1940 U.S. Federal Census of Ozaye, Weston, Wyoming

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Wyoming > Weston County > 1940 Census of Ozaye

A SurnamesH SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AbernathyDally born about 1897
AbernathyWalter Mborn about 1886

B Surnames

BachLarry Deanborn about 1939
BachMarion born about 1918
BachOliver Cborn about 1917
BranscomDennie born about 1877
BurnsGoldie Mborn about 1881
BurnsJohn Oborn about 1880
ButcherGeorge Gborn about 1897
ButcherGeorge Gborn about 1930
ButcherGlen Jborn about 1924
ButcherJoseph Lborn about 1939
ButcherOpal Vborn about 1907
ButcherOscar born about 1893
ButcherRenick born about 1898
ButcherRobert Leeborn about 1936
ButcherTerrell Jborn about 1933
ButcherVirginia Bborn about 1923
ButcherWinifred born about 1921
ButcherWyomia born about 1931

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C Surnames

ChittamAral Hborn about 1904
ChittamClara Leeborn about 1937
ChittamKeith born about 1928
ChittamKendal born about 1939
ChittamMinnie Bborn about 1900
ChittamPatrica Annborn about 1930

D Surnames

DanielsonElvid Wborn about 1879
DillinEdna born about 1930
DillinEthel born about 1929
DillinJoseph born about 1904
DillinLouise born about 1910
DodgeMargarete born about 1891
DodgeRaymond born about 1881

E Surnames

EatonFrank Vborn about 1876
EatonJames Jborn about 1881
EatonLouis Lborn about 1905
EatonMarinda born about 1883
EatonMildred born about 1907
EatonWillie born about 1889

F Surnames

FurmanJim born about 1901
FurmanPearl born about 1881

G Surnames

GardSterling born about 1918
GodfreyGeorge Hborn about 1856
GoodChristian Gborn about 1863
GoodCora born about 1877
GrangerCarl born about 1862

H Surnames

HallLewis born about 1913
HardyJames Fborn about 1879
HathawayIla born about 1909
HendersonDella Maeborn about 1932
HendersonMary Louisborn about 1926
HendersonMerritt born about 1900
HendersonWinifred born about 1905
HigginsBert Hborn about 1883
HigginsElizabeth Vborn about 1921
HigginsMae Aborn about 1886

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JackmanJohn Nborn about 1877
JacksonAlice born about 1922
JacksonDonald born about 1925
JacksonHoward born about 1928
JacksonLayd Lborn about 1883
JacksonLayd Mborn about 1920
JacksonMary Aborn about 1891
JacksonMaxine born about 1930
JacksonPatrica born about 1923
JonesEddie Leeborn about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KroberElizabeth born about 1905
KroberErvin Gborn about 1906
KroberLinda Maeborn about 1929
KundyClara Bxborn about 1898
KundyDonald born about 1922
KundyGerald born about 1936
KundyGladys born about 1927
KundyGlen born about 1927
KundyKarl born about 1890
KundyLewis born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LaneJohn Lborn about 1871
LyleHugh born about 1874

M Surnames

MangerBilly Neilborn about 1934
MangerMarilyn Jborn about 1933
MangerNorma Jeanborn about 1930
MangerWilliam born about 1900
MayhewBetty Leeborn about 1939
MayhewFrancis born about 1909
MooneyAlice Mborn about 1902
MooneyFred Fborn about 1930
MooneyLemuel Bborn about 1889
MooteArlene born about 1938
MooteCatherine born about 1900
MooteMiles born about 1892
MorganCharles born about 1928
MorganFrank born about 1922
MorganMary born about 1898
MorganRay born about 1896
MurrayCharles born about 1888
MurrayDorthy born about 1918
MurrayFern born about 1896
MurrayKathryn born about 1915
MurrayNellie born about 1927
MurrayThomas born about 1920
MurrayWilliam Zborn about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

ObrianElla born about 1875
OlsonGeorge Eborn about 1886
OuthouseJessie born about 1870

P Surnames

PauleyAndrew Sborn about 1879

R Surnames

RossBernard born about 1923
RossBernice born about 1922
RossGretchen born about 1887
RossKenneth born about 1926

S Surnames

SatterleeCharles Dborn about 1916
SatterleeGeneva born about 1919
SatterleeJo Annborn about 1938
SchattGeorge Eborn about 1877
SchattJohn Bborn about 1914
SchattVivian Mborn about 1918
SewellGeorge Wborn about 1899
SheehanCornelius born about 1893
SheehanHelene born about 1926
SheehanJune born about 1921
SheehanRuby born about 1891
SheehanWilliam born about 1923
SmithCharles Rborn about 1923
SmithCharles Vborn about 1891
SmithGrace born about 1896
SmithTerance Rborn about 1938
SpangerCaroll Mborn about 1927
SpangerDoris Gborn about 1924
SpangerDorthy Jborn about 1924
SpangerHarry Bborn about 1895
SpangerLeona Hborn about 1899

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorGlen Fborn about 1897
ThompsonAnna born about 1917
ThompsonEllen born about 1886
ThompsonSam born about 1881
TownsendJane Mborn about 1935
TownsendKatherine born about 1911
TownsendKay Mborn about 1933
TownsendWilliam Dborn about 1911
TownsendWilliam Dborn about 1939

U Surnames

UpdikeArleen born about 1930
UpdikeEdith born about 1908
UpdikeElverta born about 1926
UpdikeEva born about 1907
UpdikeEvelyn born about 1938
UpdikeLester born about 1908
UpdikeRichard born about 1905
UpdikeWilliam born about 1933

V Surnames

VarnerRay born about 1893

W Surnames

WalterAlbert born about 1866
WarrenBent born about 1936
WarrenGerry Leeborn about 1939
WarrenGerry Mborn about 1914
WarrenHazel Cborn about 1917
WarrenPhillis Aborn about 1937
WelchRichard Hborn about 1867
WestfallPaul Jborn about 1887
WestfallRose Maeborn about 1888
WilsonClarence born about 1898
WiltsHenry Dborn about 1870
WiltsMartha Aborn about 1877

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