1940 U.S. Federal Census of Springfield, Grays Harbor, Washington

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Washington > Grays Harbor County > 1940 Census of Springfield

B Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

B Surnames

BeanGerdrude Sborn about 1903
BeanRosel Aborn about 1902
BevandichAna born about 1892
BevandichEnna born about 1929
BevandichLewis born about 1925
BevandichMichal born about 1921
BevandichRosy born about 1927
BlozevichAnton born about 1926
BlozevichHelen born about 1928
BlozevichMica born about 1892
BlozevichWilliam born about 1886
BolfJoseph born about 1895
BolfJosephine born about 1902
BolfMary Jborn about 1937
BolfWalter born about 1934
BozinRoko born about 1870
BuegeGeorge born about 1873
BurdickAnna born about 1920
BurdickMary born about 1917
BurdickOlga born about 1925
BurdickStanly born about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DedeFrank born about 1918
DedeFred born about 1871
DedeJosephine born about 1873
DragicevichJohn born about 1887
DragicevichJohn born about 1923
DragicevichTeresa born about 1893

E Surnames

EatonDorty born about 1921
EatonGerry born about 1940
EatonLee born about 1918

F Surnames

FranciscoEvyln born about 1880
FranciscoJohn born about 1899
FranciscoVenc born about 1910
FranciscoVenko born about 1869

G Surnames

GalickJohn born about 1880
GalickJohn Jborn about 1907
GalickMargerd born about 1887
GalickRudolph born about 1911
GetsonRoko born about 1875
GetsonRoy born about 1915
GetsonTilda born about 1881

H Surnames

HedgpethAnn born about 1923
HedgpethCharley Kborn about 1887
HedgpethGrace Jborn about 1890
HedgpethKenet Hborn about 1913
HenclJohn Wborn about 1905
HenclLina born about 1876

I Surnames

IomsErik born about 1884
IskraDana born about 1921
IskraEnna born about 1926
IskraJohn born about 1925
IskraMaxo born about 1915
IskraMick Mborn about 1888
IskraSlareko born about 1914
IskraStefania born about 1889

J Surnames

JohnsonSeymor born about 1914

K Surnames

KallioAna Sborn about 1894
KallioAnita born about 1925
KallioHillda Sborn about 1923
KallioJack Aborn about 1884
KeyBetty Jborn about 1929
KeyBilly Rborn about 1932
KeyBobby Jborn about 1932
KeyDonalee born about 1933
KeyGrady born about 1899
KeyLucille born about 1927
KeyMarie born about 1924
KeyRoy born about 1934
KeyVettres born about 1908
KeyWilliamae born about 1937
KingAlver born about 1912
KingGlenn born about 1903
KingIrwin born about 1935
KlopekAngllin born about 1926
KlopekFrances born about 1926
KlopekJoe born about 1915
KlopekJohn born about 1918
KlopekJoseph born about 1881
KlopekMary born about 1883
KlopekRose born about 1922
KrantzAmer born about 1865
KruegerGrace Iborn about 1902
KruegerMadine Cborn about 1933
KruegerValgen Rborn about 1931
KruegerWalter Rborn about 1898
KruegerWalter Rborn about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LemikSame born about 1865

M Surnames

MaresAndrew born about 1911
MaresJohn born about 1875
MaresMary Rborn about 1882
MarrGeorge born about 1913
MaselLawrence born about 1896
McKinnyArdelia Fborn about 1909
McKinnyJohn Rborn about 1930
McKinnyLorgan born about 1934
McKinnyNelson born about 1896
McKinnyRosemary born about 1927
McKinnyWilliam Nborn about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NorystramAgnes born about 1908
NorystramHarry born about 1928
NorystramHarryet born about 1930
NorystramMick born about 1933
NorystramOlive born about 1876
NorystramTed born about 1906

P Surnames

PetrichDonald born about 1929
PetrichFrank born about 1905
PetrichMary born about 1911
PetrichThomas born about 1935
PleshaGeorge born about 1919
PleshaHelen born about 1925
PleshaJosephine born about 1902
PleshaMatt born about 1923
PleshaTony born about 1896
PolichFrank born about 1919
PolichJoe born about 1916
PolichJohn born about 1883
PolichJohn born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RukishJoe born about 1883

S Surnames

SatlowMat born about 1888
SertichAnna born about 1926
SertichAnton born about 1914
SertichAntonia born about 1893
SertichJohn born about 1929
SertichNick born about 1925
SertichNik born about 1881
SihanViktor born about 1894
SlyeHarry Cborn about 1905
SlyeNellie born about 1909
SnayderMary born about 1874
SnayderMat born about 1882
StarkovichBozo born about 1875
StarkovichBozo born about 1923
SuddarthBetty Jborn about 1929
SuddarthJames Oborn about 1933
SuddarthJanings born about 1920
SuddarthLetho Jborn about 1897
SuddarthMartha Bborn about 1935
SuddarthPetter born about 1925
SuddarthWill Bborn about 1897

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TametichJohn born about 1914
TametichPhilip born about 1889
TametichPhilip Cborn about 1913

W Surnames

WallersteadCecil Aborn about 1904
WallersteadCecil Mborn about 1939
WallersteadWilma Lborn about 1914
WilliamsAlles born about 1925
WilliamsArnold Cborn about 1926
WilliamsCalvin born about 1898
WilliamsIsola born about 1904

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