Salt Rock Genealogy (in Cabell County, WV)

USA (1,380,571) > West Virginia (26,544) > Cabell County (627) > Salt Rock (43)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Salt Rock are also found through the Cabell County and West Virginia pages.

Salt Rock Cemetery Records

Adkins Cemetery Find a Grave online

Adkins-Claude Find a Grave online

Adkins-Jones Find a Grave online

Adkins-Little Marion Find a Grave online

Adkins-Marion Find a Grave online

Adkins-Ross (G.W.) Find a Grave online

Adkins-Vincent Find a Grave online

Andrew G Adkins Cemetery Find a Grave online

Baker Cemetery Find a Grave online

Ben Hatfield Cemetery Find a Grave online

Benjamin Perry Cemetery Find a Grave online

Bias Cemetery Find a Grave online

Cabell County Poor Farm Find a Grave online

Cremeans Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Eaves Cemetery Find a Grave online

Enon Cemetery Billion Graves online

Enon Cemetery Find a Grave online

Ephraim Keyser Sr. Cemetery Find a Grave online

Gill Cemetery Find a Grave online

Gill Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Green Valley Cemetery Find a Grave online

Gue-Baker Find a Grave online

Harless-Dillie Cemetery Find a Grave online

James Deaton Bias Cemetery Find a Grave online

John Morrison Cemetery Find a Grave online

Johnson Cemetery Find a Grave online

Johnson Cemetery Find a Grave online

Jordan-Frye Cemetery Find a Grave online

Keenan-McComas Cemetery Find a Grave online

Lovejoy Cemetery Find a Grave online

Lucas Cemetery Find a Grave online

Lucas Cemetery Find a Grave online

Mays Cemetery Find a Grave online

McComas Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Midkiff Cemetery Find a Grave online

Morrison (Wesley) Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Napoleon Bonaparte Morrison Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Nelson Holton Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Porter Cemetery Find a Grave online

Rev. Rolen Bias Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Ross Cemetery Find a Grave online

Ross Cemetery (James) Find a Grave online

Thomas Childers Cemetery Find a Grave online

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