1940 U.S. Federal Census of Shirley, Carbon, Wyoming

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Wyoming > Carbon County > 1940 Census of Shirley

A SurnamesL SurnamesS Surnames
B SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
E SurnamesR SurnamesY Surnames

A Surnames

AmossFrank born about 1875

B Surnames

BrowningElmer Fborn about 1909
BrowningMarvin Fborn about 1937
BrowningWilma born about 1917

E Surnames

EllisCharles born about 1876
EllisDonald Leeborn about 1929
EllisFlorence born about 1905
EllisJean born about 1928
EllisJohn born about 1905
EllisOlive born about 1881

L Surnames

LabotoJake born about 1906
LaumaJerry born about 1883

M Surnames

McRayMurdo born about 1885
MertinezAmedo born about 1902
MillerAndy born about 1896

R Surnames

RutzJohn born about 1904

S Surnames

SchmaleEmil born about 1895
SchmaleOscar born about 1904
ScottAgnes Mborn about 1917
ScottGeorge Aborn about 1920
ScottJean Lborn about 1922
ScottRuth born about 1918
ScottTom born about 1889
ScottVirginia Bborn about 1890
SnellErnest born about 1915
SullivanHelen born about 1887
SullivanJohn Tawaborn about 1920
SullivanLawrence Tborn about 1881
SullivanMargarete Mayborn about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WalkerFred born about 1894
WalkerGeorge born about 1923
WalkerMildred born about 1893
WalkerWilmer born about 1919
WarnerOlive Maeborn about 1904
WarnerRoy Bborn about 1886
WatkinsJoseph born about 1868
WatkinsMary born about 1862

Y Surnames

YoungBeufield Sborn about 1900
YoungEliscott Hborn about 1906
YoungMary Louborn about 1930

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