Cabins Genealogy (in Grant County, WV)

USA (1,380,571) > West Virginia (26,544) > Grant County (369) > Cabins (23)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Cabins are also found through the Grant County and West Virginia pages.

Cabins Cemetery Records

Brushy Mountain Cemetery Find a Grave online

Champ Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Conrad Cemetery Find a Grave online

Euka John Turner Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Gaiter Cemetery Find a Grave online

Glebe Poor Farm Cemetery Find a Grave online

Johnson Cemetery Find a Grave online

Kile Cemetery Find a Grave online

Kimble Homeplace Cemetery Find a Grave online

Kimble, Landes Cemetery Find a Grave online

Landes Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Long Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Mallow Cemetery Find a Grave online

Ours-Goldizen Cemetery Find a Grave online

Powers Hollow Cemetery Find a Grave online

Raines Find a Grave online

Reel Cemetery Find a Grave online

Riggleman Cemetery Find a Grave online

Shirk Cemetery Find a Grave online

Shirk-Mace Cemetery Find a Grave online

Sites Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Smith Cemetery Find a Grave online

Wildcat-Ours Cemetery Find a Grave online

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