1940 U.S. Federal Census of Riverside in Benton County, Benton, Washington

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Washington > Benton County > 1940 Census of Riverside in Benton County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AchzigerAdam born about 1884
AchzigerAdam Jr born about 1916
AchzigerClarence born about 1927
AchzigerFred born about 1919
AchzigerKatie born about 1883
AlsburyHarvey born about 1938
AlsburyMarie born about 1925
AlsburyOrrin born about 1898
AlsburyRichard born about 1927
AlsburyRobert born about 1918
AlsburyVivian born about 1899
AltigAudrey Kborn about 1895
AltigLloyd Jborn about 1891
AltigRobert Lborn about 1914
AndersonEzra Eborn about 1882
AndersonKenneth born about 1931
AndersonMaude born about 1882
AndersonRaymond born about 1915
AndersonThomas born about 1866
ArnebergAllen born about 1907
ArnebergBonnie Lborn about 1937
ArnebergEthel born about 1908
ArnebergMarilyn born about 1929

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B Surnames

BartellJosephine born about 1872
BartellWilliam born about 1876
BennettBetty born about 1929
BennettCleoria born about 1925
BennettDorothy Vborn about 1932
BennettEdward born about 1915
BennettEster born about 1935
BennettFannie Bborn about 1874
BennettGary Mborn about 1936
BennettHarriet Jborn about 1934
BennettHarry born about 1910
BennettHazel Qborn about 1919
BennettHenry born about 1933
BennettJack born about 1939
BennettLoretta Jborn about 1936
BennettMargrie born about 1914
BennettMarion born about 1920
BennettMelvin Oborn about 1916
BennettMula born about 1919
BennettNadine born about 1937
BennettNorval Mborn about 1904
BennettRaymond born about 1913
BennettRobert born about 1917
BennettRussell born about 1891
BennettVera Fborn about 1911
BennettVirginia born about 1932
BennettWilliam Jborn about 1871
BergimanBarbara born about 1921
BergimanDonald born about 1919
BergimanDonalda ???born about 1940
BiersFrank Qborn about 1874
BiersFrank Jr born about 1914
BiersJulia Fborn about 1883
BlakeEmma Eborn about 1877
BlakeRuth born about 1911
BlakeWilliard Wborn about 1905
BlondoDolores born about 1928
BlondoMary born about 1897
BlondoPhilip born about 1893
BoruffEthel born about 1893
BoruffHarley born about 1887
BoruffWilliam born about 1924
BraderCarl Hborn about 1905
BraderNettie born about 1908
BrownCharles born about 1884
BrownChester Rborn about 1921
BrownHannah born about 1888

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C Surnames

ChristianRobert born about 1921
ChristisenJames born about 1872
CoatsBeverly Lborn about 1939
CoatsLeland Eborn about 1915
CoatsMartha Eborn about 1921
ConradAbert Pborn about 1868
ConradKatherine born about 1922
ConradMargie Lborn about 1887
CorrinGeorge Fborn about 1885
CrowElizabeth Bborn about 1872
CrowSussie born about 1876
CurticeBeula born about 1897
CurticeCecil Cborn about 1890
CurticeErva born about 1930

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D Surnames

DathaneHenry Aborn about 1865
DathaneLeonora Jborn about 1866
DayHilda Lborn about 1896
DayJack born about 1897
DeatonHoward Wborn about 1896
DeatonLeona born about 1919
DeatonRobert born about 1893

E Surnames

EadsAmanda born about 1882
EadsElmer born about 1879
EakmanArther Cborn about 1893
EakmanFrank born about 1924
EakmanHarvey Lborn about 1898
EakmanLottie Bborn about 1900
EakmanThelma born about 1892
EatonLaura Bborn about 1871
EatonWilliam Tborn about 1864
EllisBerta Mborn about 1891
EllisClayton Hborn about 1926
EllisDarrel Lborn about 1939
EllisGeorge Lborn about 1928
EllisIva Aborn about 1921
EllisJoseph Eborn about 1878
EllisJosephine Gborn about 1922
EllisRobert Lborn about 1921
EllisRuth Lborn about 1923
EllisStanley Wborn about 1920
EscrolaEdwin born about 1902
EscrolaElla born about 1877
EscrolaEmil born about 1871
EvansCharles Eborn about 1906
EvansClayton born about 1934
EvansEloyce Cborn about 1923
EvansEvelyn Mborn about 1920
EvansFreda born about 1935
EvansGladys Eborn about 1896
EvansHarry Dborn about 1928
EvansHarry Lborn about 1899
EvansJoyce Cborn about 1923
EvansLorraine Jborn about 1909
EvansMarian Rborn about 1925
EvansMarie born about 1927
EversAlbert Fborn about 1882

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F Surnames

FerrisMark Sborn about 1889
FloraBarney born about 1936
FloraDavid born about 1908
FloraKatherine born about 1916
FoisyEleen born about 1923
FoisyJoan born about 1931
FoisyJoseph Wborn about 1900
FoisyLenore Lborn about 1921
FoisyMildred born about 1901
FolandNora born about 1906
FolandNorman born about 1887
FountainElsie born about 1883
FountainLouis born about 1885
FountainRoy Eborn about 1921
FranvilleMaggie born about 1883

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G Surnames

GagnerAlfred born about 1872
GagnerBarbara born about 1933
GagnerBeverly born about 1928
GagnerEmery Eborn about 1896
GagnerJames born about 1936
GagnerLe Roy born about 1930
GagnerMerlin born about 1931
GagnerMianda born about 1908
GallawayClara born about 1876
GallawayJames Eborn about 1886
GarretsonWilliam Cborn about 1914
GouletAlbert born about 1908
GouletEdward born about 1914
GouletOliver born about 1906
GouletRichard born about 1876
GouletRobert born about 1922
GouletWilfred born about 1918
GovigJohn Lborn about 1854
GrabouskiAntoni born about 1877
GrabouskiKatherine born about 1874
GrabouskiPeter born about 1916
GrayAnne born about 1911
GrayBert Jborn about 1935
GroutteArtur Hborn about 1923
GroutteDonald Mborn about 1927
GroutteDovie born about 1900
GroutteGeorgiette born about 1922
GroutteJames Hborn about 1898
GroutteLe Roy Fborn about 1938
GroutteWayne Rborn about 1929
GunnIda Mborn about 1880
GunnWilliam Fborn about 1871

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H Surnames

HallBlain Lborn about 1917
HamiltonMiriam born about 1897
HamiltonPaul born about 1895
HamiltonPaul Jr born about 1922
HansenAlvin Cborn about 1898
HansenAlvin C Jrborn about 1922
HansenDordeen Bborn about 1929
HansenLulabelle born about 1900
HansenMarlin born about 1931
HansenShirley Mborn about 1924
HarrisonEleanor Lborn about 1905
HarrisonLawrence Eborn about 1894
HarrisonVern Eborn about 1924
HarvardAnabelle born about 1927
HarvardDuane born about 1929
HarvardEola born about 1931
HarvardHelen born about 1925
HarvardJana born about 1930
HarvardLewis born about 1890
HarvardMary born about 1902
HaskoGeorge born about 1909
HaskoHarriett born about 1914
HaskoJohn born about 1905
HaskoMary born about 1883
HaskoPeter born about 1939
HaskoRobert born about 1934
HeeckHerman born about 1877
HeeckOliva born about 1884
HeingCecilia born about 1926
HeingFrancis born about 1936
HeingFrank Jborn about 1905
HeingIrene born about 1938
HeingJerome born about 1939
HeingMarggeula born about 1906
HeingNicholas born about 1927
HendersonWilliam Tborn about 1858
HenryHuard Henry Pborn about 1899
HessGeorge Hborn about 1872
HessGordon born about 1923
HessHattie Jborn about 1884
HessMaxine born about 1922
HessNormand born about 1926
HessStanley Jborn about 1919
HolmesAnna Lborn about 1879
HolmesArthur born about 1913
HolmesErick born about 1879
HolmesWalter born about 1919
HughesBoyd born about 1930
HughesDoris born about 1938
HughesErnest born about 1894
HughesEugene born about 1926
HughesHue born about 1935
HughesLeona born about 1900
HughesMelvin born about 1923
HughesPhilip born about 1934
HughesRichard born about 1932
HughesVera born about 1928
HumelandJons born about 1854
HutsonAlice born about 1938
HutsonCharles born about 1939
HutsonEffie Lborn about 1910
HutsonHazel born about 1919
HutsonLewis Fborn about 1906
HutsonLewis F Jrborn about 1928
HutsonRichard Tborn about 1939
HutsonRobert Lborn about 1937
HutsonWilliam Dborn about 1932

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I Surnames

IngramArchie born about 1890
IngramArthur born about 1925
IngramHilda Pborn about 1893
IngramMargaret born about 1920
IngramMarie born about 1922

J Surnames

JacksonAlton Fborn about 1919
JacksonDarline Mborn about 1936
JacksonIra Lborn about 1881
JacksonIra L Jrborn about 1908
JacksonLoydd Hborn about 1922
JacksonMargaret Lborn about 1916
JacksonMary Sborn about 1883
JacksonTom born about 1892
JannetWilliam Fborn about 1879
JeffriesAlvin born about 1933
JeffriesDorothy born about 1926
JeffriesHarley born about 1902
JeffriesMargaret born about 1925
JeffriesPhoebe born about 1905
JohnsonIna Eborn about 1905
JohnstonJesse born about 1869
JudkinsBlanche born about 1925
JudkinsCurtis born about 1937
JudkinsElmer born about 1924
JudkinsGrant born about 1902
JudkinsHannah born about 1913
JudkinsLloyd born about 1935
JudkinsRuby born about 1931
JudkinsSena born about 1903
JudkinsShirley born about 1935
JudkinsThomas Cborn about 1894
JudkinsVernon born about 1923
JudkinsVirgil born about 1921

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K Surnames

KellyBurrie born about 1889
KellyCharles Aborn about 1873
KellyFrancis Mborn about 1907
KenneyAlonzo born about 1861
KenneyBeverly Vborn about 1924
KenneyPaul Wborn about 1929
KenneyVida Bborn about 1895
KenneyWilliam Lborn about 1888
KenneyWilma Lborn about 1926
KingerAlbert Cborn about 1940
KingerBen Jborn about 1933
KingerCorrine Lborn about 1913
KingerJerry Leeborn about 1938
KingerLeroy Eborn about 1913

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L Surnames

LangGeorge Mborn about 1902
LangGertrude born about 1883
LangWillis born about 1920
LapeEverett born about 1895
LapeNora born about 1910
LarabeeClyde Eborn about 1910
LarabeeEvelyn born about 1915
LarabeeFrederick Eborn about 1935
LauppDelma born about 1913
LauppJohnna born about 1892
LauppLona born about 1928
LauppWilliam Jeborn about 1889
LauppYvonne born about 1932
LenbergFrancis born about 1915
LenbergJoyce born about 1939
LenbergLonnie born about 1908
LoftersAlbert Jborn about 1887
LoftersElizabeth Mborn about 1905
LorthaCarman born about 1933
LorthaClarence born about 1928
LorthaClement born about 1906
LorthaHelen born about 1908
LunberyAxel Fborn about 1892
LunberyEthel born about 1895
LunberyHoward born about 1933
LurbergEmma Cborn about 1874
LurbergGeorge Dborn about 1915

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M Surnames

MalmstromHenry Dborn about 1915
MarcusJames born about 1922
MarcusLetty born about 1921
MarcusPeter Dborn about 1888
MarkiamAlbert born about 1910
MarkiamOpal born about 1919
MarkiamWilliam born about 1939
MartinBertha Mborn about 1909
MartinCarrol born about 1939
MartinGerald born about 1939
MartinHarris Rborn about 1908
MartinWinifred born about 1939
MatneyMark born about 1925
MattsonDorothea born about 1877
MattsonLouis born about 1867
McCallDelbert born about 1938
McCallDonald born about 1934
McCallEdward born about 1890
McCallEdward born about 1922
McCallHelen born about 1930
McCallHoward born about 1925
McCallJack born about 1928
McCallMarie born about 1901
McCallRobert born about 1936
McCallShirley born about 1923
McCallTheda born about 1926
McKayFulis born about 1898
McKayMyrtle born about 1874
McKeenArnold Vborn about 1912
MontgomeryAlfred born about 1894
MontgomeryAlton born about 1932
MontgomeryBruce born about 1940
MontgomeryClaude born about 1938
MontgomeryGrace Qborn about 1904
MontgomeryLa Rhee born about 1927
MontgomeryMyron born about 1930
MontgomeryRonald born about 1936
MontgomeryWillis Dborn about 1928
MountHazel Mborn about 1914
MountJoanne Dborn about 1936
MountKenneth Rborn about 1912
MountThomas Eborn about 1934

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N Surnames

NesbittIra born about 1888
NesbittJohn born about 1883
NoiceAlice Lborn about 1876
NoiceCharles Wborn about 1867

O Surnames

OlsonBergliot Nborn about 1901
OlsonEdith Mborn about 1918
OlsonMarie Jborn about 1876
OlsonMartin born about 1879
OlsonRalph Qborn about 1915
OpalGeorge Hborn about 1874

P Surnames

PartchClariss Kborn about 1934
PartchDavid Fborn about 1910
PartchViolet Mborn about 1908
PattonHarry Hborn about 1884
PattonThora Lborn about 1919
PayneArvella born about 1932
PayneMelvin born about 1930
PearlJack Cborn about 1910
PearlWilma Mborn about 1914
PercellRalph born about 1873
PerraultDonald born about 1928
PerraultDowaepta born about 1924
PerraultMary born about 1895
PerraultOctive born about 1897
PetersonHal Wborn about 1885
PetersonMay born about 1894
PileoWilliam born about 1898
PriceAlfred born about 1893
PriceLaddy born about 1924
PriceMarvin born about 1922
PriceMonty born about 1921
PriceRachiel born about 1902

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R Surnames

ReedAlice born about 1913
ReedAllan born about 1924
ReedAlma born about 1921
ReedBarbara born about 1934
ReedBetty born about 1930
ReedElmer Wborn about 1919
ReedGertrude born about 1925
ReedHomer born about 1916
ReedJane born about 1921
ReedKenneth born about 1913
ReedLetha born about 1933
ReedLucile born about 1903
ReedMaxine born about 1929
ReedMyrtle born about 1924
ReedRobert Rborn about 1937
ReedRoy Jborn about 1885
ReedWilliam born about 1884
ReeseDonald Mborn about 1907
ReeseGertrude Aborn about 1867
ReeseRobert Lborn about 1870
ReeseRobert L Jrborn about 1904
RettroyCharles Dborn about 1918
RettroyMinnie Jborn about 1879
RettroyRobert Nborn about 1877
RettroyWalter born about 1922
ReynoldsClarence Lborn about 1881
ReynoldsClarence Lborn about 1921
ReynoldsRonald Bborn about 1926
ReynoldsRuth Bborn about 1891
RiceSyvil born about 1870
RingerEffie Mborn about 1923
RingerHoward Eborn about 1914
RobinsonJames Eborn about 1936
RobinsonRobert Mborn about 1939
RobinsonShirley Jborn about 1938
RobinsonSylvia born about 1916
RobinsonWilliam Jborn about 1911
RosvikAlton born about 1921
RosvikGeorge Hborn about 1875
RosvikHarriett born about 1928
RosvikJune born about 1925
RosvikMarlyin born about 1919
RosvikSerena born about 1887
RowleyDiana born about 1939
RowleyJames Fborn about 1905
RowleyJanice born about 1938
RowleyLawrence born about 1931
RowleyPhyllis born about 1935
RowleyShirley born about 1933
RowleyThelma born about 1908

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S Surnames

SampsonGail Lborn about 1920
SampsonIrene Lborn about 1886
SampsonSwen Eborn about 1892
SchaalArthur Lborn about 1927
SchaalEster Mborn about 1925
SchaalJames born about 1938
SchaalJohn Qborn about 1886
SchaalLeah Rborn about 1930
SchaalLeonard born about 1933
SchaalLouis born about 1920
SchaalMary Mborn about 1900
SchaalViolet Mborn about 1923
SchiffnerEsther born about 1896
SchiffnerJ Cborn about 1916
SchiffnerSamuel Wborn about 1891
SchlaferEverett Lborn about 1917
SchmidtAnna born about 1930
SchmidtCharles born about 1933
SchmidtElizabeth born about 1890
SchmidtFrank born about 1917
SchmidtHenry Lborn about 1887
SchmidtJacob born about 1922
SchmidtLeo born about 1928
SchmidtPauline born about 1920
SchmidtPeter born about 1924
SchmidtThomas born about 1926
SchmidtWilfred born about 1929
SchultzAnna Hborn about 1920
SchultzOdelia born about 1887
SchultzWilliam born about 1911
SchumackerBarbara born about 1903
SchumackerBlasius born about 1939
SchumackerIsadore born about 1926
SchumackerJulius born about 1933
SchumackerMarcella born about 1928
SchumackerMartin born about 1900
SchumackerVirginia born about 1936
SchumackerWilbert born about 1929
ScottHarry Wborn about 1903
ScottMary Lborn about 1905
ScottRegina born about 1890
ShannonReuben born about 1907
SimesFred D Jrborn about 1923
SimesFred Hborn about 1888
SimesLeona Cborn about 1925
SimesMary Aborn about 1891
SmithLuther born about 1914
SquiresCharles Pborn about 1868
SquiresSusan born about 1880
StarkenburgAlbert Eborn about 1884
StarkenburgMargaret born about 1885
SteinbackAudrey Fborn about 1932
SteinbackBeatrice Aborn about 1935
SteinbackBuela Mborn about 1937
SteinbackCrelia born about 1913
SteinbackFlorence Lborn about 1933
SteinbackInez Mborn about 1936
SteinbackLona Jborn about 1939
SteinbackPeter born about 1909
Stemdorf??? born about 1937
StemdorfMichel Rborn about 1938
StemdorfThelma born about 1918
StemdorfTheodore Jborn about 1908
StemsorfFrank born about 1903
StemsorfLa Verne born about 1930
StemsorfMildred born about 1904
StrauplerHarold born about 1928
StrauplerJulie born about 1897
StrauplerLester born about 1926
StrauplerWilliam born about 1892
SuhadolnikGary Fborn about 1935
SuhadolnikLoren Eborn about 1909
SuhadolnikTony born about 1910
SwainIsaac born about 1879
SwainMary born about 1879

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T Surnames

TaggaresFlorence born about 1930
TaggaresMary born about 1903
TaggaresPeter Jborn about 1895
TaggaresPeter Jr born about 1932
TaggaresStanley born about 1935
TaggaresVirginia born about 1928
ThomponGilbert born about 1885
ThomponHarold Nborn about 1928
ThomponJean Mborn about 1931
ThomponMartha born about 1900
ThomponWanda Bborn about 1923
ThompsonCharles born about 1859
ThompsonJames born about 1857
ThorubergAdam Pborn about 1879
ThorubergEthel born about 1881
TraughberAnna born about 1880
TraughberThomas born about 1879
TrusleyClifford Jborn about 1904
TrusleyEster born about 1939
TrusleyJoseph Hborn about 1914
TrusleyLoda Lborn about 1917
TrusleyPatricia Mborn about 1937
TusleyLaura born about 1876

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U Surnames

UshultzHarman born about 1898
UshultzKatherine born about 1906
UshultzWalter Hborn about 1926

V Surnames

VincentJohn born about 1880
VincentMabel Mborn about 1880
VincentSamuel Jborn about 1919

W Surnames

WaggenerAnna born about 1889
WaggenerChester born about 1925
WaggenerHarold born about 1930
WaggenerRaymond born about 1863
WarrenAlice born about 1911
WarrenArthur Jborn about 1906
WarrenIvan born about 1908
WasantFrank Oborn about 1887
WatkinsCora Mborn about 1886
WatkinsEster Lborn about 1907
WatkinsWilliam Aborn about 1883
WatkinsWilliam Lborn about 1924
WellsVera born about 1897
WellsWilliam born about 1867
WhiteElisha Bborn about 1873
WhiteneadAudrey born about 1870
WhiteneadEdgar Eborn about 1895
WhiteneadJames born about 1925
WilliamsCarol born about 1926
WilliamsJack born about 1927
WilsonJames Wborn about 1906
WilsonJoyce Mborn about 1932
WilsonJune Wborn about 1931
WilsonMildred Fborn about 1916
WirthHelen born about 1917
WolfredHelen Aborn about 1919
WolfredJoseph Hborn about 1917
WolfredJoseph Pborn about 1939
WycoffCharles born about 1921
WycoffIda born about 1901
WycoffKeith born about 1923
WycoffKevin born about 1934
WycoffLee Aborn about 1892
WycoffLillian born about 1927
WycoffNormand born about 1929
WycoffRobert born about 1933
WycoffRoberta born about 1933
WycoffRoger born about 1939
WycoffRolloyoune born about 1937
WycoffShirley born about 1925
WycoffWard born about 1931

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