1940 U.S. Federal Census of Simpson, Grays Harbor, Washington

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Washington > Grays Harbor County > 1940 Census of Simpson

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AjdukovichDavid born about 1884
AndersonEmma Jborn about 1891
AndersonJames Oborn about 1887

B Surnames

BainJohn born about 1891
BarrettHomer born about 1910
BattsonClifford born about 1908
BryanSara Mborn about 1898
BryanWilmer Dborn about 1900
BunchWalter born about 1914

C Surnames

ConklinDana Eborn about 1919

D Surnames

DennardWilliam Fborn about 1918
DyerBert born about 1877

E Surnames

EversonLawrence born about 1917

F Surnames

FoleyJames born about 1915
FollisJoe born about 1883

G Surnames

GwinFrank Mborn about 1892

H Surnames

HawkinsEric born about 1903
HeaveyRufus Rborn about 1893
HicksFrances Dborn about 1912
HicksKerman Eborn about 1909
HurleyAlbert born about

J Surnames

JohnsonWilliam born about 1915
JurorichSam born about 1887

K Surnames

KatzerLevin born about 1919
KauppasJohn born about 1891
KirkJohn born about 1894

L Surnames

LindleyEarl born about 1911
LindleyJune born about 1938
LindleyMaxine born about 1906
LindleyMay born about 1914
LongoriaLee born about 1918

M Surnames

MacomberLouis Mborn about 1913
ManayPat Hborn about 1886
MaskovichMats Pborn about 1889
MayJohn born about 1935
MayPat born about 1908
MayRichard born about 1937
MayRuth born about 1916

N Surnames

NewconibRobert Lborn about 1884
NickolasNick Cborn about 1893

P Surnames

PaovichJames Sborn about 1901
PayneAlta Bborn about 1899
PovichMike born about 1892
PungerGeorge born about 1882

R Surnames

RadichJohn born about 1874

S Surnames

StrandJohn born about 1884

W Surnames

WadeEarl born about 1906
WindlinJohn born about 1900

Y Surnames

YousavichEvan born about 1880
YucaJohn born about 1881

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