1940 U.S. Federal Census of South Kennewick, Benton, Washington

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Washington > Benton County > 1940 Census of South Kennewick

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbkenDorothy born about 1930
AbkenEarnest born about 1922
AbkenElsie born about 1933
AbkenMargaret born about 1924
AbkenMary Joneborn about 1929
AbkenMelva born about 1927
AbkenTheodore born about 1886
AlexanderJoe Jr born about 1922
AsborneJean born about 1924
AsborneJoseph Vborn about 1891
AsborneLaura born about 1888
AsborneVernon born about 1923
AtterberryJack born about 1922
AtterberryJohn Wborn about 1887
AtterberryMinnie born about 1891
AtterberryNorman born about 1916
AveryFrances born about 1935
AveryGilbert born about 1890
AveryHarold born about 1925
AveryHazel born about 1923
AveryIda born about 1897
AveryJanice born about 1937
AveryPhyllis born about 1928
AveryRussell born about 1930
AveryShirley born about 1931
AveryVelma born about 1934
AxtellFern born about 1929
AxtellHarry born about 1901
AxtellJoan born about 1937
AxtellJune born about 1937
AxtellLilly born about 1896
AxtellPaul born about 1934

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B Surnames

BaileyLena Ruthborn about 1930
BelterAlbert born about 1923
BelterAnna born about 1885
BelterFrank born about 1895
BergstromeCarl born about 1871
BergstromeRose born about 1878
BiresRaymond born about 1918
BlairDuncan Mborn about 1888
BlairInez born about 1900
BlairInez Mayborn about 1925
BlairJames Henryborn about 1927
BlairMinnie born about 1877
BoutelleLee born about 1890
BoutelleLois born about 1889
BoutelleSperling born about 1916
BoutelleWilliam born about 1926
BradleyAlene born about 1927
BradleyLawrence Rborn about 1901
BradleyMarie born about 1905
BremmerRalph born about 1871
BroderickJoseph born about 1863
BrownDouglas born about 1920
BrowneJennie Mborn about 1882
BrowneTecumsch Cborn about 1877
BurgerErwin born about 1923

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C Surnames

CarpenterAlta born about 1920
CarpenterArthur Cborn about 1911
CarpenterCharles Eborn about 1891
CarpenterFlorence Sborn about 1912
CarpenterMarlene born about 1939
CarpenterMyrtle born about 1902
ClarkAgnes born about 1928
ClarkBeatrice born about 1931
ClarkClara Gborn about 1932
ClarkClara Mborn about 1902
ClarkElizabeth Annborn about 1939
ClarkGeorge Jborn about 1899
ClarkGrace born about 1934
CmapbellCharlie Gborn about 1866
CmapbellClara Jborn about 1869
ColeEffa born about 1871
ColeFloyd born about 1901
ColeFred Hborn about 1870
ColeMarie born about 1906
ColeMarjorie born about 1925
CombelicAlonzo born about 1866
ConantFlorinda born about 1873
CoxAlice born about 1908
CoxCharles born about 1937
CoxErnest Jr born about 1920
CoxInez born about 1877
CoxJune born about 1916
CoxLaidy born about 1883
CoxThomas Wborn about 1885
CoxWilliam born about 1900
CrowCarl born about 1936
CrowClarence born about 1938
CrowEdna born about 1914
CrowElmer born about 1940
CrowEverett born about 1910
CrumpAlma born about 1904
CrumpElizabeth Annborn about 1933
CrumpHenrietta Mayborn about 1930
CrumpMary Jeanborn about 1935
CrumpThomas Henryborn about 1931

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D Surnames

DaggettCharlie Hborn about 1915
DaggettCleta born about 1918
DaggettEarle born about 1904
DaggettEarlene born about 1940
DaggettElla Ireneborn about 1923
DanenhourFlorence born about 1867
DehnhoffEdna born about 1887
DehnhoffRobert born about 1897
DehnhoffZelda born about 1925
DenneyMargaret Mborn about 1923
DenneyReuben born about 1885
DenneyRowland Rborn about 1930
DenneyWilma Eborn about 1926
DenneyWinifred Aborn about 1933
DenneyWinnifred Lborn about 1895
DickinsonEllen born about 1918
DickinsonFern Marieborn about 1938
DickinsonJohn born about 1916
DimondHarold Gborn about 1913
DimondRuth born about 1917
DimondStherryl Annborn about 1939
DonahooDessie born about 1919
DonahooJoan born about 1939
DonahooLeonard born about 1938
DonahooVernon born about 1905
DoorAlfred born about 1908
DoorBurdette born about 1899
DoorHoward born about 1897
DoorRoy Lborn about 1927
DoorWeslie born about 1926
DorisFlorence born about 1902
DorisFrank Lborn about 1878
DorisMarion Lborn about 1923
DorisYvonne born about 1925
DortonFrances Jborn about 1879
DortonThomas Bborn about 1875
DoughertyFlorence born about 1898
DoughertyFlorence born about 1935
DoughertyLen born about 1887
DoughertyLen Jr born about 1938
DoughertyLouise born about 1927
DoughertyLucile born about 1925
DoughertyMarie born about 1929
DrakeVercoe Dborn about 1870
DrazeyArther born about 1919
DrazeyDelia born about 1899
DrazeyGeorge born about 1890
DrazeyGeorge Jr born about 1930
DrazeyLillian born about 1922
DrazeyMargaret born about 1925

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E Surnames

EasterwoodErnest Dborn about 1877
EasterwoodHetty born about 1924
EasterwoodIrene born about 1888
EasterwoodRodney born about 1922
EchtOtto born about 1878
EichnerHilda born about 1911
EichnerLaverne born about 1907
EichnerRalph born about 1931
EicknerEstella born about 1877
EicknerJohn born about 1875
ElliottAudrey Leeborn about 1934
ElliottBrantley born about 1930
ElliottCarl born about 1906
ElliottFern born about 1907
ElliottJoyce born about 1918
ElliottLeora born about 1911
ElliottMarlene born about 1934
ElliottNora born about 1886
ElliottTruman Jr born about 1930
ElliottW Russellborn about 1902
ElliottWalter Tborn about 1876
EsterEarnest Eborn about 1892
EsterEdward born about 1920
EsterHarry born about 1924
EsterKathryn born about 1896
EsterRandolph born about 1917

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F Surnames

ForakerBertha born about 1896
ForakerHarold born about 1924
ForakerPhillip born about 1922
ForakerViola born about 1920
ForakerWilliam Lborn about 1893
FosterChristine born about 1923
FoxJohn Wborn about 1902
FoxMarie Edithborn about 1904
FoxRalph born about 1928
FoxRose Marieborn about 1933
FrazierBlair Wborn about 1884
FrazierWard born about 1907
FrazierWilliam Mborn about 1873

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G Surnames

GallawayIva Lorreborn about 1931
GallawayJager T Jrborn about 1922
GallawayJoseph Tborn about 1895
GallawayMattie born about 1897
GallawayW Edwardborn about 1919
GansAlfred born about 1899
GansDarleen born about 1934
GansDelfred born about 1939
GansDelmar born about 1932
GansDonald born about 1931
GansFrieda born about 1911
GarberM Wayneborn about 1922
GarberMargaret Gborn about 1927
GarberMartin Gborn about 1895
GarberNellie born about 1894
GarrellAlfred born about 1895
GeradsBrian born about 1937
GeradsCurt born about 1907
GeradsFreida born about 1913
GibsonDelores born about 1935
GibsonFreda born about 1915
GibsonJannette born about 1938
GibsonJohn born about 1911
GibsonRichard born about 1933
GladdingThomas born about 1876
GleasonArthur born about 1920
GoodrightLuella born about 1895
GraggEdna born about 1894
GraggForrest Rborn about 1895
GraggMendel born about 1929
GraggRobert Lborn about 1918
GreenCharles Eborn about 1881
GreenGeorge Hborn about 1885
GreenHenry Wborn about 1894
GreenMary born about 1921
GreenPearl born about 1899
GreenWilliam Sborn about 1889
GreenWilliam S Jrborn about 1929
GriggsBeulah born about 1912
GriggsDale born about 1937
GriggsDean born about 1937
GriggsEldon born about 1933
GriggsGaylord born about 1912
GrimshawWendall Sborn about 1918
GroganBarbara born about 1930
GroganClyde born about 1901
GroganDorothy born about 1932
GroganEarle born about 1906
GroganHarold born about 1928

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H Surnames

HamiltonAlice born about 1920
HamiltonClaribel born about 1886
HamiltonHarvey born about 1889
HansenSophie born about 1882
HansenWilliam born about 1866
HardinRay born about 1922
HardyAnnie born about 1867
HardyJones Eborn about 1865
HasteDora born about 1877
HasteLloyd born about 1912
HelmAda Mborn about 1895
HelmJ Patriciaborn about 1920
HelmLucy born about 1917
HelmM Juyborn about 1893
HelmMillard born about 1919
HelmWilliam Rborn about 1922
HembreeAugusta born about 1920
HembreeChloe born about 1935
HembreeEula born about 1933
HembreeFrank born about 1915
HembreeHoward born about 1909
HembreeLeah born about 1931
HembreeLewis born about 1939
HembreeLyla born about 1913
HembreeNeil born about 1938
HembreeRoberta born about 1936
HendersonElton born about 1918
HendersonMorris born about 1910
HendersonSharon born about 1937
HildebrandLee Dborn about 1886
HildebrandLeslie born about 1918
HildebrandRobert born about 1923
HobbeNeal born about 1886
HoddleyAlice born about 1867
HoddleyCyrus born about 1862
HoldenCallie born about 1881
HoldenRobert Eborn about 1919
HollyMary born about 1918
HollyMary Lonborn about 1939
HoltoOle Jborn about 1862
HoshauserIrwin born about 1885
HummelJulia Dborn about 1875
HumphryMaude Sborn about 1882
HumphryVirgil Oborn about 1879
HurstCharles born about 1911
HurstCharlotte born about 1937
HurstDan born about 1907
HurstDavid Rborn about 1919
HurstDelbert born about 1935
HurstJeanette born about 1939
HurstLyle born about 1933
HurstMary born about 1879
HurstSylvia born about 1913
HutchingsLeona born about 1883
HutchingsLewis born about 1883
HutchingsLewis Eborn about 1915

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J Surnames

JeffersAgnes born about 1914
JeffersChester Rborn about 1897
JohnsClarabel born about 1928
JohnsDavid born about 1924
JohnsEarl born about 1922
JohnsEmma born about 1890
JohnsRonald born about 1926
JohnsWilliam Eborn about 1890
JohnstonClarence Eborn about 1894
JonesJohn Eborn about 1873

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K Surnames

KasperNjus born about 1917
KelsaRobert Bborn about 1868
KempfAlbert born about 1888
KempfArlene born about 1924
KempfEldon born about 1926
KempfElizabeth born about 1892
KempfGladys born about 1921
KempfLawrence born about 1931
KempfWilliam born about 1916
KetchumBarbara born about 1932
KetchumChristina born about 1934
KetchumFrederick born about 1939
KetchumGeorge Wborn about 1893
KetchumMargaret born about 1931
KetchumMary born about 1906
KetchumWilliam born about 1928
KinneNaydee born about 1889
KinneVictor Aborn about 1879
KleinknechtJacob born about 1878
KleinknechtMaria born about 1879
KurthNormand Jr born about 1928
KurthWilliam Aborn about 1874

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L Surnames

LampsonByron Lborn about 1917
LampsonLottie Jborn about 1887
LampsonNeil Fborn about 1918
LampsonTheo Cborn about 1925
LaneIda Bborn about 1878
LaneMarie born about 1918
LaneWallace born about 1906
LapeDwayne Eborn about 1923
LapeEdward Gborn about 1891
LapeEllen Jborn about 1901
LapeGeorge Eborn about 1921
LazenbyGeneva born about 1936
LazenbyGrace born about 1919
LazenbyHerschel born about 1908
LazenbyRobert Nlborn about 1905
LeeHarry born about 1920
LewisClifford Eborn about 1928
LewisDayle born about 1924
LewisFrank Bborn about 1855
LewisGerald born about 1933
LewisGrace Vborn about 1903
LewisNelson Eborn about 1900
LewisRobert Eborn about 1926
LindrasTore Aborn about 1885
LinnMable Sborn about 1865
LinnWilliam Aborn about 1856
LinttClara born about 1899
LinttClifford born about 1898
LinttDoris born about 1922
LinttPatrice born about 1924
LodgeEarl born about 1911
LongEvelyn born about 1911
LongHarold Gborn about 1904
LongHarold Jborn about 1929
LongJean born about 1910
LongJesse Pborn about 1876
LongLester born about 1905
LongLester Rborn about 1932
LongMillie Mborn about 1877
LoweSidney born about 1895
LubelAnton Wborn about 1868
LubelMargaret born about 1877
LubelWilliam born about 1894
LueckFred born about 1893

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M Surnames

MageeMargaret born about 1916
MayberryEmmett born about 1913
McAulayElmer born about 1923
McBainHilda born about 1901
McBainJohn Lborn about 1903
McIntyreDonald born about 1938
McIntyreElsie born about 1922
McIntyreLarry born about 1939
McIntyreRobert born about 1918
McKeemanCharles Rborn about 1864
McLeanAdelene born about 1900
McLeanBruce Aborn about 1901
McLeanJoseph Aborn about 1875
McLeanMarjorie Annborn about 1937
McLeanMary Aliceborn about 1932
McNellNell born about 1878
MeadTom born about 1895
MedinaGeorge born about 1909
MersonettArista B Jrborn about 1899
MersonettDean born about 1933
MersonettFrancis born about 1931
MersonettJean born about 1933
MersonettKatherine born about 1895
MersonettLavera born about 1929
MersonettMargarite born about 1925
MersonettRichard born about 1926
MeyerCharles Hborn about 1886
MeyerEdith Eborn about 1890
MichenerJ Royborn about 1890
MichenerJoy born about 1928
MichenerMarvin born about 1921
MichenerRuby born about 1892
MichenerVern born about 1916
MolinderJohn born about 1879
MooreRobert born about 1895
MorrisonEllen born about 1931
MorrisonGuy born about 1901
MorrisonHila born about 1938
MorrisonVera born about 1908
MorvinIda Mborn about 1873
MorvinWilliam Aborn about 1871
MotterAllen born about 1928
MotterElize born about 1903
MotterHarold Aborn about 1899

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N Surnames

NielsenFlorence born about 1914
NielsenJacque born about 1938
NielsenJane born about 1937
NielsenLloyd Nborn about 1912
NielsenMary Ellenborn about 1939
NielsenRobert born about 1935
NielsonDorothy born about 1914
NielsonEugene born about 1922
NielsonLester born about 1925
NielsonNiels Cborn about 1889
NielsonOlga born about 1894
NielsonRamona born about 1929
NielsonRudolph born about 1915
NielsonVirgil born about 1918
NolandBernice born about 1913
NolandE Johnborn about 1905

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O Surnames

OneilClayton born about 1919
OneilGeraldine born about 1923
OneillHugh born about 1900
OstergraddHarold born about 1919
OwenAlbert born about 1890
OwensMinnie born about 1874

P Surnames

PaceEmma born about 1908
PaceIrene born about 1928
PaceRobert Hborn about 1907
PascheChristine born about 1905
PascheMarjorie born about 1933
PaschePaul born about 1900
PascheRaymond born about 1930
PassageMarjorie Annborn about 1924
PeaseGeorge born about 1865
PeaseSidney born about
PennLloyd born about 1915
PerisngerLemuel born about 1891
PerkinsAndie born about 1900
PersingerAnna born about 1898
PersingerCharles born about 1889
PersingerClifford Jamesborn about 1931
PersingerDonald Leeborn about 1933
PersingerMarie born about 1907
PersingerSim Bborn about 1901
PersingerWesley Geneborn about 1929
PeterFrank born about 1894
PeterHarley Hborn about 1878
PeterJereine born about 1899
PeterJoyce born about 1928
PeterMildred born about 1887
PeterRussell born about 1922
PetersonEdith born about 1892
PetersonKenneth born about 1922
PetersonPeter Aborn about 1890
PetersonRaymond born about 1923
PullramDoris born about 1902
PullramDoris born about 1921
PullramEltz born about 1901
PullramGloria born about 1933
PullramMelvin born about 1924
PullramRonald born about 1920

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Q Surnames

QuastCharlie born about 1928
QuastGertrude born about 1926
QuastGuttlieb Aborn about 1887
QuastMarie born about 1888
QuastNelson born about 1920

R Surnames

ReaIrwin born about 1888
ReymoreArther Lborn about 1883
ReymoreEtta born about 1927
ReymoreHoward born about 1918
ReymoreMabel born about 1887
ReymoreRuth born about 1923
RichardsonAdam Jr born about 1930
RichardsonAdams born about 1887
RichardsonArzona born about 1895
RichardsonEula born about 1919
RichardsonFreeda born about 1924
RichardsonLeda born about 1917
RichardsonMarie born about 1923
RichardsonMary born about 1928
RichardsonMatthews born about 1921
RichardsonMaudine born about 1921
RichardsonNoah born about 1932
RichardsonPaul born about 1925
RobbinsMarian Hborn about 1897
RobbinsNorman Eborn about 1897
RossJean born about 1871
RossJohn born about 1866
RossonDorothy born about 1927
RossonLellie born about 1901
RossonRobert born about 1925
RussertCarl born about 1926
RussertLillie born about 1922
RussertLouis born about 1885
RussertLouis Jr born about 1929
RussertLouise born about 1891
RussertMarilyn born about 1940
RussertMartin born about 1914
RussertWert born about 1922
RutherfordBetty Jenaborn about 1928

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S Surnames

SandsFred Eborn about 1880
SandsNora Annborn about 1880
SchmelzerArnold born about 1938
SchmelzerCarol born about 1935
SchmelzerJean born about 1939
SchmelzerJohn Rborn about 1910
SchmelzerLaura born about 1916
SchmelzerLoretta born about 1933
SchurrElva Fborn about 1886
SchurrJoseph Hborn about 1877
SchutzEsther born about 1906
SchutzGeorge Gborn about 1890
SchutzHenry born about 1930
SchutzHoward born about 1938
SchutzRichard born about 1928
SchutzRussell born about 1935
SmithClaude Sborn about 1926
SmithLeslie Jborn about 1878
SmithMinnie Bborn about 1884
SpragueJames Dborn about 1880
StaleyGertrude born about 1897
StaleyNeal born about 1892
StaybaughAudrey born about 1933
StoyEarl Pborn about 1883
StoyIra Zborn about 1878
SuhnIda born about 1899
SuhnOtto born about 1898

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T Surnames

TalbottJoseph Bborn about 1890
TalbottMinnie Eborn about 1898
TalbottPhilip born about 1923
TalbottWilson born about 1920
TeramotoCharlie born about 1890
TeramotoCharlie born about 1924
TeramotoFusayo born about 1885
TeramotoWilliam born about 1921
ToddAllen born about 1935
ToddRaymond born about 1913
ToddViolet born about 1918
TodlreinterJulia born about 1922
ToffLawana born about 1939
ToffOrpha born about 1908
ToffWilliam Aborn about 1925
ToffWilliam Dborn about 1902
TweetDavid Rborn about 1920
TweetEdward Cborn about 1886
TweetEmma Rborn about 1893
TweetJohn Hborn about 1917

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U Surnames

UrlockerAlvena born about 1902
UrlockerArnold born about 1936
UrlockerLeonard born about 1903
UrlockerRuby born about 1929
UrlockerVernon born about 1931

V Surnames

VanpattenBen born about 1895
VanpattenJeraldine born about 1933
VanpattenMargaret born about 1902
VanpattenPatricia Annborn about 1929

W Surnames

WallLillian born about 1919
WardMargaret born about 1921
WardRoland born about 1939
WardTroy born about 1917
WashburnClara born about 1898
WashburnGeorge Rborn about 1885
WattsRuby born about 1887
WazenaorBonita born about 1931
WazenaorElma born about 1908
WazenaorGilbert born about 1927
WazenaorLeonard Aborn about 1907
WeiggardsElsie born about 1893
WeiggardsGlenn born about 1924
WeiggardsLeona Maeborn about 1928
WeiggardsSamuel born about 1892
WiegandArthur Rborn about 1923
WiegandMargaret Lborn about 1929
WiegandRhoda Eborn about 1897
WiegandWalter Rborn about 1892
WiegandWilbur Eborn about 1919
WillcutsAlvena born about 1908
WillcutsJohnny born about 1934
WillcutsMalven born about 1932
WillcutsMarie born about 1930
WillcutsMarjorie born about 1931
WillcutsRoland born about 1906
WillcutsSylvia born about 1940
WilliamClayton Cborn about 1909
WilliamsAlice born about 1913
WilliamsArthur born about 1937
WilliamsCharles Mborn about 1903
WilliamsIrene born about 1935
WinslowEdith born about 1921
WinslowElsie born about 1910
WinslowEva Maeborn about 1935
WinslowIla Raeborn about 1937
WinslowMarshall born about 1907
WinslowMartha born about 1895
WinslowOscar Pborn about 1891
WithersAlva born about 1881
WithersHoward Wborn about 1878
WoodruffLibbie Fborn about 1889
WoodruffSelah Rborn about 1881
WurtzLinley born about 1922

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Y Surnames

YamagamiHarry born about 1887
YamagamiMary born about 1934
YamagamiShitzie born about 1902
YappJay born about 1920
YarboroughAlleda born about 1934
YarboroughMildred born about 1912
YoungJohn born about 1875

Z Surnames

ZehlAugust born about 1858

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