1940 U.S. Federal Census of Francis, Big Horn, Wyoming

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Wyoming > Big Horn County > 1940 Census of Francis

A SurnamesH SurnamesO Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesZ Surnames

A Surnames

AsayClifford born about 1924
AsayEarnest born about 1932
AsayEthel born about 1935
AsayJoy born about 1928
AsayLeon born about 1922
AsayMaude born about 1937
AsayMaxine born about 1930
AsayNorman born about 1926

B Surnames

BeckesAlphone Jborn about 1898
BeckesArthur Aborn about 1927
BeckesEugene Jborn about 1924
BeckesHoward Lborn about 1936
BeckesIris Bborn about 1905
BeckesLelsie Lborn about 1939
BeckesMadelyn Eborn about 1934
BeckesMargaret Jborn about 1929
BramhallRobert born about 1927
BrillAdson born about 1915
BrownDorothy Lborn about 1909
BrownEarl Aborn about 1888
BrownEva Bborn about 1898
BrownMary Eborn about 1856
BrownRobert Gborn about 1937
BrownWayne Gborn about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

ClarkMinian Rborn about 1923
ClarkNell Bborn about 1889
ClarkWarren born about 1892

D Surnames

DavisCharles Mborn about 1884
DavisKenneth Cborn about 1920
DelansAdel Aborn about 1862
DelonaArlie Aborn about 1893
DelonaMary Hborn about 1904

F Surnames

FardFrannie born about 1890
FardRussell Hborn about 1893
FrameFren Mborn about 1933
FrameLarry Aborn about 1936
FrameMargueritte Rborn about 1915
FrancisFrederick Bborn about 1868
FrancisMary Fborn about 1873

H Surnames

HenryAnnie Mborn about 1897
HenryBilly Fborn about 1937
HenryDorothy born about 1931
HenryFred Nborn about 1910
HenryHarvey Hborn about 1924
HenryHarvey Tborn about 1894
HenryHelen Mborn about 1921
HenryJoyce born about 1935
HenryLorris Tborn about 1867
HenryMajorie Lborn about 1935
HenryMartha Eborn about 1932
HenryMary born about 1910
HenryPeal Kborn about 1939
HenryRuth Eborn about 1923
HomewoodDorothy Eborn about 1937
HomewoodGertrude Hborn about 1914
HomewoodRomsey Rborn about 1911
HoonewoodArthur Eborn about 1922
HoonewoodDuane Hborn about 1928
HoonewoodIney Eborn about 1904
HoonewoodRufus Eborn about 1894
HoonewoodVera Mborn about 1923
HoonewoodVerlan Iborn about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KirkCarrold Jborn about 1911
KirkPearl Jborn about 1889
KirkPearl Lborn about 1911
KirkValentina Mborn about 1884
KronmillerClara Oborn about 1884
KronmillerEugene Vborn about 1919
KronmillerJacob Mborn about 1882

L Surnames

LohrenzEdna Rborn about 1915
LohrenzWilliam born about 1915
LongFrancis Bborn about 1915
LongFred Bborn about 1870
LongJulia Lborn about 1882

M Surnames

MadsenEldora M Eborn about 1922
MadsenFrank Wborn about 1902
MadsenLorrine M Lborn about 1927
MadsenMaggie L Dborn about 1906
MarrisReuben born about 1937
MarrisRobert born about 1935
MarrisRoy born about 1932
MarrisRuth born about 1908
McPhemenGeorge born about 1924
McPhemenGeorge Eborn about 1885
McPhemenLanristan Eborn about 1919
McPhemenLilian Iborn about 1890
MelliotEdna born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

Nathers??? Mborn about 1900
NathersEarl Jborn about 1894
NathersGloris Kborn about 1927
NathersRobert Aborn about 1918
NillsAmy Eborn about 1922
NillsChristane born about 1894
NillsEarl born about 1927
NillsFrank born about 1930
NillsMary Fborn about 1925

O Surnames

OlsonElisabeth born about 1914
OlsonGalen Aborn about 1913
OlsonGalen Rborn about 1932
OwenEffie born about 1893
OwenJohn Hborn about 1892

R Surnames

RichardsJohn born about 1923
RichardsJohn Pborn about 1893
RichardsVivian Vborn about 1892
RobertsAlice M Dborn about 1894
RobinsonAlfred Eborn about 1932
RobinsonDanold Wborn about 1930
RobinsonFrank Rborn about 1900
RobinsonGladys Gborn about 1904

S Surnames

SofkinsDella Aborn about 1892
SofkinsLouis Eborn about 1883
SofkinsMary Aborn about 1928
SofkinsVern Lborn about 1926
SperanceEzra Jborn about 1877

W Surnames

WatsonJacob Aborn about 1885
WeaverAlice Lborn about 1864
WeaverDale Lborn about 1927
WeaverDon Pborn about 1924
WeaverMary Bborn about 1929
WeaverMary Eborn about 1904
WeaverPaul born about 1896
WeaverScott born about 1862
WebberFloyd Eborn about 1910
WebberIda Aborn about 1881
WebberRobert Rborn about 1884
WeoverKurt Wborn about 1937
WeoverMarie Sborn about 1914
WeoverRita Rborn about 1935
WeoverRoy born about 1911
WeoverSandra Mborn about 1939
WissmanHerman born about 1897

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZwemerChester Lborn about 1924
ZwemerEtta Aborn about 1902
ZwemerJohn Dborn about 1896
ZwemerMary Aborn about 1939
ZwemerOpal Jborn about 1927
ZwemerVirgil Cborn about 1922

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