1940 U.S. Federal Census of Rickfrederick, Goshen, Wyoming

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Wyoming > Goshen County > 1940 Census of Rickfrederick

B SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
D SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
F SurnamesL Surnames
G SurnamesM Surnames

B Surnames

BasterHazel born about 1912
BasterHomer born about 1889
BasterPhylis born about 1934
BluntRay born about 1908
BrownEunice born about 1899
BrownLucian born about 1927
BrownRaymond born about 1893

D Surnames

DamrowMaxine born about 1925
DamrowOllie born about 1899
DamrowVirginia born about 1897
DevennyLayfayett born about 1857
DevennyLydia Eborn about 1860

F Surnames

FennCharles Fborn about 1875
FennJames born about 1906
FennMay Lborn about 1883
FrederickMinnie born about 1862
FrederickRuth born about 1897

G Surnames

GreenBetty Joborn about 1924
GreenEdna born about 1928
GreenNora born about 1898
GreenRussell born about 1894
GreenWilliam born about 1881

H Surnames

HazelwoodJames born about 1871
HazelwoodRose born about 1880
HazelwoodVera Mborn about 1885

K Surnames

KimballMartha born about 1880

L Surnames

LowisBlanch born about 1886

M Surnames

MaddenThomas born about 1895
MillgateEthel born about 1904
MillgateMarven born about 1931

P Surnames

PugsleyCecie born about 1912
PugsleyJack born about 1935
PugsleyRuth born about 1913
PugsleyShirley born about 1937

S Surnames

SanfordBabara Annborn about 1940
SanfordJackie born about 1937
SanfordValera born about 1920
SevernArnold born about 1886
SummersChester born about 1915
SummersSyble born about 1919

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