Glenville Genealogy (in Gilmer County, WV)

USA (1,380,571) > West Virginia (26,544) > Gilmer County (356) > Glenville (56)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Glenville are also found through the Gilmer County and West Virginia pages.

Cemetery Records Church Records Death Records Newspapers and Obituaries School Records

Glenville Cemetery Records

Amos/Craig Cemetery Find a Grave online

Connolly Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Fletcher Miller Cemetery Find a Grave online

George W. Miller Cemetery Find a Grave online

Job's Temple Cemetery Find a Grave online

Keister-Upper Beall Cemetery Find a Grave online

Kirkpatrick Cemetery Find a Grave online

Messenger Cemetery Billion Graves online

Norris - The Beeches Find a Grave online

Old Glenville Cemetery Find a Grave online

Otterbein Cemetery Find a Grave online

Peregrine Hays Burial Site Find a Grave online

Powell-Murphy Cemetery Find a Grave online

Reed Cemetery Find a Grave online

Self Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Snyder Cemetery Stewarts Creek Find a Grave online

Stalnaker Cemetery Find a Grave online

Stalnaker Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Three Poplar Cemetery Find a Grave online

Tombstones in Glenville, West Virginia FamilySearch Library

Vanhorn Cemetery Find a Grave online

Westfall Cemetery - Letter Gap Find a Grave online

Whiting Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Whiting Cemetery Find a Grave online

Wilfong Cemetery Find a Grave online

Wright Cemetery Find a Grave online

Glenville Church Records

Pastor's records, 1901-1952 FamilySearch Library

Glenville Death Records

Obituaries : Glenville Democrat, 1935-1979 WorldCat

Obituaries : Glenville democrat, 1935-1980 WorldCat

Obituaries Index : Glenville Democrat, 1905-1935, supplement II WorldCat

Obituaries Index : Glenville Democrat, 1980-1985, supplement I WorldCat

Obituaries copied from the Glenville Democrat/Pathfinder WorldCat

Obituaries copied from the Glenville democrat/pathfinder 1980-2004 FamilySearch Library

Obituaries, Glenville Democrat, 1935-1980 FamilySearch Library

Glenville Newspapers and Obituaries

Filter By Year:

Glenville Democrat, 1978-1979, 1981-1982, 1984, 1988-1989, 1992, 1994, 2004-2009 Google News Archive online

Obituaries : Glenville Democrat, 1935-1979 WorldCat

Obituaries : Glenville democrat, 1935-1980 WorldCat

Obituaries Index : Glenville Democrat, 1905-1935, supplement II WorldCat

Obituaries Index : Glenville Democrat, 1980-1985, supplement I WorldCat

Obituaries copied from the Glenville Democrat/Pathfinder WorldCat

Obituaries copied from the Glenville democrat/pathfinder 1980-2004 FamilySearch Library

Obituaries, Glenville Democrat, 1935-1980 FamilySearch Library

The Glenville Democrat 1975-1982, 1984, 1988-1989, 1991-1992, 1994, 2001, 2003-2009, 2012-2020 Small Town Papers online

Offline Newspapers for Glenville

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Gilmer Banner of Democracy. (Glenville, W. Va.) 1884-1895

Gilmer Banner. (Glenville, W. Va.) 1895-1890s

Gilmer County Republican. (Glenville, W. Va.) 1933-1937

Gilmer Guardian. (Glenville, W. Va.) 1979-1981

Gilmerite. (Glenville, W. Va.) 1879-1883

Glenville Crescent. (Glenville, W. Va.) 1882-1880s

Glenville Democrat. (Glenville, W. Va.) 1904-Current

Glenville Pathfinder. (Glenville, W. Va.) 1892-Current

Glenville Signal. (Glenville, W. Va.) 1889-1890s

Stranger. (Glenville, W. Va.) 1898-1900s

Glenville School Records

Gilmer County High School yearbook, 1975 Classmates online

Gilmer County High School yearbook, 1975 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Gilmer County High School yearbook, 1975 (included in US Yearbooks collection) MyHeritage online

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