1940 U.S. Federal Census of Quinault in Grays Harbor County, Grays Harbor, Washington

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Washington > Grays Harbor County > 1940 Census of Quinault in Grays Harbor County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AakerJohn Bborn about 1859
AbramsonAllen born about 1939
AbramsonHelen born about 1915
AbramsonLeroy born about 1915
AdamsElizabeth Aborn about 1912
AdamsJames Oborn about 1939
AdamsLewis Nborn about 1909
AdamsLewis N Jrborn about 1939
AdamsSusan Lborn about 1934
AdamsonRobert born about 1900
AlexanderPeter born about 1876
AndersonCalra Eborn about 1895
AndriscikJoe born about 1888
AttwellJames Fborn about 1855
AtwoodCover Hborn about 1908
AtwoodMaymie Lborn about 1904

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B Surnames

BaerDorothy Eborn about 1910
BaerDorothy Mborn about 1930
BaerHarry Dborn about 1905
BaerHarry Dborn about 1937
BarnettWalter born about 1917
BaughmanFred Mborn about 1913
BeatsbergArthur Wborn about 1902
BeatsbergDean Lborn about 1912
BehmRichard Eborn about 1893
BennettHerbert Mborn about 1883
BensonJohn born about 1875
BerryLena Mborn about 1903
BerryNoreen Vborn about 1933
BerryRalph Eborn about 1896
BonhamHenry Wborn about 1910
BonhamIva Mborn about 1919
BonhamMaureen Lborn about 1937
BorekAndrew born about 1886
BradwellJames Aborn about 1897
BrumstadBetty Lborn about 1936
BrumstadEllen Mborn about 1909
BrumstadHarold Bborn about 1938
BrumstadHarold Hborn about 1907
BrunsbromAlbert Vborn about 1883
BurgellCharles Jborn about 1893
BurgettCharles Jborn about 1893
BuszWarren born about 1912

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C Surnames

CaldwellGertrude born about 1916
CanettEdward Aborn about 1891
CanettMargurite Aborn about 1903
CarlsonGabriel born about 1879
CarlsonMartin born about 1882
CarrollJerome Cborn about 1903
CarrollMary Mborn about 1909
CaseyJohn Wborn about 1886
ChereoisBernice born about 1929
ChereoisElanor born about 1903
ChereoisElbert Aborn about 1925
ChereoisMargaret born about 1927
ChristieFredrick born about 1873
ClaterAnnie Oborn about 1909
ClaterFrank Lborn about 1931
ClaterMargaret Aborn about 1934
ClaterRalph Gborn about 1897
CondraDave Hborn about 1907
CondraDonna Mborn about 1932
CondraEarline Wborn about 1913
CondraNora Lborn about 1938
CooperOpal Oborn about 1908
CouhlinPaul born about 1911
CozineJames Hborn about 1877
CoziolJames Hborn about 1877
CrippenHoward Lborn about 1912
CrippenSylvia born about 1915
CummingsMike born about 1900
CutlipWilliam Fborn about 1899

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D Surnames

DahindenJosep Christborn about 1914
DarisJoan Lborn about 1937
DavisClair Eborn about 1914
DavisClarie Eborn about 1914
DayHarry Mborn about 1879
DayLollie Bborn about 1882
DeckerIra born about 1876
DewittLynn Wborn about 1908
DickeyDavid Tborn about 1893
DickeyFrances Aborn about 1922
DickeyJosephine Kborn about 1895
DoyleSamuel born about 1878
DubrovichJoseph born about 1884

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E Surnames

EldeeGrace Eborn about 1909
EldeeHoward Oborn about 1906
EldeeWilliam Hborn about 1940
ElderGrace Eborn about 1909
ElderHoward Oborn about 1906
ElderWilliam Hborn about 1940
EngelJudson Sborn about 1918
EricksonEmil Gborn about 1891
EricksonGilbert Gborn about 1911
EricksonLaurence Tborn about 1914
EricksonOpal Lborn about 1894
EricksonPeter born about 1884
EsbergAlvan born about 1902
EssesClarence Lborn about 1920
EssesVictor Jborn about 1911
EwellSarah Mborn about 1859

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F Surnames

FairbanksIda born about 1909
FairbanksThomas Nborn about 1897
FarmersOliver born about 1919
FowlerRobert born about 1913
FradenburgElizabeth born about 1888
FulletonClarence born about 1921
FultonAna Mborn about 1886
FultonJoseph Wborn about 1884

G Surnames

GaylordCharles Cborn about 1901
GaylordCharles Eborn about 1932
GaylordJames Rborn about 1939
GaylordMarilyn Jborn about 1929
GaylordVerna Mborn about 1904
GeerGlen born about 1897
GoebelElizabeth Dborn about 1920
GoebelHarold Eborn about 1914
GoodEarle Cborn about 1887
GoodWinifred born about 1892
GoodWinnfred Mborn about 1891
GoodXerxes born about 1911
GrandyHelen Hborn about 1899
GrandyHoward Lborn about 1896
GrandyPatricia Aborn about 1928
GravattHarold Iborn about 1915
GravattMarjorie Mborn about 1918
GreenLouis Pborn about 1909
GriffinJohn Eborn about 1885
GwinEmma Gborn about 1895

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H Surnames

HaaroPeter born about 1891
HaasEllen born about 1876
HaasHenry Oborn about 1905
HaasJosef born about 1875
HaasRobert Hborn about 1931
HaasTillie born about 1910
HalbertBess Rborn about 1881
HalbertFredrick Pborn about 1882
HankinsCharlotte Mborn about 1940
HankinsGrace Gborn about 1916
HansonRobert Dborn about 1939
HansonRobert Jborn about 1905
HansonRoberta Iborn about 1936
HansonSmith born about 1914
HardyHarry Tborn about 1920
HarpsterBarbara Cborn about 1939
HarpsterCalvin Aborn about 1937
HarpsterFlorence Mborn about 1916
HarpsterRobert Aborn about 1914
HarrisWalter born about 1880
HaverlindCecil Sborn about 1909
HaverlindStanley Gborn about 1937
HaverlindWinifred Mborn about 1917
HawkinsCharlotte Mborn about 1940
HawkinsGrace Dborn about 1916
HeinFloyd Aborn about 1921
HerrcardArvid born about 1898
HigleyArti Lborn about 1871
HigleyOrde Lborn about 1871
HigleyOrlo Rborn about 1904
HillJohn Aborn about 1913
HillJohn Mborn about 1939
HillViolet Eborn about 1910
HinkleyCarrie Aborn about 1903
HinkleyClyde Eborn about 1902
HixonAlice born about 1914
HogansonPercy Cborn about 1937
HollingerHannah Eborn about 1887
HollingerWilliam Hborn about 1886
HomerJack Eborn about 1914
HopperBarbara born about 1933
HopperElwha Qborn about 1908
HopperHowell Lborn about 1908
HopperKenneth born about 1940
HopperPatrick Hborn about 1931
HopperRene born about 1935
HulletRoy born about 1906
HullinsCarl Oborn about 1882
HultineDoris Vborn about 1923
HultineGeorgia Bborn about 1901
HultineHerbert Gborn about 1887
HundleyLetha Aborn about 1929
HunsleyLetha Aborn about 1929
HurmeWalter born about 1911

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I Surnames

IottCora Eborn about 1905
IottDavid Aborn about 1939
IottJack Lborn about 1933
IottLawrence Lborn about 1938
IottLeland Eborn about 1901
IottLloyd Fborn about 1902
IottMayme Hborn about 1905
IottMollie Bborn about 1930

J Surnames

JacklinGertrude born about 1895
JacklinJack Lborn about 1937
JacklinJohn born about 1890
JacklinJune Dborn about 1932
JacklinManuel Tborn about 1927
JacklinOscar Pborn about 1939
JacksonAlbert Gborn about 1914
JacksonLaverne born about 1884
JacksonPatricia Cborn about 1918
JacksonRobert Jborn about 1871
JensenJack born about 1886
JohnsonEmil born about 1890
JohnsonHulda Rborn about 1883
JohnsonJohn born about 1915
JulianKlekotka born about 1886

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K Surnames

KaizaTaivo Eborn about 1911
KangasLena born about 1891
KellerClyde Wborn about 1916
KellerEvelena Gborn about 1922
KellerKenneth Kborn about 1939
KellyThomas Jborn about 1882
KestnerElmetta Rborn about 1896
KestnerJohn Nborn about 1900
KestnerShirley Rborn about 1926
KilkellyMary Aborn about 1880
KilkellyThomas born about 1878
KissnerJoseph Aborn about 1884
KlingbergKarl Jborn about 1880
KolarBernice born about 1915
KolarMike born about 1912
KrallCharles born about 1879
KrallRosies Sborn about 1877

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L Surnames

LaguideFred Mborn about 1885
LarsenVernon Rborn about 1920
LehmanAlbert Sborn about 1912
LiebichFredrick Aborn about 1914
LiebichLeroy Dborn about 1938
LiebichMamie Yborn about 1916
LiscumeElla Mborn about 1885
LiscumeNorman Cborn about 1894
LockeAnnetta Gborn about 1885
LockeClarence Sborn about 1898
LockeClarence Jr born about 1923
LockeElecta Mborn about 1877
LockeMarie Mborn about 1903
LockeMarie Mborn about 1909
LockeMarion Lborn about 1927
LockeMarion Lockeborn about 1927
LockeRobert Bborn about 1907
LockeRobert Mborn about 1876
LockeStanley Nborn about 1911
LooffAdolph Tborn about 1898
LooffMary Eborn about 1907
LutherMartin Nborn about 1897
LyonsRichard Jborn about 1911

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M Surnames

MacheelArthur Oborn about 1905
MacheelClara Pborn about 1914
MacheelDarlene Fborn about 1933
MakiHenry born about 1874
MarschLee born about 1894
MarsdonDorothy Aborn about 1929
MarsdonDouglas Eborn about 1906
MarsdonElizabeth Jborn about 1909
MasonJack born about 1913
MasonJudith Aborn about 1939
MasonMary Lborn about 1913
MasonPhilip Rborn about 1911
MasonPhilip R Jrborn about 1938
MatsonJohn born about 1889
McCreadieClara Bborn about 1885
McCreadieEsta Rborn about 1916
McCreeryHarold born about 1909
McDougallFlorence Mborn about 1905
McDougallGeorge Cborn about 1904
McEwenDouglas born about 1904
McGrathMichael born about 1886
McNeilEstelle Sborn about 1889
McNeilFrank Iborn about 1882
McNeilSteve Sborn about 1909
MelbournJean Marieborn about 1933
MelbournJerry Dborn about 1934
MelbournJoann born about 1933
MelbournJohn Dborn about 1934
MelsethBarbara Pborn about 1927
MelsethJennie Oborn about 1903
MelsethMartin Aborn about 1892
MelsethMarvin Jborn about 1933
MelsethStephen Mborn about 1929
MertsonVictor born about 1885
MesarveyMiles Aborn about 1905
MeyerAlice Aborn about 1906
MeyerCarol Lborn about 1937
MeyerMarcus Fborn about 1935
MeyerMarcus Wborn about 1907
MichalsFrances Nborn about 1891
MichalsFredric Hborn about 1895
MichalsMargaret Sborn about 1922
MilbournJohn Nborn about 1907
MilbournRosario born about 1877
MilbournWesley Hborn about 1919
MilburnFrank Fborn about 1878
MillerKenneth born about 1930
MillerLower born about 1927
MillerMary Aborn about 1908
MillerRoland born about 1933
MillettCaroline Aborn about 1937
MillettChester born about 1908
MillettChristina Dborn about 1935
MillettClarence Jborn about 1933
MillettFloy Aborn about 1911
MillettJason Jborn about 1932
MillettJudy Jborn about 1940
MillettSophia Hborn about 1931
MillettWilliam Sborn about 1938
MillsClyde born about 1907
MillsEdwina born about 1919
MizzoFrank born about 1879
MorrisonNeil born about 1909
MouldonAlfred Rborn about 1893
MulkeyGael Dborn about 1921
MulkeyMartha Lborn about 1886
MulkeyMartin Hborn about 1881

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O Surnames

OllikainenOrville born about 1906
OlsonAnna Mborn about 1880
OlsonBessie Rborn about 1895
OlsonBosilda born about 1864
OlsonDonna Mborn about 1923
OlsonDorothy Aborn about 1922
OlsonErnest Jborn about 1874
OlsonFritchief Aborn about 1886
OlsonHerbert Aborn about 1922
OlsonHerbert Vborn about 1885
OlsonIgnar Aborn about 1891
OlsonJessie Cborn about 1899
OlsonJohn born about 1883
OlsonJohn Aborn about 1931
OzvichRudolph born about 1888

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P Surnames

PennelFrank born about 1913
PerkinsBarbara Aborn about 1926
PerkinsIre Aborn about 1895
PerkinsJunior born about 1931
PerkinsMaggie Tborn about 1895
PerkinsMarie Iborn about 1938
PerkinsPaul Wborn about 1928
PerkinsRaymond born about 1924
PerkinsVirginia Lborn about 1922
PetersonPeter born about 1886
PetrovchJoseph born about 1882
PetwvichCharles born about 1908
PiersonDorothy Mborn about 1922
PiersonHenry Wborn about 1885
PiersonJessie Mborn about 1892
PiersonLeslie Dborn about 1930
PorterAlfred Iborn about 1892
PorterGertrude Lborn about 1902
PorterJenith Gborn about 1938
PorterMartha Leeborn about 1925
PorterShirley Aborn about 1932
PoynsEthel Mborn about 1887
PoynsFerd Rborn about 1891
PoynsForrest Rborn about 1927
PrissonDorothy Mborn about 1922
PrissonHenry Wborn about 1885
PrissonJessie Mborn about 1892
PrissonLeslie Dborn about 1930
PrussioGust born about 1892

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R Surnames

RadtkeFrank born about 1899
RathbunJoel Eborn about 1939
RathbunMargaret Wborn about 1909
RifalCharles born about 1883
RintaMildred Mborn about 1905
RintaWilliam Jborn about 1904
RitchieGeorge born about 1876
RixAntone born about 1884
RixHelene Kborn about 1898
RossBetty Mborn about 1927
RuddLeona Lborn about 1861

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S Surnames

SalomaJack Eborn about 1906
SamarasWilliam born about 1887
SansomGuy Jborn about 1895
SansomJean Mborn about 1927
SansomJerome Gborn about 1931
SansomMargaret Kborn about 1893
SearboroughBetty Aborn about 1926
SearboroughCalvin born about 1928
SearboroughDonna Aborn about 1932
SearboroughWinnifred born about 1894
ShawClyde Rborn about 1882
SheaferAugust Lborn about 1922
SheaferConstance born about 1889
SheaferElizabeth born about 1924
SheaferGeorge born about 1896
SheaferLeroy Mborn about 1886
SheaferRuth Eborn about 1924
SheaferRuth Iborn about 1903
SheridanJoseph Cborn about 1893
SheridanViolet born about 1914
SingerHenry born about 1903
SingerJames Hborn about 1939
SingerMable born about 1896
SitzeEarl Gborn about 1914
SlaterAnnie Oborn about 1909
SlaterFrank Lborn about 1931
SlaterMargaret Aborn about 1934
SlaterRalph Gborn about 1897
SmithHarold Oborn about 1903
SmithMollie Aborn about 1899
SmithRuth Nborn about 1914
SmithTrank Cborn about 1885
SnarskiMitchel born about 1905
SonnabendJoseph Fborn about 1884
SouthardAmanda Jborn about 1876
SouthardJoseph Jborn about 1878
StenrosFred born about 1885
StevensonDora Eborn about 1919
StevensonRobert Lborn about 1915
StielowAugust Jborn about 1881
StielowCarrie born about 1881
StoneFloyd born about 1903
StromChasley Oborn about 1866
SudderthErnest Lborn about 1899
SuddrethWilliam Jborn about 1922
SummerlinCharles born about 1919
SwankSamuel Nborn about 1892
SwankSamuel Wborn about 1892

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T Surnames

TempleCarolyn Jborn about 1933
TempleLouise Kborn about 1904
TempleRobert Wborn about 1897
TempleRobert W Jrborn about 1937
ThomasCharles Sborn about 1881
ThomasHarriet Kborn about 1922
ThomasHattie Bborn about 1891
ThomasHenry Allenborn about 1919
ThoresonThor born about 1880
ToopickPeter born about 1896
TronnesOle born about 1892
TysonAnna Hborn about 1914
TysonWilliam J Jborn about 1909

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V Surnames

VanvolkinburgCarolyn born about 1911
VanvolkinburgDene born about 1933
VanvolkinburgDonna born about 1932
VanvolkinburgGeorge Lborn about 1907
VanvolkinburgGeorge L Jrborn about 1936
VoorhiesJessie Pborn about 1884
VoorhiesRobert Eborn about 1883

W Surnames

WaileGeorge Aborn about 1877
WaileMinnie Cborn about 1882
WaiteGeorge Aborn about 1877
WaiteMinnie Cborn about 1883
WaldEleni Eborn about 1912
WaldHenry Pborn about 1907
WaldKaren Lborn about 1935
WalkerAnna Kborn about 1883
WallaceJulius born about 1887
WallettBeryl born about 1928
WallettRojer Dborn about 1927
WaugamanAlvina Mborn about 1877
WaugamanCharles Aborn about 1874
WestAmos Cborn about 1890
WestArlene born about 1929
WestBessie Mborn about 1911
WestCarl born about 1928
WestDonald born about 1933
WestRaymond born about 1935
WildIsabel Fborn about 1920
WileyGeorge born about 1892
WilsonBonnie Cborn about 1932
WilsonChester Aborn about 1890
WilsonErnest born about 1905
WilsonIsabelle Tborn about 1924
WilsonJames Nborn about 1930
WilsonLawrence Cborn about 1923
WilsonMarie Jborn about 1909
WilsonMary Jborn about 1903
WilsonRaleigh Dborn about 1934
WilsonRebecca Rborn about 1894
WilsonRobert born about 1898
WilsonRose Mborn about 1929
WilsonRowena Vborn about 1926
WilsonSerena Eborn about 1933
WilsonVernon Oborn about 1927
WilsonWilbur Jborn about 1928
WoodWilliam born about 1889
WoodfordJames Lborn about 1904
WrayAnnie Lborn about 1937
WrayBennie Jeanneborn about 1927
WrayGoldie Mborn about 1930
WrayHelen Mborn about 1935
WulkeyDel Aborn about 1901
WulkeyDelbert born about 1930
WulkeyLillian Mborn about 1903
WumayJames born about 1880

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Y Surnames

YerkesArthur born about 1920
YerkesCaesar born about 1923
YerkesDud born about 1872
YerkesJuanita born about 1927
YerkesSophia born about 1883
YoungJames Aborn about 1887

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