1940 U.S. Federal Census of Big Laramie, Albany, Wyoming

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Wyoming > Albany County > 1940 Census of Big Laramie

A SurnamesH SurnamesO Surnames
B SurnamesI SurnamesP Surnames
C SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
D SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
E SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
F SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
G SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames

A Surnames

AckerleyRoy born about 1903
AllgeirAnna born about 1901
AllgeirEarl born about 1922
AllgeirLouis born about 1926

B Surnames

BoydCoval born about 1918
BrownGlenn born about 1920

C Surnames

CantrellWilfred born about 1882
ChakaJerry born about 1901
ChallmanDarold born about 1916
ChallmanHelen born about 1920
ChapelWarren born about 1928
ClarkDuane born about 1913
ClarkMarvin born about 1921
ClarkMary born about 1884
ClarkMinter Eborn about 1872
ClarkRussel born about 1906
ClarkZella born about 1905
ClaudaCharlie born about 1917
ColeLarrin born about 1905
CoxFred born about 1913
CoxHelen Aborn about 1915
CrawfordRoy born about 1920
CunninghamAlbert born about 1900

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D Surnames

DawsonLarry born about 1923
DreyerBertha Pborn about 1886
DreyerDelia born about 1919
DreyerGeo Oborn about 1915
DreyerJames Ottoborn about 1940
DreyerOtto born about 1881
DreyerRuth Marieborn about 1938

E Surnames

EavesJohn born about 1886

F Surnames

FesterAlfred born about 1902
FrederickBessie born about 1887
FrederickJoe Bborn about 1888

G Surnames

GabrielsonAxle born about 1897
GabrielsonChristian born about 1901
GabrielsonDonna born about 1935
GabrielsonEdith born about 1906
GabrielsonJolene born about 1933
GelattMinnie born about 1880
GelattWugene born about 1920
GoetzAlfred Jborn about 1910
GoetzAlfred Johnborn about 1939
GoetzFlora born about 1908
GorupClarence born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HansenEarl born about 1919
HansenFrank born about 1918
HansenFred Pborn about 1888
HansonAndrew born about 1883
HansonBetty born about 1923
HansonDonald born about 1938
HansonEdna born about 1916
HansonElwood born about 1909
HatchFrank Wborn about 1859
HatchIda Mborn about 1869
HoladayCameron born about 1897
HoladayPearl born about 1888
HoltLona born about 1874
HoltWilliam born about 1883
HunzikerDorothy born about 1923
HunzikerGeane born about 1931
HunzikerIda born about 1895
HunzikerRay born about 1922
HunzikerWilliam born about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IiamsBelle Dborn about 1899
IiamsHazel Lborn about 1921
IiamsWalter Cborn about 1896
IiamsWalter Cborn about 1930

J Surnames

JensenEllen Maryborn about 1892
JensenIrene born about 1921
JensenPhyllis born about 1927
JensenWilbert born about 1925
JensenWilliam Fborn about 1891
JohnsonAnna Cborn about 1889
JohnsonCarl Sborn about 1887
JohnsonCarol born about 1934
JohnsonEdna Mborn about 1898
JohnsonEverett born about 1922
JohnsonGeil born about 1895
JohnsonNate born about 1878
JohnsonWestley born about 1893
JonesGladys born about 1910
JonesPatricia born about 1939
JonesRaymond Rborn about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KautnikMary born about 1860
KennedyNellie born about 1899
KennedyRichard born about 1935
KennedyRobert born about 1894
KennedyShirley born about 1933
KuhnAnna Belleborn about 1888
KuhnCharles Jborn about 1888

L Surnames

LeppoldEva born about 1926
LeppoldHelen born about 1924
LeppoldJanice born about 1901
LeppoldJohn Eborn about 1928
LeppoldLaurine born about 1930
LeppoldOrville born about 1896
LowerMaurice Edwborn about 1886

M Surnames

MasonMamie born about 1887
MasonOda born about 1886
MazelArnold born about 1902
MazelEvelyn born about 1938
MazelFrank born about 1867
MazelFrank Cborn about 1897
MazelMary born about 1914
MazelMelissa born about 1906
MazelNettie born about 1875
MazelRosemary born about 1936
MazelWillard born about 1923
MazelWilliam born about 1913
MeeboerEd born about 1876
MeeboerMamie born about 1875
MetzgarHarry Hborn about 1890
MillerEarl Eborn about 1894
MillerEthel Lborn about 1894
MillerThomas Eborn about 1921
MillerWilma Louborn about 1935
MoellerArthur born about 1912
MoellerDonald born about 1935
MoellerJoyce born about 1938
MoellerMary Louborn about 1938
MoellerRoy Eborn about 1910
MoellerThelma born about 1921
MoellerWilliam Aborn about 1939
MoellerWilma born about 1912
MortensenHoward born about 1908
MortensenWilma born about 1899

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NeilsenAlfred born about 1893
NeilsenErma born about 1921
NeilsenLaura born about 1893
NelsonAlvin Cborn about 1890
NelsonBen Antoineborn about 1896

O Surnames

OlsonEmil born about 1880

P Surnames

PahlowOttoe born about 1883
PearsonBertha born about 1890
PearsonBetty born about 1925
PearsonJohn born about 1883
PetersonOliver born about 1907
PingitzerAlbert born about 1889
PingitzerAlbert Jr born about 1912
PingitzerElizabeth born about 1892
PingitzerJoe born about 1916

R Surnames

ReckardFlorence born about 1898
ReckardWilliam born about 1889
RichardsonFred Lborn about 1893
RichardsonFred Lborn about 1923
RichardsonMerle born about 1896
RottmanClarence born about 1919

S Surnames

SchottAlbert born about 1905
SchottJoe born about 1906
SchottWilliam born about 1859
SodergreenAl born about 1869
SpellerbergGerald born about 1937
SpellerbergHazel born about 1912
SpellerbergLaura born about 1871
SpellerbergRaymond born about 1906
SprattRonald born about 1936
StatlerDorothy born about 1911
SterrettCharlis born about 1904
SterrettLarry born about 1937
SterrettLorena born about 1909
SterrettMary Kathleenborn about 1939
StickleyClair Bborn about 1909
StickleyDenald Cborn about 1918
StickleyHarley Bborn about 1934
StickleyRobert Cborn about 1936
StickleyRose Mborn about 1915
StrandEsther born about 1892
SwansenWilliam born about 1878

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

ThompsonCharles Pborn about 1882
ThompsonHelen Aborn about 1883

V Surnames

VromanCarrie Oborn about 1877
VromanEverett Cborn about 1919
VromanForest born about 1912
VromanLois Jeanborn about 1938
VromanWilma born about 1919

W Surnames

WallErma born about 1915
WallGlenn born about 1914
WatsonElbert born about 1879
WhittakerEdward Tborn about 1908
WilkensonDoris born about 1923
WilkensonFrancis born about 1897
WilkensonRobert born about 1925
WilkensonRuth Bborn about 1898
WilkensonVirginia born about 1919

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