1940 U.S. Federal Census of Johns River, Grays Harbor, Washington

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Washington > Grays Harbor County > 1940 Census of Johns River

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsDoreen born about 1929
AdamsGeorge Jborn about 1897
AdamsKattie born about 1901
AdamsMarie born about 1934
AshbyAl born about 1898
AshbyKenneth born about 1925
AshbyMyrtle born about 1906
AshbyNorma Deanborn about 1936
AshbyPeggy Leeborn about 1932
AshbyVernon born about 1925

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B Surnames

BellArthur Fborn about 1932
BellEmma Louborn about 1939
BellFlorence Eborn about 1934
BellGeorge Aborn about 1936
BellGeorge Fborn about 1894
BellLester Wborn about 1928
BellMyrtle Aborn about 1925
BellRobert Cborn about 1938
BellRuby Vborn about 1907
BrandtAlfred born about 1914
BrandtLola born about 1919
BuzzardJames Tborn about 1919
BuzzardJerome born about 1939
BuzzardMarian born about 1919

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C Surnames

CoaterEarl born about 1911
CoaterGary Lborn about 1938
CoaterJewel Tborn about 1914
CollingsHarry Sborn about 1892
CollingsStella Mborn about 1900
CornettBarbara born about 1924
CornettStanley born about 1917
CroninFrancis born about 1924
CuffAlbert born about 1908
CuffBoyd born about 1918
CuffClarence born about 1931
CuffDavid born about 1866
CuffEarl born about 1938
CuffElizabeth born about 1932
CuffFranklin Dborn about 1936
CuffGloria Annborn about 1934
CuffJames Wborn about 1935
CuffJessie born about 1894
CuffLeonard born about 1924
CuffMartha born about 1915
CuffNellie Rborn about 1917
CuffRichard Lborn about 1904
CuffRoy born about 1936
CuffWalter born about 1929
CuffWilliam Lborn about 1895
CuffWilliam Jr born about 1926

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D Surnames

DahlemDaisy Janeborn about 1876
DalrympleHarry born about 1879
DalrymplePearl born about 1881
DalrympleWalter Nborn about 1913
DemmanBeverley born about 1933
DemmanClarence born about 1903
DemmanElla born about 1907
DemmanRaymond born about 1937
DemmanWanda born about 1932
DewittLillian born about 1890
DewittLynn born about 1922
DewittMartin born about 1885
DewittWilbert born about 1919
DurkinDorothea born about 1914
DurkinDorothy born about 1940
DurkinJack Tborn about 1909
DurkinRobert Leeborn about 1939

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G Surnames

GressAlnetta born about 1911
GressBeverly born about 1938
GressCharleene born about 1931
GressJohn born about 1911
GrimesMelburn born about 1914
GrimesPhyllis born about 1918
GustafsonGus born about 1876
GustafsonSadie born about 1873
GustafsonWaynard born about 1904

H Surnames

HarrisAlan Lborn about 1939
HarrisBarney Jborn about 1882
HarrisJack Dborn about 1921
HarrisJohn Lborn about 1900
HarrisOvie Hborn about 1914
HarrisViola Mborn about 1915
HerningJohn Aborn about 1877
HickersonDwyght born about 1911
HillAlex born about 1903
HillJames born about 1936
HillRobert born about 1939
HillShirley born about 1938
HillVera born about 1916
HollingsworthAlva born about 1923
HollingsworthRoss born about 1908
HortonClark born about 1878
HortonSarah born about 1852

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J Surnames

JacobsonDaryle Aborn about 1940
JacobsonSadie Fborn about 1911
JacobsonSolemon born about 1907
JonesErnest Pborn about 1921
JonesFanny born about 1883
JonesPhyllis born about 1922
JonesStandish born about 1882

K Surnames

KernDick born about 1893
KoskiMatt born about 1885

L Surnames

LaaherEdward born about 1877
LeverningClara Janeborn about 1937
LeverningDavid Cborn about 1940
LeverningDon Cborn about 1912
LeverningFrank born about 1919
LeverningHarriett born about 1914
LeverningMarie Aborn about 1938
LoganLarter born about 1921
LoganWarren born about 1918
LukensmeyerEsther born about 1890

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M Surnames

MartinAda born about 1894
MartinFred born about 1891
MartinLeonard born about 1900
McMichealElizabeth Gborn about 1890
McMichealJune Vernieceborn about 1917
McMichealLindsey Sborn about 1888
MorganVictor born about 1885
MyhreJulia born about 1876
MyhreMartin born about 1917
MyhreOdin born about 1919

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N Surnames

NicholasClaude born about 1885

O Surnames

OddsonBertha born about 1859
OddsonEdward born about 1899

P Surnames

PatrieEdward born about 1909
PeckJames Mborn about 1906
PeckLillian Jborn about 1895
PhairHelen born about 1914
PhairMary born about 1938
PowellAnna born about 1907
PowellDan born about 1907
PowellEdward Oborn about 1934
PowellJames Tborn about 1931
PruettAlice born about 1935
PruettDollie born about 1937
PruettDora born about 1901
PruettEstel born about 1921
PruettGeneva born about 1924
PruettGoldie born about 1931
PruettHerbert born about 1930
PruettHerman born about 1933
PruettJuanita born about 1925
PruettLuther born about 1892
PruettMartha born about 1920
PruettMonroe born about 1914
PruettPeter born about 1898
PruettRoss born about 1920
PruettThelma Jeanborn about 1936
PursleyRaymond born about 1913
PurteeJames Fborn about 1861

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R Surnames

RabyHoward born about 1912
ReddichDelbert born about 1934
ReddichMargaret born about 1926
ReddichMary born about 1907
ReddichMary Elsieborn about 1929
ReddichThomas Mborn about 1898
ReddichVida born about 1937
ReddichWilliam born about 1925
ReesBetty born about 1925
ReesChester born about 1922
ReesJames born about 1920
ReifJohn born about 1873
RockwoodDella born about 1929
RockwoodEffie Bborn about 1889
RockwoodJuanita born about 1927
RockwoodRobert Eborn about 1883
RockwoodRosabelle born about 1931
RosenbackVictor born about 1890
RugglesLulu born about 1884
RugglesOwen born about 1873
RugglesPerry born about 1870
RugglesRose born about 1874
RushtonAlta Wborn about 1922
RushtonGeorge Aborn about 1912
RustemeyerNellie born about 1901
RustemeyerOscar born about 1905

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S Surnames

SamsAlta born about 1904
SamsRoy born about 1904
SchillerDonald born about 1927
SchillerElsie born about 1933
SchillerLoretta born about 1931
SchillerRobert born about 1892
SchillerRobert Jr born about 1916
SchillerRuth born about 1932
SeeleyEugene Bborn about 1934
SeeleyLeonard Wborn about 1920
SeeleyLeota Lborn about 1896
SeeleyPhyllis Mborn about 1921
SeeleyRalph Bborn about 1898
SeeleyRichard Bborn about 1928
SilvoHjalmer born about 1880
SilvoHugo born about 1904
SilvoIna born about 1873
SiskCharles born about 1935
SiskDavid born about 1937
SiskEnos born about 1903
SiskEnos Jr born about 1928
SiskJoyce born about 1932
SiskLillian born about 1909
SiskLillie born about 1931
SiskRalph born about 1939
SmithDavid born about 1911
SmithMarie born about 1917
SoehlEva Vborn about 1906
SoehlFredric A Jborn about 1904
Stewart born about
StewartCarol born about
StewartClara born about
StewartRobert born about

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T Surnames

ThrushAudrey Lborn about 1936
ThrushDorothy Bborn about 1926
ThrushElva Tborn about 1905
ThrushLawrence Eborn about 1905
TrailBenjaman born about 1898
TrailBenny born about 1935
TrailGrace Vborn about 1888
TrailHellie born about 1905
TrailLawrence born about 1907

V Surnames

VealGloria Sborn about 1927
VealNorma Lborn about 1931
VesseyCharles born about 1907
VesseyClifford born about 1934
VesseyDavid born about 1926
VesseyJames born about 1936
VesseyJuanita born about 1907
VesseyRamona born about 1929
VesseyRobert born about 1931
VinsonBetty Leeborn about 1931
VinsonDarrell born about 1921
VinsonJay born about 1900
VinsonJay Jr born about 1930
VinsonLila born about 1902
VinsonRichelene born about 1922

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W Surnames

WahlDora Mborn about 1910
WahlEddy Lborn about 1910
WahlGladys Aborn about 1935
WahlJohn Lborn about 1939
WardJulia born about 1898
WardSeymour Dborn about 1886
WardVera Juneborn about 1927
WatsonCharles born about 1886
WatsonDavid Aborn about 1869
WatsonDonald Hborn about 1915
WatsonMaude Eborn about 1876
WebsterAlbert Wborn about 1909
WebsterAlice born about 1931
WebsterGerald born about 1935
WebsterMaxine born about 1933
WebsterRoger born about 1938
WebsterRuth Mborn about 1913
WentzAurther Lborn about 1890
WentzShirley Lborn about 1928
WentzVirgie Mayborn about 1887

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