1940 U.S. Federal Census of Lovell, Big Horn, Wyoming

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Wyoming > Big Horn County > 1940 Census of Lovell

A SurnamesI SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
H SurnamesP SurnamesZ Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsClara born about 1871
AdamsRoy born about 1910
Adolf??? born about 1920
AdolfJake born about 1916
AdolfPatrica Galeborn about 1938
AdolphGottfried born about 1874
AdolphHenry born about 1918
AdolphJohn born about 1903
AgvilarJoe born about 1900
AgvilarJohny1 born about 1933
AgvilarLupe born about 1905
AgvilarMickey born about 1923
AlexanderJohn Fborn about 1886
AlexanderMargaret born about 1885
AllenAdeline born about 1896
AllphinArleen born about 1936
AllphinDoris born about 1921
AllphinElla born about 1888
AllphinElla Maeborn about 1925
AllphinFay born about 1930
AllphinGene born about 1927
AllphinGeorge born about 1906
AllphinGeorge Kborn about 1886
AllphinGrace born about 1894
AllphinGrace born about 1923
AllphinIrvin born about 1933
AllphinJoyce Kayborn about 1938
AllphinJune born about 1923
AllphinLena born about 1921
AllphinMarland born about 1929
AllphinMaude born about 1905
AllphinMckay born about 1919
AllphinMollie born about 1930
AllphinMyra born about 1887
AllphinMyra born about 1927
AllphinOwen Lborn about 1889
AllphinRueben born about 1888
AllphinViola born about 1908
AllphinVirgil born about 1920
AllredArleta born about 1931
AllredArvelka born about 1931
AllredAugus born about 1909
AllredBruce Pborn about 1934
AllredEdward Perryborn about 1939
AllredElen Pborn about 1901
AllredFloyd Lborn about 1907
AllredGlenden born about 1917
AllredLora born about 1938
AllredLyle born about 1920
AllredMarcella born about 1911
AllredRobert born about 1936
AllredRuth born about 1937
AllredWallace Pborn about 1936
AlmontAgnes born about 1910
AlmontDale born about 1936
AlmontDave born about 1900
AlmontJoe born about 1871
AlmontLois born about 1930
AlmontMerl born about 1929
AmesBernice born about 1914
AmesWilson born about 1914
AndersonClan Jborn about 1882
AndersonEdward Oborn about 1880
AndersonEldula born about 1919
AndersonLouis Eborn about 1923
AndersonMary born about 1854
AndersonSharon Gborn about 1939
AndersonWilliam born about 1915
AndersonWilma born about 1921
AndersonWoodrow Wborn about 1917
AndreBertha born about 1880
AndreJohn Bborn about 1882
AragonAnton Mborn about 1876
AragonRosie born about 1874
ArcherLewis born about 1936
ArcherLloyd born about 1939
ArcherLowell born about 1937
ArcherMary born about 1914
ArcherO Franklinborn about 1903
ArnoldusEdna born about 1916
ArnoldusRoy born about 1914
AsayAdebert born about 1882
AsayAlbert Bborn about 1910
AsayAlbert Bobborn about 1938
AsayAmanda born about 1878
AsayAnna Maeborn about 1929
AsayAnnie born about 1900
AsayArchie born about 1914
AsayArnold born about 1925
AsayBernice born about 1922
AsayBetty born about 1930
AsayBoise Eborn about 1919
AsayCalvin Bborn about 1927
AsayCarmon born about 1931
AsayCarnia born about 1923
AsayCarol Annborn about 1938
AsayCaroline born about 1892
AsayCynthia born about 1914
AsayDarrel Raeborn about 1932
AsayDelilah born about 1887
AsayDella Rborn about 1932
AsayDelpha born about 1925
AsayDiania born about 1939
AsayDonald born about 1930
AsayDonna Maeborn about 1932
AsayDoretta born about 1903
AsayDouglas born about 1932
AsayEarl Jborn about 1904
AsayElizabeth born about 1926
AsayErnest born about 1934
AsayEveyln born about 1904
AsayEvylin born about 1934
AsayGarry born about 1940
AsayGuenivere born about 1913
AsayGwenda born about 1939
AsayHattie born about 1870
AsayHazel born about 1908
AsayHelen born about 1925
AsayHoward born about 1936
AsayIrvin born about 1901
AsayIvan born about 1932
AsayJack born about 1902
AsayJack born about 1925
AsayJames born about 1895
AsayJames Eborn about 1911
AsayJerry born about 1936
AsayJoan born about 1932
AsayJoseph born about 1905
AsayKenneth born about 1899
AsayKenneth born about 1932
AsayKent born about 1938
AsayLaurence Dborn about 1932
AsayLegene born about 1908
AsayLenard born about 1881
AsayLeo born about 1892
AsayLeora born about 1934
AsayLola born about 1936
AsayLucy born about 1910
AsayLunoir born about 1926
AsayMabel born about 1897
AsayMargaret born about 1928
AsayMary Dborn about 1895
AsayMaurice born about 1922
AsayMerrill Bborn about 1922
AsayMyra born about 1871
AsayNicoline born about 1890
AsayNorma born about 1923
AsayOrvin born about 1919
AsayPersy Bborn about 1914
AsayReed born about 1906
AsayRichard born about 1929
AsayRita born about 1923
AsayRobert born about 1927
AsayRobert Aborn about 1930
AsayRodger born about 1937
AsayRupert Aborn about 1928
AsaySara Dborn about 1925
AsaySophronia born about 1879
AsayTed born about 1926
AsayTed born about 1938
AsayTom born about 1927
AsayVenice born about 1915
AsayVerda born about 1913
AsayVerner born about 1916
AsayVivin born about 1902
AsayZelda born about 1937
AsayZoe born about 1881
AsbellLilla born about 1875
AsbellStarling born about 1860
AshDonald Leeborn about 1927
AshFrancis born about 1903
AshLeona born about 1908
AshShirley born about 1930
AugustineElizabeth born about 1854
AverettBarbara Louborn about 1932
AverettBurnia born about 1920
AverettDonald born about 1929
AverettDonna Leaborn about 1938
AverettEffie born about 1928
AverettEmma Belleborn about 1921
AverettGeneva born about 1939
AverettGeorge Rborn about 1930
AverettGeorge Wborn about 1911
AverettGeorgiena born about 1908
AverettGlen born about 1900
AverettGlen Albertborn about 1933
AverettGolden Sborn about 1928
AverettHelen born about 1924
AverettIvan born about 1914
AverettJames Lborn about 1863
AverettKeith born about 1937
AverettL Georgeborn about 1894
AverettLaura born about 1877
AverettLaura born about 1908
AverettLeanor born about 1870
AverettLora Annborn about 1940
AverettMarelene born about 1937
AverettMinnie born about 1915
AverettMytl born about 1906
AverettStanley born about 1898
AverettThelma born about 1897
AverettTherril born about 1924
AverettThomas Zborn about 1935
AverettVicky Jeanborn about 1940
AverettWallace born about 1933
AverettWyona born about 1907

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BachmanJoseph born about 1909
BaechtoldCarl born about 1906
BaechtoldFredrick born about 1934
BaechtoldHelen born about 1937
BaechtoldMolly born about 1915
BaechtoldRalph born about 1938
BairdBertha Mborn about 1899
BairdWallace born about 1900
BaldwinClarabelle born about 1934
BaldwinErna Leeborn about 1932
BaldwinEverett born about 1931
BaldwinHarry Wborn about 1910
BaldwinJuanita born about 1933
BaldwinLester born about 1906
BaldwinMary born about 1911
BaldwinThora born about 1910
BaldwinThorada born about 1936
BassettChany Nborn about 1905
BassettClark born about 1933
BassettDave born about 1932
BassettDon born about 1933
BassettEldon born about 1928
BassettFocey born about 1908
BassettLa Von born about 1914
BassettLeah born about 1913
BassettLoa born about 1929
BassettMyrtle born about 1935
BassettPaul born about 1907
BassettShanlene born about 1939
BassettViva born about 1883
BeallCharles Eborn about 1883
BeallClaud born about 1908
BeallDeovoyne* born about 1937
BeallEffie born about 1884
BeallGoldie born about 1913
BeallHarold born about 1939
BeddesAmanda born about 1884
BeddesArthur born about 1910
BeddesAurelia born about 1913
BeddesBetty born about 1938
BeddesChester born about 1912
BeddesClarence born about 1939
BeddesCliff born about 1926
BeddesDonna born about 1928
BeddesFrank born about 1919
BeddesGolda born about 1917
BeddesHeber Bborn about 1877
BeddesJerry Elmerborn about 1940
BeddesLynn born about 1924
BeddesMartha born about 1922
BeddesMax born about 1940
BeddesVern born about 1912
BellBarbara born about 1929
BellEmma born about 1921
BellRobert Rborn about 1907
BelstonBob born about 1939
BelstonDon Wborn about 1934
BelstonEdna Maeborn about 1927
BelstonEugene born about 1926
BelstonHyla born about 1937
BelstonIreta born about 1929
BelstonLowell Eborn about 1901
BelstonLowell Wborn about 1935
BelstonVerda born about 1908
BinningAlice born about 1917
BinningRaymond Jborn about 1937
BinningWayne Rborn about 1904
BinningerMelvin Jborn about 1907
BinningerStella born about 1912
BirdCharles born about 1864
BischoffAnnie Sborn about 1874
BischoffBobby Raeborn about 1937
BischoffCaroline Sborn about 1878
BischoffDan born about 1936
BischoffDaniel Jborn about 1894
BischoffElaine born about 1935
BischoffEugene born about 1914
BischoffEugene born about 1934
BischoffGolden born about 1903
BischoffHelen born about 1914
BischoffHyrum Dborn about 1900
BischoffJack born about 1940
BischoffJoseph born about 1928
BischoffKay born about 1939
BischoffLoretta born about 1934
BischoffMabel Annborn about 1936
BischoffPauline born about 1913
BischoffRob born about 1913
BischoffRobert Jborn about 1870
BischoffRonald Jamesborn about 1939
BischoffSimone born about 1902
BischoffVirga born about 1902
BisherClark born about 1905
BisherJacob born about 1867
BissellBlanche born about 1898
BissellJohn Mborn about 1898
BisshoffGerry Leeborn about 1938
BisshoffKenneth born about 1939
BisshoffRoyol Jborn about 1914
BisshoffRuth born about 1916
BitlerFaye born about 1918
BlackCarmon born about 1909
BlackCarmon Rayborn about 1939
BlackJoseph Hborn about 1913
BlackJoseph Sr born about 1875
BlackMargaret born about 1920
BlackMinnie born about 1877
BlackPauline born about 1915
BlackRuth born about 1917
BlackbournAmoo born about 1922
BlackbournClain born about 1924
BlackbournJames born about 1893
BlackbournLa Nora born about 1935
BlackbournPeone born about 1929
BlackbournRhoebe born about 1899
BlackbournRinnie born about 1926
BlackburnDonald Aborn about 1933
BlackburnEdwin Aborn about 1936
BlackburnGladys born about 1905
BlackburnHyrum born about 1898
BlackburnHyrum Aborn about 1924
BlackburnKenneth Aborn about 1932
BlackburnMarjorie born about 1930
BlackburnWayne Aborn about 1926
BlakleyDuain born about 1938
BlakleyHoward born about 1938
BlakleyMargaret born about 1917
BlakleyRalph Hborn about 1916
BobbeArthur Wborn about 1878
BollempJoyce born about 1914
BookoutEletha born about 1905
BookoutJesse born about 1901
BookoutLouise born about 1927
BookoutMyma born about 1932
BookoutRaymond born about 1928
BookoutThelma born about 1933
BoothBertha Eborn about 1886
BoothBetty Jeanneborn about 1925
BoothDaisy born about 1881
BoothEdwin born about 1938
BoothFern born about 1909
BoothFrancis born about 1911
BoothFrank born about 1872
BoothHortense born about 1919
BossettAmanda Bborn about 1881
BossettAppleton Hborn about 1879
BossettBert born about 1923
BossettMona born about 1919
BowmanBertha born about 1893
BowmanLyle born about 1890
BowmanRobert born about 1921
BoxrudBernadine born about 1929
BoxrudIone born about 1922
BoxrudJulius born about 1884
BoyackArchie born about 1900
BoyackElnora born about 1925
BoyackHazel born about 1898
BoyackRobert born about 1929
BoyackVirginia born about 1927
BoyerAlice born about 1913
BoyerAugnettie born about 1876
BoyerCarl born about 1918
BoyerFranklin born about 1922
BrandenburgFred born about 1882
BrightBarbra born about 1906
BrightJohn born about 1901
BrownAurthur born about 1934
BrownAvery born about 1899
BrownBrownie born about 1918
BrownDelilah born about 1906
BrownDouglas born about 1940
BrownElizabeth born about 1918
BrownFlora Belleborn about 1931
BrownFrank Hborn about 1900
BrownGeorge born about 1894
BrownJ Frankborn about 1917
BrownJames Frankborn about 1939
BrownJay Welchborn about 1938
BrownJean born about 1925
BrownJoe Lborn about 1916
BrownLenora born about 1920
BrownMargaret born about 1920
BrownMax Cborn about 1928
BrownNaomi born about 1894
BrownNeal born about 1921
BrownRalph Hborn about 1904
BrownRobert born about 1911
BrownRobert Eugeneborn about 1939
BrownSharon Leeborn about 1939
BrownViolet born about 1913
BrownWayne born about 1939
BrownWya Jborn about 1920
BrowneViola Mborn about 1907
BruskFredrick born about 1939
BruskJane born about 1931
BruskOliver Pborn about 1910
BruskRuth born about 1911
BurdickAurthur born about 1933
BurdickFern born about 1913
BurdickFrank E Jrborn about 1910
BurkeDouglas Wborn about 1921
BurkeElla born about 1898
BurkeNoel Cborn about 1923
BurkeRonald Rborn about 1931
BurkeRufus born about 1893
BurkeTeddy Maxborn about 1938
BurkeViva Yvonneborn about 1928
BurnhamCarol born about 1882
BurnhamDelora born about 1921
BurnhamElmer born about 1915
BurnhamElva born about 1925
BurnhamLouis born about 1937
BurnhamWilmer born about 1919
BurnhamZella born about 1895
BurrellAnna Mansonborn about 1886
BurrellClark Alwardborn about 1909
BurrellDelbert born about 1911
BurrellMargaret born about 1917
BurrellSusan born about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CallGregory born about 1921
CallIra Eborn about 1899
CallLois born about 1899
CallMarie born about 1923
CallRuth born about 1938
CarbridgeDe Von born about 1930
CarbridgeDonna Maeborn about 1924
CarbridgeLorin born about 1905
CarbridgeThelma born about 1904
CardDorthy born about 1939
CardFay born about 1915
CardFloyd born about 1907
CardGeorge born about 1937
CarltonAnnie born about 1897
CarltonCarla born about 1928
CarltonHiram Cashborn about 1880
CarltonLila Maeborn about 1930
CarltonWilda Raeborn about 1932
CashCharles Tborn about 1890
CashHorace born about 1896
CashJackie born about 1936
CashMicky born about 1909
CashMollie Vborn about 1891
CaudillEleanore born about 1905
CaudillJames born about 1904
CaudillKenneth born about 1938
ChedisterRussell Robertborn about 1914
ChildersBarbara born about 1923
ChildersRuth born about 1894
ChildersSheldon born about 1894
ChroneyAndrew Mborn about 1888
ChroneyNancy born about 1885
ClagueMerrill born about 1906
ClagueRuby born about 1908
ClarkAnna born about 1879
ClarkAnna born about 1890
ClarkArthur born about 1919
ClarkClarence born about 1906
ClarkClaude Cborn about 1877
ClarkElizabeth Eborn about 1857
ClarkEran Aborn about 1913
ClarkJohn Eborn about 1926
ClarkJohn Wborn about 1884
ClarkViola born about 1924
ClarkWilber born about 1928
ClineEdythe born about 1912
ClineMack born about 1873
ClineMaude born about 1877
ClineMildred born about 1904
ClineRalph born about 1915
ClineShirley born about 1923
ClineThomas born about 1936
ClineVerlee born about 1932
ClineWilliam Madeborn about 1939
CockrellDewey born about 1899
CockrellEdna born about 1912
CockrellRoberts born about 1938
CockrellRonald born about 1940
CollingwoodChester Eborn about 1903
CollingwoodKathleen born about 1929
CollingwoodLe Roy born about 1935
CollingwoodMamie born about 1910
CollingwoodNorma born about 1933
ColvinJessica born about 1908
ColvinMyrla born about 1937
ColvinReed born about 1906
ConnellyJack born about 1878
CooperMarie Aborn about 1923
CooperTom born about 1891
CopelandFrank born about 1927
CopelandGeorge born about 1876
CopelandSara Janeborn about 1883
CopelandWanna born about 1925
CotnerLena born about 1869
CowlesBest Fborn about 1873
CowlesLottie born about 1882
CoxAda Eborn about 1883
CoxArchie born about 1939
CoxArland born about 1908
CoxBasil Hborn about 1910
CoxBernice born about 1910
CoxBurt born about 1907
CoxFernon Wborn about 1917
CoxOrton Lborn about 1875
CravensOrmon born about 1871
CrawfordBernard Aborn about 1919
CrawfordDes Annborn about 1940
CrawfordHazel born about 1921
CribbsIda Lborn about 1892
CribbsJune Pborn about 1928
CribbsSampson Aborn about 1887
CrilbsEdith born about 1895
CrilbsLoren Aborn about 1893
CroftAnn born about 1940
CroftBeth born about 1913
CroftEdward Mborn about 1937
CroftHelen Bborn about 1873
CroftJo Annborn about 1932
CroftKathaleen born about 1935
CroftReginald Bborn about 1913
CroftRoma born about 1912
CroftWinfield Scottborn about 1910
CurtisArchie Vborn about 1928
CurtisCarolile Vborn about 1932
CurtisColleen born about 1932
CurtisHarold Eborn about 1925
CurtisMark Rborn about 1886
CurtisMary Mborn about 1891
CurtisThora born about 1923
CutlerGoe Vivianborn about 1933
CutlerGuy Vborn about 1894
CutlerMary born about 1895
CutlerRalph East??born about 1928
CuttlerCarlos Pborn about 1911
CuttlerElaine born about 1927
CuttlerEmma Jborn about 1886
CuttlerGrant born about 1923
CuttlerReid born about 1918
CuttlerRoy Jborn about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DallaceCurtis born about 1901
DallaceCurtis born about 1929
DallaceEarl born about 1930
DallaceOlive born about 1909
DamerBetty born about 1872
DamerPeter born about 1872
DavisA Aborn about 1891
DavisBert born about 1915
DavisDelila born about 1904
DavisFred born about 1918
DavisJack born about 1924
DavisLucile born about 1926
DavisRobert Eugeneborn about 1939
DavisRuby born about 1927
DavisViola born about 1921
DayLindsay Lborn about 1899
DayVera Maeborn about 1908
DeartonClarence Edgarborn about 1879
DelavanFred Wborn about 1907
DelavanThelma born about 1914
DelvalleDaniel Millsborn about 1915
DelvalleMirian Elizabethborn about 1915
DempseyAnn Lborn about 1891
DempseyEugene born about 1930
DempseyFrancis Jborn about 1886
DempseyMadaline born about 1926
DempseyPatricia born about 1923
DempseyRobert born about 1927
DespainBeth born about 1924
DespainDaphine born about 1903
DespainDwight Sborn about 1927
DespainFaith born about 1936
DespainHarold Sborn about 1933
DespainIval born about 1939
DespainJoseph born about 1908
DespainLovell Eborn about 1921
DespainMelvin born about 1937
DespainRichard Sborn about 1929
DespainRussell born about 1916
DespainTrilma born about 1914
DespainVerna born about 1935
DicksonBarbara born about 1940
DicksonDora Veeborn about 1939
DicksonGeneva born about 1914
DicksonGeneva Bettyborn about 1938
DicksonJoseph born about 1911
DicksonMargaret born about 1912
DicksonWilliam born about 1914
DillonBetty Louborn about 1928
DillonClive born about 1935
DillonHorace Tborn about 1895
DillonHorace Jr born about 1923
DillonLula born about 1895
DillonWarren born about 1924
DimeoffBoris born about 1911
DimeoffJoseph born about 1882
Doerr??? born about 1934
DoerrAlbert born about 1922
DoerrAlbert born about 1924
DoerrAlvin born about 1924
DoerrBeverly born about 1937
DoerrDorthy born about 1897
DoerrEdwin born about 1934
DoerrElnora born about 1927
DoerrEstella born about 1900
DoerrFreida born about 1924
DoerrGerald born about 1922
DoerrIrene born about 1924
DoerrJohn born about 1896
DoerrJohn born about 1916
DoerrLavin born about 1889
DoerrLena born about 1900
DoerrLynn born about 1918
DoerrMinnie born about 1920
DoerrNorman born about 1920
DoerrRichard born about 1928
DoerrRobert born about 1925
DonDon born about 1932
DonFern born about 1934
DonMarvin born about 1935
DonViva born about 1914
DoneyClyde born about 1900
DoneyJacqueline born about 1926
DoneyLillian born about 1898
DoneyLillian Pborn about 1934
DoneyRonald Mborn about 1938
DoneySamuel Fborn about 1872
DoneySamuel Franklinborn about 1930
DoneySherrill born about 1928
DouglasByron Kborn about 1908
DouglasJean born about 1939
DouglasMary born about 1918
DoverGeorge Mborn about 1883
DoverGeorge Mborn about 1911
DoverIlene born about 1917
DoverJames Donaldborn about 1931
DoverMary Jeanborn about 1928
DoverNorma born about 1895
DoverNorma Ireneborn about 1923
DoverNorman Dborn about 1921
DoverRichard Errolborn about 1939
DowisHarriett born about 1892
DowisMary Kathrynborn about 1922
DowisRaymond Wborn about 1882
DowisRaymond Wborn about 1918
DrosteElmer born about 1910
DumperAnna born about 1921
DumperDonald born about 1882
DumperMary born about 1924
DunnawayBeth Jeanitaborn about 1928
DunnawayCharles Nephiborn about 1887
DunnawayCharles Nephiborn about 1924
DunnawayHyrum Sborn about 1922
DunnawayZitelle Hborn about 1887
DurfeeAfton born about 1927
DurfeeAnder born about 1920
DurfeeCharles Aborn about 1887
DurfeeEugene born about 1880
DurfeeEva born about 1923
DurfeeGlady born about 1917
DurfeeMina born about 1924
DurfeeMyrtle born about 1919
DurfeeRilda born about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EarlGeneiveive born about 1929
EarlJoseph born about 1903
EarlJoyce born about 1933
EarlLowell born about 1931
EarlMinnette born about 1903
EarlPhyllis born about 1928
EarlRomola born about 1927
EastmanCalvin born about 1936
EastmanColeen born about 1938
EastmanFay born about 1916
EastmanRonald born about 1935
EatonAnn born about 1922
EatonDave born about 1912
EatonDoris Fayborn about 1939
EckermanMartha born about 1922
EckersonCharles Haroldborn about 1902
EganBernard born about 1872
EgbertAurelia born about 1917
EgbertKreal born about 1891
EgbertPhil De Marborn about 1940
EgbertRomona Dborn about 1933
EgbertSamuel born about 1891
ElmerEvylin born about 1924
EmmetBeatrice born about 1910
EmmetBeatrice born about 1928
EmmetDewey Dborn about 1930
EmmetDewey Tborn about 1903
EmmetDonna Louborn about 1933
EmmettArlene born about 1933
EmmettBetty Louborn about 1931
EmmettElwood Pborn about 1928
EmmettEva born about 1900
EmmettForest born about 1910
EmmettGladys born about 1900
EmmettGloria born about 1929
EmmettGorman born about 1938
EmmettHerman Addieborn about 1902
EmmettLillian born about 1906
EmmettMinnie born about 1915
EmmettNina born about 1932
EmmettNorald Sborn about 1930
EmmettPaul Oborn about 1894
EmmettShirley Maeborn about 1930
EmmettVeda born about 1914
EnesCarrie born about 1897
EnesGlen Wborn about 1916
EnesJames born about 1888
EnesJuanita born about 1915
EnesLaraine born about 1922
EnesMargaret born about 1919
EnglishBlanche born about 1901
EnglishPhoebe born about 1904
EricksonLeon born about 1938
EricksonNelda born about 1909
EricksonRalph born about 1908
EricksonSherry born about 1936
EsterholtMirian Rborn about 1940
EsterholtVelma Rborn about 1906
EsterholtVern born about 1902
EstroMargarete born about 1917
EvertDon Edwinborn about 1923
EvertEdwin Jborn about 1883
EvertJohn born about 1856
EvertMatilda born about 1857
EvertTheressa born about 1892

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FackerelHarvey born about 1863
FarnAnna born about 1895
FarnBurr born about 1891
FarnErmon born about 1919
FarnesAbbert born about 1868
FarnesAmanda born about 1915
FarnesDola born about 1910
FarnesEllen born about 1878
FarnesHerbert born about 1906
FeltClyde born about 1907
FillerupAlbert born about 1878
FillerupEdward born about 1926
FillerupFrances born about 1921
FillerupGrace born about 1888
FillerupJam born about 1939
FillerupJoseph born about 1923
FillerupLeland born about 1928
FillerupLoraine born about 1913
FillerupLoraine born about 1935
FillerupLuella born about 1936
FillerupMarvon Lborn about 1908
FillerupMay born about 1937
FillerupMelvin born about 1925
FillerupRaymond born about 1932
FillerupSybil born about 1917
FinkAlex born about 1911
FinkAmelia born about 1902
FinkBetty Annborn about 1931
FinkBillie born about 1936
FinkEdna born about 1934
FinkElla born about 1917
FinkElnora born about 1925
FinkHelen born about 1910
FinkHenry born about 1878
FinkJerry born about 1932
FinkJoan Louiseborn about 1937
FinkKarl Jr born about 1905
FinkLizzie born about 1891
FinkMinnie born about 1922
FinkSophie born about 1909
FinkWilliam born about 1908
FinkWilliam Fborn about 1921
FodiilrentoVealbrand born about 1869
FooteBarbara Joborn about 1936
FooteJohn Prilborn about 1938
FooteNellie born about 1907
FootePril born about 1907
FordBee born about 1921
FordEmanuel born about 1919
FordSheila Kayborn about 1940
FoughtDorthy born about 1913
FoughtJames Pborn about 1937
FoughtJohn Aborn about 1907
FoughtJohn Jr born about 1934
FoxRobert Tborn about 1916
FoxZona born about 1915
FramptonEllen born about 1921
FramptonGerald born about 1918
FranzoniAlva born about 1915
FranzoniAnnella born about 1909
FranzoniFranz born about 1910
FranzoniHarry born about 1901
FranzoniHarry Jr born about 1933
FranzoniHarvey born about 1934
FranzoniLea Pelerborn about 1936
FranzoniOscar born about 1868
FranzoniRosalie born about 1938
FreiaRalph born about 1907
FreiaSigrid born about 1902
FreiaSigrid born about 1934
FreiaSonye born about 1930
FrostBonnell born about 1924
FrostDavid born about 1930
FrostElizabeth born about 1927
FrostJack born about 1933
FrostJames born about 1926
FrostJeannette born about 1897
FurtonyJohn B Dborn about 1913
FurtonyLola born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GibhardtFlorence born about 1926
GibhardtRuth born about 1921
GibhardtSam born about 1927
GibhardtSophia born about 1901
GilbertHelen Mborn about 1898
GilbertHenry Gborn about 1894
GilbertHenry G Jrborn about 1920
GilbertJohn Robertborn about 1922
GlebeBess born about 1907
GlobsteadNellie born about 1915
GodpeyAlice born about 1893
GodpeyEdith Maeborn about 1929
GodpeyEugene Oshoborn about 1920
GolleyBryant born about 1895
GolleyEleanor born about 1925
GolleyElsie born about 1905
GolleyGerald born about 1924
GolleyOrlean born about 1927
GolleyRobert born about 1938
GoodrichBruce born about 1932
GoodrichDonna Leeborn about 1929
GoodrichEldora born about 1900
GoodrichGarry born about 1934
GoodrichGrant born about 1931
GoodrichJosephine born about 1936
GoodrichPorter born about 1893
GoodrichVernal born about 1927
GoodwinBweler born about 1907
GoodwinStella born about 1909
GorbuttBetty Colleenborn about 1927
GorbuttBruce Mborn about 1929
GorbuttMartha Anaborn about 1897
GorbuttMearl born about 1890
GorbuttMerry Annborn about 1940
GorbuttNewton Blakeborn about 1931
GorbuttRichard Eborn about 1924
GrahamAlthea born about 1936
GrahamChristinia Mborn about 1914
GrahamEd Kirt Paulborn about 1939
GrahamElda Maeborn about 1937
GrahamGeorge Walterborn about 1934
GrahamKirtland born about 1913
GrantElizabeth born about 1929
GrantFay born about 1926
GrantIrene born about 1918
GrantMarie born about 1939
GrantNellie born about 1881
GrantNolan born about 1909
GrantRuth born about 1924
GrantTeddy Maxborn about 1936
GrayVivian born about 1909
GrayWayne Rborn about 1898
GreenCarol born about 1938
GreenClara born about 1886
GreenElva born about 1910
GreenEva born about 1917
GreenForest born about 1908
GreenGeraldine born about 1939
GreenJo Annborn about 1936
GreenJohn Aborn about 1886
GreenLenard Dborn about 1937
GreenPatricia born about 1936
GreenT Gborn about 1917
GreenwoodEarl Wborn about 1915
GreenwoodVelma Hborn about 1909
GriffithClella born about 1898
GriffithPaul Rborn about 1922
GriffithRussell born about 1891
GriffithWilliam Deanborn about 1918
GroftCarol born about 1939
GroftElma Jborn about 1904
GroftHelen born about 1927
GroftJean born about 1925
GroftLynne born about 1940
GroftMary born about 1929
GroftRichard Jborn about 1933
GroftThomas Bborn about 1902
GroningerElizabeth born about 1912
GroningerPaul Sborn about 1910
GrubbAlfonso Wborn about 1904
GrubbDora born about 1910
GuinnFreda born about 1922
GuinnLawrence born about 1922
GuinnMargaret born about 1937
GuinnUna born about 1897
GutiernzPatrick born about 1919
GutiernzPorfinio born about 1886
GutiernzPorfirio born about 1935
GutiernzRefjija born about 1914
GutiernzTeresa born about 1922
GwynAbner Lynnborn about 1937
GwynCallis Cborn about 1927
GwynGeorge Bborn about 1874
GwynHarry born about 1896
GwynHarry Lynnborn about 1939
GwynIola born about 1911
GwynJohn Williamborn about 1938
GwynMargaret born about 1899
GwynMargaret Annborn about 1933
GwynSharron born about 1935
GwynWeltha born about 1905
GwynWoodruff Cborn about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HaagEdward born about 1916
HaefeleJoseph born about 1902
HagdenFrancis born about 1901
HagdenKathrine Sborn about 1903
HaggenAurthur born about 1930
HaggenEdward born about 1927
HaggenElenor born about 1931
HaggenGilbert born about 1932
HaggenGrant born about 1939
HaggenHannah born about 1928
HaggenHans born about 1886
HaggenNellie born about 1900
HaggenNellie Maeborn about 1925
HallAlberta born about 1883
HallEverett born about 1901
HallHarold born about 1931
HallMattie born about 1902
HallWilliam Ediwnborn about 1877
HalliwellElizabeth born about 1901
HalliwellElizabeth Louiseborn about 1927
HalliwellMargaret Annborn about 1935
HalliwellRobert born about 1897
HalliwellRobert born about 1932
HanErnest Jr born about 1918
HanKay Elizabethborn about 1940
HanMildred born about 1918
HansenAlma Hborn about 1907
HansenEdward born about 1933
HansenEzra Eborn about 1903
HansenHoward born about 1939
HansenJewel born about 1907
HansenRobert born about 1931
HansenRuby born about 1908
HarbertDonald born about 1927
HarbertEileen born about 1921
HarbertNoma born about 1901
HarbertTed born about 1897
HarbertVirginia born about 1923
HarmonCholoe born about 1907
HarmonHelma born about 1919
HarmonJoseph born about 1904
HarmonMurray Aborn about 1939
HarmonMyma born about 1937
HarmonRalph Elmoborn about 1936
HarmonSam born about 1910
HarmonWillard born about 1934
HarpCharles born about 1918
HarpHattie born about 1916
HarrisDean born about 1937
HarrisDianne born about 1937
HarrisDonald born about 1907
HarrisEdna born about 1898
HarrisElmer Litteceborn about 1918
HarrisEvelyn born about 1911
HarrisKeith born about 1924
HarrisMinnie born about 1899
HarrisWadene born about 1929
HausenAlyleen born about 1932
HausenBudd born about 1929
HausenDon Wayneborn about 1927
HausenGorden born about 1939
HausenJean born about 1937
HausenLoran born about 1910
HausenMarilyn born about 1934
HausenReva born about 1908
HausenRonald born about 1934
HausenSharon born about 1936
HausenVera born about 1910
HausenVivin born about 1905
HayesFrank born about 1893
HendersonFlorence born about 1907
HendersonJean born about 1930
HendersonJeanne born about 1938
HetlandClair born about 1922
HetlandEdward born about 1899
HettigerJacob born about 1909
HettigerJerry Jeanborn about 1938
HettigerRichard Allenborn about 1936
HettigerRose Marieborn about 1939
HettigerSophia born about 1916
HeywoodGladys born about 1899
HeywoodJames O Jrborn about 1924
HeywoodJames Oscarborn about 1886
HeywoodJohn Lborn about 1922
HeywoodLessie Lillianborn about 1926
HileBertha born about 1894
HileHeber born about 1913
HileMarion born about 1915
HileWard Cborn about 1892
HillEugene born about 1915
HinkleBarbara born about 1930
HinkleHarold Irvinborn about 1900
HinkleJosephine born about 1928
HinkleLillian born about 1905
HinklePhylis born about 1926
HinkleRobert Haroldborn about 1937
HoffmanArlene born about 1936
HoffmanBenjamin born about 1891
HoffmanCecil born about 1938
HoffmanCharles born about 1910
HoffmanGordon born about 1928
HoffmanHenry born about 1917
HoffmanMary born about 1917
HoffmanNorman Fborn about 1880
HoffmanNorman Jr born about 1921
HoffmanPaul born about 1940
HolcombGeorge born about 1891
HolcombOpal born about 1919
HolzerDiana born about 1937
HolzerDiania born about 1937
HolzerEmma born about 1923
HolzerHelen born about 1916
HolzerHelen born about 1916
HolzerJohn born about 1916
HolzerJohn born about 1916
HolzerMary born about 1918
HolzerMary Eborn about 1880
HolzerWilliam born about 1920
HopkinsKate born about 1857
HopkinsLouise born about 1886
HopkinsRobert Charlesborn about 1921
HopkinsWilliam Charlesborn about 1885
HorisGloria Leeborn about 1931
HorisWilliam born about 1936
HorisWilliam Fborn about 1912
HorisWilma born about 1914
HormanRalph Elmaborn about 1931
HorsleyArthur Williamborn about 1925
HorsleyEdward born about 1929
HorsleyGlenn born about 1898
HorsleyHelen born about 1927
HorsleyJerome born about 1931
HorsleyWilliam Wborn about 1897
HovisEva Annborn about 1881
HovisHarriett born about 1920
HovisJ Dale Jrborn about 1935
HovisJames born about 1880
HovisJames Daleborn about 1906
HovisRobert born about 1938
HovisRuby born about 1906
HubbellGrant born about 1913
HubbellLouise born about 1915
HubbellRex born about 1938
HughesLillian born about 1895
HughesRichard born about 1885
HuntingtonBurton Eborn about 1930
HuntingtonEdward Oborn about 1900
HuntingtonFrancine Cborn about 1908
HuntingtonJeanne Marieborn about 1933
HymasLe Ree born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IrwinArneva born about 1920
IrwinEdith Cborn about 1940
IrwinHarley born about 1919

J Surnames

JacksonHoward Eborn about 1883
JansenHugo Gborn about 1896
JansenJacqueline born about 1932
JansenJessie born about 1907
JansenPatricia born about 1929
JensenEldrid born about 1923
JensenJens Christianborn about 1884
JensenKate born about 1889
JensenMabel Edithborn about 1880
JensenPete born about 1888
JimmerfieldNelson born about 1861
JohnsonAlva born about 1924
JohnsonAlvin born about 1881
JohnsonAlvin Kayborn about 1938
JohnsonAlvin Jr born about 1937
JohnsonAnna born about 1913
JohnsonAnnella born about 1932
JohnsonAnthea born about 1928
JohnsonAnthony born about 1880
JohnsonArtie Jborn about 1901
JohnsonBruce born about 1907
JohnsonCalvin born about 1930
JohnsonCarma born about 1913
JohnsonCora born about 1913
JohnsonDarr born about 1911
JohnsonDarwin born about 1936
JohnsonDelbert born about 1921
JohnsonDonald born about 1931
JohnsonEdith born about 1886
JohnsonEdith born about 1898
JohnsonEdward born about 1925
JohnsonEdwin Bborn about 1900
JohnsonEdwin Iborn about 1939
JohnsonEl Donnaborn about 1932
JohnsonElma born about 1909
JohnsonEvelyn born about 1914
JohnsonFrancis Jborn about 1924
JohnsonGeorge born about 1922
JohnsonGeorge Nborn about 1890
JohnsonGerald born about 1934
JohnsonGerald Johnborn about 1913
JohnsonGoulding born about 1912
JohnsonHarold born about 1912
JohnsonHilton born about 1907
JohnsonHorace born about 1927
JohnsonHyrum born about 1894
JohnsonHyrum Jr born about 1925
JohnsonJack born about 1936
JohnsonJames born about 1935
JohnsonJames Aborn about 1936
JohnsonJohn Edwinborn about 1933
JohnsonJohn Wborn about 1913
JohnsonJoyce born about 1934
JohnsonJulie Annborn about 1939
JohnsonLaurence born about 1934
JohnsonLinda born about 1939
JohnsonLois born about 1939
JohnsonLouis born about 1939
JohnsonLouise born about 1909
JohnsonMadaline born about 1906
JohnsonMargaret Annborn about 1937
JohnsonMarthane born about 1922
JohnsonMarvin born about 1920
JohnsonMetta born about 1867
JohnsonMildred born about 1936
JohnsonMyma born about 1923
JohnsonPearl born about 1914
JohnsonRalph born about 1933
JohnsonRalph born about 1939
JohnsonRobert born about 1911
JohnsonRobert Eborn about 1940
JohnsonRussell Wborn about 1933
JohnsonSamuel born about 1893
JohnsonSofe born about 1902
JohnsonSterling born about 1898
JohnsonSusie born about 1900
JohnsonSusie Nellborn about 1933
JohnsonVelda Leeborn about 1933
JohnsonWanda born about 1910
JohnsonWanda Leeborn about 1940
JohnsonWinnifred born about 1915
JolleyBarbara born about 1938
JolleyCarol Annborn about 1935
JolleyDeanna Sborn about 1938
JolleyDilworth born about 1909
JolleyEllen Hborn about 1872
JolleyGertrude born about 1913
JolleyHaskell born about 1933
JolleyHoward born about 1903
JolleyJeana born about 1903
JolleyLoren born about 1922
JolleyLucilla born about 1902
JolleyMa Litaborn about 1872
JolleyMerrill Aborn about 1899
JolleyMilton Mborn about 1872
JolleyOlive born about 1870
JonesArnold born about 1916
JonesArnold Edwardborn about 1937
JonesBarbra born about 1924
JonesCleo born about 1928
JonesDonavan born about 1928
JonesEleanora born about 1898
JonesFrancis Owenborn about 1896
JonesHarriett born about 1937
JonesJohn Richardborn about 1933
JonesKate born about 1899
JonesKathaleen Nborn about 1923
JonesLeotta born about 1926
JonesMarjorie born about 1916
JonesMax born about 1926
JonesMilton born about 1926
JonesNorma born about 1923
JonesOrin born about 1895
JonesRobert born about 1930
JonesRobert Allenborn about 1939
JonesRuby born about 1931
JonesSusie born about 1895
JonesTed born about 1921
JonesWoodford born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KarelArnold born about 1924
KarelBeatta born about 1921
KarelJacob born about 1901
KarelRosie born about 1900
KarpptieAnna born about 1919
KarpptieKenneth born about 1920
KastrinHelen born about 1916
KastrinKathryn born about 1896
KastrinRobert born about 1893
KeeleFred born about 1917
KeeleIma born about 1936
KeeleLeona born about 1920
KeeleNorman born about 1938
KeilAnna Maeborn about 1927
KeilHenry Georgeborn about 1894
KeilMollie born about 1896
KeilRacheal born about 1921
KeilRichard born about 1936
KeilWalter born about 1918
KeleherAda born about 1878
KeleherAda Bethborn about 1939
KeleherDan born about 1891
KeleherDella Maeborn about 1902
KeleherJulia born about 1886
KeleherMartin Paulborn about 1897
KellerArleen born about 1934
KellerElla born about 1910
KellerHomer born about 1910
KellerLovel born about 1932
KelleyCharline born about 1923
KelleyFlorence born about 1900
KelleyThelma born about 1911
KelleyThomas Hborn about 1898
KelleyWesley born about 1923
KelleyWilliam born about 1889
KellyThomas born about 1864
KellyVirgilia born about 1880
KerwenWalter Fborn about 1905
KilianNettie born about 1886
KilianOscar born about 1884
KingCarl born about 1913
KingCarol born about 1939
KingGussie born about 1913
KingKay born about 1937
KingPauline born about 1934
KingRaymond born about 1933
KirchnerJohn born about 1916
KirchnerMary born about 1918
KirkCharles ???born about 1898
KirkpatrickWalter Gborn about 1884
KocherhausAurthur born about 1928
KocherhausClarence born about 1933
KocherhausGwen born about 1917
KocherhausHenry born about 1920
KocherhausJohn Hborn about 1876
KocherhausJoy born about 1911
KocherhausKaren born about 1939
KocherhausLeo born about 1922
KocherhausPhillip born about 1935
KocherhausRenee born about 1930
KocherhausRex born about 1927
KocherhausRupert born about 1906
KocherhausVerona born about 1910
KootnzFrances born about 1896
KootnzMarion born about 1930
KootnzWilliam born about 1875
KruegerCarl born about 1904
KruegerDennis Cborn about 1937
KruegerMonica born about 1911
KuxhouseAnn born about 1910
KuxhouseBruce born about 1938
KuxhouseCarol born about 1935
KuxhouseFred born about 1905
KysarBert Wborn about 1908
KysarChristine born about 1913
KysarThomas born about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LabonteElizabeth A Mborn about 1911
LabonteJoseph Ralphborn about 1893
LafleicheJerry born about 1939
LafleicheJimmie born about 1934
LafleicheMaurine born about 1911
LafleicheZener born about 1902
LafleicheZener born about 1932
LaingBetty Jeanborn about 1925
LaingBillie born about 1917
LaingClifford born about 1931
LaingDagney born about 1916
LaingDorthy born about 1920
LaingFred born about 1922
LaingJohn Aborn about 1895
LaingJohn Fborn about 1914
LaingJoyce born about 1933
LaingJulie Annborn about 1939
LaingKeith born about 1934
LaingMabel born about 1923
LaingMargaret born about 1895
LaingVerna born about 1929
LambersonDorthy born about 1909
LambersonRobert born about 1936
LambersonTed born about 1909
LambersonTedine born about 1933
LangolfGeneva born about 1916
LangolfJohn born about 1912
LangolfMaurean born about 1935
LangolfPauline born about 1937
LannAlbert born about 1935
LannBanard born about 1902
LannMary born about 1911
LarsonClifford born about 1903
LarsonJames born about 1933
LarsonLouise born about 1907
LarsonMartin born about 1874
LarsonNannetta born about 1930
LaudMiriam born about 1876
LaudWilliam Eborn about 1885
LeachJames Rborn about 1884
LeachMyrtle born about 1890
LeeCarl born about 1888
LeitheadJohn born about 1880
LejeneLee born about 1886
LeslieHarry born about 1912
LeslieHazel born about 1912
LewisJanet Elizabethborn about 1939
LewisMiriam born about 1910
LewisNorman born about 1908
LewisRuth Miriamborn about 1935
LillardFrank Earlborn about 1884
LillardKenneth born about 1924
LillardSadie born about 1897
LillywhiteJohn Dborn about 1912
LindsayDonald born about 1939
LindsayDorcus born about 1931
LindsayDorthy born about 1933
LindsayEdith born about 1877
LindsayEdwin Le Royborn about 1906
LindsayGeralda born about 1904
LindsayGlen born about 1911
LindsayGracie born about 1937
LindsayHazel born about 1913
LindsayJeanne Eborn about 1932
LindsayLe Roy born about 1930
LindsayLora Dellborn about 1936
LindsayNaomi born about 1916
LindsayRonald born about 1935
LindsayTheron born about 1914
LindsayTressa born about 1929
LindsayWarren born about 1875
LockLeo born about 1923
LockTom born about 1887
LockTresa born about 1896
LongfellowAlva Eborn about 1892
LongfellowDuane born about 1929
LongfellowLula Eborn about 1896
LongfellowRodney born about 1924
LongfellowVeta Maeborn about 1923
LongshoreClark Eborn about 1895
LongshoreMabel Iborn about 1894
LowryFred born about 1882
LowryJohn Perslingborn about 1919
LowryMaud born about 1882
LuskBetty Louborn about 1927
LuskMargaret born about 1908
LuskPaul born about 1930
LuskWallace born about 1901
LylesDeva born about 1916
LynnBarton born about 1934
LynnBobby born about 1928
LynnClea born about 1905
LynnDale born about 1939
LynnEdward born about 1924
LynnEldon born about 1904
LynnElizabeth born about 1919
LynnGerald born about 1916
LynnHarold born about 1910
LynnHulda born about 1892
LynnIris born about 1919
LynnIrvin born about 1900
LynnJo Annborn about 1935
LynnJulia born about 1880
LynnLa Priele born about 1904
LynnLamar born about 1914
LynnLawrence Wborn about 1917
LynnLenard born about 1879
LynnLeo Eborn about 1909
LynnLizzie born about 1888
LynnLoreta born about 1938
LynnMarjorie born about 1930
LynnMelwin born about 1910
LynnNina born about 1918
LynnOla born about 1911
LynnOrin born about 1895
LynnOrlean born about 1934
LynnOrvel born about 1890
LynnPaula born about 1939
LynnRichard Brownborn about 1939
LynnRose Marieborn about 1934
LynnRuby born about 1914
LynnRuby Leeborn about 1936
LynnSam born about 1885
LynnSue Carolborn about 1937
LynnTerrence Lamaborn about 1939
LynnVerna Veeborn about 1930
LynnWiltha born about 1906
LynnZula born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MackeyAlbert Jborn about 1887
MangusAgnes born about 1898
MangusClarence Rborn about 1912
MangusDoris born about 1925
MangusDoyle born about 1939
MangusGarnet Rborn about 1938
MangusHazel born about 1923
MangusHenry born about 1920
MangusJake born about 1886
MangusJewel Marieborn about 1938
MangusJoseph Fborn about 1936
MangusKenneth Rborn about 1934
MangusLe Roy born about 1931
MangusLeola born about 1916
MangusLoueta born about 1926
MangusMae born about 1923
MangusMary born about 1893
MangusMilinda born about 1866
MangusRoy born about 1897
MangusSandra born about 1940
MangusShirley Rborn about 1935
MangusSidra born about 1940
MangusWallace born about 1939
MangusWilda born about 1927
MarchantAustin Cborn about 1912
MarchantErnest Wborn about 1885
MarchantHelen born about 1894
MarchantJanice born about 1935
MarchantJohn Aborn about 1936
MarchantLouise born about 1911
MarchantRodger born about 1934
MarchantWard Dborn about 1938
MathewsAlice Eborn about 1913
MaugisGladys born about 1914
MaugisHerbert born about 1911
MaugisHerbert Johnborn about 1938
MaulBeverly Annborn about 1938
MaulEmma born about 1918
MaulMary born about 1939
MaulPete born about 1914
MaulRobert Evylenborn about 1937
MayAllen born about 1904
MayBernice born about 1926
MayJude born about 1860
MayLucy born about 1936
MayRichard born about 1929
MayRose born about 1859
MayStella born about 1907
Mayland??? born about 1902
MaylandDorthy born about 1931
MaylandHenry born about 1896
MaylandLilian born about 1924
MaylandMargaret born about 1929
McAurtherAmy born about 1922
McAurtherCholoe born about 1899
McAurtherHilma born about 1920
McAurtherIdella born about 1926
McAurtherJay born about 1928
McAurtherLola Jeanborn about 1932
McCaffeyGeorge Dborn about 1899
McCaffeyJoye born about 1931
McCaffeyMarilyn born about 1934
McCaffeyZela born about 1908
McCaslinHiram Thomasborn about 1908
McDemoreJala Kborn about 1920
McDemoreTura born about 1880
McDonaldAndrew born about 1890
McDowellElaine born about 1918
McDowellFredolene born about 1917
McGeePrice Wborn about 1915
McGheeJames Wborn about 1878
McGheeMinnie born about 1920
McGheeRoy born about 1912
McLenoreDelight born about 1919
McLenoreHarvey born about 1912
McLenoreJoseph Cborn about 1884
McLenoreViola born about 1882
McManusAnn born about 1917
McManusJames Lenardborn about 1935
McManusLawrence Edwinborn about 1937
McQuinKatherine born about 1916
McQuinRalph born about 1914
MeehanDorthy born about 1937
MeehanLois born about 1906
MeehanRobert born about 1900
MeekerBarnar Sborn about 1875
MeekerBetty Annborn about 1937
MeekerClorus born about 1903
MeekerEarl Sydneyborn about 1924
MeekerLawrence Sborn about 1934
MeekerRobert Sborn about 1939
MeekerSteve born about 1902
MeekerSteve Jr born about 1923
MeekerWesley Birdborn about 1929
MeeksEdward born about 1903
MeeksEmma Luborn about 1909
MeeksGrant born about 1925
MeeksHazel born about 1933
MerrillArthur born about 1885
MerrillMaggie born about 1873
MichelEmile born about 1887
MichelMartha born about 1889
MichelsonBarbara Jeanneborn about 1938
MichelsonEdward born about 1910
MichelsonElma born about 1919
MichelsonFrank born about 1918
MichelsonFrankalene born about 1940
MichelsonGenevive born about 1922
MichelsonHazel born about 1912
MichelsonJ Edwardborn about 1881
MichelsonJoseph Edwardborn about 1939
MichelsonJulia born about 1890
MilamLe Roy born about 1907
MilamVirginia born about 1910
MillerCorney born about 1937
MillerFred born about 1912
MillerGeorgia born about 1892
MillerMyrna born about 1938
MillerRobert Mborn about 1889
MillerRuth born about 1917
MillsRobert Yorkborn about 1929
MitchellDaniel born about 1905
MoncurAlphons born about 1894
MoncurBilly born about 1933
MoncurBruce Davidborn about 1937
MoncurDale born about 1923
MoncurEvelyn born about 1928
MoncurJune born about 1931
MoncurKent born about 1939
MoncurLanny born about 1935
MoncurLla Prielborn about 1897
MoncurMae born about 1913
MoncurMarjorie born about 1925
MoncurMarvin born about 1912
MoncurMyrna Beaborn about 1933
MoncurVernon Nborn about 1910
MonroeAliean born about 1931
MonroeClaude born about 1904
MonroeGeorge Cborn about 1929
MonroeJane born about 1933
MonroeSara born about 1912
MontteEdith born about 1913
MontteHarold born about 1909
MontteJo Donneborn about 1937
MoodyBernetta born about 1918
MoodyRonald born about 1935
MoodyWayman born about 1915
MooneyAlice born about 1870
MooneyJohn born about 1902
MooreDora Elsieborn about 1912
MooreDorthy Maeborn about 1934
MooreEdward Aborn about 1907
MooreHarvey Earlborn about 1937
MooreJames Abbertborn about 1936
MooreJames Wborn about 1867
MooreJohn born about 1872
MooreMabel born about 1912
MooreMargaret born about 1914
MooreMary Ellenborn about 1872
MooreWilliam Hborn about 1911
MorganFerrell Boydborn about 1899
MorrellEunice born about 1911
MorrellImogene born about 1932
MorrellSylvia born about 1937
MorrellThomas Brianborn about 1904
MorrisonBeverley born about 1939
MorrisonClarence born about 1912
MorrisonCleopatra born about 1909
MorrisonFrancis Eborn about 1910
MorrisonFrancis Eranborn about 1935
MorrisonLouisa born about 1915
MorrisonRonald Michelsonborn about 1937
MorrowRobert B Srborn about 1862
MortensenHorace born about 1906
MortensenKay born about 1938
MortensenLucile born about 1907
MortensenMadge born about 1932
MortensenMeriane born about 1933
MortensenReva born about 1937
MyersGlenna born about 1905
MyersGordon Garryborn about 1939
MyersWard born about 1903

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NashDonald born about 1917
NegroArdella born about 1909
NegroCarol Myrtleborn about 1934
NegroCharles Cborn about 1906
NegroCharles Robertborn about 1930
NegroDonald Rayborn about 1939
NegroDonna Maeborn about 1939
NeilsonChristion Eborn about 1873
NeilsonElla born about 1875
NeilsonLoran born about 1905
NelsonFrances born about 1913
NelsonJesse born about 1913
NelsonJohn born about 1905
NewkirkAudy born about 1869
NewkirkCharles born about 1902
NewkirkCora born about 1872
NewkirkSadie born about 1876
NewmanAnna born about 1864
NewtonLawrence Robersonborn about 1906
NichollsBillie Joyceborn about 1930
NichollsClyde born about 1906
NichollsDicie Leeborn about 1938
NichollsEdna born about 1910
NichollsEdwin born about 1935
NichollsGeorge born about 1927
NichollsGilmer born about 1910
NichollsJannice born about 1933
NichollsJulia born about 1905
NichollsJune born about 1917
NichollsMelba born about 1925
NichollsOpal born about 1905
NichollsWilliam born about 1901
NickollsCh??? born about 1880
NickollsCharles Hborn about 1876
NillsonJerry Ashborn about 1932
NillsonViola Ashborn about 1912
NoeCharlotte born about 1921
NoeFaith Elaineborn about 1939
NoePearl born about 1918
NortonJean born about 1915
NortonJo Annborn about 1938
NortonJohn born about 1912
NortonJohn Deanborn about 1940
NortonVivian born about 1919
NygaardCarl born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OatmanElla born about 1885
OatmanEnos born about 1872
OatmanWilliam Jborn about 1910
OelschlaegerQuinta born about 1905
OlaughlinWilliam Aborn about 1907
OlsenAagard born about 1909
OlsenAdell born about 1927
OlsenBessie born about 1900
OlsenDarwin born about 1931
OlsenDonald born about 1906
OlsenDonna La Varborn about 1929
OlsenEarl born about 1925
OlsenErnest born about 1922
OlsenFrank born about 1934
OlsenFred born about 1938
OlsenGlen born about 1939
OlsenGorden Marchantborn about 1932
OlsenHaden Olafborn about 1914
OlsenHarry born about 1904
OlsenHelen born about 1919
OlsenJack born about 1930
OlsenJames born about 1933
OlsenJeannette born about 1910
OlsenJudith born about 1937
OlsenKarin born about 1929
OlsenLa Vera Jeanborn about 1931
OlsenLa Von born about 1909
OlsenLouise born about 1887
OlsenMay born about 1903
OlsenOle born about 1899
OlsenPhlyis Carleneborn about 1936
OlsenRandall born about 1901
OlsenRobbin Hughborn about 1936
OlsenRobert Louisborn about 1926
OlsenRodney born about 1929
OlsenRonald Keithborn about 1933
OlsenRuth Claireborn about 1937
OlsenSylvia born about 1909
OlsenVilate born about 1891
OlsenWard born about 1930
OlsenWilma born about 1934
OlsonAlbert born about 1878
OlsonHilda born about 1875
OlsonMyrtle born about 1913
OlsonRena born about 1878
OlsonVictor born about 1900
OrrWilliam born about 1857
OstlerBert born about 1917
OstlerBetty born about 1918
OstlerDeanna born about 1939
OstlerEugene Fborn about 1918
OstlerHoward born about 1915
OstlerMargaret born about 1921
OstlerMelvia born about 1894
OstlerMildred Eborn about 1918
OstlerRonald Wborn about 1939
OstlerW Marjorieborn about 1923
OviattEra born about 1917
OviattHerman born about 1912
OviattVatia born about 1939
OwenKatie born about 1886

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PackardBillie born about 1940
PackardIvan born about 1906
PackardRiley born about 1936
PackardTennessee born about 1901
ParksAnna born about 1911
ParksChristopher Cborn about 1909
ParksDale born about 1929
ParksKay born about 1934
ParksPreston born about 1906
ParksPreston Jr born about 1928
PartridgeBessie born about 1917
PartridgeMarda Roseborn about 1923
PattonBeulah born about 1890
PattonKenneth born about 1928
PattonRaymond born about 1925
PearsonDavid born about 1926
PearsonJack born about 1920
PearsonMildred born about 1889
PearsonNellie Cborn about 1866
PearsonWallace born about 1889
PeteroAugust born about 1900
PeteroAugust Jr born about 1926
PeteroHennrietta born about 1906
PeteroMildred Jeanborn about 1931
PiretArmond born about 1896
PiretJean Marieborn about 1925
PiretRaymond born about 1919
PiretYvonne born about 1900
PorterDela born about 1918
PorterDon born about 1931
PorterDorthy Annborn about 1940
PorterJames Mborn about 1913
PorterMaggie born about 1873
PorterVilmer born about 1908
PottonPatsy born about 1939
PottonRalph born about 1933
PottonRobert born about 1935
PottonVilla born about 1916
PottonWillard born about 1911
PoulsonIrvia born about 1912
PoulsonWendell born about 1910
PowellC Williamborn about 1923
PowellDonna born about 1929
PowellLila Mayborn about 1890
PowellRaymond born about 1926
PowelsonBertrand born about 1910
PowelsonGeorgia born about 1912
PowelsonGeorgia Kayborn about 1938
PowelsonPauline born about 1934
PresleyGeorge Rborn about 1878
PrestonJack born about 1934
PrestonJames Wborn about 1894
PrestonViva Annborn about 1895
PrestonWilliam Eborn about 1927
PriceAlice born about 1921
PriceGordon Le Royborn about 1922
PriceNella born about 1916
PriceRay born about 1903
PrydeAlice born about 1895
PrydeFrancis born about 1914
PrydeRobert born about 1930
PrydeRoberta born about 1923
PrydeWilma born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RadamacherBeatrice born about 1912
RadamacherMaurice born about 1911
RadamacherMonty born about 1933
RadamacherRichard born about 1936
RandallEliza born about 1873
RandallFloetta born about 1917
RandallJohn born about 1871
RandallLee born about 1914
RandallLoretta born about 1937
RandallRex born about 1940
RappAlbert born about 1924
RappCarl born about 1920
RappKathrine born about 1884
RawskillEllen born about 1865
RawskillHarry Wborn about 1864
ReaschChasta born about 1900
ReaschFrank born about 1899
ReaschFrank born about 1924
ReaschJerry born about 1935
ReaschPhil born about 1927
ReaschRex born about 1933
ReedAffa born about 1924
ReedLeo Lborn about 1922
ReedVirgil Fayborn about 1895
ReedWinnie Belleborn about 1897
ReidCarrie born about 1900
ReidGeorge Cborn about 1884
RhoadesGilbert born about 1913
RhoadesJoe Allenborn about 1938
RhoadesMary born about 1914
RhoadesSammy Jeneborn about 1939
RibyElsie Marieborn about 1917
RichardsWilma born about 1914
RichardsonEleanor born about 1919
RichardsonFenwick Pborn about 1894
RichardsonHarry Bborn about 1871
RichardsonJesse Fborn about 1871
RichardsonJohn Wborn about 1920
RichardsonOlive Cborn about 1885
RichardsonRobert Cborn about 1921
RichardsonRobert Eborn about 1881
RichardsonVivian born about 1890
RichesonFlorence born about 1917
RinconMiguel born about 1875
RobertsonAmyie born about 1934
RobertsonArleen born about 1932
RobertsonBeck born about 1898
RobertsonClinton born about 1938
RobertsonCyrus born about 1881
RobertsonDale born about 1927
RobertsonDelsa born about 1916
RobertsonDicky born about 1938
RobertsonElla born about 1906
RobertsonFlorence born about 1883
RobertsonFlorence Fborn about 1899
RobertsonGlen born about 1909
RobertsonIzetta born about 1904
RobertsonJesse born about 1914
RobertsonLa Verne born about 1926
RobertsonLeona Beeborn about 1934
RobertsonLucy born about 1922
RobertsonMary born about 1928
RobertsonMckiuzie* born about 1897
RobertsonOlen born about 1924
RobertsonPearl Bborn about 1889
RobertsonPhillip Wellsborn about 1935
RobertsonPreston born about 1901
RobertsonSnell born about 1910
RobertsonTarrol born about 1916
RobertsonTeddy Maxborn about 1923
RodgerDonald born about 1918
RodgerElma born about 1921
RossBessie born about 1898
RossCarrie born about 1881
RossCurtis Hborn about 1924
RossDavid Wborn about 1886
RossFred Cborn about 1897
RossKenneth Cborn about 1925
RossLeah born about 1933
RossNelie Pborn about 1899
RossRoy Oborn about 1928
RossWilliam Lborn about 1875
RossWilliam Lborn about 1922
RoundsDelsa born about 1912
RoundsDon Wayneborn about 1934
RoundsHarold born about 1913
RuffDane born about 1869
RuffKatie born about 1871
RukavinaMargaret born about 1918
RyunEdna born about 1911
RyunLewis born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SadlerGage Rborn about 1904
SadlerJohn born about 1934
SadlerMarie born about 1907
SandersDarell born about 1935
SandersEsther born about 1911
SandersHoward born about 1939
SandersMarjorie born about 1933
SandersMaryen born about 1936
SandersVirgil born about 1910
SatterleeDan Josephborn about 1898
SawyerLevi born about 1898
SawyerRita born about 1904
SaylorEffie born about 1914
SaylorFrank born about 1902
SaylorThomas born about 1940
SchaeferEthel born about 1906
SchaeferFred born about 1902
SchaeferGeorge born about 1929
SchaeferHenry born about 1937
SchaeferJohn born about 1935
SchaeferMaxine born about 1926
SchaeferPhillip born about 1931
SchaeferWilliam born about 1933
SchalkRobert born about 1895
SchallerCharles born about 1914
SchallerDove born about 1935
SchallerTommy born about 1914
ScheelerFrank born about 1920
ScheelerJosephine born about 1922
SchewermanAllen Leeborn about 1938
SchewermanMaude born about 1911
SchewermanVernon born about 1912
SchmidtClarence Johnborn about 1922
SchmidtDaniel born about 1906
SchmidtDavid born about 1893
SchmidtEdna born about 1913
SchmidtEmil born about 1918
SchmidtFrank Jamesborn about 1903
SchneiderAlexander born about 1921
SchneiderAndrew born about 1902
SchneiderEra Mborn about 1888
SchneiderEttis born about 1920
SchneiderLucy Lucileborn about 1939
SchneiderMarvin Leeborn about 1938
SchneiderMollie born about 1916
SchneiderRhienhold born about 1922
SchniederElizabeth born about 1888
SchniederJohn Bborn about 1878
SchrieberDean born about 1940
SchrieberGarry born about 1937
SchrieberHarriett born about 1914
SchrieberPaul Pborn about 1913
SchrieberRoy born about 1936
SeibertA Wborn about 1884
SeibertFrieda born about 1891
SeilstadAnn born about 1935
SeilstadPhrone born about 1905
SeilstadWilliam Hborn about 1903
SeilstadWilliam Hborn about 1929
SessionAllen Rborn about 1936
SessionEthel born about 1910
SessionLa Verne born about 1931
SessionRichard Wborn about 1933
SessionThurman born about 1910
SessionsAgnes born about 1879
SessionsDe Wayne born about 1935
SessionsEvelynne born about 1918
SessionsGerald born about 1934
SessionsGladys born about 1918
SessionsHelen born about 1914
SessionsLyle born about 1939
SessionsMerlin born about 1916
SessionsMonroe born about 1907
SessionsNewel born about 1924
SessionsRomona born about 1933
SessionsScott born about 1937
SessionsScott Hborn about 1877
SessionsSherry Marieborn about 1940
SessionsThaerol born about 1913
ShallmanGuy born about 1918
ShallmanJimmie born about 1922
ShawMaxine born about 1918
ShawNaomi born about 1898
ShawWilliard born about 1895
SheldonAnn born about 1936
SheldonClarence born about 1912
SheldonGarry born about 1935
SheldonLawrence Eborn about 1912
SheldonNaida born about 1913
SheldonOpal born about 1915
SherwinHallie born about 1874
ShippBettie Marvinborn about 1939
ShippNita born about 1923
ShoemakerAlice Eborn about 1913
ShoemakerClaude born about 1911
ShoemakerDicky Maeborn about 1933
ShoemakerDonna Raeborn about 1936
ShoemakerLeslie Eborn about 1912
ShoemakerLucile born about 1910
ShowalterFern born about 1885
ShowalterJacqlene Dborn about 1936
ShowalterLee born about 1927
ShowalterRodney born about 1931
ShowalterVictor born about 1870
ShowatterDee Aborn about 1902
ShowatterPernella born about 1914
ShowatterTed Aborn about 1939
ShulteAlfred born about 1913
ShulteAlfred Johnborn about 1936
ShulteAnthony Carlborn about 1937
ShulteKathrine born about 1915
Shummay??? Haeborn about 1931
ShummayAnnie born about 1913
ShummayB Hayborn about 1905
ShummayBilly Jeanborn about 1930
ShummayBoots Cborn about 1937
ShummayCelia born about 1904
ShummayEvelyn born about 1924
ShummayFrances Lborn about 1900
ShummayIda born about 1902
ShummayLoa born about 1923
ShummayPhyllis born about 1936
ShummayWilliam Jborn about 1895
SiefertMartin Fredborn about 1920
SigmanDale born about 1936
SigmanDarrel born about 1933
SigmanElouise born about 1935
SigmanFern born about 1911
SigmanGeorge born about 1906
SigmanGeorgia born about 1931
SigmundsonJames born about 1902
SigmundsonJohn born about 1899
SigwingDelbert born about 1890
SigwingLesley born about 1893
SikesLynn born about 1906
SikesMarie born about 1914
SimplerHelen born about 1928
SimplerJack born about 1927
SimplerMildred born about 1903
SimplerRobert born about 1929
SimplerSylvia born about 1934
SimplerWilliam born about 1918
SimplerWilliam Bborn about 1886
SimpsonCharles born about 1913
SimpsonDorthea born about 1914
SimsAnn Louiseborn about 1935
SimsEva born about 1905
SimsGraham Deanborn about 1930
SimsMarion Dborn about 1934
SimsPerry Deanborn about 1893
SkaggsGrace born about 1911
SkaggsJerry born about 1937
SkaggsPatricia born about 1933
SkaggsW Hborn about 1910
SmithDarwin born about 1910
SmithEdward Tborn about 1905
SmithOra Maeborn about 1912
SnellingEarl Wborn about 1896
SnellingHarriett born about 1907
SnellingMarilyn Annborn about 1935
SnellingWilliam Earlborn about 1932
SnyderBessie born about 1887
SnyderF Aborn about 1872
SnyderFred born about 1924
SnyderJohn born about 1892
SnyderLaura Eborn about 1868
SnyderMildred born about 1904
SonnersFrank Oborn about 1901
SonnersHelen born about 1906
SonnersLucille born about 1925
SonnersMarjorie born about 1927
SonnersRaymond born about 1923
SonnersShirley born about 1924
SoperFred born about 1906
SornsenAlice born about 1918
SornsenBarbara Aliceborn about 1938
SornsenEarl Cborn about 1912
SornsenHarold Eborn about 1912
SornsenHarold Eugeneborn about 1936
SornsenKeith Bartlettborn about 1939
SpomerArlene born about 1935
SpomerGeorge born about 1908
SpomerKatherine born about 1909
SpomerLydia born about 1937
SpomerRueben born about 1933
SpraggAnnabelle born about 1919
SpraggCharles Eborn about 1915
SpraggDale Wborn about 1916
SpraggRobert Lborn about 1938
SpraggWayne Eborn about 1939
StahleGlenna born about 1939
StahleRalph Jborn about 1911
StahleVeonea born about 1919
StaterFrank Leeborn about 1939
StaterGene born about 1901
StaterSue born about 1907
SteinwayCharles Bborn about 1864
StemerAnna Ireneborn about 1939
StemerRosalie born about 1922
StemerWayne born about 1918
SternerCleveland born about 1885
StevartBoyd born about 1863
StevartLauretta Iborn about 1867
StevensJeane Marieborn about 1933
StevensMarie born about 1902
StevensTheodore born about 1900
StevensThomas born about 1936
StewartBelle born about 1909
StewartByard born about 1894
StewartDora Janeborn about 1933
StewartEmma born about 1886
StewartGuy born about 1901
StewartGuy Richardborn about 1939
StewartJeannette born about 1908
StewartRalph Eborn about 1906
StewartRalph E Jrborn about 1929
StewartRobert Weeksborn about 1930
StewartSharlene Eborn about 1935
StienbrinkEarl born about 1919
StokesEdith born about 1905
StokesPaul born about 1907
StoneElla born about 1882
StoneEverett born about 1880
StoneJesse born about 1909
StrahamLenard born about 1865
StrahamPrentiss born about 1924
StrattonElla Josephineborn about 1884
StrattonLa Von born about 1905
StrattonOliver Edwinborn about 1882
StromDonald Raymondborn about 1914
StubbsKeith born about 1914
StubbsRoss Aborn about 1913
StuckertJacueline Lborn about 1931
StuppingJohn born about 1911
SwiftMarquerite born about 1901
SwiftMartha Annborn about 1920
SwiftRichard Sborn about 1922
SwiftSherman Aborn about 1893

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorCecil Cborn about 1906
TaylorDavid born about 1896
TaylorDiana born about 1936
TaylorEdna born about 1915
TaylorHarvey born about 1912
TaylorViva Vborn about 1894
TemplemanGlen born about 1912
TemplemanHilda born about 1911
TemplemanLinda born about 1939
ThatchAlice born about 1905
ThatchBill born about 1928
ThatchJack born about 1932
ThatchLester born about 1895
ThatchLeta born about 1891
ThatchRoy born about 1898
ThayerOllie Marieborn about 1919
ThielDoris Bborn about 1912
ThieleClara born about 1888
ThierryCharles Eborn about 1888
ThierryElizabeth born about 1896
ThierryElizabeth Annborn about 1926
ThomasAnn born about 1938
ThomasEmanuel born about 1867
ThomasHelen born about 1910
ThomasMary born about 1869
ThomasMary Merleborn about 1939
ThomasReid born about 1909
ThompsonDee Wardborn about 1913
ThompsonEleanora born about 1904
ThompsonGeorge Mborn about 1887
ThompsonRichard Jborn about 1874
ThompsonRose born about 1889
ThompsonThomas born about 1921
ThortonBetty born about 1936
ThortonBillie born about 1934
ThortonDonna Maeborn about 1940
ThortonMary born about 1916
ThortonMckenzie born about 1906
ThortonRichard born about 1940
ThreetBuelah born about 1906
ThreetConway born about 1927
ThreetLorena born about 1909
ThreetMarlene born about 1934
ThreetMary Ellenborn about 1939
ThreetOllie Bborn about 1885
ThreetSterling born about 1890
TippettsAnn Iva Iborn about 1917
TippettsDella born about 1891
TippettsJack Wborn about 1939
TippettsRay Vborn about 1886
TippettsRoy born about 1926
ToddAnn born about 1917
ToddWilliam Thomasborn about 1915
TolmanBerniece born about 1900
TolmanCharles born about 1919
TolmanEffie born about 1893
TolmanEldon born about 1921
TolmanGeoge Lborn about 1875
TolmanKay born about 1929
TolmanMary born about 1924
TolmanRobert born about 1922
TolmanWilliam born about 1898
TooleDonna Marieborn about 1924
TooleMargaret Ellenborn about 1931
TooleOrlan born about 1897
TooleSara born about 1902
TooteAnnetta born about 1926
TooteCora born about 1906
TooteDale born about 1931
TooteLovinia born about 1883
TooteMarjorie born about 1920
TooteMarlene born about 1938
TooteMorral born about 1904
TooteViola born about 1927
TooteWilliam born about 1881
TorpsonDaniel born about 1915
TorpsonHinna born about 1872
TorpsonTorlief born about 1919
TowlerDonald Clydeborn about 1930
TowlerFelma born about 1903
TowlerGeorge Clydeborn about 1899
TowlerGeorge Lamanborn about 1935
TrumbullClaud born about 1910
TrumbullDean born about 1939
TrumbullElnora born about 1937
TrumbullLa Rena born about 1915
TuckerFlorence born about 1934
TuckerKaren born about 1935
TuckerKieth born about 1908
TuckerPearl born about 1913
TuckermanEddie Jborn about 1900
TuckermanMildred born about 1902
TullerFanny Jeanborn about 1929
TullerIreta born about 1912
TullerJohn Tborn about 1902
TullerJohn Williamborn about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UngefugElizabeth born about 1905
UngefugElsie born about 1925
UngefugFred born about 1902
UrwinAdell born about 1920
UrwinBeverly born about 1937
UrwinEdward born about 1914
UrwinJanet born about 1939

V Surnames

VanbuskirkBarbra born about 1930
VanbuskirkGladys born about 1906
VanbuskirkLoyd born about 1902
VandammeEugene born about 1884
VandammeJosephine born about 1886
VaneppsJohn born about 1908
VaterlausAlveean born about 1920
VaterlausMadge born about 1910
VaterlausShirley Fayborn about 1937
VaterlausWarren born about 1908
VelasquezAgustine born about 1909
VelasquezAurora born about 1937
VelasquezCiprina born about 1918
VelasquezErlinda born about 1914
VelasquezFlorinda born about 1916
VelasquezFlorinda Gborn about 1940
VelasquezFrank born about 1907
VelasquezJesse born about 1922
VelasquezJoseph born about 1910
VelasquezJovita born about 1930
VelasquezLupe born about 1924
VelasquezOspicca born about 1887
VelasquezSimon Jr born about 1920
VelasquezSinon Gborn about 1939
VerleastteB Williamborn about 1921
VerleastteBessie born about 1904
VerleastteEdward born about 1912
Vicano??? born about 1935
VicanoAlfonzo born about 1931
VicanoJunion born about 1938
VicanoMike born about 1934
VirnigJoseph born about 1912
VirnigLouis born about 1866
VirnigMargaret born about 1873
VoglerTheodore Williamborn about 1914
VoiceHorace Pborn about 1911
VoiceSedatha Pborn about 1880
VoylesAlvin Keithborn about 1939
VoylesCarol Janeborn about 1939
VoylesCaroline born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WagnerAlbert born about 1925
WagnerCarrol born about 1940
WagnerCaryl born about 1940
WagnerDonald born about 1925
WagnerElvina born about 1903
WagnerEmil born about 1889
WagnerEtta born about 1896
WagnerFritz born about 1912
WagnerHarold born about 1927
WagnerHarvey born about 1929
WagnerJanice born about 1937
WagnerJohn born about 1895
WagnerKarl born about 1911
WagnerLizzie born about 1874
WagnerLuella born about 1918
WagnerLydia born about 1914
WagnerMarie born about 1937
WagnerMinnette born about 1870
WagnerRichard born about 1926
WagnerRuby born about 1931
WagnerThomas born about 1935
WagnerWilliam born about 1913
Walker??? born about 1900
WalkerAlvin Rborn about 1896
WalkerBerdette born about 1892
WalkerBetty born about 1876
WalkerFredrick Mborn about 1908
WalkerGrant Mborn about 1937
WalkerLarry Pborn about 1928
WalkerNellie born about 1894
WalkerRuth born about 1931
WalkerThelma born about 1910
WaltonCharles Ayridborn about 1872
WarenLeta born about 1897
WasmuthAmelia born about 1890
WasmuthCarl born about 1889
WasmuthElizabeth born about 1921
WatersGerald Louisborn about 1934
WatersNaomi born about 1915
WatinsGerry Lewisborn about 1934
WatsonDale born about 1925
WatsonDorthy born about 1892
WatsonErnest born about 1918
WatsonEsther born about 1931
WatsonEugene Ardenborn about 1938
WatsonHelen born about 1924
WatsonJoan born about 1940
WatsonMargretta born about 1914
WatsonOrden Eugeneborn about 1915
WatsonRichard born about 1923
WatsonThomas Rborn about 1889
WatsonVelma born about 1929
WattsCarl Lindenborn about 1939
WattsCharles Bborn about 1906
WattsEarl Victorborn about 1931
WattsEdith Annborn about 1934
WattsElla born about 1909
WattsEmma born about 1906
WattsIda Eborn about 1883
WattsParley born about 1910
WattsRichard Allenborn about 1937
WattsVeda Maeborn about 1932
WeberCharles Jborn about 1875
WeberIoan born about 1907
WeberLuella born about 1882
WeirDonald Fborn about 1883
WeirJohn born about 1924
WeirKatherine born about 1886
WeirRobert Eborn about 1922
WelchBessie born about 1925
WelchClara born about 1890
WelchJames born about 1928
WelchJohn Jborn about 1886
WestFay born about 1920
WestMarlo born about 1919
WheelerJacob born about 1874
WheelerJean born about 1921
WheelerOlive born about 1881
WheelerVerna born about 1923
WhetstoneLawrence born about 1914
WhetstoneMinerva born about 1883
WhiteClaudeen born about 1937
WhiteInes born about 1912
WhiteJoseph born about 1940
WhiteRobert Laneborn about 1938
WilcockAlma born about 1902
WilcockAlyeen born about 1923
WilcockBarbara born about 1936
WilcockFrank born about 1940
WilcockGerald born about 1929
WilcockHelen born about 1906
WilcockOrvil born about 1903
WilcockPeggy Joanborn about 1932
WilcockRobert born about 1935
WilcockRussell born about 1925
WildeDelores born about 1930
WildeDennis born about 1936
WildeEverett born about 1902
WildeMarie born about 1905
WildeRanee born about 1928
Wilder??? Geniaborn about 1911
WilderBilly born about 1927
WilderCecil born about 1928
WilderDonna born about 1929
WilderElizabeth Aborn about 1869
WilderRalph born about 1926
WilderThomas Bborn about 1898
WilkersonDaman Jborn about 1911
WilkersonFrank born about 1927
WilkersonFred born about 1927
WilkersonGene born about 1922
WilkersonGladys born about 1897
WilkersonHelen born about 1924
WilkersonLevi Wborn about 1869
WilkersonLucy born about 1928
WilkersonMary Janeborn about 1930
WilkersonRalph born about 1896
WilkersonRalph born about 1933
WilkersonRuby born about 1910
WilkersonVera born about 1917
WilsonAndrew born about 1920
WilsonAnnie born about 1890
WilsonBetty Jeanborn about 1922
WilsonCharles born about 1920
WilsonHelen born about 1922
WilsonJohn born about 1918
WilsonMary Maudborn about 1925
WilsonMyrtle born about 1919
WinterhollerAlfred born about 1921
WinterhollerAlvina born about 1902
WinterhollerAlwena born about 1898
WinterhollerBert born about 1925
WinterhollerBill born about 1898
WinterhollerCarl born about 1902
WinterhollerChristina born about 1920
WinterhollerElizabeth born about 1898
WinterhollerFreddy born about 1928
WinterhollerHenry born about 1919
WinterhollerMarie born about 1876
WinterhollerPhilip born about 1917
WinterhollerRebecca born about 1919
WinterhollerSlyvia born about 1929
WinterhollerThelma born about 1922
WinterhollerVictor born about 1924
WinterhollerVirginia born about 1920
WitteElnora born about 1903
WitteHerbert born about 1897
WitteHerbert Leeborn about 1930
WoodDonald born about 1927
WoodElain born about 1929
WoodFenton born about 1922
WoodFrancis born about 1896
WoodVoilet born about 1902
WoodsHelen born about 1915
WoodsJamesion born about 1911
WoolstrumJessie born about 1888
WoolstrumJohn born about 1913
WoolstrumWalter Tborn about 1885
WoolstrumWillis born about 1916
WorkmanClaud Deeborn about 1937
WorkmanClaude born about 1900
WorkmanCornelius born about 1925
WorkmanDallan born about 1934
WorkmanEva Louborn about 1932
WorkmanHyrum born about 1905
WorkmanLorenzo born about 1898
WorkmanLydia born about 1876
WorkmanMartha born about 1902
WorkmanMondell born about 1933
WorkmanPreston born about 1926
WorkmanTrulan born about 1929
WorkmanVinetta born about 1924
WyckoffEileen Vborn about 1932
WyckoffHoward born about 1908
WyckoffKenneth Hborn about 1936
WyckoffLeanora born about 1905
WyckoffMaggie born about 1893
WyckoffWillis born about 1898

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YostJohn born about 1865

Z Surnames

ZellerClarence born about 1925
ZellerDonald born about 1931
ZellerElma born about 1936
ZellerElmer born about 1900
ZellerIrvin born about 1927
ZellerLouise born about 1940
ZellerMarion born about 1934
ZellerPhoebe born about 1913
ZellerRiley born about 1938
ZellerWilliam born about 1897
ZindelBeverly born about 1940
ZindelIvel born about 1890
ZindelRhoda born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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