1940 U.S. Federal Census of Lewisburg, Greenbrier, West Virginia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > West Virginia > Greenbrier County > 1940 Census of Lewisburg

A SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesP SurnamesZ Surnames
H SurnamesQ Surnames
I SurnamesR Surnames

A Surnames

AdwellBessie born about 1884
AdwellBrownie born about 1926
AdwellHarry born about 1939
AdwellRobert born about 1914
AdwellWood born about 1877
AldermanElizabeth born about 1937
AldermanKathleen born about 1916
AldermanMarshall born about 1920
AldermanStuart born about 1939
AldermanWyatt born about 1915
AldersonAnna Bborn about 1921
AldersonGeorge Pborn about 1880
AldersonGeorge Pborn about 1919
AldersonLydia Cborn about 1882
AldersonMary Kborn about 1923
AlfordBarbara born about 1926
AlfordClark Leeborn about 1902
AlfordDonald born about 1932
AlfordDorothy born about 1927
AlfordDorris born about 1937
AlfordElizabeth born about 1929
AlfordGladys born about 1903
AlfordHarrison born about 1931
AlfordPatricia born about 1933
AllenAnna born about 1892
AllenBetty born about 1933
AllenChristine born about 1909
AllenEllis born about 1910
AllenFrankie born about 1931
AllenGaily born about 1890
AllenGeorge born about 1917
AllenLena born about 1930
AllenLonnie born about 1920
AllenRobert born about 1910
AllenRuby born about 1925
AllenSidney born about 1927
AltAnna born about 1863
AltPauline born about 1893
AltRobert Wborn about 1891
AndersonAnnie born about 1882
AndersonCarrie born about 1913
AndersonCora born about 1897
AndersonElizabeth born about 1886
AndersonGanshlee born about 1939
AndersonHoward born about 1899
AndersonHoward Jr born about 1923
AndersonJake born about 1878
AndersonLa Lue born about 1936
AndersonLake born about 1871
AndersonMary Marionborn about 1881
AndersonMelvin born about 1914
AndersonRuth born about 1908
AndersonWianathe born about 1916
AndrewsAnne born about 1915
AndrewsBryan born about 1934
AndrewsCarrie Leeborn about 1936
AndrewsGloria Annborn about 1940
AndrewsMargie born about 1938
AndrewsMary Grayborn about 1934
AndrewsMary Mborn about 1936
AndrewsMelvin Rayborn about 1939
AndrewsPauline born about 1909
AndrewsPauline born about 1918
AndrewsRalph born about 1907
AndrewsThaddeus born about 1911
AnschutzFrances Bborn about 1892
AnthonyMary Vborn about 1873
ArbaughMary born about 1870
ArbaughWillie born about 1881
ArboughElaine born about 1915
ArboughRoy born about 1902
ArbuckleAlex Wborn about 1888
ArbuckleAnn Mborn about 1912
ArbuckleAnna Dborn about 1907
ArbuckleAnna Mborn about 1875
ArbuckleCarrie born about 1894
ArbuckleElizabeth born about 1904
ArbuckleEmily Aborn about 1915
ArbuckleFinley Mborn about 1880
ArbuckleHale born about 1927
ArbuckleJames Cborn about 1924
ArbuckleJohn Bborn about 1917
ArbuckleJulian born about 1917
ArbuckleLock Harbborn about 1933
ArbuckleLula Mborn about 1880
ArbuckleMabel born about 1887
ArbuckleMary born about 1905
ArbuckleMary Haleborn about 1883
ArbuckleMary Stuartborn about 1921
ArbucklePhilip Fborn about 1918
ArbuckleStuart born about 1882
ArbuckleThomas Aborn about 1922
ArbuckleVirginia born about 1924
ArgabriteF Mucesborn about 1882
ArgabriteGeorge born about 1885
ArgabriteMary born about 1878
ArgabriteWilliam born about 1882
ArnvedErnest born about 1907
ArringtonElizabeth born about 1901
ArringtonWilliam born about 1904
AskinsRussell born about 1900
AtkinsonEdith born about 1918
AtkinsonEthel born about 1908
AtkinsonFrank born about 1914
AtkinsonHilda born about 1932
AtkinsonLucele born about 1929
AtkinsonNellie born about 1893
AustinMary Pborn about 1877
AustinSamuel Nborn about 1874
AveryRaymond Aborn about 1908
AyresDiane born about 1936
AyresElizabeth born about 1915
AyresHarold born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BakerBernard born about 1913
BakerBertha Lborn about 1911
BakerDavid born about 1922
BakerDavid Dborn about 1896
BakerFay Eborn about 1917
BakerJames Cborn about 1935
BakerMadeline born about 1921
BakerMary born about 1900
BakerMary Janiceborn about 1939
BakerNannie born about 1880
BakerNina born about 1918
BakerRobert born about 1923
BakerSadie born about 1892
BakerThomas born about 1919
BakerVernon born about 1927
BakerWalter Oborn about 1909
BakerWarry Leeborn about 1937
BaldwinOctavia born about 1875
BaldwinTom born about 1871
BanksGeraldine born about 1924
BanksJames Wborn about 1926
BanksKathleen born about 1891
BanksRobert Eborn about 1893
BarbourMartha born about 1939
BarbourSusie born about 1920
BarbourWilliam born about 1918
BarlowJohn Dborn about 1939
BarnesGustava born about 1913
BarnesGuy born about 1927
BarnesHarold born about 1907
BarnesImogene born about 1930
BarnesMary born about 1912
BarnesWallace born about 1928
BartholomewDonald born about 1905
BartholomewMuriel born about 1907
BartronArlands born about 1911
BassHulda born about 1890
BassJoe Eborn about 1878
BasticBessie born about 1884
BasticJohn born about 1922
BasticSilas born about 1887
BeallHamilton born about 1915
BeallHilda born about 1921
BeamerGerald Eborn about 1915
BeamerGerald Jr born about 1939
BeamerJuanita born about 1937
BeamerLoretta born about 1938
BeamerNeva Cborn about 1917
BeanJohn born about 1901
BeanRosa Mborn about 1881
BeardBetty Lborn about 1936
BeardElizabeth born about 1909
BeardEmma born about 1878
BeardSamuel Cborn about 1872
BecknerVada born about 1912
BegleyHugh born about 1894
BegleyOrpha born about 1908
BellAlexander born about 1919
BellBerenice born about 1905
BellBetty born about 1922
BellBilly born about 1929
BellChas born about 1867
BellChas Jr born about 1915
BellEdwin born about 1935
BellEdwin Lborn about 1865
BellElizabeth Gborn about 1866
BellGersham born about 1930
BellGuy born about 1882
BellJean born about 1934
BellJohn Fborn about 1926
BellJohnston born about 1905
BellJohnston Jr born about 1929
BellLee born about 1918
BellLucy born about 1875
BellMary Ellanborn about 1870
BellMary Kborn about 1894
BellMinnie born about 1884
BellPreston born about 1916
BellRichard Pborn about 1891
BellRichard P Jrborn about 1922
BellRoscoe Lborn about 1902
BellSallie born about 1888
BellSarah born about 1904
BellSofia born about 1921
BellSue Lewisborn about 1923
BellasAngela born about 1914
BellasJohn Oscarborn about 1938
BellasMary Aborn about 1939
BellasOscar born about 1904
BelleAmoret born about 1906
BelleAmoret born about 1936
BelleElizabeth Bborn about 1934
BelleFrank Mborn about 1932
BelleMarion born about 1878
BelleMary Eborn about 1939
BelleMason born about 1928
BelleRobert born about 1935
BennettCatherine born about 1872
BergerHelen Hborn about 1886
BergerSamuel born about 1884
BergerSamuel Jr born about 1924
BessForrest born about 1899
BessMildred Cborn about 1898
BiasHazel born about 1898
BiasRuth born about 1931
BidgewayDick born about 1917
BidgewayGeorge born about 1915
BidgewayLewis born about 1911
BiggsDora Mborn about 1881
BlackburnHarry Hborn about 1875
BlackburnMary Sborn about 1917
BlackburnRebecca born about 1890
BladesW Benjaminborn about 1886
BladesW Benjamin Jrborn about 1911
BlakeBabara born about 1939
BlakeE Wardborn about 1924
BlakeEll born about 1873
BlakeElouise born about 1928
BlakeErle born about 1908
BlakeErle Jr born about 1930
BlakeGeorge Wborn about 1869
BlakeGyda born about 1897
BlakeHanson born about 1903
BlakeJane Gborn about 1928
BlakeJohn born about 1870
BlakeJohn Mborn about 1926
BlakeLathy born about 1902
BlakeLempest born about 1905
BlakeLuella born about 1865
BlakeLula born about 1888
BlakeMana born about 1910
BlakeMaxime born about 1932
BlakeMildred born about 1925
BlakeMurray Mborn about 1928
BlakeMyrtle born about 1901
BlakeNanda Jborn about 1934
BlakeSeldorn born about 1902
BlakeWayne Eborn about 1904
BlakeWayne Eborn about 1939
BlandAlvin Gborn about 1912
BlandBessie Mborn about 1915
BlandJ Lewisborn about 1934
BobbittBurton born about 1888
BobbittElizabeth Cborn about 1894
BobbittGordon born about 1922
BoggsBillie Wborn about 1930
BoggsCharles born about 1903
BoggsGay born about 1894
BoggsJames Eborn about 1929
BoggsMcquaid born about 1909
BoleyHenry Oborn about 1877
BoleyJeanne born about 1924
BoleyRetta born about 1887
BoltLonnie born about 1915
BoltLucy born about 1914
BooneDarius born about 1883
BooneElla Fayborn about 1909
BooneEmory Aborn about 1926
BooneHenry Sborn about 1924
BooneLaura Eborn about 1896
BoonePaul Jborn about 1905
BooneSylvia Anneborn about 1936
BoozeBeulah born about 1909
BoozeNilbur born about 1902
BosticFonda born about 1928
BosticJames Pborn about 1932
BosticMarian born about 1922
BosticMelvin born about 1924
BosticPearl born about 1898
BosticWilliam born about 1920
BosticWillie Mborn about 1895
BoutonAlexander born about 1919
BoutonBetty Lee Mborn about 1924
BoutonEmory born about 1932
BoutonFlorence Gborn about 1926
BoutonJennie born about 1891
BoutonJulian born about 1913
BoutonNina Pborn about 1930
BoutonSamuel born about 1917
BoutonSandy born about 1887
BoutonSandy Gborn about 1922
BowlingEliza born about 1861
BowlingFannie born about 1913
BowlingJonie born about 1910
BowlingSarah Aborn about 1871
BowyerLonnie Wborn about 1883
BowyerLucy born about 1925
BowyerOpie born about 1913
BowyerSusie born about 1881
BrackmanMason born about 1875
BrackmanNellie born about 1889
BradleyAnna Mayborn about 1905
BradleyOscar born about 1881
BramwellGeorge born about 1908
BransFord Erleborn about 1904
BransGlenna born about 1906
BransPhillis Annaborn about 1937
BransfordEarl born about 1904
BransfordGlenna born about 1906
BransfordPhyllis Annborn about 1937
BrantAnna Maeborn about 1931
BrantBilly Joeborn about 1935
BrantDorsey born about 1912
BrantDorsey Jr born about 1940
BrantEdward born about 1868
BrantEstel born about 1901
BrantEva born about 1918
BrantGladys Gayborn about 1940
BrantJanet Sueborn about 1932
BrantJohn Fborn about 1864
BrantJulia Maeborn about 1912
BrantNellie Fayborn about 1937
BrantOsie Tuckerborn about 1929
BrantStella born about 1938
BrantWilliam born about 1866
BrautKeught born about 1894
BrewsterCosby born about 1893
BrewsterJames born about 1939
BrewsterMary born about 1908
BrewsterSamuel born about 1917
BrooksLillian born about 1917
BrownAnna born about 1900
BrownAnna born about 1901
BrownBlanch born about 1905
BrownBuster born about 1926
BrownCarl born about 1933
BrownCharles born about 1931
BrownCharles Aborn about 1896
BrownErma born about 1906
BrownGeorgia born about 1932
BrownHarry Cborn about 1898
BrownHelen Leeborn about 1926
BrownIval Hborn about 1908
BrownJ Cborn about 1920
BrownJ Clintonborn about 1935
BrownJean born about 1900
BrownJohn born about 1900
BrownJosephine born about 1902
BrownLoraine born about 1924
BrownMargaret Fborn about 1911
BrownRichard born about 1934
BrownRoxie born about 1928
BrownSarah Eborn about 1858
BrownWill Eborn about 1890
BrownWilliam born about 1902
BrownWilliam born about 1924
BruffeyRobt born about 1904
BungerAlta born about 1875
BungerLizzie born about 1870
BurdenMae born about 1927
BurdetteJean born about 1866
BurgessBeard Brownborn about 1922
BurgessBeulah born about 1917
BurgessBrownie born about 1880
BurgessCecil born about 1887
BurgessCharlotte born about 1932
BurgessCleve born about 1923
BurgessElizabeth born about 1929
BurgessGeorge born about 1890
BurgessGeorge born about 1927
BurgessGrace born about 1920
BurgessIsabell born about 1927
BurgessJames born about 1906
BurgessKathleen born about 1924
BurgessLelia Aborn about 1890
BurgessLillie Wborn about 1892
BurgessLucille born about 1918
BurgessRay Lewisborn about 1912
BurgessReba born about 1916
BurgessRhoda born about 1884
BurgessSallie Jborn about 1861
BurgessSara born about 1920
BurgessT Scottborn about 1886
BurgessT Scott Jrborn about 1918
BurgessWilliam born about 1923
BurgessWood born about 1884
BurkeNancy born about 1890
BurkeThos Rborn about 1921
BurnsAllene born about 1896
BurnsAmanda born about 1870
BurnsBarbara Lborn about 1931
BurnsBernice born about 1915
BurnsBertie born about 1914
BurnsByrda born about 1880
BurnsDavid Aborn about 1882
BurnsHarold born about 1924
BurnsJasper born about 1882
BurnsJeanette born about 1919
BurnsJohn born about 1913
BurnsLouis born about 1880
BurnsMaud born about 1917
BurnsMildred born about 1918
BurrAlice born about 1869
BurrBessie born about 1876
BurrClifton Wborn about 1907
BurrGilsea born about 1910
BurrHugh born about 1902
BurrMack born about 1884
BurrMay born about 1906
BurrThelma born about 1930
BushAmziah born about 1896
BushJames born about 1862
BushLydia born about 1900
ButlerR H Harryborn about 1866
ByersAnnie born about 1912
ByersBetty Louborn about 1932
ByersRobert Aborn about 1939
ByersRupert born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CabellMary born about 1909
CabellWalter born about 1907
CabellWalter Jr born about 1932
CaldwellMary born about 1868
CaldwellMattie born about 1865
CaldwellRupert born about 1902
CallierRose Marieborn about 1923
CampCharlotte born about 1919
CampCraig born about 1926
CampJanet born about 1925
CampLue Boydborn about 1891
CampMaud born about 1890
CampNewton born about 1908
CampbellBettie Cborn about 1888
CampbellBetty Gerlandborn about 1926
CampbellMary Cookborn about 1917
CampbellThornton Wborn about 1847
CarperMary Cborn about 1883
CarperWalter Kborn about 1882
CarrDeccie born about 1869
CarterBerd born about 1920
CarterEdna born about 1921
CarterEllen born about 1907
CarterHenry born about 1878
CarterJames Hborn about 1909
CarterJohn born about 1917
CarterLewis born about 1910
CarterWillie Kborn about 1872
CarverAlice born about 1917
CarverMary Anneborn about 1936
CarverRussell born about 1915
CaryConnie born about 1886
CaryJames born about 1880
CaryJoseph born about 1912
ChambersAlex born about 1910
ChambersBeulah born about 1914
ChambersHarry born about 1920
ChambersJames born about 1890
ChambersJoe born about 1886
ChambersLillie born about 1928
ChambersMary born about 1896
ChambersMary Wborn about 1924
ChambersWillie born about 1916
ChambersWillie born about 1921
CharletonJoe born about 1860
ChildersBernard born about 1914
ChildersBeulah born about 1913
ChildersElizabeth born about 1939
ChildersIcie born about 1886
ChildersLouise born about 1917
ChildersMattie born about 1864
ChildersSam born about 1880
ChildersWilliam born about 1935
ChildersWilliam born about 1938
ChristianCurtiss born about 1922
ClarkMarion born about 1911
ClarkOpal born about 1913
ClarkWilles born about 1910
ClarkWilles Jr born about 1937
ClayEarl born about 1906
ClayEarl C Jrborn about 1933
ClayHelen born about 1911
ClayLillian born about 1888
ClaySamuel born about 1879
ClayShirley Jborn about 1935
ClemmentsOvid born about 1915
ClendenninHarry born about 1900
ClendenninMarion born about 1904
CliftIda Mborn about 1897
ClingmanGarland Rborn about 1908
ClingmanGweniver born about 1911
ClingmanMattie born about 1907
ClingmanNancy Gborn about 1939
CockranAgne born about 1933
CockranBarbara Aborn about 1929
CockranBobby born about 1927
CockranDennis born about 1930
CockranEdward born about 1934
CockranEugene born about 1936
CockranEva born about 1903
CockranEvelyn born about 1926
CockranIsaac born about 1858
CockranJohn born about 1906
CockranMary Eborn about 1925
CockranPatrick born about 1938
CockranPhilip Bborn about 1928
CockranPhilip Mborn about 1898
CockranRose Gborn about 1896
CockreanAlice born about 1885
CockreanElizabeth born about 1891
CoffmanBenjamin born about 1938
CoffmanClifton Sborn about 1882
CoffmanDorothy born about 1916
CoffmanElaine born about 1914
CoffmanElizabeth born about 1912
CoffmanEunice born about 1886
CoffmanFloyd Cborn about 1892
CoffmanFloyd Cborn about 1934
CoffmanGeorgia Grayborn about 1935
CoffmanLaura Cborn about 1933
CoffmanLottie born about 1887
CoffmanMargaret born about 1902
CoffmanMargaret Leeborn about 1924
CoffmanOlin Bborn about 1884
CoffmanOra Aborn about 1927
CoffmanOwen B Jrborn about 1911
CohernourJudson born about 1902
ColemanEthel born about 1903
ColemanHoward born about 1914
ColemanJohn born about 1934
ColemanKay Lenoreborn about 1939
ColemanMary born about 1938
ColemanRuth born about 1914
ColemanWilliam born about 1903
ColemanWilliam born about 1930
CollinsWard born about 1899
CollinsWillia born about 1907
CombsEli born about 1876
CombsEli born about 1921
CombsFreida born about 1914
CombsMary Louborn about 1933
CombsMollie Eborn about 1881
CombsSamuel born about 1904
CombsStanley born about 1936
CombsSusanne born about 1935
CombsTrosper born about 1918
ComstockVirginia born about 1888
ConwayPhilomena born about 1914
ConyersBetty Patborn about 1929
ConyersChester Cborn about 1893
ConyersJean born about 1918
ConyersMax born about 1920
ConyersOla Merrleborn about 1899
CookJohn Fborn about 1873
CooleyIone born about 1905
CooleyMarian born about 1901
CooleyYvonne born about 1933
CoolleyAzeal born about 1899
CoolleyJulian born about 1924
CoolleyLawrence born about 1891
CoolleyMarie born about 1932
CoolleyMyrtle born about 1937
CoolleyNeva Joeborn about 1928
CoolleyPaul born about 1920
CoolleyVan Bryan born about 1934
CoollyEmma born about 1868
CoollyHoward born about 1865
CooperByrdie Dborn about 1882
CooperHarry Sborn about 1879
CooperSallie Sborn about 1882
CopenhaverBrownie born about 1926
CopenhaverGale born about 1922
CopenhaverHeamer born about 1916
CopenhaverIda born about 1924
CopenhaverLola born about 1888
CopenhaverMary born about 1919
CopenhaverSandy born about 1914
CopenhaverWilliam born about 1884
CorbinAlline born about 1921
CorbinEarl born about 1928
CorbinFreda born about 1926
CorbinHarold born about 1933
CorbinHazel born about 1923
CorbinHugh born about 1893
CorbinJoseph born about 1895
CorbinLottie born about 1890
CorbinMarvin born about 1931
CorbinWalter born about 1898
CorrMaud Lborn about 1884
CostelloGarland born about 1933
CostelloLee born about 1929
CostelloRodney born about 1931
CoulterClarice born about 1934
CoulterHarry born about 1905
CoulterMarvin born about 1930
CoulterMarzie born about 1904
CountsJiff born about 1895
CourtneyAnne born about 1900
CourtneyLloyd born about 1889
CourtneyLloyd Jr born about 1925
CourtneyMargaret born about 1927
CoxCatherine born about 1921
CoxCharles born about 1879
CoxCharles Jr born about 1918
CoxHattie born about 1870
CoxHattie Maeborn about 1923
CoxHulda born about 1878
CoxJoseph born about 1910
CoxLouise born about 1918
CoxMary Kborn about 1886
CoxRoy born about 1922
CraneLuckie born about 1920
CrawfordAnn Bborn about 1884
CrawfordJames born about 1914
CrawfordJoyce Rborn about 1939
CrawfordNellie born about 1921
CrawfordPauline born about 1918
CrawfordRobert born about 1895
CrawfordWilliam Bborn about 1924
CrickenBerger Chasborn about 1871
CrickenCatherine born about 1876
CrickenbergerBetty born about 1922
CrickenbergerBilly born about 1924
CrickenbergerEdith born about 1905
CrickenbergerEmmett born about 1885
CrickenbergerEston born about 1900
CrickenbergerGladys born about 1902
CrickenbergerLaura born about 1877
CriddlePearl born about 1902
CroftAshley born about 1894
CroftAshley Jr born about 1924
CroftCarrie born about 1904
CrookshankAustin born about 1875
CrookshankMary Jborn about 1936
CrookshankMary Pborn about 1880
CrookshanksJames born about 1915
CrookshanksMary born about 1884
CrookshanksTracy born about 1881
CrowClyde born about 1919
CurrieMarian Carolborn about 1900
CurryHarry born about 1888
CurryLaura born about 1886
CurryLorena born about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DaingerfieldAnna born about 1902
DaingerfieldCharles born about 1921
DaleyNancy born about 1915
DanDorothy Leeborn about 1930
DanEloise born about 1924
DanR Nelsonborn about 1883
DanRobert Nborn about 1929
DanRoberta Annborn about 1934
DanRoxie Lborn about 1896
DarlingtonZula born about 1916
DarnellEarl born about 1912
DarnellFern born about 1895
DarnellLawrence born about 1902
DarnellMarion born about 1908
DarnellWilliam Eborn about 1871
DarseyEdith born about 1903
DarseyErskine born about 1903
DarseyEugene born about 1928
DarseyLouise born about 1926
DavisBlake born about 1896
DavisDabney born about 1867
DavisDorothy born about 1932
DavisDwight born about 1930
DavisFrancis born about 1907
DavisJames born about 1875
DavisJames born about 1915
DavisMary Rborn about 1877
DavisMaud born about 1900
DavisRachael born about 1887
DavisThelma born about 1926
DavisWilliam born about 1920
DawningGladys born about 1899
DawningWalter born about 1898
DeanerBettie Louborn about 1936
DeanerEllie born about 1901
DeanerJasper born about 1934
DeanerLance Cborn about 1903
DeanerPatricia born about 1929
DeaverBeulah born about 1918
DeaverClaybaum born about 1931
DeaverElmer born about 1916
DeaverFrances born about 1926
DeaverGuy born about 1929
DeaverSadie born about 1892
DeaverThomas born about 1892
DeaverThomas born about 1924
DefenbaughDreama born about 1936
DefenbaughDwight born about 1939
DefenbaughLonnie born about 1915
DefenbaughMadge born about 1914
DefinbaughAlice born about 1902
DefinbaughJane born about 1927
DefinbaughLeonard born about 1901
DefinbaughMyrtle born about 1921
DeilyEmerson Lborn about 1936
DeilyLoraine born about 1911
DeilyOpal born about 1918
DempseyAllien born about 1916
DempseyEthel born about 1903
DempseyFrances Pborn about 1911
DempseyJohn born about 1932
DempseyJohnnie born about 1911
DempseyRaymond born about 1931
DempseyTommy born about 1915
DiceNina Haltborn about 1876
DicksonEdna born about 1917
DillionJames born about 1885
DillionZelma born about 1916
DillonCathleen Lborn about 1923
DillonClara Nborn about 1892
DillonMarcus Lborn about 1924
DolanMyrtle born about 1891
DollarhideErskine born about 1892
DollarhideMaudine born about 1915
DonnallyChas born about 1868
DonnallyLula born about 1871
DonnallyMarguerite born about 1905
DonnallySallie born about 1869
DosierMary born about 1916
DosierPaul born about 1910
DotsonCharles Eborn about 1934
DotsonDon Rayborn about 1939
DotsonHarriet Jborn about 1878
DotsonJames Vborn about 1866
DotsonJohn Cborn about 1880
DotsonJohn Masonborn about 1895
DotsonJohn W Jrborn about 1924
DotsonKeith Wborn about 1931
DotsonKennith Bborn about 1936
DotsonLaura Kborn about 1883
DotsonMartha Eborn about 1913
DotsonMyrna Cborn about 1910
DotsonMyrtle born about 1900
DotsonRex Cborn about 1926
DotsonRhoda born about 1910
DotsonThomas Eborn about 1932
DotsonThomas Lborn about 1905
DotsonWilliam born about 1860
DowneyHenry Fborn about 1883
DowneyMaud born about 1881
DozierClara Wborn about 1920
DozierLevi born about 1869
DozierMary born about 1874
DozierMaud born about 1913
DozierWesley born about 1911
DuncanHerbert born about 1911
DuncanTempa Nborn about 1912
DunkerCharles Mborn about 1869
DunkerNelle Bborn about 1876
DunnAlice born about 1913
DunnCharles Rborn about 1911
DunnPatricia born about 1933
DwyerGrover born about 1889
DycheAmy born about 1882
DycheEdna born about 1922
DycheGuy born about 1881
DycheKatherine born about 1896
DycheWalter born about 1893
DycheWalter Kborn about 1936
DysardBarbara born about 1939
DysardEula born about 1912
DysardMary Agnesborn about 1888
DysardWilliam born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EarlyCosy born about 1910
EaseleyBeverly Mborn about 1920
EaseleyG Gilmerborn about 1887
EaseleyJosephine born about 1888
EaseleyJulian Nborn about 1928
EcholsAlice born about 1888
EcholsChas Lborn about 1881
EcholsJanet born about 1924
EcholsJean born about 1891
EcholsJohn born about 1888
EcholsSadie born about 1893
EdwardsBertha born about 1906
EdwardsJames born about 1896
EdwardsSamuel born about 1865
EleyAnna born about 1900
EleyBurl born about 1935
EleyJames Tborn about 1891
EllisAugustine born about 1907
EllisGertrude born about 1912
EllisNora born about 1905
EllisOscar born about 1894
ElsonJune Mrieborn about 1893
EpsonThos born about 1887
ErwinAlice born about 1927
ErwinAnna born about 1897
ErwinEvelyn born about 1931
ErwinHelen born about 1916
ErwinHerman born about 1895
ErwinHerman born about 1935
ErwinIda born about 1900
ErwinJ Richardborn about 1902
ErwinJulian born about 1937
ErwinLayman born about 1918
ErwinLouise born about 1913
ErwinMargery born about 1925
ErwinMelvin Rayborn about 1938
ErwinPaul born about 1925
ErwinRobert born about 1925
EstepPaul born about 1917
EubankMary born about 1890
EvansBlanch born about 1934
EvansGrace born about 1928
EvansJack born about 1937
EvansMaud born about 1930
EvansStella born about 1907
EvansThomas born about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FaganLizzie born about 1886
FaganWalter born about 1880
FallsElmer born about 1878
FallsMary born about 1880
FarrarEddie born about 1910
FarrarFloidie born about 1868
FarrarLillian born about 1910
FarrarMildred born about 1924
FarrarNellie born about 1894
FarrarRobert Fborn about 1893
FarrenAnnetta born about 1936
FarrenEdgar born about 1907
FarrenJoan born about 1908
FarrenMary Ruthborn about 1939
FarrenRegina born about 1937
FarrierJacqueline born about 1933
FarrierMargaret born about 1935
FarrierPhillis born about 1914
FarrierRobert born about 1909
FarrierSandra born about 1937
FarrinJanet Kborn about 1886
FaulkmerMary Eborn about 1915
FeamsterElan born about 1888
FeamsterEstelle born about 1898
FeamsterLewis Lborn about 1921
FeamsterNellie born about 1923
FeamsterWilliam born about 1925
FerrelCecil born about 1900
FerrelChristine born about 1928
FerrelFrancis born about 1908
FerrelLeo born about 1930
FerrelMaynard born about 1927
FerrelNatoma born about 1933
FieldsAlice born about 1916
FieldsHarry born about 1913
FinkBilly born about 1931
FinkCarroll born about 1924
FinkCharles born about 1929
FinkChas Wborn about 1886
FinkCleo born about 1912
FinkEllen born about 1889
FinkElvil Lborn about 1908
FinkJeryl born about 1930
FinkSarah Annborn about 1935
FinleyDon born about 1925
FinleyDorothy born about 1900
FinleyFrank born about 1931
FinleyPaul born about 1898
FisherAlma born about 1925
FisherAnne Leeborn about 1925
FisherClara Belleborn about 1922
FisherEva born about 1927
FisherHubert born about 1904
FisherJames Wborn about 1922
FisherVictoria born about 1903
FisherWill born about 1870
FlackAnnie born about 1876
FlackJohn Aborn about 1879
FlackMattie born about 1906
FlaggHenrietta born about 1860
FlannaganEllen born about 1865
FlannaganEugene born about 1937
FlannaganPearl born about 1912
FlannaganRalph born about 1939
FlannaganRichard born about 1862
FlannaganVernon born about 1909
FlintJames born about 1901
FlockBettie born about 1868
FlockBettie Cborn about 1936
FlockOleta born about 1912
FlockRobert Aborn about 1937
FlockSidney born about 1902
FlockVirginia Carrolborn about 1940
FlowerBen Larityborn about 1939
FlowerBlanch Bborn about 1907
FlowerGrover born about 1905
FlowerGrover Wborn about 1917
FlowerV Irisborn about 1930
FlowerW Asburyborn about 1934
FoglesongEmma born about 1878
FoglesongJinnie born about 1872
FogusAlex born about 1908
FogusAmeda born about 1915
FogusAnne Bellborn about 1927
FogusAnnie born about 1867
FogusBertie born about 1912
FogusBertie born about 1913
FogusBetty born about 1931
FogusBrownie born about 1931
FogusBrownie born about 1932
FogusCatherine born about 1911
FogusClarence born about 1930
FogusClarence born about 1931
FogusEdward born about 1866
FogusForrest born about 1923
FogusHarry born about 1935
FogusHelen born about 1936
FogusHelen born about 1937
FogusJean born about 1937
FogusJohn born about 1905
FogusManda born about 1939
FogusMargaret born about 1862
FogusMargaret born about 1924
FogusMargaret born about 1928
FogusMargaret born about 1929
FogusMarilee born about 1939
FogusMary Leeborn about 1939
FogusMoses Fborn about 1909
FogusPhillis born about 1932
FogusPhillis born about 1933
FogusSusan born about 1859
FogusVirginia born about 1912
FogusWanda born about 1937
FordAnn born about 1930
FordBenjamin Aborn about 1872
FordCharles born about 1916
FordCharles Kborn about 1929
FordEdgar born about 1877
FordFranklin born about 1923
FordGrady Wborn about 1901
FordHard born about 1900
FordJoe Rborn about 1932
FordJohn born about 1921
FordMamie Lborn about 1881
FordMartha Betteborn about 1918
FordMarvin born about 1913
FordMary Aliceborn about 1923
FordMayme born about 1891
FordOthor born about 1891
FordRichard Eborn about 1928
ForsytheMattie born about 1875
FortuneBobby born about 1939
FortuneMildred born about 1929
FortuneWilliam born about 1895
FowlerAudrey born about 1924
FowlerBessie born about 1898
FowlerHenry Aborn about 1886
FowlerJoseph born about 1927
FowlerLeland born about 1933
FowlerNorma born about 1930
FoyJames Douglasborn about 1908
FrancesBasil born about 1917
FredericksGertrude Mborn about 1902
FreelandJuanita born about 1897
FreelandRoy born about 1897
FreelandSallie born about 1877
FreelandWilliam born about 1881
FreemanAlbert Eugeneborn about 1931
FreemanAlbert Tborn about 1861
FreemanArtemio born about 1886
FreemanEdward born about 1892
FreemanEunice born about 1914
FreemanEvan born about 1897
FreemanEvelyn born about 1929
FreemanGoldie born about 1897
FreemanGrace Vborn about 1893
FreemanJames Wborn about 1920
FreemanJoanne born about 1938
FreemanKatie born about 1902
FreemanLucy Nealborn about 1926
FreemanM Vivianborn about 1921
FreemanMadge born about 1923
FreemanMary Aborn about 1862
FreemanPattie Jeanborn about 1932
FreemanRuth born about 1915
FreemanWarren born about 1925
FreemanWilliam born about 1910
FrisbieMary Eborn about 1877
FryJake born about 1872
FryMinnie born about 1869
FryWesley born about 1911
FuldsJohn Gborn about 1875
FullerFranklin born about 1936
FullerMargaret born about 1917
FullerWoodrow born about 1905
FultzKathleen born about 1918
FultzLoraine born about 1939
FultzRoy born about 1917
FultzVirginia born about 1934
FulwiderIda born about 1862
FulwiderLaura born about 1868
FulwiderMary born about 1911
FulwiderOrville Kborn about 1904
FurieHershell born about 1921
FuryBessie born about 1928
FuryCharles born about 1937
FuryClarabell born about 1916
FuryGrover born about 1912
FuryMabel born about 1890
FuryMargaret born about 1921
FuryMary Anneborn about 1934
FuryOliver born about 1889
FuryRaymond born about 1932
FuryRobert born about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GamblVirginia born about 1901
GardnerCharlie born about 1907
GardnerCharlotte born about 1931
GardnerEdward born about 1898
GardnerGeorge born about 1882
GardnerGeorgia born about 1926
GardnerInes born about 1932
GardnerJames born about 1928
GardnerJames born about 1929
GardnerMannie born about 1898
GardnerSam born about 1912
GardnerSusie born about 1910
GarrisonElizabeth born about 1906
GarrisonJames born about 1899
GarrisonJames born about 1928
GarrisonMervin born about 1933
GarrisonSylvia born about 1930
GarrisonWilliam born about 1902
GatehouseLula born about 1892
GatehousePhilip born about 1879
GatehouseSarah born about 1918
GibsonBill born about 1900
GibsonJohn Gborn about 1904
GibsonMildred born about 1907
GibsonMildred born about 1925
GillespieAlie born about 1919
GillespieBarbara Aliceborn about 1939
GillespieGerald born about 1904
GillespieGlenn born about 1938
GillespieHarold born about 1915
GillespieJames Lborn about 1940
GillespieLeta born about 1932
GillespieMary born about 1914
GillespieRaymond born about 1934
GillianBarbara Jeanborn about 1930
GillianEdith born about 1908
GillianHenry born about 1906
GillianJoe Marieborn about 1927
GillianMary Hborn about 1866
GillianNathan born about 1933
GillianNeal born about 1933
GillilanEdith born about 1902
GillilanNatalie born about 1928
GillilanStelle born about 1897
GillispieConstance born about 1887
GillispieHoward born about 1915
GilmerBetty Hborn about 1869
GilmerIleta born about 1887
GilmerSamuel Aborn about 1895
GladwellArthur Lborn about 1907
GladwellBrownie born about 1909
GladwellCarlos born about 1925
GladwellLillie born about 1890
GladwellMarion born about 1929
GladwellMonte born about 1890
GladwellNancy Leeborn about 1937
GoheenCatherine born about 1890
GoheenEt born about 1886
GoheenFlorence born about 1900
GoodeThos born about 1894
GoodeWalter born about 1920
GoodminHattie born about 1883
GoodsonGeorge born about 1914
GoodwinClyde born about 1908
GoodwinGladys born about 1908
GoodwinJoan born about 1932
GoodwinThomas Eborn about 1930
GrantJosephine born about 1892
GrantLina born about 1899
GrayElizabeth born about 1879
GrayWilliam born about 1875
GraybealOrvil born about 1908
GraybillAlice Kborn about 1923
GraybillHenry Bborn about 1881
GraybillSusan born about 1883
GreenEthel born about 1891
GreenGrace born about 1917
GreenHarold born about 1913
GreenThomas born about 1923
GreenThomas born about 1939
GreenTobias born about 1882
GregoryBelly Lemonborn about 1933
GregoryBobby Nealborn about 1935
GregoryEdith born about 1903
GregoryFlorence born about 1904
GregoryFrancis born about 1925
GregoryHarry born about 1901
GregoryHomer born about 1883
GregoryJoe Fredborn about 1931
GregoryJohn born about 1891
GregoryJohn Pborn about 1928
GregoryStella Leeborn about 1925
GroggHerbert born about 1925
GroggIra born about 1922
GroggNoma born about 1888
GroggRumsy born about 1885
GroggVirginia born about 1928
GroscloseElsie born about 1920
GroscloseFrank born about 1919
GroscloseRobert born about 1939
GrosecloseAileene born about 1907
GrosecloseRoy Lborn about 1894
GrovesEtta born about 1875
GrovesFrances born about 1922
GrovesHassie born about 1876
GrovesStacy born about 1915
GrowLouis Mborn about 1888
GrowRose born about 1895
GruenDorothy Eborn about 1882
GullGeorge Hborn about 1903
GullGoldie born about 1907
GummBrooks born about 1893
GurleyC Edwardborn about 1906
GurleyVerlie born about 1907
GwinnEmmer born about 1870
GwinnLottie born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HaggCaroline born about 1874
HaggGary Dr born about 1874
HallGladys born about 1916
HallIna born about 1912
HamiltonBlanch born about 1884
HamiltonGarold Cborn about 1882
HamlinBen born about 1913
HandleyEdward Aborn about 1932
HandleyHester born about 1908
HandleyHomer Aborn about 1907
HandleyJune Agnesborn about 1929
HandleyKathleen born about 1919
HanfordLucinda born about 1896
HannaCharles Sborn about 1890
HannaDonald born about 1932
HannaGoldie born about 1906
HannaHelen born about 1911
HannaIrene born about 1893
HannaMack born about 1902
HannaMargaret born about 1921
HannaMarie born about 1929
HannaRalph born about 1914
HannaRalph Jr born about 1939
HannaRoger born about 1913
HannaRuth born about 1930
HansonBun born about 1895
HansonCatherine born about 1917
HansonClarence born about 1923
HansonDexter born about 1917
HansonDonald born about 1932
HansonGoldie born about 1908
HansonGrace born about 1912
HansonHarn born about 1875
HansonHarry born about 1890
HansonJack born about 1915
HansonJames born about 1927
HansonJohn Bborn about 1920
HansonLacy born about 1933
HansonMaud born about 1900
HansonMelvin born about 1925
HansonPansy born about 1894
HansonPearl born about 1892
HansonRobert born about 1905
HansonStanley born about 1931
HansonTheodore born about 1920
HansonTracy born about 1909
HansonWillard born about 1911
HanstChalonor Eborn about 1923
HanstHarry Aborn about 1888
HanstHarry Mborn about 1922
HanstNellie born about 1895
HardbargerCharles Aborn about 1891
HardbargerCharles Jr born about 1923
HardbargerFloyd Rborn about 1925
HardbargerJames Eborn about 1928
HardbargerPearl Mborn about 1891
HardemanEdward born about 1924
HarmonHobard born about 1923
HarrahElva born about 1912
HarrahGlen born about 1908
HarrahGlen Rborn about 1938
HarreyBray born about 1905
HarreyMary born about 1905
HarreyRobert born about 1928
HarreyThomas born about 1924
HarrisBeatrice born about 1923
HarrisBilly born about 1938
HarrisBobby born about 1914
HarrisBobby born about 1934
HarrisCarlyle born about 1916
HarrisCarolyn born about 1914
HarrisCatherine born about 1918
HarrisCharles born about 1932
HarrisDave born about 1892
HarrisElizabeth born about 1906
HarrisJ Wilmerborn about 1930
HarrisJoe born about 1924
HarrisLena born about 1928
HarrisLetty born about 1901
HarrisMabel born about 1927
HarrisMarguerite born about 1932
HarrisRobert born about 1908
HarrisShirley born about 1936
HarrisWalter born about 1934
HartsookBessie born about 1895
HartsookCatherine Gborn about 1927
HartsookChristine born about 1890
HartsookHelen born about 1926
HartsookHubert born about 1897
HartsookOhlin born about 1892
HartsookPaul Nborn about 1906
HartsookRay born about 1900
HartsookRobert Lborn about 1903
HartsookSallie born about 1866
HarveyClarence born about 1897
HarveyElizabeth born about 1937
HarveyEugene born about 1919
HarveyFay born about 1935
HarveyHandley born about 1924
HarveyJim born about 1890
HarveyKennith born about 1925
HarveyLawrence born about 1927
HarveyLouise born about 1929
HarveyMelvin born about 1924
HarveyOra born about 1900
HarveyRoss born about 1902
HarveyRowena born about 1905
HarveyRuth born about 1918
HasenWm Vborn about 1920
HayesAlice born about 1918
HayesAnna born about 1902
HayesBlackburn born about 1916
HayesCary Mooreborn about 1922
HayesCurtiss born about 1913
HayesDelores born about 1936
HayesDorothy born about 1922
HayesEarl born about 1935
HayesEdith born about 1910
HayesEthel born about 1914
HayesEva born about 1909
HayesFrances born about 1898
HayesGardan born about 1913
HayesGeorge born about 1898
HayesGeraldine born about 1922
HayesJessie born about 1901
HayesJoe born about 1879
HayesJohn Eborn about 1923
HayesLewis born about 1896
HayesLillie born about 1860
HayesLonnie Gborn about 1906
HayesMarianna born about 1939
HayesMarion born about 1907
HayesMary born about 1879
HayesMary Edgarborn about 1907
HayesMary Roseborn about 1882
HayesNewman born about 1888
HayesSusan born about 1918
HayesThomas born about 1938
HayesVirginia born about 1911
HayesWilliam Eborn about 1875
HayhurstEffie born about 1889
HayhurstJoseph born about 1875
HaynesGoldie born about 1898
HedrickAlma born about 1906
HedrickBetty born about 1934
HedrickCora born about 1875
HedrickCurtiss born about 1909
HedrickDorothy born about 1937
HedrickLee born about 1865
HedrickMaley born about 1873
HedrickNela born about 1876
HeffnerAllie born about 1877
HeffnerAnne born about 1930
HeffnerBarbara born about 1922
HeffnerCalvin born about 1928
HeffnerDelcie born about 1894
HeffnerDorothy born about 1916
HeffnerEra born about 1875
HeffnerEvelyn born about 1901
HeffnerGladys born about 1934
HeffnerHoward born about 1879
HeffnerJames born about 1926
HeffnerJohn born about 1929
HeffnerLa Nora born about 1927
HeffnerLeslie born about 1890
HeffnerLeslie born about 1928
HeffnerMary Sueborn about 1927
HeffnerNancy born about 1931
HeffnerNellie born about 1889
HeffnerPaul born about 1931
HeffnerRaymond born about 1922
HeffnerRoland born about 1913
HeffnerSeward born about 1902
HeflinFrank Kborn about 1903
HeflinJoan born about 1936
HeflinMargaret born about 1916
HeflinPatricia born about 1939
HefnerDilsey born about 1893
HeltonCharles born about 1925
HendrickHarry Jborn about 1903
HendrickJuanita born about 1906
HendrickPenelope born about 1935
HendricksonLeslie Eborn about 1906
HendricksonMarguerite born about 1938
HendricksonVirginia born about 1912
HenningThorn born about 1885
HenryChas Dborn about 1876
HenryLucy born about 1883
HenryMargaret born about 1904
HenryRobt Leeborn about 1934
HenryThos Wborn about 1900
HerchbergerBetty born about 1925
HerchbergerJohn born about 1904
HerchbergerMargaret born about 1927
HerchbergerPearl born about 1924
HerchbergerRuth born about 1905
HernJennie Eborn about 1911
HernJennie Pborn about 1888
HernJesse Lborn about 1882
HernLena born about 1866
HernThomas Pborn about 1926
HershbergerAnnabelle born about 1924
HershbergerBetsey Sborn about 1922
HershbergerJohn Wborn about 1897
HershbergerMargaret born about 1927
HershbergerMary born about 1925
HershbergerMary Rborn about 1903
HessterArlon born about 1929
HessterJuanita born about 1925
HessterNelson born about 1904
HessterVirginia born about 1899
HewigFred born about 1916
HewigLaura born about 1921
HewigWilliam Rborn about 1940
HicksBernard born about 1915
HicksIda born about 1896
HicksIsaac born about 1919
HicksPauline born about 1922
HiffmanEthel born about 1907
HiffmanWalter born about 1889
HiltonArch born about 1891
HiltonGrace born about 1891
HiltonHilda born about 1928
HinkleAda Eborn about 1915
HinkleBessie Wborn about 1889
HinkleBungon Bborn about 1875
HinkleClark Woodsonborn about 1928
HinkleDainty born about 1890
HinkleDave born about 1902
HinkleDesolie born about 1921
HinkleEarl Rayborn about 1934
HinkleEdith Mborn about 1910
HinkleEdward born about 1901
HinkleFloy born about 1910
HinkleGlenna born about 1904
HinkleHarold Leeborn about 1930
HinkleHelen born about 1919
HinkleHerbert born about 1874
HinkleHugh born about 1921
HinkleIda born about 1898
HinkleJoe born about 1878
HinkleJoseph born about 1877
HinkleLacy born about 1894
HinkleLacy Melvinborn about 1932
HinkleLucile born about 1923
HinkleMatty born about 1937
HinkleMatty Eborn about 1869
HinkleMeldon born about 1915
HinklePaul born about 1909
HinklePauline born about 1932
HinklePearl born about 1918
HinklePearl Grayborn about 1937
HinklePhyllis born about 1929
HinkleRalph born about 1900
HinkleRay born about 1892
HinkleRichard born about 1912
HinkleSbetton born about 1921
HinkleThelmer born about 1918
HinkleTilitha born about 1875
HinkleWilliam born about 1939
HippertElizabeth born about 1910
HippertGlen born about 1910
HippertRobert Aborn about 1938
HitesMartha Leeborn about 1928
HobbsMinnie born about 1892
HobbsWilliam Cborn about 1885
HobbsWilliam C Jrborn about 1923
HockEdith Rborn about 1928
HockMary Noelborn about 1895
HockMary Noelborn about 1924
HockRandolph Kborn about 1893
HoddlestonElsie born about 1894
HoddlestonJoseph born about 1924
HoddlestonJune born about 1919
HoddlestonNeita born about 1928
HoddlestonOklin born about 1888
HodgesJames born about 1913
HodgesJames Jr born about 1936
HodgesJune born about 1915
HodgesMaris born about 1938
HogsettMary Tborn about 1887
HogsettPaul Cborn about 1894
HogsettRussel Wborn about 1912
HokeAlma born about 1934
HokeArnold born about 1927
HokeBettie born about 1932
HokeCecil born about 1891
HokeClifford born about 1939
HokeDelbert born about 1921
HokeEdward born about 1929
HokeGeorge born about 1925
HokeNellie born about 1901
HokeOrphia born about 1931
HokeThelma born about 1938
HouckArthur Kborn about 1880
HouckCarrie Lborn about 1886
HouckCharles Dborn about 1921
HouckChas Dborn about 1872
HouckElmer born about 1907
HouckEloise born about 1923
HouckJuanita born about 1907
HuffmanGlenna born about 1898
HuffmanHazel born about 1922
HuffmanRichard born about 1895
HughartBruce born about 1903
HughartGeorge born about 1877
HughartIva Dborn about 1868
HughartMinnie born about 1878
HughartViola born about 1903
HughesA Wilsonborn about 1916
HughesGussie Eborn about 1920
HughesJ Willamborn about 1918
HughesJames born about 1916
HughesJames Mborn about 1882
HughesJuanita born about 1916
HughesLucy Leeborn about 1936
HughesRuby Bborn about 1913
HughesSallie Fborn about 1890
HumeDaisy born about 1875
HumeWilliard born about 1880
HunterCharles born about 1901
HunterElizabeth born about 1900
HunterJ Strattonborn about 1940
HunterJohn Pborn about 1895
HunterMargaret born about 1924
HunterMary born about 1921
HunterMary Gborn about 1873
HunterMary Pborn about 1904
HunterRalph born about 1928
HunterRay born about 1926
HunterRebecca Tborn about 1938
HunterStratton born about 1905
HunterVernon born about 1922
HunterVirginia Tborn about 1913
HuskinsElizabeth born about 1916
HutchesonJarrett born about 1891
HutchesonJess Wborn about 1874
HutchesonJessie born about 1914
HutchinsonDavid Leeborn about 1939
HutchinsonGeorge Rborn about 1937
HutchinsonHage Vborn about 1900
HutchinsonHelen born about 1935
HutchinsonHugh born about 1906
HutchinsonHugh Fborn about 1934
HutchinsonMaura born about 1869
HutchinsonNancy Leeborn about 1912
HutchinsonSara born about 1913
HutsonpillarCarl born about 1920
HutsonpillarCharles born about 1893
HutsonpillarEmma born about 1858
HutsonpillarLillian born about 1904
HutsonpillarThelma born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IabscottDay born about 1880
IabscottWilliam Lborn about 1877
IabscottWilliam Lborn about 1920

J Surnames

JackBertha born about 1876
JackFreida born about 1915
JackMargery born about 1937
JackMarvin born about 1910
JacksonAnna Gborn about 1897
JacksonAnne born about 1922
JacksonAnnet born about 1898
JacksonAustin born about 1887
JacksonBlanche born about 1888
JacksonCallye born about 1893
JacksonCatherine born about 1878
JacksonCefales born about 1924
JacksonClarence born about 1883
JacksonEvelyn born about 1900
JacksonHenry born about 1876
JacksonJohn Kborn about 1880
JacksonMargaret born about 1884
JacksonMary born about 1887
JacksonMary Bborn about 1932
JacksonMary Francesborn about 1895
JacksonNettie born about 1883
JacksonNeva born about 1897
JacksonOna born about 1894
JacksonRuth born about 1930
JacksonSusie born about 1896
JacksonTearance born about 1890
JacksonWarren born about 1929
JacksonWilliam born about 1900
JacksonWilliam Cborn about 1873
JamesJoe born about 1919
JamesLouise born about 1927
JarrettCatherine Iborn about 1884
JarrettGeorgia born about 1916
JarrettHelen born about 1925
JarrettJames Hborn about 1879
JarrettJoseph born about 1922
JarrettMark born about 1887
JarrettMary born about 1911
JarrettSambel born about 1918
JarrettWallen Gborn about 1906
JarrettWinnifred born about 1909
JasperCaroline born about 1901
JasperFlorence born about 1898
JasperMary Joborn about 1916
JasperMary Nicholsborn about 1937
JasperWilliam born about 1907
JeffersonFrank born about 1858
JeffersonHenry Clayborn about 1919
JeffersonJames born about 1921
JeffersonLiza born about 1901
JeffrieBurton born about 1908
JeffrieCharles born about 1932
JeffrieFrances born about 1936
JeffrieGladys born about 1912
JeffrieRuth born about 1938
JeffrieVirginia born about 1934
JeffriesMary Nborn about 1862
JeffriesMattie Bborn about 1877
JeffriesOra Maeborn about 1913
JeffriesRobert born about 1910
JeffriesTheodore born about 1877
JenkinsEoales born about 1897
JohnsonArchie Sborn about 1937
JohnsonArcy born about 1937
JohnsonBeatrice born about 1924
JohnsonBelle born about 1887
JohnsonBetty Jr born about 1924
JohnsonBeulah born about 1923
JohnsonBooker born about 1924
JohnsonBrightwell born about 1921
JohnsonCarrie born about 1899
JohnsonDorothy born about 1900
JohnsonEarl born about 1934
JohnsonEdwin born about 1928
JohnsonEffie Fborn about 1888
JohnsonElmer born about 1932
JohnsonErnest born about 1898
JohnsonErnest Jr born about 1922
JohnsonGriffin born about 1888
JohnsonGriffin born about 1922
JohnsonGussie born about 1900
JohnsonHarold born about 1929
JohnsonHelen born about 1920
JohnsonKay Berniceborn about 1928
JohnsonKenous born about 1892
JohnsonMargaret born about 1919
JohnsonMarie born about 1923
JohnsonPhilip Oborn about 1876
JohnsonPhillis born about 1930
JohnsonRichard born about 1900
JohnsonRosalie born about 1934
JohnsonRuth Lborn about 1927
JohnsonSimpson born about 1936
JohnsonWilliam born about 1928
JohnstonAda born about 1858
JohnstonLucy Wborn about 1890
JohnstonMaynard Bborn about 1908
JohnstonNora Bborn about 1875
JonesAnderson born about 1874
JonesAnna Mborn about 1929
JonesBasil born about 1921
JonesBeatrice born about 1934
JonesBernard born about 1938
JonesBetty Louborn about 1930
JonesBlanch born about 1908
JonesCarl born about 1931
JonesCharlie born about 1880
JonesCharlotte born about 1935
JonesClarence born about 1934
JonesDorothy born about 1919
JonesEdith born about 1900
JonesEdna born about 1931
JonesFrances born about 1927
JonesFrances born about 1931
JonesGeorge Wborn about 1885
JonesGeorge Wborn about 1896
JonesGeorgia Maeborn about 1929
JonesGeraldine born about 1928
JonesGertrude born about 1914
JonesGoldie born about 1917
JonesHouston Aborn about 1886
JonesJ Juniorborn about 1928
JonesJames born about 1909
JonesJames born about 1922
JonesJames born about 1939
JonesJames Eborn about 1873
JonesJean Gborn about 1932
JonesJohn born about 1933
JonesJulie Jeanborn about 1922
JonesLillian born about 1926
JonesLloyd born about 1921
JonesLola born about 1904
JonesLucille born about 1926
JonesLucy born about 1895
JonesLucy Leeborn about 1924
JonesLula born about 1875
JonesMargaret born about 1905
JonesMartha born about 1890
JonesMary born about 1863
JonesMary Louiseborn about 1919
JonesMattie born about 1908
JonesMyrtle born about 1923
JonesOpal born about 1898
JonesPeggie born about 1936
JonesRaymond born about 1931
JonesRoy born about 1908
JonesRoy born about 1911
JonesRuth Leeborn about 1929
JonesSena born about 1895
JonesVirginia born about 1924
JonesW Perryborn about 1940
JonesWilbur born about 1930
JonesWilliam born about 1932
JonesWm born about 1900
JualLucy Aborn about 1867
JudyAlice born about 1922
JudyAndrew born about 1928
JudyArden Bborn about 1916
JudyBetty born about 1918
JudyBlanche born about 1905
JudyCatherine born about 1931
JudyDellbert Rayborn about 1939
JudyDreama Gayborn about 1939
JudyFlorence born about 1920
JudyGeorge Wborn about 1856
JudyHarris born about 1930
JudyHarve born about 1877
JudyHattie born about 1897
JudyIsetta born about 1939
JudyJanet born about 1937
JudyKay Anitaborn about 1939
JudyLana born about 1897
JudyLawrence born about 1909
JudyLester born about 1910
JudyLucille born about 1918
JudyLucy Maeborn about 1873
JudyMaried born about 1936
JudyNed born about 1896
JudyOllie Bborn about 1877
JudyPhillis born about 1925
JudyRaymond born about 1912
JudyRoy born about 1907
JudyRubert Aborn about 1902
JudyStella born about 1899
JudyVirginia born about 1914
JudyWilliam born about 1934
JudyWilma born about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KaneHenry born about 1889
KaneHenry Sborn about 1922
KaneLola born about 1903
KaneNancy Leeborn about 1933
KaneRobt Pborn about 1924
KeatonLula born about 1886
KeattyAlfred born about 1931
KeattyBuford born about 1923
KeattyCleo born about 1894
KeattyDyke born about 1925
KeattyEleanor born about 1920
KeattyGeorge born about 1927
KeattyJulius Eborn about 1893
KeattyPattie born about 1935
KeattyTed born about 1922
KelleyDora born about 1919
KelleyEarnestine born about 1932
KelleyMary born about 1893
KelleyRuby born about 1930
KelleySamuel born about 1888
KelleySara born about 1926
KellisonNorma born about 1921
KellyAlice born about 1893
KellyClarence born about 1932
KellyHarold born about 1936
KellyJohn Wborn about 1905
KellyLaura born about 1933
KellyMary born about 1912
KellyMary born about 1928
KellyRandolph born about 1924
KellyRoy born about 1930
KellyWilliam born about 1919
KellyWilliam born about 1930
KennyCharlie born about 1906
KennyEsther born about 1929
KennyGloria born about 1926
KennyJacqueline born about 1927
KennyMae born about 1930
KennyNorman born about 1920
KennyPauline born about 1906
KennyRoy born about 1924
KerhBright born about 1910
KerhMildred born about 1908
KernThelma born about 1921
KernWilliam born about 1918
KernsElizabeth born about 1925
KernsEthel born about 1891
KernsIda born about 1891
KernsJames born about 1928
KernsJohn born about 1922
KernsNewton born about 1892
KershnertIndia Mborn about 1886
KessingerMaud born about 1879
KilloranBertha born about 1890
KilloranJohn Pborn about 1937
KilloranWillard Jborn about 1890
KincaidCharles Mborn about 1910
KincaidCharles Mborn about 1933
KincaidMabel Bborn about 1910
KincaidMabel Mborn about 1931
KincaidMadeline born about 1921
KingFrances Hborn about 1926
KingGrady Wborn about 1897
KingJean Wborn about 1932
KingLula Sborn about 1895
KingRuth Wborn about 1908
KingVivian born about 1922
KinghtAgnes born about 1919
KinghtW Eugeneborn about 1914
KirkpatrickAlbert Wborn about 1880
KirkpatrickIla born about 1880
KirkpatrickLinda Lborn about 1870
KirkpatrickNorine born about 1910
KirkpatrickThomas born about 1906
KirkpatrickVirginia born about 1910
KirppatrickJonie Ottborn about 1891
KnappBlanche Hborn about 1887
KnappHoward Dborn about 1886
KnappRalph Bborn about 1924
KnoppAmanda born about 1915
KnoppMason born about 1874
KnoppMattie Oborn about 1878
KnzzinkieEdward born about 1919
KraushaarHarriet Tborn about 1881
KrystynakEdwin born about 1912
KrystynakStella born about 1920
KrystynakTed born about 1914
KrystynakThelma born about 1940
KyleBettie Gborn about 1871
KyleMark Cborn about 1871

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LaingAnna born about 1881
LaingBuster born about 1909
LaingCora Bborn about 1878
LaingEmma Eborn about 1918
LaingJames Kborn about 1883
LaingJames Mborn about 1916
LaingJanet born about 1874
LaingJohn born about 1912
LaingJohn Bborn about 1877
LaingJohn Fborn about 1936
LaingMargaret Nborn about 1879
LaingRuth born about 1921
LaingVirginia born about 1918
LaingWilliam born about 1881
LancasterLaura born about 1930
LancasterMyrtle born about 1901
LancasterOpie Lborn about 1891
LandersCatherine born about 1907
LandersHarry Bborn about 1907
LandersHelen born about 1918
LandersKettie born about 1873
LandersMary Louborn about 1936
LandersMichael born about 1913
LandersMildred born about 1916
LandersRalph born about 1911
LauderBoudie born about 1932
LauderMary born about 1904
LauderMary Allisonborn about 1922
LauderMike Jamesborn about 1906
LaudermilkAlice born about 1905
LaudermilkClifford born about 1931
LaudermilkDavid born about 1910
LaudermilkDonald born about 1933
LaudermilkElsie born about 1909
LaudermilkLoraine born about 1937
LaudermilkVirgil born about 1895
LawrenceAmelia born about 1862
LawrenceEdna born about 1897
LawrenceGenevieve born about 1911
LawrenceGenevieve born about 1917
LawrenceInez born about 1917
LawrenceInez born about 1931
LawrenceJasper born about 1909
LawrenceJasper born about 1913
LawrenceKennith born about 1932
LeeAnn born about 1934
LeeBillie born about 1925
LeeCaroline Lborn about 1932
LeeCharles born about 1929
LeeChas Mikeborn about 1866
LeeCrema born about 1908
LeeJames born about 1903
LeeJohn born about 1916
LeeKenneth born about 1918
LeeLillian born about 1916
LeeMarion Lborn about 1938
LeeMary Ellenborn about 1918
LeeMary Rborn about 1937
LeeMildred Mborn about 1939
LeeMyrtle Fborn about 1935
LeeRobbie born about 1927
LeeRosie born about 1923
LeeRuth born about 1903
LeeSadie born about 1894
LeeWalter born about 1913
LeeZula born about 1892
LeggArreta born about 1922
LeggClarence Kirwinborn about 1940
LeggEdith born about 1895
LeggEdna born about 1902
LeggElizabeth born about 1906
LeggElizabeth born about 1929
LeggEllen Gibsonborn about 1938
LeggEthel Mborn about 1896
LeggGarnet born about 1932
LeggHubert born about 1897
LeggJames born about 1935
LeggLaura born about 1856
LeggLaura born about 1924
LeggLeslie born about 1900
LeggLonnie born about 1895
LeggMack Genevaborn about 1901
LeggMack L Jrborn about 1937
LeggMaria Ellenborn about 1903
LeggMarvin born about 1924
LeggNewman born about 1883
LeggNita born about 1906
LeggPatricia born about 1932
LeggPaul born about 1904
LeggPaul Kborn about 1928
LeggRalph born about 1919
LeggRebecca born about 1876
LeggSam Hborn about 1879
LeggSamuel Hborn about 1880
LeggThomas born about 1877
LeggWilliam born about 1931
LehewAllen born about 1908
LehewAnna born about 1933
LehewRichard born about 1938
LehewRowena born about 1908
LehewWillette born about 1935
LemonChas born about 1915
LemonChas Wborn about 1876
LemonGeorge Lborn about 1922
LemonGeorge Lborn about 1939
LemonJoseph Fborn about 1919
LemonMary Vborn about 1887
LemonNorma born about 1921
LeroisRichard born about 1868
LettEdith born about 1901
LettMacel born about 1926
LettRichard born about 1928
LeuMary Grayborn about 1887
LevalJuanita born about 1939
LevalRosemary born about 1919
LevalWilliam born about 1916
LevelG Wallaceborn about 1913
LevelIrene born about 1913
LevisayChas born about 1912
LevisayEd born about 1900
LevisayErnest Jr born about 1926
LevisayLucy born about 1903
LevisayMargaret born about 1889
LevisayMargaret born about 1912
LevisayMary Eborn about 1919
LevisayMatt born about 1861
LevisayMinnie born about 1868
LevisayPhyllis born about 1927
LevisayPorter born about 1895
LevisayWilliam born about 1914
LewisAnita Maeborn about 1938
LewisAnna Jr born about 1927
LewisBarbara born about 1932
LewisCharles Wborn about 1923
LewisCharlie born about 1898
LewisEleanor born about 1920
LewisEthel born about 1938
LewisFrank Hborn about 1925
LewisFrankie Aliceborn about 1928
LewisGeneva born about 1938
LewisHarry born about 1910
LewisHelen born about 1906
LewisHelen born about 1922
LewisJack Wayneborn about 1933
LewisJames born about 1899
LewisJohnny born about 1904
LewisLee Cborn about 1930
LewisLula Maeborn about 1899
LewisMandy born about 1900
LewisMaria born about 1903
LewisMary Eborn about 1924
LewisMary Kborn about 1903
LewisMinnie born about 1916
LewisPaul Beardborn about 1927
LewisRobert born about 1930
LewisRuth born about 1915
LewisSnowden born about 1891
LewisSusie Louborn about 1938
LewisVirginia born about 1904
LewisWilliam born about 1898
LightnerAnna Maeborn about 1920
LightnerBrownie born about 1915
LightnerCaroline born about 1925
LightnerChasley Mborn about 1894
LightnerFrank Tborn about 1933
LightnerKent born about 1935
LightnerMay Tborn about 1892
LightnerMelvin born about 1930
LightnerRay born about 1923
LikksDora Thomesborn about 1920
LileCara Louiseborn about 1899
LileJohn born about 1898
LileWilliam Mborn about 1931
LippertGeorge born about 1890
LippsAnna Marborn about 1937
LippsClara born about 1918
LippsDennis born about 1895
LippsEugene born about 1922
LippsGeraldine born about 1925
LippsGoldie Vborn about 1911
LippsHenry born about 1882
LippsMildred born about 1927
LippsMintor born about 1890
LippsRebecca born about 1860
LippsRobert Lborn about 1895
LippsRobert Maeborn about 1935
LippsStella born about 1882
LippsThomas Aborn about 1937
LippsVirginia born about 1898
LittonBettie born about 1936
LittonKennith born about 1903
LittonLaura born about 1938
LittonNancy born about 1935
LittonPhoebe born about 1908
LiveseyBelly Joeborn about 1932
LiveseyElise born about 1897
LiveseyGray born about 1896
LiveseyMelvin born about 1922
LiveseyNadine born about 1924
LivingstoneWilliam Bborn about 1913
LockardGrace Pborn about 1903
LockardHarvey Cborn about 1898
LoganChristopher born about 1896
LoganChristopher born about 1927
LoganDelmer born about 1930
LoganMargaret born about 1923
LoganMarie born about 1900
LoganVirginia born about 1925
LoudermilkAgnes born about 1872
LoudermilkArch Kborn about 1870
LoudermilkClarence born about 1909
LoudermilkClyde born about 1903
LoudermilkEdward born about 1906
LoudermilkElmer born about 1894
LoudermilkLottie born about 1915
LoudermilkMyrtle born about 1875
LoudermilkNevada born about 1901
LoudermilkRalph born about 1926
LoudermilkRobert born about 1894
LoudermilkRobert Cborn about 1921
LoudermilkSara Mborn about 1887
LoudermilkThomas born about 1869
LoudermilkViola born about 1905
LowenCare born about 1924
LowenLoma born about 1897
LowenMatthaw born about 1899
LucassWalter Lborn about 1917
LuckLannie born about 1917
LuckWillen Benjaminborn about 1904

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MacdonaldAngus born about 1878
MacdonaldElizabeth born about 1885
MaefarlandJames Cborn about 1920
MaefarlandStella born about 1888
MaltonFrances born about 1926
MaltonFrank born about 1937
MaltonIna born about 1931
MaltonJohn born about 1924
MaltonRobert born about 1902
MandersonFrank born about 1921
MannElizabeth born about 1884
MannLacy Hborn about 1876
MarquisAlta born about 1884
MarquisMary Eborn about 1895
MarrisEthel born about 1905
MarshallAlice born about 1857
MarshallHarry born about 1914
MarshallJosephine born about 1917
MarshallMary Louiseborn about 1916
MarshallRalph born about 1913
MarshallRebecca born about 1915
MarshallWoodrow born about 1912
MartinAnna born about 1889
MartinBetty born about 1936
MartinElizabeth born about 1903
MartinGlenda born about 1939
MartinHenry born about 1915
MartinHickman born about 1885
MartinJake born about 1898
MartinOna born about 1924
MartinRobert born about 1921
MartinStella born about 1933
MartinVirginia born about 1931
MartinWilliam born about 1929
MassBruce Eborn about 1937
MassForest born about 1907
MassLouise born about 1911
MasseyGrace Mborn about 1886
MasseyJames born about 1882
MasseyJames Jr born about 1918
MasseyMariana born about 1922
MastersClaybourne Jborn about 1920
MastersMaude born about 1879
MathenyEsther Leeborn about 1934
MathenyRobt Hborn about 1926
MathenyThelma born about 1904
MathenyWallace Rborn about 1894
MatthewsChas G Jrborn about 1911
MatthewsHarriet Bborn about 1878
MatthewsHenry born about 1882
MatthewsPat Elzaborn about 1876
MaxenEdward born about 1914
MaxenImogene born about 1918
MaxenLoretta born about 1939
MayAustin born about 1895
MayVerdie born about 1905
MayeCecil Lborn about 1904
MayeLena born about 1911
MayeRalph born about 1935
MaysBeniah born about 1922
MaysBlanch born about 1875
MaysHallie born about 1907
MaysHerbert Fborn about 1875
MaysHerbert Pborn about 1906
MaysHubert born about 1867
MaysRita born about 1933
MaysRose Mborn about 1884
McCclungJames born about 1915
McCclungJames Lborn about 1937
McCclungMargaret born about 1936
McCclungMyrtle born about 1916
McClackeyAddah Belleborn about 1903
McClintieAnnie Lborn about 1888
McClintieDorothy Vborn about 1908
McClintieJoseph Aborn about 1885
McClintieRobert Aborn about 1910
McClungAgnes Hborn about 1900
McClungAlice Eborn about 1887
McClungAlliene born about 1913
McClungCora Lborn about 1888
McClungDaniel Lborn about 1914
McClungEdna Joeborn about 1912
McClungEdward born about 1919
McClungEdward born about 1938
McClungGilda born about 1925
McClungHunter born about 1914
McClungIcie born about 1928
McClungJ Lambertborn about 1884
McClungJames Wborn about 1882
McClungLeota born about 1916
McClungLocke born about 1883
McClungLynne born about 1889
McClungMinnie Pborn about 1890
McClungRoger born about 1921
McClungShannon born about 1922
McClungThos Wborn about 1923
McClungVirgil Mborn about 1888
McCorkleSamuel Wborn about 1888
McCorkleSusanne born about 1884
McCorkleWilliam Fborn about 1925
McCoyEugene born about 1925
McCoyHilda born about 1924
McCoyJessie Lborn about 1898
McCoyMaud born about 1899
McCoyRoberta born about 1922
McCueCameron born about 1933
McCueDoris Aborn about 1932
McCueFrank Cborn about 1903
McCueFrank C Jrborn about 1931
McCueJanet born about 1907
McDowellBertha born about 1876
McDowellElsie born about 1897
McDowellGladys born about 1904
McDowellHelen born about 1924
McDowellJames Wborn about 1926
McFallsAlvin born about 1906
McFallsCharles born about 1872
McGuireEthel born about 1895
McGuireFonda born about 1920
McGuireGenevieve born about 1922
McGuireGlen Eborn about 1913
McGuireGlen Eborn about 1936
McGuireLonnie born about 1882
McGuireLonny Arborn about 1925
McGuireLydia born about 1889
McGuireMargaret born about 1915
McGuireNellie born about 1919
McGuireRobert Fborn about 1927
McGuireSylvia Annborn about 1935
McKeeMadge born about 1919
McKeeverRosa Mborn about 1876
McKeeverThomas born about 1872
McLaughlinAnnabelle born about 1912
McLaughlinChristine born about 1909
McLaughlinClaude born about 1897
McLaughlinEdgar Hborn about 1910
McLaughlinEdgar H Jrborn about 1939
McLaughlinJean born about 1901
McLaughlinLillian born about 1882
McLaughlinPolly born about 1884
McLaughlinPolly born about 1898
McLaughlinRichard born about 1906
McLaughlinRobert Hborn about 1940
McLaughlinWilliam born about 1886
McLoudRuby born about 1922
McMahonAnna Louiseborn about 1891
McMhonClaudina born about 1920
McMhonJohn Dborn about 1915
McMhonLorretta born about 1938
McMillionEdith born about 1919
McMillionWilma born about 1920
McNerLillian born about 1872
McQueenDorothy born about 1914
McQueenMary Lindaborn about 1939
McQueenSpurgon born about 1888
McQuiggEthel born about 1892
McSweeneyChas born about 1919
McSweeneyIvy born about 1909
McTheeArcher Lborn about 1923
McTheeCarlie born about 1900
McTheeJulie Anneborn about 1928
McTheeLuther Sborn about 1897
McWhorterBessie Lborn about 1897
McWhorterChas born about 1893
McWhorterChas Kborn about 1922
McWhorterJoseph Mborn about 1924
McWhorterSusanna Lborn about 1921
MeekHoward Aborn about 1898
MeeseCarrie born about 1903
MeeseH Wadeborn about 1902
MickelCleo born about 1895
MickelDella born about 1912
MickelEvan born about 1938
MilamBetty Jeanborn about 1940
MilamEdith born about 1917
MilamJack born about 1914
MilamShirley Annborn about 1936
MilesLonnie Lborn about 1900
MillerChas born about 1935
MillerChristophen born about 1854
MillerClarence born about 1914
MillerCordelia born about 1919
MillerDavid born about 1937
MillerDoris born about 1913
MillerEmmett Gborn about 1921
MillerGeneva born about 1913
MillerGlenna born about 1891
MillerHarold born about 1927
MillerHarriet born about 1920
MillerJames born about 1932
MillerJames Cborn about 1889
MillerJohn born about 1936
MillerLizzie born about 1894
MillerMarilyn born about 1938
MillerMary born about 1911
MillerMary Louborn about 1913
MillerMatthew born about 1886
MillerMelvin Cborn about 1912
MillerNellie born about 1901
MillerOmy born about 1913
MillerOsee born about 1921
MillerRoosevelt born about 1901
MillerRoosevelt Cborn about 1925
MillerRosa Kborn about 1929
MillerWilliam born about 1891
MillerWilliam Sborn about 1905
MillinDollie born about 1907
MillinJames born about 1906
MillinJames Jr born about 1927
MillinJoan born about 1933
MillinMary Janeborn about 1938
MillinWilliam born about 1935
MilnarAnthony Leeborn about 1909
MonroeJulius Kborn about 1865
MooreAnne Gborn about 1922
MooreBrown born about 1919
MooreDavid Gborn about 1881
MooreEmma born about 1886
MooreEmma born about 1890
MooreHarold born about 1920
MooreHarold Jr born about 1939
MooreHouston Bborn about 1880
MooreHouston Bborn about 1928
MooreIda born about 1888
MooreIda Eborn about 1857
MooreJan Sborn about 1923
MooreJoseph Mborn about 1885
MooreJoseph Mborn about 1925
MooreKate born about 1884
MooreMargaret born about 1883
MooreMary Roweborn about 1905
MooreMildred born about 1921
MoorePamela born about 1926
MooreWilliam Jborn about 1915
MooreWillie born about 1892
MorganCarl born about 1910
MorganCharlie Eborn about 1882
MorganCleo born about 1911
MorganColla born about 1886
MorganDonald born about 1924
MorganEdwin born about 1920
MorganElizabeth born about 1940
MorganJames Leeborn about 1934
MorganLula Wborn about 1882
MorganLuther Hborn about 1881
MorganMary Eborn about 1882
MorganMary Louiseborn about 1918
MorganPat Lambertborn about 1932
MorganPhil Hamptonborn about 1937
MorganRobert born about 1915
MorganWhitney Kborn about 1877
MorganWinnifred Annborn about 1931
MorrisAda born about 1875
MorrisDexter born about 1916
MorrisEdgar Pborn about 1939
MorrisGeorge Wborn about 1856
MorrisLewis born about 1877
MorrisMargaret born about 1886
MorrisMargaret born about 1923
MorrisRoy Hborn about 1917
MorrisSue Annborn about 1935
MorrisVirgie born about 1921
MortonDelsey born about 1911
MortonJarred born about 1936
MortonJoan born about 1935
MortonWilliam Gborn about 1907
MoselyFrancis born about 1918
MoselyNicey born about 1890
MullinaxClarence born about 1908
MullinaxEthel Vborn about 1933
MullinaxJames Rborn about 1935
MullinaxNorma Jeanborn about 1936
MullinaxRuby Ellenborn about 1939
MullinaxSadie born about 1914
MullinsDelbert born about 1935
MullinsGladys born about 1905
MullinsJohn born about 1895
MullinsWilma born about 1927
MumseyElizabeth born about 1930
MumseyTheodore born about 1927
MyersAnna Cborn about 1913
MyersBesie born about 1915
MyersJohn Hborn about 1914
MyersPauline born about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NadeGeorgia born about 1883
NadeMack Pborn about 1886
NapierAlfred Wborn about 1923
NapierArion born about 1914
NapierBernard born about 1918
NapierEdgar born about 1923
NapierEdgar born about 1936
NapierEdith born about 1918
NapierEdna born about 1920
NapierFlorence born about 1928
NapierGeorge Lborn about 1876
NapierHenley born about 1881
NapierJasper born about 1926
NapierLester born about 1920
NapierMary Eborn about 1884
NapierMasoda born about 1890
NapierMassey born about 1874
NapierMyrtle born about 1931
NapierNellie born about 1888
NapierNorman born about 1915
NapierOliver born about 1922
NapierRussell born about 1924
NapierRuth born about 1921
NapierShirley Annborn about 1939
NapierWilliam born about 1924
NealCharles Lborn about 1874
NealCharlie born about 1877
NealChristine born about 1926
NealDorris born about 1928
NealElizabeth born about 1923
NealHubert born about 1895
NealNelson born about 1921
NealOlive born about 1902
NealPeggy born about 1934
NeeleyHelen born about 1905
NeelyAlice born about 1893
NeelyCecil Rborn about 1899
NeelyCharles born about 1861
NeelyFrank born about 1897
NeelyIzetta born about 1866
NeelyLevi born about 1862
NeelyMary Aborn about 1864
NeelyRuby born about 1902
NelshHelen Cborn about 1894
NelsonAnnie born about 1875
NelsonDoris born about 1924
NelsonFlorence born about 1917
NelsonHenry born about 1938
NelsonJohn born about 1884
NelsonMarion born about 1939
NelsonMartha born about 1910
NelsonPinkney born about 1909
NelsonWilliam born about 1857
NicelyCecil born about 1899
NicelyEdward born about 1924
NicelyEvelyn Fayborn about 1929
NicelyMary born about 1898
NicelyRoss born about 1919
NicelySandra born about 1938
NicholesAnnie born about 1874
NickellDon Jborn about 1917
NickellDon Rborn about 1888
NickellNell born about 1888
NickellThelma born about 1905
NightingaleCommie born about 1887
NightingaleVirginia born about 1904
NosterWilliam Wborn about 1866

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OakesMinnie born about 1886
ObrianBetty Louborn about 1933
ObrianJohn born about 1885
ObrianMary born about 1893
ObrianRichard born about 1926
OliverJackson born about 1860
OliverJackson born about 1923
OliverLilly born about 1906
OliverLuther Vborn about 1902
OliverWilliam Pborn about 1914
OttLloyd Bborn about 1922
OttSarah born about 1903
OwensHelen Daleborn about 1928
OwensIra Nborn about 1874
OwensThelma born about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PaceI Haldaineborn about 1908
PaceNetta Bborn about 1886
PainterAnnie Cborn about 1868
PainterBetty born about 1930
PainterEdward born about 1906
PainterEdward Gborn about 1864
PainterHarry born about 1902
PainterHelen born about 1905
PainterHelen born about 1932
PainterRichard born about 1909
PainterSallie Bborn about 1862
PalmerKey Jborn about 1901
PalmerMary born about 1898
PalmerMary Keyborn about 1928
PankyCatherine born about 1918
ParkerDavid born about 1906
ParkerMarie born about 1906
ParkerMaxime born about 1871
ParkerMoorman born about 1903
ParkerStephen Mborn about 1940
ParrDora Cborn about 1886
ParsonsJames Henryborn about 1901
ParsonsVirginia born about 1911
PattonEdith born about 1896
PattonElizabeth born about 1922
PattonMargaret born about 1926
PattonMargaret born about 1928
PattonMary Aborn about 1920
PattonMyrtle Aborn about 1910
PeckAlice Mborn about 1869
PeckBertie born about 1893
PeckEarl born about 1912
PeckFrederick born about 1910
PeercyGeorgia born about 1910
PeercyRosa Mborn about 1882
PenningtonLaura born about 1900
PenningtonTheodore born about 1900
PerdueBobby born about 1925
PerdueChas born about 1929
PerdueHorace born about 1921
PerdueMillard Jborn about 1892
PerdueWavie born about 1894
PerkinsBillie born about 1934
PerkinsHits born about 1871
PerkinsMary Eborn about 1892
PerkinsMary Eborn about 1926
PerkinsOmar born about 1896
PerkinsPreston born about 1932
PerkinsRandolph born about 1862
PerkinsThomas born about 1928
PerkinsThomas Aborn about 1880
PerkinsWill born about 1864
PerkinsWillie born about 1904
PerryGeorge Fborn about 1865
PerryOphelia born about 1882
PersingerAugustus born about 1878
PersingerBarbara born about 1861
PersingerDorothy born about 1915
PersingerEarnest born about 1913
PersingerEdgar born about 1889
PersingerEffie born about 1898
PersingerElizabeth born about 1920
PersingerEmmett born about 1888
PersingerGrover born about 1915
PersingerJames born about 1904
PersingerMabel born about 1920
PersingerMattie born about 1878
PersingerPatricia born about 1917
PersingerRalph born about 1919
PersingerRichard born about 1938
PersingerSamuel born about 1898
PersingerUrcy born about 1892
PhillipsMaud Lborn about 1872
PickeringJane born about 1917
PickeringPete born about 1914
PickeringPolly born about 1882
PickeringTom born about 1872
PiercyEugene born about 1923
PiercyJanet born about 1925
PiercyLouise born about 1930
PiercyMack born about 1895
PiercySue born about 1901
PierleChas Bborn about 1908
PierleLinda born about 1936
PierlePolly born about 1913
PierleRichard born about 1939
PiersonOvey Oborn about 1903
PiersonSelma born about 1907
PietBernard born about 1914
PietroFrank born about 1910
PietroMabel born about 1912
PleasantArthur born about 1888
PleasantJosephine born about 1899
PleintettEvelyn born about 1913
PleintettJames born about 1910
PlumleyAlice Pageborn about 1936
PlumleyChas born about 1904
PlumleyFlorence born about 1907
PlumleyGrace born about 1935
PlumleyJohn Wmborn about 1939
PlunkettBessie born about 1916
PlunkettChas Eborn about 1871
PlunkettChas E Jrborn about 1906
PlunkettEdna born about 1911
PlunkettFrederick born about 1934
PlunkettViolet born about 1911
PodgersArey born about 1875
PodgersEdith born about 1921
PodgersGladys born about 1916
PodgersHickman born about 1914
PodgersHolt born about 1918
PodgersThomas born about 1873
PorterAnne Cborn about 1890
PorterFred born about 1892
PowellDon Maeborn about 1915
PowellHarry born about 1917
PowellJohn born about 1920
PowellLucy born about 1895
PowellScott born about 1877
PowersJean Hborn about 1927
PrentzVellar Cborn about 1916
PrestonCornelia Dborn about 1918
PrestonD Gardenborn about 1879
PrestonEffie born about 1851
PrestonElizabeth born about 1887
PrestonElsie Bborn about 1890
PrestonFrances born about 1885
PrestonJames Mborn about 1882
PrestonJames Tborn about 1918
PrestonLera Mamieborn about 1909
PrestonSamuel Pborn about 1880
PrestonSamuel Pborn about 1913
PrestonSilas Lborn about 1908
PrestonStephen Bborn about 1920
PriceAlfred born about 1874
PriceAlice born about 1910
PriceAlva born about 1909
PriceAsa Wesleyborn about 1888
PriceAsa Wesley Jrborn about 1936
PriceBess Jborn about 1894
PriceDelphia born about 1920
PriceElmer born about 1902
PriceEmmett born about 1904
PriceGlenola born about 1926
PriceHenry born about 1892
PriceIma born about 1875
PriceJane born about 1919
PriceJoanne born about 1924
PriceJosephine born about 1912
PriceJulia born about 1914
PriceLucile born about 1922
PriceMargaret born about 1920
PriceMary born about 1926
PriceMary Bborn about 1918
PriceNannie Eborn about 1891
PriceNatella born about 1928
PriceOscar born about 1866
PricePatricia born about 1932
PricePearl born about 1904
PricePeggie born about 1924
PriceRobert born about 1922
PriceRonald born about 1921
PriceSamuel born about 1928
PriceThos Lborn about 1897
PrittCamden born about 1930
PrittDoris born about 1932
PrittEva born about 1890
PrittIrene born about 1921
PrittMargaret born about 1922
ProffittClara born about 1888
ProffittJulius Pborn about 1886
ProffittPreston born about 1923
PrrentaHerman born about 1912
PryerCharles born about 1892
PryerWillie born about 1898
PryorCarl born about 1921
PryorCarrian born about 1923
PryorElizabeth born about 1900
PryorFrank Aborn about 1918
PryorJack born about 1890
PryorLouisa born about 1930
PryorMary born about 1920
PryorSusan born about 1925
PryorViola born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuckwillerLowell born about 1932
QuckwillerMarvin born about 1897
QuckwillerMax born about 1901
QuickAlice born about 1937
QuickAlice Gborn about 1891
QuickBetty Joborn about 1936
QuickCecil born about 1912
QuickClarence born about 1931
QuickDennis Rayborn about 1938
QuickDonny born about 1938
QuickDwight born about 1937
QuickEllinor born about 1937
QuickErma Leeborn about 1939
QuickGertrude born about 1914
QuickGracie born about 1923
QuickHelen born about 1913
QuickHenry born about 1911
QuickHenry Jr born about 1934
QuickJoe born about 1916
QuickLawrence born about 1930
QuickLe Gene born about 1935
QuickLeste Rborn about 1913
QuickLewis born about 1936
QuickLloyd born about 1921
QuickMamie born about 1886
QuickMarguerite born about 1919
QuickMontie born about 1914
QuickPattie Jeanborn about 1938
QuickPaul born about 1928
QuickPearl born about 1917
QuickPete born about 1901
QuickPreston born about 1925
QuickRay born about 1917
QuickRussel born about 1885
QuickRuth born about 1917
QuickSeibert born about 1938
QuickSidney born about 1916
QuickSt Clair born about 1882
QuickVirginia born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RamsayGeorge born about 1880
RamsayLands born about 1918
RamsayManuel born about 1890
RamsayRachael born about 1886
RamsayRuby born about 1925
RamsayWinters born about 1912
RamsburgOra born about 1894
RamsburgRoy born about 1883
RamseyJake born about 1913
RappDoke Bborn about 1866
RappNeta Wborn about 1876
RawlWilliam Asmanborn about 1912
RedmanMercer born about 1885
RedmanRalph born about 1922
RedmanRobert born about 1920
RedmanRoy born about 1918
RedmuntBurns born about 1919
RedmuntMeriah born about 1910
ReidMelvin born about 1924
RenickAlice born about 1885
RenickCarl born about 1914
RenickCharles born about 1880
RenickGeraldine born about 1914
RenickJackie born about 1934
RenickJames born about 1917
RenickJohn born about 1910
ReynoldsBertha born about 1909
ReynoldsEla born about 1904
ReynoldsElizabeth born about 1926
ReynoldsEmmett born about 1908
ReynoldsGeorgia born about 1904
ReynoldsJack born about 1895
ReynoldsJack Jr born about 1931
ReynoldsPatty born about 1928
ReynoldsRobert Wborn about 1922
ReynoldsSadie born about 1897
ReynoldsThomas Tborn about 1896
ReynoldsWilliam born about 1929
ReynoldsWilliam Aborn about 1859
RichardsonIva born about 1921
RichardsonJulia born about 1904
RichardsonJulia Kindleyborn about 1930
RichardsonLemuel born about 1918
RichardsonWilliam born about 1904
RichmondAuthur Dborn about 1933
RichmondDede born about 1901
RichmondDonald Kborn about 1939
RichmondFerne born about 1909
RichmondJack Hborn about 1937
RichmondJane born about 1891
RichmondJohn Iborn about 1908
RichmondJohn Iborn about 1929
RichmondJohn Lborn about 1928
RichmondLawrence born about 1892
RichmondS Le Royborn about 1927
RidgwayClarence born about 1904
RidgwayEvelyn born about 1915
RidgwayLemuel born about 1881
RidgwayMargaret born about 1926
RidgwayMary Sueborn about 1936
RidgwayMilton born about 1910
RidgwayPauline born about 1903
RidgwayRobert born about 1891
RidgwayVirginia born about 1891
RidgwayWilliam born about 1936
RobertsonFrida born about 1922
RobertsonHarry born about 1917
RobertsonMary born about 1882
RobertsonReba born about 1908
RobinsonAlice Eborn about 1916
RobinsonAndrew born about 1920
RobinsonChas Aborn about 1884
RobinsonMildred born about 1900
RobinsonMona Galeborn about 1940
RobinsonPoley born about 1897
RobinsonSam born about 1920
RobinsonSamuel born about 1901
RobinsonSusie born about 1883
RobinsonVirginia born about 1858
RoderBelle born about 1880
RodgersEula born about 1916
RogersBernard born about 1908
RogersJohn born about 1937
RogersMary born about 1910
RoheCharles born about 1932
RohrFay Joyceborn about 1935
RomanNorman born about 1911
RoseMattie born about 1895
RossAlfreda born about 1916
RossJames born about 1922
RossJames Dborn about 1938
RossLeonard Kborn about 1939
RossWilson born about 1913
RothwellAnn born about 1913
RothwellEdith Wborn about 1882
RothwellFlorence born about 1911
RothwellHerbert born about 1919
RussellAmelia born about 1869
RussellEarl born about 1893
RussellElizabeth born about 1892
RussellNoah Wborn about 1865
RussellWilliam born about 1918
RutherfordAnnie born about 1878
RutherfordAustin born about 1907
RutherfordBilly born about 1938
RutherfordBobby born about 1935
RutherfordDick born about 1909
RutherfordGene born about 1934
RutherfordLloyd born about 1915
RutherfordMax born about 1907
RutherfordRobrt born about 1913
RutherfordStella born about 1910
RyneJames Bborn about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SalisburyLeon born about 1911
SalisburyLeon Jr born about 1936
SalisburyLouise born about 1913
SarnsLatin born about 1908
SatterfieldLouise Mborn about 1918
SawyerManuel born about 1917
SchnierWilliam born about 1914
SchuchatBetty Leeborn about 1920
SchuchatHelen born about 1913
SchuchatLouis born about 1883
SchuchatMary born about 1889
ScottAnna Bborn about 1882
ScottArlene born about 1937
ScottBeard born about 1861
ScottBertie born about 1882
ScottClyde born about 1892
ScottElizabeth born about 1912
ScottEmmett born about 1880
ScottGail born about 1936
ScottJ Georgeborn about 1851
ScottJames Fborn about 1923
ScottJanet born about 1933
ScottJohn born about 1925
ScottMarguerite born about 1928
ScottMary Lynnborn about 1900
ScottMary Susanborn about 1931
ScottMaud Bborn about 1883
ScottThomas born about 1867
ScottVirginia born about 1922
SeaverHarry born about 1924
SeaverJean born about 1932
SeaverLaura born about 1929
SeaverMary born about 1885
SeaverMary Francesborn about 1926
SeaverMildred born about 1930
SeaverNorman born about 1904
SebertMinnie born about 1881
SenneArthur Mborn about 1904
SennePearl born about 1906
ShaferDavid Dborn about 1939
ShaferEverrett born about 1913
ShaferMary born about 1910
ShanksJune born about 1912
SharpJ Georgeborn about 1860
ShawnerRuth born about 1915
ShawverHenry born about 1913
SheltonJoe born about 1869
SheltonMary born about 1925
SheltonRuth born about 1926
SheltonSilla born about 1910
ShepardEstelle born about 1939
ShepardJames born about 1938
ShepardLucille born about 1915
ShepardThurman born about 1916
ShepherdAna born about 1881
ShepherdCharles born about 1928
ShepherdEdward born about 1925
ShepherdEli born about 1884
ShepherdElizabeth born about 1892
ShepherdElizabeth born about 1930
ShepherdFrank born about 1865
ShepherdFrank born about 1890
ShepherdFrank born about 1933
ShepherdIra born about 1902
ShepherdIra born about 1908
ShepherdIva born about 1922
ShepherdJames born about 1915
ShepherdLeighton born about 1913
ShepherdLona born about 1874
ShepherdMaynard born about 1932
ShepherdMildred born about 1908
ShepherdMildred born about 1913
ShepherdRobert born about 1935
ShepherdStephen born about 1934
ShepherdSteven born about 1939
SheppardCharles born about 1920
SheppardElizabeth born about 1927
SheppardFrank born about 1881
SheppardJack born about 1933
SheppardLago born about 1894
SheppardMaynard born about 1929
SheppardPaul Fborn about 1930
SheppardPauline born about 1906
SheppardRobert born about 1935
SheppardVergie born about 1895
ShieldsHarriet born about 1911
ShieleyAgnes born about 1909
ShinnsberryGeorge Wborn about 1883
SiboldHallie Mborn about 1869
SiboldJohn born about 1898
SiboldMadge born about 1898
SilvermanEsta born about 1910
SilvermanManuel born about 1909
SimmsAnna Mborn about 1916
SimmsCharles Aborn about 1885
SimmsCharles Cborn about 1907
SimmsCharles Wborn about 1932
SimmsClarence Pborn about 1909
SimmsEarnest born about 1939
SimmsEdna born about 1906
SimmsElla Bborn about 1918
SimmsFred born about 1920
SimmsJames Cborn about 1936
SimmsKenneth Lborn about 1923
SimmsMargaret born about 1884
SimmsMargaret born about 1918
SimmsMargaret born about 1934
SimmsPerry Rborn about 1913
SimmsRobert born about 1937
SimmsRoy Bborn about 1911
SimmsWilliam Dborn about 1919
SipeMamie born about 1907
SkaggsCalliet born about 1892
SkaggsClea Hborn about 1890
SkaggsConrad born about 1885
SkaggsDorcas Vborn about 1914
SkaggsDwight Hborn about 1916
SkaggsElizabeth born about 1926
SkaggsHandley born about 1894
SkaggsHoward born about 1856
SkaggsJoy Cborn about 1918
SkaggsMary Bborn about 1864
SkaggsMary Hebnborn about 1923
SkaggsRichard born about 1923
SlavinHazel born about 1918
SmithAndy born about 1863
SmithDorothy born about 1884
SmithDorothy born about 1938
SmithEffie born about 1906
SmithFrank Lborn about 1887
SmithGeorge Kborn about 1905
SmithGladys born about 1901
SmithJames born about 1922
SmithKate born about 1878
SmithLawrence born about 1924
SmithMary born about 1888
SmithMary Jborn about 1883
SmithRobert born about 1922
SmithViolet born about 1870
SnodgrassRoy born about 1909
SnyderJules Vborn about 1880
SnyderMinnie born about 1880
SpeagneGeorge Eborn about 1878
SpeagneJosephine Eborn about 1880
SpinesGay Rborn about 1911
SpinksHelen born about 1921
SpinksNellie born about 1871
SpinksNellie born about 1928
SpinksPaul born about 1919
StacyCharles Sborn about 1865
StacyPalmer born about 1892
StacyVirginia born about 1871
StanleyViola born about 1906
SteeleHugh Hborn about 1878
SteepMadge born about 1908
SteepsThos born about 1875
StelleDexter born about 1932
StelleKennith born about 1931
StelleLillian born about 1910
StewertS Bborn about 1895
SticklerMerton Vborn about 1898
SticklerPearl born about 1894
StoneEthel Rborn about 1892
StoneHamilton born about 1896
StoneMargaret Anneborn about 1927
StoneRose Louiseborn about 1925
StrainAsbury born about 1876
StrainFannie born about 1884
StrainJim born about 1879
StrattonJohn born about 1878
StrattonMary Mborn about 1885
StrealyAshby Lborn about 1900
StrealyHettie born about 1916
StrealyJohn Eborn about 1870
StrealyLaura born about 1868
StrealyWilliam Jborn about 1911
StrongEd Aborn about 1890
StuartElmore born about 1884
StuartIda born about 1884
StuartJames Bborn about 1906
StuartJames Wborn about 1878
StuartLaura Janeborn about 1940
StuartLewis Lborn about 1876
StuartLewis L Jrborn about 1913
StuartLillie Bborn about 1877
StuartMargaret born about 1887
StuartPauline born about 1909
StuartVirginia born about 1907
StvearingenWade born about 1913
SubertKeith born about 1911
SubertMargaret born about 1906
SubertW Keithborn about 1936
SurbaughNannie born about 1861
SurgeonHenriellen born about 1931
SurgtonGloria born about 1922
SuttleLucy born about 1877
SwabFlorence Kborn about 1891
SwabRobert Eborn about 1891
SwabRobert Kborn about 1925
SwiftBilly born about 1936
SwiftFrancis born about 1922
SwiftJosephine born about 1927
SwiftMary born about 1901
SydenstrickerBetty Wborn about 1925
SydenstrickerBlanche born about 1867
SydenstrickerEdward Wborn about 1872
SydenstrickerElizabeth born about 1854
SydenstrickerElizabeth born about 1896
SydenstrickerElizabeth Bborn about 1901
SydenstrickerEmily Aborn about 1882
SydenstrickerErnest born about 1891
SydenstrickerFlorence born about 1906
SydenstrickerJ Lewisborn about 1925
SydenstrickerJohn born about 1867
SydenstrickerLula born about 1893
SydenstrickerMary Annborn about 1938
SydenstrickerRobert Eborn about 1902
SydenstrickerTomy born about 1911
SydenstrickerWilliam born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TabscottGeorge born about 1921
TabscottLula born about 1885
TaylorAlfred born about 1919
TaylorAnna born about 1922
TaylorArlie born about 1929
TaylorArnette Lborn about 1904
TaylorAugustus born about 1911
TaylorChristina born about 1862
TaylorDreama born about 1926
TaylorHarold born about 1927
TaylorHelen born about 1898
TaylorPansy born about 1907
TearlyCatherine born about 1878
TearlyJames born about 1873
TearlyJames born about 1914
TearlyWilliam born about 1917
TerryRussell born about 1898
ThayerLeslie born about 1909
ThayerLeslie Carolborn about 1936
ThayerRuth born about 1912
TheissGeorgia born about 1901
ThomasAnnie born about 1897
ThomasChristina born about 1878
ThomasHazel born about 1912
ThomasHoward Wborn about 1891
ThomasOtha Cborn about 1916
ThomasWilliam born about 1888
ThompsonClifford born about 1904
ThompsonClifford born about 1936
ThompsonFrench born about 1880
ThompsonHelen Kborn about 1890
TibbsEva born about 1905
TolleyEdith born about 1917
TolliverEthel born about 1905
TolliverFanny born about 1926
TolliverHarry born about 1890
TolliverMattie born about 1939
TomlinsonBerenice born about 1924
TomlinsonCharles Hborn about 1910
TomlinsonClarence Sborn about 1879
TomlinsonRuth born about 1924
TomlinsonVergie born about 1886
ToothmanClarence born about 1891
ToothmanJosephine born about 1896
TottenEdgar born about 1894
TottenMatilda born about 1870
TottenVirginia born about 1899
TownleyEarly Rborn about 1874
TownleyJane born about 1884
TuckwillerAda born about 1880
TuckwillerCatherine born about 1877
TuckwillerCharles born about 1861
TuckwillerDavid born about 1923
TuckwillerElinor born about 1912
TuckwillerElizabeth born about 1919
TuckwillerEugene born about 1892
TuckwillerEugene born about 1928
TuckwillerFrances born about 1928
TuckwillerFrank Wborn about 1939
TuckwillerGrey born about 1902
TuckwillerHelen born about 1920
TuckwillerJohn born about 1863
TuckwillerJohn born about 1930
TuckwillerLucy born about 1862
TuckwillerLucy born about 1937
TuckwillerMargaret born about 1898
TuckwillerMargaret Mborn about 1892
TuckwillerMargariette born about 1930
TuckwillerPhillis born about 1925
TuckwillerRachael born about 1921
TuckwillerRoss Fborn about 1895
TuckwillerRuth born about 1931
TuckwillerSalina born about 1864
TuckwillerSamuel born about 1935
TuckwillerSlater born about 1882
TuckwillerWilliam born about 1911
TudlerLaura Sborn about 1903
TueyElmer Russellborn about 1904
TuichJ Gilmerborn about 1919
TurnerAlexander born about 1892
TurnerJ Alexanderborn about 1931
TurnerLena Mborn about 1887
TurnerMartha Mborn about 1925
TurnerMartha Rborn about 1896
TurnerNancy Cborn about 1927
TwyfordAudrey born about 1897
TwyfordBarnard Hborn about 1890
TyreeMattie Mborn about 1881

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UnderwoodJack born about 1937
UnderwoodJames born about 1913

V Surnames

VanceHarlan born about 1914
VansicklerDora born about 1909
VansicklerHarry born about 1874
VansicklerMary born about 1881
VanstavernJane born about 1923
VanstavernRuth born about 1922
VanstavernUfa born about 1884
VaughnMarjorie born about 1918
VestCline born about 1904
VestCody born about 1907
VestEugene born about 1936
ViaAnnie born about 1927
ViaDexter born about 1877
ViaLacy born about 1886
ViaMarvin born about 1908
ViaNorma born about 1878
ViaWalter born about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WadeAelfred born about 1910
WadeAlice born about 1859
WadeBettie born about 1929
WadeBrownie born about 1921
WadeBryce born about 1878
WadeCameron born about 1894
WadeCharles born about 1922
WadeCharlotte born about 1909
WadeEarnest born about 1924
WadeEdna born about 1896
WadeElinor born about 1925
WadeElmer born about 1927
WadeEmily Anneborn about 1939
WadeFrank born about 1936
WadeHenderson born about 1868
WadeHenry born about 1925
WadeJames born about 1912
WadeJanie born about 1913
WadeJoanne born about 1933
WadeLaura born about 1886
WadeLee born about 1885
WadeLula Mborn about 1892
WadeMae born about 1918
WadeMattie born about 1914
WadeMuriel born about 1899
WadeMyra born about 1921
WadePatricia born about 1938
WadePaul born about 1911
WadeRichard Leeborn about 1918
WadeRoy born about 1910
WadeRuth born about 1915
WadeRuth born about 1916
WadeRuth born about 1920
WadeRuth Aborn about 1916
WadeSamuel born about 1915
WadeThomas born about 1906
WagnerDe Quincy born about 1897
WagnerJane born about 1921
WagnerJeanette born about 1917
WagnerTheodore born about 1919
WalkerHelen born about 1916
WalkerWillie born about 1901
WallaceBill born about 1927
WallaceJack born about 1925
WallaceLuther born about 1895
WallaceNorma born about 1895
WallaceRobert born about 1923
WamsleyEra born about 1905
WandlyEvelyn born about 1929
WandlyFrank born about 1932
WandlyHarry born about 1897
WandlyMarian born about 1926
WandlyMartha born about 1921
WandlyMary born about 1898
WandlyRobert born about 1933
WandlyThomas born about 1924
WardAddie born about 1909
WardWilson Hborn about 1904
WarnerVare Davisborn about 1917
WarshamKate born about 1878
WarshamMinnie born about 1875
WarwickEmma Wborn about 1870
WattsAgatha born about 1881
WattsDick Wborn about 1877
WattsEarl Cborn about 1891
WattsEd Sborn about 1870
WattsErnest born about 1892
WattsJames Gborn about 1864
WattsLena born about 1872
WattsLesk Jborn about 1881
WattsMae Bborn about 1883
WattsMaroin born about 1879
WattsMary Mborn about 1917
WattsMildred Mborn about 1911
WattsNell Gborn about 1900
WattsRobert born about 1917
WattsTillie born about 1900
WattsVirginia Eborn about 1866
WayneJames born about 1926
WebbBronson born about 1911
WebbMary Cborn about 1921
WebbRobert Bronsonborn about 1940
WeisandAshton born about 1917
WerkheiserGeorge born about 1865
WerkheiserMinnette born about 1879
WestAnn Eborn about 1924
WestFlorence born about 1924
WestJohn born about 1928
WestLeoah born about 1911
WestLeroy Rborn about 1886
WestLula born about 1891
WestPriscilla born about 1940
WestRobert Cborn about 1907
WestRuth born about 1926
WestVirginia Lborn about 1926
WhiteAnna Beardborn about 1925
WhiteAnna Cborn about 1859
WhiteAnna Maeborn about 1904
WhiteBlanch born about 1898
WhiteBlanche born about 1899
WhiteBonnie Jeanborn about 1924
WhiteCharles Fborn about 1895
WhiteCharles Jr born about 1925
WhiteDeanna born about 1938
WhiteDella Mborn about 1902
WhiteElizabeth born about 1895
WhiteElizabeth Leeborn about 1927
WhiteFrances Wborn about 1912
WhiteGilda born about 1931
WhiteGlenna Lborn about 1890
WhiteHarry Rborn about 1934
WhiteJ Parksborn about 1903
WhiteJoan born about 1929
WhiteJohn Aborn about 1927
WhiteJohn Albertborn about 1934
WhiteMabel Cborn about 1937
WhiteMaffer born about 1871
WhiteMargaret born about 1933
WhiteMary Ameborn about 1930
WhiteNannie born about 1902
WhiteNellie Rborn about 1888
WhiteParks Leeborn about 1936
WhiteRobert Cborn about 1893
WhiteRobert C Jrborn about 1923
WhiteRobert Pborn about 1865
WhiteRoy born about 1902
WhiteTempest born about 1903
WhiteVerna born about 1909
WhiteWannah Eborn about 1930
WhitfordDelbert born about 1895
WhitlockAlma born about 1911
WhitlockFred born about 1913
WhitlockRachel born about 1904
WhitlockRoy born about 1904
WhitlockWanda Jborn about 1936
WhitmanGordon born about 1895
WhitmanJack born about 1914
WhitzellFlorence born about 1873
WhitzellGeorge born about 1896
WhitzellMargie born about 1875
WileyCarlos born about 1911
WileyEdward born about 1883
WileyEra Mborn about 1908
WileyEthel born about 1909
WileyGertie born about 1880
WileyHazel born about 1922
WileyJohn Dayborn about 1908
WileyJohn Woodborn about 1935
WileyThomas Lborn about 1937
WileyVirginia born about 1875
WilkensonEbbert Lborn about 1903
WilkensonMary Leeborn about 1915
WilkersonFanny born about 1894
WilkersonFrances born about 1924
WilkersonLloyd born about 1916
WilliamsAda born about 1904
WilliamsAlice born about 1853
WilliamsAlthea born about 1930
WilliamsAmanda born about 1866
WilliamsAnn born about 1926
WilliamsAnnabel born about 1916
WilliamsBlanche born about 1908
WilliamsCharles born about 1914
WilliamsCharlotte born about 1925
WilliamsEffie born about 1890
WilliamsElla born about 1890
WilliamsEugene born about 1935
WilliamsGerald born about 1915
WilliamsGertrude born about 1921
WilliamsGladys born about 1922
WilliamsHazel born about 1913
WilliamsHelen born about 1924
WilliamsHenrietta born about 1910
WilliamsJ Brumborn about 1867
WilliamsJamie born about 1919
WilliamsJessie born about 1906
WilliamsJohn Jr born about 1939
WilliamsJoseph born about 1896
WilliamsJoseph born about 1920
WilliamsKathleen born about 1938
WilliamsKlondyke born about 1891
WilliamsLawrence born about 1911
WilliamsLucy born about 1875
WilliamsMabel born about 1885
WilliamsPhilip Bborn about 1885
WilliamsRaymond born about 1895
WilliamsRobert born about 1931
WilliamsRoy born about 1932
WilliamsSamuel born about 1868
WilsonEdyth born about 1913
WilsonFrank born about 1891
WilsonGeorgiana born about 1939
WilsonHarve born about 1894
WilsonJames born about 1900
WilsonMartha born about 1936
WilsonMary born about 1901
WilsonMary born about 1913
WinallSmith born about 1871
WinderWilliam born about 1883
WindonCecil born about 1927
WindonCharles born about 1932
WindonCharles Cborn about 1876
WindonClyde born about 1929
WindonGladys born about 1925
WindonGrace born about 1883
WindsonFrances born about 1892
WisemanDorothy Mertinborn about 1916
WithrowAnna Louiseborn about 1936
WithrowBarbara born about 1933
WithrowBeatrice born about 1904
WithrowBessie born about 1907
WithrowBessie born about 1934
WithrowBly born about 1900
WithrowCarl born about 1926
WithrowDoshia born about 1880
WithrowEdith born about 1927
WithrowEdward Lborn about 1877
WithrowElizabeth born about 1936
WithrowGeorge Eborn about 1870
WithrowGeorge Wborn about 1878
WithrowHadley born about 1910
WithrowIda born about 1923
WithrowIdella born about 1909
WithrowIra born about 1916
WithrowIva born about 1908
WithrowIva born about 1920
WithrowJames born about 1882
WithrowJohn born about 1919
WithrowLeonard born about 1938
WithrowLucile born about 1913
WithrowMark born about 1896
WithrowMary born about 1908
WithrowMary born about 1921
WithrowMary born about 1930
WithrowMary Emmaborn about 1917
WithrowMerlin born about 1927
WithrowParis born about 1900
WithrowPatsy born about 1935
WithrowPearlie born about 1913
WithrowRosalie born about 1928
WithrowRussell Lborn about 1907
WithrowSuda born about 1883
WithrowSusan Mborn about 1881
WithrowVirgie born about 1917
WolfeElsworth born about 1910
WolfeRuby born about 1909
WoodBobbie Lborn about 1937
WoodEmma born about 1882
WoodMildred born about 1915
WoodSimson born about 1905
WoodsAlbert born about 1876
WoodsIda born about 1878
WoodsJanet born about 1917
WoodsMary Louiseborn about 1919
WoodsOlya born about 1890
WoodsRichard Bborn about 1882
WoodsRichard B Jrborn about 1915
WoodsRobert Cborn about 1917
WoodsZoe Fborn about 1885
WoodsonClaretta born about 1919
WoodsonHenry born about 1887
WoodsonJamie born about 1860
WoodsonLillian born about 1910
WoodsonLouis Gborn about 1938
WoodsonRalph born about 1913
WoodsonRay born about 1919
WoodsonRonald Aborn about 1936
WoodsonWilliam Alfredborn about 1922
WoodsonWillie born about 1908
WoodsonWm Bborn about 1939
WootenLucila born about 1926
WootenMary born about 1924
WorkmanFlora born about 1908
WrightGlenn Mborn about
WrightGlenn Merrillborn about 1898
WrightLeon born about 1885
WrightLeticia born about 1885
WyattLena born about 1900
WyattWillie born about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YaridAlex born about 1875
YaridDora Hborn about 1903
YaridEdward born about 1923
YaridGladys born about 1920
YaridMuner born about 1925
YaridSamuel Gborn about 1893
YeagerBetty born about 1906
YeagerBetty Lborn about 1936
YeagerCaroline Aborn about 1939
YeagerHull born about 1900
YeagerWilliam Hborn about 1939
YoungJohn Aborn about 1893
YoungJulia Anneborn about 1932
YoungMary Aliceborn about 1927
YoungSarah born about 1896

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZatesEdward Bborn about 1939
ZatesGeorge born about 1895
ZatesJean Freemanborn about 1928
ZatesJoe Cameronborn about 1931
ZatesJohn Austinborn about 1927
ZatesMary Louiseborn about 1924
ZatesRay Wborn about 1937
ZatesRebecca born about 1901
ZatesWillam born about 1934
ZicafooseFay Marieborn about 1937
ZicafooseFrederick born about 1935
ZicafooseGennie Rayborn about 1939
ZicafooseMary born about 1908
ZicafooseNelson born about 1911
ZicafoosePatricia born about 1937
ZicafooseRaymond born about 1933
ZicafooseRoy born about 1899
ZicafooseRuth born about 1928
ZicafooseVirginia born about 1930
ZicafooseZella born about 1910
ZicaforceLouise born about 1914
ZicaforceRaymond born about 1909
ZimmermanAlfred born about 1916
ZimmermanAlice born about 1914
ZimmermanBetty Janeborn about 1932
ZimmermanCalvin born about 1911
ZimmermanCharles born about 1928
ZimmermanEarl born about 1922
ZimmermanEarnest born about 1924
ZimmermanElizabeth born about 1925
ZimmermanElizabeth born about 1935
ZimmermanElmer born about 1884
ZimmermanFrank Jr born about 1924
ZimmermanGay born about 1915
ZimmermanGeorge born about 1921
ZimmermanGrace born about 1927
ZimmermanH Frankborn about 1894
ZimmermanIrene born about 1936
ZimmermanJoe born about 1930
ZimmermanKatherine born about 1928
ZimmermanLee Andrewborn about 1932
ZimmermanLois born about 1933
ZimmermanLucy born about 1888
ZimmermanLula Maeborn about 1928
ZimmermanMadesyn born about 1918
ZimmermanMarvin born about 1919
ZimmermanMary Francesborn about 1938
ZimmermanMildred born about 1920
ZimmermanOra Maeborn about 1940
ZimmermanPaul born about 1924
ZimmermanRuth born about 1900
ZimmermanShirley Annborn about 1935
ZimmermanVida born about 1888
ZimmermanWarren born about 1920
ZimmermanWilliam born about 1886
ZimmermanWilliam born about 1939
ZirkleAnna born about 1898
ZirkleEzra born about 1896
ZirkleForest born about 1929
ZirkleNorma Leeborn about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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