1940 U.S. Federal Census of Nelson in Grays Harbor County, Grays Harbor, Washington

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Washington > Grays Harbor County > 1940 Census of Nelson in Grays Harbor County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AckersonAllan Dborn about 1916
AckersonCharles born about 1938
AckersonIrene Mborn about 1917
AckersonMarlene Mborn about 1939
AlbertsonEdna Mborn about 1940
AlbertsonIrvin Lborn about 1907
AlbertsonMargaret born about 1905
AlbertsonMargaret Eborn about 1932
AlbertsonOrvil Eborn about 1933
AlbertsonPatricia Aborn about 1938

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B Surnames

BarrettH Aborn about 1885
BarrettLaura Aborn about 1878
BennettEarl born about 1889
BennettEdna born about 1889
BennettElton born about 1910
BoettcherDorthy born about 1900
BoettcherErnest born about 1900
BonettNathan born about 1859
BronsonFred Hborn about 1907
BronsonHarry Rborn about 1894
BruceFrances born about 1916
BruceMargurite born about 1936

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C Surnames

CallickGrace Mborn about 1911
CallickHarry Mborn about 1890
CallickHarry M Jrborn about 1939
CalvinDennis born about 1931
CalvinGladys born about 1933
CalvinHarry born about 1889
CalvinHenrietta born about 1936
CalvinMary born about 1930
CalvinWinneta born about 1912
CarterDarrel born about 1938
CarterDelora born about 1897
CarterElna born about 1924
CarterFlorice born about 1919
CarterHelen born about 1922
CarterJ Deanborn about 1937
CarterJohn born about 1916
CarterJohnny born about 1936
CarterMax born about 1927
CarterPercy born about 1894
ComptonDorothy born about 1920
ComptonRobert Cborn about 1916
CooperBillie Joeborn about 1931
CooperGeorge born about 1907
CooperVera Lborn about 1911
CoxRachel Aborn about 1934
CoxRichard Jborn about 1936
CoxRuth Mborn about 1930
CulverJack born about 1931
CulverJosephine born about 1892
CulverNorman born about 1893

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D Surnames

DawsonCarl Aborn about 1934
DawsonJohn Aborn about 1932
DawsonJohn Jborn about 1900
DawsonMabel Aborn about 1896
DayAlfred born about 1886
DayMaud born about 1884
DayMilman born about 1908
DudgeonMyrtle born about 1886
DudgeonS Aborn about 1882
DuncanHerbert Aborn about 1897
DuncanLouise Fborn about 1911
DuncanRobert Lborn about 1935
DunikAnton born about 1873
DunikVictor born about 1858
DunikW born about 1869

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E Surnames

EddyA Marleneborn about 1934
EddyDavid Eborn about 1924
EddyEugene Aborn about 1927
EddyHattie born about 1896
EddyJanet Oborn about 1921
EddyKenneth Kborn about 1931
EddyPatricia Hborn about 1929
EddyR Duncanborn about 1887
EdlundFritz born about 1881
EdlundOscar born about 1886
EdlundSelma born about 1891
EnholnFrank born about 1935
EnholnFreda born about 1895
EnholnHarold born about 1930
EnholnInga Mayborn about 1927
EnholnMildred born about 1929
EnholnRoy born about 1933
EnholnSigfried born about 1894
EnnesIsaac born about 1865
EnnesNora Sborn about 1871
EnnesRobert Eborn about 1916
EricksonEdna born about 1917
EricksonElla born about 1883
EricksonErnest born about 1922
EricksonMelvin born about 1928
EricksonRalph born about 1925
EricksonRoy born about 1914
EricksonSigurd born about 1909

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F Surnames

FautzWilliam born about 1874

G Surnames

GajdaAndrew born about 1886
GajdaEdward born about 1928
GajdaFrank born about 1924
GajdaJohnnie born about 1921
GajdaLawerence born about 1926
GajdaMarie born about 1889
GanoFrances Lborn about 1874
GanoMarion Fborn about 1909
GanoRupert Eborn about 1865
GarryDorthy Mayborn about 1924
GarryEdith born about 1907
GarryEdna born about 1929
GarryMarian born about 1932
GarryTheodore born about 1925
GarryWalter born about 1899
GissbergLaverne born about 1925
GoheenCreta born about 1906
GoheenDavid born about 1900
GoheenDorthy born about 1932
GoheenHelen born about 1927
GoheenRichard born about 1925
GoodDavid Pborn about 1915
GoodEarl Eborn about 1940
GoodLeroy Dborn about 1937
GoodMattie Eborn about 1918
GoodOrville Kborn about 1938
GrahamMargaret Mborn about 1901
GrahamRoy Eborn about 1890
GunterEstel born about 1899
GunterEva born about 1933
GunterFloyd born about 1928
GunterHarriet born about 1903
GunterJerry born about 1935
GunterMarvin born about 1925
GunterNorman born about 1930
GunterRalph born about 1921
GunterRobert born about 1940
GunterVernon born about 1923

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H Surnames

HagblomAgnes Mborn about 1891
HagblomRonald Wborn about 1922
HaggardAddie Mborn about 1887
HaggardJoseph Wborn about 1883
HansonGlen born about 1926
HaynesLeone born about 1903
HaynesRalph Hborn about 1898
HeacoxElla born about 1894
HeacoxJoyce born about 1928
HeacoxMerton Jborn about 1884
HeacoxRobert born about 1923
HeacoxThomas born about 1913
HeacoxVirgie born about 1921
HopkinsJulia Bborn about 1890
HopkinsKyle Mborn about 1895
HuletEdith Eborn about 1894
HuletGuy Fborn about 1894

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J Surnames

JohnsonBeauford born about 1920
JohnsonCamelia Oborn about 1911
JohnsonDonna Mborn about 1931
JohnsonEllsworth Aborn about 1904
JohnsonHarold Jborn about 1922
JohnsonJohn Nborn about 1882
JohnsonMarvin born about 1932
JohnsonRuth born about 1901
JohnsonWilliam Mborn about 1857

K Surnames

KaapaElcia born about 1894
KaapaSvante born about 1894
KeithleyLizzie born about 1860
KemplerHenry born about 1886
KoskolaAlbert Mborn about 1892
KoskolaIda Jborn about 1891

L Surnames

LandphereGladys born about 1907
LandphereJack born about 1931
LandphereJeanne born about 1926
LandphereJohn born about 1903
LaugheadAgnes Mborn about 1909
LaugheadBruce Dborn about 1935
LaugheadDolores Eborn about 1928
LaugheadLyle Dborn about 1931
LaugheadNeil Cborn about 1899
LaugheadNeil Lborn about 1933
LeonardLawrence Lborn about 1928
LeonardRoger Aborn about 1926
LethoBetty born about 1928
LethoCarl Lborn about 1907
LethoCarol born about 1936
LethoGrace born about 1907
LethoSharon born about 1934
LindstromEddie born about 1934
LindstromGus born about 1910
LindstromKenneth born about 1936
LindstromMarcia born about 1939
LindstromVirginia born about 1912
LittleJohn Aborn about 1927
LohrFloyd born about 1913
LohrGladys born about 1915
LohrJohn born about 1919
LohrWayne born about 1922
LundAlida born about 1901
LundBetty born about 1927
LundGust born about 1897
LundRobert born about 1926
LundinMary Janeborn about 1888
LundinOscar born about 1891

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M Surnames

MartinBetty Jborn about 1930
MartinDaphne born about 1910
MartinDarrell born about 1935
MartinJames born about 1913
MartinKenneth born about 1933
MartinLaura Leeborn about 1937
MartinMargaret Gborn about 1894
MartinTheodore born about 1900
McBrideAudra Jborn about 1920
McBrideCharles Eborn about 1909
McBrideCharles Kborn about 1939
McGarrahHerbert Aborn about 1920
McGarrahHoward born about 1881
McGarrahLillian Mborn about 1883
McGarrahStanley Aborn about 1925
MeyerBertha born about 1876
MeyerJ Hborn about 1871
MillerFred born about 1867
MillsDonald born about 1930
MillsHenry born about 1899
MillsLinia born about 1902
MinerAnna Cborn about 1878
MinerGust Mborn about 1880
MortonEvelyn Nborn about 1914
MortonJames Rborn about 1912
MortonThomas born about 1939

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N Surnames

NulfClarence Eborn about 1927
NulfElsie Lborn about 1924
NulfFrancis born about 1905
NulfHarrison Pborn about 1893
NulfLarry Lborn about 1922
NulfShirley Mborn about 1925

O Surnames

ObergOlof born about 1861
OlsonHilda born about 1902
OlsonOscar Hborn about 1899
OlsonRoy born about 1929
OstromH Williamborn about 1922
OstromHenry born about 1888
OstromJohn Oliverborn about 1934
OstromNellie Annborn about 1923
OstromThora born about 1901
OwensEdythe born about 1912
OwensMary Louiseborn about 1932
OwensOrvis born about 1910

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P Surnames

PetersonAndrew Oborn about 1880
PetersonBertha Aborn about 1924
PetersonClifford Lborn about 1903
PetersonFrank Gborn about 1925
PetersonHanna born about 1889
PetersonIlene Eborn about 1923
PetersonMargaret Cborn about 1908
PetersonNina Eborn about 1920
PetersonPeter Jborn about 1889
PetersonRobert Dborn about 1923
PetersonRose Eborn about 1884
PetersonShirley Aborn about 1929
PetersonThelma Rborn about 1927
PetersonWalter Eborn about 1931
PetersonWilliam Cborn about 1930
PhenningJoseph born about 1864
PinckneyAdelaide born about 1921
PinckneyAgnes born about 1895
PinckneyBernard born about 1921
PinckneyDunbar born about 1892
PinckneyIrvin born about 1896
PinckneyKent born about 1928
PinckneyLorene born about 1896
PinckneyMardell born about 1923
PowellDonald born about 1913
PowellEarl born about 1908
PowellKenneth born about 1938
PowellMabel born about 1911
PowellPatricia born about 1935

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R Surnames

RichardsHarold Eborn about 1926
RichardsHazel Fborn about 1896
RichardsRalph Fborn about 1897
RitterIone born about 1908
RitterWilliam Cborn about 1864
RomasS born about 1877
RosoffC born about 1880
RosoffDan born about 1880
RosoffPaul born about 1907

S Surnames

ScobyHoward born about 1919
ScobyRobert Wborn about 1877
ScobyTheresa Mborn about 1877
SimmonsMargaret Eborn about 1900
SmithJames born about 1880
SouthardDouglas Aborn about 1914
SouthardGeorge Wborn about 1875
SouthardMary Iborn about 1921
SouthardNina born about 1887
SouthardRuth Iborn about 1924
StoverCharles born about 1930
StoverDale born about 1933
StoverGeorge born about 1910
StoverVerla born about 1910

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T Surnames

TomlinDave born about 1902
TovreaThomas Cborn about 1896

W Surnames

WalkerEunice born about 1922
WalkerRoy born about 1913
WaltersElla born about 1879
WaltersWillis Cborn about 1878
WarnerJohn Kborn about 1866
WilsonCharles born about 1892
WilsonEunice born about 1892

Y Surnames

YoungDonald born about 1929
YoungEdith born about 1916
YoungFlora born about 1884
YoungGeorge born about 1882
YoungGlenn born about 1912
YoungdahlAugust born about 1884
YowellElsie born about 1921
YowellJames Aborn about 1898
YowellJames Mborn about 1921
YowellJoyce born about 1923
YowellMary Aborn about 1897

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Z Surnames

ZetzscheLois Jborn about 1918

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