1940 U.S. Federal Census of Empire, Goshen, Wyoming

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Wyoming > Goshen County > 1940 Census of Empire

A SurnamesF SurnamesM Surnames
B SurnamesG SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesH Surnames
D SurnamesJ Surnames

A Surnames

AndryEdward born about 1877

B Surnames

BeatyGildea Albertaborn about 1895
BeatyJames Arthurborn about 1923
BeatyMilan Arthurborn about 1890
BeatyVera Maeborn about 1922

C Surnames

Conaway??? born about 1917

D Surnames

DeahlJesse born about 1896
DincanAlvin Wborn about 1932
DincanCharles Tborn about 1900
DincanJames born about 1937
DincanLuella born about 1931
DinkelEdeline born about 1904
DinkelLeonard born about 1907
DinkelMartin Lborn about 1875

F Surnames

FitzgeraldHattie born about 1894
FitzgeraldMartin Lborn about 1891
FitzgeraldMary Elizabethborn about 1930

G Surnames

GallowayEdith born about 1906
GallowayEugene born about 1935
GallowayFrank born about 1902
GallowayWinifred born about 1939

H Surnames

HausenCarl born about
HausenCarl Jr born about 1923
HausenDewey born about 1927
HausenElmer born about 1930
HausenElsie born about 1939
HausenGlen born about 1925
HausenKatie born about 1903
HausenLille born about 1929
HausenLuclla born about 1925
HausenPhyllis born about 1928
HausenShirley born about 1933
HueraunJack born about 1914
HueraunRonald born about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JamesJoe born about 1915

M Surnames

MassieGenie born about 1895
MassieSamuel Cborn about 1882
MillsapFred born about 1896
MillsapMarvin born about 1920
MillsapPearl born about 1894

S Surnames

SchmidtArnold Jr born about 1938
SchmidtArnold Sr born about 1915
SchmidtElizabeth born about
SchmidtElizabeth born about 1905
SchmidtGrace born about 1922
SchmidtJ Rborn about 1877

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