1940 U.S. Federal Census of Kiona, Benton, Washington

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Washington > Benton County > 1940 Census of Kiona

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsElemer born about 1933
AdamsEmer born about 1907
AdamsEva born about 1912
AdamsKenneth born about 1935
AllisonBill born about 1925
AllisonChester born about 1885
AllisonJerry born about 1923
AllisonSybil born about 1900

B Surnames

BatresBetty Louborn about 1933
BatresE Mayborn about 1912
BatresElla Mayborn about 1932
BatresMary Ellenborn about 1936
BatresRichard Doleborn about 1938
BatresS Eborn about 1907
BennettCarl born about 1913
BennettJennie born about 1918
BennettPearl Mayborn about
BentleyAlma born about 1893
BentleyWalter Aborn about 1885
BesseHerbert born about 1887
BesseLoren born about 1884
BlackleyWilford born about 1921
Blakley??? born about 1937
BlakleyDollie born about 1917
BlakleySidney born about 1916
BrandelinRussell born about 1916
BrandelinWinefred born about 1859
BrownCalvin born about 1925
BrownMelinda born about 1883
BrownPauline born about 1927
BrownRobert born about 1921
BurlewHerbert born about 1905
BurlinJohn Cborn about 1888
BurlinMarjorie born about 1898

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C Surnames

CapekartMattey born about 1875
CapekartTheodore born about 1910
CarawayA Cborn about 1886
CarawayJ Wborn about 1883
ChitwoodMargeret born about 1907
ChurchElva born about 1900
ChurchNita born about 1933
ClaytonArdith Anneborn about 1937
ClaytonDonald Karlborn about 1935
ClaytonKarl Lborn about 1842
ClaytonNora born about 1915
CobbEarl Dborn about 1887
CobbMyrtle Mborn about 1890
CollinsIrabell born about 1878
CollinsJoseph born about 1877
CookElkanah Lborn about 1882
CookElsa born about 1917
CoxHarry born about 1878
CoxIva born about 1884
CrawfordAlice Edlineborn about 1893
CrawfordWilliam born about 1886
CulpRose born about 1895
CulpWalter Aborn about 1890

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D Surnames

DeekerFrank Ruselborn about 1882
DeekerPhoebe born about 1887
DefieldJ Wborn about 1908
DefieldMadelyn born about 1909
DefieldMarenius* born about 1932
DefieldMarie Aborn about 1874
DefieldW Aborn about 1869
DellereJohn born about 1884
DellereJohn Richardborn about 1935
DellereLilly born about 1908
DowtyEthel born about 1884
DowtyFred born about 1873
DruenDora born about 1869
DruenJackson Eborn about 1872
DvorakFrancis born about 1907
DvorakFrank born about 1872
DvorakLinda born about 1879

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E Surnames

EngelhardFred born about 1900
EngelhartBetty Leeborn about 1927
EngelhartEverett born about 1909
EngelhartIris born about 1912
EngelhartMitchel born about 1877
EngelhartRoselba born about 1886

F Surnames

FlemingArchie born about 1899
FlemingDonald born about 1927
FlemingMary born about 1901
ForthLoyd born about 1923
FryeAugust born about 1880
FryeIna born about 1885

G Surnames

GaymanBart born about 1911
GaymanIrene born about 1933
GaymanOpal born about 1914
GaymanRodney born about 1931
GearhardAlfred born about 1929
GeisenNich born about 1872
GeiszlerCharles born about 1862
GeiszlerLula born about 1870
GrandinFred Willianborn about 1894
GreenEdward Wborn about 1880
GreenHarold born about 1920
GreenIrma Bborn about 1879
GreenMerrl* born about 1909
GrendingEthel born about 1887
GrendingFredrick born about 1886
GrendingHoward born about 1912
GrendingMarjore born about 1923
GroberBlanche born about 1917
GroberDawn Elaineborn about 1937
GroberDuane born about 1935
GroberFrank born about 1910
GroberFrank Jr born about 1934
GroverDorothy born about 1916
GroverFaye Jeanborn about 1937
GroverRussell Dborn about 1912
GroverShirly Iresborn about 1936
GwinHalcie born about 1899
GwinOrley born about 1904

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H Surnames

HackneyDoris born about 1935
HackneyElvira born about 1932
HackneyIva born about 1903
HackneyJohn born about 1934
HackneyWalter born about 1892
HadleyMildred born about 1901
HansonDonald born about 1906
HansonFred Wborn about 1891
HansonGladys Lborn about 1901
HansonLorraine born about 1919
HansonOscar Mborn about 1900
HansonRobert Mborn about 1924
HansonWayne Cborn about 1924
HarmanAllen Rudolphborn about 1919
HarmanBobby born about 1940
HarmanDennis born about 1923
HarmanElmer Luatleborn about 1918
HarmanEtta born about 1897
HarmanWilmer Pearlborn about 1929
HarmanWilson Hborn about 1891
Harrington born about 1906
HarringtonFlorence born about 1931
HarringtonGeorge born about 1889
HartmanAlice Joneborn about 1863
HartmanGlen Alvinborn about 1919
HartmanIra born about 1882
HartmanMaude born about 1886
HartmanSusannah born about 1895
HartmanWalter born about 1900
HavilandCora born about 1885
HavilandFred born about 1873
HazardEva born about 1873
HedgerAma born about 1862
HinsmanRuben born about 1918
HinsmanRudolph born about 1919
HoelkteWilliam born about 1873
HorquinnThomas Hborn about 1907
HowardAlice born about 1908
HowardJohn Carlborn about 1898
HowardJohn Richardborn about 1936
HowardVirgina born about 1930
HubbardEmma born about 1885
HubbardJames Whitneyborn about 1920
HubbardLucille born about 1923
HubbardWilliam born about 1872
HughesArgus born about 1889
HughesDorothy born about 1892

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J Surnames

JacobsAnna born about 1893
JacobsJoyce Annborn about 1926
JacobsWalter Johnborn about 1893
JenkinsRobert born about 1882
JonesGrace born about 1889
JonesSidney born about 1927
JonesSyrus born about 1888
JonesWilliam Bborn about 1857

K Surnames

KendallArlen born about 1939
KendallCharlotte born about 1939
KendallChythia* born about 1936
KendallDora Eborn about 1875
KendallHarry born about 1890
KendallLaura born about 1895
KendallLaurance born about 1911
KendallOleda Bedaborn about 1920
KendallTheodore Rborn about 1910
KendallThomas Bborn about 1862
KennedyAllison born about 1884
KennedyPaul born about 1906
KennedyWilliam born about 1887
KerrDonald born about 1891
KerrMargaret Anneborn about 1891
KerrMargaret Elisabethborn about 1931
KerrPeth* Donaldborn about 1932
KossmanClifford born about 1904
KossmanEarl born about 1922
KossmanEdward born about 1882
KossmanGerold born about 1909
KossmanLouise born about 1881
KossmanSirel born about 1922

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L Surnames

LaisureDorothy born about 1929
LaisureGoldie born about 1890
LaisureJohn born about 1870
LasbistesPeter born about 1878
LeschesGrace born about 1881
LeschesOtto born about 1886
LewisBarney Vborn about 1899
LewisBarney Jr born about 1924
LewisBernice born about 1926
LewisHazel born about 1902
LewisMarine born about 1928
LitleGertrude born about 1887
LitleRolland born about 1880
LowdenMilton Vborn about 1899
LundAnna born about 1882
LundBill born about 1903
LundEva born about 1917
LundHans Pborn about 1867
LundVirgil born about 1939

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M Surnames

MarguisElsie born about 1883
MathewsElva born about 1899
MathewsRobert born about 1890
MathewsThomas born about 1925
McAlpinAlford born about 1873
McAlpinJosephine born about 1878
McBeeClinton born about 1912
McBeeDiana ???born about 1939
McBeeElinor born about 1873
McBeeMaruice Hborn about 1902
McBeeMyrtle Katinaborn about 1912
McBeeRichard Robertborn about 1932
McNultyHobert Wborn about 1871
McNultyLaura born about 1870
McReynoldsAlice born about 1919
McReynoldsEarl born about
McReynoldsThomas born about 1885
MillerHarold born about 1921
MillerHarry born about 1889
MillerJoseph Bborn about 1865
MillerMary Luisaborn about 1867
MontgomeryCarl born about 1909
MontgomeryDouglas born about 1921
MontgomeryEilene born about 1929
MontgomeryOral born about 1896
MontgomeryPatricia born about 1930
MontgomeryRobert born about 1933
MontgomeryRonald born about 1927
MontgomeryTeresa born about 1897
MontgomeryThelma born about 1913
MontgomeryWayne born about 1936
MooreEarl born about 1878
MooreEclyn born about 1917
MooreEva born about 1882
MooreIda born about 1892
MooreMelvin born about 1917
MooreNellie born about 1919
MooreNeva Anneborn about 1938
MooreWilliam born about 1876
MorganDorobella born about 1919
MorganGuy born about 1893
MorganLouise ???born about 1922
MorganMerte Mayborn about 1926
MorganNellie Mayborn about 1895

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N Surnames

NelsonAlverth born about 1889
NelsonFelix born about 1895
NeyensAnna born about 1933
NeyensArthur born about 1928
NeyensElisabeth born about 1927
NeyensElsie born about 1902
NeyensHoward born about 1899
NeyensHoward Jr born about 1930
NeyensLenard born about 1937
NeyensRose Marieborn about 1940
NeyensShirly born about 1938
NeyensVera born about 1934

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O Surnames

ObiamsChester born about 1905
ObiamsGladis born about 1918
ObiamsLorna born about 1938
ObiamsViolet born about 1935
OrcuttJoy born about 1904
OrcuttLouisa born about 1872
OrcuttRuby born about 1936
OrcuttWilliam born about 1897

P Surnames

PaytonBennie Leeborn about 1937
PaytonBilly Leonborn about 1939
PaytonClarence born about 1913
PaytonLydia born about 1916
PelleyRobert born about 1913
PfaffDolores born about 1929
PfaffEileen born about 1927
ProwellAnna born about 1852
PurnellEsther born about 1895
PurnellHenry born about 1893

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R Surnames

RenoAdlore born about 1884
RenoEdward Leoborn about 1926
RenoIsabelle Agnesborn about 1934
RenoJames Phillippborn about 1924
RenoMary Louiseborn about 1898
RenoRaymond Andrewborn about 1928
RichmanBetty born about 1933
RichmanDelbert born about 1923
RichmanEarl born about 1927
RichmanFranklin born about 1890
RichmanFredrick born about 1919
RichmanHazel born about 1925
RichmanLa Vaene born about 1921
RichmanMary born about 1892
RichmondLaura Bborn about 1871
RichmondOliver Rborn about 1870
RodgersWilliam born about 1902
RolphErma born about 1912
RolphGordon born about 1913
RoopFlorence Mayborn about 1894
RoopJames Wallaceborn about 1924
RoopJohn Everettborn about 1927
RoopMilford Wm Jrborn about 1923
RoopMlford* Williamborn about 1895
RossArline born about 1926
RossBarbara born about 1934
RossErnest born about 1924
RossEthel born about 1902
RossFlorence born about 1932
RossGwendlen* born about 1940
RossLaurance born about 1928
RossMorris Gwerdler*born about 1938
RossTheodore born about 1936
RossWayne born about 1899
RowleyC Eborn about 1878
RowleyCamilla born about 1885
RowleyCelia born about 1919
RowleyIda born about 1914
RowleyJack born about 1932
RowleyLouise born about 1911
RowleyRobert born about 1930
RuckerDonald born about 1939
RuckerElla born about 1923
RuckerEste born about 1922
RuckerKenneth born about 1915
RuckerTrevite* born about 1912

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S Surnames

ScottAlvin Eborn about 1889
ScottMary Wborn about 1854
SelingerLouis Aborn about 1908
SmithAllen Wborn about 1895
SmithAllene Roseborn about 1926
SmithJack Jborn about 1925
SmithRose Mborn about 1901
SmithVera Margeretborn about 1913
SparksCharles born about 1883
SparksEdward born about 1923
SparksEma born about 1892
SparksWilma born about 1917
StopplefieldGeorge born about 1922
StopplefieldMarie born about 1927
StopplefieldNellie born about 1897
StopplefieldOwen born about 1888
SweanyAlfred Eborn about 1868
SweanyHarley Alfredborn about 1915
SweanyJoyce born about 1920
SweanyMinnie born about 1880
SymsDolores born about 1931
SymsEdward born about 1933
SymsEverett born about 1938
SymsMelvin born about 1909
SymsPearl born about 1914

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T Surnames

TiceBesse born about 1913
TiceBilly born about 1933
TiceEvertt born about 1909
TiceJackie born about 1931
TroupeHarry born about 1899
TroupeLydia born about 1902

V Surnames

VancilIvan born about 1909
VaughanAlton Smithborn about 1908
VaughanIris Cborn about 1917

W Surnames

WalkerHarold Eborn about 1903
WallaceBenjamin born about 1920
WarnerLarry born about 1939
WarnerMarie born about 1912
WarnerMarlin born about 1936
WarnerMaynard born about 1909
WarrenAlice Mayborn about 1880
WarrenEarl born about 1922
WarrenEugene born about 1921
WarrenHenry born about 1913
WarrenLeo born about 1924
WarrenLeroy Jr born about 1934
WarrenRobert Hillieborn about 1870
WeimingAlbert born about 1917
WelchEugen born about 1913
WelchMerle born about 1920
WelchNancn* born about 1939
WhiteJohn Hborn about 1902
WhiteLouise born about 1901
WolfordMary born about 1887
WoodsOscar born about 1882
WoontomeryCarol born about 1940
WoontomeryEsther born about 1911
WoontomeryGerald born about 1936
WoontomeryGlen born about 1908
WoontomeryKenneth born about 1932

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Y Surnames

YolaLouis born about 1900
YolaMary Josephineborn about 1939
YolaNancy ???born about 1934
YolaNora born about 1903

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