1940 U.S. Federal Census of Wynooche, Grays Harbor, Washington

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Washington > Grays Harbor County > 1940 Census of Wynooche

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsAnna Mborn about 1925
AdamsHarriett Eborn about 1901
AdamsHoward Wborn about 1910
AdamsJoy Eborn about 1931
AdamsLorine Vborn about 1930
AdamsRobert Eborn about 1927

B Surnames

BaconEllis Rborn about 1915
BannAddie born about 1890
BannAlvis Hborn about 1930
BannHoward Aborn about 1891
BialkoskiBernice born about 1924
BialkoskiJohn born about 1904
BialkoskiLeo born about 1879
BialkoskiMargaret born about 1876
BialkoskiRichard born about 1939
BialkoskiSarah born about 1908
BialkoskiTed Iborn about 1917
BialkoskiTheodore Jborn about 1938
BilowGrace Iborn about 1889
BilowGuy Lborn about 1886
BirdwellAlice born about 1900
BirdwellLaura born about 1876
BirdwellMary Lborn about 1906
BlevinsJohn Tborn about 1873
BlevinsMartha born about 1875
BowmanRoy born about 1892
BryantEdda Bborn about 1875
BurbankBillie Aborn about 1869
BurgesFrank Rborn about 1891

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C Surnames

CaldwellArden born about 1903
CaldwellAva Mborn about 1935
CaldwellAvaril Eborn about 1914
CaldwellClifford Vborn about 1908
CaldwellIvan born about 1939
CaldwellMillie born about 1868
CaldwellSharon born about 1939
CaldwellVance Cborn about 1937
CaldwellWilliam Rborn about 1860
CloughRoy born about 1916
CrassAlvin Cborn about 1938
CrassBurla Jborn about 1927
CrassDonna Aborn about 1936
CrassEdith born about 1897
CrassElizabeth born about 1873
CrassEmma Lborn about 1905
CrassJune Mborn about 1924
CrassL A Gilbersonborn about 1878
CrassLoren Wborn about 1926
CrassOrvill Eborn about 1929
CrassRoss Lborn about 1930
CrassThoms born about 1871
CrassWalter Vborn about 1894
CrassWillard born about 1902
CulverClifford born about 1920

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D Surnames

DagnanDora born about 1887
DagnanJohn born about 1865
DagnanWalter born about 1921
DagnenEdna Mborn about 1918
DagnenMorris Jborn about 1915
DarbyIda Eborn about 1877
DarbyWilliam Fborn about 1866
DobranskyDean born about 1936
DobranskyFrank born about 1919
DobranskyLeo born about 1907
DobranskyMarceli born about 1903
DobranskyMargaret born about 1884
DobranskySylvester born about 1910
DobranskyVera born about 1912
DragichJoe born about 1889

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E Surnames

EckmanChristen born about 1874
EdwardsIra Oborn about 1881
EdwardsLeah Eborn about 1890

F Surnames

FishJames Oborn about 1903
FishVernon Wborn about 1905
FosjackWilliam born about 1904
FosterJulia Mborn about 1900
FosterWalter Jborn about 1899
FosterWarren born about 1929
FryBarbara born about 1939
FryClara born about 1892
FryDelbert born about 1923
FryDora Lborn about 1903
FryJohn Fborn about 1890
FryMabel Cborn about 1903
FryMargie Pborn about 1924
FryMildred Eborn about 1920
FryOliver Eborn about 1916
FryRobert Mborn about 1907
FryWayne Jborn about 1896
FryWesly born about 1927

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G Surnames

GallowayJoane born about 1938
GallowayLawern Aborn about 1901
GallowayMartha Jborn about 1938
GallowayThelma Eborn about 1913
GibersonAllen Wborn about 1921
GibersonFrank Hborn about 1913
GibersonWendall Jborn about 1881
GuvanRoy born about 1880

H Surnames

HannochMarion born about 1915
HarrisAnnis Lborn about 1886
HarrisEscoe Iborn about 1890
HattonBenjamin born about 1935
HattonDorthy Mborn about 1914
HattonJames born about 1896
HenningAlford Hborn about 1907
HenningDaisy Bborn about 1897
HollingworthAlice Mborn about 1921
HollingworthEdward Bborn about 1913
HollingworthJames Hborn about 1923

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J Surnames

JacobsonSydny Dborn about 1891
JacobsonUnice born about 1897

K Surnames

KauzlrichAlbert born about 1904
KauzlrichJanita Lborn about 1936
KauzlrichMickey Aborn about 1932
KauzlrichRose Mborn about 1938
KauzlrichWilma Lborn about 1911
KelleyHelen born about 1900
KelleyJean Earlborn about 1933
KelleyLillia Mborn about 1931
KempLee born about 1896
KempNellie born about 1900
KendallWilliam born about 1855
KingCharles born about 1918
KingMay Eborn about 1883
KingMazie born about 1920
KingWilliam born about 1867
KorneliusenAndrew born about 1882
KorneliusenMartha Jborn about 1890
KuganMary born about 1885
KuganPeter born about 1882

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L Surnames

LawsonMickey Jborn about 1886
LawsonRose Lborn about 1891
LivingtonLillian born about 1921

M Surnames

MabrayBetty born about 1922
MabrayFlo born about 1898
MabrayThelma born about 1927
MabrayWarren Lborn about 1888
MarshallCharley born about 1880
McDonaldAnna Lborn about 1915
McDonaldJ Wborn about 1897
McDonaldLuiarm born about 1940
McDonaldRobert Aborn about 1914
McNaughtonDonald Kborn about 1873
McNaughtonLillian Bborn about 1876
McNaughtonRichard Hborn about 1919
MonossoCleo Lborn about 1935
MonossoDale Oborn about 1938
MonossoIma Aborn about 1921
MonossoRaphel Wborn about 1914
MonossoRichard Wborn about 1939
MurgroueClaude born about 1905

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N Surnames

NilsonBlanche born about 1897
NilsonJohn Lborn about 1922
NilsonLouis Nborn about 1893

P Surnames

PetersonAdele Jborn about 1931
PetersonBernice Nborn about 1899
PetersonEmory Tborn about 1906
PetersonEnoch Aborn about 1903
PetersonOliver Lborn about 1927
PetersonRoba born about 1909

Q Surnames

QuinbyCharles born about 1866

R Surnames

RangFredrick born about 1915
RangSandra born about 1938
RangVelma born about 1919
RasmussenAlfred born about 1886
RasmussenElyn Lborn about 1898
RasmussenMary Lborn about 1927
RileyBlanch Mborn about 1927
RileyCalvin Lborn about 1926
RileyCarman Rborn about 1934
RileyJames Rborn about 1899
RileyRuth Eborn about 1893
RogersClarence Tborn about 1871
RogersJack born about 1896
RoseThomas born about 1918

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S Surnames

SchmidtAlfred Jborn about 1901
SchmidtArnold Jborn about 1924
SchmidtDon Wborn about 1926
SchmidtKatherine Mborn about 1906
SchmidtKathleen Lborn about 1934
SimonsHarry Bborn about 1884
SimonsMary Rborn about 1892
SimonsRobert Lborn about 1926

T Surnames

TaylorAmanda Lborn about 1897
TaylorEugene born about 1892
TaylorIras Gborn about 1928
TaylorJeane Mborn about 1937
TaylorJohn Hborn about 1868
TaylorLeona born about 1907
TaylorRobert Lborn about 1895
TeboEvlyn born about 1929
TinnerstetGeorge Eborn about 1889
TinnerstetGeorgie Fborn about 1888

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U Surnames

UlokovickJohn born about 1920

V Surnames

ValentineAlice Lborn about 1900
ValentineAnna Pborn about 1918
ValentineClarence born about 1938
ValentineDoris born about 1928
ValentineEverestine born about 1924
ValentineHarold born about 1934
ValentineJerald born about 1927
ValentineRalph Cborn about 1920
ValentineRichard born about 1922
ValentineSilver Bborn about 1896
ValentineUnice born about 1924
ValentineVera born about 1930

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W Surnames

WadeArdella Aborn about 1876
WadeCharles Cborn about 1869
WhitneyGoldie Mborn about 1898
WhitneyMathew Tborn about 1898
WhitneyRobert Eborn about 1938
WhitneyWillis Rborn about 1936
WilkieBen Tborn about 1884
WilkieGordon Bborn about 1890
WilkieMarvel Kborn about 1891
WilkieMarvin Kborn about 1912
WilkieRobert Eborn about 1888
WilkieRobert Lborn about 1916
WillisGeorge born about 1904
WincewiczAnnie born about 1926
WincewiczBennie born about 1893
WincewiczBillie born about 1929
WincewiczCharley born about 1925
WincewiczClara born about 1912
WincewiczEdward born about 1919
WincewiczFrank born about 1883
WincewiczJessie born about 1928
WincewiczStany born about 1916
WrightEarl Iborn about 1889
WrightEdward Wborn about 1938
WrightFlorence Iborn about 1922
WrightHarold born about 1922
WrightHelen born about 1931
WrightHoward born about 1924
WrightMartin born about 1917
WrightMary Hborn about 1895
WrightRobert born about 1935
WrightRonald born about 1930
WrightWilliam Hborn about 1914

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