1940 U.S. Federal Census of Pioneer in Clark County, Clark, Washington

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Washington > Clark County > 1940 Census of Pioneer in Clark County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AberyAnna Eborn about 1902
AberyCornelius born about 1900
AberyDe Lois Aborn about 1931
AberyEthel Cborn about 1928
AffleckKatherine Bborn about 1886
AffleckWilliam Aborn about 1886
AkinsDollie Eborn about 1866
AlbrechtFrank born about 1867
AllenMarjorie born about 1922
AnderArthur Pborn about 1938
AnderGeorge Pborn about 1910
AnderJuanita Mborn about 1935
AnderVirginia Mborn about 1915
AndersenErnest Rborn about 1915
AndersenOtto born about 1880
AndersenPauline born about 1917
AndersonAda born about 1878
AndersonAda Elizabethborn about 1894
AndersonJohn Jborn about 1893
AndersonPaul born about 1878
AndersonWilliam Wborn about 1928
ArmstrongVirginia Eborn about 1870
ArthmanJoann born about 1931
ArthmanMargaret born about 1927
ArthmanRichard born about 1928
AschwandenEdith Mborn about 1919
AschwandenLouis Pborn about 1892
AschwandenRosa Eborn about 1892

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B Surnames

BasselJack born about 1877
BeagleAnnie born about 1878
BeagleArthur Hborn about 1872
BeagleClaire Aborn about 1901
BeagleHazel Bborn about 1908
BeagleJames Dborn about 1919
BenedictCary Aborn about 1870
BenedictEzra Bborn about 1856
BensonDallas Terborn about 1926
BensonHazeldel born about 1928
BensonRalph Jborn about 1879
BensonRose born about 1923
BensonRuth Rborn about 1889
BergmanCharles Aborn about 1875
BergmanMartha Aborn about 1884
BirheongDavid Dborn about 1891
BirheongMarge born about 1896
BjurAlexander born about 1898
BjurBarbara Oborn about 1923
BjurDean Rborn about 1938
BjurElsa Jborn about 1902
BjurEva Jborn about 1870
BjurFreda Vborn about 1898
BjurJoseph born about 1896
BjurJulius Eborn about 1900
BjurKenneth Aborn about 1922
BjurLarry Nborn about 1939
BjurLoraine Nborn about 1927
BjurMary Dborn about 1905
BjurRalph Lborn about 1931
BjurVerle Hborn about 1929
BjurWesley Eborn about 1927
BordenAnnie born about 1899
BordenBrant Eborn about 1925
BordenEvelyn Jborn about 1922
BordenGeorge Eborn about 1893
BorekenManon Aborn about 1915
BorekenWalter Hborn about 1909
BosshardPaul Rborn about 1856
BottemillerAlbert Wborn about 1896
BottemillerArnold Wborn about 1927
BottemillerArthur Aborn about 1888
BottemillerAudrey Gborn about 1918
BottemillerCarol Fborn about 1933
BottemillerConstance Aborn about 1939
BottemillerCurtis Rborn about 1923
BottemillerDaniel Bborn about 1892
BottemillerDean Kborn about 1934
BottemillerEffie Sborn about 1903
BottemillerElane Yborn about 1927
BottemillerEsther Vborn about 1900
BottemillerEverett Wborn about 1935
BottemillerForest Dborn about 1929
BottemillerFred Eborn about 1891
BottemillerGarcia Jborn about 1936
BottemillerGeneva Lborn about 1897
BottemillerGeneveve Dborn about 1928
BottemillerGlen born about 1936
BottemillerGordon Kborn about 1931
BottemillerH Louisborn about 1925
BottemillerIna Ruthborn about 1925
BottemillerIrwin Aborn about 1911
BottemillerJerry Aborn about 1931
BottemillerKeith Oborn about 1929
BottemillerLloyd Aborn about 1920
BottemillerLydia Eborn about 1898
BottemillerMaurice Eborn about 1930
BottemillerPhylis Fborn about 1922
BottemillerRonald Wborn about 1934
BottemillerRuby Iborn about 1925
BottemillerViolet Rborn about 1925
BottemillerWilfred Fborn about 1923
BottemillerWinifred Lborn about 1922
BowerPeter Nborn about 1858
BrotherDonald born about 1911
BrownBenjamin Gborn about 1881
BrownCarrie Mborn about 1880
BrownRobert born about 1894
BunnerEarl born about 1891

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C Surnames

CarpenterLillian born about 1886
CarpenterMose born about 1881
ChaplinsAlbert born about 1869
ChaplinsCharlie born about 1893
ChaplinsEmma born about 1874
ChristiansenArval born about 1926
ClarkGrant Lborn about 1884
ClarkVictor Eborn about 1894
ColeDarline born about 1931
ColeHerbert Eborn about 1906
ColeThelma Iborn about 1908

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D Surnames

DahlEdward born about 1886
DahlHilda born about 1884
DahlPhyllis Eborn about 1920
DahlReino Eborn about 1918
DalbowJames Hborn about 1877
DalbowMargarette born about 1877
DalbowRichard Eborn about 1930
DanielsLillian Fborn about 1870
DanielsRoss Wborn about 1880
DaveyAlvie Gborn about 1921
DaveyIda Sborn about 1890
DaveyVern Aborn about 1880
DeerWilliam born about 1882
DodgeHarvey Fborn about 1923
DullenAnn born about 1898
DullenCharles Dborn about 1898
DullenJannette born about 1938
DullenJoyce born about 1939
DullenNorma born about 1934
DullenNorman born about 1934
DullenVerna Sborn about 1926
DuvallMary Bborn about 1892
DuvallOren Fborn about 1890

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E Surnames

EarlMinnie Mborn about 1886
EarlSimon Rborn about 1877
EastmanBen Sborn about 1900
EastmanMattilda Jborn about 1872
EatzhAlvin Cborn about 1885
EatzhWilliam born about 1852
EchsteinFred born about 1892
EdingerErnest Dborn about 1939
EdingerErnest Eborn about 1900
EdingerGertrude Gborn about 1926
EdingerGlenys Eborn about 1934
EdingerLydia born about 1903
EdmondsGeorge Eborn about 1904
EklandOscar born about 1880
EnglekingBarbara Lborn about 1938
EnglekingHazel Mborn about 1912
EnglekingJean Mborn about 1934
EnglekingTheodore Wborn about 1909
EvansDona Fborn about 1921
EvansGrace Mborn about 1883
EvansJohn Eborn about 1878

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F Surnames

FerretteAnna born about 1891
FerretteAnnibale born about 1885
FerretteDonald born about 1922
FerretteDorothy born about 1922
FerretteRobert born about 1927
FlynnJames Wborn about 1878
FlynnMargaret Cborn about 1917
FlynnMaude Eborn about 1884
FoxChris Tborn about 1910
FoxDavid Lborn about 1939
FoxDona Rborn about 1938
FoxEdna Mborn about 1912
FuchsClarence born about 1915
FuchsJohn Jborn about 1870
FuchsMary Eborn about 1884
FuchsQuinas born about 1909
FurukawaThomas Sborn about 1899
FurukawaTomgko born about 1900

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G Surnames

GatzHerman born about 1871
GehrkeAlbert Jborn about 1867
GehrkeAlbertina Aborn about 1876
GehrkeElsie Aborn about 1904
GehrkeFrieda Aborn about 1902
GehrkeHelen Cborn about 1937
GehrkeHenry Wborn about 1902
GehrkeMerle Aborn about 1939
GehrkeSharon Mayborn about 1939
GendronArthur Rborn about 1895
GendronBert Aborn about 1922
GendronEmma Aborn about 1889
GraveCarl born about 1902
GraveCurtis Dborn about 1934
GraveGunda born about 1910
GraveLucile Iborn about 1931
GrayMary born about 1864
GreelyCharles Hborn about 1884
GreelyLetty Bborn about 1885
GurtleAnna Jborn about 1885
GurtleGale born about 1920
GurtleStephen born about 1883

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H Surnames

HadsellIra born about 1857
HamHallie Pborn about 1898
HamJune Cborn about 1930
HamNorbert Tborn about 1928
HamOlive Eborn about 1902
HansonBert Wborn about 1891
HardtAugust born about 1866
HardtElmer Eborn about 1918
HardtEmil Cborn about 1893
HardtEmma born about 1884
HardtEsther born about 1917
HardtEsther Mborn about 1914
HardtHarold Gborn about 1911
HardtMarie Aborn about 1896
HardtOtto born about 1895
HeinenAlethea born about 1896
HeinenAlois Jborn about 1902
HeinenColleen Dborn about 1928
HeinenDallen Dborn about 1928
HentonArthur born about 1901
HentonEthel Maeborn about 1907
HibbardLola Aborn about 1908
HibbardMinnie Eborn about 1877
HinckleAnna Nborn about 1897
HinckleConrad Cborn about 1892
HinckleDoris born about 1926
HinckleErnest born about 1923
HinckleJohn born about 1921
HoanPatricia Fborn about 1938
HolmbergAgnes Aborn about 1925
HolmbergBres born about 1869
HolmbergLena born about 1878
HornCharles born about 1864
HornJosephine born about 1867
HornPauline born about 1912
HullGerald Lborn about 1939
HullJames Aborn about 1922
HullJames Oborn about 1878
HullLynette Rborn about 1936
HullLynn Aborn about 1901
HullRoberta Eborn about 1914
HullSara Cborn about 1854
HuttonRobert Cborn about 1923
HykeClyde Rborn about 1936
HykeFloyd Fborn about 1889
HykeTeletha Mborn about 1901

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I Surnames

IveySadie born about 1877
IveyWilliam Mborn about 1876

J Surnames

JenningsLeonard born about 1922
JepsonBetty Gborn about 1923
JepsonBilly Lborn about 1925
JepsonDora born about 1892
JepsonLaurence Hborn about 1886
JohnsonArpha Aborn about 1894
JohnsonBertha born about 1888
JohnsonCarlton Hborn about 1881
JohnsonClyde born about 1921
JohnsonDollie Eborn about 1917
JohnsonElane born about 1926
JohnsonJohn born about 1871
JohnsonMarie born about 1924
JohnsonOle Cborn about 1885
JohnsonSara Eborn about 1876
JonesAlice Eborn about 1927
JonesHarlan Rborn about 1924
JonesJeanette Bborn about 1925
JonesMyrtle Mborn about 1903
JonesWalter Aborn about 1899
JorgesenAlfred born about 1884
JorgesenHilda born about 1887

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K Surnames

KaatySam born about 1885
KaneCharles Fborn about 1918
KaneClifford Jborn about 1916
KaneDonald Eborn about 1926
KaneMary Bborn about 1886
KaneThomas Fborn about 1880
KapusAntone born about 1887
KapusAntone Vborn about 1924
KapusBertha Mborn about 1890
KapusDorothy Fborn about 1926
KapusFrances born about 1896
KapusFrank Kborn about 1894
KapusJohn born about 1882
KapusJohn Vborn about 1925
KapusRaymond Raboborn about 1921
KnightCharles Eborn about 1935
KnightClifford Nborn about 1937
KnightFaye Vborn about 1916
KnightLinda Lborn about 1939
KnightWinfred Lborn about 1910
KochBeatrice born about 1925
KochBernice born about 1903
KochFrank born about 1923
KoetheAlbert Aborn about 1886
KoetheAlice born about 1922
KoetheCaroline Lborn about 1879
KoetheCharles born about 1883
KoetheElsie born about 1888
KoetheHarold born about 1918
KoetheJames Lborn about 1905
KoetheJames L Jrborn about 1939
KoetheMartha born about 1887
KoetheVeneta Iborn about 1915
KoetheViola born about 1921
KoetheWilliam Jr born about 1913
KortgaardIda Eborn about 1885
KortgaardOscar born about 1887
KreberAlbert Vborn about 1893
KreberAlbert Jr born about 1929
KreberBlanche Mborn about 1922
KreberCora born about 1892
KrebserDorothy Aborn about 1904
KrebserGeorge Jborn about 1928
KrebserJohn Wborn about 1899
KrebserMarge Annborn about 1939
KrebserMartha Hborn about 1914
KrebserRay Mborn about 1901
KretkeSamuel Dborn about 1878

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L Surnames

LampAlbert born about 1897
LaneCarl Wborn about 1883
LaneGussie born about 1890
LaneMadge born about 1921
LawheadDavid Eborn about 1923
LeopoleEmil Fborn about 1897
LeopoleKate born about 1896
LienardC Floydborn about 1906
LienardEdith Bborn about 1935
LienardFlorence Lborn about 1902
LienardGeorge Hborn about 1930
LindblomBernice born about 1924
LindblomDelbert born about 1928
LindblomFay born about 1926
LindblomHulda born about 1892
LindblomJohn born about 1882
LippertEdwin born about 1922
LudkeRose Iborn about 1904
LudkeRudolph Hborn about 1886
LutzenbergerGeorge born about 1917
LutzenbergerJohn born about 1881
LutzenbergerJohn Jr born about 1905
LutzenbergerVeronica born about 1884

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M Surnames

MarshallMary born about 1886
MarshallWilliam born about 1876
MarsonJames Sborn about 1860
MarsonLaura born about 1871
MayerAlbert born about 1917
McCoyEugene Lborn about 1926
McCoyEugenie Vborn about 1905
McCoyJames Vborn about 1931
McCoyPatricia Cborn about 1935
McCoyThelma Eborn about 1906
McDonaldGeneveve Eborn about 1905
McKeeEmeline born about 1886
McKeeKenneth Lborn about 1940
McKeeLeona born about 1924
McKeeLeone born about 1924
McKeeNelson born about 1876
McKeePearl born about 1917
McKeeRonald Lborn about 1939
McKeeWilliam born about 1910
MeadeHarvey Wborn about 1919
MeyerErnest Hborn about 1907
MonsanGustava born about 1863
MoonAnna Mborn about 1869
MoonEnos Wborn about 1866

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N Surnames

NelsenP Sophieborn about 1876
NelsonCaroline born about 1872
NilsenHerman Aborn about 1881
NilsenInger born about 1880

O Surnames

OlsonClaus Iborn about 1890
OlsonDoris Aborn about 1924
OlsonFrieda Aborn about 1889
OlsonIver Cborn about 1915
OlsonMann Eborn about 1916
OlsonWarren Hborn about 1921

P Surnames

PearsonLorenzo Bborn about 1895
PearsonWilliam Fborn about 1923
PerryEvelyn born about 1908
PetersonD Ireneborn about 1925
PetersonDale Oborn about 1930
PetersonSamuel Pborn about 1893
PetersonTeresa Aborn about 1897
PollickBertha Aborn about 1933
PollickBynn Iborn about 1932
PollickCharles Lborn about 1901
PollickEva Maeborn about 1936
PollickFrancis Gborn about 1913
PollockClarence Mborn about 1894
PollockTeresia Jborn about 1887
PortenEllen Kborn about 1893
PortenHelen Jborn about 1889
PortenLloyd born about 1925
PortenMorris born about 1920
PortenVernon born about 1924
PotterD Glenborn about 1935
PotterD Juniorborn about 1930
PotterDelbert Aborn about 1901
PotterLyda Eborn about 1902
ProctorGeorge Aborn about 1908
ProctorIrene Aborn about 1907
ProctorJames Cborn about 1936
ProctorRichard born about 1872

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Q Surnames

QuinnJohn Paulborn about 1887
QuinnMarcia Eborn about 1928
QuinnRose Elsieborn about 1895
QuinnWilliam Pborn about 1923

R Surnames

RathburnCary born about 1870
RathburnJohn Gborn about 1870
RathburnTheodore Sborn about 1902
RecordDelores Rborn about 1937
RecordLeslie Wborn about 1914
RecordLyla Jborn about 1919
RedmanAlma Eborn about 1887
ReetzEsther Lborn about 1913
ReetzMarvin Hborn about 1912
RichardsonHenry Kborn about 1878
RichardsonJunetta born about 1922
RichardsonSolva Aborn about 1878
RiellyJames born about 1891
RiellyRebecca Nborn about 1893
RogersBlanche Lborn about 1923
RogersElsie born about 1896
RogersJerry Mborn about 1895
RomstromGeorge Wborn about 1894
RomstromIda Bborn about 1899
RomstromLuella Mborn about 1927
RossAlbert Jborn about 1910
RoundsClara Sborn about 1895
RoundsFrancis Lborn about 1895
RoundsNelson Cborn about 1891
RoundsNora Aborn about 1880

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S Surnames

SchelinLurana born about 1923
SchrednerCharles Hborn about 1916
SchrednerEva Oborn about 1913
SchultzDarwin Bborn about 1916
SchultzIrene Rborn about 1920
SchwantaAlga born about 1899
SchwantaLarry born about 1939
SchwarterLillian Bborn about 1921
SchwarterRuben Gborn about 1895
SchwarterSara Mborn about 1895
SchweizerChristian born about 1867
SchweizerFred Gborn about 1898
SchweizerFred Jborn about 1925
SchweizerHans Pborn about 1930
SchweizerHeidi Eborn about 1926
SchweizerMary Annborn about 1928
SchweizerPauline born about 1878
SederburgAlbert Aborn about 1905
SederburgHerbert born about 1910
SederburgJohn Eborn about 1936
SederburgKathleen Lborn about 1934
SederburgLee Aborn about 1938
SederburgLela Aborn about 1938
SederburgMaggie born about 1894
SederburgReta Eborn about 1913
SenteAlbert born about 1894
ShonblomGustav born about 1883
SimmonsBarbara born about 1920
SimmonsHerbert Aborn about 1881
SimmonsMabel born about 1890
SlutrickGeorge born about 1880
SlutrickMary Aborn about 1892
SmileyLucile Annborn about 1934
SmileyMary born about 1880
SmileyPerrey Fborn about 1868
SmileyRalph Wborn about 1901
SmileyWinifred Eborn about 1902
SokentesJohn Aborn about 1888
SokentesMargaret Nborn about 1890
SokentesMildred Cborn about 1918
SonsteleyChristen Cborn about 1880
SpreadboroughMyrtle Mborn about 1914
SpreadboroughMyrtle Vborn about 1938
SpreadboroughTurrille Eborn about 1912
StewartCalvin Lborn about 1888
StewartSamuel born about 1883
StewartWilliam Aborn about 1878

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T Surnames

TheilAdolph born about 1889
TheilHerman Hborn about 1891
TheilJohnny born about 1925
TheilLola Gborn about 1903
TheilLydia born about 1922
TheilRuth born about 1928
TheilWalter born about 1932
ThomasAnna born about 1874
TimmAda Aborn about 1890
TimmBertha born about 1891
TimmHarry born about 1887
TimmJohn born about 1884
TipperSidney born about 1900
TipperViola born about 1880
TruemanAimo Cborn about 1916
TruemanMary Jborn about 1917
TuckerAgnes Mborn about 1895
TuckerClifton Hborn about 1885
TuckerDonald Cborn about 1923

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V Surnames

VoltzLora Bborn about 1932
VoltzMary Aborn about 1901
VoltzRalph Sborn about 1925
VoltzVictor Aborn about 1930
VoltzWilliam born about 1886

W Surnames

WasserArthur born about 1934
WasserCalvin born about 1936
WasserClarence born about 1937
WasserFredrick born about 1938
WasserJennie born about 1909
WasserTony born about 1902
WelanderDollie born about 1892
WelanderGwendolyn born about 1929
WelshEdwin Rborn about 1873
WelshMabel Eborn about 1879
WolfFrancis Kborn about 1899
WolfJohn Cborn about 1902
WolfRichard born about 1926
WrayDonald Lborn about 1935
WrayJohn Sborn about 1888
WrayMamie Kborn about 1908
WrayVernon K Rayborn about 1933
WulfHenry Pborn about 1907
WulfMarylin Hborn about 1939
WulfShirley born about 1933
WulfVirginia Rborn about 1912

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Z Surnames

ZimmerlyDorothy Annborn about 1933
ZimmerlyHelen Mborn about 1909
ZimmerlyHelen Maeborn about 1932
ZimmerlyIvy Mborn about 1882
ZimmerlyMary Eborn about 1939
ZimmerlyPaul Dborn about 1937
ZimmerlyRalph Eborn about 1919
ZimmerlyRobert Mborn about 1914
ZimmerlySam Dborn about 1906
ZimmerlySam Dborn about 1930
ZimmerlyViola Mborn about 1914
ZimmermanAlex born about 1927

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