1940 U.S. Federal Census of Cotter, Goshen, Wyoming

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Wyoming > Goshen County > 1940 Census of Cotter

A SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesP Surnames
H SurnamesR Surnames

A Surnames

AbelAnnie born about 1891
AbelJake Jr born about 1919
AbelJake Sr born about 1885
AbelRosie born about 1919
AlabackHerman born about 1903
AlabackLydin born about 1920
AwarmCharles Fborn about 1888
AwarmHazel born about 1890
AwarmVirnon born about 1923

B Surnames

BackmanHenry born about 1920
BackmanJinnett born about 1924
BackmanRachel born about 1918
BackmanRichard born about 1938
BackmanWilliam born about 1916
BackmonBasba born about 1937
BackmonErva born about 1895
BackmonFritz born about 1923
BackmonHenry born about 1885
BackmonHenry Jr born about 1922
BackmonHerman born about 1925
BackmonJohn born about 1919
BackmonMike born about 1927
BarbaDominta born about 1878
BarthelCaroline born about 1928
BarthelCharles born about 1930
BarthelEthel born about 1905
BarthelJames born about 1936
BarthelJulius born about 1894
BarthelRichard born about 1935
BarthelRobert born about 1932
BarthelShirley born about 1933
BasuttHal born about 1912
BasuttHalene born about 1937
BasuttLarrine born about 1913
BorersFred born about 1911
BresslerDorthy born about 1923
BresslerElmer born about 1902
BresslerElmer Lborn about 1899

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CalppHarold Lborn about 1908
CalppIva Dborn about 1911
CalppLarry Leroyborn about 1935
CatonLouis Gborn about 1893
CatonM Mborn about 1890
CatonRalph born about 1918
CatonRuth born about 1920
CokerHoward born about 1918
Cruses??? born about 1881
CrusesLuis born about 1932
CrusesPaul born about 1925
CrusesRaymond born about 1885

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DefusFreda born about 1911
DefusJohn born about 1911
DefusLarry born about 1939
DefusVernon born about 1931
DillmanAlbert born about 1922
DillmanAlice born about 1891
DillmanBertha born about 1926
DillmanDonna Geneborn about 1937
DillmanGeorge born about 1930
DillmanHarry born about 1929
DillmanPatty Annborn about 1938
DillmanPauline born about 1910
DillmanPete born about 1893
DillmanWalter born about 1924
DudleyBert born about 1882
DudleyElsie Merlborn about 1881
DuttonSara Jborn about 1858

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E Surnames

ErmtJacob Wborn about 1896
ErmtMae born about 1911

F Surnames

FaltzHelen born about 1919
FaltzRuben born about 1919
FlechEva born about 1922
FlechGeorge born about 1914
FlechJudith born about 1932
FleckAnna born about 1917
FleckBertha born about 1924
FleckElnor born about 1929
FleckEmelia born about 1887
FleckFrances born about 1916
FleckHarry born about 1922
FleckMike born about 1912
FleckRalph born about 1885
FleckTony born about 1920
FritzlarElice born about 1881
FritzlarJacob born about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GaudernBill born about 1891
GildenHarold born about 1929
GildenMarvin born about 1936
GildenSam born about 1909
GildenWanda born about 1911

H Surnames

HeckmanAlex born about 1913
HeckmanEmma born about 1916
HeckmanMarian born about 1939
HeinbuckHarry born about 1917
HeinbuckJake born about 1897
HeinbuckMary born about
HellmrichWilliam born about 1893
HerdtDavid Jborn about 1915
HerdtJanice born about 1938
HerdtSara born about 1915
HernandezBeneto born about 1935
HernandezElodia born about 1917
HernandezGuaddalupe born about 1910
HernandezRonald born about 1931
HileBetty born about 1926
HileDorthy born about 1927
HileEdward born about 1920
HileEugene born about 1922
HileFred born about 1924
HileHelen born about 1917
HileIrine born about 1916
HileLucell born about 1923
HileMae born about 1895
HilzerNorma Louborn about 1938
HilzerPhilip born about 1902
HunterA Cborn about 1880
HunterClyde born about 1881
HunterDale born about 1929
HunterEddie born about 1906
HunterElla born about 1882
HunterJanice Ann born about 1937
HunterNorma Janeborn about 1933
HunterSusie born about 1883
HunterWay born about 1911
HunterWayne born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JonesJealey* born about 1876
JoyAlbert Hborn about 1881
JoyDale born about 1935
JoyDiloria born about 1937
JoyDonald born about 1932
JoyEarl born about 1910
JoyJackie born about 1933
JoyMyron born about 1925
JoyRay born about 1896
JoySopha born about 1884
JoyThomas born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KarellEdna born about 1939
KarellHelen born about 1916
KarellJohn born about 1910
KarellLoane born about 1937
KeeferAda born about 1880
KeeferWilliam Bborn about 1886
Keller??? born about 1920
KellerDonald born about 1919
KellerEmily born about 1882
KellerFreda born about 1922
KellerPauline born about 1921
KellerRaymond born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LeeChester born about 1918
LevaroEvans born about 1896
LevaroJonnie born about 1936
LevaroSandy born about 1931
LevaroSandy born about 1933
LevaroSusie born about 1929
LovettOscar born about 1904

M Surnames

ManlerLoretta born about 1933
McClunBeth born about 1928
McClunEarl born about 1894
McClunElvie Maeborn about 1925
McClunEvelyn born about 1919
McClunFern born about 1920
McClunGeorgie born about 1930
McClunJim born about 1935
McClunMary born about 1894
McClunMaryjorie Gunborn about 1927
Meininger??? born about 1917
MeiningerArthur born about 1916
MeiningerBobby born about 1938
MeiningerElizabeth born about 1876
MeiningerPete born about 1875
MeiningerWilton born about 1920
MelntoshBeth born about 1919
MelntoshJames born about 1919
MelntoshPatty Annborn about 1939
MichaelEthel born about 1893
MichaelJames Eborn about 1897
MilbergerBernard born about 1929
MilbergerCaroline born about 1938
MilbergerGus born about 1902
MilbergerLila born about 1923
MilbergerLilian born about 1937
MilbergerLydia born about 1904
MilbergerLydia born about 1934
MilbergerVirginia born about 1927
MooreEtta born about 1909
MooreLa Verne born about 1905
MooreLaurence born about 1933
MooreMarva born about 1929
MortignyArthur born about 1923
MortignyFlavio born about 1917
MortignyMary born about 1916
MortignyPete born about 1937
MortignyRaymond born about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NanDouglas born about 1928
NanHenry born about 1904
NanLavon born about 1930
NanLora born about 1909

O Surnames

OdomCarrie born about 1873
OdomFrank Eborn about 1877
OlsonArthur Eborn about 1893
OlsonDomola born about 1869
OlsonMargaret born about 1924
OlsonRobert born about 1922

P Surnames

ParraAlbert born about 1900
ParraMary born about 1903
PeltzAndrew born about 1912
PeltzCaroline born about 1924
PeltzEdwards born about 1922
PeltzGeorge born about 1888
PeltzHelen born about 1928
PeltzMarie born about 1920
PeltzMillie born about 1887
PeltzRuth born about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RodrignzAlberton born about 1933
RodrignzIsabel born about 1911
RodrignzPaul born about 1937
RodrignzVincent born about 1889

S Surnames

SchleprBetty born about 1929
SchleprDona Maeborn about 1932
SchleprDorthy born about 1925
SchleprEdward born about 1901
SchleprHelen born about 1924
SchleprLydia born about 1905
SchleprMarvin born about 1931
SchleprVelma born about 1927
SchleprWyan* born about 1935
SchloyelBenny born about 1924
SchloyelDarline born about 1938
SchloyelElizabeth born about 1901
SchloyelHerman born about 1922
SchloyelPete born about 1898
SchloyelRachle born about 1928
SchloyelRose born about 1925
SchmitzEddie born about 1937
SchmitzGene born about 1939
SchmitzHenry born about 1908
SchmitzHenry Jr born about 1911
SchmitzLarry born about 1935
SchmitzRosie born about 1914
SchnellBetty born about 1930
SchnellJohn born about 1906
SchnellMargaret born about 1937
SchnellMary born about 1911
SchnellNorma born about 1935
SchnellRichard born about 1939
SchrinerAlex born about 1926
SchrinerBettas born about 1933
SchrinerEdna born about 1939
SchrinerEmma born about 1915
SchrinerEster born about 1927
SchrinerFreda born about 1916
SchrinerHarold born about 1938
SchrinerHenry born about 1912
SchrinerJake born about 1877
SchrinerJake Jr born about 1903
SchrinerJohn born about 1918
SchrinerJohn born about 1935
SchrinerLucelle born about 1916
SchrinerMarjorie born about 1938
SchrinerMary Annborn about 1936
SchrinerMinnie born about 1931
SchrinerPaulina born about 1903
SchrinerPhillip born about 1920
SchrinerRueben born about 1929
SchupbackE Aborn about 1888
SchupbackMinnie born about 1891
SchupbackRichard born about 1928
SchwarzkophCarl born about 1898
SchwarzkophCharlie born about 1922
SchwarzkophEdward born about 1931
SchwarzkophElizabeth born about 1901
SchwarzkophElizabeth born about 1920
SchwarzkophHelen born about 1927
SchwarzkophLilie born about 1929
SchwarzkophRobert born about 1934
SchwarzkophWalter born about 1925
ScottDon Eborn about 1928
ScottGeorge Hborn about 1864
ScottGeorge Jborn about 1898
ScottNettie born about 1898
ScottRichard Aborn about 1929
SerafinFred born about 1911
StammArthur born about 1935
StammByron born about 1931
StammJohn born about 1904
StammLeah born about 1910
StammRuth born about 1928
StephenGene born about 1908
StephenJerry born about 1939
StephenJohn Aborn about 1882
StephenJohn Melvin Jrborn about 1935
StephenMable born about 1887
StephenMelvin born about 1909
StratmanBertha born about 1920
StratmanLerry born about 1923
StratmanWarner born about 1912
SuttonClar?ie born about 1907
SuttonEmma born about 1908
SuttonJason born about 1900
SuttonNona born about 1927
SuttonWilma born about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TeimanLeonard born about 1916
TerranzEstebane born about 1860
TerrellGlen born about 1916
TilterCarl born about 1917
TilterMargaret born about 1920
TorrisDelores born about 1893
TorrisGrace born about 1938
TorrisPauline born about 1920
TorrisSalvador born about 1914
TreatBillie born about 1932
TreatDelbert born about 1936
TreatDorthy born about 1910
TreatJerry born about 1938
TreatLorance born about 1909
TussAlbert born about 1929
TussDeorthy born about 1935
TussElsie born about 1925
TussHenry born about 1893
TussHenry Jr born about 1916
TussJake born about 1919
TussLeonard born about 1934
TussMabel born about 1893
TussRaymond born about 1921
TussRosie born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UrbackEllie born about 1893
UrbackHenry Williamborn about 1897
UrbackHenry Williamborn about 1938
UrbackLarne born about 1928
UrbackLeatha born about 1911
UrbackLeona born about 1924

V Surnames

VelazguzAlbert born about 1923
VelazguzAngelo born about 1890
VelazguzAngie born about 1925
VelazguzEvas born about 1934
VelazguzFrank born about 1935
VelazguzFred born about 1926
VelazguzJinnie born about 1938
VelazguzJonnie born about 1931
VelazguzLucy born about 1930
VelazguzMary born about 1892
VelazguzMelfred born about 1928
VelazguzSteve born about 1932
VoltzFred born about 1896

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WagnerGeorge born about 1875
WeickumArline born about 1930
WeickumCalvin born about 1926
WeickumMargaret born about 1924
WeickumRunhold Jborn about 1861
WeickumSophia born about 1893
WeickumStandley born about 1934
WeickumVerona born about 1928
WerkeleBill born about 1933
WerkeleFred born about 1911
WerkeleFredie born about 1938
WerkeleLida born about 1911
WerkeleMarvin born about 1935
WieckumFreda born about 1918
WieckumRunhold Wborn about 1915

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Y Surnames

YoungOrvill born about 1916

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