1940 U.S. Federal Census of Ocosta, Grays Harbor, Washington

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Washington > Grays Harbor County > 1940 Census of Ocosta

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames M Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AkersAlma Bborn about 1913
AkersCarole Jborn about 1935
AkersFrancis Gborn about 1913
AshbyBetty born about 1932

B Surnames

BeaulieuAlfred born about 1867
BeaulieuAnna born about 1869
BeaversBlanche born about 1908
BeaversBruce born about 1937
BeaversFlorence born about 1931
BeaversJerry born about 1927
BeaversJoan born about 1938
BeaversMargaret born about 1925
BeaversWilliam born about 1893
BibergerJohn born about 1902
BibergerTolla Gborn about 1902
BlairHannibal born about 1856
BlairHarry born about 1930
BlairLeah born about 1887
BlairPatracia born about 1925
BlairRay born about 1883
BrazelErnest Cborn about 1919

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C Surnames

CabeEarl Johnborn about 1901
CanarisAlbert Bborn about 1880
CanarisHattie Lborn about 1884
CanarisJack Hborn about 1915
CanarisJames Pborn about 1925
CoghlinCharles Jborn about 1883
CoghlinHazel born about 1893
CoghlinLillian born about 1888
CoghlinMary Jborn about 1854
CoughlinClaude Cborn about 1877
CoughlinElsie born about 1909
CoughlinKay Donnaborn about 1933
CoughlinKing Cborn about 1905
CoxVergil Eborn about 1915
CrielAnna born about 1900
CrielJames born about 1908

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D Surnames

DarseyJohn Jborn about 1894
DarseyMarion born about 1908
DicherViolet born about 1918
DuvalFrances born about 1915

E Surnames

EmberleyAnna born about 1887
EmberleyDonald born about 1922
EmberleyPatrick born about 1881
ErdmanPark Donaldborn about 1904

F Surnames

FalkwoodAndrew born about 1889
FalkwoodFrances Mborn about 1924
FalkwoodSylvia born about 1886
FordLeonard Conradborn about 1912
FosterElsie born about 1908
FosterEmma Louborn about 1926
FosterHarvey born about 1904
FosterJanet born about 1933
FrancioSophie born about 1892
FrancioWiley born about 1883
FryStanley Cborn about 1904

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G Surnames

GerdisMillie born about 1916
GrahamBeatrice born about 1930
GrahamDonald born about 1930
GrahamDouglas born about 1928
GrahamGeorge born about 1902
GrahamGordon born about 1921
GrahamGordon Aborn about 1921
GrahamMary Josephineborn about 1883
GrahamRichard Aborn about 1869
GrossmanMary born about 1866

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H Surnames

HaitulaAlice L Eborn about 1922
HansonHenry born about 1897
HathawayCarl born about 1902
HathawayCharles born about 1908
HathawayLawrence born about 1918
HathawayLeo born about 1924
HathawayMilton born about 1921
HathawayMyrtle born about 1911
HathawayWilliam born about 1913
HewlittGeorge born about 1876
HickersonDoyle born about 1912
HilliardAnna Fborn about 1899
HilliardClarence Nborn about 1897
HilliardClarence N Jrborn about 1923
HilliardEllen Fborn about 1922
HillyardNorman born about 1912
HitchcockHazel Cborn about 1896
HitchcockJanice Kborn about 1929
HitchcockJohn Bborn about 1917
HitchcockPaul Hborn about 1894
HitchcockWalter Aborn about 1919
HollotJohn born about 1908
HorchoverGenevera born about 1910
HorchoverHarold Hborn about 1909
HorchoverRobert Lborn about 1934
HulatAlice born about 1914
HulatFrank born about 1915
HuletNettie born about 1897
HuletRussel born about 1914
HultmanArthur Cborn about 1903
HunterGeorge Wborn about 1879

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J Surnames

JohnsonAno born about 1923
JohnsonCora born about 1888
JohnsonCurtis born about 1915
JohnsonGilbert born about 1882
JohnsonHelen born about 1911
JohnsonKatie born about 1882
JohnsonStanley Gborn about 1913

K Surnames

KetolaAnne born about 1915
KetolaImpi born about 1889
KetolaKnute born about 1884
KiteEva Mborn about 1892
KiteIsacc Nborn about 1882
KizseeAddie born about 1868
KizseeDaniel born about 1919

M Surnames

MackenzieGeorge Rborn about 1888
MackenzieWilliam born about 1887
MacrenzieGeorge Aborn about 1914
MaslowskiFrank born about 1913
MaslowskiWalter born about 1908
MattsonHilja born about 1881
MattsonPeter born about 1878
MessingerEthel born about 1905
MessingerJoseph born about 1937
MessingerLorene born about 1927
MessingerMarie born about 1928
MessingerMaxine born about 1931
MessingerRoma born about 1903
MessingerVirginia born about 1929
MillsHelen born about 1911

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O Surnames

OhaganCaroline born about 1923
OhaganJohn born about 1921
OhaganLois Annborn about 1928
OhaganLucy born about 1891
OhaganMary born about 1925

P Surnames

PaeEdna born about 1915
PatrickMyrtle born about 1889
PetersonAndrew Kborn about 1932
PetersonElemina born about 1887
PetersonElen Mborn about 1918
PetersonEric Cborn about 1918
PetersonFredrick born about 1929
PetersonJames Pborn about 1923
PetersonLeslie Eborn about 1915
PetersonRobert born about 1925
PetersonWilliam Cborn about 1919
PhillipsPaul Lborn about 1918

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Q Surnames

QuinbyEva born about 1921
QuinbyFrank born about 1912
QuinbyFrank Jr born about 1939
QuinbyJune born about 1938
QuinbyRobert born about 1921

R Surnames

RasmussenM Jborn about 1915
RasmussenMilja Iborn about 1914
ReischmanBernard born about 1916
RobertsEdwin Gborn about 1917
RobertsMaxine Dborn about 1920
RobertsPhyllis Pborn about 1925
RobertsRodney Cborn about 1927
RobertsRoger Lborn about 1927
RohroClarence Jborn about 1904
RugglesFlorence born about 1918
RugglesLawrence born about 1908
RyczJohn born about 1912

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S Surnames

ShamleyFrank Jborn about 1893
ShannonRobert Lborn about 1901
SmithWalter born about 1892
SnderoWilliam Aborn about 1879
SraplesAlbert Sborn about 1866
SraplesEdward Dborn about 1858
StilwellIda Lborn about 1889

T Surnames

ThetfordBobbie Lborn about 1925
ThetfordEdna born about 1890
ThetfordJack Rborn about 1921
ThetfordJesse Dborn about 1889

V Surnames

VanstiphantPeter Jborn about 1877
VelieJohn Eborn about 1912

W Surnames

WhitmanWilliam born about 1896
WhittAllan born about 1916
WhittGary born about 1939
WhittRuth born about 1918
WilsonIrene born about 1907
WoodFrancis Dborn about 1921
WorkmanBlanche Gborn about 1921
WorkmanFloyd Tborn about 1912
WorkmanLouis Tborn about 1916
WorkmanPatracia Gayborn about 1940

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Y Surnames

YockB Helenborn about 1900
YockBarbara Fborn about 1936
YockCecil Normanborn about 1937
YockEdward born about 1876
YockErmina born about 1886
YockFred Oborn about 1884
YockNorman Eborn about 1901
YockRichard Kborn about 1924
YocumIna Jeanborn about 1924

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