1940 U.S. Federal Census of Marbleton, Sublette, Wyoming

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Wyoming > Sublette County > 1940 Census of Marbleton

B SurnamesH SurnamesM Surnames
D SurnamesJ SurnamesN Surnames
G SurnamesL SurnamesW Surnames

B Surnames

BuddCharles Philipborn about 1874

D Surnames

DavisIdona Ruthborn about 1934
DavisJessie Francisborn about 1907

G Surnames

GordonBernie born about 1899
GordonLon Randolphborn about 1889
GordonLon Randolph Jrborn about 1928
GordonLouise Aliceborn about 1925
GordonRichard Franklinborn about 1932
GordonRonald Deanborn about 1935

H Surnames

HolversonBertha Violaborn about 1910

J Surnames

JonesMinnie Mildredborn about 1916
JonesOrmiston born about 1898

L Surnames

LewisBarbara Hopeborn about 1939
LewisDelbert Eborn about 1927
LewisDella Pearlborn about 1908
LewisEdna Fayborn about 1933
LewisEdward Aborn about 1902
LewisQuerida Ellenborn about 1938
LewisRoderick Duaneborn about 1931
LewisTheodore Aborn about 1929

M Surnames

MannDorothy Jeanborn about 1935
MannGloria born about 1917
MannJames Stanleyborn about 1933
MannLloyd Frankborn about 1911

N Surnames

NeedhamClarence Emmitborn about 1927
NeedhamMay Violaborn about 1930
NeilsonAdelia Janevaborn about 1918
NeilsonElmer Oleborn about 1916
NeilsonHarold Edwardsborn about 1939
NeilsonLillian Maudborn about 1896
NeilsonMartin Franklinborn about 1934
NeilsonOle Peterborn about 1890
NeilsonPeter Christainborn about 1922
NeilsonSarah Arenborn about 1930
NeilsonWalter Clarenceborn about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WalkerBetty Jeanborn about 1933
WalkerCharles Elmerborn about 1934
WalkerEvelyn born about 1915
WalkerGlan Williamborn about 1902
WalkerJames born about 1910
WalkerJames Danielborn about 1935
WalkerLucy Ednaborn about 1875
WalkerMary Louiseborn about 1937

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