1940 U.S. Federal Census of Rowlesburg, Preston, West Virginia

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > West Virginia > Preston County > 1940 Census of Rowlesburg

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsLuther born about 1870
AdamsMildred born about 1913
AdamsSarah born about 1879
AndersonAnna born about 1877
AndersonEdward born about 1902
AndersonLouise born about 1913
AndersonLyndel born about 1905
AndersonNita born about 1907
AndersonOrval born about 1916
AshburnBetty born about 1924
AshburnChester born about 1888
AshburnDoris born about 1929
AshburnJessie born about 1892
AshburnRoss born about 1914
AyeramaMarion born about 1913
AyermanJoseph Jr born about 1920
AyersmanAdam born about 1926
AyersmanAlbert born about 1914
AyersmanBetty born about 1929
AyersmanCharles born about 1866
AyersmanDolores Annborn about 1932
AyersmanEdna born about 1897
AyersmanEffie born about 1875
AyersmanErnest born about 1896
AyersmanEsther born about 1898
AyersmanHelen born about 1924
AyersmanJames born about 1919
AyersmanJoseph born about 1894
AyersmanLaura born about 1872
AyersmanLaura Marieborn about 1918
AyersmanMarguerite born about 1900
AyersmanMary born about 1882
AyersmanParker born about 1880
AyersmanPerry born about 1895
AyersmanRebecca born about 1860
AyersmanRobert Allenborn about 1933
AyersmanRuth born about 1931
AyersmanShirley born about 1936
AyersmanViola born about 1900
AyersmanWalter born about 1904
AyersmanWalter Jr born about 1930
AyersmanWilliam born about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BarnardLou born about 1872
BartoFrank born about 1898
BartoIcy born about 1902
BartoMary born about 1880
BaugherCarrie born about 1866
BaugherIda born about 1895
BaugherWilliam born about 1859
BeverAlice born about 1938
BeverAlston born about 1898
BeverBradley born about 1889
BeverDonald born about 1939
BeverFreda born about 1904
BeverIrene born about 1927
BeverLeo born about 1934
BeverMary born about 1865
BeverMary born about 1917
BeverMary born about 1930
BeverRussell born about 1912
BeverWallace born about 1923
BishopBernadine born about 1925
BishopEffie born about 1892
BishopJohn Aborn about 1888
BishopJohn Jr born about 1926
BishopKatherine born about 1918
BissettCharles born about 1922
BohonLena born about 1898
BolyardBarbara Jeanborn about 1927
BolyardCharles born about 1927
BolyardDorothy born about 1928
BolyardGeorge Haroldborn about 1932
BolyardGladys born about 1898
BolyardGussie born about 1895
BolyardHelen Louiseborn about 1926
BolyardHolden born about 1917
BolyardHoward born about 1900
BolyardIvan born about 1924
BolyardJames born about 1925
BolyardMaud born about 1900
BolyardMillie born about 1895
BolyardRobert born about 1923
BolyardRoscoe born about 1935
BolyardVada born about 1915
BolyardWalker born about 1924
BolyardWalter born about 1894
BolyardWalter born about 1902
BolyardWalter born about 1924
BolyardWayne born about 1884
BoylanEarle Vborn about 1913
BoylanGoldia born about 1920
BraithwoodAlfred born about 1892
BraithwoodJames born about 1918
BraithwoodMartha born about 1894
BrakeAlma born about 1911
BrakeJoseph born about 1936
BrakePaul born about 1903
BrittonGay born about 1904
BrittonJohn Dborn about 1881
BrittonJoseph Bborn about 1874
BrittonLoretta born about 1879
BrittonMary born about 1882
BroderickJames Pborn about 1870
BroderickKathryn born about 1888
BroderickMargaret born about 1916
BroderickMarie born about 1918
BroderickRose born about 1882
BrookeHarry born about 1887
BrookeMargaret born about 1893
BrunoFranklin born about 1922
BrunoJohn Emoryborn about 1930
BrunoJoseph born about 1925
BrunoMary born about 1900
BrunoThomas born about 1890
BrutteAnna Leeborn about 1918
BrutteRichard born about 1912
BrutteRichard born about 1939
BuchnerAlberta born about 1883
BuchnerChas Wborn about 1886
BuckinghamJames born about 1916
BuckinghamJames Jr born about 1938
BuckinghamKathryn born about 1939
BuckinghamMabel born about 1918
BucklewBertha born about 1890
BucklewClarence born about 1916
BucklewClay born about 1882
BucklewFrancis Eborn about 1923
BucklewLula born about 1886
BucklewRobert born about 1893
BulfordBlanche born about 1892
BulfordFrank born about 1880
BulfordFrank Jr born about 1928
BulfordHarold born about 1920
BulfordJames born about 1926
BulfordRobert born about 1931
BulfordSamuel born about 1933
BulfordShirley born about 1939
BulfordViolet born about 1923
BumgardnerDavid Gborn about 1896
BumgardnerRichard born about 1923
BurkeBridget born about 1878
BurkeFrancis born about 1899
BurkeJoseph born about 1901
BurkeJoseph Jr born about 1931
BurkeMichael Wborn about 1875
BurkeNettie born about 1901
BurkeWalter born about 1933
BurkettFoster born about 1920
BurkettFreddie born about 1938
BurkettWm Hborn about 1886
BurkhalterCharles born about 1889
BurkhalterKathleen born about 1924
BurkhalterPearl born about 1893
BurnsBruce born about 1911
BurnsChloey born about 1920
BurnsGene Marieborn about 1937
BurnsGeo Thomasborn about 1933
BurnsGloria born about 1936
BurnsHarold born about 1931
BurnsOdis born about 1902
BurnsOpal born about 1906
BurnsThelma born about 1904
BurnsVernon born about 1929

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C Surnames

CainPauline born about 1904
CainRobert born about 1926
CainWilliam born about 1928
CalhounAlice born about 1919
CalhounHelen Maeborn about 1938
CalhounPhoebe born about 1882
CalhounRoy Eborn about 1913
CalhounRuth born about 1920
CalhounWilliam born about 1888
CallAlda Marieborn about 1925
CallDorothy Louiseborn about 1928
CallJohn Hborn about 1884
CallLula born about 1891
CallisBlaine born about 1887
CallisHazel born about 1893
CalvertRay born about 1918
CarricoBarbara born about 1935
CarricoBetty born about 1924
CarricoClifford born about 1909
CarricoConnie born about 1939
CarricoEffie born about 1872
CarricoHarold born about 1920
CarricoHarvey Jborn about 1904
CarricoHelen born about 1895
CarricoJean born about 1914
CarricoJoseph born about 1914
CarricoJuanita born about 1927
CarricoLee born about 1914
CarricoLeone born about 1907
CarricoPatricia born about 1933
CarricoPriscilla born about 1917
CarricoRose born about 1881
CarricoSally born about 1933
CarricoVirginia born about 1903
CarricoWilliam Aborn about 1882
CarricoWillie born about 1932
CaseClarise born about 1911
CaseDoris born about 1939
CaseJoseph Eborn about 1937
CaseKenneth born about 1913
CaseMargaret born about 1868
CaseMargaret born about 1929
CaseNelle born about 1934
CasePatty Annborn about
CasePauline born about 1932
CaseThelma born about 1931
CassedayClarence born about 1887
CassedayIda born about 1865
CassedayLillie born about 1887
CasteelCharles born about 1919
CasteelEffie born about 1885
CasteelGlenna born about 1924
CasteelHarrison born about 1877
CasteelSamuel born about 1907
CathellCharles born about 1908
CathellElsie born about 1884
CathellMary born about 1926
CathellWilliam born about 1879
ChambersEarle born about 1926
ChambersGrace born about 1906
ChambersJean born about 1928
ChambersLe Anna born about 1932
ChambersLester born about 1901
ChambersPaul born about 1930
CheneyCora born about 1881
CheneyHilda born about 1903
ChidisterClarence Eborn about 1882
ChidisterHoward Rborn about 1909
ChidisterHoward R Jrborn about 1933
ChidisterKathryn born about 1930
ChidisterRose Ellaborn about 1911
ClineEdith born about 1939
ClineFreda born about 1910
ClineHercel born about 1913
ClineJohn born about 1935
ClineNorma Jeanborn about 1934
ClineRobert born about 1932
ClineVivian born about 1937
CookJames Eborn about 1933
CookJan Leeborn about 1930
CookLee born about 1908
CookOgarite born about 1910
CookShirley Annborn about 1936
CouterDorothy born about 1924
CozadC Davidborn about 1874
CozadHayes Rborn about 1877
CozadIda Rborn about 1871
CozadMargaret born about 1887
CraigEmma born about 1888
CraigLanty born about 1918
CraigLaura Jeanborn about 1915
CraigNettie born about 1870
CraigRichard Eborn about 1874

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D Surnames

DaileyAnna born about 1909
DaileyBridget born about 1880
DaileyEarle born about 1905
DavisBessie born about 1891
DavisCharles Mborn about 1872
DavisDorothy born about 1935
DavisEdgar Pborn about 1900
DavisElizabeth born about 1919
DavisGeorge born about 1920
DavisGladys born about 1896
DavisHarry born about 1895
DavisHoward born about 1924
DavisJohn born about 1929
DavisMartha born about 1907
DavisPaul born about 1930
DavisRobert born about 1918
DavisRosa born about 1898
DavisSue Annborn about 1922
DavisSusan born about 1928
DavisWahnetta born about 1927
DavisWilliam born about 1916
DavisWilliam Jr born about 1939
DawsonCarrie Bborn about 1874
DeanBeverly born about 1938
DeetsEdith born about 1900
DeetsGeorge born about 1895
DeetsIrene born about 1922
DemossHarry born about 1903
DemossLura born about 1904
DeverDola Eborn about 1892
DewittBessie born about 1912
DewittGladys born about 1937
DewittMadaline born about 1934
DewittReese born about 1896
DowlingMatthew born about 1882
DunbarBetty born about 1927
DunbarBeulah born about 1917
DunbarGeorge born about 1884
DunbarHarry born about 1918
DunbarJoan born about 1937
DunbarLillie born about 1888
DunbarMary Janeborn about 1925
DunbarPearl born about 1916
DunbarRobert born about 1920
DunbarThomas born about 1910
DunbarThomas Jr born about 1940
DunbarWinfield born about 1915
DunnPatrick Jborn about 1856
DunnSusan Cborn about 1887

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E Surnames

EdwardsAnthony born about 1889
EicherDonald born about 1913
EicherDonald Jr born about 1939
EicherMartha born about 1916
EicherRebecca Sueborn about 1939
EliasonAlbert born about 1877
EliasonMartha born about 1884
ElseyCharles born about 1920
ElseyJames born about 1930
ElyAmy born about 1899
ElyFrank Jborn about 1868
ElyFrank Jr born about 1927
ElyHolden born about 1928
ElyJames born about 1923
ElyLeona born about 1919
ElyLeona Mayborn about 1929
ElyPatricia born about 1938
EmersonAlice Janeborn about 1863
EmersonDon Allenborn about 1924
EmersonGlenn born about 1897
EmersonInez born about 1901
EverlyDonald born about 1937
EverlyG Deweyborn about 1900
EverlyJunior Mborn about 1905
EverlyMadeline born about 1904
EverlyOrpha born about 1909
EverlyWanda Jeanborn about 1926

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F Surnames

FantoArilona born about 1890
FantoJames born about 1885
FazenbakerLeroy born about 1907
FeltonDaniel Jr born about 1927
FeltonDaniel Sr born about 1905
FeltonHarrison born about 1889
FeltonHugh born about 1931
FeltonIva born about 1906
FeltonMay born about 1891
FeltonPaul born about 1929
FeltyElizabeth born about 1875
FeltyJohn born about 1868
FeltyLucian born about 1909
FieldsVirginia born about 1923
FogleLottie Killenborn about 1877
FordBetty Jeanborn about 1939
FordDorian born about 1928
FordElizabeth born about 1867
FordFred born about 1896
FordJames born about 1919
FordKathryn born about 1938
FordLee born about 1895
FordLillian born about 1923
FordOpal born about 1917
FordRalph Eugneborn about 1939
FordRichard born about 1922
FordSamuel born about 1916
FortneyBlake born about 1936
FortneyFred born about 1914
FortneyJames born about 1935
FortneyMargaret born about 1891
FortneyMargie born about 1909
FortneyMax Haroldborn about 1919
FortneyMinnie born about 1877
FortneyPaul born about 1916
FortneyRobert born about 1938
FortneyRuth born about 1917
FortneyVerner born about 1876
FosterClara born about 1900
FosterRuby born about 1927
FosterTruman born about 1930
FraleyGrover Bborn about 1886
FrancisBeryl born about 1905
FrancisMargaret born about 1879
FrancisWilliam born about 1875
FretwellDella born about 1883
FretwellEmma born about 1874
FretwellJack born about 1927
FretwellJames Tborn about 1879
FretwellLeola born about 1918
FretwellLyverl born about 1916
FretwellRussell born about 1903
FretwellRuth born about 1904
FretwellThomas born about 1923
FretwellTwila born about 1937
FriendMinnie born about 1920
FunkArthur Jborn about 1888
FunkBernice born about 1902
FunkCarrie born about 1915
FunkEllen Bborn about 1928
FunkEvelyn born about 1937
FunkFrank Dborn about 1898
FunkGlenna Ruthborn about 1923
FunkHelen Mayborn about 1932
FunkIda Jborn about 1872
FunkJames born about 1886
FunkJessie born about 1891
FunkMarvin born about 1914
FunkMyrtle born about 1895
FunkRuth born about 1916
FunkSusan born about 1867
FunkSusan born about 1886
FunkWalter born about 1921
FunkWm Jborn about 1851

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G Surnames

GarlitzWilliam Cborn about 1904
GaryJohn born about 1885
GaryMyrtle born about 1883
GialottoFrank born about 1869
GibbonsBruce born about 1911
GibbonsLula born about 1884
GibbonsMichael born about 1876
GibsonAlma born about 1937
GibsonBeulah born about 1896
GibsonMary Margaretborn about 1922
GibsonWilliam born about 1927
GiffinElmer born about 1878
GiffinSallie born about 1878
GloverDouglas born about 1890
GloverDouglas Dborn about 1929
GloverIva Hborn about 1896
GoffEffie born about 1910
GoffEva born about 1920
GoffEverett born about 1915
GoffGilbert born about 1885
GoffHarold born about 1908
GoffIda born about 1914
GoffJackie born about 1930
GoffJames born about 1912
GoffJaquelin born about 1927
GoffLouise born about 1893
GoffMary Virginiaborn about 1933
GoffMattie born about 1919
GoffMaxine born about 1931
GoffPatricia Annborn about 1936
GoffPaul born about 1908
GoffRetta born about 1877
GoffRobert born about 1912
GoffRosella born about 1908
GoffRoy born about 1915
GoffWilliam born about 1937
GravensteinBernard born about 1896
GrimmGladys born about 1899
GrimmMary Ellenborn about 1850
GrovesAlice born about 1921
GrovesHarry born about 1886
GrovesMyrtle born about 1888
GrubbBertie born about 1873
GrubbJames born about 1871

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H Surnames

HagerFred born about 1909
HagerJohn born about 1930
HagerMary born about 1911
HagerNora born about 1931
HallCarl Mborn about 1909
HallCarlin Kborn about 1934
HallDon Leeborn about 1937
HallEva Jeanborn about 1932
HallNellie born about 1912
HamiltonDetta born about 1894
HamiltonGenevieve born about 1929
HamiltonLloyd born about 1914
HartsellFrank born about 1897
HartsellJohn Tborn about 1900
HartsellJohn T Jrborn about 1935
HartsellMalinda Louborn about 1937
HartsellMargaret Gborn about 1904
HarveyAldridge Gborn about 1904
HarveyFrancis born about 1906
HarveyMary Francisborn about 1926
HarveyWilliam Thornborn about 1924
HathawayArlene born about 1920
HathawayC Glennborn about 1916
HawkinsAlpha born about 1905
HaydenJames born about 1916
HaydenJohn Dborn about 1885
HaydenJohn D Jrborn about 1911
HaydenLula born about 1885
HeathBernadine born about 1926
HeathCallie born about 1902
HeathCarl born about 1905
HeathCharles born about 1890
HeathChauney Mborn about 1896
HeathDora born about 1867
HeathFaye born about 1924
HeathHarry born about 1928
HeathHilda born about 1905
HeathHoward born about 1905
HeathJack born about 1927
HeathJames born about 1920
HeathJefferson Dborn about 1865
HeathLona born about 1868
HeathMargaret born about 1921
HeathMartha born about 1889
HeathMary born about 1905
HeathOlive born about 1909
HeathRaymond born about 1912
HeathWalter born about 1889
HeatonCecil born about 1899
HeatonMae born about 1896
HersmanHelen born about 1886
HersmanWilliam born about 1917
HighCharles Fborn about 1884
HighOlive born about 1884
HillGeorge born about 1876
HimelrickMinta born about 1869
HollisAdeline born about 1884
HollisHarry born about 1878
HollisM Rossborn about 1888
HollisNelle born about 1890
HootonBenson born about 1908
HootonClarence born about 1880
HootonDonald born about 1927
HootonHarry Mborn about 1890
HootonHarry M Jrborn about 1920
HootonJoseph Tborn about 1861
HootonLola born about 1895
HootonM Daisyborn about 1884
HootonMary Eborn about 1858
HootonNaomi born about 1907
HootonPaul born about 1924
HootonRuby born about 1897
HornerHarry born about 1892
HostellerMargaret born about 1862
HowardAnette born about 1893
HowdersheltEllen born about 1931
HowdersheltGeorge born about 1891
HowdersheltGeorge born about 1937
HowdersheltMary born about 1933
HowdersheltPearl born about 1910
HuffmanEileen born about 1927
HuffmanEugene born about 1929
HuffmanJulia born about 1907
HuffmanLotty Cborn about 1931
HuffmanRoy Aborn about 1902
HuffmanThomas born about 1937
HulstineBlue Belleborn about 1926
HulstineEsther born about 1901
HulstineJ Leeborn about 1894
HulstineLola born about 1893
HulstinePatty born about 1932
HulstineRita born about 1924
HunterMaud born about 1875
HunterThomas born about 1872

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J Surnames

JamesAgnes born about 1906
JamesDarvin born about 1923
JenkinsDorothy born about 1926
JenkinsMadge born about 1912
JenkinsRoscoe born about 1900
JerkinsEd born about 1904
JosephNassif born about 1878

K Surnames

KearnsElizabeth born about 1881
KearnsFrancis born about 1921
KearnsHelen born about 1916
KearnsJoseph born about 1915
KearnsMary born about 1902
KellyJohn born about 1896
KernerLester born about 1901
KernerMary born about 1906
KernsHettie born about 1894
KernsJohn born about 1885
KernsLeonard born about 1907
KernsLola born about 1901
KernsLula Belleborn about 1932
KeseckerHarry Vborn about 1907
KeseckerHarry Jr born about 1939
KeseckerJune born about 1934
KeseckerMartha born about 1909
KeyserJames born about 1877
KillenMargaret Mborn about 1854
KimbleBunice born about 1902
KimbleJane born about 1930
KimbleJudy Annborn about 1939
KimbleLeona born about 1905
KimbleRonald born about 1932
KimbleSally born about 1933
KimbleWillime Maeborn about 1929
KnottsArless born about 1901
KnottsArthur born about 1933
KnottsBeulah born about 1905
KnottsCatherine born about 1891
KnottsCecil born about 1905
KnottsCharles born about 1929
KnottsDella born about 1901
KnottsEsther born about 1911
KnottsEthle born about 1905
KnottsEvelyn born about 1881
KnottsHarold born about 1912
KnottsHelen born about 1914
KnottsHelen born about 1930
KnottsHomer born about 1901
KnottsJo Annborn about 1933
KnottsJohn Hborn about 1906
KnottsLeonard born about 1921
KnottsMary born about 1937
KnottsMuriel born about 1900
KnottsNancy born about 1912
KnottsNorma born about 1928
KnottsOna born about 1912
KnottsPaul Rayborn about 1932
KnottsRoss Jborn about 1891
KnottsVirginia born about 1926
KnottsWallace born about 1922

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L Surnames

LacasseyJoseph born about 1912
LambertBetty Louborn about 1935
LambertEverett born about 1904
LambertLeota born about 1909
LambertRobert born about 1933
LantzAmy born about 1893
LantzLucian born about 1883
LeeEmojean born about 1931
LeeFreda born about 1920
LeeGeorge born about 1909
LeeGeorge Jr born about 1933
LeeHarry Pborn about 1886
LeeMaud born about 1910
LeeSydna Eborn about 1890
LeeVivian born about 1926
LeeWesley born about 1920
LenhartCharles born about 1914
LeonzioCatherine born about 1927
LeonzioJoseph born about 1888
LeonzioMargaret born about 1885
LeonzioVirginia born about 1923
LiefLeo Jborn about 1900
LipscombDonald born about 1934
LipscombDorothy born about 1932
LipscombPearl born about 1909
LipscombThomas born about 1902
LipscombThomas Jr born about 1929
LoewKate born about 1864
LoughryBurlin Rborn about 1888
LoughryEllen born about 1891
LoughryEthel born about 1922
LoughryJasper born about 1894
LoughryLuther born about 1912
LoughryMinnie born about 1897
LoughryMyrtle born about 1922
LoughryRay born about 1927
LuzaderEarl born about 1906
LuzaderRichard born about 1931
LuzaderThelma born about 1907
LyonsLaura born about 1910

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M Surnames

MallaryMargaret born about 1914
MalloyLaura born about 1861
MalloyWinifred born about 1887
MankinsAlice born about 1911
MankinsChas Harryborn about 1907
MankinsClaude born about 1911
MankinsDonalene born about 1938
MankinsGuy Bborn about 1876
MankinsHerman born about 1916
MankinsJanet born about 1919
MankinsJo Bethborn about 1938
MankinsMargaret born about 1914
MankinsMaxine born about 1908
MankinsNorman born about 1919
MankinsOlive born about 1874
MankinsRichard born about 1931
MankinsSallie born about 1855
MankinsWendell Glenborn about 1940
MankinsWilliam born about 1939
MartinDale born about 1920
MartinDonald born about 1922
MartinFleta born about 1925
MartinMary born about 1890
MartinPhilip Hborn about 1889
MartinWilliam born about 1924
MartinWilliam born about 1927
MatthewsJames born about 1925
MatthewsLeona born about 1906
MayAllen born about 1868
MayBertie born about 1868
MayneCatherine born about 1938
MayneClara born about 1899
MayneDorothy born about 1929
MayneEarle born about 1930
MayneElla born about 1921
MayneErvie born about 1900
MayneErvie Jr born about 1940
MayneEvalene born about 1926
MayneGale born about 1935
MayneGerald born about 1925
MayneHarvey born about 1924
MayneJames born about 1923
MayneJohn born about 1933
MayneJoseph born about 1933
MayneKeith born about 1932
MayneLe Etta born about 1938
MayneLeroy born about 1902
MayneLeroy born about 1928
MayneLuther born about 1922
MayneMarguerite born about 1926
MayneMelvin born about 1936
MayneMuriel born about 1924
MaynePearl born about 1910
MayneRobert born about 1923
MayneRuby born about 1935
MayneWalter born about 1928
MayneWelsie born about 1898
MayneWilliam born about 1897
McGinnisMary born about 1860
McMillenDawna born about 1940
McMillenDolly born about 1919
McMillenJames born about 1921
McMillenJames Wborn about 1888
McMillenLula born about 1888
McMillenMary Kborn about 1922
McMillenThomas born about 1913
McVickerAnna born about 1877
McVickerDavid born about 1885
McVickerGrace born about 1882
McVickerLeah Fayeborn about 1914
McVickerMary Eborn about 1866
McVickerRandolph born about 1864
MessengerAlpha born about 1867
MessengerElva born about 1913
MessengerGeraldine born about 1932
MessengerIna born about 1936
MessengerLaura born about 1877
MessengerPaul born about 1929
MessengerThelma born about 1912
MillerAmos born about 1908
MillerAretta born about 1925
MillerBessie born about 1882
MillerBetty born about 1931
MillerCharles born about 1885
MillerCharles born about 1893
MillerDonald born about 1925
MillerDoris born about 1928
MillerEarle born about 1922
MillerFlorence born about 1889
MillerFrank born about 1913
MillerHarry born about 1910
MillerHoward born about 1911
MillerJames born about 1932
MillerJesse Cborn about 1882
MillerJohn born about 1934
MillerLula born about 1889
MillerMarguerite born about 1928
MillerNelle born about 1893
MillerNelle Kathrynborn about 1924
MillerPeter born about 1873
MillerRalph born about 1916
MillerTheodore born about 1921
MillerTye Hborn about 1887
MillerWilliam born about 1918
MillslagleClifford born about 1908
MillslagleFern born about 1904
MillslagleHoward born about 1904
MillslagleLucille born about 1927
MillslagleMary Elizborn about 1930
MillslaglePhyllis Fayeborn about 1925
MooreAdolpha born about 1880
MooreAlvin born about 1900
MooreAnna born about 1865
MooreBeatrice born about 1907
MooreCharles born about 1889
MooreHelen born about 1924
MooreLillie born about 1881
MooreRachel born about 1886
MooreSarah born about 1866
MorganMary born about 1911
MottFrank born about 1898
MusserArthur born about 1884
MyersAmanda born about 1902
MyersAnna Jborn about 1907
MyersArley born about 1904
MyersBoyd born about 1928
MyersEileen born about 1932
MyersEleanor born about 1924
MyersEthel born about 1885
MyersFrank born about 1882
MyersGlenn born about 1898
MyersHazel born about 1899
MyersMabel born about 1926
MyersMae born about 1873
MyersMagaret born about 1927
MyersRalph born about 1922
MyersReed Fborn about 1898
MyersRosella born about 1904
MyersSue born about 1930

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N Surnames

NagleElizabeth born about 1919
NagleMinnie born about 1889
NagleRaymond born about 1887
NagleRaymond born about 1927
NassifAnna Rangersborn about 1934
NassifBertha Lborn about 1907
NassifJoseph born about 1902
NassifMartha born about 1931
NassifNassif Jborn about 1932
NassifThomas Johnborn about 1937
NaughtonMargaret born about 1865
NawJohn Williamborn about 1895
NiceClinton born about 1926
NiceDonald born about 1939
NiceEdith born about 1910
NiceEthel born about 1907
NiceHugh born about 1907
NiceLawrence born about 1927
NiceLindsley born about 1906
NiceMary born about 1921
NiceWillard born about 1909
NiceWillavene born about 1928
NineAda born about 1898
NineCharles born about 1860
NineDonald born about 1921
NineHarry Fborn about 1884
NineJessie born about 1893
NineWm Lutherborn about 1888

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O Surnames

OwensElmer born about 1907

P Surnames

PadenAnna born about 1900
PadenClarence born about 1894
PadenCleophas born about 1924
PadenDelores born about 1931
PadenKenneth born about 1926
PadenLeroy born about 1930
PadenMildred born about 1922
PadenThomas born about 1938
PatonJohn Wborn about 1886
PaughCarl born about 1916
PaughMargaret born about 1910
PaughSarah born about 1878
PaughWilbur born about 1878
PeasleeDewey born about 1899
PeasleeEva Doveborn about 1892
PeasleeMamie born about 1888
PeasleeMarie born about 1921
PeasleeMarie Lborn about 1862
PeasleeZiba born about 1886
PeeblesDonald born about 1937
PhillipsChas Eborn about 1891
PhillipsHelen Janeborn about 1933
PhillipsMary Kborn about 1924
PhillipsRachel born about 1901
PhillipsTed born about 1913
PierceFrank born about 1876
PollockAlma born about 1931
PollockCharles born about 1864
PollockDavid born about 1936
PollockNina born about 1892
PowellEdward born about 1932
PowellEugene born about 1928
PowellGordon born about 1896
PowellHarlen born about 1896
PowellOcie born about 1905
PowellRobert born about 1930
PowellRoy Nesleyborn about 1924
PowellSadie born about 1897
PowellThomas born about 1935
PowellVirginia born about 1858
PreiceAddie born about 1875
PreiceAmanda born about 1857
PreiceLeah born about 1902
PriceUlysses born about 1906
PrinceEugene Sborn about 1897
PrinceGladys born about 1898
PrinceNorma Jeanborn about 1931
ProudfootErnest born about 1873
ProudfootEva Lborn about 1901
ProudfootFranklin born about 1920
ProudfootIra Aborn about 1898
ProudfootJames born about 1922
ProudfootJoretta Annborn about 1932
ProudfootJulia born about 1874
ProudfootRobert born about 1927
PughCharles Bborn about 1858
PughClarence Mborn about 1896
PughHope born about 1917
PughMarguerite born about 1900
PughMarple born about 1913
PughMonroe born about 1919
PughNaldi born about 1924
PughNelle born about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RaberGladys Mborn about 1916
ReedLawrence born about 1912
RickeringAlfonso born about 1872
RickeringBlanche born about 1878
RiggsEmma born about 1901
RiggsGwendola born about 1927
RiggsHolbert born about 1925
RiggsJanice born about 1931
RiggsJustin born about 1916
RiggsLevohn born about 1939
RiggsRita born about 1924
RiggsTalbert born about 1898
RiggsVernon born about 1899
RinardFrank Gborn about 1879
RinardLeota born about 1880
RizerWilliam Pborn about 1898
RobinsonEllen born about 1887
RobinsonHarry born about 1909
RobinsonIva born about 1908
RobinsonLavina born about 1902
RobinsonRichard born about 1932
RobinsonRobert born about 1912
RodeheaverAlberta born about 1880
RodeheaverDella Maeborn about 1924
RodeheaverDouglas born about 1921
RodeheaverFranklin born about 1917
RodeheaverHarrison born about 1918
RodeheaverMildred born about 1918
RodeheaverRobert born about 1930
RogersAlma born about 1937
RogersAnita born about 1938
RogersJennie born about 1882
RogersNellie born about 1913
RogersWoodrow born about 1914
RogersWoodrow Joborn about 1940
RosserRobert born about 1910
RunnerDallas born about 1938
RunnerDonald born about 1937
RunnerMorrel born about 1939
RunnerViolet born about 1919
RunnerWm Forrestborn about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SandersLawrence born about 1913
SandersLee born about 1887
SandersNaomi born about 1916
SaundersStella born about 1909
SayresCharles born about 1932
SayresDenzil born about 1903
SayresDenzil Jr born about 1929
SayresVelma born about 1901
SchrockLenora born about 1915
SchultzAnna Maryborn about 1922
SchultzRobert Bruceborn about 1920
ScottEgnatious Vborn about 1867
ScottZuella born about 1872
SearfinoAda born about 1898
SearfinoHelen born about 1919
SearfinoJoseph born about 1887
SearfinoMarie born about 1924
SearfinoPaul born about 1922
ShafferAlton born about 1917
ShafferAmy born about 1924
ShafferArtie Aborn about 1892
ShafferBoyd born about 1938
ShafferDonald born about 1923
ShafferElsie born about 1926
ShafferElza born about 1905
ShafferErsie born about 1895
ShafferFrancis born about 1886
ShafferGeorge Eborn about 1934
ShafferGeorge Hborn about 1913
ShafferGerald born about 1923
ShafferHugh born about 1924
ShafferIda Eborn about 1880
ShafferJack born about 1938
ShafferJacob Sborn about 1874
ShafferLeon born about 1917
ShafferLila born about 1930
ShafferLilan born about 1933
ShafferMabel born about 1919
ShafferMarie born about 1899
ShafferNita born about 1920
ShafferOliver Cborn about 1920
ShafferOliver Lborn about 1886
ShafferOrpha born about 1891
ShafferOscar born about 1914
ShafferRichard born about 1921
ShafferRichard born about 1939
ShafferRuby born about 1922
ShafferSarah born about 1910
ShafferSherley Annborn about 1936
ShafferSophia born about 1862
ShafferThelma born about 1916
ShafferVirginia born about 1929
ShafferWalter born about 1889
ShafferWalter Bondborn about 1925
ShafferWanda born about 1937
ShafferWillard born about 1939
ShahanCora born about 1893
ShahanDorothy Mborn about 1916
ShahanHarry Wborn about 1891
ShahanHarry W Jrborn about 1913
ShahanJohn Wborn about 1928
ShahanKeith Wborn about 1933
ShahanMargaret Eborn about 1931
ShahanMary Fborn about 1926
ShatzerEmory Aborn about 1891
ShatzerHelen Maeborn about 1922
ShatzerNelle born about 1902
ShatzerWallace born about 1925
ShatzerWillis born about 1928
ShaverNorma Jeanborn about 1939
ShaverShirley Annborn about 1938
ShaverVirginia born about 1922
ShawBeulah born about 1904
ShawGertrude born about 1875
ShawHarold born about 1924
ShawHarry Jborn about 1892
ShawOuida born about 1904
ShippBlanche born about 1930
ShippCecil born about 1922
ShippGoldia born about 1895
ShippJuanita born about 1931
ShippLawrence born about 1939
ShippLeona born about 1928
ShippMary born about 1933
ShippPeter born about 1890
ShippRalph born about 1935
ShippSylvia born about 1926
ShortJoe born about 1910
ShortMollie born about 1883
ShortSamuel Hborn about 1877
ShortVernon born about 1917
SiskMorris Lborn about 1876
SloughterBetty Louborn about 1938
SloughterClara born about 1921
SloughterClare Ethelborn about 1939
SloughterGeorge born about 1920
SmallwoodArthur born about 1908
SmallwoodBlaine born about 1932
SmallwoodFrank born about 1936
SmallwoodHenry born about 1875
SmallwoodJames born about 1872
SmallwoodNaomi born about 1934
SmallwoodNellie born about 1889
SmallwoodRobert born about 1893
SmallwoodSadie born about 1910
SmithAlbert born about 1880
SmithBetty Leeborn about 1924
SmithBruce born about 1898
SmithCharlotte born about 1866
SmithJ Corbettborn about 1895
SmithLettie born about 1882
SmithWilliam Wborn about 1876
StevensonCephas born about 1883
StevensonMollie born about 1918
StevensonOllie born about 1883
StevensonVanser born about 1913
StoliperCharles born about 1884
StraleyRoy born about 1931
StrawserCharles born about 1925
StrawserEarle born about 1897
StrawserEloise born about 1925
StrawserHenry born about 1863
StrawserLoretta born about 1861
StrawserVada born about 1907
StrotherCharles born about 1885
StrotherCharles Jr born about 1922
StrotherJohn Jborn about 1921
StrotherVan Lien born about 1895
SturdevantAllan born about 1927
SturdevantBurton born about 1887
SturdevantDonald born about 1919
SturdevantNina Ellenborn about 1894
SypoltBetty born about 1924
SypoltEva born about 1903
SypoltHarold Reedborn about 1925
SypoltPearl born about 1881
SypoltRichard born about 1921
SypoltRobert born about 1927
SypoltRussell born about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

ThompsonCora Annborn about 1937
ThompsonHelen born about 1906
ThompsonJoanne born about 1926
ThompsonL Elbernborn about 1904
ThompsonL Elbern Jrborn about 1932
ThompsonPaul born about 1901
ThompsonPaul Jr born about 1929
ThompsonRichard born about 1898
ThompsonViolet born about 1898
TitchenellDuncan born about 1926
TitchenellFreddie born about 1928
TitchenellHazel born about 1932
TreutleDorothy born about 1924
TreutleEllen born about 1894
TreutleErnest born about 1884
TreutleIda Mborn about 1864
TreutleMary Ellenborn about 1925
TreutleScott born about 1893
TreutleTonnie born about 1886

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WableRuby born about 1910
WableWalter born about 1909
WagnerAndy born about 1882
WagnerOcie born about 1899
WalkerMarjorie born about 1902
WalkerPhilip born about 1940
WalkerWalter born about 1917
WalshBeatrice born about 1902
WalshCasie born about 1878
WalshJno Edwborn about 1876
WalshJohn Josephborn about 1897
WatkinsAlva born about 1886
WatkinsHoward born about 1907
WatkinsIda born about 1887
WatkinsKenneth born about 1925
WatkinsLaura Kathrynborn about 1928
WatkinsPrudie born about 1906
WatkinsRay born about 1916
WatkinsRoy born about 1916
WatkinsThomas born about 1900
WatkinsWilliam born about 1865
WaybrightBetty born about 1932
WaybrightBetty born about 1938
WaybrightBurgess born about 1909
WaybrightDelbert born about 1933
WaybrightDelbert born about 1935
WaybrightFlorence born about 1935
WaybrightJohn born about 1908
WaybrightLela born about 1912
WaybrightLeonard born about 1934
WaybrightMyrtle born about 1888
WaybrightMyrtle born about 1914
WaybrightSadie born about 1937
WaybrightWilliam born about 1930
WeaverAda born about 1920
WeaverAudrey born about 1925
WeaverGeorge born about 1918
WeaverHarry Pborn about 1896
WeaverJack born about 1923
WeaverJames Jr born about 1939
WeaverMarie born about 1901
WeaverMary born about 1915
WheelerAnn born about 1925
WheelerBetty born about 1920
WheelerCharles Joborn about 1922
WheelerCharles Mborn about 1887
WheelerGuy Hborn about 1880
WheelerHaynes born about 1936
WheelerNancy born about 1926
WheelerOlive born about 1894
WheelerPhilip born about 1930
WhitehairJames born about 1932
WhitehairLelia born about 1898
WhitehairNeil born about 1929
WhitehairOrval born about 1897
WhitehairRobert born about 1917
WierHarold Bborn about 1879
WilesA Youngborn about 1884
WilesAlberta born about 1917
WilesDwight born about 1901
WilesGrace born about 1889
WilesHelen born about 1920
WilesJohn Hborn about 1859
WilesJohn Williamborn about 1932
WilesJoseph Eborn about 1912
WilesJoseph Lborn about 1887
WilesLillian born about 1921
WilesLinnie born about 1938
WilesMerle born about 1905
WilesRamona Raeborn about 1938
WilesRex born about 1915
WilesRoss born about 1935
WilesRuby born about 1939
WilesVerlie born about 1915
WilhelmViola born about 1906
WilsonColeman Wborn about 1876
WilsonDonald born about 1922
WilsonDorothy born about 1916
WilsonJacob Nborn about 1873
WilsonJohn born about 1938
WilsonMarguerite born about 1914
WilsonMinnie born about 1876
WilsonRobert born about 1912
WilsonSarah Eborn about 1878
WippleElizabeth born about 1917
WolfeAsa Sborn about 1877
WolfeJessie born about 1892
WolfeL Vaneborn about 1890
WolfeSarah born about 1884
WotringCarl born about 1890
WotringHelen born about 1917
WotringOda born about 1889
WrightHazel born about 1895
WrightLawrence Pborn about 1896
WrightMinnie born about 1866

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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