1940 U.S. Federal Census of Hover, Benton, Washington

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Washington > Benton County > 1940 Census of Hover

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames H Surnames J Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AlairA Russelborn about 1911
AlairRoger Chasborn about 1939
AlairRuby Cborn about 1913
AldenClarence Dborn about 1914
AldenHelen Jborn about 1918
AshbyBetty Lborn about 1939
AshbyBruce Aborn about 1931
AshbyClell Bborn about 1898
AshbyDavid born about 1938
AshbyEllen Mborn about 1924
AshbyLydia Bborn about 1898
AshbyMartha Lborn about 1898
AshbyMinnie Bborn about 1870
AshbyNina Mborn about 1925
AshbyRex Cborn about 1891
AshbyRosemary Cborn about 1927
AshbyShirley Rborn about 1922
AshbyThelma Jborn about 1920
AyersAlice Bborn about 1882
AyersJ Rborn about 1874
AyreLawrence born about 1907

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B Surnames

BartholmewDonna Marieborn about 1924
BartholmewRoselee born about 1907
BartholmewRoy Jborn about 1901
BlairCecil Iborn about 1936
BlairDolores Jborn about 1935
BlairJerry born about 1938
BlairKenneth born about 1939
BlairLawrence Mborn about 1912
BlairMelvin born about 1888
BlairMerill born about 1934
BlairVelma Mborn about 1916
BlairWm born about 1897

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C Surnames

CarneAlbert Eborn about 1922
CochranGeorge Rborn about 1872
CochranJohn Eborn about 1888
ConstantineA Leoborn about 1897
ConstantineDavid Lborn about 1927
ConstantineFrances Lborn about 1905

D Surnames

DacklinC Jborn about 1875
DacklinDorothy born about 1908
DacklinEmma born about 1911
DamickCarrie Iborn about 1868
DarwellHarold born about 1916
DeffenbaughAllen Cborn about 1921
DeffenbaughCarl Lborn about 1892
DeffenbaughMargaret born about 1897
DeffenbaughRichard born about 1935
DeffenbaughRobert Zborn about 1930
DennisLute born about 1898
DertingHarold born about 1923
DertingHerbert born about 1915
DertingIva born about 1878
DertingJ Mborn about 1872
DyeAlvin Jborn about 1900
DyeMargery born about 1929
DyeNorma Leeborn about 1931
DyeRuby Eborn about 1908
DyeVirginia Eborn about 1927

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E Surnames

Erickson??? born about 1915
EricksonEngel Nborn about 1896
EricksonJoanne born about 1933
EvansC Lborn about 1872
EvansCarl Fborn about 1911
EvansDephia Kborn about 1911

F Surnames

FrankHomer C Jrborn about 1919

H Surnames

HamptonClara Aborn about 1906
HamptonHarry Nborn about 1899
HamptonRobert Iborn about 1937
HegherA Arnoldborn about 1926
HegherHarrison Sborn about 1914
HegherHarry Sborn about 1878
HegherI Ireneborn about 1881
HegherRobert Rborn about 1923
HegherWalter Wborn about 1920
HenckyAnnie Lborn about 1887
HenckyAudrey Mborn about 1921
HobightGeneve born about 1937
HodgesDrew born about 1882

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J Surnames

JulickEmma born about 1856

L Surnames

LarrisG Forestborn about 1931
LarrisGeorge Hborn about 1887
LarrisPauline born about 1913
LaudelE Louiseborn about 1932
LaudelEmily born about 1906
LaudelMarilyn born about 1934
LawtonAlbert Hborn about 1927
LawtonGladys Pborn about 1925
LawtonHoward Lewisborn about 1930
LawtonRichard Jborn about 1927
LeavittAndrew born about 1894
LewtonEffie Pborn about 1894
LewtonThomas born about 1894
LivermoreJosephine born about 1912
LivermoreWalter Eborn about 1913
LivermoreWalter E Jrborn about 1932
LowtherE Ellwoodborn about 1906
LowtherErnest Eborn about 1864
LowtherNorma Lborn about 1875
LukeEd born about 1908

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M Surnames

McBridGeorge born about 1914
McCaffreyJames born about 1890
McCoyA Clarkborn about 1876
McFaddenChas born about 1914
McFaddenIlene Dborn about 1914
McGuireVictor Iborn about 1924
McIntyreAlice Jborn about 1925
McIntyreArchie Sborn about 1895
McIntyreAubrey Rborn about 1900
McIntyreBetty Jborn about 1932
McIntyreChas born about 1940
McIntyreDorothy Aborn about 1930
McIntyreGeorge Rborn about 1920
McIntyreOrivlle Rborn about 1927
McIntyreRoy born about 1935
McKinsryEsther Lborn about 1939
McKinsryIne Mayborn about 1938
McKinsryJohn born about 1912
McKinsryMarie Reborn about 1919
McKinsryRonald Bborn about 1939
MellsChas born about 1891
MellsEdna Bborn about 1894
MellsHarlan born about 1927
MellsLynn born about 1923
MellsMaylan born about 1927
MillsElda born about 1900
MillsKaren Lborn about 1939
MillsLoretta Pborn about 1925
MillsRobert Dborn about 1921
MillsRonald Mborn about 1938
MillsWilbert Cborn about 1923
MillsWm born about 1889
MillssGeorge Rborn about 1895
MoeLeslie Tborn about 1911
MontagueAlthea Jborn about 1881
MontagueFrank born about 1888
MontagueStele Joborn about 1928
MoorePaul born about 1911
MosseBarbara Jborn about 1937
MosseElmer Bborn about 1920
MosseEveritt Cborn about 1908
MosseGilbert Lborn about 1914
MosseHelen Eborn about 1919
MosseJames Tborn about 1938
MosseMarlene Aborn about 1938

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N Surnames

NellBarbara Jborn about 1936
NellCarol Marieborn about 1937
NellMabel born about 1909
NellMargaret Nborn about 1933
NellMargaret Rborn about 1913
NellSarah Eborn about 1876
NellTheodore Aborn about 1905
NellW Fborn about 1901
NelsonJ Hborn about 1897
NelsonLenora Mborn about 1907
NelsonRonald Dborn about 1930
NelsonWallace Gborn about 1928
NunnAlberta Mborn about 1931
NunnDonna Lborn about 1934
NunnHazel Mborn about 1912
NunnJohn Iborn about 1917
NunnLee born about 1864
NunnPatty Louborn about 1935
NunnRichard Eborn about 1909
NunnRose born about 1875

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P Surnames

ParkerGerold born about 1917
ParkerHarold born about
PlantGrandivill Eborn about 1900

R Surnames

RobertsGerold born about 1900

S Surnames

SchubertAustin born about 1912
SchubertEdward Deanborn about 1932
SchubertGladys Eborn about 1904
SellaraJennie born about 1896
SellaraRussell born about 1926
SelleraLloyd Jr born about 1890
SelleraVergane Mborn about 1936
SidewellJohn Wborn about 1885
SlayboughCarl Lborn about 1879
SlayboughIda Belleborn about 1888
SpragueJ Cborn about 1875
SpragueLaura born about 1885
StewartB Rborn about 1867
StewartCarllottie born about 1873

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T Surnames

ThelmanClement born about 1878
ThelmanSadie Hborn about 1882
ThomasAlfred Wborn about 1861
ThomasJ Wborn about 1913
ThomasNellie Mborn about 1918
ThomasPatricia Leaborn about 1935

W Surnames

WatersEdwin Aborn about 1870
WendellF Tborn about 1885
WendellMary Annaborn about 1869

Y Surnames

YamanskaTakes born about 1904

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