1940 U.S. Federal Census of Haynes, Goshen, Wyoming

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Wyoming > Goshen County > 1940 Census of Haynes

A SurnamesG SurnamesO Surnames
B SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
C SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesM Surnames

A Surnames

AlleBell born about 1883
AlleJeff born about 1894

B Surnames

BartonAlbert born about 1915
BartonBurley born about 1886
BartonGeorge born about 1925
BartonLee born about 1921
BartonSophy born about 1891
BorlandFred born about 1932
BorlandHazel born about 1929
BorlandLloyd born about 1893
BorlandMary Ellenborn about 1922
BorlandRaymond born about 1927
BorlandSamuel born about 1924
BorlandVernie born about 1895
BorlandVernie born about 1935
BrittenhamBonnie born about 1928
BrittenhamEllis born about 1908
BrittenhamGladys born about 1912
BrittenhamJammie born about 1931
BrittenhamLee born about 1936
BrittenhamMarilyn born about 1934
BrittenhamNorma born about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CamborEmin born about 1873
CordesAnna born about 1864
CordesHenry born about 1895
CordesWilliam born about 1889
CushattLois born about 1916

D Surnames

DarnellBessie born about 1899
DarnellGlenn born about 1897
DarnellHarold born about 1923
DarnellLloyd born about 1927
DarnellRobert born about 1930

F Surnames

FooteDavid born about 1897
FooteEdward born about 1924
FooteEmma born about 1900
FooteLeray born about 1927

G Surnames

GheenDoris born about 1919
GheenGlen born about 1909
GheenLouis born about 1936
GreenEmma Iborn about 1878
GreenJessie Tborn about 1876

H Surnames

HaynesElden born about 1915
HaynesThelma born about 1918
HaynesWilton born about 1937
HolmesElsie born about 1887
HolmesMartin born about 1884
Hubbard??? born about 1916
HubbardArthur born about 1873
HubbardClarence born about 1920
HubbardDale born about 1931
HubbardDeloris born about 1933
HubbardDonovan born about 1931
HubbardEdmund born about 1872
HubbardEthel born about 1907
HubbardGerald born about 1929
HubbardLottie born about 1923
HubbardMercedes born about 1877
HubbardOscar born about 1899
HubbardVernon born about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JohnsonGeorge Oborn about 1883

L Surnames

LivelyLutha born about 1911
LivelyMarvin born about 1936
LivelyRay born about 1908

M Surnames

McWhorterAlbert Iborn about 1885
McWhorterKate born about 1887
MilnesBillie born about 1926
MilnesChares born about 1887
MilnesEdwin born about 1916
MilnesEveret born about 1924
MilnesGertrude born about 1890
MilnesIzetta born about 1923
MilnesJack born about 1920
MilnesLa Vaughn born about 1928
MilnesRuth born about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

ObrienIrene born about 1932
ObrienJames born about 1927
OsbornBryce born about 1924
OsbornJoseph born about 1886
OsbornLodisa born about 1930
OsbornMannie born about 1887

P Surnames

PetersonFrank born about 1874
PiersonFern born about 1933
PiersonGeorge born about 1924
PiersonLula born about 1929
PiersonPaul born about 1927
PiersonVincent born about 1899
PiersonViolet born about 1906

S Surnames

SchisslerElizabeth born about 1909
SchisslerMrs John born about 1863
SchisslerThomas born about 1938
SchisslerWilliam born about 1894
SchisslerWm born about 1933
ShawElmer born about 1909
ShawMinnie born about 1879
ShawSam born about 1898
SmithCharles born about 1926
SmithEdith born about 1924
SmithHenrietta born about 1901
SmithHenry born about 1922
SmithJoyce born about 1901
StarkasIda born about 1885
StarkasJohn born about 1882
StarkasPaul born about 1890
SteedleyDorothy born about 1926
SteedleyFrancis born about 1928
SteedleyJames born about 1900
SteedleyKathryn born about 1932
SteedleyRobert born about 1924
SteedleyRuth born about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WalkerDwight Lborn about 1901
WalkerEster Dborn about 1903
WalkerFred Sborn about 1932
WalkerJene Lborn about 1929
WalkerMary Bellborn about 1871
WalkerMary Bellborn about 1925
WalkerRex Rborn about 1936
WardEdwin born about 1879
WirickEarl born about 1881
WirickLula born about 1891
WyattLee born about 1888

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