1940 U.S. Federal Census of Walnut Grove in Benton County, Benton, Washington

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Washington > Benton County > 1940 Census of Walnut Grove in Benton County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AbelDaniel born about 1913
AbelGeorgia born about 1932
AbelLeona born about 1914
AbelLois born about 1935
AbelSylvi born about 1938
AdamsE Jborn about 1890
AdamsHelen born about 1936
AdamsSelma born about 1902
AllenCelia born about 1874
AllenDoff Tborn about 1901
AllenDuane born about 1927
AllenHarry Dborn about 1932
AllenNorma Dborn about 1908
AllenUgene Lborn about 1929
AndrewsAnna born about 1899
AndrewsIrfa born about 1895

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B Surnames

BallmeierEarl born about 1911
BallmeierEmma born about 1912
BarhartAltha born about 1914
BarhartLawrence born about 1917
BartoCaroline born about 1885
BartoMartin born about 1880
BerghouseJack born about 1916
BerghouseJessie born about 1919
BlondoMargaret born about 1917
BlondoWalter born about 1917
BohlkeGerald born about 1938
BohlkeLaura born about 1910
BohlkeTravis born about 1908
BollmeierAlbert born about 1889
BonifasIrma born about 1917
BonifasJimmie Lborn about 1937
BonifasMary Eborn about 1936
BonifasWilliam born about 1904
BranchiJoe born about 1880
BranchiMary born about 1882
BrantHarry born about 1895
BrantHelen born about 1931
BrantLucille born about 1902
BrantMelvin born about 1920
BrantShirley born about 1919
BrantWilmer Vborn about 1919
BrettEdward born about 1934
BrettEileen born about 1926
BrettHester born about 1903
BrettLewis born about 1937
BrettMarian born about 1927
BrettRalph born about 1900
BrettVirginia born about 1930
BridgerBetty Jborn about 1930
BridgerChester Lborn about 1899
BridgerLeota Vborn about 1914
BridgerLeroy Dborn about 1933
BridgerRonald born about 1940
BridgerWanda born about 1935
BronkhorstHarry born about 1907
BronkhorstLaurene born about 1935
BronkhorstLillian born about 1914
BrudinsJim born about 1879
BrudinsVictor born about 1923
BrudinsVictoria born about 1886
BrulotteAmos born about 1914
BryanCarol Aborn about 1927
BryanLawrence Aborn about 1939
BryanOlga born about 1903
BryanWilliam Tborn about 1904
BryanWilma Aborn about 1930
BurtonMary born about 1890
BurtonMeddie born about 1890

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C Surnames

CarpenterBertha born about 1879
CarpenterW Jborn about 1873
CarrFranklin Hborn about 1924
CarrJames Hborn about 1884
CarrLuetta born about 1889
CarrRuth Mborn about 1922
CarrWilliam Hborn about 1924
CarrierClara born about 1916
CarrierWilliam born about 1914
CartlegeJohn born about 1884
CartlegeLorene Mborn about 1889
CavettAdrian born about 1916
CavettAnna Mborn about 1936
CavettBuna Belleborn about 1911
CavettLydia born about 1911
CavettMary Lborn about 1934
CavettPaul Sborn about 1908
CavettWilla born about 1880
CavettWilla Bborn about 1937
CherryDavid born about 1938
CherryLyle born about 1915
CherryVelma born about 1919
ChristnesenEdith born about 1910
ChristnesenHarry Vborn about 1905
ChristnesenPhyllis born about 1933
ClarkEvon born about 1938
ClarkGeorge Wborn about 1893
ClarkGeorge Wborn about 1918
ClarkLelia born about 1919
ClarkNellie born about 1922
ClarkNora Lborn about 1896
ClarkRobert born about 1920
ClarkVernon born about 1903
ClaryAlex born about 1898
ClaryDale born about 1932
ClaryDonald born about 1934
ClaryDorothy born about 1906
ClaryDorothy born about 1926
ClaryErma born about 1931
ClaryMuriel born about 1927
CollinsCharlene born about 1930
CollinsCharles born about 1896
CollinsLeone born about 1901
ConatserArlene born about 1925
ConatserE Lborn about 1895
ConatserJames Cborn about 1922
ConatserLena born about 1896
CornelisWilliam born about 1921
CrabtreeGrace born about 1902
CrabtreeHoward born about 1925
CrabtreeR Vborn about 1902
CrabtreeStella born about 1923
CrismanAustin Jborn about 1871
CrismanFrank Gborn about 1918
CrossAlma Cborn about 1890
CrossDonald born about 1920
CrossKeith born about 1923
CrossLuther Jborn about 1929
CuattSam born about 1918
CuattViola born about 1923

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D Surnames

DaltonFrank Jborn about 1878
DaltonHazel born about 1927
DaltonLester Wborn about 1926
DaltonMargaret Iborn about 1886
DaltonMyrtie Eborn about 1926
DickieC Rborn about 1891
DickieCharles born about 1863
DickieLyle born about 1924
DickieMaud born about 1893
DillingF Eborn about 1886
DillingMartha Wborn about 1890
DillingRoy born about 1921
DuncanJ Aborn about 1869
DuncanMartha born about 1878

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E Surnames

EmmettAnnie Mborn about 1883
EmmettBilly born about 1925
EmmettMargaret born about 1927
EmmettWilliam born about 1880
EnyeartAlvin born about 1925
EnyeartBessie born about 1904
EnyeartDonna born about 1928
EnyeartJess born about 1893
EnyeartLoretta born about 1931
EnyeartVernie born about 1938

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F Surnames

FannieGeorge born about 1929
FannieJessie born about 1905
FannieLon born about 1903
FannieMary Lonborn about 1928
FannieVirginia born about 1933
FloryC Aborn about 1894
FloryGrant born about 1924
FloryJames born about 1928
FloryMary born about 1893
FunkAlfred Eborn about 1882
FunkRose born about 1884
FunkVirginia born about 1927
FurmanCarl Wborn about 1939
FurmanCarol Vborn about 1920
FurmanWilliam Eborn about 1938
FurmanWilliam Hborn about 1914
FyleFrank Eborn about 1886
FyleGeorgia Lborn about 1886
FyleWard Rborn about 1913

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G Surnames

GamacheAldea born about 1920
GamacheDaniel born about 1939
GamacheErnest born about 1920
GamacheNancy born about 1940
GambleEdward Lborn about 1926
GambleGeorge Lborn about 1892
GambleGerald Vborn about 1920
GambleGerome Fborn about 1928
GambleLoretta Fborn about 1894
GambleMary born about 1864
GamblePatricia Lborn about 1930
GambleVeronica Rborn about 1923
GatzkeGus born about 1892
GatzkeMartha born about 1885
GatzkeWilliam born about 1894
GaviornoLena born about 1927
GaviornoMargaret born about 1907
GaviornoPete born about 1901
GoodJack born about 1871
GoodLaura born about 1879
GorgensonLawrence born about 1917
GranboElle Pborn about 1860
GranboHattie Mborn about 1886
GranboJohn Pborn about 1873
GranboLila Mborn about 1927
GressElsie born about 1918
GressLeo born about 1914
GuisonCarl born about 1923
GuisonDelta born about 1925
GuisonDess born about 1897
GuisonIra born about 1900
GuisonLeroy born about 1919
GuisonLina born about 1934

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H Surnames

HamiltonCarrie born about 1882
HamiltonParker born about 1880
HanesO Mborn about 1866
HarrisG Eborn about 1906
HarrisKenneth born about 1928
HarrisVera born about 1913
HarrisonBetty Jborn about 1930
HarrisonGeorge Bborn about 1889
HarrisonStella born about 1901
HarrmanRachel born about 1919
HarrmanWalter born about 1917
HausenA Jborn about 1883
HausenJohana born about 1885
HeathDonald born about 1919
HeathLila Lborn about 1924
HintonE Iborn about 1911
HintonNaomi born about 1912
HortonEarl Sborn about 1885
HortonGailar born about 1920
HortonMinnie Jborn about 1895
HuffElner born about 1925
HuffJohn born about 1924

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I Surnames

IvintusLucy born about 1902
IvintusM Jborn about 1896
IvintusMaxine born about 1930
IvintusWallace born about 1923

J Surnames

JacksonBella Mborn about 1874
JacksonFrank Pborn about 1871
JacksonHelen born about 1914
JacksonPerry Tborn about 1912
JacobsBetty Jborn about 1934
JacobsR Hborn about 1888
JacobsonDelarice born about 1927
JacobsonIrene born about 1898
JacobsonJean born about 1923
JacobsonMarcille born about 1925
JamisonFranklin born about 1934
JamisonGeogiana born about 1928
JamisonGeorgia born about 1909
JamisonHenrietta born about 1930
JamisonVaughn Cborn about 1907
JamisonVaughu born about 1926
JohnstonDonald Lborn about 1925
JohnstonHarold born about 1892
JohnstonLydia Eborn about 1893
JohnstonPaul Jborn about 1919
JonesE Jborn about 1879
JonesEva born about 1882
JonesJohn Eborn about 1874
JonesLaverne born about 1921
JonesSarah Eborn about 1877

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K Surnames

KennardCharles Lborn about 1889
KennardDoris born about 1915
KennardElizabeth born about 1889
KennardEverett born about 1924
KennardOrville born about 1915
KennardOscar born about 1927
KleebergerMartha born about 1860
KroghLewis born about 1909
KroghMyrth born about 1911
KutschCharles born about 1887

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L Surnames

LambrechtEdwin born about 1887
LambrechtMinnie born about 1866
LawtonWalter born about 1910
LindhA Hborn about 1876
LindhGloria born about 1937
LindhHelen born about 1905
LindhMabel born about 1876
LindhMarvin born about 1936
LindhRonald Hborn about 1907
LundHenry Rborn about 1915
LundLucille born about 1915

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M Surnames

MaynardByron born about 1935
MaynardKenneth born about 1937
McKeenDarrell born about 1935
McKeenJames Aborn about 1933
McKeenJames Hborn about 1905
McKeenMildred Lborn about 1937
McKeenRuby born about 1915
MeansEd Wborn about 1898
MeryhenEthel born about 1912
MeryhenLa Verne born about 1934
MeryhenNives Lborn about 1912
MeryhenOrville born about 1935
MeryhenShirley born about 1939
MeyerLorainne Jborn about 1936
MeyerLoretta Mborn about 1933
MeyerMae born about 1908
MeyerUgene Rborn about 1908
MillerC Wborn about 1876
MohrC Cborn about 1877
MohrHarvey born about 1914
MohrJulia born about 1891
MohrLloyd born about 1919
MohrOrpha born about 1881
MohrTheodore born about 1889
MohrTheodore born about 1925
MooreEileen born about 1922
MooreFrancis born about 1919
MooreGerald born about 1924
MooreJames born about 1935
MooreKathleen born about 1920
MooreKeith born about 1933
MooreLillian born about 1900
MooreReginald born about 1927
MooreW Gborn about 1888

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N Surnames

NelsonOrlie born about 1906
NelsonRosia born about 1900
NixonA Vborn about 1900
NixonEdna born about 1906
NixonGene born about 1928
NortonAlva Wborn about 1923
NortonAlvina born about 1893
NortonBetty Mborn about 1927
NortonGeorge Eborn about 1925
NortonGeorge Jborn about 1878
NortonMary Aborn about 1929

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O Surnames

OstromJohn born about 1863

P Surnames

PerryFrancis born about 1927
PontiJoseph born about 1866
PontiMartin Jborn about 1899
PrattJames Wborn about 1871

R Surnames

RagsdaleEleanor born about 1931
RagsdaleGrace born about 1905
RagsdaleMadeline born about 1935
RagsdaleOtto born about 1903
RagsdaleRobert born about 1938
RhynardArlene born about 1924
RhynardLaon born about 1932
RhynardOlive born about 1899
RhynardOliver born about 1896
RhynardRaymond born about 1930
RhynardWilbert born about 1926
RieberArlene born about 1938
RieberDarrell born about 1934
RieberDora born about 1904
RieberGeorge born about 1906
RobertsAnna born about 1888
RockDonna born about 1928
RockGertrude born about 1898
RockKenneth born about 1919
RockMildred born about 1921
RockMorris Lborn about 1893
RosenbergMelvin born about 1923
RussellMargaret born about 1869

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S Surnames

SareneAlice born about 1921
SareneHarvey born about 1919
SareneLaura born about 1877
SarenePalme born about 1909
SaundersMaud born about 1874
SaundersNina born about 1876
SchaferAlbert born about 1884
ScheopflinBertha born about 1892
ScheopflinWilliam Fborn about 1883
ScottDewey born about 1896
ScottEdna born about 1904
ScottElla born about 1926
ScottLinda born about 1940
ScottMarie born about 1937
ScottRobert born about 1931
ScottWayne born about 1929
SentleJake born about 1874
ShoemakerMarjorie born about 1914
ShoemakerRoy born about 1913
SimmonGerald Oborn about 1918
SimmonO Eborn about 1900
SimpsonLay born about 1905
SimpsonLe Roy born about 1896
SimpsonPatricia born about 1926
SmasneCharles born about 1913
SmasneFrances born about 1937
SmasneMarie born about 1919
SmasneMary born about 1920
SmithBertha born about 1924
SmithClyde Rborn about 1906
SmithCora born about 1926
SmithDale born about 1933
SmithDon born about 1924
SmithElizabeth born about 1913
SmithEthel born about 1898
SmithHelen born about 1893
SmithHelen born about 1908
SmithMurray born about 1925
SmithRowlin born about 1929
SmithStella born about 1920
SmithWarren born about 1931
SmithWillard born about 1894
SottonLonzo born about 1916
SpancerAimee born about 1877
SpancerKenneth born about 1917
SpancerLorene born about 1912
SpancerWilliam born about 1877
StrompMary Jborn about 1925
StromvoldAnna Mborn about 1885
StromvoldOlaf born about 1871
StroussCharles born about 1931
StroussCharles Aborn about 1893
StroussHerbert born about 1921
StroussRoe born about 1899
SundyrossLeslie Mborn about 1889
SundyrossRaymond Aborn about 1931
SwansonAnnie Gborn about 1876
SwansonCharles Aborn about 1874

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T Surnames

TeachElmer born about 1874
ThearAnna born about 1931
ThearEva born about 1928
ThearJulia born about 1934
ThearMarianna born about 1927
ThearMike born about 1924
ThomasBell born about 1865
ThompsonLizzie born about 1879
TonningBethine born about 1934
TonningH Aborn about 1885
TonningOpha born about 1892
TonningOrpha born about 1923
TranwolaGeorge Bborn about 1905
TranwolaStella Mborn about 1914
TreenMary Cborn about 1886
TreenThomas Sborn about 1879
TwiggsFrances born about 1902
TwiggsO Bborn about 1900

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V Surnames

VinsonJanice born about 1938
VinsonVerna born about 1914

W Surnames

WattsLillian born about 1876
WattsS Pborn about 1872
WeissAnna Mayborn about 1937
WeissFred born about 1905
WeissMarie born about 1915
WeissRachel Jborn about 1939
WhiteFrank Eborn about 1869
WhiteMarion Lborn about 1874
WilhelmAgnes born about 1895
WilhelmJacob born about 1888
WilhelmWillard born about 1917
WilkinsClaire born about 1916
WilkinsHarold Eborn about 1890
WilkinsJoyce born about 1921
WilkinsJun Bborn about 1892
WilsonIra born about 1870
WistonAnna Kborn about 1877
WistonHarold born about 1909
WistonJohn Fborn about 1872
WolfeDean born about 1939
WolfeDuane Cborn about 1933
WolfeElsie born about 1912
WolfeGeorge born about 1911
WolfeTracey Dborn about 1936
WoodwardBarbara born about 1926
WoodwardGeorge Wborn about 1881
WoodwardGlen Mborn about 1924
WoodwardKenneth born about 1928
WoodwardKieth born about 1928
WoodwardMinnie born about 1888
WrightAlverda Mborn about 1873
WrightHulet born about 1862
WrightHulet Omborn about 1897

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