1940 U.S. Federal Census of Newport in Pend Oreille County, Pend Oreille, Washington

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Washington > Pend Oreille County > 1940 Census of Newport in Pend Oreille County

A SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesU Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesV Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesW Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsBenjamin Aborn about 1895
AdamsElsie born about 1907
AdamsGuy Aborn about 1882
AdamsLyda Mborn about 1884
AdamsW Raymondborn about 1897
AkersGary Sborn about 1935
AkersNellanne born about 1912
AllenHenry Fborn about 1862
AllenIvan born about 1923
AllenMollie born about 1875
AllenNeva born about 1901
AllenOtis born about 1896
AndersonAmy born about 1912
AndersonAugust born about 1865
AndersonFrank born about 1897
AndersonGuy Aborn about 1910
AndersonHyman born about 1910
AndersonMary Jborn about 1855
AndersonPhilip born about 1939
AndresJoe born about 1896
AndrewsJoe born about 1896

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B Surnames

BanckertEvangeline born about 1912
BanckertLois Mborn about 1939
BanckertRaymond Bborn about 1918
BardGlenn born about 1917
BardMary born about 1920
BardwellAdelaide born about 1890
BardwellW Sborn about 1885
BarkerCharles born about 1888
BarryJohn born about 1876
BattersonLucile born about 1919
BattersonRonald born about 1939
BayneWilliam Fborn about 1917
BeckstromArnold born about 1915
BeedleElsie born about 1920
BellCharles Fborn about 1874
BellClara born about 1886
BellMary Leeborn about 1922
BendahanAlfred born about 1936
BendahanBarbara born about 1933
BendahanCarol Aborn about 1938
BendahanElsie Pborn about 1914
BendahanN Peterborn about 1893
BendahanNels born about 1935
BennettBasil born about 1908
BennettCharles Sborn about 1877
BennettPearl Mborn about 1880
BentleyBilly Mborn about 1927
BentleyElsie born about 1904
BentleyHomer born about 1898
BentleyLillie Mborn about 1875
BentleyRobert Lborn about 1925
BerneckJoseph Pborn about 1868
BertzArthur Fborn about 1897
BertzFrank Aborn about 1930
BertzJohn Lborn about 1934
BertzRuth born about 1906
BeverAlbert Fborn about 1880
BeverHarriet born about 1892
BeverMary born about 1917
BillheimerCarl born about 1912
BirndtArthur Gborn about 1886
BirndtLeah Eborn about 1883
BlackElmer born about 1885
BlessingGrace Eborn about 1904
BlessingHarold born about 1921
BlessingHarry Mborn about 1895
BlessingMichael born about 1938
BlessingRobert born about 1923
BockemuehlFrank Wborn about 1913
BockemuehlJeanne Dborn about 1914
BockemuehlRichard Gborn about 1939
BockemuehlRobert Wborn about 1938
BootenAnna Cborn about 1895
BootenAugust Aborn about 1885
BootenDoris Mborn about 1921
BootenGeorge Cborn about 1915
BootenLillian Fborn about 1928
BraddockJohn born about 1927
BraddockNellie born about 1885
BraddockRalph born about 1883
BraithwaiteEthel Vborn about 1922
BrekkeMinnie Eborn about 1884
BrittainClaude born about 1932
BrittainHarold born about 1909
BrittainJoyce born about 1939
BrittainMartha born about 1915
BrittainPhyllis born about 1936
BrittainRobert born about 1934
BrownBetty Annborn about 1932
BrownEsther born about 1898
BrownEugene born about 1930
BrownFrances born about 1924
BrownGerald born about 1934
BrownHarrison Rborn about 1904
BrownJuanita born about 1922
BrownLela Mborn about 1907
BrownMargery Jborn about 1929
BrownRichard born about 1916
BrownRosemary born about 1931
BrownRowena born about 1926
BrownTheodore Rborn about 1925
BrownVincent born about 1928
BuchannanLeonard born about 1908
BuechelElsie born about 1904
BullockAlice born about 1905
BullockEdith born about 1925
BurdetteFlorence Rborn about 1911
BurganJohn Hborn about 1893
BurnettMargaret Sborn about 1877
BurnsF born about 1885
BuschA Lborn about 1874
BuschDelbert born about 1909
BuschElizabeth born about 1874

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C Surnames

CannonFrank born about 1920
CannonJohn Cborn about 1874
CannonMaude born about 1884
CarlsonEffie born about 1899
CarlsonFrank Oborn about 1908
CarlsonHenry born about 1911
CarpenterBernice Rborn about 1921
CarpenterJoyce Mborn about 1923
CarpenterRoyal Eborn about 1895
CarpenterRuth Lborn about 1900
CarterCleon Wborn about 1893
CarterMarion Eborn about 1929
CarterMaybelle Iborn about 1896
ClizerRay Kborn about 1920
ClumpnerDoris Mborn about 1928
ClumpnerJackie Mborn about 1930
ClumpnerMarton Lborn about 1906
ClumpnerMary Aborn about 1933
ClumpnerThelma born about 1910
ClumpnerThelma Nborn about 1937
ClumpnerVivian Pborn about 1939
ConradyCarl Fborn about 1888
ConradyLillian Tborn about 1893
CooksElaine Sborn about 1889
CooperAimee Wborn about 1888
CooperEarl Wborn about 1885
CosterLois born about 1919
CosterMildred born about 1900
CosterOttis Sborn about 1896
CosterSuzanne born about 1930
CoxDonald Eborn about 1921
CreekmoreJulia Aborn about 1877
CreekmoreR Johneborn about 1874
CreekmoreRobert Aborn about 1909
CrevistonDon born about 1918
CrevistonMay Eborn about 1921
CrossEthel born about 1891
CrossfieldRoy born about 1891
CrouseAnna born about 1897
CrouseArthur Eborn about 1888
CrouseCarl Nborn about 1917
CryslerAlice Rborn about 1931
CryslerCamille born about 1938
CryslerElaine born about 1934
CryslerHelena born about 1907
CryslerJohn born about 1912
CryslerLeo born about 1906
CryslerLeola born about 1909
CryslerLucile born about 1915
CryslerMary Jborn about 1939
CryslerMelva Lborn about 1934
CunninghamMagdeline born about 1885

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D Surnames

DahlenAane born about 1916
DahlenCarl born about 1886
DahlenHarold born about 1918
DahlenHartvig born about 1883
DahlenIvan born about 1919
DahlenMarie born about 1922
DasenbrockVirgil born about 1919
DavenportFred born about 1875
DavisMamie Aborn about 1877
DelaneyMarie Jborn about 1910
DelaneyPhyllis Mborn about 1935
DelaneyRaymond Cborn about 1904
DownumMarie born about 1886
DownumOle Aborn about 1875
DresselArthur Uborn about 1877
DresselDonald Hborn about 1938
DresselHugh born about 1908
DresselJean Mborn about 1884
DresselMarsaline born about 1912
DumanEdward born about 1921
DumanEdwin born about 1921
DumanHerbert Lborn about 1877
DumanMarjorie born about 1920
DunnAnn Eborn about 1933
DunnByron Eborn about 1905
DunnCornelia Eborn about 1932
DunnDavid Eborn about 1935
DunnIrene Jborn about 1906
DunnJune Eborn about 1922
DunneCecil born about 1906
DunwoodieDewey born about 1925
DunwoodieFae born about 1896
DunwoodieHerbert born about 1893

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E Surnames

EasleyDonald born about 1932
EasleyEvelyn born about 1928
EasleyHearley born about 1900
EasleyLeonard born about 1901
EasleyMabel born about 1909
EasleySarah born about 1863
EckhoffMelba born about 1918
EckhoffWilliam born about 1914
EddyLeslie Eugeneborn about 1896
EdmondsClifford born about 1903
EdmondsNorma Jborn about 1926
EdmondsT Georgeneborn about 1906
ElkinsAlbert born about 1922
ElkinsFred born about 1932
ElkinsIsaac born about 1892
ElkinsJames born about 1930
ElkinsJanet born about 1923
ElkinsJoan born about 1932
ElkinsJohn Eborn about 1897
ElkinsKyle born about 1939
ElkinsKyle Hborn about 1907
ElkinsMary Fborn about 1909
ElkinsSusan born about 1896
EllersickDonald Kborn about 1939
EllersickGeorge Hborn about 1903
EllersickLouise Aborn about 1910
EllnerFrank born about 1912
EllnerPauline born about 1913
EngDon born about 1912
EngGene Sborn about 1918
EngHelen born about 1936
EngLily born about 1919
ErdmanGeorge Eborn about 1893
ErdmanIva Eborn about 1905
ErdmanShirley Lborn about 1925
EricksonCharlie Oborn about 1883
EvansAgnes born about 1876
EvansCharles Hborn about 1903
EvansEva Rborn about 1866
EvansHazel Wborn about 1906
EvansJ Charlesborn about 1867
EvansLucia born about 1865

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F Surnames

FeltonClay Dborn about 1907
FeltonMarjorie born about 1913
FergusonCharles born about 1932
FergusonDelva born about 1897
FergusonFloyd born about 1934
FergusonMarvin Aborn about 1918
FergusonRobert born about 1930
FergusonVilda born about 1927
FergusonVirginia Mborn about 1922
FergusonWilliam Rborn about 1893
FergusonWilma born about 1924
FieldsJohn Hborn about 1881
FieldsKenneth Cborn about 1921
FieldsMa Louiseborn about 1926
FieldsMary Bborn about 1885
FindleyLila Cborn about 1917
FindleyLoretta Hborn about 1924
FindleyMadge Aborn about 1885
FisherArthur Gborn about 1906
FisherCora born about 1873
FisherGeorge Fborn about 1925
FisherGerald Cborn about 1927
FisherJoyce Iborn about 1935
FisherLa Rue Cborn about 1905
FisherMable Vborn about 1899
FisherRuth Fborn about 1910
FisherWilliam Vborn about 1931
FlockCarl Sborn about 1894
FlockCarl S Jrborn about 1920
FlockMillicent born about 1898
FlorentFrank born about 1878
FolkGeorge Eborn about 1913
FolkLloyd Eborn about 1939
FolkMabel Gborn about 1918
FordCorrine Aborn about 1910
FordKenneth born about 1938
FordMinnie Eborn about 1862
FornessArthur born about 1900
FornessNancy Mborn about 1870
ForsbergErnest born about 1904
FoxBenjamin Tborn about 1889
FoxCora born about 1888
FoxFreda Mborn about 1893
FoxJeanice Jborn about 1917
FoxJoyce born about 1922
FoxMichael born about 1888
FoxWayne born about 1918
FreemanElsie born about 1923
FreemanEugene born about 1928
FreemanGenevra born about 1891
FreemanHarry born about 1916
FreemanVictor born about 1890
FreshmanDorothy Maeborn about 1927
FreshmanMary Rborn about 1895
FreshmanStephen born about 1889
FreshmanStephen Lborn about 1925
FrykmanEvelyn born about 1921
FunkBonnie Lborn about 1937
FunkEvelyn Mborn about 1915
FunkJames Kborn about 1938
FunkJames Wborn about 1906

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G Surnames

GallagherBessie Lborn about 1894
GallagherEdward Lborn about 1926
GallagherJohn Lborn about 1891
GamElizabeth Pborn about 1876
GamJoseph Wborn about 1882
GarantFrank Dborn about 1931
GarantIvaluella born about 1908
GardensFlorence born about 1918
GardensMarlene Rborn about 1939
GardnerAnn born about 1904
GardnerDean born about 1908
GardnerDuanne born about 1937
GardnerMarie Lborn about 1929
GardnerNavon Dborn about 1931
GardnerWalden born about 1940
GibbonsBeverly Jborn about 1930
GlasscockBethel born about 1901
GlasscockHope born about 1933
GlasscockLaird Sborn about 1899
GoffHarry Bborn about 1879
GoffLester Cborn about 1916
GoodpastureHugh born about 1893
GoodpastureJoseph Hborn about 1919
GoodpastureLillian Rborn about 1890
GrawGilbert born about 1900
GriswoldHuldah born about 1880
GriswoldSamuel Aborn about 1872
GroverEdith born about 1877
GroverWilliam Fborn about 1872
GuscottE Joyborn about 1923
GuscottHerbert Wborn about 1887
GuscottHerbert W Jrborn about 1924
GuscottJessie Rborn about 1894
GuscottT Arthurborn about 1921

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H Surnames

HadroneJim born about 1870
HalfordWilliam Rborn about 1920
HalsteadDwight born about 1923
HalsteadSadie born about 1890
HamburgDorothy born about 1893
HamburgErnestine born about 1918
HamburgHarry born about 1879
HamlingGilbert born about 1920
HangerBeatrice born about 1925
HangerNettie born about 1902
HangerNorman born about 1929
HangerPalmer born about 1902
HangerPalmer Jr born about 1932
HarrisByron Mborn about 1903
HarrisElsa Aborn about 1878
HarrisHarriet born about 1911
HarrisJames Eborn about 1878
HartBurnice Vborn about 1906
HartHenry Aborn about 1905
HartJames Wborn about 1910
HastenJoseph Mborn about 1880
HaydenAnna born about 1890
HaydenJack born about 1889
HeisnerFlossie born about 1911
HenleyBetty born about 1932
HenleyJimmy born about 1934
HenleyJohn Pborn about 1900
HenleyMyrtle Aborn about 1907
HergertHarry born about 1900
HollindenCharlie born about 1879
HolstBetty Louborn about 1936
HolstDonald born about 1924
HolstMildred born about 1899
HolstWilbur born about 1926
HoltJames Lborn about 1916
HoltViolet Lborn about 1914
HoltanFred Cborn about 1872
HoltanMay Jborn about 1873
HooperLavina born about 1918
HubbardLaura Mborn about 1889
HubbardLaura Vborn about 1900
HubbardThomas Jborn about 1895
HuntFlavia born about 1866
HusteadMaude Iborn about 1907
HutchinsonMinerva born about 1882
HutchinsonWilliam born about 1874

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J Surnames

JacksonDonald born about 1926
JacksonJessie born about 1897
JacksonJoyce born about 1923
JacksonR Claudeborn about 1901
JacobsCharles Hborn about 1872
JacobsHarvey Oborn about 1870
JacobsRobert Eborn about 1920
JohnsonBeda born about 1897
JohnsonBetty Lborn about 1928
JohnsonBetty Louborn about 1935
JohnsonCarl Rborn about 1886
JohnsonCharles born about 1924
JohnsonChristian born about 1886
JohnsonDonald born about 1926
JohnsonDonna Mborn about 1939
JohnsonEd born about 1894
JohnsonElaine born about 1918
JohnsonEloise born about 1922
JohnsonElvan born about 1881
JohnsonFrank born about 1885
JohnsonGlenn born about 1923
JohnsonGunnor born about 1903
JohnsonJames Aborn about 1935
JohnsonLanson Mborn about 1864
JohnsonMabel Eborn about 1897
JohnsonMarcus Aborn about 1881
JohnsonOlive born about 1880
JohnsonRaymond born about 1916
JohnsonRobert Eborn about 1920
JohnsonRuby born about 1904
JohnsonW Verlenborn about 1926
JohnsonWilma Mborn about 1933
JohnsonWinifred born about 1913
JonesElmer Eborn about 1883
JonesEva born about 1897

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K Surnames

KalaberRalph Eugeneborn about 1916
KalmarNicholas born about 1865
KelleyBarbara Jborn about 1933
KelleyEarl Dborn about 1905
KelleyMargaret Iborn about 1907
KennedyEdythe born about 1908
KennedyKenneth born about 1904
KiehlRaymond born about 1887
KimmelGrant Eborn about 1933
KimmelHelen born about 1897
KimmelHoward Lborn about 1898
KimmelLaura Lborn about 1925
KimmelMargaret Aborn about 1929
KliewerHelen Eborn about 1919
KnowlesCorrine born about 1916
KuslerLois Bborn about 1888

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L Surnames

LarsonAlice Eborn about 1893
LarsonB Galeborn about 1933
LarsonEdwin born about 1879
LarsonHarold Eborn about 1914
LarsonHarry Wborn about 1885
LarsonJimmie Lborn about 1932
LarsonJohn Williamborn about 1927
LarsonLois Wborn about 1907
LarsonMarie born about 1897
LarsonMildred born about 1902
LarsonNorma Jborn about 1910
LarsonSwan Eborn about 1902
LarsonT Sborn about 1900
LarsonWalter Lborn about 1913
LarsonWilma Lborn about 1918
LavigneGladys Mborn about 1934
LavigneJohn Lborn about 1903
LavigneJohn L Jrborn about 1928
LavigneMary Lborn about 1939
LavigneMerna Jborn about 1930
LavigneRuth Mborn about 1909
LearAlfred Lborn about 1913
LearAlice Lborn about 1938
LearCarol Sborn about 1939
LearMary Eborn about 1919
LeavittAlbert born about 1864
LeavittByron born about 1885
LeavittDonald born about 1925
LeavittEdward born about 1923
LeavittElla born about 1918
LeavittMargaret born about 1920
LeavittMeta born about 1893
LeeBetty Jeanborn about 1920
LeeRobert Eborn about 1915
LemarcheHector Cborn about 1891
LewisAmy Cborn about 1883
LewisErnest born about 1914
LiljaAlice Eborn about 1901
LiljaBennett Lborn about 1901
LiljaJoseph Bborn about 1923
LindellJohn born about 1871
LindenAlma born about 1917
LinsdauArthur born about 1885
LinsdauBarbara born about 1932
LinsdauElaine born about 1903
LinsdauMargaret born about 1923
LinsdauVerne born about 1928
LinsdauVirginia born about 1930
LintonLouise born about 1910
LintonThomas born about 1884
ListonC Geraldborn about 1904
ListonCarol Leeborn about 1933
ListonElva Hborn about 1907
LithugoneBlanche Tborn about 1913
LithugoneGeorge Denisborn about 1936
LithugoneGeorge Hborn about 1907
LloydRalph Eborn about 1899
LongFern born about 1909
LongValley born about 1906
LucasEugene born about 1933
LucasMadeline born about 1922
LucasMargaret born about 1923
LucasOlga born about 1896
LucasR Lborn about 1897
LucasReno Jr born about 1927
LundThomas born about 1883
LundmarkCarl Oborn about 1901
LundmarkDolly Gborn about 1909
LundmarkKnute Aborn about 1904
LynchSofia Eborn about 1867

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M Surnames

MaitlenHarold born about 1914
MannCarol Jeanborn about 1939
MannM Eborn about 1915
MannMary born about 1915
MarkellAlice born about 1870
MarkellHomer born about 1869
MartinGeorge A Jrborn about 1922
MartinGeorge Eborn about 1894
MartinJacob born about 1869
MartinM Lucileborn about 1875
MartinMabel Cborn about 1903
MartinMae Vborn about 1922
MartinSharron Aborn about 1939
MartinStanley Cborn about 1926
MarvineTony born about 1889
MatthewsGeorge Hborn about 1856
McArthurFlorence born about 1905
McArthurJacqueline born about 1929
McArthurJeanette born about 1927
McArthurJoetta born about 1938
McArthurJoyce born about 1928
McArthurThomas born about 1900
McCartneyBernardine born about 1886
McCartneyC Oborn about 1908
McCartneyMary Annborn about 1910
McClaimF Gordonborn about 1925
McClaimGrace Mborn about 1902
McClaimMary Kborn about 1926
McClaimRaymond Bborn about 1888
McClaimShirley Mborn about 1931
McClaimWalter Cborn about 1924
McCoyMarie Cborn about 1881
McIntoshMyrtle born about 1910
McIntoshRichard born about 1895
McKeonClayton Dborn about 1905
McKeonHelen Hborn about 1905
McNairPaul Bborn about 1903
McNairVivian Lborn about 1912
MenearDallas born about 1905
MercesFrank Aborn about 1914
MerrickDonna Leeborn about 1933
MerrickDoris born about 1911
MerrickPeggy born about 1935
MerrickWilliam born about 1936
MeyersHarry Cborn about 1876
MillerAlice Uborn about 1886
MillerBetty Janeborn about 1922
MillerBilly born about 1929
MillerRalph Eborn about 1885
MohrBruno Oborn about 1907
MohrConnie born about 1939
MohrEsther born about 1910
MonroeDaniel born about 1873
MooreAlbert Fborn about 1897
MooreEdgar born about 1928
MooreEdith born about 1899
MooreGeorge born about 1927
MoritzEva born about 1906
MoritzFlorence Eborn about 1895
MoritzRuby born about 1929
MorleansHarold born about 1917
MorleansMarjorie born about 1910
MorrisAlbert born about 1933
MorrisC Pborn about 1867
MorrisCharles born about 1899
MorrisFreda born about 1900
MorrisPhillip born about 1929
MorrisonFrances Eborn about 1920
MorrisonIva Rborn about 1894
MorrisonO Lolaborn about 1899
MorrisonPriscilla Mborn about 1923
MuehlsEdith born about 1902
MuehlsWilliam born about 1902
MurphyClimena born about 1863

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N Surnames

NagleMary Aborn about 1858
NelsonErnest Wborn about 1883
NelsonHarry Lborn about 1901
NelsonHelen Iborn about 1921
NelsonOscar born about 1880
NicholsMelvin born about 1919
NimoyDelores born about 1939
NimoyMitchell born about 1912
NimoyThelma born about 1915
NordleyBert Jborn about 1934
NordleyBert Pborn about 1905
NordleyMay Rborn about 1912
NorstadtAnna born about 1886
NorstadtJames born about 1914
NorstadtJohn born about 1873
NorstadtMartin born about 1928
NorvisJack born about 1873
NoyerGeorge born about 1857
NunnallyClyde born about 1907
NunnallyHazel born about 1900
NunnallyMargaret born about 1855
NunnallyOmah born about 1885

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O Surnames

ObergAnna Eborn about 1895
ObergChriston Nborn about 1892
OberyCharles born about 1886
OberyClare born about 1895
OberyGlen born about 1920
ObrienDennie Eborn about 1939
ObrienEugene Hborn about 1921
ObrienEunice born about 1913
ObrienMarie Eborn about 1920
ObrienR Mccarthyborn about 1911
OffuttWilliam Wborn about 1885
OhsOlson born about 1880
OlsonJohn born about 1867
OquistAnna born about 1911
OquistArthur born about 1930
OquistNels Henryborn about 1905
OquistSonja born about 1934
OsburnDonald Iborn about 1889
OwensBetty Iborn about 1922
OwensGenevieve Rborn about 1901
OwensRobert Tborn about 1895

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P Surnames

PainterArdis born about 1920
PainterCorrine born about 1940
PainterEdwin born about 1916
ParksEarl born about 1913
ParksKathryn born about 1914
PayneEdna Pborn about 1897
PayneLuther Hborn about 1892
PeoplesRuth born about 1925
PerryGeorge Rborn about 1862
PerryMary Cborn about 1869
PetersonC Eborn about 1883
PetersonCharles Mborn about 1925
PetersonCharles Sborn about 1895
PetersonCharlotte Mborn about 1899
PetersonFern born about 1923
PetersonFlorence Rborn about 1883
PetersonFreda born about 1866
PettersonAleta Nborn about 1923
PettersonC Lloydborn about 1929
PettersonEthel born about 1902
PettersonJohan Eborn about 1880
PettersonLoren Dborn about 1927
PettersonOscar born about 1895
PettersonSamuel Wborn about 1920
PoirerFrancis born about 1913
PoirerMarguerite born about 1917
PoirerRussell born about 1922
PoiresHector born about 1874
PowellAls??? born about 1865
PowellOliver Hborn about 1862

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R Surnames

RappArthur Sborn about 1912
ReedAdele Vborn about 1903
ReedDelbert born about 1924
ReedEugene born about 1929
ReedMore Lborn about 1901
ReedVirginia born about 1932
RenzDavid born about 1909
RenzEva Iborn about 1915
RenzJoy Eborn about 1939
RiceAlberta born about 1893
RiceAlphena born about 1932
RiceArthur Cborn about 1915
RiceBenjamin born about 1889
RiceEdith born about 1925
RiedleAnna Mborn about 1884
RiedleCharles born about 1918
RiedleJuanita born about 1914
RiedleUlrich Sborn about 1877
RieksElmer born about 1915
RobersonArthur born about 1884
RobersonBob born about 1924
RobersonBonnie born about 1925
RobersonPal born about 1923
RobertsAlbert Aborn about 1862
RogersFred Cborn about 1914
RogersJean born about 1934
RogersLois born about 1936
RogersLoretta born about 1939
RogersMildred born about 1915
RogersWesley born about 1935
RothMartha born about 1918
RothbauerLouis born about 1889
RowlsM born about 1872
RuddockDorothy born about 1920
RuddockEarl Wborn about 1911
RunnelsAlice Bborn about 1877
RunnelsArthur Iborn about 1914
RunnelsGeorgia Nborn about 1918
RunnelsHorace Eborn about 1878
RunnelsKatherine born about 1934
RunnelsLester born about 1911
RunnelsMae born about 1914
RunnelsPhilip Hborn about 1939
RunnelsWarren Eborn about 1904
RushSusie born about 1882
RussellGoldy born about 1910
RyanEd born about 1883

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S Surnames

SallesJack born about 1872
SallesMaude born about 1890
SaltusAlbert born about 1937
SaltusArnold born about 1928
SaltusBjorne born about 1914
SaltusHans Bborn about 1887
SaltusMarie born about 1893
SammonsGrace born about 1878
SammonsMarion born about 1911
SammonsMyron born about 1885
SammonsMyron born about 1906
SanderOlaf Eborn about 1905
SartinAlice Mborn about 1897
SartinAllen C Jrborn about 1920
SartinAllen C Srborn about 1893
SartinDorothy born about 1927
SartinElizabeth born about 1921
SartinJack Mborn about 1917
SartinKatherine born about 1923
SartinRobert Aborn about 1930
SchellArthur born about 1923
SchellErwin born about 1925
SchellEvelyn born about 1921
SchellJacob born about 1898
SchellJoan born about 1936
SchellRosie born about 1901
SchilkieJohannes Jborn about 1896
SchilkieLester born about 1924
SchilkieMargurite born about 1921
SchilkieS Mableborn about 1898
SchlahtAda born about 1921
SchlahtArthur born about 1919
SchmidtEdward Cborn about 1894
SchmidtViola born about 1901
SchultzWilliam born about 1878
SchultzZoa Nborn about 1885
SeldenHarry Rborn about 1910
SewellGeorge born about 1927
SewellGrace Eborn about 1933
SewellGrace Wborn about 1894
SewellHarold born about 1892
SewellMartha Mborn about 1931
ShackiltonJean Mborn about 1924
ShackiltonJohn Rborn about 1925
ShackiltonNellie Eborn about 1903
ShackiltonRalph Rborn about 1901
ShawAlice Mborn about 1923
ShawCharles Iborn about 1890
ShawGrace born about 1891
ShearerVance born about 1914
SheilsTim Jborn about 1867
SheldonEdward Lborn about 1879
ShelineOrville Rborn about 1897
SheltonGordon Bborn about 1917
ShermanClarence Eborn about 1898
ShermanLawrence Eborn about 1926
ShermanMay Sborn about 1901
ShermanP Davidborn about 1931
SigginsAl Bborn about 1883
SigginsLeona born about 1888
SimpsonScott born about 1886
SmithAsley born about 1903
SmithHazel born about 1916
SmithHelen Iborn about 1918
SmithHubert born about 1899
SmithJennie born about 1861
SmithMinnie born about 1864
SmithRobert Cborn about 1939
SmithRobert Eborn about 1897
SmithWilliam E Gborn about 1901
SmolenCharles Vborn about 1905
SmolenDaniel born about 1939
SmolenDonna born about 1939
SmolenHelen Mborn about 1918
SmolenJudith born about 1937
SpickermanWilliam born about 1919
SpinningCharles Eborn about 1893
SpinningGrace born about 1906
SpinningJames born about 1928
SpriggsGwendolyn Jborn about 1914
StanleyJoyce Rborn about 1920
StanleyRoy born about 1936
StarkKenneth born about 1921
SteeleMarie born about 1919
StegnerPearl Lborn about 1904
StegnerRobert Cborn about 1906
StegnerRobert C Jrborn about 1930
SteveJohn born about 1882
StevsonFlorence born about 1917
StevsonRodney born about 1920
StewartGilmore Rborn about 1911
StonehouseJoseph Mborn about 1893
StrayerBoyd born about 1878
StricklerAnna Cborn about 1896
StricklerEarl born about 1881
StricklerEvan Cborn about 1929
StringhiAlice Kborn about 1919
StringhiCharles Wborn about 1883
StringhiErnestine born about 1887
StromOscar born about 1884
StundonKoren Joyborn about 1940
StundonMaynard born about 1933
StundonMyrtle born about 1911
StundonPhyllis born about 1935
StundonRobert Cborn about 1893
SutherlandGeorge Wborn about 1855
SutherlandKatie Dborn about 1863
SwansonGeorge born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TallmanLeland Mborn about 1917
TaylorDavid born about 1938
TaylorDavid Aborn about 1855
TaylorHoward Mborn about 1913
TaylorIra born about 1879
TaylorLester born about 1908
TaylorLillie Fborn about 1911
TaylorMartha born about 1913
TenganEd born about 1884
ThompsonEdwin Rborn about 1868
ThormanBasil Eborn about 1921
TobertEric Hborn about 1914
TobertViolet Gborn about 1921
ToderRobert Eborn about 1886
ToneKatherine born about 1915
ToneWilliam Rborn about 1915
TowsleeLoretta Mborn about 1870
TrotterGeorge born about 1907
TrowbridgeFrancis born about 1911
TrowbridgeIona born about 1915
TrowbridgeLynn born about 1937
TullesArthur Jborn about 1885
TullesJane born about 1920
TullesMadge born about 1890
TurnbullRuth born about 1896

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UpsahlOle born about 1880
UptonCharles born about 1923
UptonGeorge Bborn about 1872
UptonJulia Aborn about 1881

V Surnames

VanarsdaleAnna Rborn about 1900
VanarsdaleHubert Fborn about 1926
VanarsdaleJimmy Bborn about 1930
VanarsdaleJoyce Hborn about 1933
VanarsdaleLester Rborn about 1896
VanarsdaleStanley Kborn about 1925
VanarsdaleTeddy Mborn about 1927
VanceGeorge Aborn about 1913
VannierIrene born about 1908
VannierSarah born about 1880
VanpappilindamJohn Eborn about 1885
VanpappilindamMay Gborn about 1896

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WallmanHerman born about 1879
WarrenBertha born about 1897
WarrenCherry Cborn about 1937
WarrenEdward Aborn about 1887
WarrenIrene Vborn about 1923
WarrenJean Eborn about 1926
WarrenRosemarie born about 1928
WarrenRuth Eborn about 1918
WattsMary born about 1870
WeigellEdna Cborn about 1902
WeigellGustav Aborn about 1900
WeigellLoren Aborn about 1929
WeigellMarcia Lborn about 1931
WicklundCarl born about 1900
WilsonPete born about 1893
WoelfelMarie born about 1918
WoodBenjamin Cborn about 1871
WoodMarjorie born about 1879
WorkEarl Aborn about 1883
WorkNettie born about 1883
WrightStella Fborn about 1876
WrightWilliam Hborn about 1874

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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