1940 U.S. Federal Census of Barker, Barbour, West Virginia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > West Virginia > Barbour County > 1940 Census of Barker

A SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesP SurnamesZ Surnames
H SurnamesQ Surnames
I SurnamesR Surnames

A Surnames

AayesKathline born about 1915
AayesLawrence born about 1905
AayesMartha Sueborn about 1939
AayesMary Louborn about 1939
AdamsBeverly Jeanborn about 1936
AdamsMayme born about 1900
AldokerDale born about 1939
AldokerGay born about 1914
AldokerJake born about 1909
AldokerWayne born about 1938
AllenClombus born about 1926
AndersonMartha born about 1913
AndersonMary Fborn about 1935
AndersonRichard born about 1939
AndersonThomas born about 1937
AndersonWm Eborn about 1910
ArbogastDoris born about 1930
ArbogastEveline born about 1891
ArbogastGeorge born about 1906
ArbogastMildred born about 1913
ArbogastNorman born about 1935
ArbogastOpal born about 1912
ArbogastPaul born about 1928
ArbogastRalph born about 1888
ArbogastW Sborn about 1865
ArbogustAdey born about 1904
ArbogustAdis born about 1899
ArbogustConstance born about 1929
ArbogustJoseph born about 1931
ArmentroutB Cborn about 1885
ArmentroutBernice born about 1931
ArmentroutBertha born about 1893
ArmentroutBetty Jborn about 1928
ArmentroutCarl born about 1914
ArmentroutCharlie born about 1916
ArmentroutEdith born about 1923
ArmentroutKatheen born about 1925
ArmentroutMelvin born about 1918
ArmentroutNellie born about 1920
ArmstrongAnna Leeborn about 1931
ArmstrongArlena born about 1858
ArmstrongBetty Joeborn about 1928
ArmstrongCora born about 1901
ArmstrongDonna Leeborn about 1939
ArmstrongHartsell born about 1922
ArmstrongHubert born about 1914
ArmstrongJounetia born about 1923
ArmstrongJunior born about 1935
ArmstrongMary Margretborn about 1933
ArmstrongPaul born about 1926
ArmstrongSwaze born about 1899
ArmstrongWilliam Jborn about 1893
ArnettMary born about 1890
ArnettW Aborn about 1890
AsbornePaul born about 1924
AshbyIlene born about 1912
AshbyPhra Aldenborn about 1917
AuvilBetty born about 1928
AuvilDallas born about 1888
AuvilDenzil born about 1924
AuvilDessie Jborn about 1919
AuvilEdna Eborn about 1940
AuvilEmery Tborn about 1932
AuvilEmmett Cborn about 1919
AuvilFloy born about 1887
AuvilGeorge born about 1926
AuvilGoldie born about 1900
AuvilJuanita Mborn about 1923
AuvilJunior born about 1932
AuvilKennieth born about 1935
AuvilLucille born about 1930
AuvilRalph born about 1939
AuvilS Rayborn about 1913
AuvilVirginia born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BadkinCurtes born about 1920
BailyAuthur born about 1925
BailyFlorence born about 1926
BailyLymus born about 1901
BailySadie born about 1905
BakerOllie born about 1879
BalducciJohn born about 1919
BalducciKenneth born about 1922
BalducciWalter born about 1926
BallahPriscilla born about 1875
BaltonBrylen born about 1917
BaltonFelix born about 1883
BaltonLottie born about 1886
BaltonMartha born about 1864
BaltonRussell born about 1929
BarkerLaura born about 1883
BarkerPhilip born about 1883
BarllettCharles born about 1896
BarllettJoseph Annaborn about 1865
BarllettLee born about 1890
BarnersDearl born about 1930
BarnersDelbert Lborn about 1939
BarnersDella born about 1890
BarnersDella Mborn about 1937
BarnersEvelyn Lborn about 1924
BarnersGrace Lborn about 1899
BarnersJohn Jborn about 1926
BarnersLewis born about 1934
BarnersLugene born about 1934
BarnthouseH Dborn about 1858
BarnthouseIceie* born about 1880
BarrCarl Rborn about 1907
BarrLillian born about 1910
BarteE Aborn about 1874
BarteMarie born about 1926
BarteMenta born about 1873
BarteNina born about 1895
BarteW Wborn about 1882
BartlettC Gborn about 1889
BartlettLillie born about 1888
BartonAnnie born about 1875
BartonWatson born about 1872
BasleyJoseph born about 1934
BaylesEffa Jborn about 1883
BaylesFredrick born about 1932
BaylesIda born about 1877
BaylesJerome born about 1881
BaylesRandolph born about 1875
BealElsie Lborn about 1905
BealMarvin born about 1900
BeaversAtie Kborn about 1905
BeaversEdward born about 1927
BeaversGlen born about 1933
BeaversJack born about 1935
BeaversJunior born about 1929
BeaversMartha born about 1881
BeaversRoy born about 1906
BeaversWilliam Eborn about 1887
BecknerH Pborn about 1871
BecknerLouise born about 1922
BecknerMary born about 1884
BelleLantz born about 1877
BennetCharles born about 1931
BennettAnnie born about 1875
BennettBessie born about 1884
BennettBridget born about 1904
BennettCalvin born about 1865
BennettCharles born about 1884
BennettCharles born about 1925
BennettClara born about 1932
BennettDelbert Cborn about 1887
BennettDonna Geneborn about 1940
BennettEarl Hborn about 1900
BennettElizabeth born about 1870
BennettEthel born about 1902
BennettFelix born about 1869
BennettFrank born about 1908
BennettHaskell born about 1897
BennettHelen born about 1914
BennettHelen born about 1932
BennettHenretta born about 1873
BennettIvan born about 1925
BennettJ Hborn about 1873
BennettKathenne born about 1863
BennettLetha born about 1927
BennettLetia born about 1906
BennettLillian Hborn about 1904
BennettLulu born about 1888
BennettMaude Annborn about 1925
BennettMyrtle born about 1886
BennettNeva Jborn about 1927
BennettNina Leeborn about 1930
BennettSherman born about 1885
BennettStella born about 1890
BennettStewart born about 1913
BennettVieva born about 1922
BennettWalter born about 1893
BennettWanda Leeborn about 1927
BennettWilliam born about 1875
BennettWilliam born about 1917
BennettWilliam born about 1919
BennettZechous born about 1875
BennettZura born about 1904
BeresfordCarl born about 1931
BeresfordEdna born about 1915
BeresfordSuan born about 1939
BeresfordWilliam born about 1902
BibeyAuthur born about 1923
BibeyB Rborn about 1900
BibeyBernard born about 1909
BibeyBetty born about 1924
BibeyCarrie born about 1886
BibeyCharles Lborn about 1934
BibeyClemmua born about 1902
BibeyDorsey born about 1939
BibeyF Dborn about 1880
BibeyFredia born about 1931
BibeyFredric Jr born about 1918
BibeyH Wborn about 1875
BibeyHubert born about 1914
BibeyIcie born about 1888
BibeyKatherine born about 1936
BibeyKenneth born about 1928
BibeyLeon born about 1932
BibeyLouise born about 1925
BibeyLurenia* born about 1911
BibeyMorris born about 1903
BibeyMorris Eborn about 1934
BibeyNorma Jeanborn about 1938
BibeyOna born about 1918
BibeyProna born about 1908
BibeyRichard Cborn about 1932
BibeyRobert born about 1926
BibeyRobert Mborn about 1877
BibeyThelma Vborn about 1915
BillerEstella born about 1895
BillerRebecca born about 1885
BillerVera born about 1934
BlingBelle born about 1884
BlingBetty born about 1923
BlingJohn born about 1923
BlingSyvester born about 1871
BlingSyvester born about 1926
BoardAdline born about 1906
BoardJohn born about 1866
BoardJohn born about 1929
BoardLawrence born about 1925
BoardMargerie born about 1924
BoardMarie born about 1926
BoardNorma born about 1927
BoardWilliam born about 1894
BoltonBrimmer born about 1904
BoltonCecil born about 1890
BoltonCecil Jr born about 1915
BoltonDessie born about 1899
BoltonEarnest born about 1929
BoltonEmma born about 1912
BoltonLena born about 1895
BoltonPauline born about 1931
BoltonRobert born about 1939
BoltonSs born about 1865
BoltonWinnie born about 1897
BoonerBentzel born about 1905
BoonerCharles born about 1935
BoonerDale born about 1937
BoonerLewis born about 1933
BoonerMabel born about 1928
BoonerMadeline born about 1915
BoordMarie born about 1914
BoosleyAlbert born about 1936
BoosleyAlma born about 1910
BoosleyAuther born about 1908
BoosleyCarol born about 1933
BoosleyD Bborn about 1871
BoosleyElizabeth born about 1929
BoosleyEugene born about 1935
BoosleyFloyd born about 1905
BoosleyNancy born about 1939
BoosleyNorma born about 1934
BoosleyPatricia born about 1844
BoosleyRalph born about 1898
BoosleyRichard born about 1936
BoosleyThomas born about 1939
BoosleyVera born about 1904
BoosleyWilliam born about 1925
BoothArlene born about 1933
BoothBenna born about 1897
BoothBoyd born about 1891
BoothCayle born about 1915
BoothCharles born about 1932
BoothCharles Kborn about 1912
BoothD Cborn about 1896
BoothDollie born about 1915
BoothEanstance born about 1936
BoothEarl born about 1898
BoothEmalene born about 1932
BoothEvylen born about 1927
BoothFrancis born about 1915
BoothFrancis Jr born about 1938
BoothFred born about 1886
BoothFulten Jborn about 1880
BoothHarry Daleborn about 1926
BoothHazel born about 1899
BoothHouston born about 1919
BoothIvy born about 1896
BoothJohn born about 1912
BoothJunieta born about 1908
BoothKaterine born about 1927
BoothKatherine born about 1936
BoothKenneth born about 1930
BoothKermit born about 1921
BoothLee born about 1906
BoothLenna born about 1896
BoothLeona born about 1921
BoothLeroy born about 1923
BoothLibertins born about 1902
BoothMadaline born about 1915
BoothMadaline born about 1924
BoothMarion born about 1924
BoothMary Janeborn about 1876
BoothMildred Fayborn about 1938
BoothMyrtle born about 1907
BoothNettie born about 1919
BoothRobert Davidborn about 1934
BoothSherwood born about 1924
BoothStanley born about 1920
BoothSterlie born about 1913
BoothSue born about 1916
BoothThelma born about 1922
BoothW Cborn about 1887
BoothWilliam born about 1914
BoothWilliam born about 1934
BoothWilliam born about 1935
BosermanDelbert born about 1904
BosermanLena born about 1907
BosermanSue born about
BosermanWarren born about 1938
BottonCarole Fayeborn about 1937
BottonCraig Fborn about 1910
BottonCraig F Jrborn about 1935
BottonHila born about 1913
BoughmanLorene born about 1932
BoylesCharles Wborn about 1930
BoylesClaude born about 1904
BoylesCornelia born about 1860
BoylesGenevieve born about 1909
BoylesJohn born about 1861
BradyBelva born about 1895
BradyC Bborn about 1879
BradyCharles born about 1920
BradyCharles born about 1936
BradyDayton born about 1896
BradyDorothy born about 1924
BradyF Gborn about 1898
BradyJospeh born about 1939
BradyMarie born about 1911
BradyNevada born about 1900
BradyRachel born about 1875
BradyRuhl* born about 1907
BrandonF Vborn about 1872
BrandonHerbert Dborn about 1907
BrandonLaura Cborn about 1875
BrowneMattie born about 1870
BrynJoseph Annaborn about 1934
BuhyBulah born about 1917
BuhyCora born about 1880
BuhyJohn born about 1882
BuhyKermit born about 1937
BuhyLoise born about 1939
BuhyNelson born about 1914
BuhyWilliam born about 1934
BunnerDenzil born about 1929
BunnerElla Maeborn about 1925
BunnerGrace born about 1904
BunnerHomer Hborn about 1898
BunnerHubert born about 1922
BunnerJohn born about 1923
BunnerVerna Aborn about 1932
BurkHammer* Argelborn about 1917
BurkLaurence Edithborn about 1919
BushDonald born about 1930
BushFrank born about 1860
BushJames born about 1928
BushW Wborn about 1890
BushWarren born about 1925
BusonAlthea born about 1859
ByrdDoris born about 1904
ByrdEarnest born about 1924
ByrdRobert Lborn about 1898

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CainEffie born about 1913
CainW Wborn about 1884
CainWayman born about 1909
CainWilliam born about 1918
CambsRalph born about 1923
Campbell??? born about 1922
CandfieldBaw born about 1910
CandfieldEsther born about 1918
CandfieldJunior Earlborn about 1937
CandfieldLuma born about 1868
CarleyAnna Margaretborn about 1929
CarleyBertie Raeborn about 1930
CarleyEthel born about 1909
CarleyGeorge born about 1907
CarleyGeorge Harveyborn about 1928
CarlinBarbara born about 1934
CarlinCarrie born about 1892
CarlinJohn Jborn about 1926
CarlinRush born about 1883
CassenaEdna born about 1896
CassenaFrench born about 1889
CassenaMajorie born about 1920
CassenaOpal born about 1919
CassenaRuby born about 1922
CastoA Cborn about 1884
CastoCecil Jr born about 1925
CastoD Bborn about 1891
CastoDale born about 1917
CastoEdith born about 1911
CastoRay born about 1918
CastoStella born about 1891
CastoVelma born about 1919
CatesGerald born about 1913
CatesJohn born about 1938
CatesJune born about 1939
CatesMaxine born about 1916
CathelJohnnie born about 1908
CathelJohnnie Rborn about 1932
CathelOrville born about 1930
ChemanAuthur born about 1908
ChemanAuthur Jr born about 1935
ChemanBarbara born about 1933
ChemanVera born about 1912
ChenowethEmma born about 1912
ChenowethGrace born about 1875
ChenowethKathrine born about
ChenowethR Leeborn about 1864
ClarkIna born about 1855
ClarkJackie born about 1932
ClarkJames born about 1927
ClarkKent born about 1895
ClelDeathey born about 1885
ClelGladyas born about 1909
CoberlyDorthy born about 1925
CoberlyG Hborn about 1887
CoberlyHarly Jborn about 1928
CoberlyHarvey born about 1919
CoberlyNettie born about 1887
CoberlyPhrobia born about 1858
CoffmanClria born about 1866
CoffmanHarriet Aborn about 1872
CoffmanLulu born about 1892
CoffmanNellie born about 1905
CoffmanThomas Bborn about 1870
ColeEffie born about 1888
CombsElizabeth born about 1882
CombsElwood born about 1920
CombsPhil born about 1873
ContzEthel born about 1895
ContzGeorge Lborn about 1892
ContzGeorge L Jrborn about 1926
ContzIsac born about 1922
ContzLois Lorraiseborn about 1928
ContzOkle born about 1906
ContzWoodford Dborn about 1903
ContzYuonne born about 1935
CoontsArtie born about 1918
CoontsBelle born about 1882
CoontsCharley Aborn about 1877
CoontsDelma born about 1923
CoontsDorothy born about 1921
CoontsG Cborn about 1888
CoontsHelen born about 1904
CoontsHerbert born about 1905
CoontsHerbert Cborn about 1932
CoontsIsabel Fborn about 1853
CoontsJohn Wborn about 1880
CoontsLizzie Eborn about 1877
CoontsMary born about 1930
CoontsRouford born about 1928
CoontsSylvie Gborn about 1924
CoontsWilliam born about 1937
CoontsZela born about 1926
Coontz??? born about 1921
CoontzAnora Leeborn about 1921
CoontzCreed born about 1886
CoontzDalph born about 1912
CoontzDena Mborn about 1939
CoontzDolph born about 1884
CoontzDoyle born about 1925
CoontzEmmogene born about 1936
CoontzFlorida born about 1870
CoontzGatha born about 1926
CoontzHarry born about 1899
CoontzImmagene born about 1936
CoontzJack born about 1923
CoontzJearldine born about 1917
CoontzJohn Jborn about 1869
CoontzJunior born about 1916
CoontzJunior born about 1931
CoontzJustine born about 1918
CoontzKayton Eborn about 1933
CoontzKenneth born about 1928
CoontzMargaret born about 1935
CoontzMay born about 1874
CoontzOla born about 1892
CoontzRobert born about 1929
CoontzSarah born about 1879
CoontzVirgil born about 1916
CoontzVoda born about 1888
CoontzW Hborn about 1881
CoontzWilliam born about 1919
CoontzWilliam Jr born about 1938
CoontzWilma born about 1933
CoontzZilla born about 1916
CooperEthel born about 1910
CooperJerry born about 1936
CooperRex born about 1906
CorelyCarrie born about 1925
CorelyConstance born about 1933
CorelyIccie born about 1905
CorelyJerry Leeborn about 1939
CorelyKerman* Jr born about 1931
CorelyLorry born about 1939
CorelyMarrie born about 1928
CorelyMary born about 1922
CorelyMilton born about 1928
CorelyPauline born about 1919
CorelyRichard born about 1938
CorelyRobert born about 1933
CorelyVern born about 1901
CorelyWoodrow born about 1916
CorleyA Wborn about 1877
CorleyAdrieme* born about 1925
CorleyAlonzo born about 1912
CorleyAnieta born about 1921
CorleyAnnie born about 1883
CorleyBetty Louborn about 1925
CorleyBoyd born about 1903
CorleyBrowne born about 1915
CorleyBryan born about 1895
CorleyCallie born about 1908
CorleyCharles Wborn about 1934
CorleyCordie born about 1896
CorleyCornelius born about 1913
CorleyDollie Mborn about 1937
CorleyDorsey born about 1925
CorleyEdith born about 1910
CorleyEdward Cborn about 1921
CorleyEffie born about 1889
CorleyEliza born about 1876
CorleyEugene born about 1877
CorleyFredrick born about 1934
CorleyGeorge born about 1890
CorleyGeorge Cborn about 1885
CorleyH Jborn about 1881
CorleyHayes born about 1842
CorleyHeslie born about 1909
CorleyIrene born about 1927
CorleyJearldine born about 1915
CorleyJedson born about 1869
CorleyJohn born about 1872
CorleyJosephine born about 1920
CorleyLawrence born about 1927
CorleyLee born about 1883
CorleyLeraa* born about 1912
CorleyLulu born about 1901
CorleyMary Vborn about 1932
CorleyMaude born about 1920
CorleyMonford born about 1923
CorleyNettie born about 1904
CorleyNorma Gborn about 1931
CorleyPearl born about 1899
CorleyPet born about 1890
CorleyRalph born about 1912
CorleyRaymond born about 1924
CorleyRichard born about 1921
CorleyRobert born about 1931
CorleyRobert born about 1937
CorleyRobert Lborn about 1936
CorleyRonald born about 1923
CorleyRonald born about 1934
CorleyShirley Annborn about 1937
CorleySicily born about 1908
CorleySignora born about 1919
CorleySteve Sborn about 1940
CorleyThomas Lborn about 1939
CorleyVirginia born about 1878
CorleyWarren born about 1869
CorleyWarren Jr born about 1910
CorleyWoodrow born about 1919
CornwellCharles Cborn about 1927
CornwellFloyd Mborn about 1884
CornwellMary Iborn about 1900
CoustableElla born about 1904
CoxAnjeline born about 1858
CoxAuthur born about 1920
CoxChristine born about 1915
CoxDorthy born about 1917
CoxHarold born about 1938
CoxHarriette born about 1924
CoxHattie born about 1895
CoxHoward born about 1887
CoxMadeline born about 1919
CoxPaul born about 1916
CrandallAlma born about 1912
CrandallOrpha Jr born about 1930
CrandallTesley born about 1898
CrandallThomas born about 1939
CriceDelbert born about 1883
CriceMaude born about 1886
CrinkshaukG Cborn about 1900
CrinkshaukVergie born about 1900
CrissEffie born about 1883
CrissJ Walterborn about 1876
CrossAlma born about 1929
CrossAubart born about 1915
CrossAudue born about 1910
CrossBartaie born about 1893
CrossBeanard born about 1925
CrossBetty Lonborn about 1927
CrossBetty Ruthborn about 1939
CrossBeulah born about 1904
CrossBilly born about 1926
CrossBrenice born about 1928
CrossBruce born about 1891
CrossCarl born about 1926
CrossCharles born about 1915
CrossCharles born about 1938
CrossClarice born about 1911
CrossCora born about 1910
CrossD Lborn about 1897
CrossDorothy Annborn about
CrossDorothy Leeborn about 1922
CrossDottie born about 1897
CrossDoyle born about 1920
CrossE Gretrudeborn about 1934
CrossEarly born about 1897
CrossEdna Roseborn about 1939
CrossEdward born about 1932
CrossElmer born about 1929
CrossElmo born about 1918
CrossEmma born about 1903
CrossErnest born about 1913
CrossEttie born about 1884
CrossEvelyn born about 1924
CrossFredrick born about 1939
CrossGeorgia born about 1886
CrossGertrude born about 1925
CrossH Eborn about 1874
CrossHarold born about 1926
CrossHazel born about 1901
CrossHazel born about 1906
CrossHoward born about 1901
CrossIrene born about 1926
CrossJacob born about 1917
CrossJanet born about 1935
CrossJenny Leeborn about 1934
CrossJoe born about 1877
CrossJohn born about 1914
CrossJoseph born about 1936
CrossJunior born about 1925
CrossKenneth born about 1932
CrossL E Jborn about 1872
CrossLajune born about 1930
CrossLambon born about 1866
CrossLavanda Jborn about 1940
CrossLee born about 1923
CrossLillie Janeborn about 1876
CrossLoraine born about 1925
CrossLowell born about 1933
CrossLuther born about 1908
CrossMacel* born about 1922
CrossMae born about 1898
CrossMarvin born about 1919
CrossMary born about 1882
CrossMary Francesborn about 1939
CrossMary Nborn about 1884
CrossMendell born about 1934
CrossMildred born about 1921
CrossMinnie Mayborn about 1927
CrossNancy born about 1908
CrossNancy born about 1938
CrossOrlan born about 1930
CrossOrlen born about 1905
CrossPauline born about 1917
CrossPearl Eborn about 1908
CrossPorter born about 1898
CrossRobert born about 1933
CrossRosie Leeborn about 1928
CrossRussel born about 1936
CrossRuth born about 1909
CrossSamuel born about 1925
CrossSara Graceborn about 1938
CrossSarah Ellenborn about 1899
CrossShirley Annborn about 1936
CrossTruman born about 1876
CrossValley born about 1879
CrossVenda born about 1911
CrossVerdon born about 1932
CrossVirginia born about 1925
CrossWilber born about 1918
CrossWilda born about 1931
CrossWilliam born about 1902
CrossWilliam born about 1909
CrossWinora born about 1936
CrossWyonda born about 1937
CummingsElmer born about 1908
CummingsEvyln born about 1938
CummingsMary born about 1918
CummingsRobert born about 1914
CunninghamJames born about 1894
CurryMattie Bborn about 1873
CurryW Tborn about 1871
CutrightEtheldred born about 1875
CutrightVernon Tborn about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DadismanC Gborn about 1875
DadismanCora Eborn about 1876
DadismanJ Wborn about 1876
DadismanSigerna born about 1881
DadismanStanley Eborn about 1909
DanielsBradley born about 1931
DanielsIva Mborn about 1869
DanielsLeslie born about 1926
DanielsRaymond born about 1919
DanielsRonald born about 1922
DanielsS Jborn about 1872
DanielsWesley born about 1894
DanielsWinnie born about 1897
DaughteryAnn born about 1938
DaughteryGail born about 1928
DaughteryLee born about 1893
DaughteryLee born about 1935
DaughteryStella born about 1899
DaughteryWilda born about 1922
DavesR Gborn about 1863
DawsonDewy born about 1938
DawsonDora born about 1905
DawsonE Sborn about 1873
DawsonGeorge Dborn about 1899
DawsonIna born about 1910
DawsonJames born about 1939
DawsonRebecca born about 1871
DayD Fborn about 1875
DayElsie born about 1934
DayHarry Eborn about 1903
DayHarry Jr born about 1938
DayJanette born about 1936
DayLora born about 1886
DayLucille born about 1932
DayLucy Mborn about 1866
DayMary Mborn about 1877
DayMaureen born about 1940
DayRobert born about 1928
DayRose Maryborn about 1930
DayVirginia born about 1909
Dean??? born about 1897
DeanAlma born about 1916
DeanDeneal born about 1923
DeanFrank born about 1919
DeanHoward born about 1931
DeanKatheline born about 1931
DeanLorene born about 1921
DeanMamie born about 1894
DeanMartin Eborn about 1890
DeanSilvia born about 1899
DeckerGearld born about 1926
DeckerGearldine born about 1929
DeckerJoe born about 1891
DeckerStella born about 1892
DeenAllen born about 1918
DeenLyde born about 1916
DeenPhyllis born about 1936
DelauderBarbra Eborn about 1861
DelauderBernard born about 1932
DelauderBertsell born about 1913
DelauderBery Geneborn about 1934
DelauderBessie born about 1909
DelauderCharles born about 1925
DelauderDarsey born about 1928
DelauderDoratha Leeborn about 1919
DelauderDorothy born about 1926
DelauderDorothy Lborn about 1934
DelauderEtta born about 1884
DelauderEugene born about 1934
DelauderEvert born about 1924
DelauderFlorida born about 1872
DelauderGenevive born about 1930
DelauderGordon born about 1935
DelauderIlene born about 1919
DelauderIlene born about 1920
DelauderJ Merleborn about 1903
DelauderJames Fborn about 1937
DelauderJunior born about 1927
DelauderKathryn born about 1936
DelauderLillian born about 1924
DelauderLouise born about 1905
DelauderLoyd Gborn about 1901
DelauderMarietta born about 1926
DelauderMyrtle born about 1906
DelauderNelson Tborn about 1926
DelauderOkey Jborn about 1931
DelauderOtis born about 1922
DelauderRachel born about 1905
DelauderRobert Leeborn about 1940
DelauderRu??? born about 1917
DelauderVelva Aborn about 1926
DelauderVirginia born about 1933
DelauderW Bborn about 1867
DelauderWade born about 1893
DelauderWanda Lborn about 1930
DelauderWilliam born about 1919
DelauderWilliamson born about 1888
DennisAnna born about 1880
DennisEdna Rborn about 1904
DennisJohn Maynaborn about 1927
DennisM Eborn about 1877
DigmanBlanche born about 1918
DigmanDave born about 1874
DigmanDole Fborn about 1928
DigmanEmma born about 1871
DigmanGeorge Mborn about 1919
DigmanHarold Lynnborn about 1940
DigmanIra born about 1880
DigmanMarie born about 1911
DigmanMary born about 1877
DigmanMinnie born about 1889
DigmanRobert born about 1937
DigmanStella born about 1887
DigmanTos born about 1869
DigmanW Hborn about 1887
DigmanW Mborn about 1904
DilworthJoan born about 1930
DilworthKent born about 1907
DilworthMadaline born about 1907
DonaldsonEdward born about 1929
DonaldsonGeorge born about 1883
DonaldsonMarie born about 1910
DonaldsonMildred born about 1921
DuckworthCharles Eborn about 1930
DuckworthHoy Aborn about 1925
DuckworthHumbert Lborn about 1927
DuckworthRhoda Eborn about 1897
DuckworthWillie born about 1894
DunhamMattie born about 1877
DyeDaisy Hallerborn about 1911
DyePatricia born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EbyG Fernborn about 1936
EbyHelen Eborn about 1933
EbyMary Aborn about 1938
EdmondsAnnie Mborn about 1933
EdmondsCarly Vborn about 1922
EdmondsElmer Bborn about 1919
EdmondsHarry Fborn about 1931
EdmondsM Dborn about 1895
EdmondsMary born about 1898
EdwardsBuddy Cborn about 1926
EdwardsLois born about 1918
EdwardsThomas born about 1938
EdwardsWilliam born about 1914
EnglandAllen born about 1936
EnglandBabara born about 1938
EnglandBetty born about 1928
EnglandCecil born about 1900
EnglandCheslly born about 1902
EnglandColeman born about 1880
EnglandCorelyn born about 1926
EnglandDarl born about 1909
EnglandEarnest born about 1918
EnglandEdward born about 1932
EnglandElla born about 1878
EnglandEmma born about 1882
EnglandEsta born about 1904
EnglandF Lborn about 1893
EnglandFranklin born about 1938
EnglandHarry born about 1916
EnglandHazel born about 1899
EnglandHenry born about 1915
EnglandHerbert born about 1929
EnglandHobert born about 1922
EnglandJean born about 1927
EnglandJohn born about 1854
EnglandJohn born about 1881
EnglandJohn born about 1928
EnglandJohn Hborn about 1857
EnglandKeith born about 1932
EnglandLuella born about 1926
EnglandMacel* born about 1925
EnglandMary born about 1858
EnglandMyrlin Leeborn about 1933
EnglandNattie born about 1893
EnglandOrline born about 1921
EnglandOttis born about 1886
EnglandReliy born about 1885
EnglandRobert born about 1930
EnglandRosemaria born about 1929
EnglandWilber Leonborn about 1923
EnglandWilliam born about 1894
EnglandZora born about 1890
EnglandZora born about 1902
EskewC Eborn about 1867
EversonAlice born about 1884
EversonAlma born about 1919
EversonAndy born about 1884
EversonBeanard born about 1924
EversonBertsel* born about 1932
EversonBertzel born about 1926
EversonBlanche born about 1895
EversonBoyd born about 1915
EversonCarol born about 1938
EversonCatherine born about 1939
EversonCecil born about 1938
EversonCloris born about 1916
EversonDenver born about 1939
EversonDenzil born about 1928
EversonDonald born about 1933
EversonEstel born about 1912
EversonEstline born about 1918
EversonEugene born about 1936
EversonFrank born about 1890
EversonGeorge born about 1927
EversonHarry born about 1905
EversonHelen born about 1930
EversonHobart born about 1922
EversonJ Eborn about 1882
EversonJess born about 1930
EversonJessie born about 1907
EversonJoe born about 1922
EversonLoyd born about 1923
EversonMabel born about 1920
EversonMadge born about 1899
EversonMary born about 1933
EversonOttis born about 1920
EversonPearl born about 1918
EversonRalph born about 1939
EversonRay born about 1936
EversonRichard born about 1935
EversonRobert born about 1930
EversonRoy born about 1894
EversonRussell born about 1921
EversonSallie born about 1937
EversonSherwood born about 1921
EversonTenne born about 1894
EversonThomas born about 1934
EversonVirgil born about 1925
EversonW Eborn about 1889
EversonWanda born about 1934
EversonWilliam born about 1927
EyeAnna born about 1882
EyeCharles born about 1920
EyeClifford born about 1916
EyeMason born about 1922
EyeNoah born about 1870

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FallowGeorgia born about 1888
FallowJohn Tborn about 1888
FarrisElla Maeborn about 1923
FarrisElmer born about 1915
FarrisElsia born about 1897
FarrisLe Roy born about 1925
FarrisRobert born about 1918
FarrisRonal born about 1928
FayEthel born about 1905
FayHerman born about 1873
FayLavena born about 1939
FayLed born about 1904
FayMaxine born about 1925
FayRichard born about 1927
FergusonGretchen born about 1906
FergusonNora Ellenborn about 1926
FergusonO Hborn about 1903
FerrellJames Mborn about 1851
FindleyAlvia born about 1881
FindleyCharles born about 1881
FindleyClyde born about 1918
FindleyEdna born about 1877
FindleyGladyas born about 1917
FindleyHugh born about 1908
FindleyIra born about 1915
FindleyJohn born about 1874
FindleyLena born about 1897
FindleyMaude born about 1878
FindleyMaxon born about 1929
FindleyNorma born about 1920
FindleyScottie born about 1887
FindleyTexie born about 1914
FindleyWade born about 1890
FindleyWilliam born about 1877
FindlyFlora born about 1893
FindlyFrancis born about 1916
FindlyRoy born about 1886
FinleyAnn born about 1905
FinleyBeatrice born about 1914
FinleyH Bborn about 1909
FinleyHarvey B Jrborn about 1939
FinleyLordon born about 1909
FinleyMarie born about 1917
FinleyRussell born about 1912
FinleyRuth born about 1914
FinleyWilliam born about 1937
FitswaterBeulah born about 1900
FitswaterCharles Gborn about 1887
FitswaterE Wborn about 1871
FitswaterLoreta born about 1868
FitswaterPearl born about 1896
FitswaterThomas born about 1887
FitswaterWilliam born about 1865
FitzwaterDollie born about 1922
FitzwaterForest born about 1926
FitzwaterGary born about 1935
FitzwaterGene born about 1935
FitzwaterGoldie born about 1893
FitzwaterHenry born about 1870
FitzwaterHubert born about 1909
FitzwaterIsaac born about 1875
FitzwaterJames born about 1893
FitzwaterJessie born about 1889
FitzwaterLeah born about 1920
FitzwaterLorena born about 1924
FitzwaterMae born about 1909
FitzwaterMargaret born about 1918
FitzwaterMargaret born about 1928
FitzwaterTommy born about 1936
FortneyCecil born about 1905
FortneyCecil Jr born about 1928
FortneyClara born about 1908
FortneyClarence born about 1939
FortneyEloise born about 1924
FortneyFreda born about 1937
FosterBertha born about 1890
FosterHobart born about 1902
FosterHobart Jr born about 1935
FosterHoward born about 1918
FosterJoe born about 1893
FosterManta born about 1905
FosterOpal born about 1939
FosterVidia born about 1920
FreemanBeanard* born about 1939
FreemanBearnard born about 1913
FreemanChlora born about 1919
FreemanEdwin born about 1859
FultonFlossie born about 1895
FultonFlossie born about 1901
FurgersonIris born about 1911
FurgersonJohn born about 1939
FurgersonVirgil born about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GabbertJerry born about 1929
GainerAlonzo born about 1901
GainerBeryl born about 1908
GainerCarl born about 1915
GainerD Mborn about 1898
GainerDenzil born about 1904
GainerElizabeth born about 1864
GainerElizabeth born about 1910
GainerFrances born about 1926
GainerGeorgia born about 1934
GainerJohn Walterborn about 1924
GainerLona born about 1899
GainerMarvin born about 1891
GainerMary Aborn about 1866
GainerMary Joborn about 1933
GainerNatine born about 1925
GainerNey born about 1893
GainerNora born about 1896
GainerPearl born about 1897
GainerRoaslee born about 1932
GainerStella born about 1938
GainesElsia born about 1909
GainesEmma born about 1927
GainesEva born about 1934
GainesHayard born about 1906
GainesJohn born about 1930
GainesThomas born about 1931
GarnerEva born about 1914
GarnerHarold born about 1935
GarnerLucy born about 1874
GarnerRay born about 1902
GathvinGeorge born about 1887
GathvinLeonard born about 1926
GathvinMartha born about
GeldenLucy born about 1924
GeorgeAlice born about 1906
GeorgeArchie born about 1902
GeorgeArlene born about 1930
GeorgeBetty Lonborn about 1927
GeorgeBobby born about 1938
GeorgeCharles Wborn about 1930
GeorgeDonald born about 1933
GeorgeEugene born about 1923
GeorgeFrancis born about 1928
GeorgeJames Eborn about 1896
GeorgeJames Jr born about 1926
GeorgeJanneta Juneborn about 1936
GeorgeJoseph born about 1938
GeorgeJune born about 1928
GeorgeLorena born about 1923
GeorgeMaggie born about 1908
GeorgeNiel born about 1929
GeorgePearl born about 1926
GeorgeRobert born about 1925
GeorgeSara born about 1918
GeorgeVirgil born about 1924
GeorgeWilma born about 1907
GewersNina born about 1907
GibsonEugene born about 1914
GibsonEugene Jr born about 1935
GibsonMargaret born about 1933
GibsonRuby born about 1913
GibsonSarah born about 1937
GlendeningAddie born about 1912
GlendeningCharles born about 1924
GlendeningDavid Leeborn about 1939
GlendeningDayle born about 1933
GlendeningMargaret born about 1913
GlendeningThelma born about 1936
GlendeningTranville born about 1913
GlendingClarence born about 1932
GlendingElsia born about 1937
GlendingFrank born about 1880
GlendingGoldie born about 1904
GlendingOpal born about 1934
GlendingWilda born about 1928
GlennGeorge born about 1921
GlennHarry born about 1910
GlennLulu born about 1890
GlennRoy born about 1911
GlennTom born about 1917
GodwinElmer Gborn about 1933
GodwinEsta born about 1918
GodwinHarold born about 1936
GodwinIda born about 1874
GodwinL Byronborn about 1882
GodwinMargaret Eborn about 1906
GodwinMary born about 1924
GodwinRalph born about 1931
GodwinRoga Aborn about 1886
GodwinW Jborn about 1880
GoldenAdeline born about 1934
GoldenBernard born about 1906
GoldenBetty Joeborn about 1931
GoldenEdwin Wborn about 1906
GoldenGail born about 1887
GoldenGearldine born about 1928
GoldenGertrude born about 1901
GoldenGuy born about 1910
GoldenHomer born about 1924
GoldenJohn Wiborn about 1928
GoldenKenneth born about 1926
GoldenMadaline born about 1922
GoldenMildred born about 1918
GoldenNellie born about 1910
GoldenOpal born about 1907
GoldenRachel born about 1938
GoldenRessie born about 1894
GoldenRichard born about 1923
GoodeCharles born about 1902
GoodeJacquelee born about 1935
GoodeJoan born about 1931
GoodeWrie born about 1906
GoodwinClaude born about 1915
GoodwinErsie born about 1916
GoodwinRobert born about 1886
GoodwinThomas born about 1910
GoodwinVernie born about 1886
GossEdward born about 1913
GossHarry born about 1918
GossJake Dborn about 1873
GossLulu born about 1914
GossNela born about 1881
GostonGall Aborn about 1906
GostonVirginia born about 1911
GouldDennis born about 1909
GouldEvelyn Eborn about 1935
GouldRegenia born about 1917
GowersManzel born about 1906
GowersPerry born about 1878
GowersPerry Jr born about 1925
GowersVelva born about 1908
GrahamEtta born about 1878
GrahamGrant born about 1868
GrazianaAngaline born about 1887
GrazianaEstella born about 1933
GrazianaOmele born about 1919
GrazianaPaul born about 1884
GriffinG Oborn about 1860
GriffinHester Fborn about 1864
GriffithAnna born about 1907
GriffithAuthur born about 1894
GriffithAuthur Jr born about 1921
GriffithDoyle born about 1927
GriffithG Cborn about 1905
GriffithL Dborn about 1899
GriffithLona born about 1898
GriffithPearl born about 1892
GriffithSherwood born about 1915
GriffithThamer born about 1890
GrimesClarence born about 1926
GrimesLuna born about 1887
GrimesW Sborn about 1877
GrimesWilliam Hborn about 1922
GumAlma born about 1906
GumRalph born about 1891
GutshallCharles born about 1932
GutshallClarence born about 1916
GutshallEvyln born about 1934
GutshallJ Wborn about 1889
GutshallValley born about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HackWilliam born about 1870
HaddixLillian born about 1922
HallerFlossie born about 1906
HallerGavanie born about 1889
HallerGeorge born about 1882
HallerHarland born about 1929
HallerIda Belleborn about 1872
HallerM Lborn about 1866
HallerMarie born about 1934
HallerNeil born about 1923
HallerNelson born about 1932
HallerNorman born about 1926
HallerRalph Dborn about
HallerRichard born about 1930
HallerRobert born about 1922
HallerRobert born about 1931
HallerRoy born about 1907
HallerShirley born about 1939
HallerZelma born about 1902
HaneyDaisy Eborn about 1879
HaneyDouglas born about
HaneyGrant born about 1869
HaneyMaggie born about 1875
HardinAndrew Mborn about 1921
HardinBeryl born about 1910
HardinClay born about 1885
HardinGrace born about 1885
HardinMeryl born about 1916
HardinMildred born about 1919
HarmisonGinnie born about 1902
HarmisonPhilip born about 1896
HarmisonPhilip Cborn about 1897
HarmisonPhylis born about 1924
HarmisonRobert born about 1922
HarmisonRobert Sborn about 1922
HarperGrace born about 1912
HarrisAlecia born about 1923
HarrisBetty born about 1930
HarrisBretzel born about 1908
HarrisClarence born about 1909
HarrisClayton born about 1928
HarrisD born about 1875
HarrisEanstance Joeborn about 1936
HarrisEtta born about 1890
HarrisFlossie born about 1910
HarrisFloyd born about 1922
HarrisGeorge born about 1926
HarrisHarry born about 1935
HarrisHarry Wborn about 1913
HarrisHenry born about 1882
HarrisHerman born about 1932
HarrisJoutta born about 1931
HarrisLillian born about 1909
HarrisMary born about 1870
HarrisMary born about 1924
HarrisMary Fborn about 1940
HarrisMaude born about 1900
HarrisOpal born about 1916
HarrisRichard born about 1918
HarrisRobert born about 1928
HarrisRosalee born about 1924
HarrisWilliam born about 1893
HartElizabeth born about 1907
HartJohn Bborn about 1901
HarveyAppoline born about 1873
HarveyBart born about 1903
HarveyHaskill born about 1910
HarveyNorman born about 1934
HarveyO Jborn about 1876
HarveyWanda born about 1912
HayesHattie born about 1869
HayesLacy born about 1906
HayesOliver born about 1867
HeatherlyJohn born about 1876
HeatherlyLenora born about 1885
HeatherlyRay born about 1932
HeatleyClarence born about 1910
HeatleyDarell born about 1939
HeatleyVelva born about 1909
HelbertG Wborn about 1865
HelbertLily born about 1867
HellyardAltin born about 1905
HellyardCharles born about 1930
HellyardDail born about 1913
HelwigGreta born about 1914
HelwigW Oborn about 1899
HelwigWilliam Dborn about 1939
HershmanAlice born about 1872
HershmanH Dborn about 1867
HillAlice born about 1934
HillArvid born about 1919
HillBetty born about 1928
HillBetty Lowborn about 1930
HillBurnard born about 1903
HillCarrie born about 1900
HillCarrie Vaborn about 1911
HillCharles born about 1871
HillCloise born about 1929
HillEmma Pearlborn about 1939
HillEugene born about 1925
HillFrank born about 1909
HillHanes born about 1894
HillHerman born about 1933
HillHoward born about 1921
HillHoward born about 1935
HillJames born about 1925
HillLarwence* born about 1900
HillLester born about 1902
HillLois born about 1906
HillLum born about 1887
HillPatty born about 1939
HillPaul born about 1923
HillRay born about 1899
HillRobert born about 1934
HillRuby born about 1897
HillVergil born about 1906
HillWalter born about 1937
HillWilliam born about 1927
HillyardBillie Fborn about 1934
HillyardBlice born about 1895
HillyardC Wborn about 1861
HillyardDane Paulborn about 1935
HillyardDoris Jborn about 1936
HillyardDorothy born about 1913
HillyardEffa Bborn about 1888
HillyardElen Fborn about 1925
HillyardFax born about 1900
HillyardGale born about 1894
HillyardHarry born about 1904
HillyardHelen Vborn about 1926
HillyardHubert Jborn about 1917
HillyardJames Dborn about 1911
HillyardJosie Vborn about 1922
HillyardLenora born about 1903
HillyardLucinda born about 1873
HillyardMartha Annborn about 1867
HillyardMary born about 1869
HillyardMary Bborn about 1874
HillyardMary Kborn about 1929
HillyardNancy Gborn about 1936
HillyardOlive born about 1869
HillyardOnie born about 1898
HillyardOpal Mborn about 1933
HillyardPearl born about 1904
HillyardRoger Leeborn about 1916
HillyardRoy Dborn about 1888
HillyardRuth born about 1928
HillyardT F Loydborn about 1867
HillyardThaona* born about 1927
HillyardThomas born about 1937
HillyardThomas Jr born about 1938
HillyardTom born about 1909
HillyardTowana* born about 1916
HillyardWalter Lborn about 1890
HillyardWm Mborn about 1921
HimbleCharlotte born about 1936
HimbleJanet born about 1932
HimbleLa H born about 1893
HimbleMadge born about 1904
HoffmanC Gborn about 1900
HoffmanHarold born about 1927
HoffmanLeta born about 1907
HoffmanMary born about 1866
HolbertB Eborn about 1888
HolbertBertsell Pborn about 1913
HolbertEdward Fborn about 1915
HolbertEtha born about 1887
HolbertEugene born about 1929
HolbertFlorence born about 1916
HolbertHarold born about 1921
HolbertHarold born about 1935
HolbertHubert born about 1910
HolbertIrene born about 1922
HolbertLoyd born about 1900
HolbertNorma born about 1939
HolbertOpal born about 1900
HolbertV Vborn about 1853
HolbertWanda born about 1926
HolisberryBliss born about 1893
HolisberryPearl born about 1894
HolsberryMildred born about 1860
HoontzAlmanta born about 1880
HoontzE Dborn about 1880
HowdersheltBliss born about 1902
HowdersheltE Georgeborn about 1877
HowdersheltFlorana Cborn about 1876
HowdersheltS Opalborn about 1905
HowdersheltVernon Bborn about 1932
HowellDeloris born about 1939
HowellFlora Bellborn about 1926
HowellLeota born about 1935
HowellOcie born about 1907
HowellOkey Jr born about 1928
HumphreyRosetta born about 1872
HuntAdanis born about 1911
HuntBertha born about 1882
HuntE Aborn about 1878
HuntMarian born about 1931
HuntThomas born about 1929
HuntVirginia born about 1913
HutzlerDempsey born about 1929
HutzlerDenver born about 1917
HutzlerEddie born about 1937
HutzlerElmo born about 1912
HutzlerMargie born about 1924
HutzlerOma born about 1915
HutzlerSadie born about 1886
HutzlerShelby Jborn about 1939
HutzlerWm Cborn about 1878
HymanJoan born about 1938
HymanLeveine* born about 1936
HymanOddie born about 1915
HymanVernon born about 1907
HymesAnna Leeborn about 1922
HymesAnnie born about 1900
HymesElizabeth born about 1919
HymesElizabeth Annborn about 1939
HymesElla born about 1899
HymesElma Jeanborn about 1926
HymesEva Juneborn about 1940
HymesFrank born about 1923
HymesHenry Jborn about 1901
HymesHenry Jr born about 1932
HymesHerman born about 1910
HymesJoe born about 1886
HymesMary born about 1919
HymesMary born about 1922
HymesMary Ellenborn about 1924
HymesOkey born about 1898
HymesPearl born about 1913
HymesRobert born about 1932
HymesRussel born about 1918
HymesVirginia born about 1930
HymesWanda Mayborn about 1934
HymesWarren born about 1922
HymesWilma Gborn about 1930
HynesH Cborn about 1887
HynesMartha born about 1924
HynesRuby born about 1894

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IceMinnie born about 1890
IleAlva born about 1892
IleCharles born about 1917
IleElla born about 1884
IleEtta born about 1919
IleEverett born about 1865
IleGeorgia born about 1924
IleMabel born about 1929
IleVernice born about 1897
IvansDelia born about 1890
IvansJohn born about 1926
IvansJune born about 1923
IvansNancy born about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JeeEddie born about 1919
JefferysIda born about 1877
JefferysJ Lborn about 1866
JefferysNeil born about 1915
JohnsonArdon born about 1904
JohnsonCarrie born about 1909
JohnsonDarlene born about 1929
JohnsonDixie Leeborn about 1937
JohnsonEtta born about 1935
JohnsonFrancis born about 1904
JohnsonGenevie born about 1936
JohnsonJerls born about 1930
JohnsonJonas born about 1932
JohnsonLarence Rborn about 1934
JohnsonLula Dborn about 1901
JohnsonM Cborn about 1878
JohnsonMary born about 1903
JohnsonMary born about 1914
JohnsonMary born about 1939
JohnsonP Henryborn about 1901
JohnsonPeter born about 1853
JohnsonRuby born about 1934
JohnsonRufus born about 1907
JohnsonRussell born about 1912
JohnsonRussell born about 1933
JohnsonRuth born about 1914
JohnsonWilliam born about 1939
JohnsonWillie Dborn about 1925
JonesAlbert Gborn about 1885
JonesAlta born about 1893
JonesAnna born about 1936
JonesBarbara Annborn about 1940
JonesBlair born about 1909
JonesBrooks born about 1922
JonesCharles Aborn about 1861
JonesClair born about 1911
JonesD Lborn about 1873
JonesDanna born about 1891
JonesDenzil born about 1921
JonesEarnest born about 1916
JonesEleophas Hborn about 1882
JonesEmma born about 1878
JonesFontz born about 1892
JonesFrances born about 1923
JonesGearld born about 1921
JonesGrace born about 1897
JonesHarry born about 1905
JonesHenry born about 1877
JonesJames born about 1924
JonesJames Blairborn about 1936
JonesJames Rborn about 1928
JonesJessie born about 1919
JonesJohn born about 1875
JonesJune born about 1926
JonesLena born about 1906
JonesLoise born about 1919
JonesLoman born about 1929
JonesLora born about 1878
JonesMarvin born about 1917
JonesMary born about 1871
JonesMary born about 1915
JonesMaude born about 1878
JonesMaxon born about 1919
JonesMinor born about 1915
JonesMirl born about 1896
JonesModelene born about 1897
JonesMonroe born about 1886
JonesNinna born about 1880
JonesPhilip born about 1878
JonesRalph born about 1915
JonesRichard born about 1937
JonesRobert born about 1915
JonesRobert born about 1930
JonesRoy born about 1936
JonesS Cborn about 1868
JonesSarah born about 1865
JonesStuart born about 1922
JonesT Wborn about 1881
JonesTetia born about 1918
JonesThomas born about 1862
JonesVanda born about 1918
JonnDonald born about 1938
JonnMilford born about 1918
JunkinsA Lborn about 1872
JunkinsMaggie born about 1874

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KanneyBrooks born about 1903
KanneyJerry born about 1939
KanneyLucy born about 1872
KanneyOpal born about 1921
KeenHayward born about 1924
KellerAnnabelle born about 1929
KellerBarnard Rborn about 1915
KellerBerta born about 1857
KellerClara born about 1893
KellerEstel born about 1921
KellerGarrutt born about 1927
KellerGertrude born about 1903
KellerGrover born about 1886
KellerGrover born about 1887
KellerHartzell born about 1921
KellerHettie Aborn about 1884
KellerJean born about 1927
KellerKatherine born about 1920
KellerLarry born about 1931
KellerLevena born about 1931
KellerLoraine born about 1907
KellerMargaret born about 1924
KellerNellie born about 1938
KellerPerry born about 1884
KellerShirley Annborn about 1936
KellerVirginia born about 1915
KellerVoilet born about 1934
KellerWilliam born about 1921
KelleyAlmeda born about 1866
KelleyAnna Belleborn about 1929
KelleyArnold born about 1920
KelleyCharles born about 1894
KelleyCharles Bborn about 1940
KelleyDali?? born about 1863
KelleyDelphia born about 1897
KelleyElmer born about 1938
KelleyEugene born about 1927
KelleyGeorgia born about 1921
KelleyIra Dborn about 1893
KelleyIsaiah born about 1861
KelleyIva born about 1886
KelleyLora born about 1896
KelleyPauline born about 1923
KelleyRobert born about 1923
KelleyS Rborn about 1860
KelleySadie born about 1915
KelleyWalter born about 1923
KelleyWillard born about 1916
KellyBetty born about 1922
KellyDuward born about 1919
KellyJ Mborn about 1887
KellyLaura born about 1923
KellyZella born about 1890
KewittBetty Eborn about 1912
KewittCharles born about 1902
KeyserMartha born about 1890
KeyserMitchell Rborn about 1885
KisnerArley Eborn about 1913
KisnerEarley Dborn about 1898
KisnerMary born about 1883
KisnerSarah Eborn about 1876
KisnerW Cborn about 1883
KittleDoyle born about 1919
KittleLowella born about 1922
KittleMinnie born about 1881
KnappAlta born about 1899
KnappDodwin born about 1892
KnappEdna born about 1900
KnappGordon born about 1885
KoontzBeatha born about 1898
KoontzCamden born about 1892
KoontzD Cborn about 1895
KoontzDove born about 1901
KoontzEdward born about 1924
KoontzElizabeth born about 1856
KoontzEloise born about 1922
KoontzFredrick born about 1921
KoontzHanibal born about 1864
KoontzJean born about 1926
KoontzKieth born about 1931
KoontzLucy born about 1928
KoontzMae born about 1872
KoontzMarie born about 1921
KoontzMary born about 1931
KoontzOdis born about 1899
KoontzRay born about 1906
KoontzThomas born about 1925
KoontzWalter born about 1915
KyleWilbert born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LakeAne born about 1886
LakeClaudine born about 1920
LakeHarry born about 1925
LakeJames Aborn about 1883
LakeJoy Marieborn about 1939
LakeJune born about 1933
LakeMargaret born about 1913
LakeMartin born about 1917
LakeVirginia born about 1922
LambHenry born about 1876
LambMimmie born about 1877
LambertClotis born about 1908
LambertHenry born about 1928
LambertIceie* born about 1903
LantzFrench born about 1910
LantzMaudie born about 1895
LazarusAllen Stanleyborn about 1938
LazarusCharles Rahealborn about 1938
LazarusGloria Annborn about 1934
LazarusJeannetie born about 1904
LazarusMaurice born about 1900
LeachCharles born about 1927
LeachClara born about 1908
LeachOrval born about 1928
LemasterStanley Lborn about 1916
LentzJane born about 1860
LingerAda born about 1906
LingerHoy born about 1929
LingerJanitia* born about 1932
LingerKerit Hrborn about 1937
LingerPaul born about 1925
LingerTroy born about 1900
LinsonBelle born about 1870
LipscombAnn born about 1913
LipscombCalvin born about 1925
LipscombDonald born about 1881
LipscombDonald born about 1920
LipscombGilbert born about 1884
LipscombGilbert Jr born about 1922
LipscombLeon born about 1913
LipscombLois born about 1927
LipscombTindleerg* born about 1928
LipscombToma born about 1892
LontzEdward born about 1905
LontzHazel born about 1918
LontzMary born about 1937
LowtherJohn born about 1865
LutzAlfred born about 1922
LutzDoris Jeanborn about 1927
LutzElayton born about 1919
LutzEsmer born about 1932
LutzGloria Annborn about 1937
LutzGuie born about 1896
LutzRuth born about 1900
LutzVirginia born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MaceDelbert born about 1915
MaceDelbert Jr born about 1939
MaceMaxine born about 1917
MaranEdward born about 1927
MaranJessie born about 1906
MaranShelva Jeneborn about 1937
MaranThomas Jr born about 1940
MaranTom born about 1895
MarkleyEarl Gborn about 1909
MarkleyGarnett born about 1921
MarkleyGe Jr born about 1936
MarkleyGrace born about 1893
MarkleyHilda born about 1927
MarkleyIra Wborn about 1880
MarkleyIra Jr born about 1923
MarkleyMartha born about 1916
MarshHarn born about 1862
MarshNancy born about 1883
MartenezCora born about 1903
MartenezEdna born about 1936
MartenezJack born about 1933
MartenezPaul born about 1903
MartinBetty born about 1924
MartinClara born about 1913
MartinDewy born about 1899
MartinDuretta born about 1926
MartinEllice born about 1903
MartinEvertt born about 1919
MartinJackson born about 1929
MartinJames born about 1900
MartinJames Wborn about 1874
MartinJola born about 1856
MartinSusan born about 1880
MartinWillard born about 1924
MattieVirgil born about 1915
MaurcaCharles born about 1929
MaurcaMinnie born about 1878
MaurcaTootsie born about 1925
McBelHarold born about 1927
McCallanBess born about 1890
McCallanJohn Eborn about 1886
McCanleyJames born about 1894
McCanleyMildred born about 1925
McCanleyOttis born about 1901
McCannAlbert born about 1882
McCannViola born about 1878
McCauleyBulah born about 1914
McCauleyCharles born about 1935
McCauleyDonald born about 1929
McCauleyDoris born about 1933
McCauleyEdith born about 1901
McCauleyGary born about 1932
McCauleyGerald born about 1916
McCauleyJean born about 1928
McCauleyLoretta Fborn about 1870
McCauleyPerry born about 1939
McCauleyRobert born about 1897
McCauleyS Kborn about 1903
McCaulyDarell born about 1930
McCaulyDwain born about 1920
McCaulyEdna born about 1920
McCaulyJohn born about 1902
McCloudAustin born about 1886
McCloudBlanche born about 1892
McCloudHarold born about 1916
McCloudMartin born about 1895
McCloudPauline born about 1917
McCloudRuth born about 1902
McCloudRuth Annborn about 1939
McCutchenClara born about 1882
McCutchenMary Annborn about 1931
McCutchenRobert Eborn about 1881
McDonaldAnna Maeborn about 1926
McDonaldBertha born about 1918
McDonaldBetty born about 1928
McDonaldBeverly born about 1939
McDonaldBradley born about 1932
McDonaldCecil born about 1897
McDonaldCloie born about 1901
McDonaldDorthy born about 1924
McDonaldElwanda born about 1928
McDonaldEreel* Eborn about 1922
McDonaldEthel born about 1905
McDonaldEvelyn born about 1924
McDonaldGay born about 1937
McDonaldJ Cborn about 1871
McDonaldLeon Mborn about
McDonaldLola Leeborn about 1939
McDonaldLucille born about 1923
McDonaldOrphia born about 1881
McDonaldPaul born about 1926
McDonaldRoberta born about 1936
McDonaldRonald born about 1915
McDonaldRose Marieborn about 1936
McDonaldRosette born about 1920
McDonaldRoy Leeborn about 1938
McDonaldStacy born about 1914
McDonaldTerry born about 1935
McDonaldTordon born about 1897
McDonaldTwila born about 1921
McDonaldVeldon Lborn about 1931
McDonaldWilda born about 1934
McDonaldWilma Jeanborn about 1931
McLeanAlva born about 1928
McLeanAndrew born about 1908
McLeanAndrew Jr born about 1935
McLeanArley born about 1940
McLeanBerl born about 1919
McLeanBertha born about 1903
McLeanCarrol born about 1938
McLeanChristine born about 1890
McLeanClarence born about 1904
McLeanClita born about 1907
McLeanDennis born about 1937
McLeanDorthy born about 1924
McLeanEugene born about 1933
McLeanFreddie born about 1924
McLeanGearld born about 1921
McLeanHenry born about 1893
McLeanIline born about 1929
McLeanIra born about 1938
McLeanIrvin born about 1935
McLeanMargaret born about 1882
McLeanP Dborn about 1862
McLeanPaul born about 1935
McLeanRay born about 1936
McLeanReta born about 1917
McLeanRosalee born about 1931
McLeanSterling born about 1932
McLeanVirginia born about 1934
McLeanWilliam born about 1871
McNemarClarks born about 1923
McNemarEdith born about 1920
McNemarGladys born about 1898
McNemarHarold born about 1927
McNemarLuella born about 1925
McNemarRessie born about 1901
McNemarW Fborn about 1897
McQuainA Lborn about 1897
McQuainAlbert born about 1899
McQuainAppie born about 1898
McQuainArnet Aborn about 1937
McQuainBobby* Eborn about 1934
McQuainFay Leeborn about 1939
McQuainFrank born about 1929
McQuainGeorge born about 1925
McQuainLoyal born about 1920
McQuainLuther Jr born about 1928
McQuainMadoline born about 1922
McQuainMary Louborn about 1932
McQuainPatricia Lborn about 1930
McQuainPearl born about 1901
McQuainRichard born about 1925
McQuainStewart Eborn about 1935
McVickerAlmanza born about 1898
McVickerC Oborn about 1897
McVickerFreda born about 1883
McVickerGranville born about 1917
McVickerHally born about 1923
McVickerJ Mborn about 1874
McVickerJanice born about 1925
McVickerJohn Kborn about 1936
McVickerLoleta born about 1926
McVickerRobert born about 1930
MercurioJoe born about 1904
MerittEdgar Joeborn about 1925
MeyerBurdette born about 1929
MeyerGrace born about 1906
MeyerKeith born about 1931
MeyerLowell Tborn about 1934
MichealFlorence born about 1885
MilesC Sborn about 1872
MilesClaire born about 1890
MillerArthur born about 1895
MillerAustin born about 1901
MillerC Jborn about 1887
MillerClifton born about 1918
MillerEdwin born about 1916
MillerErwina born about 1927
MillerGrace born about 1888
MillerHoward born about 1914
MillerIcy Aborn about 1896
MillerJ Wborn about 1871
MillerJames Hborn about 1866
MillerJohn born about 1938
MillerLuella Sborn about 1916
MillerLulu born about 1893
MillerMarshall born about 1940
MillerReba born about 1921
MillerReta born about 1920
MillerRobert born about 1939
MillerWanda Lborn about 1938
MillerWillard born about 1920
MillerWilliam born about 1877
MinardPeter born about 1873
MitchellIda born about 1865
MitchellIsac Eborn about 1865
MoatsDelma born about 1932
MoatsDorothy born about 1929
MoatsFred born about 1892
MoatsLora born about 1898
MontgomeryB Dborn about 1893
MontgomeryE Fborn about 1885
MontgomeryLucille born about 1919
MontgomeryMonta born about 1885
MontgomeryOrval born about 1917
MontgomeryR Lborn about 1904
MooreAda born about 1894
MooreAda born about 1901
MooreAgnes born about 1907
MooreAhyles Ruthborn about 1935
MooreAlbert born about 1907
MooreAmos born about 1890
MooreBerl Gennborn about 1930
MooreBertha born about 1873
MooreBradford born about 1921
MooreCecil born about 1916
MooreCharles born about 1924
MooreCharles Cborn about 1887
MooreChristine born about 1855
MooreDallas born about 1901
MooreDavid born about 1881
MooreDenzil born about 1926
MooreDorothy born about 1915
MooreEarl Hborn about 1910
MooreEarl Lonnieborn about 1939
MooreEdith Cborn about 1932
MooreEdsil* born about 1919
MooreEllen born about 1852
MooreEluanda born about 1923
MooreEmily born about 1918
MooreFannie born about 1911
MooreForest born about 1925
MooreFrona born about 1893
MooreG Aborn about 1870
MooreGenevieve born about 1915
MooreGladys born about 1897
MooreGordon born about 1895
MooreHarely Eborn about 1908
MooreHarold born about 1923
MooreHelen born about 1928
MooreHenrietta born about 1880
MooreHerman born about 1896
MooreHoward born about 1928
MooreJean born about 1927
MooreJennings Dborn about 1923
MooreJohn born about 1896
MooreJohn Hughborn about 1922
MooreJohn Williamborn about 1935
MooreJosephine born about 1926
MooreKathryn Janeborn about 1935
MooreL Dborn about 1901
MooreLee born about 1903
MooreLenora born about 1932
MooreLeona born about 1887
MooreLiza born about 1871
MooreLoise born about 1921
MooreLora born about 1888
MooreLoretta born about 1926
MooreLoyd born about 1920
MooreLucy born about 1863
MooreLura born about 1904
MooreLuther born about 1878
MooreMarcelle born about 1939
MooreMary born about 1885
MooreMary born about 1925
MooreMimerva born about 1866
MooreNancy born about 1869
MooreNona born about 1891
MooreOdbert born about 1900
MooreOdbert Jr born about 1930
MooreOkaretta born about 1929
MoorePatricia Joborn about 1939
MoorePearl born about 1908
MooreRena born about 1895
MooreRobert born about 1890
MooreRobert born about 1917
MooreRobert born about 1937
MooreRobert Leeborn about 1918
MooreRobert Jr born about 1915
MooreRussell born about 1915
MooreRuth born about 1922
MooreTheodore born about 1930
MooreThornhill T Eborn about 1885
MooreViola born about 1890
MooreVirginia born about 1915
MooreW Sborn about 1884
MooreWalter born about 1908
MooreWilla Dineborn about 1933
MooreWilliam born about 1903
MooreWilma born about 1907
MooreWm Heneryborn about 1868
MoranAlva born about 1894
MoranBerzel born about 1929
MoranDavid born about 1916
MoranDonald born about 1924
MoranGertie born about 1900
MorrisonCharlie born about 1891
MorrisonLouie born about 1918
MorrisonMollie born about 1881
MorrisonRachel born about 1885
MorrisonT Fborn about 1902
MurphyElizabeth born about 1912
MurphyElizabeth born about 1930
MurphyGratie born about 1933
MurphyJohn Aborn about 1864
MurphyLucratia born about 1864
MurphyMary Mborn about 1919
Myers??? Leeborn about 1921
MyersGarnet born about 1898
MyersJean born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NazelrodCarmelita born about 1926
NazelrodFrancis born about 1919
NazelrodJames Edwardborn about 1936
NazelrodJasper born about 1894
NazelrodLeota born about 1899
NazelrodLinda Louborn about 1939
NazelrodLouise born about 1931
NazelrodOrval Leeborn about 1924
NazelrodRonald born about 1922
NazelrodVelma born about 1929
NazelrodWenonah born about 1914
NazelrodWinifred Juneborn about
NealHarold born about 1926
NealLelia born about 1904
NealRallie Jborn about 1902
NealRollie Jr born about 1935
NealTheadore born about 1940
NestorAndrew Lborn about 1936
NestorCarol born about 1914
NestorClarsia Sborn about 1920
NestorElizabeth Aborn about 1930
NestorIda born about 1871
NestorJames born about 1933
NestorJannes Mborn about 1897
NestorJohn* born about 1906
NestorJunior born about 1927
NestorLawrence born about 1931
NestorLotus Mborn about 1920
NestorMary Eborn about 1925
NestorMillie Cborn about 1892
NestorNoah Jborn about 1906
NestorOda Vborn about 1920
NestorRay born about 1877
NestorThomas born about 1938
NestorWaldo Jborn about 1933
NewlonMinnie born about 1877
NutterDorothy Fayborn about 1933
NutterHarold born about 1913
NutterPhyllis born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

ObrienCorelean born about 1928
ObrienDeyle born about 1926
ObrienDonald born about 1940
ObrienEdna born about 1909
ObrienJack born about 1932
ObrienJerrie born about 1935
ObrienJoie born about 1937
ObrienMartha born about 1930
ObrienPaul born about 1924
OffhausElla born about 1883
OffhausOtto born about 1874

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PaineHoward born about 1919
PaineJohn born about 1921
PaineLelia Maeborn about 1930
PaineLouis Dborn about 1876
PaineMary born about 1927
PaineMary born about 1937
PainePearl born about 1899
PaineRobert born about 1924
PalingAnthon born about 1871
PalingMabel born about 1886
PanopoulosCarrie born about 1890
PanopoulosJohn born about 1901
PaoliniElman born about 1923
PaoliniElwin born about 1925
PaoliniJoe born about 1898
PaoliniJulius born about 1938
PaoliniMabel born about 1902
ParrishCharles Mborn about 1886
ParrishIcwene born about 1889
ParrishNobel born about 1922
PaytonAubra born about 1909
PaytonDavid born about 1867
PaytonHerbert born about 1919
PaytonIva born about 1883
PaytonOpal born about 1927
PaytonRalph born about 1915
PerryA Kborn about 1870
PerryFrancis born about 1877
PhilipsAvis born about 1909
PhilipsCharlotte born about 1936
PhilipsClayton born about 1921
PhilipsConstance born about 1930
PhilipsDiena born about 1890
PhilipsEnola born about 1927
PhilipsEustace born about 1906
PhilipsGordon born about 1902
PhilipsJoseph born about 1892
PhilipsPearl born about 1912
PhilipsRobert born about 1933
PhilipsRuth born about 1937
PhilipsTroy born about 1907
PhilipsVirginia born about 1910
PhillipsAubrey Hborn about 1901
PhillipsBettie born about 1859
PhillipsClyde born about 1914
PhillipsCooper born about 1908
PhillipsDora born about 1868
PhillipsEverett born about 1922
PhillipsFlossie born about 1893
PhillipsFrank born about 1890
PhillipsGenevieve born about 1918
PhillipsHoward born about 1931
PhillipsJack born about 1918
PhillipsJennie born about 1937
PhillipsJunior Daleborn about 1929
PhillipsLottie born about 1913
PhillipsManrow born about 1860
PhillipsMary Virginiaborn about 1927
PhillipsPatricia Annborn about 1931
PhillipsPaul Lborn about 1913
PhillipsPaul Jr born about 1937
PhillipsRose born about 1910
PhillipsRuth Hborn about 1902
PhillipsVenola born about 1907
PhillipsVictor Blaineborn about 1938
PhillipsW Jborn about 1865
PhillipsWarren born about 1897
PingleyDorothy born about 1914
PingleyGarnet Maeborn about 1940
PingleyGloria Georgeborn about 1938
PingleyRobert born about 1914
PingleyShelby Jeneborn about 1937
PinglingHarry born about 1922
PishnerFrank born about 1872
PishnerJimmy born about 1917
PishnerJunior born about 1929
PishnerLewis born about 1913
PishnerMarvin Oborn about 1938
PishnerMary born about 1916
PishnerMelva Jborn about 1933
PishnerShirley Gborn about 1935
PishnerThomas born about 1924
PitzerDavid Eborn about 1934
PitzerEarl Bborn about 1910
PitzerEliss Aborn about 1869
PitzerGeorge Dborn about 1929
PitzerGoldie Vborn about 1902
PitzerHarry Pborn about 1913
PitzerLois Gborn about 1939
PitzerLucinda Cborn about 1872
PitzerM Pearlborn about 1914
PitzerNoretha Aborn about 1939
PitzerPaul Eborn about 1937
PitzerPauline Sborn about 1908
PitzerRobert Jborn about 1935
PitzerRon Lborn about 1897
PitzerRoy Eborn about 1932
PitzerWanita Rborn about 1933
PoeGrover born about 1885
PoeMartha born about 1861
PoeW Mborn about 1861
PolingAlda Eborn about 1877
PolingArnold born about 1923
PolingCharles Fborn about 1907
PolingDaniel born about 1881
PolingDelbert Dborn about 1875
PolingDennis born about 1884
PolingDorsey Lborn about 1913
PolingEddith born about 1892
PolingEdna Cborn about 1917
PolingEsta Mborn about 1929
PolingF Jamesborn about 1931
PolingForest born about 1920
PolingFrances Cborn about 1883
PolingGeraldine born about 1918
PolingGlenn born about 1923
PolingHarbell born about 1867
PolingHarold born about 1924
PolingHarry Nborn about 1929
PolingHelen born about 1909
PolingHubert Eborn about 1917
PolingIcie born about 1923
PolingJ Jborn about 1871
PolingJames Sborn about 1857
PolingJohn born about 1924
PolingJohn Eborn about 1901
PolingKenneth Cborn about 1927
PolingLeonard Lborn about 1938
PolingLeota Rborn about 1926
PolingLerra* born about 1888
PolingMarie born about 1889
PolingMelvin born about 1886
PolingNora Aborn about 1909
PolingO Sborn about 1912
PolingOna born about 1892
PolingOral born about 1919
PolingOrey Jborn about 1913
PolingPatsy Lborn about 1939
PolingPauline Oborn about 1933
PolingR Eborn about 1881
PolingRosa born about 1885
PolingT Rosalieborn about 1934
PolingViola born about 1867
PolingWinie born about 1928
PolingWorthing born about 1878
PostonCharlotte born about 1926
PostonGordon born about 1903
PostonHugh born about 1925
PostonMadiline born about 1930
PostonMinnie born about 1905
PostonRobert born about 1933
PowellLeonard born about 1938
PowellStanley born about 1911
PowellStenley Jr born about 1933
PowellWilla born about 1913
PriceAda born about 1903
PriceAleta born about 1899
PriceAnn Maeborn about 1939
PriceB Hborn about 1889
PriceBarbara Jeneborn about 1929
PriceBen Hborn about 1888
PriceBerne born about 1925
PriceBertha Iborn about 1911
PriceC Cborn about 1907
PriceCarrol born about 1923
PriceClifton born about 1923
PriceDavid Lynnborn about 1939
PriceDonald Craigborn about 1928
PriceEdith born about 1899
PriceEdward born about 1920
PriceEmmigene* born about 1929
PriceFannie born about 1891
PriceFrank Nborn about 1926
PriceGertrude Cborn about 1892
PriceHarold born about 1922
PriceHarry born about 1922
PriceHenry Hborn about 1893
PriceHerbert born about 1924
PriceHugh Henryborn about 1909
PriceIsac born about 1890
PriceJames Mborn about 1921
PriceJohn born about 1903
PriceJohn Rborn about 1919
PriceJulius born about 1916
PriceLaura born about 1910
PriceLillian born about 1925
PriceMarjorie born about 1912
PriceMartha Raeborn about 1930
PriceMary Aliceborn about 1929
PriceMinnie born about 1893
PriceNancy born about 1861
PriceNell ???born about 1935
PriceOkaretta born about 1921
PriceOtis born about 1901
PriceOval born about 1921
PricePaul born about 1926
PricePearl born about 1902
PricePearl born about 1903
PricePhilip Heneryborn about 1934
PriceRay Fborn about 1929
PriceRaymond born about 1928
PriceRose Marieborn about 1927
PriceRoy Mborn about 1929
PriceRuby Lborn about 1926
PriceRuth Annborn about 1933
PriceS Bborn about 1901
PriceScott born about 1863
PriceVirginia born about 1919
PriceVirginia born about 1927
PriceWilliam born about 1921
ProodfordJerold born about 1920
ProudfordJanet Leeborn about 1939
ProudfordJunior born about 1923
ProudfordMinnie born about 1871
ProudfordOpal born about 1910
ProudfordShirley Rborn about 1936
ProudfordTe??? born about 1912
ProudfordVirginia born about 1913
ProudfordVoilet Jeanborn about 1933
PurkeyGearldine born about 1906
PurkeyHarry born about 1907
PurkeyJoseph Annborn about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QueenAugustine born about 1935
QueenEdna born about 1911
QueenElmer Jr born about 1937
QueenLee born about 1929
QueenRobert born about 1933
QueenViolet born about 1930

R Surnames

RamesyJames born about 1835
RamesyLena born about 1881
RamseyBell born about 1875
RamseyBerl born about 1917
RamseyBrook born about 1904
RamseyBrook Jr born about 1925
RamseyByrd born about 1928
RamseyDorthy born about 1924
RamseyFredrick born about 1939
RamseyGeorge born about 1900
RamseyGeorgia born about 1930
RamseyGermon* born about 1913
RamseyIsora* born about 1888
RamseyJ Rborn about 1856
RamseyJean born about 1937
RamseyJohn born about 1933
RamseyLilly born about 1935
RamseyLucille born about 1928
RamseyMary born about 1924
RamseyMary born about 1935
RamseyOkey born about 1910
RamseyRobert born about 1933
RamseyStella born about 1905
RamseyStrainther* born about 1932
RamseyTena born about 1905
RamseyThomas born about 1869
RamseyTommie born about 1936
RamseyWilliam born about 1880
RamseyWompma born about 1935
RaweEugene born about 1880
RaweLennie born about 1884
RegerMary born about 1876
RegesterGrace born about 1892
RegesterJunior born about 1923
RegesterTroy born about 1906
RichardsGuy Bborn about 1894
RichardsGuy Jr born about 1926
RichardsMary born about 1922
RichardsNeil born about 1920
RichardsPaul born about 1925
RichardsZelma born about 1895
RiderDonald born about 1937
RiderDoyle born about 1907
RiderDoyle Jr born about 1935
RiderErvin born about 1881
RiderFlorence born about 1879
RiderGeorgie born about 1940
RiderGrace born about 1931
RiderIna Ruthborn about 1932
RiderJames born about 1910
RiderJauntia born about 1929
RiderJuanita born about 1929
RiderKeith born about 1937
RiderLuella born about 1934
RiderMartha born about 1932
RiderMary born about 1908
RiderNellie born about 1909
RiderPhilip born about 1939
RiderRodney born about 1934
RidgeyDora born about 1876
RidgeyMary born about 1928
RidgwayFrank born about 1929
RidgwayGrace born about 1903
RidgwayInglle* born about 1903
RidgwayJennie born about 1869
RidgwayWilliam born about 1861
RiffleAlma born about 1921
RiffleAlva born about 1936
RiffleCam born about 1921
RiffleDonald Edborn about 1940
RiffleElsia born about 1912
RiffleFrancis born about 1885
RiffleJohn born about 1906
RiffleJunior born about 1912
RifflePauline born about 1935
RiffleRuby born about 1931
RightAlice born about 1887
RightAlice born about 1938
RightC Cborn about 1869
RightEarl born about 1898
RightEileen born about 1918
RightElizabeth born about 1898
RightErma Aliceborn about 1936
RightGertrude born about 1922
RightGordon born about 1916
RightHazel born about 1913
RightLaura born about 1872
RightLee born about 1923
RightLeonard born about 1905
RightLucille born about 1939
RightMargaret Eborn about 1912
RightMary born about 1916
RightMary Cborn about 1882
RightW J Hborn about 1885
RightWillard born about 1900
RightWilliam born about 1920
RimbartEmma born about 1866
RoadbaughJames born about 1934
RoadbaughLeona born about 1914
RobensonAda born about 1900
RobensonBradford born about 1884
RobensonClyde born about 1933
RobensonGeorge born about 1931
RobensonLee Jborn about 1936
RobensonLucille born about 1927
RobensonMargaret born about 1921
RobinsonDarsey Jr born about 1939
RobinsonDorrey born about 1905
RobinsonEarl Bborn about 1938
RobinsonElla born about 1878
RobinsonHazel born about 1908
RobinsonKenneth born about 1925
RobinsonV Bborn about 1873
RobinsonWn Fborn about 1935
RodabaughDurl Lborn about 1937
RogersAlbert born about 1926
RohraboughHenry Williamborn about 1929
RohraboughJ Hborn about 1875
RohraboughPaul Nathanborn about 1931
RohraboughVirginia born about 1899
RosenbergerChristine born about
RosenbergerJames Mborn about 1899
RosenbergerJames Philipborn about 1932
RosenbergerJoseph Davidborn about 1930
RosenbergerLillian born about 1902
RosenbergerNora born about 1876
RosenbergerNorigail born about 1936
RosenbergerW Sborn about 1875
RowAlvie born about 1910
RowAnna born about 1904
RowAudra born about 1927
RowBernice Mborn about 1937
RowBetty Joeborn about 1925
RowBulah born about 1900
RowCharles born about 1929
RowCharles Bborn about 1939
RowCharles Sborn about 1889
RowClarence born about 1882
RowDessie born about 1890
RowDonald born about 1930
RowFrank born about 1886
RowG Pborn about 1902
RowGlends born about 1918
RowHallie born about 1896
RowHazel born about 1897
RowHobert born about 1904
RowJoan born about 1928
RowJoe born about 1932
RowJohn born about 1924
RowJoy born about 1930
RowLeonard born about 1888
RowLouise born about 1893
RowMary born about 1859
RowMary born about 1921
RowMary Eborn about 1926
RowNettie born about 1919
RowNina Rayborn about 1939
RowPaul born about 1923
RowPearl born about 1881
RowRay born about 1935
RowRaymond born about 1889
RowRaymond born about 1914
RowRobert born about 1939
RowSharon born about 1932
RowW Jborn about 1877
RowWira born about 1917
RowZeta born about 1894
RowanFlossie born about 1921
RowanG Wborn about 1876
RowanGoldie born about 1886
RowanLaurence Vborn about 1919
RoweCharles born about 1934
RoweEmary born about 1907
RoweGail born about 1925
RoweHarley born about 1887
RoweJunior born about 1922
RoweLaura born about 1893
RoweMilford born about 1937
RoweRuth born about 1914
RoweWilliam born about 1932
RuckerDelia born about 1873
RuckerW Mborn about 1869
RyanA Mborn about 1888
RyanAtlee born about 1908
RyanBetty born about 1927
RyanDonald Leeborn about 1935
RyanEdith born about 1914
RyanElmar born about 1919
RyanElsie born about 1920
RyanFredric born about 1918
RyanGerald Georgeborn about 1911
RyanGuy Jborn about 1940
RyanHarry Tborn about 1939
RyanHayward born about 1928
RyanIeta Mayborn about 1938
RyanIvie Mborn about 1915
RyanJoseph Geraldborn about 1934
RyanJosephine born about 1939
RyanMan* born about 1889
RyanMartha Louborn about 1939
RyanNorma Geanborn about 1932
RyanR Mborn about 1888
RyanRuth born about 1919
RyanStanly born about 1925
RyanThelma born about 1929
RyanW Aborn about 1886
RyanWilliam born about 1901
RyanWilliam Jr born about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SaffelReta born about 1912
SainatoJoe born about 1917
SainatoMary born about 1921
SainatoPatricia Annborn about 1938
SainatoRobert Leeborn about 1940
SandridgeBetty born about 1929
SandridgeCharles born about 1903
SandridgeCharlotte Annborn about 1927
SandridgeDohia Mborn about
SandridgeEmma born about 1875
SandridgeJunior born about 1913
SandridgeMaurine born about 1905
SandridgeVincent born about 1924
SarroBernard born about 1930
SarroEdward born about 1939
SarroEva born about 1925
SarroJames born about 1880
SarroJoseph born about 1922
SarroWesley born about 1924
SchoonverD Wborn about 1908
SchoonverGenevie born about 1914
SchoonverRobert born about 1860
ScottAnne Leeborn about 1923
ScottCharles born about 1934
ScottDarrell born about 1928
ScottDover born about 1932
ScottEllen born about 1926
ScottHabert born about 1931
ScottJames born about 1916
ScottJerald Wborn about 1940
ScottLeota born about 1919
ScottMargie born about 1907
ScottMason born about 1914
ScottRay born about 1906
ScottRaymond born about 1938
SelvessiLoreta born about 1916
ShaferLucy born about 1872
ShafferAva born about 1899
ShafferDennis Cborn about 1937
ShafferDoris Annborn about 1936
ShafferEllen born about 1912
ShafferHeliotrope born about 1898
ShafferNina Leeborn about 1936
ShafferTruman Leeborn about 1868
ShahanCarl born about 1936
ShahanDeloris born about 1938
ShahanDora born about 1873
ShahanEula born about 1938
ShahanGordon born about 1916
ShahanHester born about 1913
ShahanJauntia born about 1918
ShahanJunior born about 1931
ShahanMae born about 1910
ShahanMary born about 1939
ShahanRaseal* born about 1917
ShahanRay born about 1915
ShahanRichard born about 1937
ShahanWilliam born about 1937
ShambraElmora born about 1918
ShamoEdward Leeborn about 1938
ShamoGordon born about 1907
ShamoIrene born about 1922
ShamoJoan born about 1934
ShamoMarcline born about 1929
ShamoVerna born about 1907
SharpD Cborn about 1889
SharpT Jborn about 1861
SharpTom born about 1932
SharpZella born about 1898
ShawkeyBetty born about 1929
ShawkeyBurr born about 1876
ShawkeyCarl born about 1933
ShawkeyDollie born about 1904
ShawkeyHarold born about 1906
ShawkeyHazel born about 1906
ShawkeyHugh born about 1908
ShawkeyIrene born about 1917
ShawkeyJanice born about 1935
ShawkeyJean born about 1931
ShawkeyJohn born about 1863
ShawkeyKathlin born about 1927
ShawkeyKennieth born about 1939
ShawkeyLoyd born about 1934
ShawkeyMac born about 1923
ShawkeyMadeline born about 1926
ShawkeyNorma born about 1931
ShawkeyOtto born about 1902
ShawkeyPhilmer born about 1929
ShawkeyRalph born about 1938
ShawkeyRoxie born about 1911
ShawkeyVern born about 1939
ShawkeyWilma born about 1936
SheltonAlton born about 1906
SheltonClark born about 1880
SheltonClaude born about 1926
SheltonEttie born about 1886
SheltonHelen born about 1923
SheltonJ Fborn about 1882
SheltonJames Keithborn about 1937
SheltonLillie born about 1904
SheltonMary Lonborn about 1931
SheltonShirley Jeanborn about 1935
ShermanAnne born about 1891
ShermanEugene born about 1919
ShermanHazel born about 1912
ShermanRoy Jborn about 1878
ShermanVirginia born about 1922
ShingletonH Dborn about 1898
ShingletonHelen born about 1908
ShomoAda born about 1892
ShomoAgnes born about 1912
ShomoAlberta born about 1896
ShomoBetty born about 1919
ShomoBeverly Louborn about 1938
ShomoBlanche born about 1915
ShomoCharles born about 1874
ShomoDenver born about 1903
ShomoDenver Leeborn about 1928
ShomoDever born about 1935
ShomoDonald born about 1935
ShomoFreda born about 1912
ShomoGeorge born about 1882
ShomoGeorgia born about 1915
ShomoHoward born about 1909
ShomoJoyce Paeborn about 1929
ShomoKenneth born about 1910
ShomoLouise Fborn about 1933
ShomoLuida Louborn about 1939
ShomoMary Lborn about 1933
ShomoMaude born about 1880
ShomoMax born about 1915
ShomoOra born about 1890
ShomoRichard Nealborn about 1931
ShomoRudy born about 1938
ShomoSandra Sueborn about 1939
ShomoShirley Annborn about 1933
ShomoWillard born about 1915
ShomoWillie Jr born about 1936
ShowEllen Vborn about 1866
SimonArley Rborn about 1923
SimonEthel born about 1894
SimonGoff born about 1890
SimonNorma born about 1921
SimonsBetty born about 1935
SimonsDaniel Blakeborn about 1935
SimonsEmma born about 1922
SimonsGrace born about 1902
SimonsJoe born about 1880
SimonsJohn born about 1875
SimonsJonnett born about 1922
SimonsKieth born about 1938
SimonsMaxell born about 1914
SimonsMerytle born about 1884
SimonsReta born about 1911
SimonsRuby born about 1916
SimonsWallace born about 1912
SimpsonCarl born about 1919
SimpsonStella Maeborn about 1921
SimselHattie born about 1887
SimselJ Aborn about 1885
SinselAdam born about 1883
SinselCarl born about 1906
SinselCarl Jr born about 1939
SinselDevona born about 1911
SinselFrancis born about 1889
SinselNorma born about 1931
SinselThelma born about 1923
SipeBetty born about 1927
SipeDorthy born about 1935
SipeElmer born about 1905
SipeHazel born about 1908
SipeJohn born about 1929
SkeltonFred born about 1939
SkeltonHarry born about 1936
SkeltonJean Lborn about 1937
SkeltonJefferson born about 1930
SkeltonLewis born about 1907
SkeltonNorma born about 1908
SkeltonVera born about 1929
SkidmoreA Bborn about 1913
SkidmoreAmanda* born about 1879
SkidmoreArtie born about 1921
SkidmoreCecil born about 1919
SkidmoreDoy born about 1931
SkidmoreDwain born about 1915
SkidmoreEdgar born about 1923
SkidmoreElizabeth Mborn about 1864
SkidmoreElmore born about 1885
SkidmoreGertrude born about 1898
SkidmoreGlenwood born about 1935
SkidmoreGordon born about 1887
SkidmoreHarold born about 1912
SkidmoreHerl born about 1915
SkidmoreHider Dborn about 1865
SkidmoreL Dborn about 1893
SkidmoreLesley born about 1939
SkidmoreM Eborn about 1896
SkidmoreMary Vborn about 1889
SkidmoreMyrtle born about 1899
SkidmoreRachel born about 1901
SkidmoreRebecca born about 1891
SkidmoreRobert born about 1928
SkidmoreRonald born about 1933
SkidmoreRosalee born about 1916
SkidmoreStarling born about 1919
SkidmoreWilliam born about 1870
SmithCharles born about 1896
SmithDillion born about 1897
SmithJames Rborn about 1923
SmithMally Annborn about 1858
SmithOda born about 1898
SmithPatty born about 1930
SmithWilliam Sborn about 1873
SpencerAnna born about 1922
SpencerBrooks born about 1911
SpencerDarrell born about 1932
SpencerDon born about 1936
SpencerDonay born about 1917
SpencerDorthy born about 1934
SpencerEdward Dborn about 1914
SpencerEmma born about 1938
SpencerJohn born about 1886
SpencerJohn Utde*born about 1940
SpencerLibly born about 1890
SpencerMary Cborn about 1924
SpencerMelba born about 1937
SpencerPauline born about 1915
SpringerBillie born about 1928
SpringerHerbert born about 1921
SpringerIda born about 1885
SpringerIlene born about 1924
SpringerWilliam born about 1873
SquiresAndrew Kborn about 1896
SquiresC Goldieborn about 1902
SquiresJames Wborn about 1870
SquiresMalinda Cborn about 1873
StafferOline born about 1922
StahlDavid Tborn about 1930
StahlEngle Gene Jrborn about 1929
StahlThompson Romieborn about 1904
StalkinsGeorgia born about 1921
StalknerAndra born about 1902
StalknerAnnabelle born about 1936
StalknerArlie born about 1897
StalknerArlie Jr born about 1925
StalknerBeatrice born about 1932
StalknerBessie born about 1896
StalknerClarence born about 1915
StalknerFloyd born about 1876
StalknerForest born about 1920
StalknerGenevie born about 1918
StalknerHarold born about 1934
StalknerJosphine born about 1931
StalknerLona born about 1887
StalknerOliver born about 1882
StalknerOliver Jr born about 1929
StalknerRosalee born about 1923
StalknerZela born about 1873
StalnakerAllen born about 1908
StalnakerBlanche born about 1893
StalnakerDillan born about 1916
StalnakerDora Mborn about 1886
StalnakerEarnest born about 1915
StalnakerFloyd born about 1882
StalnakerGarrison born about 1858
StalnakerGuy Gborn about 1889
StalnakerLena born about 1921
StalnakerLeoral born about 1896
StalnakerM Eborn about 1883
StalnakerMargaret born about 1923
StalnakerMarril born about 1930
StalnakerOpal born about 1891
StalnakerRichard born about 1921
StalnakerSarah born about 1893
StalnakerW Fborn about 1853
StalnakerWilda born about 1919
StalnakerWilliam Heneryborn about 1928
StarmanCamell Hallborn about 1916
StarmanCecil born about 1895
StarmanD Cborn about 1885
StarmanEunice born about 1918
StarmanGuy Jr born about 1939
StarmanHoward born about 1921
StaronRose born about 1901
SteeermanElizabeth born about 1911
StempleAda born about 1923
StempleCharles born about 1928
StempleEarylen born about 1939
StempleEthel born about 1901
StempleMartin born about 1915
StempleNadine born about 1922
StempleWinfred born about 1898
StermanDelbert born about 1914
StermanEvelyn born about 1918
StermanJerry born about 1939
StewartGeorge born about 1880
StewartMildred born about 1868
StraderE Mborn about 1885
StraderLouise born about 1927
StraderMinie born about 1883
StrotherG Gborn about 1889
StrotherMarybelle born about 1919
StrotherMaude Bborn about 1891
StrotherR Belleborn about 1866
StrumsRoscoe born about 1887
SturmA Cborn about 1868
SturmArmada* born about 1874
SturmBessie born about 1896
SturmBuddy Jr born about 1933
SturmCora born about 1889
SturmDona Jeanborn about 1927
SturmElsie born about 1915
SturmF Dborn about 1889
SturmFlora Bellborn about 1926
SturmFlorence Ruthborn about 1932
SturmFredrick born about
SturmFurl born about 1916
SturmGuy born about 1918
SturmHarry born about 1927
SturmHarry Rborn about 1912
SturmHelen born about 1920
SturmHugh born about 1900
SturmJ Aborn about 1889
SturmJack born about 1917
SturmJackie born about 1938
SturmJerry Ralphborn about 1939
SturmLee born about 1897
SturmLee born about 1925
SturmLizzie born about 1877
SturmMadeline born about 1922
SturmMadge Eborn about 1930
SturmMinnie born about 1897
SturmOpal born about 1908
SturmRobert born about 1922
SturmRosa Eborn about 1880
SturmRussel Jborn about 1882
SturmRussel Jborn about 1922
SturmRuth born about 1924
SturmRuth born about 1927
SturmThelma born about 1920
SturmTilden born about 1914
SturmWauneta born about 1925
SturmWilber Leeborn about 1918
SturmsDenzil born about 1916
SturmsDorthy born about 1927
SturmsDoyle born about 1940
SturmsIsaac born about 1886
SturmsMary Belleborn about 1922
SturmsWanda born about 1933
SturmsWilber born about 1917
SwagerHoward born about 1926
SwagerRalph born about 1924
SwickAckerman born about 1907
SwickAndra born about 1905
SwickDora born about 1892
SwickHoward born about 1904
SwickHoward Jr born about 1927
SwickHoy born about 1918
SwickLesly born about 1885
SwickLillian born about 1931
SwickLucy born about 1855
SwickPaul born about 1920
SwickPorter Lborn about 1888
SwickRhoda born about 1883
SwickShirley born about 1938
SwickWilsie born about 1919
SwisherCarmen born about 1933
SwisherDorsay born about 1911
SwisherOpal born about 1914
SwisherWillard born about 1939
SytleHallie born about 1885
SytleLon born about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TalbottA Fborn about 1887
TalbottHerbert born about 1919
TalbottLucille born about 1927
TalbottMadiline born about 1925
TalbottN Vborn about 1885
TalbottRoselee born about 1924
TaylorEdward born about 1915
TaylorIcie born about 1883
TaylorStanley born about 1906
TeeBelle born about 1859
TeeCarl born about 1938
TeeFremont born about 1933
TeeJunior born about 1919
TeeKatherine born about 1931
TeeKenneth born about 1928
TeeLela born about 1900
TeeMartin born about 1863
TeeOkey born about 1897
TenneyCarl Gborn about 1933
TenneyCarrie Leeborn about 1936
TenneyCharlie born about 1926
TenneyErnest born about 1935
TenneyFlorence born about 1904
TenneyMary Ellenborn about 1921
TenneyOtes Geraldborn about 1940
TenneyStering born about 1931
TenneyThomas born about 1893
TenneyThomas Jr born about 1929
TenneyWilliam born about 1923
TeterCharles born about 1889
TeterDollie born about 1868
TeterDoris born about 1888
TeterJessie Sborn about 1892
TeterRalph Lborn about 1890
TeterRuth born about 1918
ThomasGertrude born about 1920
ThomlsonCoral Lborn about 1896
ThompsonAdria born about 1901
ThompsonBetty Joeborn about 1934
ThompsonBonnie Belleborn about 1938
ThompsonDonna born about 1907
ThompsonDorothy born about 1901
ThompsonFrancis Lborn about 1860
ThompsonFred born about 1923
ThompsonFred Eborn about 1884
ThompsonIrene born about 1909
ThompsonJennie Leeborn about 1932
ThompsonJessie Vborn about 1881
ThompsonJohn Aborn about 1915
ThompsonJulia Ettaborn about 1939
ThompsonLee born about 1928
ThompsonLee born about 1940
ThompsonLenora Sborn about 1884
ThompsonLila Leeborn about 1936
ThompsonMaralice born about 1928
ThompsonMary Aborn about 1918
ThompsonMary Annborn about 1938
ThompsonOlive born about 1863
ThompsonOmer Cborn about 1891
ThompsonOmer Jr born about 1924
ThompsonPauline born about 1918
ThompsonReta born about 1913
ThompsonRobert born about 1910
ThompsonRobert Oborn about 1928
ThompsonSarah born about 1866
ThompsonStephen born about 1900
ThompsonViena born about 1934
ThompsonVirginia born about 1937
ThompsonVirginia Wborn about 1924
ThompsonW Hborn about 1872
ThompsonWilliam born about 1907
ThompsonWilma born about 1932
ThorBenton born about 1898
ThorBurton born about 1930
ThorCalvin born about 1926
ThorCharles born about 1933
ThorG Wborn about 1903
ThorJames born about 1932
ThorLucille born about 1900
ThorNancy born about 1940
ThorPauline born about 1929
ThorRuth born about 1909
ThorWarren born about 1921
ThorWilliam born about 1923
Thorn??? born about 1918
ThornArlie born about 1909
ThornFlossie born about 1921
ThornHartzell born about 1918
ThornJanet born about 1939
ThornJanet born about 1940
ThornJean born about 1940
ThornPauline born about 1912
ThorneBarney born about 1921
ThorneBoyd born about 1898
ThorneEleanor born about 1897
ThorneJack born about 1923
ThorneRoy born about 1929
ThornhillAlice born about 1918
ThornhillCora born about 1908
ThornhillDavis born about 1925
ThornhillEdith born about 1928
ThornhillEdna born about 1935
ThornhillEdward born about 1935
ThornhillLorine born about 1922
ThornhillNiel born about 1918
ThornhillVirginia born about 1938
ThornhillWillis born about 1927
ToldenBessie born about 1893
ToldenHelen born about 1923
ToldenLucille born about 1922
ToldenWilliam born about 1884
TranvilleBelva born about 1913
TroschoskiTony born about 1874
TruslerErnestine born about 1934
TruslerHomer born about 1887
TruslerJoan born about 1929
TruslerKatherine born about 1928
TruslerMona born about 1894
TruslerOlva born about 1857
TruslerRosalie born about 1933
TurnerDessie born about 1890
TurnerEverett born about 1924
TurnerGazel born about 1919
TurnerHarry born about 1939
TurnerIsaac born about 1886
TurnerLaura born about 1937
TurnerMcnul born about 1940
TurnerTheo born about 1914
TurnerVondal born about 1934
TusingW Pborn about 1861

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UchicGazella born about 1921

V Surnames

ValentineF T Jrborn about 1923
ValentineJaki born about 1876
ValentineKeith born about 1927
ValentineLulu Eborn about 1888
ValentineLulu Eborn about 1894
ValentineSarah born about 1880
VanceJames Wborn about 1869
ViguesneyHazel born about 1894
ViguesneyJean born about 1924
ViguesneyJune born about 1926
VincenzCatherine born about 1932
VincenzGeroe born about 1893
VincenzIlline born about 1934
VincenzJosephine born about 1910
VincenzJulia born about 1939
VincenzNorma born about 1938
VincenzPaurmine* born about 1936
VincenzRose Maryborn about 1931
VincenzTessie born about 1930
ViquenyAllison born about 1905
ViquenyAnnie born about 1871

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WaggnoerAustin born about 1931
WaggnoerDarell born about 1939
WaggnoerDenver born about 1935
WaggnoerDoris born about 1911
WaggnoerParell born about 1911
WaggnoerWilliam born about 1933
WaggnorCharles born about 1891
WaggonerArnett born about 1884
WaggonerBeatrice born about 1917
WaggonerNettie born about 1895
WagnerEva born about 1910
WagnerFrancis born about 1906
WagnerFredie born about 1937
WagnerJ Dborn about 1868
WagnerMargie born about 1936
WalfeA Wborn about 1877
WallerDixie Leeborn about 1939
WamsleyBertha born about 1919
WamsleyFred born about 1914
WamslyEmma born about 1889
WamslyHus born about 1889
WamslyJoseph Antiaborn about 1928
WamslyRay born about 1923
WardEmma born about 1879
WardEugene born about 1935
WardFladys born about 1931
WardHarry born about 1910
WardIthra born about 1882
WardKate born about 1868
WardKennieth born about 1933
WardLorine born about 1936
WardMary Joborn about 1932
WardPearl born about 1916
WardRobert Leeborn about 1939
WareAlbert Eborn about 1897
WareAlice born about 1895
WareAlma born about 1919
WareBarney born about 1934
WareBeatrice born about 1910
WareBetty born about 1932
WareBradford born about 1926
WareCharles born about 1912
WareClovis born about 1928
WareColonel born about 1907
WareCora born about 1877
WareCora Maeborn about
WareDicie born about 1902
WareDora born about 1881
WareEddison born about 1919
WareElsia born about 1925
WareErnest Eborn about 1935
WareEvylen born about 1911
WareFreda born about 1924
WareGrace born about 1929
WareHerbert born about 1894
WareHildra born about 1912
WareHoward born about 1931
WareInez born about 1932
WareJohn born about 1883
WareLawrence born about 1916
WareLena born about 1905
WareLeona born about 1924
WareLoraine born about 1919
WareLoyd born about 1911
WareMarvin born about 1936
WareMary Belleborn about 1940
WareMaudie born about 1910
WareMildred born about 1939
WareMyrtle born about 1912
WareNorma born about 1935
WareOdvert born about 1928
WareOkey born about 1903
WareOmar born about 1900
WareOrval born about 1918
WareRay born about 1906
WareReco born about 1923
WareRosemarie born about 1935
WareRosie born about 1894
WareRoy born about 1910
WareVirgil born about 1907
WareVirginia born about 1922
WareWarren born about 1924
WattsSusan Eborn about 1852
WaybrightDelphia born about 1870
WeaverLora born about 1911
WeeseKatherine Lborn about 1932
WeeseMat born about 1867
WestonAuby Pborn about 1905
WestonDany born about 1898
WestonDarrell born about 1938
WestonJohn born about 1917
WestonLenora born about 1897
WhetzelBlanche born about 1893
WhetzelGalford born about 1890
WhetzelGeorge born about 1914
WhetzelPatricia Anneborn about 1938
WhetzelVirginia born about 1916
WibogastCharles born about 1923
WibogastDavid born about 1933
WibogastDonald born about 1931
WibogastJack born about 1929
WibogastLois born about 1925
WibogastMary born about 1900
WibogastRobert born about 1928
WilliamFax born about 1901
WilliamFax Jr born about 1928
WilliamHolly born about 1908
WilliamNorman born about 1931
WilliamsAlvia born about 1895
WilliamsDorothy Jborn about 1933
WilliamsElla born about 1898
WilliamsGrant* born about 1896
WilliamsHop born about 1902
WilliamsIrene born about 1909
WilliamsIva Belleborn about 1921
WilliamsLillie born about 1873
WilliamsMary Lborn about 1913
WilliamsMicheal born about 1938
WilliamsMilford born about 1910
WilliamsOdbert born about 1924
WilliamsPatricia born about 1937
WilliamsPhletus born about 1906
WilliamsPhletus Jesborn about 1934
WilliamsReta born about 1914
WilliamsW Jborn about 1878
WilliamsWm born about 1928
WilliamsonAustin born about 1916
WilliamsonJames Russelborn about 1939
WilliamsonRitta born about 1910
WilliamsonRussel Cborn about 1908
WillianHill born about 1866
WilmothBelly born about 1925
WilmothCarrie born about 1894
WilmothDelbert born about 1898
WilmothHelen born about 1930
WilmothIra born about 1923
WilmothJ Franklieborn about 1927
WilmothJames Hborn about 1889
WilmothMary Jborn about 1928
WilmothOctavo born about 1903
WilmouthDollie born about 1910
WilmouthJacob born about 1900
WilmouthJohnne born about 1872
WilmouthRaymond born about 1910
WilmouthVirginia born about 1920
WilmouthWellie born about 1912
WilsonBetty born about 1928
WilsonBlanche born about 1937
WilsonBobby born about 1932
WilsonBurl born about 1909
WilsonBurtie born about 1877
WilsonCalvin born about 1924
WilsonCalvin born about 1930
WilsonChub born about 1917
WilsonDonald born about 1930
WilsonDonna born about 1890
WilsonDoris Jeanborn about 1934
WilsonElenor born about 1920
WilsonG Wborn about 1876
WilsonGladys born about 1910
WilsonGoldie born about 1909
WilsonGrace born about 1891
WilsonHoward Jr born about 1927
WilsonIccie born about 1891
WilsonJ Dborn about 1876
WilsonJames Aborn about 1939
WilsonJames Ddborn about 1939
WilsonJames Gborn about 1875
WilsonJoan born about 1933
WilsonKoontz born about 1911
WilsonLucille born about 1928
WilsonMabel born about 1905
WilsonMartha born about 1881
WilsonMay born about 1926
WilsonMyrtle born about 1878
WilsonNancy Eborn about 1872
WilsonPaul born about 1936
WilsonRoy born about 1935
WilsonRoy Richardborn about 1939
WilsonSherly Annborn about 1936
WilsonSherwood born about 1920
WilsonShirley born about 1936
WilsonSt born about 1872
WilsonTheodore born about 1920
WilsonTom born about 1907
WilsonW Hborn about 1888
WilsonWillard born about 1915
WilsonWoodrow born about 1913
WittyA born about 1920
WolfBlanche born about 1887
WolfD Hborn about 1883
WolfeArthur born about 1918
WolfeDorwin born about 1902
WolfeFannie born about 1876
WolfeJohn Mooreborn about 1939
WolfeJulia born about 1877
WolfeMargaret Jeanborn about 1937
WolfeMary born about 1907
WolfeO Wborn about 1883
WolfeOkey born about 1916
WonycottC Hborn about 1889
WonycottEdna Pborn about 1926
WonycottGlover Bborn about 1920
WonycottMattie born about 1899
WoodBert born about 1926
WoodCharles born about 1933
WoodGeorge born about 1921
WoodJohn Lborn about 1920
WoodJohn Mborn about 1892
WoodMary born about 1925
WoodMyrtle born about 1894
WoodPearl born about 1928
WoodRichard born about 1937
WoodVilma born about 1930
WoodsBetty Eborn about 1919
WoodsHerbert born about 1916
WoodsJames born about 1928
WoodsLeo born about 1918
WoodsLily born about 1895
WoodsMary Eborn about 1917
WoodsNelson born about 1932
WoodsPat Jr born about 1926
WoodsPearl born about 1895
WoodsRet born about 1887
WoodsWilliam born about 1890
WoodsWilliam born about 1928
WoodsWoodrow born about 1931
WorkmanClaudia born about 1906
WorkmanFlossie born about 1885
WorkmanGeorge born about 1901
WorkmanGerald born about 1904
WorkmanHazel born about 1899
WorkmanLeon born about 1923
WorkmanMary Janeborn about 1869
WorkmanNorma Jeanborn about 1931
WorkmanWilliam born about 1855
WorkmanWilliam born about 1927
WormleyC Jborn about 1896
WormleyEssie born about 1898
WyattJanet born about 1936
WyattJoan born about 1935
WyattRuby born about 1912
WyattSeth born about 1907

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YeagerWilliam born about 1886

Z Surnames

ZennMary born about 1903
ZirkleAlma Eborn about 1922
ZirkleBeulah born about 1903
ZirkleElsie born about 1934
ZirkleGladys born about 1923
ZirkleMabel born about 1907
ZirkleRoy born about 1890
ZirkleW Oborn about 1902
ZirkleWilbur born about 1929

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