireJames born about 1917
McGaireJohn born about 1885
McGaireJoyce born about 1922
McGhanBarbara born about 1933
McGhanClifford born about 1935
McGhanEllen born about 1915
McGhanLaune born about 1913
McKenzieAubrey born about 1889
McKenzieBertha Oborn about 1897
McKenzieBetty born about 1925
McKenzieClaud born about 1925
McKenzieFern born about 1927
McKenzieKenneth born about 1921
McKenzieOzz born about 1888
McKenzieRamon born about 1923
McKenzieWaymon born about 1918
MenceyLela born about 1911
MenceyLester born about 1904
MickolausAmiel Lborn about 1879
MickolausGilbert born about 1908
MickolausJames born about 1928
MickolausJulia born about 1882
MickolausWilliard born about 1916
MillardHelen born about 1919
MillardJessie born about 1899
MillardJoseph Eborn about 1898
MillerAlfred born about 1915
MillerBernie born about 1939
MillerE Antonborn about 1891
MillerEdwin born about 1917
MillerEsther born about 1894
MillerEugene born about 1927
MillerJesse born about 1884
MillerMargaret born about 1923
MillerMarine born about 1937
MillerMirian born about 1918
MillerMyrtle born about 1898
MooreBlanche born about 1904
MooreCarl born about 1932
MooreGeorge born about 1887
MooreGeorge born about 1925
MooreHarold born about 1929
MoreyGale born about 1937
MoreyHelen born about 1940
MoreyHerbert born about 1907
MoreyJulius born about 1884
MoreyMyrtle born about 1915
MorganCarl born about 1912
MorganHenrietta born about 1888
MorganTalmadge born about 1875
MorrisAnna born about 1887
MorrisMichel born about 1870
MoweryBetty born about 1928
MoweryCecil born about 1936
MoweryDayle born about 1910
MoweryDe Lora born about 1912
MoweryDoris born about 1906
MoweryEmma Aborn about 1940
MoweryHilbert born about 1901
MoweryJohnny born about 1938
MoweryJr Hilbert born about 1930
MurcngEdith born about 1890
MurcngJean born about 1928
MurcngSherman born about 1885
MurphyGerold born about 1938
MurphyJessie born about 1934
MurphyPatricia born about 1897
MurphyRena born about 1904
MurphyVernon born about 1901

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N Surnames

NealRhoda born about 1869
NelsonCharles born about 1928
NelsonFlorence born about 1900
NelsonHarold born about 1895
NelsonLyman born about 1923
NelsonWenda born about 1927
NicholsRobert born about 1883
NorvalBernice born about 1919
NorvalRichard born about 1937
NorvalWayne born about 1918

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O Surnames

ObrienDonald born about 1928
ObrienEvelyn born about 1931
ObrienViola born about 1912
OlmsteadAnne born about 1912
OlmsteadRaymond born about 1932
OlmsteadRobert born about 1907

P Surnames

PadonskiLawrence born about 1920
PalmerAugusta born about 1911
PalmerGeraldice born about 1930
PalmerJohn born about 1892
PedersenHanne born about 1878
PedersenHans born about 1871
PedersenWilliam born about 1928
PerkinsAlfred born about 1919
PerkinsAlice born about 1926
PerkinsDean born about 1892
PerkinsEarnest born about 1920
PerkinsFloyd born about 1896
PerkinsWesley born about 1927
PetettVanda born about 1923
PetrieJames Bborn about 1864

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R Surnames

RhodesDonald born about 1917
RobertsE Edwardborn about 1905
RobertsJohn Jborn about 1860
RobertsLouise born about 1912
RobertsMarjorie born about 1935
RobertsNiel born about 1932
RobertsSharon born about 1939
RoehmOtto born about 1856
RohannanDorothy born about 1889
RohannanJasper born about 1884
RuudAren born about 1871
RuudHilda Cborn about 1872

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S Surnames

SamsEleanor born about 1918
SamsElmer born about 1902
SamsHarvy born about 1909
SamsJasper born about 1936
SamsMary Aborn about 1875
SandberfgHarry Oborn about 1897
SandersFrank born about 1883
SappBessie born about 1925
SchernitzkiDorothy born about 1920
SchernitzkiGeorge born about 1939
SchernitzkiJohn Eborn about 1911
ScherzerAlbert born about 1880
ScherzerGertude born about 1938
ScherzerHarold born about 1925
ScherzerJohn born about 1927
ScherzerJoseph Albertrborn about 1931
ScherzerLawrence born about 1926
ScherzerLeonore born about 1904
ScherzerRobert born about 1933
ScherzerRuth Ellenborn about 1930
SchiffaerBetty born about 1925
SchiffaerJohn born about 1921
SchiffaerOrpah born about 1888
ScholerGilbert born about 1907
ScholerRita born about 1910
ScottCharles born about 1889
ScottE Clairborn about 1920
ScottLydia born about 1892
ScottZora born about 1868
SeechrestJack born about 1875
SerdarPatricia born about 1903
ShawLaura Vborn about 1909
ShawW Lowellborn about 1906
ShipleyClarence born about 1924
ShipleyClaud born about 1887
ShipleyErma born about 1931
ShipleyErvin born about 1931
ShipleyJames born about 1935
ShipleyMarie born about 1919
ShipleyRolly born about 1911
ShipleyVerna born about 1929
ShipleyWalter born about 1926
ShipmanAndrew born about 1870
ShreveBetty born about 1930
ShreveEarnest born about 1924
ShreveJoseph born about 1900
ShreveLarry born about 1932
ShreveMae born about 1926
ShreveShirley born about 1936
ShreveVernal born about 1934
ShreveViolet born about 1902
ShreveWayne born about 1922
SimonsHarry born about 1881
SimonsMargaret born about 1916
SimonsVirgel born about 1907
SimonsVirgil Moeborn about 1937
SimonsWonene born about 1935
SloppyDean born about 1939
SloppyEdith born about 1906
SloppyLaurence born about 1933
SloppyLoren born about 1936
SloppyLynn born about 1906
SloppyRay born about 1935
SloppyRuth Lborn about 1932
SloppyZelma born about 1938
SmithKenneth born about 1909
SmithLoretta born about 1922
SnowAnna Eborn about 1877
SnowGeorge Wborn about 1875
StennettE Hborn about 1891
StockmanJohn born about 1928
StockmanRichard born about 1931
StrawnCharles Wborn about 1876
SullivanNancy born about 1897
SullivanWilliam born about 1887
SuppleeEddie born about 1913
SuppleeKarle born about 1923
SuppleeMarlene born about 1922
SuppleeMartha born about 1893
SuppleeSamuel born about 1888
SuppleeWayne born about 1925
SuttonEarl born about 1900
SuttonElma born about 1901

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T Surnames

ThorntonHenry born about 1883
TiltonEvonne born about 1935
TiltonJohn P Lborn about 1877
TiltonMinnie born about 1900
TownsendBenjamin Fborn about 1884
TuhleDaisy born about 1884
TuhleGeorge born about 1873

U Surnames

UtechtCarl born about 1889

V Surnames

VandineAbe born about 1865
VandineClarence born about 1908
VandineElgie born about 1922
VandineEliza born about 1874
VandineEvelyn born about 1921
VandineOliva born about 1922

W Surnames

WallaceJack born about 1908
WallaceMary born about 1904
WardenFay born about 1897
WardenJames Bborn about 1888
WatsonEarnest born about 1903
WatsonHarry born about 1912
WatsonInez born about 1908
WatsonLonn born about 1932
WatsonLouis born about 1934
WatsonNila born about 1939
WatsonRay born about 1906
WeidleClara born about 1891
WeidleEdith born about 1925
WeidleJohn born about 1887
WeidleMartha born about 1922
WeidleMary born about 1917
WeinArchibald born about 1884
WeinDolores born about 1930
WeinJean born about 1927
WeinKay born about 1921
WeinMary born about 1923
WeinNellie born about 1891
WestbergDavid born about 1870
WestbergHanna born about 1870
WestbergWalter born about 1906
WhiteEthel born about 1912
WhiteFred born about 1904
WilliamsDorothy born about 1915
WilliamsEugene Fborn about 1935
WilliamsFrank born about 1910
WilliamsThomas born about 1939
WilsonDonald born about 1934
WilsonEdna born about 1905
WilsonFlorence born about 1931
WilsonMelvin born about 1939
WilsonRay born about 1930
WilsonThelmer Rborn about 1904
WiltonCharles born about 1916
WiltonElfie born about 1883
WiltonEva born about 1934
WiltonFrank born about 1859
WiltonFrank born about 1910
WiltonJune born about 1920
WiltonLois born about 1915
WiltonRobert born about 1923
WiltonVernon born about 1913
WisenbachDaisy born about 1870
WisenbachMadeline born about 1910

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